
Classes-v8b Patch Notes

Jul 13th, 2015
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  1. -I believe I forgot to mention this in the previous notes.
  2. -Some sprites were borrowed with permission from JC classes. Examples include HyperStormH's hud and Chargeman walking sprites.
  4. -Missing notes from V8a
  5. --Cutman now has a bigger walljump that is the same as his jump height
  6. --Roll gets ammo from any sort of damage her weapon inflicts.
  10. =====OTHER
  12. -Almost EVERYTHING is now team colored for team games. Some actors were not done due to missing them or being way too much work to do. (Such as Dynamoman)
  13. -Method for TeamColor projectiles changed.
  15. -TimeBender look around script, 806, is now CLIENTSIDE
  16. ==This is a BIG FIX, enjoy being able to look around ~Celebi
  18. -Several bouncing projectiles were unable to bounce on water (Joe grenade, Rock kicked balls, divemines, and so on)
  20. -PlantBarrier pain added to classbase0.
  22. -Wily Tower Copy weapons now exist.
  23. --BRG wep is BRG's staff, with a tad bit more rate of fire than BRG's due to ammo limits.
  24. --MWS wep is a shield wep. Pressing mainfire brings up a sheild in front of you blocking projectiles like a proto shield. While the shield is up, your bar charges similar to MWS's shield but at a quicker rate. Disabling the shield pops it unleashing the charge the shield had.
  25. --HSH wep is short charging weapon. Holding mainfire charges this weapon. The more you charge it the more bullets. While charging you suck enemies torwards you, when at full charge the suction is weaker. Enemies being hit by the bullets are knocked back, the more hits the more knockback. The user is also knocked back depending on their charge. This knockback is aimable, so you can use this weapon to jump to greater heights.
  27. -All custom weapons are now in the lms rotation, IE skull sniper/cent arrow/etc.
  28. -Shield weapons have been re-enabled for lms rotation.
  29. -Plant/Skull/Leaf shields have been removed from the LMS sheild rotation.
  30. -Rain Flush, Time Slow, Time Bender, and Flash Bulb are now in the LMS shield rotation.
  32. -CCOLOR.ACS redone and organized, all classes weapons updated to use the new numbers.
  33. -All classes should now play the weapon swap sound upon selecting their weapon.
  34. -Additional colors for teams added for future projectile management. (Thanks Jax for the help, forgot 997 calls translations as well.)
  35. -See CCOLORS.ACS for more info.
  37. -Resolifier is able to hurt people with armor now.
  39. -Plantman and Shade swoop do not heal off Rock's MegaBalls now
  41. -All Flash states now have IsDead checks to prevent respawn issues such as the incredible speeding Tenguman deaths (This is a Zandronum issue I believe.)
  43. -Obits for Gravityman's buster obits now have 'by' in them.
  44. -The amazing Slash Dash obit FINALLY has its missing PERIOD. //RIP Slash Dash
  45. -More obits fixed.
  47. -Several projectiles can no longer be BLASTED, (leaf shield) mainly melee projectiles like Slash claw.
  48. -Topman throw and all junkman's projectiles(cept cube) can be BLASTED.
  50. -WhichWeapon function updated in WEPACS2, all ammo modifiers changed from 0>1.0 except timestopper
  51. -Doc ammo giver adjusted to match this update.
  53. -Missing Fire damagetypes added to oil related objects. (Turboman on Oil puddles as an example)
  55. -A different method was done for leaf/star/plant shields to maybe fix desync.
  57. =====MM0
  59. -Joe grenade launcher grenades speed 25>34, clip size per item, 6>4
  61. ==ROCK
  62. -Reverted Rock to his first version...before I started nerfing him. ~Celebi
  63. -Rock armor reduced light>proto. (He was Proto before, but became light due to all te nerfs)
  64. -New things include, aimable ball placements, if you are in the air and aiming downwards while dropping a ball, you instantly bounce off it. This jump boost is weaker than bouncing off the ball on the ground.
  65. -The ability to autokick/altkick balls in the air.
  66. -Ammo adjusted from 600>666.
  67. -Can now hit altfire anytime during the lifting ball phase. Now cannot drops balls without 111 ammo.
  68. -Basic Megaball speed 40>30
  69. -Basic Iceball bouncefactor 0.75>0.85, speed 30>25
  70. -Basic Elecball bouncefactor 0.85>0.95, speed 30>25
  71. -Basic Fireball speed 50>40, Alt kicked fireball speed 60>55
  72. -Basic Bombball damage 4>2, explosion damage 14>18, speed 45>35, gravity 1.5>1.25.
  73. -Alt kicked Bombball, damage 6>4, speed 50>45, explosion damage 14>19 with a set explosion radius of 48.
  74. -All kicked balls can bounce off water.
  76. -Roll is able to whack pirate stage mines.
  78. -Rockman was displaying an invalid sprite during charge kick
  81. =====MM1
  84. -Oilman went to the gym and is now tougher. Glass armor > Proto Armor
  85. -Oil Slider alt shots when riding oil direct damage increased 2>4, duration of oil spill flames 50>75, duration of riding alt oil flames 25>50
  86. -Oil sled shot damage 12>14
  87. -If Oilman runs into a ridable oil slider while charging mainfire, the oilslider is automatically flung as a sled shot.
  89. -Cutman sharpened his blade, melee altfire damage increased 2>5.
  91. -For the first 2 tics of Elecman's thunderbeam, it does 7 damage, then returns to its original 15 damage.
  93. -Jax has updated Bombman's bomb actor to use script 803 for better management.
  95. =====MM2
  96. -Heatman is now slowed for 80% during his altfire
  98. -DrWily capsule fire/elec shots spawns adjusted from 8 horizontal to 0.
  99. -Flash state now gives 1 ammo every 15 tics from 2 ammo every 30 tics
  100. -Homing shot properly dies after 170 tics like Magnet Missile. The homing shot now has a seek range of 6 rather than 10 (Most homing has 10)
  102. =====MM3
  103. -Hardman quake now has its own obit, Zand 2.0 broke the obit even showing up, it should show up 'sometimes'
  104. -The quake should now hit a little bit better, example being near Wily Barrels.
  106. -Shadowman's short range blade now sticks to things. These do 15 damage.
  108. -Needleman stab sprite colors fixed, side sprite offset tweaked.
  109. -Needle stab obit should show up more often.
  111. -Sparkman can now hold his mainfire after its fully charged to fake out people. He cannot hold this forever, ammobar shows time left.
  113. =====MM4
  114. -Only the first two hits from Toadman's rain cause hitstun.
  115. -Set explosion sizes lowered for the first 4 hits. (-32)
  118. -Dustman suck range increased, it is now further than HSH's.
  119. -Ammo gained on successful suck 2>3, dust grab range 64>72.
  122. -Diveman's ammo regen has been adjusted to v7c's rate of ammo regen. (Increased ammo regen in a sense)
  123. -Diveman cannot regen ammo for 60 tics after ending a dive tackle
  124. -Diveman ammo loss on dive tackle hit 105>75. Ammo use during dive tackle 1>2.
  126. -Drillman weapon cleaned up a bit, mainfire should be a little more reliable and altfire has an emergancy cancel if unable to dig for 200 tics.
  127. -Speed increased from 0.70>0.75/0.68>0.73.
  129. -Pharaohman can hit altfire at full charge for pharaoh wave. Pharaoh wave does half damage for the first 2 tics.
  131. =====MM5
  132. -Chargeman can now dash in the air at a greatly diminished speed (like burner dash).
  133. -Chargeman cannot get stuck.
  135. -Crystalman mainfire now has a delay when letting go. If you let go of the crystal right away, you have about a 30 tic delay. But if your crystal flies for 20 tics, and then you let go, you will only have a delay of 10 tics. You should get the picture.
  136. -Crystal eye split damage 12>10
  137. -Crystalman now charges once every 12>10 tics.
  139. -Darkman1 damage adjusted again. Max 11>12, lowest 6>9.
  140. -Darkman3 ammo regen 4 tics for 1 ammo > 3 tics for 1 ammo
  142. -Starman's altfire is now aimable. The new method to spawn the stars uses Frandom, angles adjusted to match old spread.
  145. -Celebi was digging through the past and noticed Korby lowered Gravityman's Ghold size from 750>550.
  146. -I was gonna revert this, but instead made the 5 damage explosion that dunks people always do 5 damage.
  147. -This in turn has bumped up the hitting range of Gravity's Ghold. Now if you damage them with G hold, they ARE probably going to fall.
  148. -Gravityman rate of fire 18>15 tics. -1 ammo gain on buster fire.
  150. -Stoneman stomp range increased 96>200, this is the size of Hardman's weakest quake. Stone quake also uses HardQuake fixes.
  152. ==NAPALMMAN
  153. -Napalm's bomb sprite fixed.
  154. -Napalm hud now features two arms.
  155. -Napalm mini rework, is now a spamtastic bomber dude.
  156. -Mainfire bombs now do 2 direct damage and explode for 14 damage, also has 16 set explode range. Missiles deal 2 direct damage and 18 explosion damage, also has 32 set explode range.
  157. -Ammo has been doubled, mainfire still costs 2 ammo for one napalm, missiles cost 7 ammo from 14.
  158. -Rate of fire for mainfire greatly increased, same with altifre.
  159. -Ammo regen changed from 2 ammo every 10 tics to 1 ammo every 3 tics.
  161. =====MM6
  162. -Centaur big shot damage, 15>16, radius/height 6>7, split shots are still radius/height 6.
  163. -Rate of fire is 2 tics faster.
  165. -Ammo cost for feathers 7>4, weapon fire delays adjusted.
  166. -Altfire feathers have +NOEXPLODEFLOOR before spawning so that floors don't eat the shots when aiming too far down.
  168. -You are now protected from future blizzard bowls for 3 tics, to prevent the offchance of multiple bowls hitting.
  170. -Flameman ammo regen 1 ammo every 5>4 tics.
  171. -Flameman's altfire now bounces off walls. Flame count 15>12, wall/floor pillar damage 12>14. Mainfire Wall/floor pillar duration increased by about 1 second.
  172. -Ammo cost removed from mainfire.
  174. =====MM7
  175. -Weapon for Turboman fixed.
  177. //-Slashman ammo adjusted 28>64, slash dash now drains 1 ammo every tic from 1 ammo every 2 tics. 2 tic delay added to after hitting altfire. 2 tic delay added to slash dash slash.
  178. //-Slashman is now recoiled 10>2 every 2>1 tic during slash dash. Slashman is now sped up by 3.25x during slash dash.
  179. -Jax revamped Slashman. He can now do air dashes.
  180. -Dashing in the air drops goop. Direct hit goop stuns for half a second. Sitting goop stuns for a second.
  181. -Dashing fills up a red bar, the more filled it is, the stronger your next slash is.
  182. -Damage adjusted greatly.
  184. -Springman fist return cleaned up some more, no longer spawns super adaptor fist.
  185. -Spring ammo x5 to better make altfire ammo regen more noticable and managable.
  187. =====MM8
  189. -Tenguman is no longer weak to IceWall since he is weak to spreaddrill.
  191. -Astroman is now weak to Slash claw.
  192. -At the request of some players, Astroman's clones only change aiming directions when the Astroman fires. (Don't expect the best)
  193. -Astroman now stays still during his altfire, and is able to look around.
  195. -Swordman has been doing extra exercise, speed increased 0.8/0.78 to 0.84/0.82
  196. -Torsospeed flag, 130>156.
  197. -The increased speeds to swordman's flame sword were put on the wrong actors.
  199. -Grenademan damage of explosion starts at 17>16.
  200. -Altfire bombs explosion damage lowered. Direct hit 15>12, dead mine 20>16.
  201. -Grenademan's main script editted to cause less strain on a server when Grenade's health doesn't change.
  203. -Water cannon adjusted a tiny bit in the homing department.
  205. -Clownman projectile code optimized for color shenanigans.
  206. -Thunder claw damager from vanilla had no height/radius defined, so it was defaulting to 16, even though the claw is height/radius 8.
  207. -SO, Clownman thunder claw hitbox 8>12. Damage 30>25.
  208. -Due to the projectile cleanup, the hitbox for the chain is appearing twice as much. So, chain damage 4>2. Chain has THRUGHOST now.
  209. -Chain damage no longer causes hitstun/recoil. (Since Peg claw uses the same damagetype, peg claw does not hitstun.)
  212. =====MM9
  213. -A very basic projectile shot added for Galaxyman when firing when his black hole is up.
  215. -Magmaman is now able to cancel his charging via pressing mainfire/altfire
  216. -He now loses ammo on a 1:2 basis rather than 1:1, IE 10 damage = -5 ammo rather than -10.
  218. -Hornet's bee's come out faster but sit a little longer.
  219. -Ammo regen is a tiny bit faster.
  221. =====MMWT
  222. -Added an extra check for MWS to allow him to use altfire when low on ammo and bubble is up.
  223. -MegaWaterS, the first hit of the Spout does more damage 8>16, every other hit 8>9.
  224. -Ammo cost for water spout is 4>3 ammo.
  225. -Now gains 1 ammo every 8 tics from 1 every 10 tics.
  226. -Shield armor increased 40>50, armor reduction reduced. 100%>90% (Enker armor)
  228. -BusterRodG, pole extend lasts for one more frame, this means duration/distance was increased a tiny bit.
  229. -Pole explosion damage, 10>11. Alt Spin causes Flashbomb hitstun rather than full hitstun.
  231. =====MMK
  233. ==QUINT
  234. -Quint now has full control during his pogo, there are no breaks. However, you cannot jump cancel nor can you actually jump normally during the pogo. (IE pogoing onto a Wily barrel, you can't jump)
  235. -During altfire pogo's, instead of stopping, you're instead unable to move.
  236. -Quint's Sakugarne damage was greatly lowered from the vanilla values he was using.
  237. -Sakugarne direct hit crusher damage 20>6, hitbox radius size 30>20, ignores shields now. Duration lowered to 1 tic and spawning speed adjusted to match 2 tic version.
  238. -Rock damage lowered 12>10
  239. -Explosion damage lowered 80>26. Now spawns an extra explosion that always does 12 damage.
  240. -You do not suffer hitstun from any of his attacks, except the 26 damage explosions. Buster/Rocks do cause recoil.
  241. -Because of no breaks during pogoing. It is now much easier to knockaway Quint if you have those sort of abilities.
  242. -You are now able to react faster after bouncing (altfire/weapon swapping). You are now able to swap weapons if constantly stuck to the ground.
  244. =====MMB
  246. -Magic fake ball correctly spawns birds now.
  247. -Magicman birds damage 4>3, Homing is 1/6>1/8
  250. ==COLDMAN
  251. -Coldman ice walls now have a bounce limit of 40 so that they do not get stuck in walls for so long.
  252. -The ice walls now degrade correctly when in the air.
  253. -The ice wall projectile does not sit in its death state for 20 tics, rather spawns a fake actor to show the death state. This prevents ice wall from doing ripper damage when dying and also makes Coldman slide off the ice wall upon the ice wall death.
  254. -Coldman punch, damage 25>30, has its own obit and damagetype.
  255. -Coldman ammo regen 12>10 tics.
  256. -Item freeze attack now explodes 6 tics sooner. Damage lowered 5>4, has a set explosion of 32.
  257. -Ice wall summon now explodes every 3>2 tics.
  258. -Sitting IceWall now explodes every 1>2 tics.
  260. ==GROUNDMAN
  261. -Groundman now has two weapons and his item is gone. Wep 1 is your basic spread drill and altfire to split.
  262. -Wep 2, your mainfire turns you into a drill tank when at full ammo (mainfire/alt/wep swapping cancel this) , aiming down while on the ground digs into the floor. Pressing mainfire while digging makes you go into the ceiling (digging can be cancelled with altfire or wep swapping)
  263. -While in the ceiling, mainfire summons a giant ceiling drill, and altfire drops a land drill. Weapon swapping or running out of ammo cancels the ceiling drilling.
  264. -Spread drill damage fixed, damage was all over the place and inconsistant.
  265. -SpreadDrill1 damage 18>20, Spread2 damage 8>12, Spread3 6>9.
  266. -Can now do a half jump during tank mode.
  267. -Giga ceiling drill damage 4>6.
  268. -Now does basic explosion damage when unburrowing by someone, also does it on the ceiling.
  269. -Groundman's mainfire while as a tank digs down. You are no longer able to dig by aiming down.
  270. -Groundman got the sand out of his treads, speed 0.56/0.54>0.64/0.62
  273. -Pirateman is now able to push his stage mines.
  274. -Piratemans shield is now 25 armor from 30. His bubble dash moves a big faster, direct damage increased 2>4, explosion size increased 96>128.
  275. -Pirates armor now protects for 99% from 100%
  276. -A different font is being used for Pirates counter, possible future use.
  279. ==BURNERMAN
  280. -Burner trap team icons show up now.
  281. -Direct hit traps stun for slightly less. Different obit for direct hit traps.
  282. -Burner ammo adjusted to do away with an old ammo regen method.
  283. -Mainfire shots speed 26>34
  284. -Uses less ammo during a burner ground dash.
  285. -Damage for Burner dive fire waves adjusted. Burner dive explosion size 144>172
  286. -Sounds should correctly play on burner landing from the dive.
  287. -Burner dive now flies in a set path forward for 10 tics, afterwards you have complete control in your aim. Anywhere from 10 degrees and lower. If you aim straight/higher, you fall at a set rate.
  288. -The dive is slower than before and has an emergancy stop after 1000 tics. (Like Hardman)
  289. -Burner now rises faster during the burner dive for more distance.
  290. -Ammo usage 28>56, ladders are disabled during the dive.
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