
crash resonant

Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting tracing printstreams for STDOUT/STDERR.
  2. [20:37:00] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
  3. [20:37:00] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_67, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
  4. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java classpath at launch is forge-1.7.10-
  5. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java library path at launch is C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\bin;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Users\Marwan\adb;C:\Users\Marwan\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\adb;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\bin;C:\Users\Marwan\adb;C:\Users\Marwan\AppData\Roaming\npm;.
  6. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enabling runtime deobfuscation
  7. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLCorePlugin
  8. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.AccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
  9. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLCorePlugin
  10. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLForgePlugin
  11. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class net.minecraftforge.transformers.ForgeAccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
  12. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLForgePlugin
  13. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: All fundamental core mods are successfully located
  14. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Attempting to load commandline specified mods, relative to C:\Users\Marwan\Documents\ElecTech ModPack\ELECTECH 1.7\testing\.
  15. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Discovering coremods
  16. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-
  17. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-
  18. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  19. [20:37:00] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
  20. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DepLoader
  21. [20:37:00] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  22. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DepLoader
  23. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy resonant-engine-
  24. [20:37:00] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in resonant-engine-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
  25. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class ResonantPluginLoader
  26. [20:37:00] [main/ERROR] [FML/]: Coremod ResonantPluginLoader: Unable to class load the plugin resonant.core.ResonantPluginLoader
  27. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: resonant.core.ResonantPluginLoader
  28. at$ Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  29. at$ Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  30. at Method) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  31. at Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  32. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( ~[launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
  33. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  34. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  35. at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  36. at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  37. at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager.loadCoreMod( [forge-1.7.10-]
  38. at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager.discoverCoreMods( [forge-1.7.10-]
  39. at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager.handleLaunch( [forge-1.7.10-]
  40. at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLLaunchHandler.setupHome( [forge-1.7.10-]
  41. at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLLaunchHandler.setupServer( [forge-1.7.10-]
  42. at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLLaunchHandler.configureForServerLaunch( [forge-1.7.10-]
  43. at cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker.injectIntoClassLoader( [forge-1.7.10-]
  44. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
  45. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
  46. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  47. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  48. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  49. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  50. at [forge-1.7.10-]
  51. at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main( [forge-1.7.10-]
  52. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy resonant-induction-
  53. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in resonant-induction-
  54. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy universal-electricity-
  55. [20:37:00] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in universal-electricity-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
  56. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class UEPluginLoader
  57. [20:37:00] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod universalelectricity.core.UEPluginLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  58. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod UEPluginLoader
  59. [20:37:00] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  60. [20:37:00] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  61. [20:37:00] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  62. [20:37:00] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  63. [20:37:00] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  64. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FMLCorePlugin {cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLCorePlugin} class transformers
  65. [20:37:00] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.MarkerTransformer
  66. [20:37:00] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer
  67. [20:37:00] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.EventSubscriptionTransformer
  68. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
  69. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FMLCorePlugin {cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLCorePlugin}
  70. [20:37:00] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FMLCorePlugin
  71. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockReed.binpatch
  72. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.Session$Type.binpatch
  73. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  74. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$SoundSystemStarterThread.binpatch
  75. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  76. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty.binpatch
  77. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  78. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemBucketMilk.binpatch
  79. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$SwitchEnumState.binpatch
  80. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWireHook.binpatch
  81. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$PlayerInstance.binpatch
  82. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$8.binpatch
  83. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  84. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings$Options.binpatch
  85. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  86. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  87. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBeacon$BeaconSlot.binpatch
  88. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.EntityList.binpatch
  89. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Field1.binpatch
  90. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$8.binpatch
  91. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  92. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityFurnace.binpatch
  93. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList.binpatch
  94. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$StairsStraight.binpatch
  95. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase.binpatch
  96. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Height.binpatch
  97. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  98. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$SwitchDoor.binpatch
  99. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer$2.binpatch
  100. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.Entity$EnumEntitySize.binpatch
  101. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.binpatch
  102. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockRailBase.binpatch
  103. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockIce.binpatch
  104. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockOre.binpatch
  105. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.model.PositionTextureVertex.binpatch
  106. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings$1.binpatch
  107. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$11.binpatch
  108. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  109. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Village.binpatch
  110. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ChunkProviderClient.binpatch
  111. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  112. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$6.binpatch
  113. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  114. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.particle.EntityDiggingFX.binpatch
  115. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockSnow.binpatch
  116. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  117. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  118. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$12.binpatch
  119. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity.binpatch
  120. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.binpatch
  121. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$11.binpatch
  122. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$6.binpatch
  123. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$SwitchMovingObjectType.binpatch
  124. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2$1.binpatch
  125. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Feature.binpatch
  126. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$1.binpatch
  127. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Serializer.binpatch
  128. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecart.binpatch
  129. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$House2.binpatch
  130. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem$1.binpatch
  131. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom.binpatch
  132. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  133. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$13.binpatch
  134. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$5.binpatch
  135. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  136. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$4.binpatch
  137. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  138. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.binpatch
  139. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui.binpatch
  140. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.Item$ToolMaterial.binpatch
  141. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$6.binpatch
  142. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockLever.binpatch
  143. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockTallGrass.binpatch
  144. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Cross.binpatch
  145. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  146. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition$MovingObjectType.binpatch
  147. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockStem.binpatch
  148. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings$SwitchOptions.binpatch
  149. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition.binpatch
  150. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$7.binpatch
  151. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$PendingChunk.binpatch
  152. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport.binpatch
  153. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  154. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  155. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.effect.EntityLightningBolt.binpatch
  156. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer$1.binpatch
  157. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.Block$2.binpatch
  158. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair$2.binpatch
  159. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.binpatch
  160. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$12.binpatch
  161. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemSkull.binpatch
  162. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonMoving.binpatch
  163. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling.binpatch
  164. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.LoadingScreenRenderer.binpatch
  165. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.SlotCrafting.binpatch
  166. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$3.binpatch
  167. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$MapCoord.binpatch
  168. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Crossing.binpatch
  169. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  170. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Stronghold$Door.binpatch
  171. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  172. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$PieceWeight.binpatch
  173. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$8.binpatch
  174. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  175. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$House4Garden.binpatch
  176. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor.binpatch
  177. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$2.binpatch
  178. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$House3.binpatch
  179. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityOtherPlayerMP.binpatch
  180. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  181. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.village.VillageCollection.binpatch
  182. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandomChestContent.binpatch
  183. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem$4.binpatch
  184. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  185. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$Entry.binpatch
  186. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer.binpatch
  187. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$3.binpatch
  188. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer$3.binpatch
  189. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemSeeds.binpatch
  190. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer$EnumChatVisibility.binpatch
  191. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  192. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  193. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$IModifier.binpatch
  194. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer$1.binpatch
  195. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom.binpatch
  196. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$PortalRoom.binpatch
  197. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  198. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiCreateWorld.binpatch
  199. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$7.binpatch
  200. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemDye.binpatch
  201. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.Entity$2.binpatch
  202. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.ClientBrandRetriever.binpatch
  203. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  204. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$5.binpatch
  205. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  206. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem.binpatch
  207. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Stones.binpatch
  208. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.stats.StatList.binpatch
  209. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch.binpatch
  210. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockFalling.binpatch
  211. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$15.binpatch
  212. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneWire.binpatch
  213. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  214. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.model.TexturedQuad.binpatch
  215. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$LeftTurn.binpatch
  216. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  217. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep.binpatch
  218. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Straight.binpatch
  219. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$4.binpatch
  220. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.Entity.binpatch
  221. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper.binpatch
  222. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  223. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher.binpatch
  224. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$7.binpatch
  225. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  226. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$ChunkBuffer.binpatch
  227. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityHopper.binpatch
  228. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Torch.binpatch
  229. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase.binpatch
  230. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer$3.binpatch
  231. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock.binpatch
  232. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemTool.binpatch
  233. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$JunglePyramid$Stones.binpatch
  234. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  235. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockMobSpawner.binpatch
  236. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockChest.binpatch
  237. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Start.binpatch
  238. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$4.binpatch
  239. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  240. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient$1.binpatch
  241. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderBiped.binpatch
  242. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneComparator.binpatch
  243. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools.binpatch
  244. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$4.binpatch
  245. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBeacon.binpatch
  246. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse$GroupData.binpatch
  247. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$4.binpatch
  248. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  249. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBox.binpatch
  250. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$2.binpatch
  251. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$2.binpatch
  252. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$MinecraftProtocolVersionIdentifier$Serializer.binpatch
  253. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment.binpatch
  254. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockTrapDoor.binpatch
  255. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.binpatch
  256. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair.binpatch
  257. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  258. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom$Item.binpatch
  259. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$14.binpatch
  260. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass.binpatch
  261. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$6.binpatch
  262. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Hall.binpatch
  263. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$2.binpatch
  264. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  265. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.Block.binpatch
  266. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer$1.binpatch
  267. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  268. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$1.binpatch
  269. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Field2.binpatch
  270. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$ModifierLiving.binpatch
  271. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient$4.binpatch
  272. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.shader.Framebuffer.binpatch
  273. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$SwitchEnumConnectionState.binpatch
  274. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$5.binpatch
  275. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockDeadBush.binpatch
  276. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.potion.Potion.binpatch
  277. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  278. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockButton.binpatch
  279. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockFarmland.binpatch
  280. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Stairs.binpatch
  281. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$PlayerCountData.binpatch
  282. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  283. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  284. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSelectWorld$List.binpatch
  285. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockSkull.binpatch
  286. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  287. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$MapInfo.binpatch
  288. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.realms.RealmsConnect.binpatch
  289. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$2.binpatch
  290. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderVillager.binpatch
  291. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer.binpatch
  292. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  293. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  294. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer.binpatch
  295. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap$2.binpatch
  296. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  297. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem$2.binpatch
  298. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Corridor.binpatch
  299. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor.binpatch
  300. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  301. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  302. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$LoginState.binpatch
  303. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockDoublePlant.binpatch
  304. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  305. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment$1.binpatch
  306. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer$EnumStatus.binpatch
  307. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat.binpatch
  308. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Path.binpatch
  309. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$4.binpatch
  310. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.binpatch
  311. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.Entity$SwitchEnumEntitySize.binpatch
  312. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  313. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal.binpatch
  314. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Road.binpatch
  315. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.crafting.FurnaceRecipes.binpatch
  316. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid.binpatch
  317. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$TempCategory.binpatch
  318. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$SpawnListEntry.binpatch
  319. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment.binpatch
  320. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect.binpatch
  321. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$DesertPyramid.binpatch
  322. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.command.CommandHandler.binpatch
  323. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockPane.binpatch
  324. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton.binpatch
  325. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityXPOrb.binpatch
  326. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP.binpatch
  327. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockCactus.binpatch
  328. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator.binpatch
  329. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.realms.RealmsConnect$1.binpatch
  330. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$3.binpatch
  331. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.Vec3.binpatch
  332. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite.binpatch
  333. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  334. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngameMenu.binpatch
  335. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartFurnace.binpatch
  336. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.ServerListEntryNormal$1.binpatch
  337. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Start.binpatch
  338. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  339. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager.binpatch
  340. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemSeedFood.binpatch
  341. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockCocoa.binpatch
  342. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreative$ContainerCreative.binpatch
  343. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$ModifierDamage.binpatch
  344. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer$1.binpatch
  345. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings.binpatch
  346. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  347. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemBow.binpatch
  348. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityDragon.binpatch
  349. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  350. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.binpatch
  351. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$1.binpatch
  352. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Stronghold.binpatch
  353. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemEmptyMap.binpatch
  354. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockMushroom.binpatch
  355. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.RenderItemFrame.binpatch
  356. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  357. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  358. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$9.binpatch
  359. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlot.binpatch
  360. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$RightTurn.binpatch
  361. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.MouseHelper.binpatch
  362. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.binpatch
  363. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$RoomCrossing.binpatch
  364. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal$1.binpatch
  365. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityWither$1.binpatch
  366. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSelectWorld.binpatch
  367. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.Session.binpatch
  368. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer$1.binpatch
  369. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor$1.binpatch
  370. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  371. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  372. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor$ArmorMaterial.binpatch
  373. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.Block$SoundType.binpatch
  374. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$1.binpatch
  375. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$3.binpatch
  376. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  377. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemLilyPad.binpatch
  378. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiChat.binpatch
  379. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Well.binpatch
  380. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  381. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartContainer.binpatch
  382. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.ServerListEntryNormal.binpatch
  383. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse.binpatch
  384. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$1.binpatch
  385. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket.binpatch
  386. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  387. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  388. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBrewingStand.binpatch
  389. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.achievement.GuiAchievements.binpatch
  390. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.binpatch
  391. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Extracted.binpatch
  392. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  393. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.binpatch
  394. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.binpatch
  395. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.binpatch
  396. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockPotato.binpatch
  397. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockFlowerPot.binpatch
  398. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  399. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient$2.binpatch
  400. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.binpatch
  401. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Church.binpatch
  402. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$9.binpatch
  403. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.binpatch
  404. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  405. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe.binpatch
  406. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  407. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  408. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$1.binpatch
  409. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  410. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  411. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse$1.binpatch
  412. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$InboundHandlerTuplePacketListener.binpatch
  413. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$1.binpatch
  414. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer$2.binpatch
  415. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$3.binpatch
  416. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem.binpatch
  417. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  418. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockFire.binpatch
  419. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBeacon.binpatch
  420. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$MinecraftProtocolVersionIdentifier.binpatch
  421. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  422. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  423. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$3.binpatch
  424. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$4.binpatch
  425. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockNetherWart.binpatch
  426. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$BlockSelector.binpatch
  427. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$16.binpatch
  428. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Stairs.binpatch
  429. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$HurtIterator.binpatch
  430. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  431. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$5.binpatch
  432. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$4.binpatch
  433. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBrewingStand.binpatch
  434. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  435. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.resources.LanguageManager.binpatch
  436. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Room.binpatch
  437. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.InventoryEffectRenderer.binpatch
  438. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.Item.binpatch
  439. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityOcelot.binpatch
  440. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  441. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$DamageIterator.binpatch
  442. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  443. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  444. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$ServerBlockEventList.binpatch
  445. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$4.binpatch
  446. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager.binpatch
  447. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$WoodHut.binpatch
  448. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.Block$3.binpatch
  449. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngame.binpatch
  450. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory.binpatch
  451. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockLog.binpatch
  452. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep$1.binpatch
  453. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$3.binpatch
  454. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs.binpatch
  455. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  456. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.binpatch
  457. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper.binpatch
  458. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper.binpatch
  459. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$GroupData.binpatch
  460. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Corridor.binpatch
  461. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings$Options$1.binpatch
  462. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$3.binpatch
  463. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap$1.binpatch
  464. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  465. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  466. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  467. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer$4.binpatch
  468. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  469. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  470. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$10.binpatch
  471. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockLadder.binpatch
  472. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Stairs2.binpatch
  473. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityWither.binpatch
  474. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$10.binpatch
  475. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer$2.binpatch
  476. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneOre.binpatch
  477. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockPumpkin.binpatch
  478. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$5.binpatch
  479. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  480. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.EntityTrackerEntry.binpatch
  481. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker$1.binpatch
  482. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.EntityList$EntityEggInfo.binpatch
  483. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  484. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.SlotFurnace.binpatch
  485. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemShears.binpatch
  486. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$5.binpatch
  487. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$8.binpatch
  488. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMainMenu.binpatch
  489. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$3.binpatch
  490. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  491. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$6.binpatch
  492. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  493. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockRailBase$Rail.binpatch
  494. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap$3.binpatch
  495. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord.binpatch
  496. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemMap.binpatch
  497. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$ChestCorridor.binpatch
  498. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  499. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$JunglePyramid.binpatch
  500. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation.binpatch
  501. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  502. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBrewingStand$Ingredient.binpatch
  503. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$3.binpatch
  504. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  505. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityChestRenderer.binpatch
  506. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  507. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops.binpatch
  508. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.model.ModelRenderer.binpatch
  509. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityEnderPearl.binpatch
  510. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderPlayer.binpatch
  511. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$PlayerCountData$Serializer.binpatch
  512. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockMycelium.binpatch
  513. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  514. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.binpatch
  515. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$9.binpatch
  516. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$SwampHut.binpatch
  517. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  518. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment$2.binpatch
  519. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  520. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockLeaves.binpatch
  521. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$2.binpatch
  522. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityFishHook.binpatch
  523. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  524. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$House1.binpatch
  525. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockNote.binpatch
  526. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  527. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  528. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$1.binpatch
  529. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher$Holder.binpatch
  530. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.Slot.binpatch
  531. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderSnowMan.binpatch
  532. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMultiplayer.binpatch
  533. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.ItemFlintAndSteel.binpatch
  534. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$3.binpatch
  535. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBrewingStand$Potion.binpatch
  536. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$7.binpatch
  537. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreative.binpatch
  538. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem$3.binpatch
  539. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$PieceWeight.binpatch
  540. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  541. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.util.StringTranslate.binpatch
  542. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  543. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher$Slot.binpatch
  544. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  545. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite$1.binpatch
  546. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$2.binpatch
  547. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient$3.binpatch
  548. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer.binpatch
  549. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.boss.IBossDisplayData.binpatch
  550. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.Block$1.binpatch
  551. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  552. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager.binpatch
  553. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemRenderer.binpatch
  554. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Library.binpatch
  555. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2.binpatch
  556. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$2$1.binpatch
  557. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreative$CreativeSlot.binpatch
  558. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RendererLivingEntity.binpatch
  559. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager$1.binpatch
  560. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  561. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.item.crafting.RecipeFireworks.binpatch
  562. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  563. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.binpatch
  564. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap.binpatch
  565. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/
  566. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.entity.Entity$1.binpatch
  567. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$Prison.binpatch
  568. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockBush.binpatch
  569. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.block.BlockVine.binpatch
  570. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/$1.binpatch
  571. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$3.binpatch
  572. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$3.binpatch
  573. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityNote.binpatch
  574. [20:37:01] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Reading patch data from binpatch/server/net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair$1.binpatch
  575. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Read 504 binary patches
  576. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Patch list :
  577. ajz=[ajz : ajz => net.minecraft.block.BlockCocoa (true) size 6796]
  578. akc=[akc : akc => net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneComparator (true) size 7126]
  579. akh=[akh : akh => net.minecraft.block.BlockDeadBush (true) size 1854]
  580. akf=[akf : akf => net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops (true) size 5864]
  581. ajk=[ajk : ajk => net.minecraft.block.Block$2 (true) size 529]
  582. ajl=[ajl : ajl => net.minecraft.block.Block$3 (true) size 583]
  583. bjt=[bjt : bjt =>$2$1 (false) size 4408]
  584. aji=[aji : aji => net.minecraft.block.Block (true) size 53659]
  585. ajj=[ajj : ajj => net.minecraft.block.Block$1 (true) size 591]
  586. bjr=[bjr : bjr =>$1 (false) size 4153]
  587. bjs=[bjs : bjs =>$2 (false) size 1758]
  588. ajm=[ajm : ajm => net.minecraft.block.Block$SoundType (true) size 1033]
  589. bjq=[bjq : bjq => (false) size 4193]
  590. ajs=[ajs : ajs => net.minecraft.block.BlockButton (true) size 8146]
  591. ajt=[ajt : ajt => net.minecraft.block.BlockCactus (true) size 4496]
  592. ajr=[ajr : ajr => net.minecraft.block.BlockBush (true) size 3906]
  593. bjj=[bjj : bjj => net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient$4 (false) size 944]
  594. ajx=[ajx : ajx => net.minecraft.block.BlockChest (true) size 9650]
  595. bjh=[bjh : bjh => net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient$2 (false) size 1042]
  596. bji=[bji : bji => net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient$3 (false) size 832]
  597. bje=[bje : bje => net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP (false) size 10036]
  598. bjd=[bjd : bjd => net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ChunkProviderClient (false) size 4388]
  599. bjg=[bjg : bjg => net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient$1 (false) size 1038]
  600. bjf=[bjf : bjf => net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient (false) size 10023]
  601. bja=[bja : bja =>$1 (false) size 900]
  602. gy=[gy : gy =>$Extracted (true) size 416]
  603. gz=[gz : gz => (true) size 5403]
  604. bjc=[bjc : bjc =>$1 (false) size 1128]
  605. bjb=[bjb : bjb => (false) size 35776]
  606. gx=[gx : gx => (true) size 5336]
  607. bix=[bix : bix => net.minecraft.client.model.ModelRenderer (false) size 5388]
  608. ajf=[ajf : ajf => net.minecraft.block.BlockRailBase$Rail (true) size 5919]
  609. aje=[aje : aje => net.minecraft.block.BlockRailBase (true) size 5007]
  610. biz=[biz : biz => (false) size 5232]
  611. aih=[aih : aih =>$2 (true) size 767]
  612. bis=[bis : bis => net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBox (false) size 2837]
  613. aik=[aik : aik => (true) size 2049]
  614. aip=[aip : aip => (true) size 2640]
  615. gr=[gr : gr => (true) size 1903]
  616. aiv=[aiv : aiv => (true) size 2720]
  617. bii=[bii : bii => net.minecraft.client.model.PositionTextureVertex (false) size 1090]
  618. du=[du : du => net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools (true) size 4873]
  619. ahx=[ahx : ahx =>$SpawnListEntry (true) size 941]
  620. bmh=[bmh : bmh => net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator (false) size 8470]
  621. bmg=[bmg : bmg => net.minecraft.client.shader.Framebuffer (false) size 5140]
  622. ahw=[ahw : ahw =>$TempCategory (true) size 993]
  623. aig=[aig : aig =>$1 (true) size 737]
  624. aif=[aif : aif => (true) size 4456]
  625. aid=[aid : aid => (true) size 2922]
  626. bmb=[bmb : bmb => net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal$1 (false) size 943]
  627. bma=[bma : bma => net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal (false) size 47306]
  628. aib=[aib : aib => (true) size 6422]
  629. aia=[aia : aia => (true) size 9820]
  630. de=[de : de => net.minecraft.util.StringTranslate (true) size 3662]
  631. ahm=[ahm : ahm => (true) size 5774]
  632. blt=[blt : blt => net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer (false) size 35340]
  633. blu=[blu : blu => net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer$1 (false) size 904]
  634. ahl=[ahl : ahl => (true) size 549]
  635. bly=[bly : bly => net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemRenderer (false) size 15681]
  636. blv=[blv : blv => net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer$2 (false) size 1132]
  637. blw=[blw : blw => net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer$3 (false) size 1220]
  638. bll=[bll : bll => net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityOtherPlayerMP (false) size 3867]
  639. ahu=[ahu : ahu => (true) size 16413]
  640. ahv=[ahv : ahv =>$Height (true) size 591]
  641. blm=[blm : blm => net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks (false) size 141580]
  642. blk=[blk : blk => net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP (false) size 12412]
  643. dq=[dq : dq => net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList (true) size 4687]
  644. ahr=[ahr : ahr => (true) size 4815]
  645. aho=[aho : aho => (true) size 7336]
  646. blo=[blo : blo => net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer (false) size 6645]
  647. f=[f : f => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$4 (true) size 900]
  648. g=[g : g => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$5 (true) size 1249]
  649. d=[d : d => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$2 (true) size 892]
  650. bld=[bld : bld => net.minecraft.client.particle.EntityDiggingFX (false) size 3213]
  651. e=[e : e => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$3 (true) size 882]
  652. agw=[agw : agw => (true) size 5911]
  653. b=[b : b => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport (true) size 7016]
  654. c=[c : c => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$1 (true) size 663]
  655. n=[n : n => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$3 (true) size 805]
  656. ahd=[ahd : ahd =>$2 (true) size 1229]
  657. o=[o : o => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$Entry (true) size 1059]
  658. ahc=[ahc : ahc =>$1 (true) size 847]
  659. ahf=[ahf : ahf =>$4 (true) size 750]
  660. l=[l : l => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$1 (true) size 1253]
  661. ahe=[ahe : ahe =>$3 (true) size 872]
  662. m=[m : m => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory$2 (true) size 1141]
  663. j=[j : j => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$8 (true) size 865]
  664. k=[k : k => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory (true) size 5066]
  665. ahb=[ahb : ahb => (true) size 68480]
  666. h=[h : h => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$6 (true) size 1481]
  667. i=[i : i => net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport$7 (true) size 1006]
  668. bkq=[bkq : bkq => net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer$3 (false) size 827]
  669. bkr=[bkr : bkr => net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer$4 (false) size 1167]
  670. el=[el : el =>$2 (false) size 1928]
  671. ek=[ek : ek =>$1 (true) size 1153]
  672. ej=[ej : ej => (true) size 8022]
  673. en=[en : en =>$InboundHandlerTuplePacketListener (true) size 660]
  674. em=[em : em =>$3 (false) size 962]
  675. bkn=[bkn : bkn => net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer (false) size 7012]
  676. z=[z : z => net.minecraft.command.CommandHandler (true) size 5577]
  677. bko=[bko : bko => net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer$1 (false) size 816]
  678. bkp=[bkp : bkp => net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer$2 (false) size 1156]
  679. aoh=[aoh : aoh => net.minecraft.block.BlockVine (true) size 7104]
  680. boc=[boc : boc => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem$4 (false) size 909]
  681. boa=[boa : boa => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem$2 (false) size 909]
  682. bob=[bob : bob => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem$3 (false) size 929]
  683. aog=[aog : aog => net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWireHook (true) size 8107]
  684. aoa=[aoa : aoa => net.minecraft.block.BlockPane (true) size 4521]
  685. boh=[boh : boh => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RendererLivingEntity (false) size 12282]
  686. aoe=[aoe : aoe => net.minecraft.block.BlockTrapDoor (true) size 5364]
  687. aoc=[aoc : aoc => net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch (true) size 5281]
  688. anu=[anu : anu => net.minecraft.block.BlockStem (true) size 7175]
  689. bnn=[bnn : bnn => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager (false) size 9896]
  690. anz=[anz : anz => net.minecraft.block.BlockTallGrass (true) size 5151]
  691. bnz=[bnz : bnz => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem$1 (false) size 926]
  692. ann=[ann : ann => net.minecraft.block.BlockSnow (true) size 4151]
  693. bny=[bny : bny => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem (false) size 14440]
  694. bnx=[bnx : bnx => net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.RenderItemFrame (false) size 7732]
  695. bnw=[bnw : bnw => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderBiped (false) size 10617]
  696. ane=[ane : ane => net.minecraft.block.BlockReed (true) size 3891]
  697. anj=[anj : anj => net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling (true) size 5221]
  698. anl=[anl : anl => net.minecraft.block.BlockSkull (true) size 7802]
  699. ana=[ana : ana => net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneWire (true) size 9666]
  700. amw=[amw : amw => net.minecraft.block.BlockPumpkin (true) size 3909]
  701. bmm=[bmm : bmm => net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityChestRenderer (false) size 3742]
  702. amz=[amz : amz => net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneOre (true) size 4176]
  703. amn=[amn : amn => net.minecraft.block.BlockOre (true) size 2119]
  704. amr=[amr : amr => net.minecraft.block.BlockPotato (true) size 2288]
  705. amj=[amj : amj => net.minecraft.block.BlockNote (true) size 3389]
  706. bqa=[bqa : bqa => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap$1 (false) size 831]
  707. bqb=[bqb : bqb => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap$2 (false) size 1043]
  708. bqe=[bqe : bqe => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite$1 (false) size 1430]
  709. amf=[amf : amf => net.minecraft.block.BlockNetherWart (true) size 3607]
  710. amd=[amd : amd => net.minecraft.block.BlockMycelium (true) size 3096]
  711. bqc=[bqc : bqc => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap$3 (false) size 1031]
  712. bqd=[bqd : bqd => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite (false) size 9200]
  713. amc=[amc : amc => net.minecraft.block.BlockMushroom (true) size 3279]
  714. ama=[ama : ama => net.minecraft.block.BlockMobSpawner (true) size 1709]
  715. alx=[alx : alx => net.minecraft.block.BlockLog (true) size 2329]
  716. alw=[alw : alw => net.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid (true) size 10077]
  717. alv=[alv : alv => net.minecraft.block.BlockLever (true) size 6519]
  718. alt=[alt : alt => net.minecraft.block.BlockLeaves (true) size 7818]
  719. als=[als : als => net.minecraft.block.BlockLadder (true) size 3449]
  720. bpx=[bpx : bpx => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher$Slot (false) size 2965]
  721. bpw=[bpw : bpw => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher$Holder (false) size 2453]
  722. alp=[alp : alp => net.minecraft.block.BlockIce (true) size 3336]
  723. bpv=[bpv : bpv => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher (false) size 5034]
  724. bpz=[bpz : bpz => net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap (false) size 11160]
  725. alh=[alh : alh => net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass (true) size 4866]
  726. bpa=[bpa : bpa => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderVillager (false) size 3249]
  727. ald=[ald : ald => net.minecraft.block.BlockFlowerPot (true) size 6070]
  728. alb=[alb : alb => net.minecraft.block.BlockFire (true) size 12464]
  729. bop=[bop : bop => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderPlayer (false) size 14154]
  730. aky=[aky : aky => net.minecraft.block.BlockFarmland (true) size 4275]
  731. akx=[akx : akx => net.minecraft.block.BlockFalling (true) size 2747]
  732. ako=[ako : ako => net.minecraft.block.BlockDoublePlant (true) size 8796]
  733. bou=[bou : bou => net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderSnowMan (false) size 2860]
  734. akn=[akn : akn => net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor (true) size 7819]
  735. bbl=[bbl : bbl => net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings$SwitchOptions (false) size 1948]
  736. bbm=[bbm : bbm => net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings$Options (false) size 8071]
  737. abb=[abb : abb => net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor (true) size 4419]
  738. bbn=[bbn : bbn => net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings$Options$1 (false) size 756]
  739. abc=[abc : abc => net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor$1 (true) size 1608]
  740. bbo=[bbo : bbo => net.minecraft.client.LoadingScreenRenderer (false) size 3977]
  741. abd=[abd : abd => net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor$ArmorMaterial (true) size 1949]
  742. np=[np : np =>$LoginState (true) size 1054]
  743. no=[no : no =>$1 (true) size 2150]
  744. bbj=[bbj : bbj => net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings (false) size 25277]
  745. nn=[nn : nn => (true) size 5191]
  746. abh=[abh : abh => net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock (true) size 4149]
  747. bbk=[bbk : bbk => net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings$1 (false) size 808]
  748. net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer=[net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer : net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer => net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer (true) size 28825]
  749. bbd=[bbd : bbd => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$7 (false) size 1008]
  750. bbe=[bbe : bbe => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$8 (false) size 764]
  751. bbf=[bbf : bbf => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$9 (false) size 1356]
  752. bbg=[bbg : bbg => net.minecraft.util.MouseHelper (false) size 1218]
  753. abm=[abm : abm => net.minecraft.item.ItemBow (true) size 4144]
  754. bba=[bba : bba => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$4 (false) size 855]
  755. bbb=[bbb : bbb => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$5 (false) size 783]
  756. abo=[abo : abo => net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket (true) size 3934]
  757. bbc=[bbc : bbc => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$6 (false) size 783]
  758. abt=[abt : abt => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs (true) size 6056]
  759. abv=[abv : abv => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$10 (true) size 647]
  760. abu=[abu : abu => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$1 (true) size 646]
  761. abx=[abx : abx => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$12 (true) size 688]
  762. abw=[abw : abw => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$11 (true) size 646]
  763. abz=[abz : abz => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$3 (true) size 775]
  764. aby=[aby : aby => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$2 (true) size 687]
  765. bbt=[bbt : bbt => net.minecraft.util.Session$Type (false) size 1871]
  766. bbv=[bbv : bbv => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngame (false) size 21385]
  767. oi=[oi : oi => (true) size 23504]
  768. aca=[aca : aca => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$4 (true) size 647]
  769. bbs=[bbs : bbs => net.minecraft.util.Session (false) size 2724]
  770. aab=[aab : aab => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBrewingStand$Potion (true) size 1212]
  771. aaa=[aaa : aaa => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBrewingStand$Ingredient (true) size 827]
  772. aag=[aag : aag => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment (true) size 5230]
  773. aak=[aak : aak => net.minecraft.inventory.SlotFurnace (true) size 2251]
  774. aah=[aah : aah => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment$1 (true) size 670]
  775. aai=[aai : aai => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment$2 (true) size 648]
  776. aaq=[aaq : aaq => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer$1 (true) size 1153]
  777. aap=[aap : aap => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer (true) size 3015]
  778. baz=[baz : baz => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$3 (false) size 855]
  779. bay=[bay : bay => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$2 (false) size 1171]
  780. bax=[bax : bax => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$SwitchMovingObjectType (false) size 964]
  781. baw=[baw : baw => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$16 (false) size 729]
  782. bav=[bav : bav => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$15 (false) size 1031]
  783. bau=[bau : bau => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$14 (false) size 1184]
  784. aay=[aay : aay => net.minecraft.inventory.Slot (true) size 3027]
  785. bat=[bat : bat => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$13 (false) size 894]
  786. bas=[bas : bas => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$12 (false) size 839]
  787. aax=[aax : aax => net.minecraft.inventory.SlotCrafting (true) size 3286]
  788. bar=[bar : bar => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$11 (false) size 836]
  789. baq=[baq : baq => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$10 (false) size 769]
  790. bap=[bap : bap => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft$1 (false) size 816]
  791. bao=[bao : bao => net.minecraft.client.Minecraft (false) size 58334]
  792. lm=[lm : lm => net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$6 (true) size 647]
  793. ll=[ll : ll => net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$5 (true) size 994]
  794. bdp=[bdp : bdp => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngameMenu (false) size 3115]
  795. lw=[lw : lw => net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$3 (true) size 986]
  796. bdb=[bdb : bdb => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiCreateWorld (false) size 9987]
  797. lv=[lv : lv => net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$2 (true) size 1150]
  798. lu=[lu : lu => net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$1 (true) size 778]
  799. lt=[lt : lt => net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer (true) size 11596]
  800. lz=[lz : lz => net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$1 (true) size 954]
  801. ly=[ly : ly => net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui (true) size 4805]
  802. lx=[lx : lx => net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$4 (true) size 712]
  803. mc=[mc : mc => net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$4 (true) size 873]
  804. md=[md : md => net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$5 (true) size 669]
  805. ma=[ma : ma => net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$2 (true) size 1025]
  806. mb=[mb : mb => net.minecraft.server.gui.MinecraftServerGui$3 (true) size 612]
  807. bdw=[bdw : bdw => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen (false) size 10542]
  808. bdy=[bdy : bdy => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSelectWorld$List (false) size 3457]
  809. bdx=[bdx : bdx => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSelectWorld (false) size 7284]
  810. mn=[mn : mn => net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker (true) size 6124]
  811. mm=[mm : mm => (true) size 912]
  812. mo=[mo : mo => net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker$1 (true) size 997]
  813. mr=[mr : mr =>$PlayerInstance (true) size 5900]
  814. mq=[mq : mq => (true) size 7213]
  815. bcm=[bcm : bcm => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlot (false) size 8630]
  816. mt=[mt : mt => (true) size 21918]
  817. ms=[ms : ms => (true) size 8965]
  818. bcc=[bcc : bcc => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat (false) size 8850]
  819. mv=[mv : mv =>$ServerBlockEventList (true) size 490]
  820. mx=[mx : mx => (true) size 8834]
  821. mw=[mw : mw => net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP (true) size 22996]
  822. bcb=[bcb : bcb => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton (false) size 3425]
  823. my=[my : my => net.minecraft.entity.EntityTrackerEntry (true) size 11574]
  824. nc=[nc : nc => (true) size 4362]
  825. nd=[nd : nd =>$1 (true) size 1938]
  826. ne=[ne : ne =>$2 (false) size 1297]
  827. nf=[nf : nf =>$3 (true) size 763]
  828. bct=[bct : bct => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiChat (false) size 11549]
  829. ng=[ng : ng =>$4 (true) size 748]
  830. nh=[nh : nh => (true) size 23822]
  831. ni=[ni : ni =>$1 (true) size 735]
  832. nj=[nj : nj =>$2 (true) size 843]
  833. nk=[nk : nk =>$SwitchEnumState (true) size 846]
  834. nl=[nl : nl => (true) size 2150]
  835. nm=[nm : nm =>$SwitchEnumConnectionState (true) size 764]
  836. aft=[aft : aft => net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment (true) size 4972]
  837. aff=[aff : aff => net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager$1 (true) size 872]
  838. afe=[afe : afe => net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager (true) size 13656]
  839. bfm=[bfm : bfm => net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreative$ContainerCreative (false) size 2532]
  840. bfl=[bfl : bfl => net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreative (false) size 16464]
  841. bfo=[bfo : bfo => net.minecraft.client.renderer.InventoryEffectRenderer (false) size 3035]
  842. bfn=[bfn : bfn => net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreative$CreativeSlot (false) size 1846]
  843. bfz=[bfz : bfz => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMultiplayer (false) size 8799]
  844. kg=[kg : kg =>$MinecraftProtocolVersionIdentifier$Serializer (true) size 1645]
  845. aga=[aga : aga => net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$ModifierLiving (true) size 772]
  846. agb=[agb : agb => net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$ModifierDamage (true) size 768]
  847. kf=[kf : kf =>$MinecraftProtocolVersionIdentifier (true) size 695]
  848. ke=[ke : ke =>$Serializer (true) size 2478]
  849. kd=[kd : kd =>$PlayerCountData$Serializer (true) size 2927]
  850. kc=[kc : kc =>$PlayerCountData (true) size 856]
  851. kb=[kb : kb => (true) size 1255]
  852. afv=[afv : afv => net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper (true) size 8833]
  853. bgc=[bgc : bgc => net.minecraft.client.gui.ServerListEntryNormal (false) size 7879]
  854. bgd=[bgd : bgd => net.minecraft.client.gui.ServerListEntryNormal$1 (false) size 1398]
  855. afx=[afx : afx => net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$DamageIterator (true) size 788]
  856. afy=[afy : afy => net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$HurtIterator (true) size 786]
  857. afz=[afz : afz => net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper$IModifier (true) size 162]
  858. bei=[bei : bei => net.minecraft.client.gui.achievement.GuiAchievements (false) size 12273]
  859. bee=[bee : bee => net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMainMenu (false) size 14396]
  860. aej=[aej : aej => net.minecraft.item.ItemLilyPad (true) size 2447]
  861. li=[li : li => net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2 (true) size 702]
  862. net.minecraft.realms.RealmsConnect=[net/minecraft/realms/RealmsConnect : net.minecraft.realms.RealmsConnect => net.minecraft.realms.RealmsConnect (false) size 2254]
  863. lh=[lh : lh => net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$1 (true) size 1423]
  864. lk=[lk : lk => net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$4 (true) size 1151]
  865. bex=[bex : bex => net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer (false) size 12542]
  866. lj=[lj : lj => net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$3 (true) size 908]
  867. afa=[afa : afa => net.minecraft.item.crafting.FurnaceRecipes (true) size 3864]
  868. aey=[aey : aey => net.minecraft.item.crafting.RecipeFireworks (true) size 3781]
  869. adr=[adr : adr => net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord (true) size 2702]
  870. adh=[adh : adh => net.minecraft.item.ItemMap (true) size 6212]
  871. adi=[adi : adi => net.minecraft.item.ItemBucketMilk (true) size 1294]
  872. add=[add : add => net.minecraft.item.ItemStack (true) size 16663]
  873. bhr=[bhr : bhr => net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase (false) size 2037]
  874. adc=[adc : adc => net.minecraft.item.Item$ToolMaterial (true) size 2160]
  875. bhv=[bhv : bhv => net.minecraft.client.model.TexturedQuad (false) size 1857]
  876. aeb=[aeb : aeb => net.minecraft.item.ItemSkull (true) size 4172]
  877. adw=[adw : adw => net.minecraft.item.ItemSeeds (true) size 2094]
  878. adx=[adx : adx => net.minecraft.item.ItemShears (true) size 3608]
  879. adv=[adv : adv => net.minecraft.item.ItemSeedFood (true) size 1975]
  880. acl=[acl : acl => net.minecraft.item.ItemEmptyMap (true) size 1542]
  881. acj=[acj : acj => net.minecraft.item.ItemDye (true) size 6399]
  882. acg=[acg : acg => net.minecraft.item.ItemTool (true) size 3554]
  883. acf=[acf : acf => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$9 (true) size 646]
  884. ace=[ace : ace => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$8 (true) size 642]
  885. acd=[acd : acd => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$7 (true) size 647]
  886. acc=[acc : acc => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$6 (true) size 647]
  887. acb=[acb : acb => net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs$5 (true) size 687]
  888. ada=[ada : ada => net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe (true) size 2606]
  889. adb=[adb : adb => net.minecraft.item.Item (true) size 35865]
  890. acw=[acw : acw => net.minecraft.item.ItemFlintAndSteel (true) size 1267]
  891. xk=[xk : xk => net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem (true) size 9030]
  892. xh=[xh : xh => net.minecraft.entity.effect.EntityLightningBolt (true) size 2928]
  893. xl=[xl : xl => net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecart (true) size 20953]
  894. xr=[xr : xr => net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper (true) size 3554]
  895. azv=[azv : azv => net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition$MovingObjectType (true) size 965]
  896. xs=[xs : xs => net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty (true) size 1271]
  897. azu=[azu : azu => net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition (true) size 2007]
  898. xp=[xp : xp => net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartContainer (true) size 5379]
  899. azw=[azw : azw => net.minecraft.util.Vec3 (true) size 4117]
  900. xq=[xq : xq => net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartFurnace (true) size 4218]
  901. ww=[ww : ww => net.minecraft.entity.boss.IBossDisplayData (false) size 160]
  902. ayx=[ayx : ayx =>$5 (true) size 874]
  903. ayy=[ayy : ayy =>$6 (true) size 773]
  904. ayz=[ayz : ayz =>$7 (true) size 1064]
  905. xc=[xc : xc => net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityWither (true) size 11740]
  906. xa=[xa : xa => net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityDragon (true) size 12824]
  907. aza=[aza : aza =>$8 (true) size 990]
  908. azb=[azb : azb =>$9 (true) size 1037]
  909. xe=[xe : xe => net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityFishHook (true) size 12520]
  910. xd=[xd : xd => net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityWither$1 (true) size 621]
  911. wi=[wi : wi => net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse (true) size 27484]
  912. wj=[wj : wj => net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse$1 (true) size 564]
  913. wk=[wk : wk => net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse$GroupData (true) size 499]
  914. wm=[wm : wm => net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom (true) size 2628]
  915. wn=[wn : wn => net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityOcelot (true) size 6683]
  916. wp=[wp : wp => net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep (true) size 7559]
  917. wq=[wq : wq => net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep$1 (true) size 522]
  918. wc=[wc : wc => net.minecraft.village.VillageCollection (true) size 6005]
  919. axn=[axn : axn => (true) size 6173]
  920. axp=[axp : axp =>$2 (true) size 793]
  921. axo=[axo : axo =>$1 (true) size 793]
  922. axf=[axf : axf => (true) size 4004]
  923. ayk=[ayk : ayk =>$MapCoord (true) size 636]
  924. ayj=[ayj : ayj =>$MapInfo (true) size 2176]
  925. ayi=[ayi : ayi => (true) size 5796]
  926. aym=[aym : aym => (true) size 1278]
  927. ays=[ays : ays => (true) size 9685]
  928. uq=[uq : uq => (true) size 3234]
  929. ayq=[ayq : ayq => (true) size 6295]
  930. ayw=[ayw : ayw =>$4 (true) size 786]
  931. ayv=[ayv : ayv =>$3 (true) size 716]
  932. ayu=[ayu : ayu =>$2 (true) size 1000]
  933. ayt=[ayt : ayt =>$1 (true) size 741]
  934. sv=[sv : sv => net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase (true) size 34008]
  935. sw=[sw : sw => net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving (true) size 19572]
  936. net.minecraft.client.ClientBrandRetriever=[net/minecraft/client/ClientBrandRetriever : net.minecraft.client.ClientBrandRetriever => net.minecraft.client.ClientBrandRetriever (false) size 766]
  937. sq=[sq : sq => net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityXPOrb (true) size 5304]
  938. sd=[sd : sd => net.minecraft.entity.Entity$SwitchEnumEntitySize (true) size 1029]
  939. sc=[sc : sc => net.minecraft.entity.Entity$2 (true) size 701]
  940. se=[se : se => net.minecraft.entity.Entity$EnumEntitySize (true) size 1815]
  941. sh=[sh : sh => net.minecraft.entity.EntityList$EntityEggInfo (true) size 667]
  942. sg=[sg : sg => net.minecraft.entity.EntityList (true) size 6696]
  943. sa=[sa : sa => net.minecraft.entity.Entity (true) size 38778]
  944. sb=[sb : sb => net.minecraft.entity.Entity$1 (true) size 891]
  945. rv=[rv : rv => net.minecraft.potion.Potion (true) size 8241]
  946. rw=[rw : rw => net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect (true) size 5319]
  947. qw=[qw : qw => net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom$Item (true) size 430]
  948. qx=[qx : qx => net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandomChestContent (true) size 2614]
  949. qv=[qv : qv => net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom (true) size 2242]
  950. pp=[pp : pp => net.minecraft.stats.StatList (true) size 6931]
  951. aqv=[aqv : aqv => (true) size 14197]
  952. aqw=[aqw : aqw => (true) size 6077]
  953. bqx=[bqx : bqx => net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation (false) size 1832]
  954. aqs=[aqs : aqs => (true) size 5554]
  955. aqz=[aqz : aqz => (true) size 13019]
  956. arg=[arg : arg => (true) size 1722]
  957. are=[are : are => (true) size 2542]
  958. ard=[ard : ard => (true) size 7665]
  959. arc=[arc : arc => (true) size 1303]
  960. ara=[ara : ara => (true) size 9292]
  961. arp=[arp : arp => (true) size 1775]
  962. ark=[ark : ark => (true) size 1169]
  963. aru=[aru : aru => (true) size 2710]
  964. brr=[brr : brr => net.minecraft.client.resources.LanguageManager (false) size 4082]
  965. asa=[asa : asa => (true) size 3331]
  966. arz=[arz : arz => (true) size 2799]
  967. asf=[asf : asf => (true) size 2653]
  968. asi=[asi : asi => (true) size 4000]
  969. asb=[asb : asb => (true) size 3835]
  970. ase=[ase : ase => (true) size 2650]
  971. asd=[asd : asd => (true) size 3449]
  972. aso=[aso : aso => (true) size 3509]
  973. asn=[asn : asn => (true) size 2697]
  974. asq=[asq : asq => (true) size 4408]
  975. asp=[asp : asp => (true) size 1228]
  976. ask=[ask : ask => (true) size 3452]
  977. aoq=[aoq : aoq => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBeacon (true) size 6437]
  978. aot=[aot : aot => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$2 (true) size 1368]
  979. aou=[aou : aou => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$3 (true) size 1335]
  980. aor=[aor : aor => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity (true) size 7129]
  981. bsy=[bsy : bsy => net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer$1 (false) size 787]
  982. bsz=[bsz : bsz => net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer$2 (false) size 1515]
  983. aos=[aos : aos => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity$1 (true) size 973]
  984. bsx=[bsx : bsx => net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer (false) size 7950]
  985. aov=[aov : aov => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBrewingStand (true) size 6446]
  986. btn=[btn : btn =>$SoundSystemStarterThread (false) size 1551]
  987. btm=[btm : btm =>$2$1 (false) size 989]
  988. btl=[btl : btl =>$2 (false) size 729]
  989. btk=[btk : btk =>$1 (false) size 1242]
  990. btj=[btj : btj => (false) size 12852]
  991. api=[api : api => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityHopper (true) size 10216]
  992. apg=[apg : apg => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityFurnace (true) size 6657]
  993. apl=[apl : apl => net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityNote (true) size 1549]
  994. app=[app : app => net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase (true) size 10525]
  995. apr=[apr : apr => net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonMoving (true) size 5944]
  996. apx=[apx : apx => (true) size 23994]
  997. apy=[apy : apy =>$1 (true) size 858]
  998. aqi=[aqi : aqi =>$ChunkBuffer (true) size 761]
  999. aqh=[aqh : aqh => (true) size 5619]
  1000. aqk=[aqk : aqk => (true) size 11973]
  1001. aql=[aql : aql =>$PendingChunk (true) size 506]
  1002. aqo=[aqo : aqo => (true) size 10447]
  1003. avd=[avd : avd =>$Stronghold$Door (true) size 1040]
  1004. buu=[buu : buu => net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper (false) size 14498]
  1005. avc=[avc : avc =>$Stronghold (true) size 3972]
  1006. avb=[avb : avb =>$StairsStraight (true) size 2131]
  1007. ava=[ava : ava =>$Straight (true) size 2707]
  1008. bus=[bus : bus => net.minecraft.realms.RealmsConnect$1 (false) size 3707]
  1009. auz=[auz : auz =>$Stairs2 (true) size 939]
  1010. auy=[auy : auy =>$Stairs (true) size 3004]
  1011. auw=[auw : auw =>$Stones (true) size 1095]
  1012. auv=[auv : auv =>$RoomCrossing (true) size 4210]
  1013. auu=[auu : auu =>$RightTurn (true) size 1368]
  1014. aut=[aut : aut =>$Prison (true) size 2218]
  1015. avs=[avs : avs =>$Field2 (true) size 2864]
  1016. avt=[avt : avt =>$Torch (true) size 1703]
  1017. avq=[avq : avq =>$House1 (true) size 3391]
  1018. avr=[avr : avr =>$Field1 (true) size 3239]
  1019. avp=[avp : avp => (true) size 6098]
  1020. avm=[avm : avm => (true) size 4285]
  1021. avk=[avk : avk => (true) size 12649]
  1022. avl=[avl : avl =>$BlockSelector (true) size 616]
  1023. avg=[avg : avg =>$2 (true) size 835]
  1024. avh=[avh : avh =>$3 (true) size 818]
  1025. ave=[ave : ave => (true) size 6165]
  1026. avf=[avf : avf =>$1 (true) size 901]
  1027. awc=[awc : awc =>$House3 (true) size 3728]
  1028. awb=[awb : awb =>$Path (true) size 3249]
  1029. awe=[awe : awe =>$Road (true) size 548]
  1030. awd=[awd : awd =>$Village (true) size 6325]
  1031. awa=[awa : awa =>$Start (true) size 1331]
  1032. avz=[avz : avz =>$House2 (true) size 4353]
  1033. avy=[avy : avy =>$Church (true) size 3187]
  1034. zz=[zz : zz => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBrewingStand (true) size 2699]
  1035. avv=[avv : avv =>$Hall (true) size 3365]
  1036. avu=[avu : avu =>$PieceWeight (true) size 858]
  1037. avx=[avx : avx =>$WoodHut (true) size 3230]
  1038. avw=[avw : avw =>$House4Garden (true) size 3365]
  1039. awf=[awf : awf =>$Well (true) size 2207]
  1040. asz=[asz : asz =>$Cross (true) size 4066]
  1041. zb=[zb : zb => net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer$EnumChatVisibility (true) size 1669]
  1042. atb=[atb : atb =>$Stairs (true) size 2279]
  1043. ata=[ata : ata =>$Room (true) size 3691]
  1044. za=[za : za => net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer$EnumStatus (true) size 1112]
  1045. yy=[yy : yy => net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer$1 (true) size 762]
  1046. asy=[asy : asy =>$Corridor (true) size 6515]
  1047. asx=[asx : asx => (true) size 2740]
  1048. yz=[yz : yz => net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer (true) size 41400]
  1049. zw=[zw : zw => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair$2 (true) size 2335]
  1050. zv=[zv : zv => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair$1 (true) size 625]
  1051. zy=[zy : zy => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBeacon$BeaconSlot (true) size 833]
  1052. zx=[zx : zx => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBeacon (true) size 2612]
  1053. zu=[zu : zu => net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair (true) size 7848]
  1054. zm=[zm : zm => net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityEnderPearl (true) size 2393]
  1055. yf=[yf : yf => (true) size 2950]
  1056. ya=[ya : ya => (true) size 10482]
  1057. auc=[auc : auc =>$JunglePyramid (true) size 5996]
  1058. aub=[aub : aub =>$DesertPyramid (true) size 6165]
  1059. atz=[atz : atz => (true) size 623]
  1060. aul=[aul : aul =>$SwitchDoor (true) size 927]
  1061. yx=[yx : yx => net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer (true) size 10070]
  1062. aum=[aum : aum =>$ChestCorridor (true) size 3460]
  1063. aun=[aun : aun =>$Corridor (true) size 2383]
  1064. yv=[yv : yv => net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager (true) size 16432]
  1065. auo=[auo : auo =>$Crossing (true) size 3378]
  1066. aup=[aup : aup =>$LeftTurn (true) size 1985]
  1067. auq=[auq : auq =>$Library (true) size 4489]
  1068. ys=[ys : ys =>$GroupData (true) size 741]
  1069. aur=[aur : aur =>$PieceWeight (true) size 861]
  1070. aus=[aus : aus =>$PortalRoom (true) size 4724]
  1071. yq=[yq : yq => (true) size 14073]
  1072. aud=[aud : aud =>$JunglePyramid$Stones (true) size 971]
  1073. aue=[aue : aue =>$Feature (true) size 2005]
  1074. auf=[auf : auf =>$SwampHut (true) size 2619]
  1075. aug=[aug : aug => (true) size 4138]
  1076. ym=[ym : ym => (true) size 6142]
  1077. auh=[auh : auh =>$Start (true) size 1268]
  1078. aui=[aui : aui => (true) size 4997]
  1079. auj=[auj : auj =>$1 (true) size 633]
  1080. auk=[auk : auk =>$2 (true) size 633]
  1081. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahu (input size 11644), found 1 patch
  1082. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahu (new size 17197)
  1083. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbj (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1084. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbj (new size 25268)
  1085. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xp (input size 3883), found 1 patch
  1086. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xp (new size 5527)
  1087. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ng (input size 483), found 1 patch
  1088. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ng (new size 848)
  1089. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aqz (input size 8361), found 1 patch
  1090. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aqz (new size 13546)
  1091. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbm (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1092. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbm (new size 8062)
  1093. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class btm (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1094. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for btm (new size 980)
  1095. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class yz (input size 25989), found 1 patch
  1096. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for yz (new size 42489)
  1097. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahr (input size 1441), found 1 patch
  1098. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahr (new size 4886)
  1099. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbg (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1100. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbg (new size 1209)
  1101. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class buu (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1102. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for buu (new size 14489)
  1103. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class btj (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1104. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for btj (new size 12843)
  1105. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class blt (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1106. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for blt (new size 35328)
  1107. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class boc (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1108. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for boc (new size 900)
  1109. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xl (input size 13581), found 1 patch
  1110. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xl (new size 21814)
  1111. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bdw (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1112. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bdw (new size 10533)
  1113. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class wc (input size 4587), found 1 patch
  1114. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for wc (new size 6240)
  1115. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bba (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1116. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bba (new size 846)
  1117. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xk (input size 6379), found 1 patch
  1118. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xk (new size 9471)
  1119. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class oi (input size 19466), found 1 patch
  1120. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for oi (new size 25690)
  1121. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayk (input size 353), found 1 patch
  1122. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayk (new size 650)
  1123. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avw (input size 2759), found 1 patch
  1124. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avw (new size 3573)
  1125. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bex (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1126. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bex (new size 12533)
  1127. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sa (input size 25748), found 1 patch
  1128. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sa (new size 40658)
  1129. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class anz (input size 1828), found 1 patch
  1130. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for anz (new size 5274)
  1131. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class blk (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1132. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for blk (new size 12403)
  1133. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class pp (input size 6565), found 1 patch
  1134. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for pp (new size 7355)
  1135. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahm (input size 1604), found 1 patch
  1136. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahm (new size 5912)
  1137. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bma (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1138. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bma (new size 47294)
  1139. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mt (input size 16194), found 1 patch
  1140. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mt (new size 23237)
  1141. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aui (input size 4200), found 1 patch
  1142. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aui (new size 5851)
  1143. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xe (input size 9989), found 1 patch
  1144. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xe (new size 12768)
  1145. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aax (input size 2017), found 1 patch
  1146. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aax (new size 3289)
  1147. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class my (input size 9586), found 1 patch
  1148. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for my (new size 11983)
  1149. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class zu (input size 6752), found 1 patch
  1150. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for zu (new size 8298)
  1151. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bis (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1152. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bis (new size 2828)
  1153. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mx (input size 4482), found 1 patch
  1154. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mx (new size 8894)
  1155. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class asy (input size 5464), found 1 patch
  1156. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for asy (new size 6924)
  1157. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bau (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1158. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bau (new size 1175)
  1159. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mw (input size 18421), found 1 patch
  1160. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mw (new size 24371)
  1161. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aft (input size 3320), found 1 patch
  1162. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aft (new size 5399)
  1163. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class rv (input size 6599), found 1 patch
  1164. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for rv (new size 8839)
  1165. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ajs (input size 4964), found 1 patch
  1166. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ajs (new size 8362)
  1167. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sv (input size 25730), found 1 patch
  1168. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sv (new size 34988)
  1169. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bao (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1170. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bao (new size 58322)
  1171. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bqd (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1172. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bqd (new size 9191)
  1173. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahb (input size 40925), found 1 patch
  1174. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahb (new size 71404)
  1175. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class azb (input size 857), found 1 patch
  1176. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for azb (new size 1202)
  1177. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bmh (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1178. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bmh (new size 8461)
  1179. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class adc (input size 1638), found 1 patch
  1180. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for adc (new size 2286)
  1181. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aov (input size 4779), found 1 patch
  1182. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aov (new size 6727)
  1183. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bdb (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1184. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bdb (new size 9978)
  1185. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbv (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1186. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbv (new size 21376)
  1187. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class abt (input size 1929), found 1 patch
  1188. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for abt (new size 6178)
  1189. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbs (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1190. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbs (new size 2715)
  1191. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class de (input size 3100), found 1 patch
  1192. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for de (new size 4689)
  1193. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class em (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1194. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for em (new size 953)
  1195. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aia (input size 5830), found 1 patch
  1196. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aia (new size 10127)
  1197. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aji (input size 27040), found 1 patch
  1198. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aji (new size 54838)
  1199. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class apx (input size 16505), found 1 patch
  1200. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for apx (new size 25201)
  1201. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ara (input size 5532), found 1 patch
  1202. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ara (new size 9694)
  1203. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ej (input size 7860), found 1 patch
  1204. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ej (new size 10482)
  1205. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class awd (input size 3400), found 1 patch
  1206. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for awd (new size 6640)
  1207. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class gz (input size 3805), found 1 patch
  1208. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for gz (new size 5828)
  1209. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bpx (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1210. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bpx (new size 2956)
  1211. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbo (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1212. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbo (new size 3968)
  1213. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aab (input size 716), found 1 patch
  1214. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aab (new size 1203)
  1215. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bly (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1216. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bly (new size 15672)
  1217. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class awa (input size 874), found 1 patch
  1218. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for awa (new size 1452)
  1219. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bkn (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1220. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bkn (new size 7003)
  1221. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xq (input size 3101), found 1 patch
  1222. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xq (new size 4337)
  1223. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayq (input size 5010), found 1 patch
  1224. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayq (new size 7090)
  1225. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class btn (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1226. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for btn (new size 1542)
  1227. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ays (input size 7024), found 1 patch
  1228. [20:37:01] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ays (new size 10157)
  1229. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class app (input size 6491), found 1 patch
  1230. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for app (new size 10793)
  1231. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class amw (input size 2230), found 1 patch
  1232. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for amw (new size 3980)
  1233. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class blm (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1234. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for blm (new size 141559)
  1235. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class adw (input size 706), found 1 patch
  1236. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for adw (new size 2099)
  1237. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class yv (input size 13687), found 1 patch
  1238. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for yv (new size 17052)
  1239. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nc (input size 4394), found 1 patch
  1240. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nc (new size 5847)
  1241. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ly (input size 4471), found 1 patch
  1242. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ly (new size 5978)
  1243. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjb (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1244. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjb (new size 35764)
  1245. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bhv (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1246. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bhv (new size 1848)
  1247. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class azu (input size 1437), found 1 patch
  1248. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for azu (new size 2169)
  1249. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bcm (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1250. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bcm (new size 8621)
  1251. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbb (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1252. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbb (new size 774)
  1253. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avx (input size 2704), found 1 patch
  1254. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avx (new size 3500)
  1255. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class apg (input size 5265), found 1 patch
  1256. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for apg (new size 6909)
  1257. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class blo (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1258. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for blo (new size 6636)
  1259. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aqo (input size 2310), found 1 patch
  1260. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aqo (new size 10461)
  1261. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bll (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1262. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bll (new size 3858)
  1263. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class amr (input size 664), found 1 patch
  1264. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for amr (new size 2290)
  1265. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bix (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1266. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bix (new size 5379)
  1267. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aay (input size 1383), found 1 patch
  1268. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aay (new size 3027)
  1269. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bdp (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1270. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bdp (new size 3106)
  1271. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aqh (input size 4585), found 1 patch
  1272. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aqh (new size 6199)
  1273. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class asz (input size 3633), found 1 patch
  1274. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for asz (new size 4402)
  1275. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bcb (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1276. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bcb (new size 3416)
  1277. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bav (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1278. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bav (new size 1022)
  1279. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ms (input size 5804), found 1 patch
  1280. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ms (new size 9959)
  1281. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lh (input size 964), found 1 patch
  1282. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lh (new size 1645)
  1283. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ajt (input size 1706), found 1 patch
  1284. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ajt (new size 4590)
  1285. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bqe (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1286. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bqe (new size 1421)
  1287. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bei (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1288. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bei (new size 12264)
  1289. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class adb (input size 23086), found 1 patch
  1290. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for adb (new size 36986)
  1291. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class anj (input size 3220), found 1 patch
  1292. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for anj (new size 5584)
  1293. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bnn (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1294. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bnn (new size 9887)
  1295. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ada (input size 1196), found 1 patch
  1296. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ada (new size 2637)
  1297. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbt (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1298. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbt (new size 1862)
  1299. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class en (input size 509), found 1 patch
  1300. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for en (new size 828)
  1301. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aoq (input size 4675), found 1 patch
  1302. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aoq (new size 6607)
  1303. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bfl (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1304. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bfl (new size 16455)
  1305. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class np (input size 838), found 1 patch
  1306. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for np (new size 1139)
  1307. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bpz (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1308. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bpz (new size 11151)
  1309. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ard (input size 6103), found 1 patch
  1310. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ard (new size 8343)
  1311. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class axn (input size 3962), found 1 patch
  1312. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for axn (new size 6359)
  1313. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class wi (input size 22501), found 1 patch
  1314. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for wi (new size 28799)
  1315. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bko (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1316. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bko (new size 807)
  1317. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xr (input size 2391), found 1 patch
  1318. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xr (new size 3669)
  1319. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bct (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1320. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bct (new size 11540)
  1321. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class yq (input size 11087), found 1 patch
  1322. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for yq (new size 14649)
  1323. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sw (input size 15956), found 1 patch
  1324. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sw (new size 20147)
  1325. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aqv (input size 8151), found 1 patch
  1326. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aqv (new size 14722)
  1327. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bus (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1328. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bus (new size 3698)
  1329. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbc (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1330. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbc (new size 774)
  1331. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xa (input size 10873), found 1 patch
  1332. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xa (new size 13217)
  1333. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bgc (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1334. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bgc (new size 7870)
  1335. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aqi (input size 457), found 1 patch
  1336. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aqi (new size 775)
  1337. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aue (input size 1497), found 1 patch
  1338. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aue (new size 2147)
  1339. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aug (input size 3031), found 1 patch
  1340. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aug (new size 4309)
  1341. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bcc (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1342. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bcc (new size 8841)
  1343. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mr (input size 3584), found 1 patch
  1344. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mr (new size 6187)
  1345. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahc (input size 512), found 1 patch
  1346. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahc (new size 890)
  1347. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class baw (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1348. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for baw (new size 720)
  1349. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bmm (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1350. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bmm (new size 3733)
  1351. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bmg (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1352. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bmg (new size 5131)
  1353. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class arg (input size 1278), found 1 patch
  1354. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for arg (new size 1763)
  1355. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class agw (input size 5089), found 1 patch
  1356. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for agw (new size 6230)
  1357. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class abm (input size 2082), found 1 patch
  1358. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for abm (new size 4219)
  1359. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjf (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1360. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjf (new size 10014)
  1361. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aag (input size 4180), found 1 patch
  1362. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aag (new size 5337)
  1363. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bkp (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1364. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bkp (new size 1147)
  1365. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class gx (input size 4046), found 1 patch
  1366. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for gx (new size 5915)
  1367. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nh (input size 21072), found 1 patch
  1368. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nh (new size 25780)
  1369. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bqx (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1370. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bqx (new size 1823)
  1371. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbd (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1372. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbd (new size 999)
  1373. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class abb (input size 2836), found 1 patch
  1374. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for abb (new size 4757)
  1375. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class azv (input size 727), found 1 patch
  1376. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for azv (new size 1019)
  1377. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bdy (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1378. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bdy (new size 3448)
  1379. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class api (input size 7913), found 1 patch
  1380. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for api (new size 10605)
  1381. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class se (input size 1509), found 1 patch
  1382. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for se (new size 1909)
  1383. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avu (input size 518), found 1 patch
  1384. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avu (new size 860)
  1385. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bhr (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1386. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bhr (new size 2028)
  1387. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xh (input size 2338), found 1 patch
  1388. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xh (new size 2998)
  1389. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lt (input size 11481), found 1 patch
  1390. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lt (new size 13935)
  1391. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class uq (input size 2442), found 1 patch
  1392. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for uq (new size 3279)
  1393. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bnz (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1394. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bnz (new size 917)
  1395. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahd (input size 1071), found 1 patch
  1396. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahd (new size 1467)
  1397. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bax (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1398. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bax (new size 955)
  1399. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bnw (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1400. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bnw (new size 10608)
  1401. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ya (input size 7852), found 1 patch
  1402. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ya (new size 10788)
  1403. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class add (input size 9568), found 1 patch
  1404. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for add (new size 17652)
  1405. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aap (input size 2545), found 1 patch
  1406. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aap (new size 3170)
  1407. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avd (input size 782), found 1 patch
  1408. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avd (new size 1109)
  1409. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mn (input size 4808), found 1 patch
  1410. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mn (new size 6785)
  1411. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ajf (input size 5092), found 1 patch
  1412. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ajf (new size 6431)
  1413. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ana (input size 5220), found 1 patch
  1414. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ana (new size 9809)
  1415. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class akn (input size 3623), found 1 patch
  1416. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for akn (new size 8085)
  1417. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class xc (input size 9148), found 1 patch
  1418. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for xc (new size 12070)
  1419. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bpv (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1420. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bpv (new size 5025)
  1421. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bkq (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1422. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bkq (new size 818)
  1423. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bee (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1424. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bee (new size 14387)
  1425. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahv (input size 337), found 1 patch
  1426. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahv (new size 606)
  1427. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class yx (input size 6897), found 1 patch
  1428. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for yx (new size 10299)
  1429. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class abd (input size 1520), found 1 patch
  1430. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for abd (new size 2138)
  1431. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbe (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1432. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbe (new size 755)
  1433. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayj (input size 1687), found 1 patch
  1434. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayj (new size 2219)
  1435. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayi (input size 4284), found 1 patch
  1436. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayi (new size 6200)
  1437. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class acg (input size 1708), found 1 patch
  1438. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for acg (new size 3782)
  1439. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aqk (input size 8469), found 1 patch
  1440. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aqk (new size 13093)
  1441. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahe (input size 707), found 1 patch
  1442. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahe (new size 1022)
  1443. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bfz (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1444. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bfz (new size 8790)
  1445. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bay (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1446. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bay (new size 1162)
  1447. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bpa (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1448. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bpa (new size 3240)
  1449. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aaq (input size 645), found 1 patch
  1450. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aaq (new size 1157)
  1451. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bsx (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1452. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bsx (new size 7941)
  1453. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bmb (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1454. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bmb (new size 934)
  1455. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ako (input size 3728), found 1 patch
  1456. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ako (new size 8910)
  1457. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nn (input size 5717), found 1 patch
  1458. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nn (new size 6733)
  1459. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mc (input size 723), found 1 patch
  1460. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mc (new size 1071)
  1461. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aeb (input size 2670), found 1 patch
  1462. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aeb (new size 4631)
  1463. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bpw (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1464. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bpw (new size 2444)
  1465. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sq (input size 3682), found 1 patch
  1466. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sq (new size 5398)
  1467. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bkr (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1468. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bkr (new size 1158)
  1469. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahw (input size 770), found 1 patch
  1470. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahw (new size 1062)
  1471. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjd (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1472. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjd (new size 4379)
  1473. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class b (input size 7314), found 1 patch
  1474. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for b (new size 8985)
  1475. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class asb (input size 2168), found 1 patch
  1476. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for asb (new size 4004)
  1477. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbf (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1478. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbf (new size 1347)
  1479. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sg (input size 6066), found 1 patch
  1480. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sg (new size 7607)
  1481. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bdx (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1482. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bdx (new size 7275)
  1483. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ys (input size 384), found 1 patch
  1484. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ys (new size 765)
  1485. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aql (input size 265), found 1 patch
  1486. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aql (new size 524)
  1487. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class zw (input size 1580), found 1 patch
  1488. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for zw (new size 2352)
  1489. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahf (input size 463), found 1 patch
  1490. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahf (new size 778)
  1491. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class baz (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1492. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for baz (new size 846)
  1493. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class alb (input size 5051), found 1 patch
  1494. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for alb (new size 12695)
  1495. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class brr (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1496. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for brr (new size 4073)
  1497. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ajx (input size 6800), found 1 patch
  1498. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ajx (new size 10066)
  1499. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bnx (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1500. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bnx (new size 7723)
  1501. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mq (input size 5050), found 1 patch
  1502. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mq (new size 7587)
  1503. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avf (input size 583), found 1 patch
  1504. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avf (new size 944)
  1505. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aor (input size 4545), found 1 patch
  1506. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aor (new size 7817)
  1507. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class wp (input size 5377), found 1 patch
  1508. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for wp (new size 7727)
  1509. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class md (input size 619), found 1 patch
  1510. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for md (new size 885)
  1511. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bop (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1512. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bop (new size 14145)
  1513. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class auz (input size 525), found 1 patch
  1514. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for auz (new size 971)
  1515. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ahx (input size 681), found 1 patch
  1516. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ahx (new size 1025)
  1517. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bje (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1518. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bje (new size 10027)
  1519. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class afa (input size 3085), found 1 patch
  1520. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for afa (new size 4015)
  1521. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class apl (input size 1008), found 1 patch
  1522. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for apl (new size 1568)
  1523. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aoa (input size 2425), found 1 patch
  1524. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aoa (new size 4646)
  1525. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class auo (input size 2725), found 1 patch
  1526. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for auo (new size 3703)
  1527. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class wn (input size 5706), found 1 patch
  1528. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for wn (new size 6856)
  1529. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class anu (input size 3201), found 1 patch
  1530. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for anu (new size 7403)
  1531. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avm (input size 3092), found 1 patch
  1532. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avm (new size 4634)
  1533. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avg (input size 564), found 1 patch
  1534. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avg (new size 936)
  1535. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class akf (input size 2755), found 1 patch
  1536. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for akf (new size 6084)
  1537. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class adr (input size 1099), found 1 patch
  1538. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for adr (new size 2816)
  1539. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ajz (input size 2883), found 1 patch
  1540. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ajz (new size 7006)
  1541. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class dq (input size 3593), found 1 patch
  1542. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for dq (new size 5079)
  1543. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class rw (input size 2997), found 1 patch
  1544. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for rw (new size 5564)
  1545. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjr (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1546. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjr (new size 4144)
  1547. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bii (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1548. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bii (new size 1081)
  1549. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class k (input size 4094), found 1 patch
  1550. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for k (new size 6025)
  1551. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class auv (input size 3673), found 1 patch
  1552. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for auv (new size 4633)
  1553. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aig (input size 431), found 1 patch
  1554. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aig (new size 769)
  1555. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bny (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1556. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bny (new size 14431)
  1557. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class li (input size 333), found 1 patch
  1558. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for li (new size 693)
  1559. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aky (input size 2133), found 1 patch
  1560. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aky (new size 4492)
  1561. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class asq (input size 2874), found 1 patch
  1562. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for asq (new size 4446)
  1563. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ek (input size 1178), found 1 patch
  1564. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ek (new size 1627)
  1565. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class abh (input size 1693), found 1 patch
  1566. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for abh (new size 4324)
  1567. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lu (input size 501), found 1 patch
  1568. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lu (new size 849)
  1569. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class boa (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1570. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for boa (new size 900)
  1571. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class kb (input size 770), found 1 patch
  1572. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for kb (new size 1289)
  1573. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lj (input size 431), found 1 patch
  1574. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lj (new size 984)
  1575. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class afv (input size 6700), found 1 patch
  1576. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for afv (new size 9359)
  1577. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class axp (input size 516), found 1 patch
  1578. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for axp (new size 849)
  1579. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class azw (input size 2490), found 1 patch
  1580. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for azw (new size 4283)
  1581. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lv (input size 977), found 1 patch
  1582. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lv (new size 1359)
  1583. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aum (input size 2895), found 1 patch
  1584. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aum (new size 3880)
  1585. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class zx (input size 1851), found 1 patch
  1586. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for zx (new size 2672)
  1587. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aid (input size 2288), found 1 patch
  1588. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aid (new size 3115)
  1589. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lk (input size 662), found 1 patch
  1590. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lk (new size 1278)
  1591. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class abo (input size 2597), found 1 patch
  1592. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for abo (new size 4009)
  1593. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class za (input size 909), found 1 patch
  1594. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for za (new size 1205)
  1595. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bbl (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1596. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bbl (new size 1939)
  1597. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class boh (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1598. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for boh (new size 12273)
  1599. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class yy (input size 464), found 1 patch
  1600. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for yy (new size 809)
  1601. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lw (input size 786), found 1 patch
  1602. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lw (new size 1133)
  1603. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ym (input size 5259), found 1 patch
  1604. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ym (new size 6271)
  1605. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aey (input size 3319), found 1 patch
  1606. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aey (new size 3949)
  1607. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class alh (input size 2471), found 1 patch
  1608. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for alh (new size 5180)
  1609. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avr (input size 2657), found 1 patch
  1610. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avr (new size 3479)
  1611. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ll (input size 814), found 1 patch
  1612. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ll (new size 1261)
  1613. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class arp (input size 1014), found 1 patch
  1614. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for arp (new size 1819)
  1615. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class zb (input size 1217), found 1 patch
  1616. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for zb (new size 1909)
  1617. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class alt (input size 3849), found 1 patch
  1618. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for alt (new size 8246)
  1619. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lx (input size 435), found 1 patch
  1620. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lx (new size 771)
  1621. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class qx (input size 1504), found 1 patch
  1622. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for qx (new size 2770)
  1623. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lm (input size 933), found 1 patch
  1624. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lm (new size 678)
  1625. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ark (input size 752), found 1 patch
  1626. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ark (new size 1184)
  1627. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjq (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1628. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjq (new size 4184)
  1629. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bou (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1630. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bou (new size 2851)
  1631. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sh (input size 394), found 1 patch
  1632. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sh (new size 669)
  1633. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aip (input size 1845), found 1 patch
  1634. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aip (new size 2778)
  1635. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class acj (input size 2808), found 1 patch
  1636. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for acj (new size 6624)
  1637. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sb (input size 716), found 1 patch
  1638. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sb (new size 1037)
  1639. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class biz (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1640. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for biz (new size 5223)
  1641. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aib (input size 4119), found 1 patch
  1642. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aib (new size 6935)
  1643. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ma (input size 895), found 1 patch
  1644. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ma (new size 1240)
  1645. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ase (input size 1532), found 1 patch
  1646. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ase (new size 2665)
  1647. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bja (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1648. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bja (new size 891)
  1649. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class lz (input size 666), found 1 patch
  1650. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for lz (new size 1027)
  1651. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class auq (input size 3816), found 1 patch
  1652. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for auq (new size 4825)
  1653. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aho (input size 5305), found 1 patch
  1654. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aho (new size 7869)
  1655. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sc (input size 424), found 1 patch
  1656. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sc (new size 737)
  1657. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class auc (input size 5544), found 1 patch
  1658. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for auc (new size 6357)
  1659. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avk (input size 9025), found 1 patch
  1660. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avk (new size 13729)
  1661. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjs (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1662. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjs (new size 1749)
  1663. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class apy (input size 544), found 1 patch
  1664. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for apy (new size 912)
  1665. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class wk (input size 256), found 1 patch
  1666. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for wk (new size 505)
  1667. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class axf (input size 1617), found 1 patch
  1668. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for axf (new size 4044)
  1669. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aur (input size 518), found 1 patch
  1670. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aur (new size 863)
  1671. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class sd (input size 567), found 1 patch
  1672. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for sd (new size 1080)
  1673. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aul (input size 486), found 1 patch
  1674. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aul (new size 972)
  1675. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aub (input size 5820), found 1 patch
  1676. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aub (new size 6515)
  1677. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class amd (input size 959), found 1 patch
  1678. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for amd (new size 3133)
  1679. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class alx (input size 1087), found 1 patch
  1680. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for alx (new size 2394)
  1681. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aif (input size 3150), found 1 patch
  1682. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aif (new size 4647)
  1683. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nf (input size 460), found 1 patch
  1684. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nf (new size 800)
  1685. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjc (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1686. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjc (new size 1119)
  1687. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class afe (input size 12976), found 1 patch
  1688. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for afe (new size 14018)
  1689. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class gr (input size 1236), found 1 patch
  1690. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for gr (new size 2155)
  1691. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bob (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1692. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bob (new size 920)
  1693. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class kc (input size 564), found 1 patch
  1694. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for kc (new size 955)
  1695. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bld (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1696. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bld (new size 3204)
  1697. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mo (input size 771), found 1 patch
  1698. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mo (new size 1129)
  1699. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ajm (input size 758), found 1 patch
  1700. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ajm (new size 1098)
  1701. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class n (input size 501), found 1 patch
  1702. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for n (new size 872)
  1703. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bfn (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1704. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bfn (new size 1837)
  1705. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class auy (input size 2326), found 1 patch
  1706. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for auy (new size 3358)
  1707. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class gy (input size 213), found 1 patch
  1708. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for gy (new size 423)
  1709. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class blv (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1710. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for blv (new size 1123)
  1711. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aqs (input size 3241), found 1 patch
  1712. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aqs (new size 5680)
  1713. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aun (input size 1759), found 1 patch
  1714. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aun (new size 2546)
  1715. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class z (input size 4633), found 1 patch
  1716. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for z (new size 6413)
  1717. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avl (input size 388), found 1 patch
  1718. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avl (new size 644)
  1719. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class are (input size 1563), found 1 patch
  1720. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for are (new size 2577)
  1721. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ava (input size 2142), found 1 patch
  1722. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ava (new size 3050)
  1723. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bfo (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1724. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bfo (new size 3026)
  1725. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class c (input size 405), found 1 patch
  1726. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for c (new size 724)
  1727. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aik (input size 1577), found 1 patch
  1728. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aik (new size 2172)
  1729. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class blw (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1730. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for blw (new size 1211)
  1731. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aos (input size 812), found 1 patch
  1732. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aos (new size 1130)
  1733. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ni (input size 473), found 1 patch
  1734. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ni (new size 844)
  1735. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class d (input size 710), found 1 patch
  1736. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for d (new size 1029)
  1737. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class auf (input size 2121), found 1 patch
  1738. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for auf (new size 2784)
  1739. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avh (input size 500), found 1 patch
  1740. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avh (new size 844)
  1741. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class akx (input size 1640), found 1 patch
  1742. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for akx (new size 2756)
  1743. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aot (input size 1196), found 1 patch
  1744. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aot (new size 1576)
  1745. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class asp (input size 793), found 1 patch
  1746. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for asp (new size 1246)
  1747. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class axo (input size 516), found 1 patch
  1748. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for axo (new size 849)
  1749. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nj (input size 535), found 1 patch
  1750. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nj (new size 885)
  1751. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class e (input size 674), found 1 patch
  1752. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for e (new size 993)
  1753. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avz (input size 3657), found 1 patch
  1754. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avz (new size 4669)
  1755. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aga (input size 397), found 1 patch
  1756. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aga (new size 788)
  1757. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aou (input size 1204), found 1 patch
  1758. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aou (new size 1549)
  1759. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class l (input size 1034), found 1 patch
  1760. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for l (new size 1434)
  1761. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class alw (input size 3719), found 1 patch
  1762. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for alw (new size 10307)
  1763. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class f (input size 717), found 1 patch
  1764. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for f (new size 1036)
  1765. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class mb (input size 309), found 1 patch
  1766. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for mb (new size 655)
  1767. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bgd (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1768. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bgd (new size 1389)
  1769. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class agb (input size 397), found 1 patch
  1770. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for agb (new size 784)
  1771. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nl (input size 1712), found 1 patch
  1772. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nl (new size 2482)
  1773. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bfm (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1774. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bfm (new size 2523)
  1775. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class g (input size 915), found 1 patch
  1776. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for g (new size 1366)
  1777. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayt (input size 502), found 1 patch
  1778. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayt (new size 819)
  1779. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class blu (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1780. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for blu (new size 895)
  1781. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aus (input size 4037), found 1 patch
  1782. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aus (new size 5103)
  1783. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class adv (input size 647), found 1 patch
  1784. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for adv (new size 2019)
  1785. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aru (input size 1977), found 1 patch
  1786. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aru (new size 2754)
  1787. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class h (input size 1305), found 1 patch
  1788. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for h (new size 1852)
  1789. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayu (input size 846), found 1 patch
  1790. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayu (new size 1163)
  1791. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aff (input size 588), found 1 patch
  1792. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aff (new size 928)
  1793. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class amf (input size 1368), found 1 patch
  1794. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for amf (new size 3650)
  1795. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class afx (input size 399), found 1 patch
  1796. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for afx (new size 791)
  1797. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class o (input size 868), found 1 patch
  1798. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for o (new size 1201)
  1799. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class i (input size 743), found 1 patch
  1800. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for i (new size 1152)
  1801. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayv (input size 455), found 1 patch
  1802. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayv (new size 772)
  1803. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class zz (input size 2036), found 1 patch
  1804. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for zz (new size 2766)
  1805. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avs (input size 2300), found 1 patch
  1806. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avs (new size 3122)
  1807. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class afy (input size 399), found 1 patch
  1808. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for afy (new size 789)
  1809. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class j (input size 417), found 1 patch
  1810. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for j (new size 895)
  1811. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayw (input size 526), found 1 patch
  1812. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayw (new size 843)
  1813. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class asd (input size 3344), found 1 patch
  1814. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for asd (new size 3906)
  1815. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class zy (input size 520), found 1 patch
  1816. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for zy (new size 834)
  1817. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class kf (input size 399), found 1 patch
  1818. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for kf (new size 728)
  1819. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bqa (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1820. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bqa (new size 822)
  1821. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayx (input size 674), found 1 patch
  1822. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayx (new size 991)
  1823. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjg (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1824. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjg (new size 1029)
  1825. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bsy (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1826. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bsy (new size 778)
  1827. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ave (input size 4981), found 1 patch
  1828. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ave (new size 6796)
  1829. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bqb (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1830. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bqb (new size 1034)
  1831. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aak (input size 1553), found 1 patch
  1832. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aak (new size 2270)
  1833. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class wq (input size 248), found 1 patch
  1834. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for wq (new size 524)
  1835. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayy (input size 507), found 1 patch
  1836. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayy (new size 824)
  1837. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nk (input size 440), found 1 patch
  1838. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nk (new size 878)
  1839. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjh (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1840. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjh (new size 1033)
  1841. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aih (input size 349), found 1 patch
  1842. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aih (new size 784)
  1843. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bsz (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1844. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bsz (new size 1506)
  1845. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjt (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1846. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjt (new size 4399)
  1847. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bqc (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1848. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bqc (new size 1022)
  1849. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class m (input size 1057), found 1 patch
  1850. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for m (new size 1425)
  1851. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ayz (input size 829), found 1 patch
  1852. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ayz (new size 1206)
  1853. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bji (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1854. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bji (new size 823)
  1855. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nm (input size 402), found 1 patch
  1856. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nm (new size 795)
  1857. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bjj (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1858. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bjj (new size 935)
  1859. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class qw (input size 214), found 1 patch
  1860. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for qw (new size 438)
  1861. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bap (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1862. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bap (new size 807)
  1863. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aah (input size 403), found 1 patch
  1864. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aah (new size 722)
  1865. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ata (input size 3177), found 1 patch
  1866. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ata (new size 3903)
  1867. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class baq (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1868. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for baq (new size 760)
  1869. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class avc (input size 3253), found 1 patch
  1870. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for avc (new size 4311)
  1871. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aai (input size 273), found 1 patch
  1872. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aai (new size 655)
  1873. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class no (input size 2765), found 1 patch
  1874. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for no (new size 3292)
  1875. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class nd (input size 1857), found 1 patch
  1876. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for nd (new size 2410)
  1877. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bar (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1878. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bar (new size 827)
  1879. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aje (input size 2428), found 1 patch
  1880. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aje (new size 5079)
  1881. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class amz (input size 2245), found 1 patch
  1882. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for amz (new size 4368)
  1883. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class ne (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1884. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for ne (new size 1288)
  1885. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class btk (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1886. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for btk (new size 1233)
  1887. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class asa (input size 2208), found 1 patch
  1888. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for asa (new size 3570)
  1889. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bas (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1890. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bas (new size 830)
  1891. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class awb (input size 2574), found 1 patch
  1892. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for awb (new size 3531)
  1893. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class btl (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1894. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for btl (new size 720)
  1895. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class zv (input size 349), found 1 patch
  1896. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for zv (new size 644)
  1897. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class asx (input size 2100), found 1 patch
  1898. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for asx (new size 2912)
  1899. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class bat (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1900. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for bat (new size 885)
  1901. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aza (input size 829), found 1 patch
  1902. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aza (new size 1146)
  1903. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class el (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1904. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for el (new size 1919)
  1905. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class aaa (input size 430), found 1 patch
  1906. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for aaa (new size 818)
  1907. [20:37:02] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
  1908. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net.minecraft.client.ClientBrandRetriever (input size 0), found 1 patch
  1909. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net.minecraft.client.ClientBrandRetriever (new size 757)
  1910. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FMLCorePlugin run successfully
  1911. [20:37:02] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  1912. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FMLForgePlugin {net.minecraftforge.classloading.FMLForgePlugin} class transformers
  1913. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
  1914. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FMLForgePlugin {net.minecraftforge.classloading.FMLForgePlugin}
  1915. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FMLForgePlugin
  1916. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FMLForgePlugin run successfully
  1917. [20:37:02] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  1918. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DepLoader {codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader} class transformers
  1919. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
  1920. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DepLoader {codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader}
  1921. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DepLoader
  1922. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DepLoader run successfully
  1923. [20:37:02] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  1924. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod UEPluginLoader {universalelectricity.core.UEPluginLoader} class transformers
  1925. [20:37:02] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer universalelectricity.compatibility.asm.UniversalTransformer
  1926. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
  1927. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for UEPluginLoader {universalelectricity.core.UEPluginLoader}
  1928. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin UEPluginLoader
  1929. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class UEPluginLoader run successfully
  1930. [20:37:02] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  1931. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 46 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
  1933. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 89 rules from AccessTransformer config file forge_at.cfg
  1935. [20:37:02] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Validating minecraft
  1936. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Minecraft validated, launching...
  1937. [20:37:03] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  1938. [20:37:03] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  1939. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer (input size 23523), found 1 patch
  1940. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer (new size 31998)
  1941. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/IBlockAccess (input size 165), found 1 patch
  1942. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/IBlockAccess (new size 540)
  1943. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/WorldServerMulti (input size 563), found 1 patch
  1944. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/WorldServerMulti (new size 1071)
  1945. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/WorldServer$ServerBlockEventList (input size 229), found 1 patch
  1946. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/WorldServer$ServerBlockEventList (new size 523)
  1947. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/util/WeightedRandom (input size 1340), found 1 patch
  1948. [20:37:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/util/WeightedRandom (new size 2471)
  1949. [20:37:03] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer}
  1950. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockBush (input size 1432), found 1 patch
  1951. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockBush (new size 3942)
  1952. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockOre (input size 1486), found 1 patch
  1953. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockOre (new size 2174)
  1954. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockNote (input size 1670), found 1 patch
  1955. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockNote (new size 3485)
  1956. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockDeadBush (input size 1007), found 1 patch
  1957. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockDeadBush (new size 1867)
  1958. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonMoving (input size 2926), found 1 patch
  1959. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonMoving (new size 6015)
  1960. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockMushroom (input size 2111), found 1 patch
  1961. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockMushroom (new size 3574)
  1962. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockTorch (input size 2795), found 1 patch
  1963. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockTorch (new size 5477)
  1964. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockMobSpawner (input size 720), found 1 patch
  1965. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockMobSpawner (new size 1764)
  1966. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockLadder (input size 1747), found 1 patch
  1967. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockLadder (new size 3495)
  1968. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockLever (input size 4495), found 1 patch
  1969. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockLever (new size 6778)
  1970. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockSnow (input size 2236), found 1 patch
  1971. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockSnow (new size 4253)
  1972. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockIce (input size 1604), found 1 patch
  1973. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockIce (new size 3370)
  1974. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockReed (input size 1745), found 1 patch
  1975. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockReed (new size 3949)
  1976. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockTrapDoor (input size 2727), found 1 patch
  1977. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockTrapDoor (new size 5540)
  1978. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockVine (input size 4816), found 1 patch
  1979. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockVine (new size 7585)
  1980. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockTripWireHook (input size 5581), found 1 patch
  1981. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockTripWireHook (new size 8537)
  1982. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockFlowerPot (input size 3185), found 1 patch
  1983. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockFlowerPot (new size 6108)
  1984. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockSkull (input size 5035), found 1 patch
  1985. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockSkull (new size 8146)
  1986. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneComparator (input size 3770), found 1 patch
  1987. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneComparator (new size 7340)
  1988. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/Block$1 (input size 323), found 1 patch
  1989. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/Block$1 (new size 643)
  1990. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/Block$2 (input size 261), found 1 patch
  1991. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/Block$2 (new size 563)
  1992. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/block/Block$3 (input size 330), found 1 patch
  1993. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/block/Block$3 (new size 650)
  1994. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/item/ItemFlintAndSteel (input size 998), found 1 patch
  1995. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/item/ItemFlintAndSteel (new size 1362)
  1996. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/item/ItemBucketMilk (input size 850), found 1 patch
  1997. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/item/ItemBucketMilk (new size 1296)
  1998. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/item/ItemMap (input size 5214), found 1 patch
  1999. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/item/ItemMap (new size 6876)
  2000. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/item/ItemShears (input size 988), found 1 patch
  2001. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/item/ItemShears (new size 3647)
  2002. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/item/ItemEmptyMap (input size 1305), found 1 patch
  2003. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/item/ItemEmptyMap (new size 1670)
  2004. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/item/ItemLilyPad (input size 989), found 1 patch
  2005. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/item/ItemLilyPad (new size 2494)
  2006. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:air 0 net.minecraft.block.BlockAir@6b3027a3 (req. id 0)
  2007. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$2 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2008. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$2 (new size 704)
  2009. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$3 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2010. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$3 (new size 792)
  2011. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$4 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2012. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$4 (new size 664)
  2013. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$5 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2014. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$5 (new size 704)
  2015. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$6 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2016. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$6 (new size 664)
  2017. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$7 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2018. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$7 (new size 664)
  2019. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$8 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2020. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$8 (new size 659)
  2021. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$9 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2022. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$9 (new size 663)
  2023. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$1 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2024. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$1 (new size 663)
  2025. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$10 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2026. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$10 (new size 664)
  2027. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$11 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2028. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$11 (new size 663)
  2029. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$12 (input size 177), found 1 patch
  2030. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/creativetab/CreativeTabs$12 (new size 705)
  2031. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone 1 net.minecraft.block.BlockStone@2afd506 (req. id 1)
  2032. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:grass 2 net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass@20733e41 (req. id 2)
  2033. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dirt 3 net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt@687f705e (req. id 3)
  2034. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cobblestone 4 net.minecraft.block.Block@6aa60eb (req. id 4)
  2035. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:planks 5 net.minecraft.block.BlockWood@4331d29e (req. id 5)
  2036. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenAbstractTree (input size 572), found 1 patch
  2037. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenAbstractTree (new size 1336)
  2038. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTaiga2 (input size 1686), found 1 patch
  2039. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenTaiga2 (new size 2736)
  2040. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenMegaJungle (input size 2149), found 1 patch
  2041. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenMegaJungle (new size 2990)
  2042. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenSavannaTree (input size 2529), found 1 patch
  2043. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenSavannaTree (new size 3469)
  2044. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenCanopyTree (input size 2748), found 1 patch
  2045. [20:37:05] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WorldGenCanopyTree (new size 4017)
  2046. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sapling 6 net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling@5e699132 (req. id 6)
  2047. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bedrock 7 net.minecraft.block.Block@64bb9a0a (req. id 7)
  2048. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:flowing_water 8 net.minecraft.block.BlockDynamicLiquid@6179a0ab (req. id 8)
  2049. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:water 9 net.minecraft.block.BlockStaticLiquid@6d550439 (req. id 9)
  2050. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:flowing_lava 10 net.minecraft.block.BlockDynamicLiquid@68887242 (req. id 10)
  2051. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lava 11 net.minecraft.block.BlockStaticLiquid@560580ab (req. id 11)
  2052. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sand 12 net.minecraft.block.BlockSand@76fbcbc9 (req. id 12)
  2053. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gravel 13 net.minecraft.block.BlockGravel@6ef15ee1 (req. id 13)
  2054. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gold_ore 14 net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@22994311 (req. id 14)
  2055. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_ore 15 net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@7c0222d5 (req. id 15)
  2056. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:coal_ore 16 net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@703d0d8d (req. id 16)
  2057. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:log 17 net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLog@380af6da (req. id 17)
  2058. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leaves 18 net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf@4fd2408f (req. id 18)
  2059. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sponge 19 net.minecraft.block.BlockSponge@39990cf6 (req. id 19)
  2060. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:glass 20 net.minecraft.block.BlockGlass@5d7106d (req. id 20)
  2061. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lapis_ore 21 net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@6a776719 (req. id 21)
  2062. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lapis_block 22 net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@5bcc83fe (req. id 22)
  2063. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dispenser 23 net.minecraft.block.BlockDispenser@3a48a442 (req. id 23)
  2064. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sandstone 24 net.minecraft.block.BlockSandStone@3c6f2344 (req. id 24)
  2065. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:noteblock 25 net.minecraft.block.BlockNote@9292f91 (req. id 25)
  2066. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bed 26 net.minecraft.block.BlockBed@22d0e7e3 (req. id 26)
  2067. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_rail 27 net.minecraft.block.BlockRailPowered@670fc3cf (req. id 27)
  2068. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:detector_rail 28 net.minecraft.block.BlockRailDetector@b92a5b8 (req. id 28)
  2069. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sticky_piston 29 net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase@1ee35bb2 (req. id 29)
  2070. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:web 30 net.minecraft.block.BlockWeb@53e9296a (req. id 30)
  2071. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:tallgrass 31 net.minecraft.block.BlockTallGrass@709e192f (req. id 31)
  2072. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:deadbush 32 net.minecraft.block.BlockDeadBush@3e481e39 (req. id 32)
  2073. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:piston 33 net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase@70b85020 (req. id 33)
  2074. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:piston_head 34 net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonExtension@54949eb0 (req. id 34)
  2075. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wool 35 net.minecraft.block.BlockColored@3c5198e6 (req. id 35)
  2076. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:piston_extension 36 net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonMoving@28f3964a (req. id 36)
  2077. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:yellow_flower 37 net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower@6292fab0 (req. id 37)
  2078. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:red_flower 38 net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower@1f886b5f (req. id 38)
  2079. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brown_mushroom 39 net.minecraft.block.BlockMushroom@236b9929 (req. id 39)
  2080. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:red_mushroom 40 net.minecraft.block.BlockMushroom@6d1464e9 (req. id 40)
  2081. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gold_block 41 net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@55ed34f1 (req. id 41)
  2082. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_block 42 net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@482ee649 (req. id 42)
  2083. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:double_stone_slab 43 net.minecraft.block.BlockStoneSlab@4ee15284 (req. id 43)
  2084. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_slab 44 net.minecraft.block.BlockStoneSlab@2af08091 (req. id 44)
  2085. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brick_block 45 net.minecraft.block.Block@1388c59d (req. id 45)
  2086. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:tnt 46 net.minecraft.block.BlockTNT@122e8a3c (req. id 46)
  2087. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bookshelf 47 net.minecraft.block.BlockBookshelf@cf47ba0 (req. id 47)
  2088. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone 48 net.minecraft.block.Block@6e04c05 (req. id 48)
  2089. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:obsidian 49 net.minecraft.block.BlockObsidian@27763e5f (req. id 49)
  2090. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:torch 50 net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch@2f410f8 (req. id 50)
  2091. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fire 51 net.minecraft.block.BlockFire@3fe85321 (req. id 51)
  2092. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:mob_spawner 52 net.minecraft.block.BlockMobSpawner@48b565d2 (req. id 52)
  2093. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:oak_stairs 53 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@1d5a0a87 (req. id 53)
  2094. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:chest 54 net.minecraft.block.BlockChest@6f43cbc (req. id 54)
  2095. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_wire 55 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneWire@76551526 (req. id 55)
  2096. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_ore 56 net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@4bdfae7b (req. id 56)
  2097. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_block 57 net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@4a383427 (req. id 57)
  2098. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:crafting_table 58 net.minecraft.block.BlockWorkbench@2d172d60 (req. id 58)
  2099. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wheat 59 net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops@3cbce6b6 (req. id 59)
  2100. [20:37:05] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:farmland 60 net.minecraft.block.BlockFarmland@6fdf5801 (req. id 60)
  2101. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:furnace 61 net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace@11e70f62 (req. id 61)
  2102. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lit_furnace 62 net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace@58a2f41c (req. id 62)
  2103. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:standing_sign 63 net.minecraft.block.BlockSign@4b0900c8 (req. id 63)
  2104. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_door 64 net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor@28e5f291 (req. id 64)
  2105. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ladder 65 net.minecraft.block.BlockLadder@3352a656 (req. id 65)
  2106. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:rail 66 net.minecraft.block.BlockRail@5712691e (req. id 66)
  2107. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_stairs 67 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@79b35d3a (req. id 67)
  2108. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wall_sign 68 net.minecraft.block.BlockSign@6eadc941 (req. id 68)
  2109. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lever 69 net.minecraft.block.BlockLever@5faf51b4 (req. id 69)
  2110. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_pressure_plate 70 net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlate@4608264 (req. id 70)
  2111. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_door 71 net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor@5c10757a (req. id 71)
  2112. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate 72 net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlate@3c90cbce (req. id 72)
  2113. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_ore 73 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneOre@689c3288 (req. id 73)
  2114. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lit_redstone_ore 74 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneOre@66b9b45f (req. id 74)
  2115. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch 75 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneTorch@6e1ccd22 (req. id 75)
  2116. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_torch 76 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneTorch@24dfaba8 (req. id 76)
  2117. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_button 77 net.minecraft.block.BlockButtonStone@7334ebcb (req. id 77)
  2118. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:snow_layer 78 net.minecraft.block.BlockSnow@4fffd16d (req. id 78)
  2119. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ice 79 net.minecraft.block.BlockIce@33193e3b (req. id 79)
  2120. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:snow 80 net.minecraft.block.BlockSnowBlock@ee7a10e (req. id 80)
  2121. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cactus 81 net.minecraft.block.BlockCactus@35b33680 (req. id 81)
  2122. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:clay 82 net.minecraft.block.BlockClay@b9aaa1c (req. id 82)
  2123. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:reeds 83 net.minecraft.block.BlockReed@3dd00e4f (req. id 83)
  2124. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:jukebox 84 net.minecraft.block.BlockJukebox@2d85f5d5 (req. id 84)
  2125. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fence 85 net.minecraft.block.BlockFence@4b0d347 (req. id 85)
  2126. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:pumpkin 86 net.minecraft.block.BlockPumpkin@2a49e429 (req. id 86)
  2127. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:netherrack 87 net.minecraft.block.BlockNetherrack@5d171820 (req. id 87)
  2128. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:soul_sand 88 net.minecraft.block.BlockSoulSand@1533a69e (req. id 88)
  2129. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:glowstone 89 net.minecraft.block.BlockGlowstone@17b18d5e (req. id 89)
  2130. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:portal 90 net.minecraft.block.BlockPortal@3efa6afc (req. id 90)
  2131. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lit_pumpkin 91 net.minecraft.block.BlockPumpkin@2a85e6b1 (req. id 91)
  2132. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cake 92 net.minecraft.block.BlockCake@96df6f5 (req. id 92)
  2133. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:unpowered_repeater 93 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater@73b4f342 (req. id 93)
  2134. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:powered_repeater 94 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater@6ccead66 (req. id 94)
  2135. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stained_glass 95 net.minecraft.block.BlockStainedGlass@1dd2a7ed (req. id 95)
  2136. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:trapdoor 96 net.minecraft.block.BlockTrapDoor@a037ad8 (req. id 96)
  2137. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:monster_egg 97 net.minecraft.block.BlockSilverfish@12151da2 (req. id 97)
  2138. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stonebrick 98 net.minecraft.block.BlockStoneBrick@48c1804 (req. id 98)
  2139. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brown_mushroom_block 99 net.minecraft.block.BlockHugeMushroom@5afd0eb7 (req. id 99)
  2140. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:red_mushroom_block 100 net.minecraft.block.BlockHugeMushroom@1bd13f0c (req. id 100)
  2141. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_bars 101 net.minecraft.block.BlockPane@4861c19c (req. id 101)
  2142. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:glass_pane 102 net.minecraft.block.BlockPane@9ee0de4 (req. id 102)
  2143. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:melon_block 103 net.minecraft.block.BlockMelon@519bc06f (req. id 103)
  2144. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:pumpkin_stem 104 net.minecraft.block.BlockStem@6c013efc (req. id 104)
  2145. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:melon_stem 105 net.minecraft.block.BlockStem@45ce49c9 (req. id 105)
  2146. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:vine 106 net.minecraft.block.BlockVine@70071305 (req. id 106)
  2147. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fence_gate 107 net.minecraft.block.BlockFenceGate@3ff8ae6 (req. id 107)
  2148. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brick_stairs 108 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@7df80416 (req. id 108)
  2149. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_brick_stairs 109 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@25d480f6 (req. id 109)
  2150. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:mycelium 110 net.minecraft.block.BlockMycelium@26307ce2 (req. id 110)
  2151. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:waterlily 111 net.minecraft.block.BlockLilyPad@79e2bf04 (req. id 111)
  2152. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_brick 112 net.minecraft.block.Block@156ade20 (req. id 112)
  2153. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_brick_fence 113 net.minecraft.block.BlockFence@1b1d11dc (req. id 113)
  2154. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_brick_stairs 114 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@117f906c (req. id 114)
  2155. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_wart 115 net.minecraft.block.BlockNetherWart@301a3db (req. id 115)
  2156. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:enchanting_table 116 net.minecraft.block.BlockEnchantmentTable@1e313298 (req. id 116)
  2157. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brewing_stand 117 net.minecraft.block.BlockBrewingStand@10c000b6 (req. id 117)
  2158. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cauldron 118 net.minecraft.block.BlockCauldron@146a4c90 (req. id 118)
  2159. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:end_portal 119 net.minecraft.block.BlockEndPortal@816c920 (req. id 119)
  2160. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:end_portal_frame 120 net.minecraft.block.BlockEndPortalFrame@766eae77 (req. id 120)
  2161. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:end_stone 121 net.minecraft.block.Block@5c80435f (req. id 121)
  2162. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dragon_egg 122 net.minecraft.block.BlockDragonEgg@2cb7647 (req. id 122)
  2163. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_lamp 123 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight@3667e137 (req. id 123)
  2164. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp 124 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight@5df2fdc8 (req. id 124)
  2165. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:double_wooden_slab 125 net.minecraft.block.BlockWoodSlab@16708d23 (req. id 125)
  2166. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_slab 126 net.minecraft.block.BlockWoodSlab@37420057 (req. id 126)
  2167. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cocoa 127 net.minecraft.block.BlockCocoa@33da0e8 (req. id 127)
  2168. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sandstone_stairs 128 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@430ee101 (req. id 128)
  2169. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:emerald_ore 129 net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@5d62b0c (req. id 129)
  2170. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ender_chest 130 net.minecraft.block.BlockEnderChest@605bfca9 (req. id 130)
  2171. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:tripwire_hook 131 net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWireHook@719fe652 (req. id 131)
  2172. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:tripwire 132 net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWire@431eccb9 (req. id 132)
  2173. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:emerald_block 133 net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@1b12a81c (req. id 133)
  2174. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:spruce_stairs 134 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@65dad426 (req. id 134)
  2175. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:birch_stairs 135 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@19e3f08 (req. id 135)
  2176. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:jungle_stairs 136 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@3c3c270c (req. id 136)
  2177. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:command_block 137 net.minecraft.block.BlockCommandBlock@3907f838 (req. id 137)
  2178. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:beacon 138 net.minecraft.block.BlockBeacon@2a00e604 (req. id 138)
  2179. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cobblestone_wall 139 net.minecraft.block.BlockWall@41e69be8 (req. id 139)
  2180. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:flower_pot 140 net.minecraft.block.BlockFlowerPot@33390b4a (req. id 140)
  2181. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:carrots 141 net.minecraft.block.BlockCarrot@378a92eb (req. id 141)
  2182. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:potatoes 142 net.minecraft.block.BlockPotato@1d9e3890 (req. id 142)
  2183. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_button 143 net.minecraft.block.BlockButtonWood@70938cc (req. id 143)
  2184. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/entity/boss/IBossDisplayData (input size 0), found 1 patch
  2185. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/entity/boss/IBossDisplayData (new size 153)
  2186. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/entity/boss/EntityWither$1 (input size 354), found 1 patch
  2187. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/entity/boss/EntityWither$1 (new size 612)
  2188. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:skull 144 net.minecraft.block.BlockSkull@51e06f26 (req. id 144)
  2189. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:anvil 145 net.minecraft.block.BlockAnvil@4d1d9812 (req. id 145)
  2190. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:trapped_chest 146 net.minecraft.block.BlockChest@51eaed4b (req. id 146)
  2191. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate 147 net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlateWeighted@46144709 (req. id 147)
  2192. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate 148 net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlateWeighted@5d43c3d0 (req. id 148)
  2193. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:unpowered_comparator 149 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneComparator@6ccb4325 (req. id 149)
  2194. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:powered_comparator 150 net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneComparator@14a569f0 (req. id 150)
  2195. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:daylight_detector 151 net.minecraft.block.BlockDaylightDetector@5efd28f7 (req. id 151)
  2196. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_block 152 net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressedPowered@29426a4 (req. id 152)
  2197. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:quartz_ore 153 net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@4c74da4e (req. id 153)
  2198. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:hopper 154 net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper@ba38280 (req. id 154)
  2199. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:quartz_block 155 net.minecraft.block.BlockQuartz@b92f3dc (req. id 155)
  2200. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:quartz_stairs 156 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@5cc7f673 (req. id 156)
  2201. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:activator_rail 157 net.minecraft.block.BlockRailPowered@4c05279b (req. id 157)
  2202. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dropper 158 net.minecraft.block.BlockDropper@6bebefac (req. id 158)
  2203. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stained_hardened_clay 159 net.minecraft.block.BlockColored@4ec43c8e (req. id 159)
  2204. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stained_glass_pane 160 net.minecraft.block.BlockStainedGlassPane@3f8eebb6 (req. id 160)
  2205. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leaves2 161 net.minecraft.block.BlockNewLeaf@3f0b059a (req. id 161)
  2206. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:log2 162 net.minecraft.block.BlockNewLog@2fac0e22 (req. id 162)
  2207. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:acacia_stairs 163 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@48d3f2a1 (req. id 163)
  2208. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dark_oak_stairs 164 net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@52de4d61 (req. id 164)
  2209. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:hay_block 170 net.minecraft.block.BlockHay@2acb4dcf (req. id 170)
  2210. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:carpet 171 net.minecraft.block.BlockCarpet@9fc1ec5 (req. id 171)
  2211. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:hardened_clay 172 net.minecraft.block.BlockHardenedClay@f4fd36a (req. id 172)
  2212. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:coal_block 173 net.minecraft.block.Block@41c0dc00 (req. id 173)
  2213. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:packed_ice 174 net.minecraft.block.BlockPackedIce@90d4437 (req. id 174)
  2214. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:double_plant 175 net.minecraft.block.BlockDoublePlant@45f97b85 (req. id 175)
  2215. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_shovel 256 net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade@46ae10a6 (req. id 256)
  2216. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_pickaxe 257 net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe@4dc7268a (req. id 257)
  2217. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_axe 258 net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe@4db355ea (req. id 258)
  2218. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:flint_and_steel 259 net.minecraft.item.ItemFlintAndSteel@17c3c6d2 (req. id 259)
  2219. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:apple 260 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@625b76 (req. id 260)
  2220. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bow 261 net.minecraft.item.ItemBow@7fd44282 (req. id 261)
  2221. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:arrow 262 net.minecraft.item.Item@485aa65e (req. id 262)
  2222. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:coal 263 net.minecraft.item.ItemCoal@2c511dde (req. id 263)
  2223. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond 264 net.minecraft.item.Item@17ff08d (req. id 264)
  2224. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_ingot 265 net.minecraft.item.Item@7689b9bf (req. id 265)
  2225. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gold_ingot 266 net.minecraft.item.Item@4c01e765 (req. id 266)
  2226. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_sword 267 net.minecraft.item.ItemSword@3c343cea (req. id 267)
  2227. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_sword 268 net.minecraft.item.ItemSword@98b4587 (req. id 268)
  2228. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_shovel 269 net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade@1681a6f6 (req. id 269)
  2229. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_pickaxe 270 net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe@19f86c05 (req. id 270)
  2230. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_axe 271 net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe@47bc995 (req. id 271)
  2231. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_sword 272 net.minecraft.item.ItemSword@5aef577f (req. id 272)
  2232. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_shovel 273 net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade@1759817d (req. id 273)
  2233. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_pickaxe 274 net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe@75444184 (req. id 274)
  2234. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_axe 275 net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe@54297d41 (req. id 275)
  2235. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_sword 276 net.minecraft.item.ItemSword@6fde6191 (req. id 276)
  2236. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_shovel 277 net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade@70d7aff7 (req. id 277)
  2237. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_pickaxe 278 net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe@6061bb01 (req. id 278)
  2238. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_axe 279 net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe@303c7016 (req. id 279)
  2239. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stick 280 net.minecraft.item.Item@4fe2cd17 (req. id 280)
  2240. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bowl 281 net.minecraft.item.Item@3306c9fa (req. id 281)
  2241. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:mushroom_stew 282 net.minecraft.item.ItemSoup@18b97d02 (req. id 282)
  2242. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_sword 283 net.minecraft.item.ItemSword@39be1afc (req. id 283)
  2243. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_shovel 284 net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade@6fddb401 (req. id 284)
  2244. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_pickaxe 285 net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe@4454e707 (req. id 285)
  2245. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_axe 286 net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe@220b9f9d (req. id 286)
  2246. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:string 287 net.minecraft.item.ItemReed@3e0c5a62 (req. id 287)
  2247. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:feather 288 net.minecraft.item.Item@1d01f7c1 (req. id 288)
  2248. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gunpowder 289 net.minecraft.item.Item@f90f615 (req. id 289)
  2249. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_hoe 290 net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe@334b49fc (req. id 290)
  2250. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_hoe 291 net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe@13e659b3 (req. id 291)
  2251. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_hoe 292 net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe@780b00f9 (req. id 292)
  2252. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_hoe 293 net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe@1a6d1901 (req. id 293)
  2253. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_hoe 294 net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe@70849e34 (req. id 294)
  2254. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wheat_seeds 295 net.minecraft.item.ItemSeeds@3b8bd337 (req. id 295)
  2255. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wheat 296 net.minecraft.item.Item@58d7de6b (req. id 296)
  2256. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bread 297 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@444b705e (req. id 297)
  2257. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/item/ItemArmor$1 (input size 1070), found 1 patch
  2258. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/item/ItemArmor$1 (new size 1645)
  2259. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leather_helmet 298 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@142ce4d2 (req. id 298)
  2260. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leather_chestplate 299 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@f62a157 (req. id 299)
  2261. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leather_leggings 300 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@144e5ea5 (req. id 300)
  2262. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leather_boots 301 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@2527ad0d (req. id 301)
  2263. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:chainmail_helmet 302 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@4fd24389 (req. id 302)
  2264. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:chainmail_chestplate 303 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@7550004f (req. id 303)
  2265. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:chainmail_leggings 304 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@57447eb4 (req. id 304)
  2266. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:chainmail_boots 305 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@51da882e (req. id 305)
  2267. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_helmet 306 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@6222adfd (req. id 306)
  2268. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_chestplate 307 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@52ccef60 (req. id 307)
  2269. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_leggings 308 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@c77b218 (req. id 308)
  2270. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_boots 309 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@64d4c0d (req. id 309)
  2271. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_helmet 310 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@3cbbecb6 (req. id 310)
  2272. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_chestplate 311 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@55b1bfe0 (req. id 311)
  2273. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_leggings 312 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@8ac3714 (req. id 312)
  2274. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_boots 313 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@6254067e (req. id 313)
  2275. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_helmet 314 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@7a766ca0 (req. id 314)
  2276. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_chestplate 315 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@74d5bb2f (req. id 315)
  2277. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_leggings 316 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@7bf44695 (req. id 316)
  2278. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_boots 317 net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor@62461fc6 (req. id 317)
  2279. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:flint 318 net.minecraft.item.Item@69d03291 (req. id 318)
  2280. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:porkchop 319 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@63a803dc (req. id 319)
  2281. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cooked_porkchop 320 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@2b9593a1 (req. id 320)
  2282. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:painting 321 net.minecraft.item.ItemHangingEntity@27ba533 (req. id 321)
  2283. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_apple 322 net.minecraft.item.ItemAppleGold@67229841 (req. id 322)
  2284. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sign 323 net.minecraft.item.ItemSign@51f6ff8d (req. id 323)
  2285. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_door 324 net.minecraft.item.ItemDoor@39c39e6d (req. id 324)
  2286. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bucket 325 net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket@5702bd60 (req. id 325)
  2287. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:water_bucket 326 net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket@74df1640 (req. id 326)
  2288. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lava_bucket 327 net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket@622dffb1 (req. id 327)
  2289. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityMinecartEmpty (input size 551), found 1 patch
  2290. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityMinecartEmpty (new size 1262)
  2291. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:minecart 328 net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart@646f24ee (req. id 328)
  2292. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:saddle 329 net.minecraft.item.ItemSaddle@65cc55e (req. id 329)
  2293. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_door 330 net.minecraft.item.ItemDoor@34a1a195 (req. id 330)
  2294. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone 331 net.minecraft.item.ItemRedstone@143f29ee (req. id 331)
  2295. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:snowball 332 net.minecraft.item.ItemSnowball@5426a676 (req. id 332)
  2296. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:boat 333 net.minecraft.item.ItemBoat@6bf390ba (req. id 333)
  2297. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leather 334 net.minecraft.item.Item@43a2dab4 (req. id 334)
  2298. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:milk_bucket 335 net.minecraft.item.ItemBucketMilk@138684e7 (req. id 335)
  2299. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brick 336 net.minecraft.item.Item@647f63b4 (req. id 336)
  2300. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:clay_ball 337 net.minecraft.item.Item@676af1f7 (req. id 337)
  2301. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:reeds 338 net.minecraft.item.ItemReed@1e33c42c (req. id 338)
  2302. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:paper 339 net.minecraft.item.Item@58943431 (req. id 339)
  2303. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:book 340 net.minecraft.item.ItemBook@33f50338 (req. id 340)
  2304. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:slime_ball 341 net.minecraft.item.Item@1aa66c2e (req. id 341)
  2305. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:chest_minecart 342 net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart@24084dad (req. id 342)
  2306. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:furnace_minecart 343 net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart@1d23ab56 (req. id 343)
  2307. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:egg 344 net.minecraft.item.ItemEgg@3d2f3481 (req. id 344)
  2308. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:compass 345 net.minecraft.item.Item@66202088 (req. id 345)
  2309. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fishing_rod 346 net.minecraft.item.ItemFishingRod@5ed7122b (req. id 346)
  2310. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:clock 347 net.minecraft.item.Item@79e9f5b1 (req. id 347)
  2311. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:glowstone_dust 348 net.minecraft.item.Item@6f0175fe (req. id 348)
  2312. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fish 349 net.minecraft.item.ItemFishFood@fd433ea (req. id 349)
  2313. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cooked_fished 350 net.minecraft.item.ItemFishFood@349c4fc4 (req. id 350)
  2314. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dye 351 net.minecraft.item.ItemDye@3b6f0da4 (req. id 351)
  2315. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bone 352 net.minecraft.item.Item@77e8a877 (req. id 352)
  2316. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sugar 353 net.minecraft.item.Item@4b8c5a21 (req. id 353)
  2317. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cake 354 net.minecraft.item.ItemReed@6b715346 (req. id 354)
  2318. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bed 355 net.minecraft.item.ItemBed@5d333e3f (req. id 355)
  2319. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:repeater 356 net.minecraft.item.ItemReed@4f3bc9e6 (req. id 356)
  2320. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cookie 357 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@5e4443ad (req. id 357)
  2321. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:filled_map 358 net.minecraft.item.ItemMap@7df8372b (req. id 358)
  2322. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:shears 359 net.minecraft.item.ItemShears@57326ca3 (req. id 359)
  2323. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:melon 360 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@2f7a6e0e (req. id 360)
  2324. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:pumpkin_seeds 361 net.minecraft.item.ItemSeeds@ecf717c (req. id 361)
  2325. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:melon_seeds 362 net.minecraft.item.ItemSeeds@55238b7c (req. id 362)
  2326. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:beef 363 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@109aa58f (req. id 363)
  2327. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cooked_beef 364 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@18eb57cd (req. id 364)
  2328. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:chicken 365 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@2d16083 (req. id 365)
  2329. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cooked_chicken 366 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@1739e7 (req. id 366)
  2330. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:rotten_flesh 367 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@74da6cbc (req. id 367)
  2331. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityEnderPearl (input size 1201), found 1 patch
  2332. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityEnderPearl (new size 2399)
  2333. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ender_pearl 368 net.minecraft.item.ItemEnderPearl@63a7aca1 (req. id 368)
  2334. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:blaze_rod 369 net.minecraft.item.Item@1536b124 (req. id 369)
  2335. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ghast_tear 370 net.minecraft.item.Item@39a7bd5d (req. id 370)
  2336. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gold_nugget 371 net.minecraft.item.Item@3381423d (req. id 371)
  2337. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_wart 372 net.minecraft.item.ItemSeeds@6b23cd35 (req. id 372)
  2338. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:potion 373 net.minecraft.item.ItemPotion@36e13be0 (req. id 373)
  2339. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:glass_bottle 374 net.minecraft.item.ItemGlassBottle@46121f31 (req. id 374)
  2340. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:spider_eye 375 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@4fbdede7 (req. id 375)
  2341. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fermented_spider_eye 376 net.minecraft.item.Item@3e4e0197 (req. id 376)
  2342. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:blaze_powder 377 net.minecraft.item.Item@734a8075 (req. id 377)
  2343. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:magma_cream 378 net.minecraft.item.Item@2037bc75 (req. id 378)
  2344. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brewing_stand 379 net.minecraft.item.ItemReed@2b35b5d9 (req. id 379)
  2345. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cauldron 380 net.minecraft.item.ItemReed@5335cfb8 (req. id 380)
  2346. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ender_eye 381 net.minecraft.item.ItemEnderEye@2b43b46 (req. id 381)
  2347. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:speckled_melon 382 net.minecraft.item.Item@69f720d (req. id 382)
  2348. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:spawn_egg 383 net.minecraft.item.ItemMonsterPlacer@d7167e6 (req. id 383)
  2349. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:experience_bottle 384 net.minecraft.item.ItemExpBottle@2d688eb5 (req. id 384)
  2350. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fire_charge 385 net.minecraft.item.ItemFireball@110a6bf3 (req. id 385)
  2351. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:writable_book 386 net.minecraft.item.ItemWritableBook@3164ed23 (req. id 386)
  2352. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:written_book 387 net.minecraft.item.ItemEditableBook@413249b (req. id 387)
  2353. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:emerald 388 net.minecraft.item.Item@4c83e34 (req. id 388)
  2354. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:item_frame 389 net.minecraft.item.ItemHangingEntity@766bca5f (req. id 389)
  2355. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:flower_pot 390 net.minecraft.item.ItemReed@1eb35fb6 (req. id 390)
  2356. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:carrot 391 net.minecraft.item.ItemSeedFood@56befa21 (req. id 391)
  2357. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:potato 392 net.minecraft.item.ItemSeedFood@1417b905 (req. id 392)
  2358. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:baked_potato 393 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@21740191 (req. id 393)
  2359. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:poisonous_potato 394 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@4712e7bf (req. id 394)
  2360. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:map 395 net.minecraft.item.ItemEmptyMap@58afde3d (req. id 395)
  2361. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_carrot 396 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@227a448 (req. id 396)
  2362. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:skull 397 net.minecraft.item.ItemSkull@3efbb1d8 (req. id 397)
  2363. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick 398 net.minecraft.item.ItemCarrotOnAStick@73d7e4d0 (req. id 398)
  2364. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_star 399 net.minecraft.item.ItemSimpleFoiled@4d3266b4 (req. id 399)
  2365. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:pumpkin_pie 400 net.minecraft.item.ItemFood@27f4db04 (req. id 400)
  2366. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fireworks 401 net.minecraft.item.ItemFirework@6af5e140 (req. id 401)
  2367. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:firework_charge 402 net.minecraft.item.ItemFireworkCharge@40134dbd (req. id 402)
  2368. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:enchanted_book 403 net.minecraft.item.ItemEnchantedBook@4457ffb2 (req. id 403)
  2369. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:comparator 404 net.minecraft.item.ItemReed@6d54222b (req. id 404)
  2370. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:netherbrick 405 net.minecraft.item.Item@2e8f6d20 (req. id 405)
  2371. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:quartz 406 net.minecraft.item.Item@4a4567c1 (req. id 406)
  2372. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:tnt_minecart 407 net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart@129ed5ff (req. id 407)
  2373. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:hopper_minecart 408 net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart@79f361e5 (req. id 408)
  2374. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_horse_armor 417 net.minecraft.item.Item@59a03fef (req. id 417)
  2375. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_horse_armor 418 net.minecraft.item.Item@27c591e1 (req. id 418)
  2376. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_horse_armor 419 net.minecraft.item.Item@1bec5f2d (req. id 419)
  2377. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lead 420 net.minecraft.item.ItemLead@7993422b (req. id 420)
  2378. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:name_tag 421 net.minecraft.item.ItemNameTag@608eeaee (req. id 421)
  2379. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:command_block_minecart 422 net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart@46e1e0c8 (req. id 422)
  2380. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_13 2256 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@f5fc68a (req. id 2256)
  2381. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_cat 2257 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@58e395e8 (req. id 2257)
  2382. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_blocks 2258 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@4586dfef (req. id 2258)
  2383. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_chirp 2259 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@19d7e792 (req. id 2259)
  2384. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_far 2260 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@2da42f7f (req. id 2260)
  2385. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_mall 2261 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@762a5241 (req. id 2261)
  2386. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_mellohi 2262 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@547e6602 (req. id 2262)
  2387. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_stal 2263 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@365b38a4 (req. id 2263)
  2388. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_strad 2264 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@1ee3b2dd (req. id 2264)
  2389. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_ward 2265 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@76f3db02 (req. id 2265)
  2390. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_11 2266 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@3af9d51 (req. id 2266)
  2391. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:record_wait 2267 net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord@7e8132ba (req. id 2267)
  2392. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlateWeighted@5d43c3d0 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1f8ae191 at id 148, original id requested: 148
  2393. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate 148 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1f8ae191 (req. id 148)
  2394. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCactus@35b33680 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@56df06c4 at id 81, original id requested: 81
  2395. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cactus 81 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@56df06c4 (req. id 81)
  2396. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@6a776719 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@4c355a6a at id 21, original id requested: 21
  2397. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lapis_ore 21 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@4c355a6a (req. id 21)
  2398. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressedPowered@29426a4 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@42c30c3c at id 152, original id requested: 152
  2399. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_block 152 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@42c30c3c (req. id 152)
  2400. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@430ee101 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@13585962 at id 128, original id requested: 128
  2401. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sandstone_stairs 128 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@13585962 (req. id 128)
  2402. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@1b12a81c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@d543ada at id 133, original id requested: 133
  2403. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:emerald_block 133 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@d543ada (req. id 133)
  2404. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@19e3f08 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@14e3c50c at id 135, original id requested: 135
  2405. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:birch_stairs 135 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@14e3c50c (req. id 135)
  2406. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockMelon@519bc06f for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@759da18a at id 103, original id requested: 103
  2407. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:melon_block 103 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@759da18a (req. id 103)
  2408. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@482ee649 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@3fd8a759 at id 42, original id requested: 42
  2409. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_block 42 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@3fd8a759 (req. id 42)
  2410. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@48d3f2a1 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@28d2e4ce at id 163, original id requested: 163
  2411. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:acacia_stairs 163 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@28d2e4ce (req. id 163)
  2412. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling@5e699132 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@19b27f92 at id 6, original id requested: 6
  2413. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sapling 6 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@19b27f92 (req. id 6)
  2414. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStone@2afd506 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@15d5576c at id 1, original id requested: 1
  2415. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone 1 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@15d5576c (req. id 1)
  2416. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDynamicLiquid@68887242 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@695e7ea6 at id 10, original id requested: 10
  2417. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:flowing_lava 10 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@695e7ea6 (req. id 10)
  2418. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockJukebox@2d85f5d5 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@3accfa55 at id 84, original id requested: 84
  2419. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:jukebox 84 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@3accfa55 (req. id 84)
  2420. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@7df80416 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6747009b at id 108, original id requested: 108
  2421. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brick_stairs 108 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6747009b (req. id 108)
  2422. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDaylightDetector@5efd28f7 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6678f515 at id 151, original id requested: 151
  2423. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:daylight_detector 151 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6678f515 (req. id 151)
  2424. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase@70b85020 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemPiston@1c6e1ad1 at id 33, original id requested: 33
  2425. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:piston 33 net.minecraft.item.ItemPiston@1c6e1ad1 (req. id 33)
  2426. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockSnow@4fffd16d for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemSnow@5a3b8e49 at id 78, original id requested: 78
  2427. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:snow_layer 78 net.minecraft.item.ItemSnow@5a3b8e49 (req. id 78)
  2428. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockMushroom@6d1464e9 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7bfa88e6 at id 40, original id requested: 40
  2429. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:red_mushroom 40 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7bfa88e6 (req. id 40)
  2430. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDynamicLiquid@6179a0ab for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7d31f3a0 at id 8, original id requested: 8
  2431. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:flowing_water 8 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7d31f3a0 (req. id 8)
  2432. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockChest@6f43cbc for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5a71cd96 at id 54, original id requested: 54
  2433. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:chest 54 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5a71cd96 (req. id 54)
  2434. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockColored@3c5198e6 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@35001fd2 at id 35, original id requested: 35
  2435. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wool 35 net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@35001fd2 (req. id 35)
  2436. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@703d0d8d for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1b292f2d at id 16, original id requested: 16
  2437. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:coal_ore 16 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1b292f2d (req. id 16)
  2438. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase@1ee35bb2 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemPiston@2cd84149 at id 29, original id requested: 29
  2439. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sticky_piston 29 net.minecraft.item.ItemPiston@2cd84149 (req. id 29)
  2440. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.Block@64bb9a0a for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@29a6369f at id 7, original id requested: 7
  2441. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bedrock 7 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@29a6369f (req. id 7)
  2442. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockGravel@6ef15ee1 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5f4c1615 at id 13, original id requested: 13
  2443. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gravel 13 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5f4c1615 (req. id 13)
  2444. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockWorkbench@2d172d60 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7c3ded93 at id 58, original id requested: 58
  2445. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:crafting_table 58 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7c3ded93 (req. id 58)
  2446. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlate@3c90cbce for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@45b88d9e at id 72, original id requested: 72
  2447. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate 72 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@45b88d9e (req. id 72)
  2448. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockNetherrack@5d171820 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5759a3d4 at id 87, original id requested: 87
  2449. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:netherrack 87 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5759a3d4 (req. id 87)
  2450. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockNewLog@2fac0e22 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@3e12e019 at id 162, original id requested: 162
  2451. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:log2 162 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@3e12e019 (req. id 162)
  2452. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch@2f410f8 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@4936a925 at id 50, original id requested: 50
  2453. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:torch 50 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@4936a925 (req. id 50)
  2454. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace@11e70f62 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@239ae1b0 at id 61, original id requested: 61
  2455. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:furnace 61 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@239ae1b0 (req. id 61)
  2456. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@5bcc83fe for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@d56fc13 at id 22, original id requested: 22
  2457. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lapis_block 22 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@d56fc13 (req. id 22)
  2458. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneOre@689c3288 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@49bf4a3c at id 73, original id requested: 73
  2459. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_ore 73 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@49bf4a3c (req. id 73)
  2460. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@65dad426 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2da2cef7 at id 134, original id requested: 134
  2461. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:spruce_stairs 134 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2da2cef7 (req. id 134)
  2462. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@79b35d3a for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1bc1d189 at id 67, original id requested: 67
  2463. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_stairs 67 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1bc1d189 (req. id 67)
  2464. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockLever@5faf51b4 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@51a3879b at id 69, original id requested: 69
  2465. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lever 69 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@51a3879b (req. id 69)
  2466. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockIce@33193e3b for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@471bfafc at id 79, original id requested: 79
  2467. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ice 79 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@471bfafc (req. id 79)
  2468. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockEndPortalFrame@766eae77 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7dfadadc at id 120, original id requested: 120
  2469. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:end_portal_frame 120 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7dfadadc (req. id 120)
  2470. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDoublePlant@45f97b85 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemDoublePlant@333815e0 at id 175, original id requested: 175
  2471. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:double_plant 175 net.minecraft.item.ItemDoublePlant@333815e0 (req. id 175)
  2472. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCarrot@378a92eb for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@27243f65 at id 141, original id requested: 141
  2473. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:carrots 141 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@27243f65 (req. id 141)
  2474. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockGlass@5d7106d for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@3cbe13f6 at id 20, original id requested: 20
  2475. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:glass 20 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@3cbe13f6 (req. id 20)
  2476. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockNote@9292f91 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@63109aa1 at id 25, original id requested: 25
  2477. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:noteblock 25 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@63109aa1 (req. id 25)
  2478. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFence@4b0d347 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5717f2d6 at id 85, original id requested: 85
  2479. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fence 85 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5717f2d6 (req. id 85)
  2480. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.Block@1388c59d for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6547ec45 at id 45, original id requested: 45
  2481. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brick_block 45 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6547ec45 (req. id 45)
  2482. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockTallGrass@709e192f for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemColored@5a1cd7b5 at id 31, original id requested: 31
  2483. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:tallgrass 31 net.minecraft.item.ItemColored@5a1cd7b5 (req. id 31)
  2484. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPackedIce@90d4437 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1b95da4b at id 174, original id requested: 174
  2485. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:packed_ice 174 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1b95da4b (req. id 174)
  2486. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockChest@51eaed4b for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@b2e8013 at id 146, original id requested: 146
  2487. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:trapped_chest 146 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@b2e8013 (req. id 146)
  2488. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockHugeMushroom@1bd13f0c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@19da6521 at id 100, original id requested: 100
  2489. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:red_mushroom_block 100 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@19da6521 (req. id 100)
  2490. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.Block@156ade20 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@512566c9 at id 112, original id requested: 112
  2491. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_brick 112 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@512566c9 (req. id 112)
  2492. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockEnchantmentTable@1e313298 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6e7f3fbd at id 116, original id requested: 116
  2493. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:enchanting_table 116 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6e7f3fbd (req. id 116)
  2494. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStoneBrick@48c1804 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@6431c9f7 at id 98, original id requested: 98
  2495. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stonebrick 98 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@6431c9f7 (req. id 98)
  2496. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockHugeMushroom@5afd0eb7 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@c2aa85 at id 99, original id requested: 99
  2497. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brown_mushroom_block 99 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@c2aa85 (req. id 99)
  2498. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockBeacon@2a00e604 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6c490226 at id 138, original id requested: 138
  2499. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:beacon 138 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6c490226 (req. id 138)
  2500. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower@1f886b5f for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@2d2c4454 at id 38, original id requested: 38
  2501. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:red_flower 38 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@2d2c4454 (req. id 38)
  2502. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockVine@70071305 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemColored@3539fdf7 at id 106, original id requested: 106
  2503. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:vine 106 net.minecraft.item.ItemColored@3539fdf7 (req. id 106)
  2504. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDropper@6bebefac for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@72507e6d at id 158, original id requested: 158
  2505. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dropper 158 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@72507e6d (req. id 158)
  2506. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPane@9ee0de4 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@29c60bd at id 102, original id requested: 102
  2507. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:glass_pane 102 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@29c60bd (req. id 102)
  2508. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLog@380af6da for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@689319a1 at id 17, original id requested: 17
  2509. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:log 17 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@689319a1 (req. id 17)
  2510. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFire@3fe85321 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1177ceaa at id 51, original id requested: 51
  2511. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fire 51 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1177ceaa (req. id 51)
  2512. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@4bdfae7b for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@50a103db at id 56, original id requested: 56
  2513. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_ore 56 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@50a103db (req. id 56)
  2514. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDeadBush@3e481e39 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7b044837 at id 32, original id requested: 32
  2515. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:deadbush 32 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7b044837 (req. id 32)
  2516. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockSoulSand@1533a69e for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@562151f9 at id 88, original id requested: 88
  2517. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:soul_sand 88 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@562151f9 (req. id 88)
  2518. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.Block@41c0dc00 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@258cde9c at id 173, original id requested: 173
  2519. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:coal_block 173 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@258cde9c (req. id 173)
  2520. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockBookshelf@cf47ba0 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@436ae706 at id 47, original id requested: 47
  2521. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:bookshelf 47 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@436ae706 (req. id 47)
  2522. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockButtonStone@7334ebcb for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1f655d7e at id 77, original id requested: 77
  2523. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_button 77 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1f655d7e (req. id 77)
  2524. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@55ed34f1 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@37dd0b4c at id 41, original id requested: 41
  2525. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gold_block 41 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@37dd0b4c (req. id 41)
  2526. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight@3667e137 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1110c73b at id 123, original id requested: 123
  2527. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_lamp 123 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1110c73b (req. id 123)
  2528. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockSand@76fbcbc9 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@6487fb3d at id 12, original id requested: 12
  2529. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sand 12 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@6487fb3d (req. id 12)
  2530. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockQuartz@b92f3dc for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@1b7f955b at id 155, original id requested: 155
  2531. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:quartz_block 155 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@1b7f955b (req. id 155)
  2532. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockSnowBlock@ee7a10e for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@55269777 at id 80, original id requested: 80
  2533. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:snow 80 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@55269777 (req. id 80)
  2534. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockEndPortal@816c920 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@58a2314d at id 119, original id requested: 119
  2535. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:end_portal 119 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@58a2314d (req. id 119)
  2536. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@4c74da4e for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@52e3b1 at id 153, original id requested: 153
  2537. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:quartz_ore 153 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@52e3b1 (req. id 153)
  2538. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockColored@4ec43c8e for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@41e279a1 at id 159, original id requested: 159
  2539. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stained_hardened_clay 159 net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@41e279a1 (req. id 159)
  2540. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCommandBlock@3907f838 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7b9f5ad1 at id 137, original id requested: 137
  2541. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:command_block 137 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7b9f5ad1 (req. id 137)
  2542. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPortal@3efa6afc for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1b038ebf at id 90, original id requested: 90
  2543. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:portal 90 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1b038ebf (req. id 90)
  2544. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@25d480f6 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@690ab74 at id 109, original id requested: 109
  2545. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_brick_stairs 109 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@690ab74 (req. id 109)
  2546. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockLilyPad@79e2bf04 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemLilyPad@19c47f7c at id 111, original id requested: 111
  2547. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:waterlily 111 net.minecraft.item.ItemLilyPad@19c47f7c (req. id 111)
  2548. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@52de4d61 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@338db31b at id 164, original id requested: 164
  2549. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dark_oak_stairs 164 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@338db31b (req. id 164)
  2550. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@1d5a0a87 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1be9cc0e at id 53, original id requested: 53
  2551. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:oak_stairs 53 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1be9cc0e (req. id 53)
  2552. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass@20733e41 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1253b973 at id 2, original id requested: 2
  2553. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:grass 2 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1253b973 (req. id 2)
  2554. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFenceGate@3ff8ae6 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@36b4366b at id 107, original id requested: 107
  2555. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:fence_gate 107 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@36b4366b (req. id 107)
  2556. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockMycelium@26307ce2 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7160c6db at id 110, original id requested: 110
  2557. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:mycelium 110 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7160c6db (req. id 110)
  2558. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockObsidian@27763e5f for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@89f8e04 at id 49, original id requested: 49
  2559. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:obsidian 49 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@89f8e04 (req. id 49)
  2560. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.Block@6aa60eb for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2324ad08 at id 4, original id requested: 4
  2561. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cobblestone 4 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2324ad08 (req. id 4)
  2562. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@5cc7f673 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@3cdbfa3e at id 156, original id requested: 156
  2563. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:quartz_stairs 156 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@3cdbfa3e (req. id 156)
  2564. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockEnderChest@605bfca9 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@e0a1ba9 at id 130, original id requested: 130
  2565. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ender_chest 130 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@e0a1ba9 (req. id 130)
  2566. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockClay@b9aaa1c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@399dfb72 at id 82, original id requested: 82
  2567. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:clay 82 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@399dfb72 (req. id 82)
  2568. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.Block@6e04c05 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@32e716eb at id 48, original id requested: 48
  2569. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone 48 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@32e716eb (req. id 48)
  2570. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt@687f705e for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@6191b868 at id 3, original id requested: 3
  2571. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dirt 3 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@6191b868 (req. id 3)
  2572. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPumpkin@2a85e6b1 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@25e1e5e3 at id 91, original id requested: 91
  2573. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lit_pumpkin 91 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@25e1e5e3 (req. id 91)
  2574. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockAnvil@4d1d9812 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemAnvilBlock@387c7c8d at id 145, original id requested: 145
  2575. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:anvil 145 net.minecraft.item.ItemAnvilBlock@387c7c8d (req. id 145)
  2576. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStaticLiquid@560580ab for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@74d529f3 at id 11, original id requested: 11
  2577. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lava 11 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@74d529f3 (req. id 11)
  2578. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace@58a2f41c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@56b54c71 at id 62, original id requested: 62
  2579. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:lit_furnace 62 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@56b54c71 (req. id 62)
  2580. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@7c0222d5 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@18adbb30 at id 15, original id requested: 15
  2581. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_ore 15 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@18adbb30 (req. id 15)
  2582. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCompressed@4a383427 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@35dc58f8 at id 57, original id requested: 57
  2583. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:diamond_block 57 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@35dc58f8 (req. id 57)
  2584. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockWeb@53e9296a for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@15551d68 at id 30, original id requested: 30
  2585. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:web 30 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@15551d68 (req. id 30)
  2586. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockHay@2acb4dcf for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6fda1c9 at id 170, original id requested: 170
  2587. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:hay_block 170 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6fda1c9 (req. id 170)
  2588. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@3c3c270c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@758896b4 at id 136, original id requested: 136
  2589. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:jungle_stairs 136 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@758896b4 (req. id 136)
  2590. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs@117f906c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5a5e3fb4 at id 114, original id requested: 114
  2591. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_brick_stairs 114 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5a5e3fb4 (req. id 114)
  2592. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlate@4608264 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@61a870c5 at id 70, original id requested: 70
  2593. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_pressure_plate 70 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@61a870c5 (req. id 70)
  2594. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockButtonWood@70938cc for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7983c799 at id 143, original id requested: 143
  2595. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_button 143 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7983c799 (req. id 143)
  2596. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStoneSlab@4ee15284 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@219bbb34 at id 43, original id requested: 43
  2597. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:double_stone_slab 43 net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@219bbb34 (req. id 43)
  2598. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@22994311 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@771f6428 at id 14, original id requested: 14
  2599. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:gold_ore 14 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@771f6428 (req. id 14)
  2600. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockTNT@122e8a3c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2de8bb31 at id 46, original id requested: 46
  2601. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:tnt 46 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2de8bb31 (req. id 46)
  2602. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper@ba38280 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@a59a583 at id 154, original id requested: 154
  2603. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:hopper 154 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@a59a583 (req. id 154)
  2604. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStoneSlab@2af08091 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@38140c4 at id 44, original id requested: 44
  2605. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stone_slab 44 net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@38140c4 (req. id 44)
  2606. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPotato@1d9e3890 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1ac305a8 at id 142, original id requested: 142
  2607. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:potatoes 142 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1ac305a8 (req. id 142)
  2608. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOre@5d62b0c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@79a86651 at id 129, original id requested: 129
  2609. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:emerald_ore 129 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@79a86651 (req. id 129)
  2610. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockMushroom@236b9929 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1ed58e3d at id 39, original id requested: 39
  2611. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:brown_mushroom 39 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1ed58e3d (req. id 39)
  2612. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf@4fd2408f for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemLeaves@437df757 at id 18, original id requested: 18
  2613. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leaves 18 net.minecraft.item.ItemLeaves@437df757 (req. id 18)
  2614. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWireHook@719fe652 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2f9935f at id 131, original id requested: 131
  2615. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:tripwire_hook 131 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2f9935f (req. id 131)
  2616. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower@6292fab0 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@4f3a437f at id 37, original id requested: 37
  2617. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:yellow_flower 37 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@4f3a437f (req. id 37)
  2618. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockRailPowered@4c05279b for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7a256f7b at id 157, original id requested: 157
  2619. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:activator_rail 157 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7a256f7b (req. id 157)
  2620. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneTorch@24dfaba8 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2fba32e3 at id 76, original id requested: 76
  2621. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:redstone_torch 76 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2fba32e3 (req. id 76)
  2622. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockWoodSlab@16708d23 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@6962ed8f at id 125, original id requested: 125
  2623. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:double_wooden_slab 125 net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@6962ed8f (req. id 125)
  2624. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockTrapDoor@a037ad8 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5dda7d56 at id 96, original id requested: 96
  2625. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:trapdoor 96 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5dda7d56 (req. id 96)
  2626. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockNewLeaf@3f0b059a for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemLeaves@335ac93d at id 161, original id requested: 161
  2627. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:leaves2 161 net.minecraft.item.ItemLeaves@335ac93d (req. id 161)
  2628. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFarmland@6fdf5801 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@d51de22 at id 60, original id requested: 60
  2629. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:farmland 60 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@d51de22 (req. id 60)
  2630. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStaticLiquid@6d550439 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@79ce9102 at id 9, original id requested: 9
  2631. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:water 9 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@79ce9102 (req. id 9)
  2632. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockRailPowered@670fc3cf for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@689258c7 at id 27, original id requested: 27
  2633. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:golden_rail 27 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@689258c7 (req. id 27)
  2634. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockGlowstone@17b18d5e for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6002a673 at id 89, original id requested: 89
  2635. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:glowstone 89 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6002a673 (req. id 89)
  2636. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCarpet@9fc1ec5 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@4dfdf943 at id 171, original id requested: 171
  2637. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:carpet 171 net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@4dfdf943 (req. id 171)
  2638. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockFence@1b1d11dc for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5cf7c5b5 at id 113, original id requested: 113
  2639. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:nether_brick_fence 113 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5cf7c5b5 (req. id 113)
  2640. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPumpkin@2a49e429 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@ed51dc2 at id 86, original id requested: 86
  2641. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:pumpkin 86 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@ed51dc2 (req. id 86)
  2642. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockWood@4331d29e for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@4994b329 at id 5, original id requested: 5
  2643. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:planks 5 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@4994b329 (req. id 5)
  2644. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDragonEgg@2cb7647 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@417e6e7c at id 122, original id requested: 122
  2645. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dragon_egg 122 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@417e6e7c (req. id 122)
  2646. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockDispenser@3a48a442 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5387b07b at id 23, original id requested: 23
  2647. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:dispenser 23 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5387b07b (req. id 23)
  2648. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockSandStone@3c6f2344 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@71538614 at id 24, original id requested: 24
  2649. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sandstone 24 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@71538614 (req. id 24)
  2650. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockRailDetector@b92a5b8 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2287c52c at id 28, original id requested: 28
  2651. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:detector_rail 28 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2287c52c (req. id 28)
  2652. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockHardenedClay@f4fd36a for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7fa1dd69 at id 172, original id requested: 172
  2653. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:hardened_clay 172 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7fa1dd69 (req. id 172)
  2654. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStainedGlassPane@3f8eebb6 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@5bcf59f5 at id 160, original id requested: 160
  2655. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stained_glass_pane 160 net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@5bcf59f5 (req. id 160)
  2656. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockSponge@39990cf6 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@a1b12ea at id 19, original id requested: 19
  2657. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:sponge 19 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@a1b12ea (req. id 19)
  2658. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlateWeighted@46144709 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7776c5d4 at id 147, original id requested: 147
  2659. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate 147 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@7776c5d4 (req. id 147)
  2660. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockCocoa@33da0e8 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@16b61e92 at id 127, original id requested: 127
  2661. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cocoa 127 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@16b61e92 (req. id 127)
  2662. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockStainedGlass@1dd2a7ed for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@e910ee4 at id 95, original id requested: 95
  2663. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:stained_glass 95 net.minecraft.item.ItemCloth@e910ee4 (req. id 95)
  2664. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockPane@4861c19c for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5568a234 at id 101, original id requested: 101
  2665. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:iron_bars 101 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5568a234 (req. id 101)
  2666. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockRail@5712691e for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@48712fba at id 66, original id requested: 66
  2667. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:rail 66 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@48712fba (req. id 66)
  2668. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockSilverfish@12151da2 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@7ef4817d at id 97, original id requested: 97
  2669. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:monster_egg 97 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@7ef4817d (req. id 97)
  2670. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockMobSpawner@48b565d2 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@666176a8 at id 52, original id requested: 52
  2671. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:mob_spawner 52 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@666176a8 (req. id 52)
  2672. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockWoodSlab@37420057 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@8b5441b at id 126, original id requested: 126
  2673. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:wooden_slab 126 net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@8b5441b (req. id 126)
  2674. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockWall@41e69be8 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@348a4d14 at id 139, original id requested: 139
  2675. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:cobblestone_wall 139 net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture@348a4d14 (req. id 139)
  2676. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.BlockLadder@3352a656 for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@63ca76fe at id 65, original id requested: 65
  2677. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:ladder 65 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@63ca76fe (req. id 65)
  2678. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found matching Block net.minecraft.block.Block@5c80435f for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@14a50e1 at id 121, original id requested: 121
  2679. [20:37:06] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registry add: minecraft:end_stone 121 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@14a50e1 (req. id 121)
  2680. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class (input size 2047), found 1 patch
  2681. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for (new size 3013)
  2682. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom (input size 1746), found 1 patch
  2683. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom (new size 2658)
  2684. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntityHorse$1 (input size 319), found 1 patch
  2685. [20:37:06] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/entity/passive/EntityHorse$1 (new size 568)
  2686. [20:37:08] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/AnvilSaveHandler (input size 967), found 1 patch
  2687. [20:37:08] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/AnvilSaveHandler (new size 1403)
  2688. [20:37:08] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Runtime patching class net/minecraft/nbt/CompressedStreamTools (input size 2789), found 1 patch
  2689. [20:37:08] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Successfully applied runtime patches for net/minecraft/nbt/CompressedStreamTools (new size 5479)
  2690. [20:37:08] [Server thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge/]: Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
  2691. [20:37:08] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: MinecraftForge v10.13.2.1230 Initialized
  2692. [20:37:08] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Replaced 182 ore recipies
  2693. [20:37:08] [Server thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge/]: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
  2694. [20:37:08] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Building injected Mod Containers [cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLContainer, net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer]
  2695. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes
  2696. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Marwan\Documents\ElecTech ModPack\ELECTECH 1.7\testing\forge-1.7.10-, examining for mod candidates
  2697. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file C:\Users\Marwan\Documents\ElecTech ModPack\ELECTECH 1.7\testing\mods\ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  2698. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file C:\Users\Marwan\Documents\ElecTech ModPack\ELECTECH 1.7\testing\mods\resonant-engine-
  2699. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file C:\Users\Marwan\Documents\ElecTech ModPack\ELECTECH 1.7\testing\mods\universal-electricity-
  2700. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully
  2701. [20:37:09] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Searching C:\Users\Marwan\Documents\ElecTech ModPack\ELECTECH 1.7\testing\mods for mods
  2702. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate mod directory 1.7.10
  2703. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  2704. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Ignoring unknown file print.txt in mods directory
  2705. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file resonant-engine-
  2706. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file resonant-induction-
  2707. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file universal-electricity-
  2708. [20:37:09] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Also searching C:\Users\Marwan\Documents\ElecTech ModPack\ELECTECH 1.7\testing\mods\1.7.10 for mods
  2709. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-
  2710. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file forge-1.7.10- for potential mods
  2711. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container forge-1.7.10- appears to be missing an file
  2712. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining directory 1.7.10 for potential mods
  2713. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: No file found in directory 1.7.10
  2714. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- for potential mods
  2715. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  2716. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.microblock.handler.MicroblockMod) - loading
  2717. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/]: Parsed dependency info : [ForgeMultipart] [ForgeMultipart, *] []
  2718. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/]: Attempting to load the file from ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- to locate a version number for ForgeMicroblock
  2719. [20:37:09] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroblock/]: Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  2720. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.multipart.handler.MultipartMod) - loading
  2721. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  2722. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/]: Attempting to load the file from ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- to locate a version number for ForgeMultipart
  2723. [20:37:09] [Server thread/WARN] [ForgeMultipart/]: Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  2724. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.multipart.minecraft.MinecraftMultipartMod) - loading
  2725. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  2726. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [McMultipart/]: Attempting to load the file from ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- to locate a version number for McMultipart
  2727. [20:37:09] [Server thread/WARN] [McMultipart/]: Mod McMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  2728. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file resonant-engine- for potential mods
  2729. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file resonant-engine-
  2730. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (resonant.engine.ResonantEngine) - loading
  2731. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantEngine/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
  2732. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file resonant-induction- for potential mods
  2733. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container resonant-induction- appears to be missing an file
  2734. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction) - loading
  2735. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantInductionCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [ResonantEngine, ForgeMultipart@[,)] [ForgeMultipart@[,), ResonantEngine] [ThermalExpansion, Mekanism]
  2736. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file universal-electricity- for potential mods
  2737. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file universal-electricity-
  2738. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (universalelectricity.core.UELoader) - loading
  2739. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [UniversalElectricity/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] [ForgeMultipart]
  2740. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- for potential mods
  2741. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- appears to be missing an file
  2742. [20:37:09] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 9 mods to load
  2743. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by IC2 providing IC2API) embedded in ResonantEngine
  2744. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mcp.mobius.waila.api (owned by Waila providing WailaAPI) embedded in ResonantEngine
  2745. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in ResonantEngine
  2746. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|tools: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [ResonantEngine]
  2747. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API WailaAPI: owner: Waila, dependents: [ResonantEngine]
  2748. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API IC2API: owner: IC2, dependents: [ResonantEngine]
  2749. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Received a system property request ''
  2750. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: System property request managing the state of 0 mods
  2751. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: After merging, found state information for 0 mods
  2752. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/fml/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2753. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2754. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang es_ES in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/es_ES.lang into language system
  2755. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fr_FR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/fr_FR.lang into language system
  2756. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ru_RU in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ru_RU.lang into language system
  2757. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang de_DE in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/de_DE.lang into language system
  2758. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang af_ZA in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/af_ZA.lang into language system
  2759. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ar_SA in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ar_SA.lang into language system
  2760. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ca_ES in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ca_ES.lang into language system
  2761. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang cs_CZ in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/cs_CZ.lang into language system
  2762. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang da_DK in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/da_DK.lang into language system
  2763. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang el_GR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/el_GR.lang into language system
  2764. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fa_IR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/fa_IR.lang into language system
  2765. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fi_FI in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/fi_FI.lang into language system
  2766. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang he_IL in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/he_IL.lang into language system
  2767. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang hu_HU in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/hu_HU.lang into language system
  2768. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang it_IT in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/it_IT.lang into language system
  2769. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ja_JP in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ja_JP.lang into language system
  2770. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ko_KR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ko_KR.lang into language system
  2771. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nb_NO in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/nb_NO.lang into language system
  2772. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nl_NL in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/nl_NL.lang into language system
  2773. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nn_NO in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/nn_NO.lang into language system
  2774. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang no_NO in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/no_NO.lang into language system
  2775. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang pl_PL in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/pl_PL.lang into language system
  2776. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang pt_BR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/pt_BR.lang into language system
  2777. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang pt_PT in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/pt_PT.lang into language system
  2778. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ro_RO in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ro_RO.lang into language system
  2779. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang sr_SP in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/sr_SP.lang into language system
  2780. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang sv_SE in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/sv_SE.lang into language system
  2781. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang tr_TR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/tr_TR.lang into language system
  2782. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang uk_UA in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/uk_UA.lang into language system
  2783. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang vi_VN in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/vi_VN.lang into language system
  2784. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_CN in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/zh_CN.lang into language system
  2785. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_TW in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/zh_TW.lang into language system
  2786. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/fml/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2787. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2788. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang es_ES in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/es_ES.lang into language system
  2789. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fr_FR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/fr_FR.lang into language system
  2790. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ru_RU in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ru_RU.lang into language system
  2791. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang de_DE in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/de_DE.lang into language system
  2792. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang af_ZA in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/af_ZA.lang into language system
  2793. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ar_SA in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ar_SA.lang into language system
  2794. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ca_ES in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ca_ES.lang into language system
  2795. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang cs_CZ in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/cs_CZ.lang into language system
  2796. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang da_DK in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/da_DK.lang into language system
  2797. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang el_GR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/el_GR.lang into language system
  2798. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fa_IR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/fa_IR.lang into language system
  2799. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fi_FI in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/fi_FI.lang into language system
  2800. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang he_IL in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/he_IL.lang into language system
  2801. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang hu_HU in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/hu_HU.lang into language system
  2802. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang it_IT in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/it_IT.lang into language system
  2803. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ja_JP in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ja_JP.lang into language system
  2804. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ko_KR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ko_KR.lang into language system
  2805. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nb_NO in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/nb_NO.lang into language system
  2806. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nl_NL in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/nl_NL.lang into language system
  2807. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nn_NO in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/nn_NO.lang into language system
  2808. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang no_NO in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/no_NO.lang into language system
  2809. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang pl_PL in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/pl_PL.lang into language system
  2810. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang pt_BR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/pt_BR.lang into language system
  2811. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang pt_PT in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/pt_PT.lang into language system
  2812. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ro_RO in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/ro_RO.lang into language system
  2813. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang sr_SP in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/sr_SP.lang into language system
  2814. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang sv_SE in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/sv_SE.lang into language system
  2815. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang tr_TR in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/tr_TR.lang into language system
  2816. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang uk_UA in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/uk_UA.lang into language system
  2817. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang vi_VN in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/vi_VN.lang into language system
  2818. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_CN in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/zh_CN.lang into language system
  2819. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_TW in zip file forge-1.7.10- at assets/forge/lang/zh_TW.lang into language system
  2820. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/]: Enabling mod ForgeMicroblock
  2821. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2822. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang cs_CZ in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/cs_CZ.lang into language system
  2823. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang hr_HR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/hr_HR.lang into language system
  2824. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang tr_TR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/tr_TR.lang into language system
  2825. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang es_ES in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/es_ES.lang into language system
  2826. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fr_FR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/fr_FR.lang into language system
  2827. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ru_RU in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/ru_RU.lang into language system
  2828. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang de_DE in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/de_DE.lang into language system
  2829. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_TW in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/zh_TW.lang into language system
  2830. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang it_IT in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/it_IT.lang into language system
  2831. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ko_KR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/ko_KR.lang into language system
  2832. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_CN in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/zh_CN.lang into language system
  2833. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nl_NL in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/nl_NL.lang into language system
  2834. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/]: Enabling mod ForgeMultipart
  2835. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2836. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang cs_CZ in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/cs_CZ.lang into language system
  2837. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang hr_HR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/hr_HR.lang into language system
  2838. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang tr_TR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/tr_TR.lang into language system
  2839. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang es_ES in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/es_ES.lang into language system
  2840. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fr_FR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/fr_FR.lang into language system
  2841. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ru_RU in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/ru_RU.lang into language system
  2842. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang de_DE in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/de_DE.lang into language system
  2843. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_TW in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/zh_TW.lang into language system
  2844. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang it_IT in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/it_IT.lang into language system
  2845. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ko_KR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/ko_KR.lang into language system
  2846. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_CN in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/zh_CN.lang into language system
  2847. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nl_NL in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/nl_NL.lang into language system
  2848. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [McMultipart/]: Enabling mod McMultipart
  2849. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2850. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang cs_CZ in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/cs_CZ.lang into language system
  2851. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang hr_HR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/hr_HR.lang into language system
  2852. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang tr_TR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/tr_TR.lang into language system
  2853. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang es_ES in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/es_ES.lang into language system
  2854. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang fr_FR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/fr_FR.lang into language system
  2855. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ru_RU in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/ru_RU.lang into language system
  2856. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang de_DE in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/de_DE.lang into language system
  2857. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_TW in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/zh_TW.lang into language system
  2858. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang it_IT in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/it_IT.lang into language system
  2859. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ko_KR in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/ko_KR.lang into language system
  2860. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_CN in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/zh_CN.lang into language system
  2861. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang nl_NL in zip file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- at assets/multipart/lang/nl_NL.lang into language system
  2862. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ResonantEngine/]: Enabling mod ResonantEngine
  2863. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ru_RU in zip file resonant-engine- at assets/resonant/lang/ru_RU.lang into language system
  2864. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang de_DE in zip file resonant-engine- at assets/resonant/lang/de_DE.lang into language system
  2865. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang zh_CN in zip file resonant-engine- at assets/resonant/lang/zh_CN.lang into language system
  2866. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang et_EE in zip file resonant-engine- at assets/resonant/lang/et_EE.lang into language system
  2867. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file resonant-engine- at assets/resonant/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2868. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ResonantInductionCore/]: Enabling mod ResonantInductionCore
  2869. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang en_US in zip file resonant-induction- at assets/resonantinduction/lang/en_US.lang into language system
  2870. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang pl_PL in zip file resonant-induction- at assets/resonantinduction/lang/pl_PL.lang into language system
  2871. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang de_DE in zip file resonant-induction- at assets/resonantinduction/lang/de_DE.lang into language system
  2872. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting found translation data for lang ru_RU in zip file resonant-induction- at assets/resonantinduction/lang/ru_RU.lang into language system
  2873. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [UniversalElectricity/]: Enabling mod UniversalElectricity
  2874. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Verifying mod requirements are satisfied
  2875. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: All mod requirements are satisfied
  2876. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Sorting mods into an ordered list
  2877. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Mod sorting completed successfully
  2878. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mod sorting data
  2879. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: UniversalElectricity(Universal Electricity:@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@): universal-electricity- (before:ForgeMultipart)
  2880. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForgeMultipart(Forge Multipart: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- ()
  2881. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: McMultipart(Minecraft Multipart Plugin: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- ()
  2882. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|tools(API: BuildCraftAPI|tools:1.0): resonant-engine- ()
  2883. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WailaAPI(API: WailaAPI:1.0): resonant-engine- ()
  2884. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: IC2API(API: IC2API:1.0): resonant-engine- ()
  2885. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ResonantEngine(Resonant Engine:@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@): resonant-engine- ()
  2886. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ResonantInductionCore(Resonant Induction:@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@): resonant-induction- (required-after:ForgeMultipart@[,);required-after:ResonantEngine;before:ThermalExpansion;before:Mekanism)
  2887. [20:37:09] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForgeMicroblock(Forge Microblocks: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- (required-after:ForgeMultipart;after:*)
  2888. [20:37:09] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  2889. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcp
  2890. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcp
  2891. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FML
  2892. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Mod FML is using network checker : Invoking method checkModLists
  2893. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Testing mod FML to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  2894. [20:37:09] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: The mod FML accepts its own version (
  2895. [20:37:09] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, ResonantEngine, ResonantInductionCore, UniversalElectricity] at CLIENT
  2896. [20:37:09] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, ResonantEngine, ResonantInductionCore, UniversalElectricity] at SERVER
  2897. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FML
  2898. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forge
  2899. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: Mod Forge is using network checker : No network checking performed
  2900. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: Testing mod Forge to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  2901. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: The mod Forge accepts its own version (
  2902. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forge
  2903. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [UniversalElectricity/UniversalElectricity]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod UniversalElectricity
  2904. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/UniversalElectricity]: Mod UniversalElectricity is using network checker : Accepting version @MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@
  2905. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/UniversalElectricity]: Testing mod UniversalElectricity to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  2906. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/UniversalElectricity]: The mod UniversalElectricity accepts its own version (@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@)
  2907. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/UniversalElectricity]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into UniversalElectricity
  2908. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [UniversalElectricity/UniversalElectricity]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod UniversalElectricity
  2909. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
  2910. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: Mod ForgeMultipart is using network checker : Accepting version
  2911. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: Testing mod ForgeMultipart to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  2912. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: The mod ForgeMultipart accepts its own version (
  2913. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ForgeMultipart
  2914. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
  2915. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/McMultipart]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod McMultipart
  2916. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/McMultipart]: Mod McMultipart is using network checker : Accepting version
  2917. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/McMultipart]: Testing mod McMultipart to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  2918. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/McMultipart]: The mod McMultipart accepts its own version (
  2919. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/McMultipart]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into McMultipart
  2920. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/McMultipart]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod McMultipart
  2921. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantEngine/ResonantEngine]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ResonantEngine
  2922. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Mod ResonantEngine is using network checker : Accepting version @MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@
  2923. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Testing mod ResonantEngine to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  2924. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: The mod ResonantEngine accepts its own version (@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@)
  2925. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ResonantEngine
  2926. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantEngine/ResonantEngine]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ResonantEngine
  2927. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantInductionCore/ResonantInductionCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ResonantInductionCore
  2928. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Mod ResonantInductionCore is using network checker : Accepting version @MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@
  2929. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Testing mod ResonantInductionCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  2930. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: The mod ResonantInductionCore accepts its own version (@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@)
  2931. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ResonantInductionCore
  2932. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantInductionCore/ResonantInductionCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ResonantInductionCore
  2933. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForgeMicroblock
  2934. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Mod ForgeMicroblock is using network checker : Accepting version
  2935. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Testing mod ForgeMicroblock to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
  2936. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: The mod ForgeMicroblock accepts its own version (
  2937. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ForgeMicroblock
  2938. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForgeMicroblock
  2939. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mod signature data
  2940. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: mcp(Minecraft Coder Pack:9.05): minecraft.jar (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  2941. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: FML(Forge Mod Loader: forge-1.7.10- (e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557)
  2942. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Forge(Minecraft Forge: forge-1.7.10- (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  2943. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: UniversalElectricity(Universal Electricity:@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@): universal-electricity- (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  2944. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForgeMultipart(Forge Multipart: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  2945. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: McMultipart(Minecraft Multipart Plugin: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  2946. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ResonantEngine(Resonant Engine:@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@): resonant-engine- (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  2947. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ResonantInductionCore(Resonant Induction:@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@): resonant-induction- (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  2948. [20:37:10] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForgeMicroblock(Forge Microblocks: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- (NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND)
  2949. [20:37:10] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
  2950. [20:37:10] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found 341 ObjectHolder annotations
  2951. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mcp
  2952. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mcp
  2953. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod FML
  2954. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod FML
  2955. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Forge
  2956. [20:37:10] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/Forge]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
  2957. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Forge
  2958. [20:37:10] [Server thread/TRACE] [UniversalElectricity/UniversalElectricity]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod UniversalElectricity
  2959. [20:37:11] [Server thread/TRACE] [UniversalElectricity/UniversalElectricity]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod UniversalElectricity
  2960. [20:37:11] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
  2961. [20:37:11] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: Registry add: ForgeMultipart:block 165 codechicken.multipart.BlockMultipart@6f7a01ba (req. id -1)
  2962. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
  2963. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/McMultipart]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod McMultipart
  2964. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/McMultipart]: Registered multipart: mc_torch
  2965. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/McMultipart]: Registered multipart: mc_lever
  2966. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/McMultipart]: Registered multipart: mc_button
  2967. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/McMultipart]: Registered multipart: mc_redtorch
  2968. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/McMultipart]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod McMultipart
  2969. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantEngine/ResonantEngine]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ResonantEngine
  2970. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:syntheticPart 166 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@d6934df (req. id -1)
  2971. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@d6934df for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@4f9c0948 at id 166, original id requested: -1
  2972. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:syntheticPart 166 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@4f9c0948 (req. id 166)
  2973. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:screwdriver 4096 resonant.engine.content.ItemScrewdriver@40c72118 (req. id -1)
  2974. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:creativeBuilder 167 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@1b8ca1c0 (req. id -1)
  2975. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@1b8ca1c0 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@2dcf5261 at id 167, original id requested: -1
  2976. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:creativeBuilder 167 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@2dcf5261 (req. id 167)
  2977. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:infiniteFluid 168 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@108f2c81 (req. id -1)
  2978. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@108f2c81 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@27b2d1a5 at id 168, original id requested: -1
  2979. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:infiniteFluid 168 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@27b2d1a5 (req. id 168)
  2980. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:infiniteEnergy 169 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@69b3af04 (req. id -1)
  2981. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@69b3af04 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@13a765d3 at id 169, original id requested: -1
  2982. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantEngine]: Registry add: ResonantEngine:infiniteEnergy 169 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@13a765d3 (req. id 169)
  2983. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantEngine/ResonantEngine]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ResonantEngine
  2984. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantInductionCore/ResonantInductionCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ResonantInductionCore
  2985. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: [Modstats] Config loaded. allowUpdates: true, betaNotification: false, strict: false
  2986. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: java.lang.NullPointerException
  2987. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at resonant.api.grid.NodeRegistry.get(
  2988. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at resonantinduction.electrical.generator.TileMotor.<init>(TileMotor.scala:22)
  2989. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at resonantinduction.electrical.ElectricalContent$.<init>(ElectricalContent.scala:46)
  2990. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at resonantinduction.electrical.ElectricalContent$.<clinit>(ElectricalContent.scala)
  2991. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction$.preInit(ResonantInduction.scala:54)
  2992. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction.preInit(ResonantInduction.scala)
  2993. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  2994. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  2995. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  2996. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  2997. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(
  2998. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
  2999. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  3000. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  3001. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3002. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3003. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3004. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3005. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3006. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
  3007. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(
  3008. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  3009. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  3010. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  3011. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  3012. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3013. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3014. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3015. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3016. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3017. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
  3018. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods(
  3019. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  3020. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  3021. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
  3022. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at
  3023. [20:37:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/ResonantInductionCore]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$
  3024. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional removal - found optionals for class resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.TileThermometer - processing
  3025. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional on resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.TileThermometer triggered - mod missing OpenComputers
  3026. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional removal - interface removed
  3027. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional removal - interface - NOT stripping method signature references
  3028. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional on resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.TileThermometer triggered - mod missing OpenComputers
  3029. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional removal - method getWarningTemperature(Lli/cil/oc/api/network/Context;Lli/cil/oc/api/network/Arguments;)[Ljava/lang/Object; removed
  3030. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional on resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.TileThermometer triggered - mod missing OpenComputers
  3031. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional removal - method isAboveWarningTemperature(Lli/cil/oc/api/network/Context;Lli/cil/oc/api/network/Arguments;)[Ljava/lang/Object; removed
  3032. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional on resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.TileThermometer triggered - mod missing OpenComputers
  3033. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional removal - method setWarningTemperature(Lli/cil/oc/api/network/Context;Lli/cil/oc/api/network/Arguments;)[Ljava/lang/Object; removed
  3034. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional on resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.TileThermometer triggered - mod missing OpenComputers
  3035. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional removal - method getTemperature(Lli/cil/oc/api/network/Context;Lli/cil/oc/api/network/Arguments;)[Ljava/lang/Object; removed
  3036. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Optional removal - class resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.TileThermometer processed
  3037. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:radioactive 176 resonantinduction.atomic.blocks.BlockRadioactive@735753fb (req. id -1)
  3038. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonantinduction.atomic.blocks.BlockRadioactive@735753fb for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6a4abee5 at id 176, original id requested: -1
  3039. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:radioactive 176 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6a4abee5 (req. id 176)
  3040. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:centrifuge 177 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@513ae2e7 (req. id -1)
  3041. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@513ae2e7 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@7106d55a at id 177, original id requested: -1
  3042. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:centrifuge 177 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@7106d55a (req. id 177)
  3043. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:nuclearBoiler 178 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@77a141ae (req. id -1)
  3044. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@77a141ae for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@7bdf43dd at id 178, original id requested: -1
  3045. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:nuclearBoiler 178 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@7bdf43dd (req. id 178)
  3046. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:controlRod 179 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@ff53eb2 (req. id -1)
  3047. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@ff53eb2 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@2de7204d at id 179, original id requested: -1
  3048. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:controlRod 179 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@2de7204d (req. id 179)
  3049. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:thermometer 180 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@20f9b6c6 (req. id -1)
  3050. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@20f9b6c6 for ItemBlock resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.ItemBlockThermometer@6a4e9213 at id 180, original id requested: -1
  3051. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:thermometer 180 resonantinduction.atomic.machine.thermometer.ItemBlockThermometer@6a4e9213 (req. id 180)
  3052. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:plasmaHeater 181 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@3aed9075 (req. id -1)
  3053. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@3aed9075 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@42a70f8c at id 181, original id requested: -1
  3054. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:plasmaHeater 181 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@42a70f8c (req. id 181)
  3055. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:plasma 182 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@65edd283 (req. id -1)
  3056. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@65edd283 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6097cabc at id 182, original id requested: -1
  3057. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:plasma 182 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6097cabc (req. id 182)
  3058. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:electromagnet 183 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@18b11695 (req. id -1)
  3059. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@18b11695 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata@12419cdd at id 183, original id requested: -1
  3060. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:electromagnet 183 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata@12419cdd (req. id 183)
  3061. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:chemicalExtractor 184 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@11a17a88 (req. id -1)
  3062. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@11a17a88 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@737fc3 at id 184, original id requested: -1
  3063. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:chemicalExtractor 184 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@737fc3 (req. id 184)
  3064. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:siren 185 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@48df8221 (req. id -1)
  3065. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@48df8221 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@49d869e7 at id 185, original id requested: -1
  3066. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:siren 185 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@49d869e7 (req. id 185)
  3067. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:funnel 186 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@1f10e291 (req. id -1)
  3068. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@1f10e291 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@d8aad86 at id 186, original id requested: -1
  3069. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:funnel 186 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@d8aad86 (req. id 186)
  3070. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:accelerator 187 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@1aa9b6ed (req. id -1)
  3071. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@1aa9b6ed for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@7c288f47 at id 187, original id requested: -1
  3072. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:accelerator 187 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@7c288f47 (req. id 187)
  3073. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:fulmination 188 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@4ad6bdff (req. id -1)
  3074. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@4ad6bdff for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@5853d6bb at id 188, original id requested: -1
  3075. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:fulmination 188 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@5853d6bb (req. id 188)
  3076. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:quantumAssembler 189 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@6836bc4a (req. id -1)
  3077. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@6836bc4a for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6183d3b9 at id 189, original id requested: -1
  3078. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:quantumAssembler 189 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6183d3b9 (req. id 189)
  3079. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:reactorCell 190 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@15c148b3 (req. id -1)
  3080. [20:37:12] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@15c148b3 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@761411f7 at id 190, original id requested: -1
  3081. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:reactorCell 190 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@761411f7 (req. id 190)
  3082. [20:37:12] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:uraniumOre 191 resonantinduction.atomic.blocks.BlockUraniumOre@15eb39ae (req. id -1)
  3083. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonantinduction.atomic.blocks.BlockUraniumOre@15eb39ae for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@617d9c0 at id 191, original id requested: -1
  3084. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:uraniumOre 191 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@617d9c0 (req. id 191)
  3085. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:toxicWaste 192 resonantinduction.atomic.blocks.BlockToxicWaste@55c3dd0b (req. id -1)
  3086. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonantinduction.atomic.blocks.BlockToxicWaste@55c3dd0b for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2de5292a at id 192, original id requested: -1
  3087. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:toxicWaste 192 net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@2de5292a (req. id 192)
  3088. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:cellEmpty 4097 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemCell@191e8301 (req. id -1)
  3089. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:fissileFuel 4098 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemFissileFuel@222ac389 (req. id -1)
  3090. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:breederFuel 4099 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemBreederFuel@258b68e5 (req. id -1)
  3091. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:darkMatter 4100 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemCell@6393a5a4 (req. id -1)
  3092. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:antimatter 4101 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemAntimatter@725fe50e (req. id -1)
  3093. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:cellDeuterium 4102 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemCell@75b734cb (req. id -1)
  3094. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:cellTritium 4103 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemCell@4eeb37cd (req. id -1)
  3095. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:cellWater 4104 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemCell@349c9c35 (req. id -1)
  3096. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:yellowCake 4105 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemRadioactive@15d3768f (req. id -1)
  3097. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:uranium 4106 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemUranium@6e0cb17a (req. id -1)
  3098. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:hazmatMask 4107 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemHazmat@3fd2e0bd (req. id -1)
  3099. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:hazmatBody 4108 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemHazmat@2da0b907 (req. id -1)
  3100. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:hazmatLeggings 4109 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemHazmat@12d391f8 (req. id -1)
  3101. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:hazmatBoots 4110 resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemHazmat@143a70 (req. id -1)
  3102. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:bucketToxicWaste 4111 net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket@357f908 (req. id -1)
  3103. [20:37:13] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Unable to register a callback for an unknown mod resonantinduction.atomic.AtomicContent$@30088f1a (resonantinduction.atomic.AtomicContent$ : 30088f1a)
  3104. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:gear 4112 resonantinduction.mechanical.mech.gear.ItemGear@8ce8483 (req. id -1)
  3105. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:gearShaft 4113 resonantinduction.mechanical.mech.gearshaft.ItemGearShaft@665fbee3 (req. id -1)
  3106. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:pipe 4114 resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.ItemPipe@6026c2ff (req. id -1)
  3107. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:windTurbine 193 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@564e1f6e (req. id -1)
  3108. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@564e1f6e for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata@22f19b06 at id 193, original id requested: -1
  3109. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:windTurbine 193 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata@22f19b06 (req. id 193)
  3110. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:waterTurbine 194 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@56c4c0bb (req. id -1)
  3111. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@56c4c0bb for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata@f49617e at id 194, original id requested: -1
  3112. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:waterTurbine 194 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata@f49617e (req. id 194)
  3113. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:electricTurbine 195 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@2a257cf8 (req. id -1)
  3114. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@2a257cf8 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@32f9366 at id 195, original id requested: -1
  3115. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:electricTurbine 195 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@32f9366 (req. id 195)
  3116. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:detector 196 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@5ae82d0d (req. id -1)
  3117. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@5ae82d0d for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@40e5df1b at id 196, original id requested: -1
  3118. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:detector 196 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@40e5df1b (req. id 196)
  3119. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:pump 197 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@64fb8ac (req. id -1)
  3120. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@64fb8ac for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@5be52770 at id 197, original id requested: -1
  3121. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:pump 197 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@5be52770 (req. id 197)
  3122. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:grindingWheel 198 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@fee2989 (req. id -1)
  3123. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@fee2989 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@5ce8e98a at id 198, original id requested: -1
  3124. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:grindingWheel 198 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@5ce8e98a (req. id 198)
  3125. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:mixer 199 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@389ce854 (req. id -1)
  3126. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@389ce854 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@4558ffd5 at id 199, original id requested: -1
  3127. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:mixer 199 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@4558ffd5 (req. id 199)
  3128. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:mechanicalPiston 200 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@19c8826 (req. id -1)
  3129. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@19c8826 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@4bae779d at id 200, original id requested: -1
  3130. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:mechanicalPiston 200 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@4bae779d (req. id 200)
  3131. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:breaker 201 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@746bfe1f (req. id -1)
  3132. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@746bfe1f for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@5df8e0ef at id 201, original id requested: -1
  3133. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:breaker 201 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@5df8e0ef (req. id 201)
  3134. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:placer 202 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@28dcc0de (req. id -1)
  3135. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@28dcc0de for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@34fa43c7 at id 202, original id requested: -1
  3136. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:placer 202 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@34fa43c7 (req. id 202)
  3137. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:industrialStone 203 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@7e7df660 (req. id -1)
  3138. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@7e7df660 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata@7fba5980 at id 203, original id requested: -1
  3139. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:industrialStone 203 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata@7fba5980 (req. id 203)
  3140. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:wire 4115 resonantinduction.electrical.wire.ItemWire@5882530e (req. id -1)
  3141. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:multimeter 4116 resonantinduction.electrical.multimeter.ItemMultimeter@541ae987 (req. id -1)
  3142. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:electricTransformer 4117 resonantinduction.electrical.transformer.ItemElectricTransformer@32d9c934 (req. id -1)
  3143. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:insulation 4118 net.minecraft.item.Item@78288f00 (req. id -1)
  3144. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:quantumGlyph 4119 resonantinduction.atomic.gate.ItemQuantumGlyph@2ec486a1 (req. id -1)
  3145. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:focusingMatrix 4120 resonantinduction.electrical.laser.focus.ItemFocusingMatrix@6862cc03 (req. id -1)
  3146. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:tesla 204 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@2e400e7f (req. id -1)
  3147. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@2e400e7f for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6f77cb91 at id 204, original id requested: -1
  3148. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:tesla 204 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6f77cb91 (req. id 204)
  3149. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:battery 205 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@21d5d5c3 (req. id -1)
  3150. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@21d5d5c3 for ItemBlock resonantinduction.electrical.battery.ItemBlockBattery@5dc5068f at id 205, original id requested: -1
  3151. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:battery 205 resonantinduction.electrical.battery.ItemBlockBattery@5dc5068f (req. id 205)
  3152. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:solarPanel 206 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@61d72405 (req. id -1)
  3153. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@61d72405 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@737df671 at id 206, original id requested: -1
  3154. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:solarPanel 206 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@737df671 (req. id 206)
  3155. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:motor 207 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@52beaff3 (req. id -1)
  3156. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@52beaff3 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6511a4f5 at id 207, original id requested: -1
  3157. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:motor 207 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6511a4f5 (req. id 207)
  3158. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:thermopile 208 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@696504a9 (req. id -1)
  3159. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@696504a9 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6715294d at id 208, original id requested: -1
  3160. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:thermopile 208 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@6715294d (req. id 208)
  3161. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:laserEmitter 209 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@1e4ab31a (req. id -1)
  3162. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@1e4ab31a for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@3a347f7f at id 209, original id requested: -1
  3163. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:laserEmitter 209 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@3a347f7f (req. id 209)
  3164. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:laserReceiver 210 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@3c20c711 (req. id -1)
  3165. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@3c20c711 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@bed4bee at id 210, original id requested: -1
  3166. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:laserReceiver 210 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@bed4bee (req. id 210)
  3167. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:mirror 211 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@581e06c4 (req. id -1)
  3168. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@581e06c4 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@1b4e5b0e at id 211, original id requested: -1
  3169. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:mirror 211 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@1b4e5b0e (req. id 211)
  3170. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:focusCrystal 212 resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@76b06322 (req. id -1)
  3171. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Found matching Block resonant.content.wrapper.BlockDummy@76b06322 for ItemBlock resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@363c8a0e at id 212, original id requested: -1
  3172. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:focusCrystal 212 resonant.content.prefab.itemblock.ItemBlockTooltip@363c8a0e (req. id 212)
  3173. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:imprint 4121 resonantinduction.archaic.blocks.ItemImprint@7499d501 (req. id -1)
  3174. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:hammer 4122 (req. id -1)
  3175. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ResonantInductionCore]: Registry add: ResonantInductionCore:handCrank 4123 resonantinduction.mechanical.mech.gear.ItemHandCrank@5c0795d4 (req. id -1)
  3176. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantInductionCore/ResonantInductionCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ResonantInductionCore
  3177. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ForgeMicroblock
  3178. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Registry add: ForgeMicroblock:microblock 4124 codechicken.microblock.ItemMicroPart@21754bc (req. id -1)
  3179. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Registry add: ForgeMicroblock:sawStone 4125 codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw@3e5ad357 (req. id -1)
  3180. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Registry add: ForgeMicroblock:sawIron 4126 codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw@3ce914bc (req. id -1)
  3181. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Registry add: ForgeMicroblock:sawDiamond 4127 codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw@6a5061e1 (req. id -1)
  3182. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Registry add: ForgeMicroblock:stoneRod 4128 net.minecraft.item.Item@434a314e (req. id -1)
  3183. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered multipart: mcr_face
  3184. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered multipart: mcr_hllw
  3185. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered multipart: mcr_cnr
  3186. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered multipart: mcr_edge
  3187. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered multipart: mcr_post
  3188. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stone
  3189. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.dirt
  3190. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.dirt_1
  3191. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.dirt_2
  3192. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stonebrick
  3193. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.wood
  3194. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.wood_1
  3195. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.wood_2
  3196. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.wood_3
  3197. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.wood_4
  3198. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.wood_5
  3199. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.log
  3200. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.log_1
  3201. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.log_2
  3202. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.log_3
  3203. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.log2
  3204. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.log2_1
  3205. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.leaves
  3206. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.leaves_1
  3207. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.leaves_2
  3208. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.leaves_3
  3209. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.leaves2
  3210. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.leaves2_1
  3211. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.sponge
  3212. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material:
  3213. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.blockLapis
  3214. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.sandStone
  3215. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_1
  3216. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_2
  3217. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth
  3218. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_1
  3219. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_2
  3220. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_3
  3221. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_4
  3222. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_5
  3223. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_6
  3224. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_7
  3225. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_8
  3226. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_9
  3227. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_10
  3228. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_11
  3229. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_12
  3230. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_13
  3231. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_14
  3232. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.cloth_15
  3233. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.blockGold
  3234. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.blockIron
  3235. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.brick
  3236. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.bookshelf
  3237. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stoneMoss
  3238. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.obsidian
  3239. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.blockDiamond
  3240. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material:
  3241. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.snow
  3242. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clay
  3243. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.hellrock
  3244. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.hellsand
  3245. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.lightgem
  3246. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth
  3247. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_1
  3248. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_2
  3249. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_3
  3250. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.netherBrick
  3251. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.whiteStone
  3252. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.blockEmerald
  3253. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.blockRedstone
  3254. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.quartzBlock
  3255. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained
  3256. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_1
  3257. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_2
  3258. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_3
  3259. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_4
  3260. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_5
  3261. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_6
  3262. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_7
  3263. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_8
  3264. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_9
  3265. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_10
  3266. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_11
  3267. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_12
  3268. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_13
  3269. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_14
  3270. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_15
  3271. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
  3272. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.blockCoal
  3273. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.icePacked
  3274. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass
  3275. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_1
  3276. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_2
  3277. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_3
  3278. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_4
  3279. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_5
  3280. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_6
  3281. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_7
  3282. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_8
  3283. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_9
  3284. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_10
  3285. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_11
  3286. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_12
  3287. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_13
  3288. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_14
  3289. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.stainedGlass_15
  3290. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.grass
  3291. [20:37:13] [Server thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Registered micro material: tile.mycel
  3292. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ForgeMicroblock
  3293. [20:37:13] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Applying holder lookups
  3294. [20:37:13] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Holder lookups applied
  3295. [20:37:13] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: Fatal errors were detected during the transition from PREINITIALIZATION to INITIALIZATION. Loading cannot continue
  3296. [20:37:13] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]:
  3297. mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized
  3298. FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized
  3299. Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized
  3300. UniversalElectricity{@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@} [Universal Electricity] (universal-electricity- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized
  3301. ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized
  3302. McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized
  3303. ResonantEngine{@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@} [Resonant Engine] (resonant-engine- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized
  3304. ResonantInductionCore{@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@} [Resonant Induction] (resonant-induction- Unloaded->Constructed->Errored
  3305. ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized
  3306. [20:37:13] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: The following problems were captured during this phase
  3307. [20:37:13] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML/]: Caught exception from ResonantInductionCore
  3308. java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: resonantinduction$archaic$engineering$TileEngineeringTable$$iconTop
  3309. at$.<init>(TileEngineeringTable.scala:62) ~[TileEngineeringTable$.class:?]
  3310. at$.<clinit>(TileEngineeringTable.scala) ~[TileEngineeringTable$.class:?]
  3311. at<init>(TileEngineeringTable.scala:70) ~[TileEngineeringTable.class:?]
  3312. at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3313. at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3314. at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3315. at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3316. at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3317. at resonant.content.loader.ModManager.newBlock( ~[ModManager.class:?]
  3318. at resonantinduction.archaic.ArchaicContent$.preInit(ArchaicContent.scala:51) ~[ArchaicContent$.class:?]
  3319. at resonant.lib.loadable.LoadableHandler.preInit( ~[LoadableHandler.class:?]
  3320. at resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction$.preInit(ResonantInduction.scala:58) ~[ResonantInduction$.class:?]
  3321. at resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction.preInit(ResonantInduction.scala) ~[ResonantInduction.class:?]
  3322. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3323. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3324. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3325. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3326. at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( ~[FMLModContainer.class:?]
  3327. at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  3328. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3329. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3330. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3331. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3332. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3333. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3334. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3335. at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( ~[LoadController.class:?]
  3336. at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( ~[LoadController.class:?]
  3337. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3338. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3339. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3340. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_67]
  3341. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3342. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3343. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3344. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3345. at ~[minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]
  3346. at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
  3347. at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
  3348. at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
  3349. at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
  3350. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
  3351. at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  3352. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$ [li.class:?]
  3353. [20:37:13] [Server thread/WARN] [FML/]: Can't revert to frozen GameData state without freezing first.
  3354. [20:37:13] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Applying holder lookups
  3355. [20:37:13] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Holder lookups applied
  3356. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mcp
  3357. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod mcp
  3358. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod FML
  3359. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod FML
  3360. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Forge
  3361. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod Forge
  3362. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [UniversalElectricity/UniversalElectricity]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod UniversalElectricity
  3363. [20:37:13] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT/UniversalElectricity]: [scala.Console$:println:148]: Stopped
  3364. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [UniversalElectricity/UniversalElectricity]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod UniversalElectricity
  3365. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
  3366. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
  3367. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/McMultipart]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod McMultipart
  3368. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/McMultipart]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod McMultipart
  3369. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantEngine/ResonantEngine]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ResonantEngine
  3370. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantEngine/ResonantEngine]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ResonantEngine
  3371. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantInductionCore/ResonantInductionCore]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ResonantInductionCore
  3372. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ResonantInductionCore/ResonantInductionCore]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ResonantInductionCore
  3373. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Sending event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ForgeMicroblock
  3374. [20:37:13] [Server thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Sent event FMLServerStoppedEvent to mod ForgeMicroblock
  3375. [20:37:13] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
  3376. [20:37:13] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: The state engine was in incorrect state ERRORED and forced into state AVAILABLE. Errors may have been discarded.
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