
Structure 2013-06-12

Jun 12th, 2013
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  1. p. 112
  2. 2 the
  3. 3 A
  4. 4 the
  5. 5 the (specific part that thaws in summer)
  6. 6 the
  7. 7 a
  8. 8 the
  9. 9 -- (CO2 in general, like methane generally)
  10. perma = permanent (forever)
  11. frost = a thin layer of ice on the ground
  12. sub = below / less than
  13. 10 The
  14. 11 a
  15. 12 -- (plastic trash in general)
  16. 13 an
  17. 14 the
  18. 15 the
  19. 16 The
  20. 17 the
  21. 18 --
  22. 19 the
  23. 20 the
  24. 21 --
  25. 22 the
  26. 23 the
  27. debris = dirt and leftover trash from something that is destroyed
  28. witness (v) = see with one's own eyes
  29. ---
  30. p. 121
  31. 1 e (successful / NOT Sussex-ful)
  32. (rules of succession = who will be king next)
  33. 2 g
  34. e.g.=exempli gratia (for the sake of example)
  35. i.e.=id est (that is; in other words)
  36. etc. = et cetera (and so on)
  37. 3 d (authorized e.g. by the government)
  38. 4 c
  39. 5 i
  40. 6 f
  41. 7 a
  42. 8 b (the jury is "out" if it hasn't yet decided on guilt or innocence in court)
  43. 9 h
  44. ---
  45. Quantifiers:
  47. singular count nouns - one, each, every
  49. "dual" count nouns (2) - two, both, a couple of
  51. plural count nouns -
  52. few: negative; it's not enough "few friends" :-(
  53. a few: neutral; it could be OK "a few friends" :-)
  54. fewer, fewest
  55. several
  56. a number of
  57. many
  58. a great many
  60. non-count nouns -
  61. little (negative), a little (neutral)
  62. less, least
  63. much (not much, how much, too much)
  64. a great deal of
  66. plural count and non-count -
  67. no, any, some
  68. enough
  69. a lot of / lots of
  70. plenty of
  71. most
  72. all
  74. ---
  75. I have some water. (affirmative)
  76. I don't have any money. (negative)
  77. Would you like some water? (offer question)
  78. Could I have some water? (request question)
  79. Do we have any water? (other question)
  80. ---
  81. 2 Y
  82. 3 N
  83. 4 Y (grammatical, a little different meaning)
  84. 5 N
  85. 6 N
  86. 7 Y
  87. 8 N
  88. 9 Y
  89. 10 N ("great deal" with non-count)
  90. 11 N
  91. 12 N (changes the meaning too much: "little use" means useless, "a little use" means somewhat useful)
  92. ---
  93. Exercise 3:
  94. 2 less (complaining about not enough $)
  95. even less: surprisingly less (e.g. we already have very little money, and it will be even lower next month)
  96. even + comparative: more in the same direction
  97. "This is cheap now, but if I go to the outlet mall it will be even cheaper."
  99. Homework: finish exercise 3
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