
Winter Wrrap up

Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. Idea for consideration.
  3. Winter Wrap Up
  4. Small gmed event for many Gms to host a quest in variouse areas that can be done by orginizing things In Character to get things done and can be RPEd from tere the GMS can be the over seers of the event in question. Then we can have a small event like a horde of butteflies that may have a magical property behind them that is making them fly up north for migration.
  6. Magical Purpose behind it could be that the butterflies work as a postal service and forms shapes and words if there are enough saved from dragon flies hat are chasing them.
  8. Message can be what turns out to be a question of asking for assistance from the town on the mountain tops. Themountain on the other side where they did not see his temple like thing where a single pony is found meditating where he is old and frail wishing for help in exchange they would learn from him how to fight properly or possibly magic ability that is not on the SSSS.
  10. Somthing odd is that the pony seems oddly delicate as if he were ready to be swept away as hes a flutter pony! Which is like a uncorrupted bug pony that turns into a changeling when they allow themselves to consume to much emotion or they lose control of their emotions themselves.
  13. Ties into the whole already established lore bits on changelings as they are form the hive mind that works as a crutch to the fallen flutter ponies who are rather content in their emotional samplings and have their own meager stores to have control over. They just have to be careful in how they express themselves otherwise they wind up being hallow and empty of all positive emotions. To regain them back they usually have positive interactions and he like with friends but if they are too many fights, feel far toobitter say 10 consecutive bitter emotion encounters they start to change subtly...
  15. TLDR bullying a lfutter pony turns it into a changeling which then eats your emotions and turns you into a changeling once you have bene cacooned long enough.
  16. Another event thing is a grumpy mother bear looking for her cub and the party goes out to find the cub after looking about in the woods where they might find some winter theme critter that they have to either help, fight or avoid.
  18. Another idea is to have a Nature vs Magic [Technology] lesson for winter wrap up where you have a centuar like creature appear or deer or what ever after a lot of the ideas for winter wrap up have been plagued by instances where nature is super antsy as in they are far more reisstant to our help then you would think, random plants growing in civilized areas and the cobble stones, plants in the homes, animals are a littl more mischeives stealing tools and the like or planting gas bags to stink up the place. A skunk diving into the inn with guns laoded ater a spicy bean burrito...
  20. Culminates in a talk with the town at large with some centaur entiry thingy that demands the ponies to stop their meddlings as her wild places are far and few as they are now. Espcially with Discord having recended on his deal to spread things everywhere.
  22. Diplomacy time now.
  24. Can make a temple to her, plant more trees for her, refuse and deal with the annoyances, compromise somehow or somthing along those lines. Something for consideration.
  26. Reminds me of that one scene from the TV show hercules with nemsis that wanted recognition for her work as this satry fellow was taking the credit for it all.
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