
Flelst Escapes

Jul 28th, 2015
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  1. aberrantArtificer
  2. Flelst continues moving her cocoon upwards, and she has now gotten out of range of most of the metal signals she was picking up on the ground earlier
  3. [IF]
  4. Now that she has cleared the planet, she lets a few chunks of metal go, as keeping them around is really a burden.
  5. Now with barely three rocks left to tinker with, she shoots of speedy, heading towards a place she has not been before.
  6. aberrantArtificer
  7. You do so, continuing to fly through the mist
  8. It seems to be getting thinner, but only very gradually
  9. [IF]
  10. How far out of the planet does the mist go? Can she even see anything but mist? She continues to ascend
  11. Her wings flap in agitation.
  12. aberrantArtificer
  13. You can begin to make out several points of light through the mist, but not too much else
  14. As it gets darker, the mist becomes less and less obtrusive
  15. [IF]
  16. She hopes that she was far enough away from the planet for the metal to not simply fall towards those she left. She doesn't really want to kill them.
  17. Flelst heads towards the darkness.
  18. aberrantArtificer
  19. Flelst continues moving upwards, glancing down to see if she can see the objects she released, but alas all she sees is fog
  20. [IF]
  21. She gulps, hoping they'll be fine.
  22. Flelst tries to distract herself with her three rocks that she retained. Flapping towards more darkness and slowing spinning them around her with her mind. It works, kinda. These tasks have strained her head more than she's used to.
  23. aberrantArtificer
  24. Thinking about what just happened, you noticed it took quite a great deal more exertion to move that large girder than much of the other smaller objects, let alone moving it at the same time as maintaining your shell
  25. The mist has now thinned to the point where you can see out of the cloud of fog
  26. [IF]
  27. Can she see other planets, Prospit and also Skaia now?
  28. aberrantArtificer
  29. You see...... that would be 10 points of light in the sky
  30. There is one in the center that is much brighter than all the others that has the blue color and clouds of Skaia, yes
  31. [IF]
  32. Then she flies to that.
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