
Healing Kisses (ch26)

Aug 1st, 2020
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  1. For nadie95! They asked for Mayakuro meeting at auditions for Seishou wearing their middle school uniforms from the Overture manga! I've written my interpretation of their meeting several times before, like in Upon Our Fated Stage, so sorry if this seems a bit redundant, I just have a very specific idea of how they would've met and acted toward one another.
  3. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  5. ------------
  7. Chapter 26. First Meeting
  9. As the car pulls up to the edge of the curb, Claudine straightens her already-perfect posture until her shoulders ache. She breathes a sharp breath in through her nose and curls her fingers into her black skirt, swallowing once and hoping her nerves go down with it.
  11. She can't be nervous now. Not today. She's waited far too long and trained far too hard to let herself show any signs of hesitation or uncertainty. Everything she's worked for up until now has culminated to this day.
  13. The driver turns off the car, and Claudine's parents begin exiting the vehicle, but she stays seated for a moment longer, gazing up at the massive building in front of her.
  15. Seishou Academy is as grandiose and magnificent as she'd always seen it in all the photos and read about in the articles, but this is the first time she's ever actually beholding it in-person. It's such a prestigious theatre school she'd been worried they wouldn't even be holding auditions for prospective students if they already had too many applicants.
  17. But just because she'd managed to land herself a spot here today doesn't mean she's guaranteed to make it. Seishou accepts only the best of the best - or so it's claimed. And with how long and hard she's worked to get herself here, Claudine absolutely refuses to walk away today without an acceptance letter in her hands.
  19. In truth, she's only nervous for those few initial moments of first seeing the school, but after that she begins to lift her chin higher.
  21. Of course she'll pass. That's the kind of mindset she needs to be in. She'll blow her competition out of the water. She'll be the best one here today - and perhaps in general.
  23. There will be no mistakes, no slip-ups. Not from her. She isn't nervous. Not one bit.
  25. Or so she tells herself, in hopes that repeating it enough in her mind will make her heart believe it.
  27. Eventually, she exits the car and steps out onto the curb as well, smoothing out her middle-school uniform. It's almost all black, save for a few sections of white around the collar and chest, a style somewhat similar to a religious school's attire.
  29. The sun soaks into the black materials and starts making her skin warm, so she quickly moves into the shade of a nearby tree as she marvels up at the building. Its shadow swallows her whole, daunting her, as though trying to make her feel small in the face of this magnificent Academy.
  31. But Claudine won't be eclipsed. Not by anything or anyone. She puffs up her chest and stares hard at the school, her eyes burning it into submission. She will conquer it. She will be a part of this Academy for her high school career. She's lived and breathed the past several years of her life believing so, until it's become less of a belief and more of a fact.
  33. As Claudine's parents finish speaking with their driver, she slowly walks back toward them, but doesn't tear her eyes off the school for a second.
  35. There are dozens of girls all around her in all different uniforms, even a couple others from her own middle school. There's a nervous, panicked, excited chatter all through the air as they squeal and whimper and sigh, preparing themselves for the auditions to come.
  37. Claudine holds herself with poise and pristine, hands folded neatly, chin high, eyes calm. She isn't sure who might be watching, and if Seishou's instructors happen to be among them, she doesn't want to be another one of the jittery, flimsy girls who are only here because they want the credit.
  39. Claudine is of a different breed. She doesn't want the status or the benefits. She wants the experience. She wants to learn. She wants the stage to become her life. And she knows that conviction will allow her to stand out above all the rest. She'll earn her way to the top as she's been doing for years, no matter how much of her blood, sweat, and tears it may cost.
  41. There's an announcement made from somewhere, directing all prospective students and their families inside and to the gymnasium for a welcome ceremony.
  43. Claudine walks beside her parents as they enter the building, filing along slowly amongst the competition. Claudine casts her gaze around to as many of the other girls as she can manage. None of them look particularly impressive, but she knows better than to judge by appearances.
  45. The welcoming ceremony is the generic sort, speaking of prosperity and hopes for a successful future in education. Claudine's heard the same speech enough times to feel confident enough to lose focus, instead glancing around the room again. The uniforms of the other girls vary in colors from black like her own to browns and maroons and greens and blues.
  47. So naturally, her eyes are drawn to the one and only white sailor uniform of the crowd.
  49. The girl is sitting several rows ahead of her, so Claudine can only make out the white of her sleeves and the slight purple of the collar around her shoulders. Her hair is long and dark brown with an indigo ribbon in the center, and unlike every other girl in the gymnasium, she hasn't budged an inch the entire time. She looks like a statue, not even turning her head or relaxing her posture even a little bit.
  51. Claudine blinks. Somehow, she almost feels like she's seen that girl before, somewhere…
  53. There's an applause, and Claudine quickly joins in as she realizes the ceremony is over. The prospective students are then directed where to go to receive and change into their leotards to begin their auditions while their families are to remain here for another presentation.
  55. Claudine gets up from her seat and leans over to kiss her mother and father goodbye for now. They wish her luck, and she takes their words and cradles them in her heart. But she knows luck will have nothing to do with it. Today is all about skill. Ambition. Conviction.
  57. While most of the other girls walk with a nervous, hesitating limp, Claudine struts to the front of the crowd without looking back. She speaks to no one, looks to no one. She only looks ahead.
  59. …Only to find a familiar cascade of brown hair in front of her.
  61. She huffs softly under her breath, unaware of when that girl had pulled ahead of her. First she'd sat in front of her, and now she's walking in front of her, and Claudine can't help but feel like she's already falling behind. So she quickens her pace, not too much that might make her appear childish, but just enough to show her drive.
  63. But even so, the girl in white always seems to remain one stride ahead of her.
  65. Claudine hasn't even seen her face yet, but she can already tell she isn't like the others. It's in the way she holds herself, in her muscles and in her gait, in every last inch of her person. She is like Claudine. No… She may even be better.
  67. Claudine shakes herself off. She can't start thinking like she's already lost when auditions haven't even begun.
  69. The girl in white leads the way, and Claudine follows right at her heels, stepping loudly and awfully close to her, just to let the girl know she'd better not slow down for a second unless she wants to be overtaken. Perhaps it's a childish method of intimidation on Claudine's part, but she needs to make her intentions known; anyone who walks ahead of her will not do so easily. They're going to have to know that she is right there behind them, waiting for the tiniest mishap so she can overtake them.
  71. But to her chagrin, the girl in white never slows her pace for half a second, nor does she seem to care or show that she's aware of Claudine's presence threatening her lead.
  73. The girls walk to the rehearsal room where they will all be performing today for the panel of instructors and teachers. They are all handed baggies with brand new black leotards with numbers pinned to the front and told to change and then return to the studio promptly. As soon as Claudine receives her leotard and thanks the woman who had handed it to her, she hurries off to change.
  75. The locker room is filled with nervous chatter, but Claudine doesn't waste a second in adding to it. She slips out of her skirt and into the leotard with ease, tossing her hair over her shoulder and letting it bounce. She sits on a small bench to adjust the stockings and put on her dance shoes, ignoring the rushing sensation that's started to swirl in her chest.
  77. And even though everyone else is now dressed in the same colors, her eyes are still drawn to the girl with the indigo ribbon in her brown hair.
  79. Only now as she's pulling the leotard's sleeves over her shoulders, angling her head to one side, does Claudine finally manage to glimpse her face.
  81. And then it strikes her.
  83. Like any serious student, she'd researched her competition beforehand. And of all the girls Claudine had seen and read about, only one had ever seemed like she might pose a problem to her.
  85. Now that she can get a proper look at her, Claudine knows exactly who this girl is.
  87. Most photos had only ever shown her from the front before, so the ribbon was something Claudine hadn't known about until she'd been forced to stand and walk behind her in-person.
  89. Well. If I've got anything to say about it, I'll never have to look at that ribbon again. Because I'm going to be the one walking ahead of her.
  91. She'd heard all about her. She'd read all the articles. She'd seen the clips and videos. She knows about all the awards this girl has won.
  93. And most of all, Claudine knows of her parents. Anyone and everyone in this field knows the Tendos, whether they care to or not. Claudine herself had received an award from this girl's father at a very young age, as he had been host to many competitions in the past, and still is.
  95. Claudine had always heard about their daughter, but only now that she's actually seeing her with her own two eyes does she realize that she's never really seen her before. Not like this.
  97. Until now, this girl has always been glimpsed at in articles or in videos, but she's never really been there, in any sense. It's her parents who had dominated most things, as if trying to mask the girl's presence with their own, in case she ended up being an embarrassment of some sort.
  99. But today, parents are being kept separate. And now, this girl is standing on her own.
  101. "Tendo…" The name falls from Claudine's lips in a murmur of understanding. "Tendo Maya."
  103. She realizes these are the first words she's spoken here at Seishou, other than what she's said to her own parents. For this girl's name to be the first thing out of her mouth now makes Claudine feel a bit strange, as if she'd just jinxed herself somehow.
  105. As Tendo Maya finishes changing, she pulls a hand through her long beautiful hair and turns her face. Her eyes meet Claudine's as if fate itself had intended it so.
  107. Claudine's eyes go wide for a fraction of a second before she narrows them warily. Her heart jolts slightly, and she isn't sure if it's in a good way or a bad way, in excitement or in fear.
  109. This girl… Tendo Maya…
  111. She's absolutely stunning. Dazzling. Radiant. And she hasn't done anything more than look at her yet.
  113. And normally, Claudine wouldn't look away so easily, especially not after this girl had already seemed to be one step ahead of her since their arrival today. To be the first to look away would be a loss, an admission of defeat.
  115. But Claudine just can't help herself; this girl's eyes are far too terrifying to look into for too long. Terrifying as in beautiful, and she feels if she stares for too long she might forget everything she's ever known just so she could keep looking for a second longer.
  117. Claudine whirls around and struts out of the changing room, telling herself that her heart is flipping over backward because she's just a bit nervous about the auditions, and not because of anything else.
  119. She is the first one out of the changing rooms, her only victory over Tendo Maya so far, but it doesn't last for long. Once the first person has shown her courage to re-enter the studio, the flow of other girls steadily follows. Claudine only glances back once to find out Tendo Maya's location and strategically puts herself several people away from her; not close enough to reveal her interest, but not far enough away to lose sight of her.
  121. The adults call for attention and describe how the auditions will work; first they will be asked to observe and copy a particular segment of dance, and then they will be expected to perform something original they had prepared to demonstrate their skills here today. But first and foremost they are allowed time to stretch out and prep themselves.
  123. And again, the girls all break up into an excited, nervous chatter as they cling to partners or friends they already know and start getting ready.
  125. Claudine doesn't waste a second. She knows who she wants as her partner, and she's going to have her. She wants to see what Tendo Maya is truly capable of.
  127. As she strides through the crowd, her eyes are set on her target, unwavering. As soon as she reaches her, Claudine offers out her hand in a grand and unmistakable invitation.
  129. All the girls around them seem to freeze up for a second, gasping as they step away, as if sensing the power of those greater than themselves.
  131. Claudine holds her chin high, her chest puffed out, and her eyes narrowed.
  133. Tendo Maya blinks up at her in what appears to be genuine shock at the somewhat-aggressive invitation. She eyes Claudine curiously, not suspiciously. She blinks, as if expecting it all to fade away, but when it doesn't she finally speaks.
  135. "I beg your pardon," Tendo Maya says. "Can I help you in any way?"
  137. And Claudine nearly scoffs in her disbelief.
  139. "Are you serious?" she snaps. "Clearly I'm asking you to stretch with me. Could you seriously not figure that out, Tendo Maya?" She says the name for the first time out loud for all to hear, and somehow it feels like she's been saying it all her life. It's just so natural on her tongue. "You may have the looks and the status, but if you can't even understand a simple invitation when it's offered to you, you must be lacking in brains."
  141. It's a challenge in every sense - a dare to have Tendo Maya accept her hand. The other girls shrink away even further and start muttering about her assertiveness, but Claudine pays them no mind. She's not interested in any of them. Only her.
  143. Tendo Maya regards her cooly now, the innocent curiosity fading from her eyes to be replaced by something hungrier. After all, she hasn't ever had anyone she could seriously ever call or consider her rival.
  145. And though she'd been too proud to say it, she'd known exactly who Saijou Claudine was from the start. After all, she was the person whom Maya had admired from a young age, the person who had arguably made her so intent on joining this field in the first place.
  147. When her parents had forced it upon her and thrust her into this career, Maya had found comfort and fun in watching the famous child actress Saijou Claudine on television, in her commercials and movies. In a sense, this girl is the only real reason Maya is standing here today.
  149. Though she would never dare to tell her that. After all, she is at the top now, and she'll continue being at the top once she inevitably passes these auditions and enters Sesihou.
  151. But perhaps… it wouldn't be all that bad to have someone standing at the top with her…
  153. And if she had to choose… there was really only one option to begin with.
  155. "Saijou Claudine," she muses. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
  157. Maya dips her head, throwing Claudine for a loop. She knows for a fact that she hadn't given her name yet. So how does this girl already know?
  159. But she doesn't have time to consider any of that right now.
  161. Because now, Tendo Maya takes her hand, and the rest is history.
  163. . . .
  165. Once the auditions have ended, the girls retreat to the locker room to change back into their uniforms. Claudine is still in rueful shock at the sheer expertise Tendo Maya had shown today. She'd always known she was good, but never that good. To not even have broken a sweat, or have seemed to put in any effort at all, whereas Claudine had been struggling to keep her breath steady and her legs from giving out under her...
  167. She'd expected Maya to be good. Phenomenal, even.
  169. But this… what she'd shown Claudine and the rest of them in that audition…
  171. It was almost unfathomable.
  173. But of course, Claudine won't ever admit it, though she does mull it over until she realizes she's one of the last people left in the changing room. She's fully dressed back in her uniform now, only sitting on the bench to put on her shoes.
  175. And then a shadow eclipses her.
  177. She looks up, flinching slightly at the sight of those silver eyes.
  179. "Saijou Claudine," Maya smiles. "I must say I was rather impressed by your performance today. I've no doubt in my mind you will succeed in passing the auditions and make it into Seishou with me."
  181. Claudine lifts her head and glares.
  183. "Oh? You sound awfully confident. Who says you're getting in so soon?"
  185. Tendo Maya smirks. She doesn't need to say anything at all for Claudine to know exactly what she's conveying.
  187. 'Of course I'm getting in. Didn't you see me today?'
  189. Claudine grunts and looks away, but only a second later she finds herself looking up into those eyes again.
  191. "Saijou Claudine," Maya says. "Forgive me for being so bold, but I would very much be interested in pursuing a partnership with you once we enter Seishou as students come next year. What do you say?"
  193. Now it is Maya who offers her hand.
  195. And Claudine already knows exactly what she's going to do with that offer.
  197. She smacks it away and stands on her own two feet.
  199. "Hah!" With a haughty smirk, Claudine sneers into her face. "Fine. I accept. But only if your rankings for today are anywhere close to mine, Tendo Maya."
  201. Maya dips her head politely, not at all seeming fazed by her abused hand.
  203. "Very well. Then I shall see you in a few days' time when the rankings are posted."
  205. "Fine. I'll see you then."
  207. Claudine whirls around, letting her hair bounce close to Maya's face as she stalks off.
  209. And even though the competition is well done and over with, and she's more than confident in her success, her heart is still pounding for some odd reason.
  211. The day the results are posted, the same crowd of girls gathers outside of Seishou Academy where one teacher and one student stand before an empty bulletin board. The student holds the rolls of papers with the results of the successful applicants in her hands as the instructor addresses them all.
  213. "And now Seishou Music Academy will announce the successful applicants for the 99th Class."
  215. Claudine watches from her spot near the front of the crowd as the girl unrolls the large paper and begins fixing it up on the board. All around her, girls bustle forward to look. But Claudine remains still in her confidence.
  217. As does one other person.
  219. Dressed in white. One row ahead of her.
  221. Claudine spots her own name first, ranked #2. A grin is already spreading across her lips.
  223. "Oui, bien sûr! Of course I would pass!"
  225. There are squeals and whimpers all around her as other girls see or fail to see their names on that list. As everyone surges forward, Claudine finds herself being pushed a few steps ahead, until she's right beside Tendo Maya herself. Her arms are crossed importantly, and her eyes are closed to show she'd never been concerned for a second about not getting accepted.
  227. "It was quite obvious I'd get in. This is just the beginning."
  229. Claudine feels irked just from hearing her voice, but that annoyance only increases tenfold when Maya opens her eyes and catches her gaze.
  231. "My, my. If it isn't Saijou-san," she smiles. "Congratulations on making it in."
  233. Claudine glowers back.
  235. "I don't need to hear that from you."
  237. "Oh, but don't you?" Maya says innocently. "After all, it is only natural that those at the lead will encourage those beneath them."
  239. "What are you-?"
  241. But now, as Claudine's eyes wander back to the papers, she finally reads the name above her own. The name in the #1 slot. She feels faint.
  243. "Impossible-"
  245. "'But only if my rankings from audition day were anywhere close to yours'… Isn't that what you had said to me, Saijou-san?" Maya chuckles. "Well then, is this ranking close enough for you?"
  247. "Why you… infuriating-"
  249. "Now now," Maya muses, stepping close. "Is that any way to speak to your partner, Saijou-san?"
  251. "Quoi?!"
  253. "You did agree to my terms, after all." Maya smiles pleasantly at her. "I look forward to working with you, Saijou Claudine." Maya takes her hand.
  255. And this time, Claudine refrains from smacking it away. Instead, she squeezes back. Hard.
  257. "Fine. Then I look forward to knocking you off your high horse, Tendo Maya. Just you wait."
  259. "Oh, I shall. Please do your best."
  261. "You are so-"
  263. "Dazzling?" Maya guesses. "Impressive? Superior?"
  265. "Annoying!"
  267. "And so it had begun," Maya says, leaning back against the very same studio wall as she takes a drink from her water bottle. "Our unique and beautiful partnership."
  269. "And, so it continues," Claudine mumbles, wiping a towel across her forehead. "And ever since, you've never ceased to annoy me for even a split second."
  271. "I am very skilled, after all," Maya coos. "Of course I would never stop. Especially when you make such adorable expressions, Saijou-san."
  273. "Shut up. How is it you've only gotten more annoying as time's gone on?"
  275. "Perhaps that is one of many skills of mine."
  277. "Cette femme…"
  279. "Might I remind you another of those many skill is that I've picked up on quite a bit of French?"
  281. "You are so infuriating!" Claudine finally loses it and grabs her by the collar, shutting her up with a hard kiss that knocks their teeth together beneath their lips. After only a second, Claudine thrusts her back and storms off across the studio. "Come on! We have more to do, Tendo Maya!"
  283. Maya touches her lips with a smile, and follows after her.
  285. "Bien sûr, Ma Claudine."
  287. -----------
  289. A/N: Nadie was right, we need to see/envision more of them in their middle school uniforms! I wanted to make sure Maya was always 'ahead' of Claudine, in every sense, even from the start. But what Claudine doesn't know is that Maya's real motivation for coming to Seishou in the first place is because she was inspired by Claudine as a child. And I had to bring it back to the present and have them kiss, cuz I'm posting this on Claudine's birthday.
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