

Apr 6th, 2019
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  1. [2019-02-19 23:27:22] <Abeo> Quest idea: battle pyramids
  2. [2019-02-19 23:28:19] <Ironybot> Abeo, elaborate.
  3. [2019-02-19 23:28:43] <Ironybot> Because right now I'm picturing Stargate.
  4. [2019-02-19 23:29:17] <Abeo> Not wholly off the mark, but think more terrestrial
  5. [2019-02-19 23:29:20] <Abeo> Magic probably
  6. [2019-02-19 23:29:47] <Abeo> How about... the battle pyramids are -powered- by the honored dead housed within
  7. [2019-02-19 23:30:46] <Abeo> probably they float at least somewhat. Enough to be towed about by slaves and ropes
  8. [2019-02-19 23:32:15] <Ironybot> Why are these pyramids battling?
  9. [2019-02-19 23:32:33] <Abeo> Why does *anything* battle?
  10. [2019-02-19 23:32:38] <Abeo> Because it's cool
  11. [2019-02-19 23:34:31] <Abeo> If we want a cliche opening, you're an exiled prince (therefore having ~royal blood~ necessary to command such a thing) and you stumble across a mostly plundered pyarmid/tomb which has just enough treasures/dead people bits to turn on, but not enough for full operation. First act of the quest is attempting to gather the resources to bring it up and running
  12. [2019-02-19 23:36:40] <Ironybot> Okay, so the dead people in the pyramid are actually dead, not communing or anything, but based upon their status and glory in life they can support a pyramid of different levels of absurd opulence and the better and better-appointed their pyramids are, the more of their majesty floods forth from the afterlife to power their hover-pyramid's doom lasers.
  13. [2019-02-19 23:38:08] <Ironybot> So what you want to do is overcome the most stunningly badass people possible, then build them hilariously treasure-laden tomb-pyramids and exalt their glory so that they will provide you with larger and more impressive armaments with which to kill even more badass people, repeat ad infinitum.
  14. [2019-02-19 23:39:06] <Abeo> I mean more or less, yeah
  15. [2019-02-19 23:46:39] <Ironybot> guile what are your feelings on this pyramid quest pitch, I think it could probably hold your interest as a writer for at least the tutorial battle, maybe even a comedy scene afterward, before you completely abandon it.
  16. [2019-02-19 23:55:33] <guile> It's a pretty fabulous seed idea
  17. [2019-02-19 23:56:51] <guile> Stately mausoleums floating over the desert sands, with slaves exalting the honored dead who own the pyramid from the afterlife and send you power to smite their rival undead pharaohs
  18. [2019-02-19 23:57:28] <guile> Exalt harder, damn you! Ramses II has gotten the Sun Cannon online, we can't take another shot!
  19. [2019-02-19 23:59:07] <Ironybot> I also like the fact that this results in all the rival nobles demanding that the peasantry pour endless amounts of effort into military-vanity projects, which they then just blow up.
  20. [2019-02-19 23:59:45] <guile> I do like that it's the fact that they're vanity projects that gives them their power as military hardware
  21. [2019-02-20 00:00:27] <Ironybot> Ideally if it was portrayed on anything above a personal scale there would be a background of horrible oppression coupled with the PC and others of his social class clearly not giving a damn because no, we don't need those people working the fields, if we don't have another thirty mourners this pyramid will never match the speed of a galloping horse
  22. [2019-02-20 00:00:54] <Ironybot> We need shrieking lamentations 24/7, people!
  23. [2019-02-20 00:02:20] <guile> What's that, the mourners from section 32-B are lashing themselves to the bone in a fury of lamentations? Good initiative! Why can't the rest of you be like 32-B?
  24. [2019-02-20 00:02:38] <guile> They will be posthumously promoted to the rank of Freeman
  25. [2019-02-20 00:03:05] <Ironybot> Their shift lead will be entombed in a modest mausoelum to be used as a scouting vehicle
  26. [2019-02-20 00:03:57] <guile> of course the lesser tombs are like docking craft and scouts, fantastic
  27. [2019-02-20 00:04:39] <Abeo> Prominent families all have their own ancestor-powered military/pleasure craft/tombs
  28. [2019-02-20 00:04:59] <guile> A serious question: do the necromantic pharaohs only lead from the afterlife, or are the ship captains also mummies and wights
  29. [2019-02-20 00:06:30] <Ironybot> I was figuring that the dead were, you know, actually dead. They don't give a shit about the living anymore, they're fucking around in the afterlife doing their own thing. It's just that the living can draw power from them.
  30. [2019-02-20 00:07:18] <Abeo> I feel like it takes someone living to make it work, but it's funny if the dead aren't -wholly- deprived of autonomy so there's a constant shadow struggle between the live guy and his grumpy ancestors slash captured coerced into playing along
  31. [2019-02-20 00:07:19] <Ironybot> That's why you want to murder the most important, glorious people possible and build them huge tombs; they won't give a shit if you use them for power.
  32. [2019-02-20 00:07:41] <Abeo> You could have a spectrum of awareness and giving a shit from the dead, of course
  33. [2019-02-20 00:08:35] <guile> I was imagining that ancient pharaohs were using their descendants to gather up more and more swag, since the tomb's grandeur correlate to power in the land of the dead, but either option works
  34. [2019-02-20 00:08:40] <Ironybot> It gives incentive to constantly try and murder whoever the biggest badass around is, and also to nurture the little people who hate you so that they grow and gain achievements and importance; that way when you finally crush them their tombs will make better weapons.
  35. [2019-02-20 00:08:56] <Ironybot> So you end up with an entire society of supervillains.
  36. [2019-02-20 00:09:14] <Abeo> I feel like we can reconcile this
  37. [2019-02-20 00:09:47] <Abeo> BOTH are true and valid approaches, but nobody believes that any other approach than their own is anything other than propoganda
  38. [2019-02-20 00:10:33] <Abeo> They think it's flatly impossible because their pyramid magic just doesn't work that way
  39. [2019-02-20 00:10:37] <guile> I suppose the result is the same; more grandiose tombs are stronger military craft for the living
  40. [2019-02-20 00:10:39] <Abeo> *their own
  41. [2019-02-20 00:11:08] <guile> Whether they believe they're helping out their ancestors or using their ancestors for their own benefit, the result is the same
  42. [2019-02-20 00:13:58] <Abeo> Mid-quest you could have south american expies show up with their haxx methods of powering pyramids via direct human sacrifice
  43. [2019-02-20 00:14:20] <Abeo> The locals are appalled by the lack of magesty
  44. [2019-02-20 00:17:36] <guile> But it's hard to deny the results
  45. [2019-02-20 00:17:50] <guile> Also, ziggurats? So gauche
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