
ace,aro,demi,or pan

Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. “So what did you say you were again?” “With your sexuality and whatever?”
  2. “Asexual. Why?”
  3. “And that’s when you don’t like anyone?”
  4. “Nah, that’s aromantic. Asexuality is like when you don’t want to have sex really,”
  5. “Wait so what’s aromantic?”
  6. “It’s like you don’t want to date or marry anyone,”
  7. “Ah,”
  8. “So, why do you ask?”
  9. “I don’t know. Just curious I guess.” “Like I’ve just been thinking about these kinda things and me and if these things go with me,”
  10. “Do you think you do?”
  11. “Well, I feel more like I’m bisexual,” “But like at the same time i don't really want to date anyone that often? Like I'll only like a person every once in a while."
  12. "Thats grayromantic."
  13. "What?"
  14. “Grayromantic. When you aren’t often romantically interested in anyone.”
  15. “But,” “How do I know I’m just not, like, bad at dating or think that dating is a lot more than it is?”
  16. “That’s for you to decide.”
  17. “But, isn’t there, like, a defenition?”
  18. “Yeah,” “But you don’t have to strictly fit into a box. No one’s gonna come up and be like, ‘FREEZE! You’re not grayromantic, you’re panromantic!’ like some sexuality police or something. Seriously, it’s all up to you and no one’s making you choose one.”
  19. “Can I still choose one though?”
  20. “Yeah man. Like it’s all up to you. No one minds if you’re ace and panromanitc or bi and demiromantic. You could just be queer and questioning for all your life and no one will mind.”
  21. “Except for homophobic idiots.”
  22. “Yeah of course, but that’s not what I’m saying.” “What I’m saying is that no one is going to quiz you on your sexuality. People may ask, and you can tell them if you want but it’s your business. And you never have to be tied down to one thing.” “You can go from grayromantic to aromantic or panromantic or homoromantic, dude. No one will mind. If someone tells you that you can’t switch so much, they’re wrong.”
  23. “Woah.”
  24. “Yeah I know I’m so smart right?”
  25. “No but, like, its ok to not know right now?”
  26. “Yeah man, you decide what you want to decide.”
  27. “When did you become a super insightful and knowledgeable person on sexuality?”
  28. “A little after I became a raging feminist? Not sure.”
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