
Dash tries to cook for you

Jan 7th, 2017
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  1. >Rainbow Dash smiles sheepishly. "I heard you liked Marexican, so, I , uh...I sort of cooked your dinner," she says to you.
  2. >She looks hopeful. Your heart melts, until you look back at the pan. "It looks absolutely awesome, Dashie!" you say, struggling to put a pleased, happy look on your face.
  3. >You'd smelled it long before you'd even entered your house--you'd wondered where the smell of swamp gas and burning tires was coming from, since Equestrians didn't have vulcanized rubber.
  4. >OR landfills in swamps filled with burning tires.
  5. >You survey the mass of...stuff on the platter in front of you. It's brown, it's sizzling, and looks about as edible as asbestos ceiling tile, and about half as tasty.
  6. >And there's a lot of it. And you're not sure, but you think some of it moved--oh, wait, no, it didn't, it's just that the spatula there is slowly dissolving.
  7. >You thought that only happened in bad sitcoms. This is terrifying, and you're terrified.
  8. >She's looking so, so very hopeful. "It's awesome!" you say again, hiding your fear with the greatest Will save of your life.
  9. >Damned if you're going to hurt your waifu's feelings here, considering she's actually the first and only partner who's ever actually cooked for you.
  10. >Or at least tried. "So, uh...what is it?"
  11. >"Isn't it obvious?" she says,. "I made you some cheese enchiladas! You said you liked Marexican, right?"
  12. >She looks back at the platter. "It, away from me. Just a little. And I had to, uh...substitute a few things. Since you were out of some of the basic ingredients..."
  13. >You hug her and kiss her cheek. *God be with me,* you think. " Thank you so much Dashie," you say, putting on a big smile, and hoping it looks genuine. "Let's light this candle together, okay?"
  14. >You dish up a generous (oh god, the SMELL) of the stuff, and help her plate, and sit down to (urrgh) sample her efforts.
  16. >You gingerly cut into it with a fork as she watches. This takes you several seconds longer than it should, and you're pretty sure that you've never seen a corn tortilla with the texture of a rubber gasket before.
  17. >You finally manage to saw through it, and something inside of it goes POP when you do, blowing brownish glop halfway across the table, startling you both.
  18. >She laughs nervously. "I--yeah, Rarity said you sometimes just use the recipe for a guideline, so I sort of...used some eggs. because they go with cheese, y'know?"
  19. >the eggs that you had been meaning to throw out for a month, because they had not only gone off, they were ready to start grazing on the lettuce. Which explains the amazing stink you're getting now. "Interesting," you say
  20. >You finally nerve yourself up to take a bite. >And chew. And chew. And chew. It's crunchy, sour, chewy and slimy in all the wrong ways.
  21. >Interesting, you've never had eggs with the shells before.
  22. >"I sort of used peanut butter for the sauce. Like in Neighponese peanut noodles. You know, fusion cuisine?"
  23. >you finally manage to get the wretched thing down, trying desperately not to gag at the taste. "It's uh...delicious," you say.
  24. >Across from you, she's just about to bite into her own forkful of misery, and you want to stop her, but you're not sure how to do it without completely wrecking her feelings.
  25. >Helplessly, you watch as she sticks it in her mouth, and chew thoughtfully. And her chewing slows after a few seconds.
  26. >She spits her bite out into her napkin and rubs at her tongue with a hoof before draining her glass of hard cider
  27. >You stare at each other for a little while. "This stuff really, really sucks, doesn't it?" she finally says
  28. >You nod helplessly
  29. >"And you were just gonna eat it?"
  30. >Again, you nod. She looks...happy, sad, and absolutely, totally adoring at the same time. You're not sure how that's even possible
  31. >"You're really dumb, you know that, Anon?" she says
  33. >You shrug. "What can I say?" you say. "You're totally awesome, even if this...well, wasn't."
  34. >She bites her lip and blushes. "Damn, I'm turning into a big mushball over here, you big lug," she says, her voice with a softer edge than you've ever heard. "You're a bad influence on me, you know that? Everyone's going to think I've gone soft."
  35. >You grin. "How about we forget the enchiladas and order pizza? Then chill out with a movie?"
  36. >She grins and you chuck your plates into the trash before embracing each other.
  37. >Later, watching something mindless and violent with your warm, sleeping waifu curled against your side, you can almost fool yourself into believing that the scratching noises coming from the kitchen garbage bin are just the wind, or maybe a mouse
  38. >Almost.
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