
Bow of the Wood-Wanderer

Nov 14th, 2013
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  1. FLUFF:
  2. "In old days, when my people first game to this land called Moth, the trees were different. Our Ancestors speak of trees that bled when struck with an axe, that screamed in horrid voices when limbs were broken. As they aged their leaves turned grey like hair, and when a new one sprouted up from an acorn the forest came alive with rejoicing sounds. It was in these days that this bow was made, for an ancestor who met one of these trees. He was there when it was born, he was there when it rained for the first time, he was there when it was pollinated, he was there when its offspring poked their heads out of the ground. He was there when a storm took its hard-won top off, he was there when the other trees crowded it out from the sun with their canopies, he was there as the bugs crept into its bark and rotted away at its core. He was there when a single branch, smooth and with elaborate patterns carved in, hardy but springy, not ridged, grew from the branch. He cut it off as the tree drank its last water, bathed in its last sun. He strung it with silk made from the webs of the spiders and silkworms that lived around it, waxed it with beeswax pulled from the hive that was made in its hollow trunk the summer after it lived no more. The quiver he made from its bark, pulled from its decaying husk as the beetles and worms returned the rest of it to the soil. This bow is all that is left."
  9. +15 Quality/50(3)
  10. Unlimited Ammo/50(2)
  11. -4 intensities (Electricity)/40(1)
  12. Total/85(3)
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