
First date with Dash

May 17th, 2016
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  1. >You stand out in a field, pacing nervously.
  2. >The barren field stares back at you, its green expanse appears almost endless.
  3. >You look down at the blanket that you laid out, checking its contents for the fourth time in ten minutes.
  4. >You and Dash had been friends for a while now, since you first arrived in the land of magical ponies.
  5. >She was everything you could ask for in a friend and more.
  6. >She stuck with you through thick and thin, and helped you get over your homesickness.
  7. >She really made you feel at home here.
  8. >She had been dropping slight hints lately about elevating your relationship though.
  9. >I took you a while to notice, AJ had to straight up tell you for you to see it.
  10. >After a pep talk from your friend Jack, you finally summoned the courage to ask her out yesterday.
  11. >She agreed in her usual nonchalant way, but you suspected she was more excited then she let on.
  12. >Snapping back to reality, you nervously adjust the corner of the blanket for the seventh time.
  13. >"Everything has to be just perfect."
  14. >You glance down at your watch again.
  15. >In the fading sunlight, you can barely make out the numbers 7:30.
  16. "She should be here any moment now."
  17. >A few minutes later, you spot a familiar rainbow streak in the sky.
  18. >Its coming straight for you, hurtling through the air.
  19. >It comes to a screeching halt before you, raising a cloud of dust.
  20. >You open your eyes to find your favorite rainbow mare hovering in front of you.
  21. >"So, how was that?"
  22. "That was quite the entrance Dash."
  23. >Yea, I am pretty awesome, huh?"
  24. >You chuckle to yourself.
  25. "And modest too."
  26. >Shes poses "awesomely" in air.
  27. >"Yea, I am, huh?"
  28. >She spies the picnic laid out behind you and stares at the food on it longingly.
  29. >"Alright, i'm starving!"
  30. "Well, lets not waste any time then."
  31. >You take your place on the blanket, sitting across from Dash.
  32. >With out hesitation, she digs in to her sandwich.
  33. >She wolfs down the food, like she hasn't eaten in weeks.
  34. >You stare at her for a bit.
  35. >She speaks through a mouthful food to you.
  36. >"Wot? M blking, ok?"
  37. >You smile at her, starting on your food.
  38. "Oh nothing, I was just admiring how cute you look even when you eat."
  39. >This earns you another punch on the shoulder.
  40. >You're pretty used to it by now, but its always worth it.
  41. >The two of you sit and talk for some time, about every subject under the sun.
  42. >Mainly about her though.
  43. >It was both of your favorite thing to talk about.
  44. >She was detailing her exploits at a Rainbow Dash fan club meeting, and how she "totally amazed them with her awesomeness!"
  45. >"So then I swooped down, and it left all of their jaws hanging open! You should have been there, it was awesome."
  46. "Sounds like a hell of a trick. Wish I could have seen it."
  47. >"Well I could show you if you want."
  48. "Dinner and a show? Sounds great."
  49. >She stands on the blanket, taking her launching position.
  50. >"Alright, prepare to be amazed!"
  51. >She takes of into the air, leaving you in her dust.
  52. >She zooms around in the sky, truly in her element.
  53. >Leaps, loops, and spins.
  54. >You've never seen anything like it, and it still amazes you to this day.
  55. >After completing her move set, she gracefully lands on the blanket.
  56. >"So, what did you think? Pretty awesome huh?"
  57. "That was amazing Dash, just like usual. I don't think Ive ever seen a better flyer then you."
  58. >She looks downwards and rubs her foreleg.
  59. >If you didn't know better, you could swear you saw a slight blush.
  60. >"Thanks, it was awesome, huh?"
  61. >The two of you sit beneath the stars, enjoying each others company, the time passing you by as it gets further into the night.
  62. >As the moon rises, it brings the cold with it.
  63. >You notice that Dash is shivering, just slightly.
  64. "You alright Dash?"
  65. >"Yea, its just a little chilly out."
  66. >Giving your self a moment to work up some courage, you stretch your arm out.
  67. "I'm pretty warm, I could share a bit if you want."
  68. >Despite the darkness, you can definitely see a blush now.
  69. >She hesitates for a split second, before shuffling towards you.
  70. >You close your arm around her, drawing her close to you.
  71. >You can feel the shivering stop, and can see a slight smile spread across her face.
  72. "I am pretty comfy, huh?"
  73. >You flash her a toothy smile.
  74. >"What? No, im just,... conserving energy, that's all! Cant waste those calories on heat, im bulking you know."
  75. "Of course."
  76. >After a while of just laying, you notice just how late it is.
  77. "Crap, i didn't mean to keep you out this late Dash."
  78. >"Oh, well I don't really mind. You need your daily dose of awesomeness you know. Thats what im here for!"
  79. "Well as much as i appreciate your concern, you're probably itching to get out of here."
  80. >You sit up, releasing her.
  81. >She frowns slightly, which she knows you hate to see.
  82. "Something wrong Dash?"
  83. >"Do you think,... you could stay for a little bit longer?"
  84. "Of course Dash, id love to."
  85. >She gives you an unbelievably cute smile.
  86. >You wrap your arm around her again, laying back down.
  87. >She sighs slightly, giving you a rare insight to her more loving side.
  88. >The two of you lay there for some time, completely content with life.
  90. FIN
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