
Scott reminisces about his Native (eR5)

Feb 24th, 2014
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  1. 04[04:31] <esotericRemnant> What was your first Knell?
  2. 04[04:31] <esotericRemnant> Wait you had the Yell
  3. [04:31] <bobbedNonsense> yup
  4. [04:31] <bobbedNonsense> ended up being 90% obscenities
  5. 04[04:32] <esotericRemnant> hah
  6. [04:32] <bobbedNonsense> was in the middle of a fight with michael
  7. 04[04:32] <esotericRemnant> Mine was interesting
  8. [04:32] <bobbedNonsense> oh yeah?
  9. 04[04:32] <esotericRemnant> Yeah, well
  10. 04[04:33] <esotericRemnant> I spent all of my life in the mountains, and it takes from your head what you think of as "loud" yeah?
  11. [04:33] <bobbedNonsense> mhmm
  12. 04[04:33] <esotericRemnant> Well, theres only two things I had experienced that I'd really qualify as "loud"
  13. 04[04:33] <esotericRemnant> Waterfalls
  14. 04[04:34] <esotericRemnant> And Avalanches
  15. [04:34] <bobbedNonsense> oh man
  16. 04[04:35] <esotericRemnant> Theres a saying or idiom or something
  17. 04[04:35] <esotericRemnant> About pebbles starting an avalanche
  18. 04[04:35] <esotericRemnant> I literally pushed a tiny rock down a slope
  19. 04[04:35] <esotericRemnant> and got my knell
  20. 04[04:36] <esotericRemnant> The Faith helped with that, cause, I mean, I had a mountainous land. Tons of pebbles and small rocks and whatever
  21. [04:36] <bobbedNonsense> daaaang
  22. 04[04:36] <esotericRemnant> Which in hindsight makes sense with getting in tune with The Faith and getting good enough to progress
  23. [04:37] <bobbedNonsense> mhmm
  24. 04[04:37] <esotericRemnant> Never thought of that before
  25. [04:37] <bobbedNonsense> hey, hindsight
  26. 04[04:37] <esotericRemnant> Yup
  27. [04:37] <bobbedNonsense> something something i don't need glasses
  28. 04[04:39] <esotericRemnant> Now I'm getting nostalgic about the lands in my native
  29. [04:39] <bobbedNonsense> there had better have been a tropical one of some kind
  30. 04[04:39] <esotericRemnant> Rigel's was jungle-y
  31. [04:40] <bobbedNonsense> ...that doesn't surprise me, yanno
  32. 04[04:40] <esotericRemnant> Terrace and Frog
  33. 04[04:40] <esotericRemnant> s
  34. 04[04:40] <esotericRemnant> Phoenix's was Ornament and Forest
  35. 04[04:41] <esotericRemnant> Was really pretty
  36. 04[04:42] <esotericRemnant> I don't know if you'd ever seen something like it, but
  37. 04[04:43] <esotericRemnant> The West Coast had something called a temperate rainforest
  38. 04[04:43] <esotericRemnant> Beautiful woods
  39. [04:43] <bobbedNonsense> hmm
  40. 04[04:44] <esotericRemnant> Massive, ancient trees. And everything was so /green/
  41. [04:44] <bobbedNonsense> not sure, might be i saw something similar in- yeah i think NZ
  42. 04[04:44] <esotericRemnant> And then they were all dressed up like it was christmas
  43. [04:44] <bobbedNonsense> oooh
  44. [04:44] <bobbedNonsense> that does sound pretty
  45. 04[04:45] <esotericRemnant> It really was
  46. 04[04:46] <esotericRemnant> Actually my sister's was really hot too
  47. [04:46] <bobbedNonsense> oh?
  48. 04[04:46] <esotericRemnant> Metropolis and Jungle
  49. 04[04:47] <esotericRemnant> It was an urban land, but
  50. 04[04:47] <esotericRemnant> Like it had been abandoned for years and years
  51. 04[04:47] <esotericRemnant> And nature was reclaiming it
  52. [04:47] <bobbedNonsense> nice
  53. 04[04:48] <esotericRemnant> So you had trees on the top of skyscrapers, walls with ivy and vines that you could climb up and down
  54. 04[04:48] <esotericRemnant> Sorry, I'm getting all nostalgic on you. Tell me to shut up if I go on too long
  55. [04:50] <bobbedNonsense> ahah no it's alright
  56. [04:50] <bobbedNonsense> just haven't got a lot to be so nostalgic about
  57. 04[04:50] <esotericRemnant> Ah
  58. [04:50] <bobbedNonsense> and if i try trading conative stories then it'll kinda
  59. 04[04:50] <esotericRemnant> mmm
  60. [04:50] <bobbedNonsense> probably kill the fun of chatting
  61. 04[04:50] <esotericRemnant> okay, fair enough
  62. [04:50] <bobbedNonsense> any other lands you haven't talked about?
  63. 04[04:50] <esotericRemnant> Neil's was hot too, but for a completely different region
  64. 04[04:50] <esotericRemnant> reason
  65. 04[04:51] <esotericRemnant> Forge and Smoke
  66. [04:51] <bobbedNonsense> what aspect was he?
  67. [04:51] <bobbedNonsense> flow or something?
  68. 04[04:52] <esotericRemnant> Hope actually
  69. [04:52] <bobbedNonsense> huhh
  70. 04[04:52] <esotericRemnant> It was a massive industrialized land, but it was the result of the denizen
  71. 04[04:52] <esotericRemnant> The consorts were fucking sloths
  72. 04[04:52] <esotericRemnant> And they just wanted to hang out on their trees
  73. [04:53] <bobbedNonsense> aww
  74. [04:53] <bobbedNonsense> sloths are kinda cute
  75. 04[04:54] <esotericRemnant> heh
  76. [04:54] <bobbedNonsense> it a weird creepy potbelly 'sloths are kinda fucking weird actually' way
  77. 04[04:54] <esotericRemnant> Thats just Kait left
  78. 04[04:54] <esotericRemnant> Hers was weird
  79. 04[04:55] <esotericRemnant> Reaction and Inertia
  80. [04:56] <bobbedNonsense> huh
  81. [04:56] <bobbedNonsense> interesting descriptors
  82. 04[04:56] <esotericRemnant> Her land was...segmented almost?
  83. 04[04:57] <esotericRemnant> Her land...wasn't really her land if that makes sense
  84. 04[04:57] <esotericRemnant> It was a bunch of fragments of the other five lands
  85. [04:57] <bobbedNonsense> oooh
  86. 04[04:57] <esotericRemnant> And depending on what she did in each segment it'd change
  87. 04[04:58] <esotericRemnant> And depending on what she wanted to do, she had to find the right choice for a segment or multiple segments to do, say
  88. 04[04:58] <esotericRemnant> a dungeon
  89. 04[04:58] <esotericRemnant> or a ruin
  90. [04:58] <bobbedNonsense> her aspect?
  91. 04[04:58] <esotericRemnant> Mind
  92. [04:58] <bobbedNonsense> ahaha
  93. 04[04:58] <esotericRemnant> She, uh
  94. [04:58] <bobbedNonsense> that sounds like /such/ a perfect Mind land
  95. 04[04:58] <esotericRemnant> Didn't like it when I gave her the answers
  96. [04:58] <bobbedNonsense> [Snort.]
  97. [04:58] <bobbedNonsense> i wonder why
  98. 04[04:59] <esotericRemnant> [You may be laughing a bit at old memories.]
  99. 04[04:59] <esotericRemnant> heh
  100. 04[05:00] <esotericRemnant> Multi-person dungeons on that land were interesting
  101. 04[05:00] <esotericRemnant> Especially if Cindy was there
  102. 04[05:00] <esotericRemnant> cause we'd have to sometimes change the setting, as it were, to complete a dungeon
  103. [05:00] <bobbedNonsense> Cindy is.... your sister?
  104. 04[05:00] <esotericRemnant> Yeah
  105. [05:00] <bobbedNonsense> sorry losing track of names a bit here
  106. [05:01] <bobbedNonsense> what was her aspect?
  107. 04[05:01] <esotericRemnant> Time
  108. [05:01] <bobbedNonsense> huhh
  109. 04[05:01] <esotericRemnant> So, she'd have to go back, do the thing, make her way through the new dungeon to catch up
  110. [05:02] <bobbedNonsense> [Lean your chin on your hand.]
  111. [05:02] <bobbedNonsense> [You... really wish you'd had a native like Scott's.]
  112. 04[05:02] <esotericRemnant> It was
  113. 04[05:02] <esotericRemnant> Well
  114. 04[05:02] <esotericRemnant> Phoenix put it as "entertaining" to coop a Fate and Mind player up together for a while
  115. [05:02] <bobbedNonsense> yyyeah i bet it would be
  116. [05:03] <bobbedNonsense> provided, yanno
  117. [05:03] <bobbedNonsense> adequate shelter
  118. 04[05:03] <esotericRemnant> aha
  119. 04[05:03] <esotericRemnant> It was interesting playing cards with Kait
  120. 04[05:03] <esotericRemnant> Cause she'd try and mind her way through
  121. 04[05:04] <esotericRemnant> And all the credit to her, she did win a decent percentage, but
  122. 04[05:04] <esotericRemnant> She never did start betting after the second game
  123. 04[05:05] <esotericRemnant> It was all five of us, sans Cindy in that dungeon
  124. 04[05:05] <esotericRemnant> And Phoenix for whatever reason thought it'd be hilarious to do strip poker
  125. [05:05] <bobbedNonsense> of course
  126. 04[05:05] <esotericRemnant> And so we get to the last card reveal
  127. 04[05:06] <esotericRemnant> And the Faiths bugging me to go all in, so, you know
  128. 04[05:06] <esotericRemnant> What the hell
  129. 04[05:06] <esotericRemnant> Why not
  130. 04[05:06] <esotericRemnant> And Kaits sitting there looking at me like I'm crazy
  131. [05:06] <bobbedNonsense> oh no
  132. 04[05:06] <esotericRemnant> And shes going on about percentages and how she has a 98% chance of winning
  133. 04[05:06] <esotericRemnant> And, well
  134. 04[05:06] <esotericRemnant> She calls
  135. 04[05:07] <esotericRemnant> No points for guessing what came up
  136. [05:07] <bobbedNonsense> i've no clue how to play poker so i'm- thinking that 2% chance happened instead?
  137. 04[05:08] <esotericRemnant> Yup
  138. [05:08] <bobbedNonsense> ahahah
  139. 04[05:08] <esotericRemnant> And shes just looking at the cards in shock
  140. 04[05:08] <esotericRemnant> And everyone else is just laughing like crazy
  141. 04[05:09] <esotericRemnant> Thats not even the best part
  142. [05:09] <bobbedNonsense> oh?
  143. 04[05:10] <esotericRemnant> So shes stripping, but shes not taking everything off, kept underwear on
  144. 04[05:10] <esotericRemnant> But you had two dares instead of them
  145. 04[05:10] <esotericRemnant> Anyways, Phoenix had bet in there as well, and the Faiths bugging me again
  146. 04[05:11] <esotericRemnant> So, before I even realize what I had said, the dare was "The two of you have to take each other's clothes off"
  147. [05:11] <bobbedNonsense> omf
  148. 04[05:11] <esotericRemnant> Phoenix absolutely loves thiss
  149. 04[05:11] <esotericRemnant> And shes going all into it
  150. 04[05:12] <esotericRemnant> Kaits blushing pretty bad at this point
  151. 04[05:12] <esotericRemnant> And then Cindy shows up from doing the Time-y thing
  152. 04[05:12] <esotericRemnant> And the five of us
  153. 04[05:12] <esotericRemnant> Are half undressed, with the two girls stripping each other
  154. [05:12] <bobbedNonsense> ahahah
  155. 04[05:13] <esotericRemnant> And
  156. 04[05:13] <esotericRemnant> and
  157. 04[05:13] <esotericRemnant> [Its hard to type, you're laughing so much]
  158. 04[05:13] <esotericRemnant> Phoenix
  159. 04[05:14] <esotericRemnant> Without missing a beat
  160. 04[05:14] <esotericRemnant> Turns to Cindy and goes "Turns out this dungeon is about exploring each others bodys. Want to help?"
  161. [05:14] <bobbedNonsense> [Cackle.]
  162. [05:14] <bobbedNonsense> wowwww
  163. 04[05:14] <esotericRemnant> I had never seen someone turn so red as Kait did
  164. 04[05:15] <esotericRemnant> oh man
  165. [05:15] <bobbedNonsense> that all sounds fantastic
  166. 04[05:15] <esotericRemnant> It was
  167. 04[05:15] <esotericRemnant> it really, really was
  168. 04[05:19] <esotericRemnant> I wonder how they're doing
  169. [05:20] <bobbedNonsense> i hope they're doing well
  170. 04[05:20] <esotericRemnant> Well, Phoenix and Neil are dead
  171. 04[05:21] <esotericRemnant> There were rumours that someone rolled with Kait, but I never got anything concrete
  172. 04[05:21] <esotericRemnant> Cindy, theres been nothing
  173. [05:21] <bobbedNonsense> hope you get some word in the future, then
  174. 04[05:21] <esotericRemnant> Me too
  175. 04[05:22] <esotericRemnant> [Realize you still haven't found Phoenix yet in the bubbles.]
  176. 04[05:22] <esotericRemnant> [Realize this doesn't bother you as much as it used to.]
  177. 04[05:31] * esotericRemnant hugs
  178. 04[05:31] <esotericRemnant> Thanks for indulging me
  179. 06[05:31] * bobbedNonsense hugs
  180. [05:32] <bobbedNonsense> no problem
  181. [05:32] <bobbedNonsense> i enjoy the stories
  182. 04[05:32] <esotericRemnant> Well
  183. [05:32] <bobbedNonsense> i think, though
  184. 04[05:32] <esotericRemnant> If/when we roll together, we'll have some of our own
  185. [05:32] <bobbedNonsense> i'm gonna go try that 'swim some laps' thing
  186. [05:32] <bobbedNonsense> ahah yes
  187. [05:32] <bobbedNonsense> let's scratch that 'if'
  188. [05:32] <bobbedNonsense> just demand it happens already
  189. 04[05:32] <esotericRemnant> Heh
  190. [05:32] <bobbedNonsense> god knows i'd love to roll with friends again
  191. 04[05:33] <esotericRemnant> Alright
  192. 04[05:33] <esotericRemnant> Lets make it happen then
  193. 04[05:33] <esotericRemnant> Anyways, enjoy your swim
  194. 04[05:33] <esotericRemnant> I should sleep
  195. [05:33] <bobbedNonsense> will do
  196. 04[05:33] * esotericRemnant hugs
  197. [05:33] <bobbedNonsense> sleep well then
  198. 06[05:33] * bobbedNonsense hugs
  199. 04[05:33] <esotericRemnant> Take care
  200. [05:33] <bobbedNonsense> you too
  201. 04[05:33] * esotericRemnant has left the memo
  202. 06[05:33] * bobbedNonsense has disconnected from the memo
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