
crossfade generation

Dec 20th, 2015
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  1. reminder you can create webms from individual songs & album covers, or full album crossfades just with foobar, ffmpeg and a nifty component called foo_run
  3. first you set up a conversion preset (right click song -> convert -> ... ):
  4. >output format: WAV
  5. >destination: [your choice of destination], Overwrite, Merge all Tracks
  6. >processing: skip silence, crossfader (for album crossfades)
  7. >other: generate previews, fixed track length 30s (divide 5min/300s by the amount of tracks in the album), transfer attached pictures, copy other files to the >destination: cover.jpg (you can specify your own album art naming scheme here, but the ffmpeg command will only be looking for cover.jpg)
  8. save it as a preset and now you should be able to set up a hotkey for it.
  10. here's the command i use in foo_run (foobar prefs > tools > run services > add):
  11. >cmd /s /k pushd "C:\Program Files\ffmpeg\bin" && ffmpeg -framerate 7 -loop 1 -i "C:\converted\cover.jpg" -c:v libvpx -i "C:\converted\Image.wav" -c:a libvorbis -b:a 96k -b:v 50k -vf scale=-1:300 -shortest -metadata title="%artist% - %album%" -metadata author="%artist%" -threads 8 -y "C:\converted\%artist% - %album%.webm" && pause && exit
  13. depends on the existence of cover.jpg in the song's directory, so make sure it is there.
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