

Feb 18th, 2013
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  7. ||||~ ^^Agent Boyd attempting to locate SCP-7800-J^^ ||
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  9. **Item #:** SCP-7800-J
  11. **Object Class:** --Euclid-- Neutralized
  13. **Special Containment Procedures:** --All known roads leading to SCP-7800-J have been demolished by Foundation Agents, with all persons known to have knowledge issued Class-C amnestics. News reports of SCP-7800-J are to be censored by agents embedded in major media corporations. Junior Agents Boyd and Musgrove have been assigned to lead the investigation of SCP-7800-J's properties.--
  15. Currently, no containment procedures are necessary or desired for SCP-7800-J-N.
  17. **Description:** SCP-7800-J is a phenomenon affecting human subjects in the U.S.A, and possibly other nations. Subjects affected by SCP-7800-J will believe that the city of Daytona Beach is a real location, and will report news and other information that they claim originates from the city. News from this city include "bitchin' [sic] parties" and "radical fun", although these reports cannot be confirmed at this time.
  19. Attempting to locate SCP-7800-J will induce confusion, disorientation, slurred speech, and balance issues, consistent with severe inebriation
  21. **Addendum:** Initial expedition to SCP-7800-J
  23. During spring recess of 2009, Junior Agent Boyd and Junior Agent Musgrove announce plans to visit the Daytona Beach area for personal reasons. However, as they tried to find the location, they were unable to. This was when they first began to suspect SCP-7800-J's anomalous properties.
  25. **Day 1**
  26. Initially, agents planned to locate SCP-7800-J via the interstate highway system. As the agents looked for the exit leading to SCP-7800-J, they could not locate it, and instead took an incorrect turn leading to a small residential neighborhood. After agents procured directions to the highway, Agent Boyd attempted to make their way back to it. However, when leaving the neighborhood, they left via the wrong road, and were not able to reach SCP-7800-J before the sun went down. Agent Musgrove has severely reprimanded Agent Boyd for this action.
  28. **Day 2**
  29. The following day, Agent Musgrove made an attempt to relocate the interstate highway system. After leaving the area they had stopped at for the night, he tried to make their way back to the neighborhood. However, severe overgrowth of tree life over the road signs prevented agents from locating the road signs to navigate back to the neighborhood. This is currently believed to have been a hostile act by SCP-7800-J. With the approach of evening, agents attempted to locate a motel to stay for the night.
  31. **Day 3**
  32. After being unable to locate a motel, agents slept in some backwater road they'd been driving on in circles for about 3 hours. Declaring the expedition to be "A [sic] goddamn waste of time" and that "this town ain't even close to a real deal.", agents agreed to abandon the expedition and return to Site-58.
  34. **Day 11**
  35. Agent Boyd and Agent Musgrove return to Site-58.
  37. After returning to Site-58, both Agent Boyd and Agent Musgrove independently reported and created documentation regarding SCP-7800-J's phenomenon. Further study and trips to locate the area are pending.
  39. **Addendum:** Junior Agents Boyd and Musgrove have been placed on indefinite probation, pending their trial for gross misuse of Foundation resources.
  41. //After a minor follow-up investigation, we have found that Daytona Beach is exactly where it's supposed to be.// -O5-7
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