
Normal Norman - Play It By Ear (Vinyl One-shot)

May 26th, 2014
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  1. >Norman has been listening to the same album all week now.
  2. >It was starting to get old.
  3. >He wasn't even sure why he bought it in the first place.
  4. >Oh yeah, the single on the radio was catchy.
  5. >Why was that a reason to buy the whole album?
  6. >He could have just downloaded it.
  7. >But that would be stealing.
  8. >And stealing is wrong.
  9. >When you listen to pirated music, you rock out with Hitler, etc.
  10. >He puts on his beanie and shuts down the Xbox.
  11. >After heading downstairs and grabbing a cola, he begins the walk downtown to the record store.
  12. >The plan has become to pick up the first album that looks interesting.
  13. >Maybe the guy working there can give a good recommendation.
  14. >Or he could 'go back in time' and get something from his parent's generation.
  15. >That seems like a stupid idea, though.
  16. >Only a fool would listen to dad rock these days.
  17. >Downtown now, he steps into the shop.
  18. >The ring of the doorway bell chimes, and the guy behind the counter nods.
  19. >He nods in return and looks around the narrow, but long aisles.
  20. >The adventure begins.
  21. >There are already a few people in the aisles browsing around and he tries to get an idea of what they're looking for.
  22. >Some are over in alternative.
  23. >Some in the funk and pop section.
  24. >Brad is over in the rock area, of course.
  25. >Trying not to be spotted by him, Norman shuffles to the opposite side of the store he's on and end up in an aisle on the far wall.
  26. >The aisle less traveled, it seems.
  27. >Here is the collection of less popular or catch all albums they couldn't sort in the big sections like soundtracks and comedy CDs.
  28. >Norman spots a pale white girl in the corner.
  29. >That electric blue hair and crazy purple leggings.
  30. >Probably the girl who always DJs at Pinkie's parties.
  31. >Norman thinks back to the times he's run into her.
  32. >She seems all right, but is probably way too cool for him or too much of a partier or drug user.
  33. >It may be best to avoid her.
  34. >On the other hand, since she's a DJ she might be able to solve this music dilemma he's facing.
  35. >She must have a huge selection of tracks.
  36. >Before Norman can finish his thoughts, he's standing at the bin next to her.
  37. >These are vinyl records, though.
  38. >The section is marked "ELECTRONIC".
  39. >It doesn't seem that well stocked compared to the rest of the shop.
  40. >Norman's ears perk up as she lets out a disgruntled sigh.
  41. >There's something bothering her.
  42. >He hopes it isn't because he's standing next to her.
  43. >Thinking quickly, he grabs the first record he sees and holds it before him with wonderment.
  44. >Not because of the artist, but because he's never messed with the things.
  45. >Norman thinks about how his parents have some records, but certainly nothing modern.
  46. >He shudders to think of the goofy music they must have collected, judging on their equally goofy nature.
  47. >Man, the crab on the cover of this record looks cool.
  48. >"Fat Of The Land. Good album. You picking it up, man?"
  49. >Norman looks up from the record, knowing that the voice is coming from the girl.
  50. "Oh… it is good? I don't know anything about this kind of music."
  51. >"For sure, man! That album inspired a ton of modern musicians! Say... you're that Norman kid, right?"
  52. >She lifts her glasses and smirks at him, reading his face.
  53. >"Good thing I'm a whitey or you might make some comments on my skin color."
  54. "Wh- huh?"
  55. >She laughs.
  56. >"Don't hear much in the halls at school, eh?"
  57. >Norman shakes his head no, despite being well aware of the things they said behind his back.
  58. >"Eh, the kids at CHS are assholes, anyway."
  59. >This makes Norman crack a smile and lighten up, chuckling and agreeing with her.
  60. >So she isn't so bad thus far.
  61. >"The name's Vinyl Scratch, by the way."
  62. >She holds out her fist, which Norman bumps after registering the gesture.
  63. >"So you said you don't know anything about dance music, eh? What are you gonna do with that record? Frame it?"
  64. "I think my parents have a record player…"
  65. >Vinyl stands there for a moment.
  66. >Her glasses are back on, but it almost feels like she's looking Norman up and down and sizing him up.
  67. >"Well, you look harmless enough. Why don't you come back to my place and I can show you what it's meant to be played on?"
  68. >Norman looks her over as well.
  69. >Noticing that she actually looks really good despite not being Rarity, he makes his decision.
  70. "That'd be great!"
  71. >He pays for the album and Vinyl takes him back to her place in her car.
  72. >Even though she isn't out of school yet, she's already got her own apartment.
  73. >It's a small studio, but for her it seems fitting.
  74. >One half of the room is audio and DJ equipment and the other half is for living.
  75. >The living half is sort of a mess, but still cleaner than Norman's room and battle station .
  76. >Vinyl kicks aside a pile of her clothes into a corner and sets up a place for Norman to sit down on her futon.
  77. >"Thirsty?"
  78. "Not right now."
  79. >She shrugs, grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, and takes a long drink from it.
  80. >He glances over at her as her head is tilted back, taking long gulps from the container.
  81. >The sheen of sweat from the heat of the afternoon gives a certain allure to her that is making him stare a bit harder than he should be.
  82. >Maybe he should have asked for a drink, after all.
  83. >She looks down after swallowing and catches him staring at her.
  84. >"Shall we do it?"
  85. "Huh?"
  86. >"The record, man."
  87. "Oh! Right…" Norman chuckles nervously.
  88. >"Follow me, ya goof."
  89. >She presents her turntables and mixer and turns on the speakers she has hooked up.
  90. >"Now lemme see that."
  91. >Handing the record over to her, Norman is shocked to discover he got two discs.
  92. >She slips one out of the dust sleeve and looks it over for a second.
  93. >"Ah, here we go."
  94. >She sets the record in place, moves the needle over the grooves, and drops it to somewhere in the middle.
  95. >The warm crackle of the stylus as it finds the start of the track adds to the anticipation.
  96. >Suddenly, a riff starts looping and Vinyl gets animated almost instantly.
  97. >"Aww YEAH! Haven't heard Breathe in AGES!"
  98. >Norman nods his head to the loop and he sees Vinyl's fingers come up and start wiggling to the sound of the drums filling in.
  99. >Her speakers start to thump with the bass and the kickdrum of the track leading it along.
  100. >Half of Norman is getting into it, the other half is entertained by how much Vinyl is REALLY getting into it.
  101. >She strips off her jacket with a triumphant, "UNF," and grips the edge of the table, rocking to the beat and moving her hips as if she was a go-go dancer at a nightclub.
  102. >She flips her head back to wink at him.
  103. >"What do you think?!"
  104. >Norman simply nods his head and give a small fist pump in the air as a way of voicing approval.
  105. >She laughs and does the gesture herself as she goes back to dancing to the music.
  106. >It feels like Vinyl is just an incredibly fun person and Norman finds himself admiring her more and more now.
  107. >Reaching down for another record, she loads it up on the other turntable and pulls up her headphones.
  108. >She moves it back and forth a few times and then she moves the knobs and sliders on the mixer.
  109. >Finally, she cuts in that signature scratching sound over the top of the music.
  110. >Now she's really engaged, and he moves to watch her more closely.
  111. >Her face shows determination and her body is totally into the music as she dances and manipulates the record in time.
  112. >Norman knew she was a DJ, but he didn't know she was this amazing.
  113. >No wonder she's able to afford her own place and all this stuff.
  114. >She throws a couple more tracks together, mixing them with the new records Norman bought and he is in awe the whole time, not even realizing when one track ends or the other begins.
  115. >It seems like only a few minutes have gone by, but he checks his phone and sees that it's almost been an hour.
  116. >The DJ fades out the last track so smoothly and they both come back to reality with the loss of hypnotizing beats.
  117. "How did you DO that?!"
  118. >"Killer, huh? Startin' to like my kind of jams now?"
  119. >Nodding enthusiastically, he has to admit he does.
  120. "I don't think I could do something like that, but I should probably show up at more of Pinkie's parties."
  121. >Chuckling, she scratches the back of her head.
  122. >"Well, those are more for fun cause she's an okay friend of mine. If you really want to see me in action, you have to go to my gigs in the city. I play every Friday and Saturday night at Illusion."
  123. "Isn't that the best nightclub in like... the whole area?"
  124. >"Oh yeah, we have international acts there almost every other month that I regularly open for. How do you think I've earned all this? Make a couple of good jokes, play some good music, and suddenly I have new friends who are inviting me onto stages where they don't just play around. I'm talking thousands of people coming to rock out, man."
  125. >Vinyl has her arms spread before her as if she’s in front of a huge audience.
  126. "That must be really fun."
  127. >"There's no other thrill like it. I'm glad I’ve met some people to help get me started or I'd probably still be back at the folks' house."
  128. >She laughs to herself wistfully.
  129. "Well I can tell you deserve it, too. I don't know how to explain it, but it's almost like you make the songs come alive or something, you know?"
  130. >Giving Norman a coy grin now, she scoffs playfully.
  131. >"That actually means a lot to me, dude."
  132. >Slipping on her glasses to hide her eyes, he can still see that she is blushing.
  133. >She even leans on the table and rubs her arm for a moment before speaking up.
  134. >"You know, I can make you a mix sometime if you want more of this stuff to listen to."
  135. "I mean, yeah! That would be amazing."
  136. >She nods, "Cool."
  137. >The air between the two is relaxed now, and they give a comforting smile as they stare at each other for a brief moment.
  138. "So what else do you do on Sundays?"
  139. >Vinyl hums at the question, as if trying to select her words carefully.
  140. >"Recover, I guess?"
  141. >She runs her hands through her hair with a nervous laugh, "I don't think I ever do anything important on Sundays! Like you caught me at the record shop JUST after I woke up and now I'm here putting on a little show and talking to you. Easy stuff, man."
  142. "I get it."
  143. >"What about you? You doing anything else today?" Vinyl looks eager.
  144. "No, I was just sitting at home realizing I'm getting tired of the same albums I always listen to. When I spotted you, I was actually kind of curious as to what you'd recommend but you've always seemed way too cool to talk to a guy like me."
  145. >Vinyl stares hard at him for a second and then starts to break out into laughter.
  146. >He goes wide-eyed in surprise.
  147. >"Do- haha! -do I really give off that vibe?!"
  148. "Kinda, yeah."
  149. >Vinyl takes her glasses off and wipes her eyes after her sides return from their trip.
  150. >"I laugh cause I used to treat some of my favorite DJs that way until I found out how cool they are if you just talk to them normally. Now I know how it feels!"
  151. >Norman nods with an 'oh'.
  152. "I wasn't trying to treat you any differently, I just feel like you're… out of my league I guess?"
  153. >Vinyl waves a hand, "Pfft, this ain't sports man. I'm not worried about leagues or any of that. You were cool with me, so I'm going to be cool with you."
  154. >She smiles as he nods.
  155. "Now if everyone else followed your ideals."
  156. >"Like I said, dude, our high school is full of morons."
  157. >She takes this opportunity to stretch her arms and do a couple of quick twists.
  158. >"So you're not doing anything today, huh? Want to just hang out here? I was going to watch a movie or two and maybe work on some tracks later."
  159. "You're sure I'm not going to bother you?"
  160. >"Dude, the girl's asking YOU to stay over and you're worried that you're bothering her? I think we need to have a discussion."
  161. Norman laughs, "Fine, fine. But I think I am going to need something to drink now."
  162. >"Now you're speaking my language!"
  163. >Vinyl steps into the kitchen area and pours a couple drinks while Norman heads back to sit on the futon.
  164. >When she returns, she warns him that it may be a little strong.
  165. "Alcohol?"
  166. >This girl knows how to party.
  167. >"Is that a problem? My drink selection is good, man. I've learned a lot playing the clubs."
  168. >Norman shrugs, throwing caution to the wind and taking a long sip.
  169. >Cola with some good whiskey thrown into it.
  170. >Norman raises his eyebrows with an 'mmm!' and drinks up.
  171. >Vinyl watches on with a grin.
  172. >"Yeeahhh! Y'see? Good shit."
  173. "Heh, this is actually my first drink and I have to say it's pretty tasty."
  174. >"Well drink up, man! It's our day off, so we can chill."
  175. >Norman counts himself lucky he decided to hit up the record store.
  176. >Hanging out with a hot girl and drinking with her was the last thing on his list to do today but somehow it was bumped to the top and there are no complaints.
  177. "So what movie were you going to watch?"
  178. >"Movie? Oh, right!"
  179. >Vinyl goes over to her TV stand and gets on all fours in front of it to look for a movie in the cabinet below, giving Norman a spectacular view of her backside.
  180. >She leans down further as she peers into the depths of her collection.
  181. >"Aha!"
  182. >Norman nearly jumps out of skin, quickly averting his eyes so he is looking anywhere other than the spot where her skirt was moving up her thigh.
  183. >"Dude, what's on the ceiling?"
  184. "Nothing! Thought I saw a spider."
  185. >"Ah, probably. They eat bugs though, so I don't mind them. Besides, I've got something scarier!"
  186. >She holds up the DVD proudly.
  187. "The Amityville Horror. I admire your taste."
  188. >Vinyl makes an excited 'woo!' and loads up the film.
  189. >She hurriedly joins him on the futon and uses the remote to skip around the previews and get to the menu.
  190. >"You know, I think I still might have a bag of popcorn that I can make. Sound good to you?"
  191. >Norman lifts his glass and nods, gulping down another drink.
  192. >Vinyl rises from the futon quickly and heads to the kitchen space to prepare it.
  193. >Norman takes the time to think about his situation as he sips on the drink more.
  194. >'This girl is fucking awesome, is willing to hang out with me and not call me a racist, and has great taste in music and movies. Plus she's really easy to talk to. If only she was my Aryan Beauty, this would be perfect. But hey, this could be an amazing friendship. Doesn't she hang with that Trixie girl? She might be pretty cool, too...'
  195. >His thoughts are cut-off as he feels the couch move with popcorn-holding Vinyl.
  196. >She hits play on the remote and the movie starts.
  197. >The bowl of popcorn sits between the pair and they munch as the horror unfolds before them, occasionally touching hands as they combat for more of the popped kernels which leads to cheesy grins and chuckles.
  198. >After some time of this and finishing a few more drinks, the two of them are red-faced and feeling bolder than before.
  199. >Vinyl moves the empty bowl off to the side of the couch and stretches out, lying across the futon and resting her head in Norman's lap.
  200. >He freezes up at first, but then the alcohol reminds him that he doesn't care.
  201. >Grabbing the nape of her neck, he squeezes it gently and starts to massage the space there.
  202. >She coos in response to the touch and it becomes a small groan as his fingers move through her hair and caress her scalp.
  203. >Her plan is already working perfectly.
  204. >She may be only slightly toasted, but she's sure that Norman is feeling the effects of the drink.
  205. >And she's right.
  206. >Norman's hand moves down her back, rubbing the tense muscles of her neck and along the curve of her spine.
  207. >She continues to watch the film with a huge grin on her face, nearly ready to pounce.
  208. >Norman's dextrous touch keeps her on edge the entire time.
  209. >Vinyl tries scooting up and subtly convincing him to touch lower and lower, but he stays in the realm of her mid- to upper-back.
  210. >"Lower," she finally breathes.
  211. >Norman slides his hand down.
  212. "How low should I go?"
  213. >Vinyl lets out a playful giggle, "You'll know."
  214. >As his hand goes over the swell of her shapely ass, she bites her lip and chuckles again.
  215. >She looks up at him as he gropes her bottom, her mouth slightly agape.
  216. >"Kiss me."
  217. >Vinyl pushes off the futon with her hands and moves her face to Norman's, waiting for him to move.
  218. >Norman licks his slightly dry lips and he leans in to meet her puckered ones.
  219. >She surprises them both with a delicate moan.
  220. >Her hand finds a place on his knee and as he rubs her rear she begins to tease her way up his leg.
  221. >Norman tugs on her skirt until he can grab it by the hem and pull it all the way up to slide down the leggings she has on underneath.
  222. >Vinyl opens her mouth and coaxes him into a more passionate kiss.
  223. >As they wrestle tongues, his fingers work into the soft, bare skin of her behind.
  224. >She laughs into his mouth and pulls away with a cheeky grin, "I know you want to keep going, so just do it. It's been too long for me, anyway, and I need this really bad right now."
  225. >Norman hesitates as she goes back to pushing that eager tongue into his mouth, but he soon puts his hand over the center of her butt, sliding his middle finger over her crack and down in-between her legs.
  226. >A more excited moan comes out as the digit slides over her damp petals.
  227. >"Fuck yeah," she shivers for a moment as she looks down to see where Norman's zipper is.
  228. >She quickly works on getting his jeans open before he can really dip his finger into her honeypot, and the effort leaves Norman with a sly smirk.
  229. "Jeez, maybe it'd be a bad idea to tease you. How long did you say it had been?"
  230. >"Shut up and start playing with me. I already decided to make this,” she emphasizes her point by giving his bulge a slow stroke as she speaks, “mine, so you've got until those movie credits end to prepare."
  231. >Vinyl's sudden forwardness makes Norman twitch down below.
  232. >He doesn't know whether that was a threat or an attempt to be sexy, but he responds right away with his middle finger pressing right against her clit.
  233. >She bites her lip and growls, arching her back and pushing her ass against his arm to give him easier access to her nethers.
  234. >The credits have just started, and she already has his pants on the floor and his boxers tugged down.
  235. >Norman's head tilts back as his half-chub gets grabbed at the base by a warm hand and she kisses the tip.
  236. >Fighting dirty, he shoves his finger in deep right as she begins to blow him.
  237. >Her insides are pretty tight and Norman can only imagine how she’ll feel on the end of his dick, so he wiggles his finger around to get familiar with her depths.
  238. >She doesn't miss a beat, taking more of his growing cock between her soft lips.
  239. >He’s practically throbbing in her mouth, his member pulsing in time as he soon hits the back of her throat.
  240. >As Norman pushes another finger in she bobs up and down, slurping lewdly.
  241. >The vie for dominance is in a even trade and the two are breathing heavily.
  242. >Finally the credits end and Vinyl lets him slip from her mouth, a thin line of drool following her up as she gives him a dreamy expression.
  243. >"Time's up, stud."
  244. >Norman pulls his fingers out of her, sticky with her arousal.
  245. >Pushing his fingers into his mouth, he cleans off the tangy taste of the DJ.
  246. >He watches her stand and stretch for a second before she bends over and fully disrobes her bottoms.
  247. >"You might want to get naked, too. Sometimes I make a mess," she warns.
  248. >Without questioning it, he kicks off his pants and casts his jacket and shirt aside as she finishes throwing her tank top somewhere behind her.
  249. >She giggles and pushes him over so he can lay back, climbing on top of him and giving another sultry look.
  250. >Norman uses this opportunity to sit up on his elbows and put his mouth on her bared breasts, suckling gently.
  251. >She winces and cries out weakly, wrapping an arm around him to hold him down against her tit.
  252. >Down below, she grinds her wetness against him as he works his tongue around her areola.
  253. >He switches sides, trying not to neglect her other sensitive nipple.
  254. >Soon he’s kissing his way up her chest, over her collarbone, and up to her neck.
  255. >Though she continues to roll her hips along his and mash their genitals together, she presses her body to his and they finally meet lips so they can kiss hungrily.
  256. >Her bare skin feels cool against him and her lithe form slinks about as if she has her own soundtrack going on and she's dancing to the beat.
  257. >She stops as she realizes something and reaches around for something behind Norman.
  258. >Grabbing the remote from before, she clicks it a few times until a thudding beat can be heard.
  259. >It's not too loud, and instantly sets the mood for her hip gyrations.
  260. >"You don't mind if a girl dances on your dick for a while, right?"
  261. >Norman gulps and shakes his head no.
  262. >Her body shakes after a few more hip movements and she holds him tighter than before, riding out the small tremor of pleasure.
  263. >Vinyl licks her lips and lifts herself up, grabbing Norman’s stiffness in her small hand and rubbing it against her slick entrance.
  264. >He raises an eyebrow at her, but doesn’t want to ruin the heat of the moment.
  265. "No condom?"
  266. >She smiles and winks at him, "Trust me, I’m clean. And hey, you can blow in me when you're done. I'm a good girl and take my medicine. Just make sure I go first, dude."
  267. >Vinyl kisses the tip of her finger and pushes it to his lips.
  268. >With that, she sinks down and lets him stretch her open.
  269. >Norman’s jaw drops as more and more of her pussy sucks him into her.
  270. >She works her hips a few times to adjust to him until finally he’s fully pushed into her with a slightly aggressive last drop from Vinyl.
  271. >A simultaneous ah can be heard over the music.
  272. >Norman's hands find their place on her slender hips as she begins to ride him to the rhythm.
  273. >Vinyl throws her head back and cups her modest tits, tweaking her nipples to top off her self-stimulation.
  274. >"You feel fucking amazing!" she cries out, wiping her sweaty brow and leaning forward to put her hands on his chest.
  275. >He takes over for her, holding her waist above his so he can thrust into her from below.
  276. >Her eyes start to roll back and she gives tight little spasms with a groan that rises in her throat.
  277. >"Fuck! Just like that! Yeah," she squeaks the last word out as her eyes squeeze shut and she grits her teeth.
  278. >Norman can feel Vinyl's pussy clench and throb around his dick and an extra generous amount of wetness at the same time.
  279. >So tight she becomes that he's forced out of her as she collapses on top of him and shakes, a satisfied and drawn-out shudder the only sound she can make.
  280. "Holy shit, you're a squirter!"
  281. >"Mmm-hmm…" she nods on his chest and gives him a few gentle kisses before looking up at him, "And you just made me explode, babe."
  282. >She rolls to the side as they both catch their breath until she lazily reaches over and begins to stroke him.
  283. >"You want me to finish you off like this or are you good to try to make me cum like that again?"
  284. "I think it’s time for round 2," he grins as she gives his nose a small boop with her finger.
  285. >"I like you. Get up so we can try something else."
  286. "Something else?" he sits up and realizes what she means as she faces away from him on her hands and knees.
  287. >With a nod and a word of agreement, she looks back and him and uses a hand to pull on her ass and spread herself open for him.
  288. >"Have fun," she sticks her tongue out playfully which turns into a happy laugh as Norman takes her waist into his hand and guides his length back into her.
  289. >Biting her lip again as he bottoms out in her, Norman quickly finds the tempo they were at before.
  290. >He uses the song in the background to keep the beat and Vinyl notices this, backing up against his pounding hips and causing the smacks of their skin to add an organic percussion track on top of the music.
  291. >Between several 'unf's, she turns her head back to him, "You know, there's an album where these two artists recorded the sounds they made while fucking and turned all of the sex noises into instruments."
  292. "You don't say…" Norman grunts, feeling his core heat up.
  293. >"Yeah, so like the sound of him slapping her ass became a clap."
  294. >Norman slaps her ass roughly and she cries out excitedly.
  295. >"And the gooey sounds of him penetrating her was turned into different sounds."
  296. >The sound of their copulation and the sloshing noise from him slamming into her wetness was more apparent now.
  297. >"And their moaning and panting was turned into all the backing rhythms."
  298. >The CD she put on has ended and the only sound heard through the room is two sweaty teenagers going at it like rabbits.
  299. >"...maybe we should record an album?"
  300. >Norman finally maxes out and his heavy, deep moans pierce the ambience.
  301. >Vinyl joins him as she feels a new warmth flooding her stuffed pussy.
  302. >He can feel his balls practically shrink as his essence leaves him, the seed eventually spilling out of her from the overflow.
  303. >She pushes back against him, desperate to keep as much of her reward inside her as she can.
  304. >The back of her thighs cools as a mixture of their copulation fluids mix and dribble down.
  305. >Her arms and legs lose their strength and she collapses, his dick slipping out of her quivering vagina.
  306. >Norman rubs himself a few times to stave off the feelings of orgasm and then he moves to lay next to her.
  307. >She turns her body away from him and rubs her legs together, giving a giddy squeal and more shivers.
  308. >"Jeez, you're a pretty good fuck Norman…" she mutters in a slight daze.
  309. >He can only chuckle as he joins her at her side, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her sweaty body next to his.
  310. >They cuddle in the afterglow for a while until Norman breaks the silence.
  311. "So what are we- I mean, what do we call this?"
  312. >She anticipated this might happen, but still wasn’t expecting it.
  313. >Vinyl slouches her shoulders with a sigh and then remains silent for a while.
  314. >Norman caresses her side as he waits for a response, worried that he did say something wrong this time.
  315. >"This was… a girl looking for some dick."
  316. >A slight sting goes through Norman's chest.
  317. >"But that dick belongs to a really cool guy.”
  318. >She doesn’t look at him, but she cuddles up against him encouragingly.
  319. >“What do you want it to be?"
  320. >Norman considers this for a moment, hopeful and wondering what he has to say for things to be right.
  321. "Well, I HOPE to see you again."
  322. >At last she turns back to him and looks over his face for a while.
  323. >Her eyes read a hint of sadness and longing.
  324. >"I'd like that, too, but you can kinda guess that I get around a lot... I mean, not in THAT way, but if you want to be with me you have to understand that I leave town for gigs and I sometimes party when I'm out there. Would you really be okay with having a shitty girlfriend?"
  325. >Norman leans in and kisses her once more, Vinyl reciprocating it with renewed passion.
  326. "How about we just see each other for now, and see where it goes?"
  327. >Vinyl grins, "Play it by ear?"
  328. >He pushes back her messy blue hair and tugs on the lobe of one of her aural receptors.
  329. "Play it by ear."
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