

Jun 17th, 2012
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  1. CaliberChamp: > smogon
  2. %shnen: caliberchamp shut up
  3. %shnen: we've had this discussion before
  4. %shnen: and we basically concluded that you don't have a smogon account
  5. %shnen: and have no good reason to dislike it
  6. CaliberChamp: lolz at shnen
  7. CaliberChamp: remember what I said from before about smogon accepting you?
  8. CaliberChamp: smogon is the only community that accepts you that's why you like it and defend it.
  9. %shnen: so your only reason to dislike it
  10. %shnen: is a stupid insult?
  11. CaliberChamp: well I prefer serebii's website more
  12. %shnen: can you provide genuine reasons
  13. %shnen: for why you dislike smogon
  14. %shnen: if so I will accept your opinion
  15. %shnen: but atm you're just bashing for no reason
  16. CaliberChamp: alot of trolls from 4 chan hang out at smogon
  17. %shnen: lol
  18. %shnen: I hope you're joking
  19. %shnen: smogon discourages 4chan massively
  20. %shnen: and people who use their memes
  21. %shnen: just get shunned
  22. %shnen: and it's frowned upon to do so
  23. CaliberChamp: they try to be the government of pokemon, kind of like the team rocket of the pokemon games. That's what Smogon really is
  24. %shnen: lol
  25. %shnen: I asked for legitimate reasons
  26. +wilde32: They make the most balanced metagame there is, and people shun them for it
  27. %shnen: they don't force their tiers upon people
  28. %shnen: people recognise that they are the best and use them
  29. %shnen: simple as
  30. %shnen: the tiering process
  31. %shnen: isn't the leader of smogon
  32. %shnen: just picking what happens
  33. %shnen: it's the best players all coming togeter and forming a consensus
  34. +Shuckiee: Do yourself a favor and ask where the metagame would be if it wasn't for smogon
  35. CaliberChamp: I already gave my reasons for disliking smogon
  36. %shnen: none of which were legitimate
  37. CaliberChamp: and ninetails, tyranitar, hippo and politoed weather abilities would be banned if they were fair but smogon isn't fair
  38. %shnen: caliberchamp
  39. %shnen: if you think they are broken
  40. CaliberChamp: they want this pokemon game meta game to be all about weather
  41. %shnen: go and become a respected player on smogon
  42. %shnen: do well
  43. %shnen: and try to get them banned
  44. %shnen: logically
  45. %shnen: or alternatively
  46. %shnen: go and make your own tier lists
  47. %shnen: see how successful they do
  48. %shnen: smogon isn't a dictatorship run by people who shape the game the way they want it to be
  49. %shnen: it's the best players conglomerating to attempt to make our game better
  50. %shnen: now pardon me for saying this as I might be wrong
  51. %shnen: but the people who make the tiering decisions
  52. %shnen: are far more knowledgeable abotu this game than you
  53. %shnen: they are some of the best players of the game
  54. %shnen: and that is why they get to make the decisions
  55. CaliberChamp: garchomp wouldn't be as OP without sandstorm though
  56. %shnen: caliberchamp
  57. CaliberChamp: but all sandstorm teams used to use him before the ban
  58. %shnen: go and say why you think sandstorm is so broken
  59. %shnen: argue well and logically
  60. CaliberChamp: yeah I'm aware of chomps perfectly in place stats
  61. CaliberChamp: he has bulk when he shouldn't really have any bulk to him
  62. %shnen: if you'd like to continue this discussion, feel free to pm me
  63. CaliberChamp: why do you care so much about smogon?
  64. %shnen: smogon is a fantastic sight
  65. %shnen: site
  66. %shnen: and you just bashing it repeatedly with no logical reason
  67. %shnen: irritates me
  68. %shnen: that's why
  69. CaliberChamp: it was voted one of the worst message boards on
  70. %shnen: so fucking what
  71. CaliberChamp: though 4chan won
  72. %shnen: if I make a thread on smogon
  73. %shnen: saying that shoryuken sucks
  74. CaliberChamp: smogon was like the 2nd worst lol
  75. %shnen: does that mean that it is automatically a terrible site
  76. %shnen: give me legitimate reasoning for what's bad about it
  77. %shnen: emphasis on legitimate
  78. CaliberChamp: its run by elitists who bend the rules in their favor so their teams do well
  79. %shnen: lol
  80. %shnen: ok so
  81. %shnen: firstly the elitist arguement is completely false
  82. %shnen: and has been for years
  83. %shnen: smogon is accepting to new members
  84. %shnen: as long as they aren't dumb
  85. %shnen: and read the rules
  86. %shnen: and it's easy for them to become integreated and respected members of teh community
  87. %shnen: now about them bending the rules
  88. CaliberChamp: someone got banned from smogon for making fun of a create a pokemon
  89. %shnen: that's a ridicolous point
  90. %shnen: give me the exact case
  91. %shnen: I'm sure they broke the rules
  92. CaliberChamp: it was a mod that created the pokemon and he got pissed and banned him
  93. %shnen: show me
  94. %shnen: the post in question
  95. %shnen: and also
  96. %shnen: if they make an account
  97. CaliberChamp: I guess alot of stuff goes behind your back on smogon
  98. %shnen: solely to bash something which countless people have poured lots of effort and time into
  99. %shnen: then is that the kind of person you want on smogon?
  100. %shnen: lol
  101. %shnen: I know a shitload more about what goes on on smogon than you do
  102. CaliberChamp: I did my research on google about smogon already
  103. %shnen: lol
  104. %shnen: I'm on smogon and i have access to the private forums detailing the inside and outside workings of the forum
  105. %shnen: trust me I know mroe than you do
  106. %shnen: well
  107. %shnen: stuff you read on the internet
  108. CaliberChamp:
  109. %shnen: isn't always true anyway
  110. %shnen: hi
  111. %shnen: can you stop
  112. %shnen: ignoring my points
  113. %shnen: and saying irrelevant things
  114. %shnen: the fact that there are some people who dislike smogon and thus they post those kind of definitions
  115. %shnen: means nothing
  116. %shnen: there are peolpe who disllike every site
  117. CaliberChamp: I'm not saying irrelant things I 'm listening to you
  118. %shnen: and may I add that most of those people don't have legitimate reasoning
  119. %shnen: other than
  120. %shnen: 'lol elitists'
  121. %shnen: 'who gave them the power to rule over pokemon'
  122. %shnen: you have no idea of the hard work that goes into making smogon what it is
  123. %shnen: in addition most of those definitions
  124. %shnen: are made by people who failed to behave properly
  125. %shnen: and read the rules
  126. %shnen: and so the community bans them
  127. %shnen: or infracts them
  128. %shnen: or whatever
  129. %shnen: for legiitmaite reasons
  130. %shnen: and so they get mad
  131. %shnen: that's all there is to it
  132. CaliberChamp: ooo ok well I can't keep up with all theese PM's.
  133. %shnen: it's not that hard to read
  134. CaliberChamp: I'm not going to sign up on that shitty website
  135. %shnen: lol
  136. %shnen: so you have
  137. %shnen: no legitmate reasoning
  138. %shnen: and I have just proven that
  139. %shnen: yet you maintain your views
  140. %shnen: that it is 'shitty'
  141. CaliberChamp: its not just me that hates smogon rules
  142. CaliberChamp: its alot of people
  143. %shnen: go find a rule
  144. %shnen: on smogon
  145. %shnen: that is terirble
  146. %shnen: the smogon rules are entirely reasonable
  147. CaliberChamp: allowing weather abilities to happen
  148. %shnen: tell me what's bad about that
  149. %shnen: prove to me
  150. %shnen: why they're broken
  151. CaliberChamp: cause its infinite rain, hail, sun, sandstorm
  152. %shnen: and?
  153. %shnen: prove to me why it's broken
  154. %shnen: that's like saying
  155. CaliberChamp: I'd be fine if they used rain dance and it lasted for only 5 turns
  156. %shnen: 'sunkern is broken'
  157. %shnen: 'cause it's sunkern'
  158. %shnen: so
  159. %shnen: tell me
  160. %shnen: why it makes the metagame worse
  161. %shnen: and how it's unmanageable
  162. CaliberChamp: cause I cant hit ferrothorn or some other pokemon in rain with fire attacks not doing as much damage
  163. CaliberChamp: it gives the advantage to the whole team
  164. %shnen: hahahaha
  165. %shnen: are you dumb
  166. CaliberChamp: I was fine with the weather moves being in uber
  167. %shnen: 'weather changes some things'
  168. %shnen: 'ban it'
  169. %shnen: please tell me you're trolling
  170. CaliberChamp: please tell me you aren't delusional
  171. CaliberChamp: you're acting like your married to smogon
  172. %shnen: lol ok
  173. %shnen: I have picked apart
  174. %shnen: every single reason of yopurs
  175. %shnen: for disliking smogon
  176. %shnen: so no
  177. %shnen: w
  178. %shnen: you resort to childish ad hominems
  180. CaliberChamp: theres no convincing you. Even when I showed you weblinks for proof...
  181. %shnen: hahahahaha
  182. %shnen: you ahve given me
  183. %shnen: no legitimate reasons
  184. %shnen: why should I be convinced
  185. CaliberChamp: you already climbed up the smogon later if your a mod here
  186. CaliberChamp: so theres not reason for you to be convinced
  187. %shnen: uh
  188. CaliberChamp: if you did think the way I did you wouldn't be a mod at all
  189. %shnen: me being a mod
  190. %shnen: has nothing to do with smogon
  191. %shnen: that's because we don't want retards being mods
  192. CaliberChamp: you sound like an elitist to me by calling me all these names, when I never called you any names
  193. %shnen: jesus
  194. CaliberChamp: thank you for the proof you just proved it that you are an elitists
  195. %shnen: sorry but
  196. %shnen: I've proven all your reasons to dislike smogon
  197. %shnen: wrong
  198. %shnen: yet you still cling to your belief that smogon sucks
  199. %shnen: which is completely unfounded
  200. %shnen: you've just conducted yourself idioticly
  201. %shnen: sorry for snapping at you
  202. %shnen: that was out of line
  203. %shnen: but honestly
  204. %shnen: please at least try to broaden your views
  205. CaliberChamp: all the elitiest make the rules to smogon
  206. %shnen: instead of sticking with ilogical and unfounde thoughts
  207. %shnen: and again
  208. %shnen: with igonring what I'm saying
  209. %shnen: and saying silly things
  210. CaliberChamp: I gave good contributions by suggesting AEO to have a donate option
  211. CaliberChamp: and he appreciated by idea
  212. %shnen: read what I just said
  213. CaliberChamp: but wouldn't make me a mod because all the smogonites have something against me
  214. %shnen: you don't get mods just for suggesting a donate feature
  215. CaliberChamp: that was one of the reasons though
  216. %shnen: to be a mod you need to show
  217. %shnen: intelligence
  218. %shnen: helpfulness
  219. %shnen: activeness
  220. %shnen: and other postive qualities
  221. %shnen: how many of those have you shown
  222. CaliberChamp: there is one quality that is lacking though lol
  223. %shnen: elitism?
  224. CaliberChamp: and that is honesty
  225. CaliberChamp: I say what I believe I don't brown nose people just to get popular enough to become a mod
  226. %shnen: what makes you think I've brown nosed anyone
  227. %shnen: give me proof that I have please
  228. CaliberChamp: I wouldn't know anything about your past
  229. %shnen: so how can you make those kind of comments
  230. %shnen: you can't
  231. %shnen: simple as
  232. CaliberChamp: from other mods on smogon
  233. %shnen: oh
  234. %shnen: so you've spoken to other smogon mods
  235. %shnen: about me
  236. %shnen: and how I brown nose?
  237. %shnen: give me proof
  238. CaliberChamp: no not about you
  239. CaliberChamp: AEO was ready to make me a mod once I donated a certain amount of money to him
  240. %shnen: proof
  241. %shnen: also how is that not brown nosing
  242. %shnen: if you're donating
  243. %shnen: specifcally so that you can get mods
  244. CaliberChamp: I was joking about the donating part I wasn't going to actually donate
  245. %shnen: lol
  247. other funny stuff:
  249. CaliberChamp: wilde, are you 32 years old? Also are you Olivia Wilde by any chance?
  250. %The Immortal: Ya, I am.
  251. %Zacchaeus: bit late
  252. %Zacchaeus: olivia wilde <333 though
  253. %Solace: damn olivia wilde
  254. %Zacchaeus: solace
  255. %Zacchaeus: who is hotter, olivia wilde or diana agron?
  256. CaliberChamp: imagine olivia wilde dressed up as a pokemon trainer
  257. iliketowin: .........
  258. %shnen: x_x
  259. CaliberChamp: she should be in a real life pokemon movie
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