
Daily Random Thoughts : Neon City.

Feb 24th, 2015
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  1. 24-2-15
  2. - I would kill to see Lloyd (a nanite-based life form) battling Chain (The other nanite-based life form). Bonus : they end up merging and become a super-intelligent killing device. More bonus : they managed to kill Buddy and enslaves the metahumans of Neon City.
  4. 25-2-15
  5. <F021>: /Done/
  6. <F021>: With your shit, Javanese.
  7. <Deft>: ?
  8. <Eridana>: Okay.
  9. <F021>: Was working on a javanese calligraphy
  10. <Flareburst>: good for you
  11. <F021>: Almost finished it, mistakes be damned
  12. <WishingWell>: I don't even take a foreign language anymore.
  13. <F021>: It's mandatory here, aside from Indonesian and English
  14. <Flareburst>: why
  15. <F021>: Culture preservation
  16. <Salesman>: Why is English mandatory? I get Indonesian and javanese [kinda]
  17. <F021>: Lol i dunno
  18. <Saints>: Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher seem like such a strange couple
  19. <F021>: but I have a blast learning it
  20. <WishingWell>: Those names made me hungry
  21. <F021>: Baaaaaacoooooonnnnnnnnnn
  22. <WishingWell>: English is the langua franca Salesman
  24. <WishingWell>: It's that one language everyone uses
  25. <WishingWell>: Language of business
  26. <F021>: ^
  27. <Salesman>: I would say you have problems wells but that would be redundant
  28. <Salesman>: the names make me hungry stuff
  29. <WishingWell>: At first glance, food came to mind
  30. <WishingWell>: No cannibalistic undertones plz
  31. <F021>: K
  32. <F021>: One of my classmates tuned in a song that reminds me of my OTP
  33. <F021>: CAD/SYLUM OTP 5EVUR
  34. F021 jumps on the ship and sails away
  35. <WishingWell>: wot
  36. WishingWell simply watches in pity upon the warship SS. Budyun
  37. Salesman watches from the interstellar AnteDora
  38. <Salesman>: Ayy Guffy
  39. <McGoFuckYourself>: Yooooo
  40. <WishingWell>: Hey Guff
  41. <McGoFuckYourself>: How's it going?
  42. <Salesman>: talking bout ships
  43. <McGoFuckYourself>: Oh?
  44. <WishingWell>: Quite slow today. Reading comics. Romance shit. To appease my kokoro
  45. <McGoFuckYourself>: I love ships
  46. <McGoFuckYourself>: Which ones we going with?
  47. <F021>: Eyyoo Guffy
  48. <Salesman>: AnteDora
  49. <WishingWell>: I'm on Warship Budyun
  50. <McGoFuckYourself>: ahhhhh
  51. <McGoFuckYourself>: Man
  52. <McGoFuckYourself>: All due respect
  53. <McGoFuckYourself>: I had so much behind LanYuun
  54. <WishingWell>: ^
  55. <WishingWell>: This
  56. <Salesman>: LanYuun?
  57. <F021>: LloydChains best crack ship
  58. <McGoFuckYourself>: Lantern/Oyu-WAT
  59. <WishingWell>: You what
  60. *** Salesman is now known as Chain
  61. <Chain>: excuse me?
  62. <McGoFuckYourself>: >Lloyd
  63. <McGoFuckYourself>: >With that simpleminded degenerate
  64. <F021>: Lloyd/Database/Corruption best O3P
  65. <Saints>:
  66. <F021>: It's more of a foe yay ship tho
  67. <Saints>: Who's Lloyd?
  68. <F021>: The nanite dude
  69. <Chain>: some dickhead scientist
  70. <McGoFuckYourself>: Xenon researcher
  71. <Saints>: And OyuuxLan wound have been coot
  72. <Chain>: that too
  73. <McGoFuckYourself>: Went on a SCIENCE BENDER, and replaced his entire fucking body with nanomachines
  74. <McGoFuckYourself>: OyuuxLan would have been too fucking cute
  75. <WishingWell>: 21
  76. <Saints>: Sounds like a pleasant fellow~
  77. <WishingWell>: Get that disgusting thought out of your head
  78. <Chain>: Oyuddy is good too
  79. <F021>: BudOyu have a goid part in my kokoro
  80. <F021>: LanOyu is 3qt5me
  81. <Saints>: Too cheesy
  82. <F021>: NO WELLS
  83. <WishingWell>: We all damn well know the strongest relationship in this gay little project
  85. <McGoFuckYourself>: Yes
  86. <F021>: ..
  87. <WishingWell>: Wells x No one
  88. <Chain>: Pfft hahahahaha
  89. <F021>: Huehuehue
  90. <WishingWell>: And my daughter is above that shit
  91. <WishingWell>: You degenerate
  92. <F021>: :U
  93. <F021>: I am a ship collector
  94. <F021>: If there is enough similarities and interaction, i ship it
  95. <WishingWell>: Well you better put them in a bottle for display, never to be touched again.
  96. <WishingWell>: Cuz they aint meant to sail
  97. <F021>: D:
  98. <WishingWell>: I have a navy at my beck and call.
  99. <F021>: B-but
  100. <F021>: Broshipping man
  101. <WishingWell>: No...
  102. <F021>: DD:
  103. *** Chain is now known as Salesman
  104. F021 sets his Database ship on fire, but he is sue that the ship will sail on in his heart. The ship will sail inside.
  105. <Salesman>: F021, question, your powers dna based, like it can be traced back to blood
  106. <F021>: ....
  107. <Eridana>: That wasn't a question at all
  108. <F021>: Yes, more or less.
  109. <F021>: Cadence's, however, is not btw
  110. <WishingWell>: Burn....
  111. .
  112. .
  113. <Salesman>: Well, lets hope Lord_Raptor won't take another half hour to type
  114. <F021_>: Huehue
  115. <F021_>: I'm listening to sum DnB now~
  116. <Lord_Raptor>: Honestly I've been bored. That's why it takes so long
  117. <F021_>: F021 is at the verge of losing, so it will be fine man
  118. <Lord_Raptor>: You can highlight on your tablet?
  119. <F021_>: Partially, yes
  120. <F021_>: Reading white texts are a bit difficult but yes.
  121. <TheOther_F021>: >Tab hangs and shut itself down
  122. <TheOther_F021>: Jesus.
  123. *** TheOther_F021 is now known as F021
  124. <Eridana>: Reaching Hero-Man levels of bad connection.
  125. <McGoFuckYourself>: Admttedly, there are worse ways to be compared to him than just his connection
  126. <Salesman>: Haha, yeah
  127. <F021>: My phone isn't really compatible with chatting here
  128. <Salesman>: I can not wait to see him beat to a pulp by Isi
  129. <F021>: Gonna grab the app soon tho
  130. <F021>: I'm rooting for Isi
  131. <Salesman>: you don't need to root, its clear who is going to win
  132. <Eridana>: Wait
  133. <Eridana>: Wasn't Isi banned?
  134. <Eridana>: Along with Juniper?
  135. <Salesman>: Nah, we did some talking, shes just going to box
  136. <Salesman>: So its fine
  137. <F021>: haj
  138. <McGoFuckYourself>: >June-bug on a death tournament on a secret island
  139. <F021>: hah
  140. <McGoFuckYourself>: I'm not sure if that's terrifying
  141. <McGoFuckYourself>: Or adorable
  142. <Salesman>: >death tournament
  143. <Lord_Raptor>: june-bug?
  144. <McGoFuckYourself>: "Near-death tournament" just doesn't have the same ring to it
  145. <Salesman>: Fair point
  146. <Salesman>: and Juniper Lord_Raptor
  147. <Salesman>: Little girl with omnimagic
  148. <Bud>: Isidora is powerful
  149. <Bud>: But June is limit-cap breaking powerful
  150. <Salesman>: think the magic god you made, but as a little girl
  151. <Eridana>: All-powerful, but heavily limited.
  152. <Eridana>: Mostly made for the lels.
  153. <Eridana>: And I wouldn't have entered her in a tournament anyway, she isn't a fighting character.
  154. <F021>: June is qt tho
  155. <McGoFuckYourself>: June-bug <3
  156. <F021>: One loses the fight. D:
  157. <F021>: Too exhausted and maybe deaf now
  158. <Eridana>: He'll get better
  159. <F021>: Hopefully.
  160. <McGoFuckYourself>: One's a troooper
  161. <Eridana>: >announcer with the snark
  162. <Eridana>: pop his ass
  163. <F021>: Best announcer ever
  164. <Salesman>: but hes a hologram
  165. <Eridana>: POP
  166. <Eridana>: HIS
  167. <Eridana>: ASS
  168. <McGoFuckYourself>: Get a holographic gun
  169. <McGoFuckYourself>: AND POP HIS HOLOGRAPHIC AS
  170. <McGoFuckYourself>: ASS
  171. <F021>: Thanks Salesman, to make me laugh although I can't really laugh now
  172. <Bud>: Reprogram the projector and turn his hologram into a donkey
  173. <F021>: Made me synchronized my farts with it
  174. <Lord_Raptor>: your what
  175. <F021>: For a good 15 seconds
  176. <Salesman>: ...alright
  177. <Salesman>: saved the fight
  178. <F021>: ... Somehow I can't laugh and hold my farts at the same time.
  179. <F021>: Noice
  180. <Eridana>: ...what
  181. <Eridana>: pffff
  182. <McGoFuckYourself>: WUT
  183. <F021>: I don't know
  184. <F021>: Blame my body
  185. <F021>: blame my anus
  186. <Eridana>: thats a good name for an album
  187. <F021>: "Blame my Anus" by F021
  188. <F021>: Featuring : "Shit on the Hole"
  189. <F021>: "Fart Bombs"
  190. <McGoFuckYourself>: And the hit title
  191. <McGoFuckYourself>: "Synchronized laughter farts"
  192. <F021>: Grammy's is at my hands now
  193. <F021>: And my sides has launched itself into Mars
  195. 27-2-15
  196. <F021>: Eyy~~
  197. <Eridana>: Heya
  198. <Eridana>: And because I can be civil sometimes, Flare.
  199. <Sylum>: Ayyyy
  200. <Eridana>: Also why bother
  201. <F021>: Any fight going on?
  202. <WishingWell>: Heroman aint showing his bitch face
  203. <Sylum>: cant
  204. <WishingWell>: Greg is M.I.A
  205. <Bud>: Presumed dead
  206. <F021>: Haha
  207. <Bud>: The Polish Assassins got him.
  208. <Bud>: We know who's next.
  209. <Sylum>: Eh, Sales and Greg will be fine
  210. <Bud>: Not really, no.
  211. <Eridana>: Not at all.
  212. <Sylum>: Yeah, not like I have a character who original purpose was to delete/corrupt data
  213. <WishingWell>: IT'S ALL A SETUP
  214. <WishingWell>: AND EVERYONE'S IN ON IT
  215. <Eridana>: MULTIPLE goverments and peoples
  216. <Bud>: Along with independent corporations and PMCs
  217. <Sylum>: Can you guys please inform me of this type of stuff BEFORE a rp
  218. <Eridana>: ...
  219. <Eridana>: Its common knowledge.
  220. <Bud>: Nigga this is law
  221. <Eridana>: illegal immigration is one thing
  222. <Eridana>: But you literally dropped a crate into Poland, which is easily a terrorist threat.
  223. <F021>: You could easily start WW III
  224. <Sylum>: in the middle of the woods, with no witnesses
  225. <Bud>: And you somehow had ties to the pilots and plane
  226. <Bud>: Able to call them
  227. <Bud>: And have them LAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS
  228. <Eridana>: >no witnesses
  229. <Eridana>: Satellites
  230. <Eridana>: Radar
  232. <WishingWell>: That's the point 21
  233. <Eridana>: OTHER METAS
  235. <Sylum>: Terrax? why would he say anything
  236. <Bud>: Not to mention tracking equipment
  237. <Sylum>: plus greg may of ripped out his voice box
  238. <Eridana>: And the flight recorder of the plane itself.
  239. <F021>: And maybe some private jets
  240. <Eridana>: It can still transmit data, can it now?
  241. <Eridana>: not
  242. <Bud>: Even the Polish knew it was there
  243. <Bud>: Airspace is generally not that easy to enter undetected like
  244. <F021>: It is actually pretty guarded than sea
  245. <WishingWell>: Sure Terrax would keep the whole meta thing in the dark to foreign affairs, but there's no denying that in a realistic setting, crossing waters to Poland like that would be noticed and complained about.
  246. <Eridana>: Kind of the entire reason we have air forces.
  247. <WishingWell>: Suspension of disbelief doesn't make you suspend disbelief of everything.
  248. <Bud>: Typically an aircraft entering foreign airspace and refusing hails is reason enough to shoot it down
  249. <WishingWell>: We are obviously bounded by typical things despite being in a fictional setting.
  250. <WishingWell>: So they gotta be taken into consideration
  251. <Bud>: Things in Neon are different because an independent corporation has majority power
  252. <Bud>: The outside world is still the outside world
  253. <WishingWell>: I can throw coins around, sure, but I wouldn't stare at the sun.
  254. <WishingWell>: That's stupid
  255. <Bud>: Well no
  256. <Bud>: Staring at Radiant is fine
  257. <WishingWell>: lel
  258. <F021>: Hah
  259. <Eridana>: Also depending on where in the Gulf Neon is, you may have also passed over any of France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.
  260. <Eridana>: If it were a straight trip.
  261. <Eridana>: To the east.
  262. <Eridana>: Oh and Cuba and the Bahamas.
  263. <Sylum>: alright alright, I'm sorry, thought I could get away with a few things for the sake of a fun rp. the plan landing was me panicking cause I had no way to get them home. I'll try to take a few things more realistic next time I/we eer do something like this
  264. <Eridana>: Was it your idea or Greg's?
  265. <Eridana>: Because I'm confused still as to why you went
  266. <Sylum>: mix of both
  267. <Eridana>: Okay I see.
  268. <Eridana>: Well don't feel too bad. Its sparked some interesting situations with the whole man-hunt going on and such.
  269. <Bud>: And that's good that you'll keep it in mind. Just realize actions have reactions
  270. <F021>: Alright.
  271. <Sylum>: to see gregs dad and get info on him, the circus, and if greg can be normal but still have his powers
  272. <Bud>: I believe it made things more interesting like Eri said
  273. <Eridana>: But gorram, its miracle and a half you made it to Poland, let alone landed, without being blown to the depths and back twelve times over.
  274. <Bud>: Poland is some crazy paranoid assholes what with those Ruskies around
  275. <WishingWell>: Always
  276. <WishingWell>: Plan
  277. <WishingWell>: Ahead
  278. <Bud>: Hrm. Would the Ukraine conflict currently happening be happening in-universe?
  279. <F021>: This is why I didn't launch any events. I'm too scared that someone will see the flaws and put it up. It's not like I hate being criticized, but it feels a bit... Strange.
  280. <Sylum>: we had a talk like this before, whether certain wars, or conflict would still be the same
  281. <Bud>: What was the outcome?
  282. <Sylum>: pretty much same with wolverine in wars, just there, no real difference
  283. <F021>: I tend to over-research things too.
  284. <Sylum>: might be a bit longer or shorter, bit bloodier, but results same
  285. <Bud>: Don't feel afraid, One. Just plan it out to the best of your abilities, maybe toss ideas at someone and hear their thoughts and input on context and go from there
  286. <WishingWell>: Flaws are meant to be pointed out 21...And laughed at to make you feel inferior!
  287. <Bud>: And I can get behind that idea on the conflicts
  288. <WishingWell>: Jk, but go with what you think is right
  289. <F021>: T-thanks
  290. <Sylum>: Maybe make a pastebin of ideas, like what I did with the torrny
  291. <WishingWell>: If we notice anything bad we'll help you improve
  292. <WishingWell>: This is like a creative writing project.
  293. <Bud>: And remember
  294. <F021>: I honestly have zero idea of how USA works (or most of the world) and I'm trying to research them and git gud.
  295. <Bud>: Even if we point something out don't take it as an attack or something. We're genuinely trying to help eachother improve here
  296. <Sylum>: speaking of pastebins, Buddy, I had an idea for Sylum in Dust City story [which I need to update/start]
  297. <Bud>: Oh?
  298. <Eridana>: bruh I don't even live there
  299. <Eridana>: Just ask around to those who do
  300. <Eridana>: They gotcha back.
  301. <Bud>: Just ask some of us if you get stumped on political affairs
  302. <Bud>: We're somehow all well versed in them
  303. <Sylum>: Meta Ring, illegal underground meta fights, like cock fights but with people stupid enough to almost die, sylum enters to win betting money
  304. <WishingWell>: Everything is free 21. Basically
  305. <F021>: Noted~
  306. <Sylum>: not as Sylum, like a fake name, Masked Madman or something
  307. <Deft>: >meta ring
  308. <Deft>: >cock fights
  309. <Deft>: >cock ring
  310. <Eridana>: And what Bud said is true especially for me, whilst I do sound venomous at times, I do try to help more than I hurt. I just don't bother with bullshit.
  311. <Bud>: >Meta lucha wrestling
  312. <Bud>: This I like.
  313. <Sylum>: oh, yeah pretty much this
  314. <Bud>: It is near the border and fairly boring a city if you don't work for Vector so underground lucha wrestling sounds like a believably fun after hours sport
  315. <WishingWell>: Plus Mexico
  316. <WishingWell>: We need more texmex in Neon
  317. <Sylum>: Masked Madman makes more sense for a fake identity too
  318. <Bud>: And on what Eri. I too can sound quite aggressive but that is merely because I lack a softer way of saying something. I aint hate nobody.
  319. <Sylum>: oh, good
  320. <Bud>: Very /very/ rarely am I actually aggressive on purpose
  321. <WishingWell>: I don't like criticizing
  322. <WishingWell>: Or being negative sounding in general
  323. <F021>: Wells, are you my twin?
  324. <WishingWell>: I kinda just bide it up, unless you start acting Heroman levels of retarded
  325. <Bud>: Please don't ever go Hero-Man levels. He is the only person I've had a problem with in a long time.
  326. <Eridana>: I am sometimes jokingly aggressive, because it makes me laugh. If I'm being serious, you can tell because I use punctuation properly.
  327. <F021>: I won't... Hopefully.
  328. <WishingWell>: Dude needs a switch. Or a filter.
  329. <Sylum>: Hero-Man, uhhg, he could be good, I remember him being fine in the threads, but a filter would help, a lot
  330. <WishingWell>: Talk as if we're actual people
  331. <WishingWell>: And hold a good conversation
  332. <WishingWell>: Jesus
  333. <Eridana>: Problem is, he's in character 24/7 and his character isn't that great at all.
  334. <Sylum>: I'm looking forward to Isi kicking his ass
  335. <Eridana>: He's a hot topic teen watching invader zim's wet dream. Trying to be as random as possible in the hopes to get laughs.
  336. <WishingWell>: Yeah, I like squeezing in character every now and then for a joke, but christ.
  337. <F021>: I try to separate myself from my characters.
  338. <WishingWell>: Also, he has these sudden bursts of "I'm gonna kill myself" which makes me question his mental health.
  339. <Bud>: A lot of my characters are actually remade RP characters from old ass vidya games or tabletop games I've played in muh life. Unfortunate I don't bring them out much.
  340. <Eridana>: I try to have a distinct voice for each character so that when I actually talk as myself, its easily noticable.
  341. .
  342. .
  343. <WishingWell>: Nothing gets complicated
  344. <WishingWell>: Sup Lan
  345. <Sylum>: so we wasted the past few minutes
  346. *** mib_ea34ud is now known as F021
  347. <Bud>: Or random assman.
  348. <WishingWell>: damn
  349. <Bud>: Oh it's just fo
  350. <F021>: Har har
  351. <Sylum>: question for Eridana and buddy, might be a bit awkward
  352. <Bud>: My favorite
  353. <WishingWell>: Label the soda with alchemy and you got this entire conversation
  354. <Sylum>: has you and oyuun [guffy for eridana] it yet in canon?
  355. <Sylum>: alchemy isn't genetic wells
  356. WishingWell leaves
  357. <Bud>: Why is that even a question
  358. <F021>: Wow
  359. <Sylum>: midnight boredom
  360. <Flareburst>:
  361. <WishingWell>:
  362. <Sylum>: I know that gif is going to do something
  363. <Eridana>: ...yo what
  364. <McGoFuckYourself>: wut
  365. <WishingWell>: H-Hi Lock...
  366. <Lock>: Hello son.
  367. <WishingWell>: I'm to disturbed to be angry
  368. <F021>: I'm on a bus ride to meet my friend.. And I don't know either to laugh or to grin like a lunatic
  369. <Bud>: Give me 5 minutes to edit this picture, nobody forget that he asked about fucking
  370. <Bud>: hold on
  371. <F021>: Seriously, I think I'm starting to get weird looks.
  372. <F021>: Oh hey lock.
  373. <Eridana>: I do not understand
  374. <Bud>: He asked if we fucked
  375. <Bud>: Our respective partners
  376. <Bud>: Not..eachother
  377. Bud leaves
  378. <Eridana>: Let me clarify
  379. WishingWell no comprenden
  380. <Eridana>: I do not understand why that info is needed
  381. <McGoFuckYourself>: Speaking as that 'respective partner'
  382. <McGoFuckYourself>: I, too, am confuse
  383. <Bud>: Unless this is Sylum's way of deciding how easily he can steal our baes
  384. <WishingWell>:
  385. <WishingWell>: Act like you always act....with friends
  386. <Flareburst>: but WishingWell, he probably doesn't have the grill-finder with him
  387. <Flareburst>: so that would be impossible
  388. <WishingWell>: Oh
  389. <Flareburst>: >no kooked steaks for din-dins
  390. <DeftPhone>: My suit can detect heat signatures
  391. <DeftPhone>: so
  392. <WishingWell>: Ho could I have completely forgotten
  393. <Flareburst>: s real shame
  394. <Sylum>: eh, I was bored and wanted to compare how far along each relationship ship is, I know Icyhot is top of the charts, and Sylcad [need a better nickname] just cuddled once. blame lack of sleep for the past few nights
  395. <WishingWell>: :I
  396. <DeftPhone>: I can look for hot dick anywhere i like
  397. <F021>: This chat is crazy.
  398. <DeftPhone>: and guess who is made of pure heat energy?
  399. <Flareburst>: it must go of constantly with you in it
  400. <Flareburst>: how do you filter out yourself?
  401. <DeftPhone>: heheh
  402. <WishingWell>: Your ship name is LSD Sylum. All I have to say on the matter
  403. <DeftPhone>: well, i am a constant
  404. <DeftPhone>: just like how i feel for you
  405. <Flareburst>: ah
  406. <Flareburst>: o u
  407. <Flareburst>: and we like it that wat
  408. <Flareburst>: *way
  409. <Flareburst>: fug
  410. <Sylum>: LSD?...yeah it fits
  411. <F021>: >LSF
  412. <F021>: FUUCK
  413. <Flareburst>: night time
  414. <F021>: Bye ~
  415. DeftPhone hugs Flareburst
  416. Flareburst hugs deft back
  417. <Bud>:
  418. <F021>: You guys are making me giggling like some.. bananas.
  419. <Sylum>: pfft hhahahaha
  420. <DeftPhone>: pretty much
  421. <WishingWell>: Basically
  422. <Eridana>: what
  423. <Sylum>: Later 0ne
  424. <Bud>: You can't really
  425. <F021>: I am not leaving. Thought Flare will
  426. <Bud>: Measure relationships
  427. <Bud>: That is a very juvenile concept.
  428. <DeftPhone>: yeah
  429. <McGoFuckYourself>: S'more to relationships than unfing
  430. <Eridana>: You can measure what stage its at, vaguely, yeah.
  431. <Eridana>: But it ain't just boinkin yo
  432. <Sylum>: I know
  434. <WishingWell>: Yes
  435. <Eridana>: Don't think so son
  436. <McGoFuckYourself>: Fuck no, son
  437. <McGoFuckYourself>: Eriguffy 2stronk
  438. <Bud>: Nah.
  439. <WishingWell>: You weren't here earlier when Dora was gushing...
  440. <Eridana>: Hatelien 2 gud
  441. <Bud>: Literally cucked by Manmar
  442. <Eridana>: Gushing about what?
  443. <WishingWell>: Cute shit is all
  444. <Sylum>: Hatelien?
  445. <McGoFuckYourself>: Hate/alien
  446. <Sylum>: ah
  447. <WishingWell>: She's getting a ring for Nora with the wish
  448. <WishingWell>: Proposal might happen
  449. <Bud>: She's getting her ass kicked in an attempt to get the wish
  450. <WishingWell>: Disgusting Demon scum
  451. <Eridana>: But how much onscreen development have they had tho?
  452. <Eridana>: That's what I thought.
  453. <McGoFuckYourself>: There's
  454. <McGoFuckYourself>: Fucking novels behind Eriguffy
  455. <Bud>: They've done quite a bit of stuff in the bar and then fucked in a clothing store
  456. <Eridana>: They've boinked in quite a few public places.
  457. <WishingWell>: There's honestly mostly the implication of fucking like animals
  458. <Bud>: They also fucked in the bar bathroom
  459. <Sylum>: Me and Cadence had a heart warming/crushing rp
  460. <Bud>: Ante fucked Grav in the bathroom once
  461. <Bud>: That happened
  462. <WishingWell>: They fucked everywhere
  463. <Bud>: THAT HAPPENED
  464. <WishingWell>: Literally
  465. <Sylum>: i miss gravi
  466. <McGoFuckYourself>: All that shit, dating back from the threads. All that barnanigans, shit like the Meatverse or the Mexico trip, the therapy session, looking for June in Neo-Landmar, and fucking Reunion
  467. <Bud>: >Dating
  468. <Bud>: >Sexual harassment
  469. <Sylum>: I would do more with cadence, but, you know
  470. <F021>: .Yeah...
  471. <Sylum>: Criminal
  472. <WishingWell>: ye
  473. <Eridana>: I think he meant dating back TO the threads.
  474. <Eridana>: They never dated.
  475. <McGoFuckYourself>: Yeah, dating back /to/ the threads is wording it better
  476. <Eridana>: Guffy was just Eri's favorite to harrass.
  477. <F021>: They have their share of PDAs.
  478. <WishingWell>: >Not living the bachlor's life
  479. <WishingWell>: Y-You're all gay!
  480. <WishingWell>: With your girlfriends n shit...
  481. <Bud>: GuffyEri is a lot of sexual harassment and then sudden fatherhood
  482. <McGoFuckYourself>: She teased the shit out of him, he actively pined for her
  483. <Sylum>: Should I call Sylum Cadence Boyfriend and Girlfriend yet?
  484. <Eridana>: Hilarious, ain't it?
  485. <F021>: Yep.
  486. <Bud>: The Sylum Cadence thing happened
  487. <Bud>: Really suddenly and unexpectantly
  488. <F021>: It's official ~
  489. <F021>: It is canon now.
  490. <F021>: They dated twice.
  491. <DeftPhone>: i got screwed by male Antenora
  492. <DeftPhone>: when no one else was around
  493. <Bud>: Do you want me to file a police report or something
  494. <Sylum>: PDAs?
  495. <Bud>: Public Display of Affection
  496. <Eridana>: Personal Data Assistant.
  497. <DeftPhone>: Please Don't Ask
  498. <McGoFuckYourself>: Wait, I thought we were talking about Cadence
  499. <McGoFuckYourself>: Not Database
  500. <F021>: We are..
  501. <Bud>: Why am I the only one to own a PDA?
  502. <WishingWell>: Public Degenaracy Ailment
  503. <WishingWell>: Because my daughter files my taxes
  504. <Bud>: PDAs should be more popular. You can play games on em /and/ make phonecalls.
  505. <WishingWell>: I have a helmet for that
  506. <DeftPhone>: and organize yourself
  507. <Lock>: hwuhh
  508. <Bud>: Lock 2 dumb 4 PDA
  509. <WishingWell>: sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh father
  510. <WishingWell>: Is all gud
  511. <Bud>: I can also constantly send pictures of myself posing with various defeated people arranged in funny positions to Wells.
  512. <Eridana>: I have a wrist communicator for that
  513. <Eridana>: Also
  514. <Eridana>: Does he put them up on Underhell?
  515. <Sylum>: Do I have any hunters on Underhell, or is it all Xenon?
  516. <Bud>: You know he does.
  517. Lock slowly slides incentive to buy DBXV and get stomped by Lock to Buddy.
  518. <Lock>: Shhhh
  519. <Lock>: just take it.
  520. <Bud>: If you got a bounty then you got a hunter and good chance he on Underhell
  521. <Eridana>: Do Bud and Eri now exchange funny pictures of their targets?
  522. <Bud>: I spent my money on Xenonauts and shotgun shells, sorry Lockman.
  523. <Lock>: ...
  524. <Lock>: Savvy purchase. I'm alright with it.
  525. <McGoFuckYourself>: Y'know, now that I think about it
  526. <Bud>: I like target shooting.
  527. <McGoFuckYourself>: There's this neat dichotomy with Eri dealing in Underhell
  528. <Bud>: And if you want Eri-sama~
  529. <Bud>: I don't know what sama means
  530. <McGoFuckYourself>: As MGFY is part of the official superhero team
  531. <Bud>: Site is anonymous for a reason.
  532. <Bud>: You'll get rookies that put too much information occasionally
  533. <Bud>: But career boys know their shit
  534. <Bud>: Eri's account wouldn't be long for this world if it's stolen and management catches on.
  535. <Eridana>: She could just impersonate the original owner
  536. <Eridana>: If it even IS stolen.
  537. <Bud>: Keep up with whatever the other guy was doing, handle his friends/business partners and keep Captain Loudmouth from suddenly gaining great knowledge in Underworld dealings and aint nobody gonna look too hard.
  539. 28-2-15
  540. - Cadence washing Sylum.
  541. - Just Cadence washing Sylum.
  542. - Yes I am crazy
  543. - But hey, I want Sylum being all ticklish and such when Cad brushes him
  544. - And Cad being very shy in general about cleaning him and getting intimate to him
  545. - It's not like he can't wash himself
  546. - But I'd like to think that
  547. - It would be a cute bonding time and the closest thing they have to sexytimes (beside him making a dong and do it in canon)
  548. - LSD FOREVER
  550. 1-3-15
  551. <F021>: Heyy~~
  552. <Salesman>: Ayy
  553. <F021>: eyy
  554. <F021>: What did I miss?
  555. <Salesman>: Nothing much
  556. <Lord_Raptor>: not really
  557. <F021>: Hah
  558. <DeftLaptop>: hi One
  559. <F021>: Just had a weird dream. I was at an unknown school, that have freaking hot bathtub as a facility
  560. <F021>: And huge-ass trees
  561. <Lord_Raptor>: PArty now, study later
  562. <Lord_Raptor>: Party now, study later
  563. <F021>: I spent my dream trying to find my class
  564. <F021>: that school is /huge/
  565. <F021>: I don't even reach my class before I woke up
  566. <F021>: And then there's this dream ; I was in class, minding my own business with a laptop
  567. <F021>: When Lloyd came up and /slapped/ me
  568. <F021>: Then he walked away as if nothing happened
  569. <F021>: I was left there, cheek hurting as hell
  570. <Salesman>: Lloyd? as in nanite Lloyd?
  571. <F021>: Yep
  572. <F021>: That dude
  573. <F021>: Didn't even said anything
  574. <F021>: Then again, I do ship him with 3 different person
  575. <Antenora>: well that was a pretty boring film
  576. <Salesman>: what ya see?
  577. <Antenora>: Dear White People, my mate torrented it because he wanted a cheap laugh
  578. <Antenora>: The only interesting character was the gay black kid with an afro
  579. <WishingWell>: People are recording me nw?
  580. <Salesman>: Wells was in a movie?
  581. <Antenora>: But you fell in love with a racist gay : (
  582. <Antenora>: but then you got better
  583. <Antenora>: so yeah apart from that characters were pretty much 2.5D
  584. <Antenora>: They had semblances of personality beyond the fairly standard cliches
  585. <WishingWell>: ugh
  586. <Antenora>: Lead chick was your typical tragic mulatto
  587. <Antenora>: There's only like two white characters of note, one the dean's son who hosts a blackface party at the end and the other the lead chick's love interest
  588. <F021>: Hah
  589. <Antenora>: then again there are only like four black characters who have something close to even being tropes
  590. <Antenora>: All in all it is like tumblr made a movie
  591. <Lord_Raptor>: mulatto?
  592. <Antenora>: term used for a mixed-race character
  593. <Antenora>: most often black-white mix
  594. <Antenora>: tragic mulatto is an old archetype of a mixed-race girl struggling to "pick a side"
  595. <Antenora>: and often finding herself with the convenient help of a white or sometimes black love interest
  596. <Antenora>: but usually white
  597. <WishingWell>: is this the 1970's?
  598. <WishingWell>: why make such a movie in this time
  599. <Antenora>: Well
  600. <Antenora>: Let me put it this way
  601. <Antenora>: It's like... this movie is sort of made for a white liberal audience
  602. <Antenora>: The sort who think they "get" race and race issues
  603. <Antenora>: So it never actually hits anything hard with its 'message'
  604. <Antenora>: because it's just like, basic statements of fact
  605. <WishingWell>: I thought it would be a clever racial satire. Being wrong feels bad...
  606. <Antenora>: It tries
  607. <Antenora>: And sometimes it sort of hits the mark?
  608. <Antenora>: But it doesn't ever really push the envelope
  609. <WishingWell>: There goes my interest
  610. <Antenora>: Oh, and for the dialogue, well
  611. <Antenora>: You know how in some webcomics
  612. <Antenora>: or comics in general
  613. <Antenora>: you get that "political mouthpiece" character?
  614. <Antenora>: Sometimes characters like to switch to that for a bit and the continue as normal
  615. <WishingWell>: Soapboxin
  616. <Antenora>: Yeah, basically
  617. <Antenora>: It's got a solid tempo and it's nicely filmed
  618. <Antenora>: and it's not like a complete failure of satire
  619. <Antenora>: but it's just... soft
  620. <F021>: Well, there goes my interest.
  621. <Antenora>: It's like "African-American Studies 101"
  622. <Antenora>: The only really fun bit was seeing the gay black dude unleash his power level at the end and do some fun shit
  623. .
  624. .
  625. In other random shit. I'm pretty sure Lloyd is my chief researcher. Everything he writes is snarky or has something to do with TECHNOLOGY
  626. 16:10 Bud And just giving him some alien tech made him turn this into this
  627. 16:10 F021 Oh, relating to Lloyd
  628. 16:10 F021 I had a dream, where I was in school, minding my own business
  629. 16:10 F021 When he just came up and /slapped/ me
  630. 16:10 McGoFuckYourself "I estimate that now I am owed six of them"
  631. 16:10 F021 then walked away
  632. 16:10 McGoFuckYourself Muh sides
  633. 16:10 McGoFuckYourself hahahahaha
  634. 16:10 F021 Didn't even said a word
  635. 16:11 F021 How rude ;_;
  636. 16:11 Bud You should have studied harder
  637. 16:12 F021 No
  638. 16:12 Salesman oh, that reminds me
  639. 16:12 Salesman f021, tell guffy your dream
  640. 16:12 WishingWell :I
  641. 16:12 F021 I already did
  642. 16:12 Bud He
  643. 16:13 Bud He just did
  644. 16:13 Salesman oh
  645. 16:13 McGoFuckYourself He literally
  646. 16:13 McGoFuckYourself /just/ did that
  647. 16:13 Salesman I
  648. 16:13 McGoFuckYourself hahaha
  649. 16:13 McGoFuckYourself S'cool
  650. 16:13 F021 it's fine man
  651. 16:13 Salesman I kinda phased out during the mg talk
  652. 16:14 Bud Every month you will be treated to these men looking angrily at you no matter how well you do in life
  653. 16:14 Bud What are you pointing at me for? Fuck you man.
  654. 16:14 F021 Maybe there's a stain in your clothes
  655. 16:15 WishingWell I'm that guy with his legs on his table and a thumbs up going "Spend it all"
  656. 16:17 Lord_Raptor Damn you Nintendo for not having GBA emulation on the 3DS
  657. 16:17 Bud (◕‿◕✿)
  658. 16:18 WishingWell that's still illegal
  659. 16:18 Bud But that would cost them more mooooney
  660. 16:19 WishingWell They should at least sell downloads
  661. 16:19 WishingWell They'd rake in a shit ton
  662. 16:20 Lord_Raptor Well allegedly they haven't done it because it's not properly working yet
  663. 16:21 Lord_Raptor Namely they don't pause if you close the 3DS
  664. 16:23 WishingWell They never fucked up when you closed a regular DS
  665. 16:23 WishingWell treat them like GBA games and let people deal with it
  666. 16:32 Lord_Raptor DS could play them, yeah
  667. 16:32 Lord_Raptor but if you shut the DS, the game would keep running
  668. 16:32 Lord_Raptor it didn't go into like, sleep mode like it would with DS games
  669. 16:33 WishingWell well nintendo better hurry up
  670. 16:47 *** mib_a1jozr joined #Covengers
  671. 16:48 McGoFuckYourself Yo
  672. 16:49 Bud Privyet
  673. 16:49 WishingWell lanny
  674. 16:51 Salesman Ayy
  675. 16:53 F021 eyy
  676. 16:54 WishingWell Falling asleep hugging a beer bottle
  677. 16:54 WishingWell I see dark times ahead for me
  678. 16:55 F021 hah
  679. 16:57 Bud Quit while you're ahead
  680. 16:57 Bud Switch to wine and be a "sophisticated" drunken loser
  681. 16:57 WishingWell Not even drunk
  682. 16:57 WishingWell I-It's non alcoholic
  683. 16:58 WishingWell I don't even like beer
  684. 16:58 Bud Why are you drinking a non-alcoholic then?
  685. 16:58 F021 >be me, getting a fresh air outside
  686. 16:58 F021 >Notices something on the door
  687. 16:58 WishingWell I felt like it
  688. 16:58 F021 >it's a huge wooly caterpillar that can make you itch
  689. 16:59 F021 >nope
  690. 16:59 F021 >the thing starts to move
  691. 16:59 F021 >/NOPE/
  692. 16:59 F021 Wat do?
  693. 16:59 WishingWell put it in a cup
  694. 16:59 Bud Crush it?
  695. 16:59 WishingWell Fill it with water
  696. 16:59 Bud Kick it?
  697. 16:59 Bud Walk past it?
  698. 17:00 WishingWell And watch it drown
  699. 17:00 WishingWell Cover said cup
  700. 17:00 F021 I can't touch it
  701. 17:00 WishingWell Get pliers
  702. 17:00 WishingWell or scissors
  703. 17:01 Bud Gloves
  704. 17:01 WishingWell or a knife
  705. 17:01 F021 I just want to get a flamethrower and burn my house to the ground
  706. 17:01 Eridana Napalm
  707. 17:01 WishingWell not even a spider
  708. 17:01 Eridana Directed Energy Weapon
  709. 17:01 WishingWell I'd be staring at that shit in awe
  710. 17:01 McGoFuckYourself Nuke it from orbit
  711. 17:01 Bud Do you do the DEW?
  712. 17:01 F021 This is worse than spiders
  713. 17:01 Eridana Channel Uncle Nikola
  714. 17:01 McGoFuckYourself Only way to be sure
  715. 17:02 WishingWell Channel your inner power and project yourself astrally if it's such a big deal
  716. 17:02 Bud Call 911 on it
  717. 17:02 F021 it's not that big of a deal
  718. 17:02 F021 there's no 911 here bud
  719. 17:03 WishingWell no police at all?
  720. 17:03 F021 I had one of them wooly caterpillar on my trousers once, when I was eating breakfast.
  721. 17:03 WishingWell wtf
  722. 17:03 Bud You make it too easy.
  723. 17:03 WishingWell WTF
  724. 17:03 Salesman all street justice wells
  725. 17:03 WishingWell Good
  726. 17:04 F021 I ran around like a crazy until it fell off
  727. 17:04 F021 My arms and neck itches for 3 days
  728. 17:04 WishingWell >Ran around
  729. 17:04 Bud Why would you do that
  730. 17:04 WishingWell God sakes man
  731. 17:05 F021 panick
  732. 17:05 Bud Just summon the trouser snake to defeat it
  733. 17:05 WishingWell Or get two long things and grab it
  734. 17:05 WishingWell Like chopsticks
  735. 17:07 F021 >try to grab it
  736. 17:07 F021 >failed and it gets on my shirt
  737. 17:07 F021 N
  738. 17:07 F021 O
  739. 17:07 F021 P
  740. 17:07 F021 E
  741. 17:08 WishingWell Stop acting like a worm, when facing a catepillar
  742. 17:09 *** GregClaskovic joined #Covengers
  743. 17:09 GregClaskovic ayy
  744. 17:09 Bud Grow a backbone
  745. 17:09 Bud Don't just crawl away
  746. 17:09 Bud Privyet
  747. 17:09 WishingWell oh well lookit that
  748. 17:09 WishingWell It's March
  749. 17:10 WishingWell Hi Greg
  750. 17:10 Salesman Ay Greg
  751. 17:10 McGoFuckYourself yo
  752. 17:10 GregClaskovic Anything happenin?
  753. 17:10 F021 Eyy
  754. 17:10 F021 We talked about a caterpillar that's currently living in my house
  755. 17:10 WishingWell Catepillar Plague
  756. 17:11 GregClaskovic Smash it to pieces if you don't like it
  757. 17:11 GregClaskovic Keep it and cherish it if you love it ~
  758. 17:11 Salesman Hero-man is pretty much disqualified from the torrny
  759. 17:11 GregClaskovic What did he do?
  760. 17:11 F021 Being away too long.
  761. 17:11 Salesman not show up
  762. 17:12 GregClaskovic Oh.
  763. 17:12 GregClaskovic Well, speaking of the tourney, who does Greg have to fight?
  764. 17:12 WishingWell This bottle makes for a great teddy bear
  765. 17:12 Bud His own inner demons
  766. 17:12 Bud
  767. 17:13 WishingWell SAUCE
  768. 17:13 *** Salesman is now known as Chain
  769. 17:13 Chain aint irony great?
  770. 17:13 GregClaskovic So I have to fight Chain
  771. 17:13 F021 Yes
  772. 17:13 Chain yeah
  773. 17:14 WishingWell Seriously, this picture could use some sauc
  774. 17:14 Chain coulda just said it, but I like making bad jokes
  775. 17:14 GregClaskovic You basically have nanoweapons, what are you limited to, so I can at least know
  776. 17:14 WishingWell That one was especially horrible
  777. 17:14 Chain three weapons and killing
  778. 17:15 Chain buut, considering chain is in transcendence, they'll probably ignore it
  779. 17:15 GregClaskovic It's going to be fun especially because Greg practiced Scottish Backhold Wrestling
  780. 17:16 WishingWell Sounds......angry, and violent.......and yell in your face mean....while wearing a kilt.
  781. 17:16 WishingWell Like the rest of Scotland
  782. 17:16 Chain Knowing what transcendence big plan is, Chain isn't one to mind losing
  783. 17:16 GregClaskovic He's gonna shove a haggis down your throat while you grasp into submission.
  784. 17:16 F021 Ffft
  785. 17:17 Chain He has a mask
  786. 17:17 GregClaskovic Greg can still /force/ it down
  787. 17:17 *** mib_a1jozr quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  788. 17:18 WishingWell Bye
  789. 17:18 Chain You have to consider the whole Adaptanium thing
  790. 17:18 GregClaskovic Oh.
  791. 17:18 WishingWell Punch him enough times and he becomes immune for bit.
  792. 17:18 GregClaskovic We can fight now, because I'm going to be busy later, by the way
  793. 17:18 Bud That just means
  794. 17:18 Bud And listen close, Grego.
  795. 17:18 WishingWell I already formulated a plan to beat him
  796. 17:18 Bud Kill him in the first attack.
  797. 17:19 GregClaskovic Or make him submit
  798. 17:19 Bud Or send him into complete system shock with multiple damage sources
  799. 17:19 GregClaskovic Greg doesn't plan on throwing punches, he's going to tackle, restrain and make him submit
  800. 17:19 GregClaskovic If he can tackle him first
  801. 17:20 WishingWell When is this fight. I'd greatly love to spectate
  802. 17:20 GregClaskovic I was thinking now, because I'm possibly not going to be on later.
  803. 17:21 WishingWell Need it for, uh, non prep time reasons
  804. 17:21 Chain Well, its 4:19 am
  805. 17:21 WishingWell Yeah I know
  806. 17:21 F021 hmm...
  807. 17:21 WishingWell past 5 where i am
  808. 17:21 WishingWell no big dealio
  809. 17:21 F021 17:21 here
  810. 17:22 Bud 124:6657 here
  811. 17:22 F021 haven't showered today
  812. 17:22 GregClaskovic 10 o clockio where I'm at
  813. 17:22 Bud Silly Earthmen..
  814. 17:22 WishingWell We are literal opposites in time 21
  815. 17:22 F021 Wow
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