

Dec 2nd, 2016
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  1. Describe your character concept in 4 words or less.
  2. Young Harpy Theif
  3. Full Name
  4. Sivlie (Adopted last name of Harldson)
  5. Gender
  6. Female
  7. Race
  8. Harpy
  9. Game System (if any)
  10. 3.5
  11. Class & Archetypes (if any)
  12. Theif
  13. Physical Appearance
  14. This section will request information pertaining to your character's looks and physical presence.
  15. Height
  16. 5'2
  17. Build (muscular, chubby, toned etc.)
  18. Curvaceous
  19. Hair (color, length, style, etc.)
  20. Long flowing raven like hair
  21. Eye Color
  22. Blue
  23. Complexion (color, freckles, apparent age, etc.)
  24. Light olive
  25. Do you have any scars? If so, how did you get them?
  26. None
  27. Do you have any tattoos, piercings, or body modifications? If so, where, with/of what, and what do they represent/do for you?
  28. Small tattoo of her adopted fathers family crest between her shoulder blades, paying tribute to the man who raised her.
  29. What armaments and gear do you typically carry with you?
  30. Generally relies on natural weapons to fight, although wears shoes with sharped metal claws to increase her damage.
  31. How do you typically dress?
  32. Light sleeveless chain shirt where her raven like wings preturde from the arm holes. She has a roman esq battle skirt that covers the human region of her legs (thighs) but as they become more avian she relies on her metalic combat shoes that take the shape of her raptor like feet.
  33. How much care do you put into your appearance on a normal day? On a special occasion?
  34. Yes, she is very insecure about her appearance. Non humans are considered vile creatures in her home country, and the only human who considers her family is her adoptive father. She often times dolls herself up to make sure she will be considered more appealing (and also to try and make herself look more human)
  35. What is your favorite aspect of your own appearance?
  36. She loves her body and face, meshing together in a more human form. She dislikes her legs and wings however, as she is reminded of what she is every time she sees them.
  37. Background Information
  38. This section will ask questions regarding your character's past, family, and relationships.
  40. If you feel any of the questions do not apply to your character, reply "n/a" or leave the question blank.
  41. Aliases
  42. Song bird
  43. Occupation
  44. Assitant to her fathers ship crew
  45. Birthplace & Birthdate
  46. 10/3/1093 (18 Years of age) Refugee
  47. What is your social standing like?
  48. Second class citizen
  49. Who are/were your parents? (names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
  50. Her parents where killed during an invasion from the United Empire of Man, her adoptive father Captain John Harrison, took pity when he found the two year old Silvie and took her in. After this he defected with a group of his own men and started a fishing business together. To this day him and his men work a fishing boat near the northern border of the Empire.
  51. Do you have any siblings? Who are/were they?(names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
  52. None
  53. Do you have any mentors? Who are/were they?
  54. Her father, Captain Harrison was her real mentor. He and his crew where the only ones to respect her and treat her as equal. Due to them, she strives to better her life, as well as help those in need.
  55. Do you have any friends? Who are/were they?
  56. The crew of her ship, Her father, and a few other refugee children was all she had growing up.
  57. Do you have any romantic interests? Who are/were they?
  58. She had one friend when she was still a younger girl by the name of Tommin. He was one of the few humans who respected her, and the son of a fellow sailor. She grew to have a crush on him, but was to afraid of what would happen if she went public with her feelings. Fortunately they where mutual, unfortunately he was signed on to a band of mercenaries and left for the southern empire shortly after he had discovered her feelings.
  59. Is there any criminal activity in your past? If so, what?
  60. She would steal, rob, and often times commit arson. She saw herself as a rebel with a just cause, yet her father reprimanded her for these actions.
  61. How much schooling or training have you received?
  62. Little, only training aboard the ship.
  63. How would you describe your childhood in general?
  64. Bleak, yet the crew often told her to be hopeful, and raised her to be the best she could. She to this day remains thankful.
  65. What would you consider the most important moment of your life so far?
  66. When a group of adventures had hired the ship she worked with to take them to the uncharted eastern lands.
  67. What is your greatest regret of your life so far?
  68. She regrets what she is, and wishes to be accepted by all.
  69. How did you fall into your current line of work/adventures?
  70. Through necessity
  71. Personality/Beliefs
  72. This section will ask questions about your characters mental faculties, emotions, and personal beliefs.
  73. Optimist or pessimist?
  74. Optimist
  75. Introvert or extrovert?
  76. Extrovert
  77. Spontaneous or planner?
  78. Spontaneous
  79. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
  80. Politely through caution, her second class citizenship makes her prone to punishment if someone sees fit. How ever though the more she gets to know the person the more her genuine warmth and love comes forth.
  81. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict? Why?
  82. Yes, she is very passionate and hot headed.
  83. Do you tend to take on leadership positions in social situations? Why or why not?
  84. She tends to not lead but rather pushes the group, acting more as a driving force with no real destination
  85. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
  86. Depends, if they are friendly sure, though most treat her poorly
  87. Do you care what others think about you? Why or why not?
  88. She does, racism has been a constant life struggle.
  89. Do you believe in a higher power? If so, do you encourage others to seek religion/spirituality as well? Why or why not?
  90. She believes in her ancestors protecting her, and that they will show her they way.
  91. What are your positive personality traits?
  92. Kindness, playfulness, motivated
  93. What are your negative personality traits?
  94. Hot headed, argumentative, stubborn
  95. What is the one things about yourself you are most proud of? Why?
  96. She is very much proud of the work she does, showing that she is not useless to society
  97. What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? What is ACTUALLY your greatest weakness?
  98. She sees her own body as her greatest weakness, which is true to a point.
  99. we dating sim now
  100. This section is a trash can.
  101. What is your character's sexuality? (hetero-, homo-, bi-, a- etc.)
  102. Hetero
  103. Have you lost your virginity? If so, when and with who?
  104. No, though she came close. Tommin did touch her a couple times, but that's as far as she has gotten. She is to embarrassed to take it any further yet.
  105. Do you currently have a lover? If so, who? How did you meet/get together?
  106. No, she was let go when her lover left.
  107. What do you look for in a potential lover?
  108. Kindness, empathy, and someone who loves her for what she is
  109. Do you believe in soul mates/true love? Why or why not?
  110. She does not believe in fate, as the concept that her life is destined for this suffering would be to much.
  111. Do you have any kinks? If so, what are they?
  112. She, although has never acted on it, tends to be an exhibitionist. The only time she played with herself was outside the ship when no one was around.
  113. Are you more dominant or submissive in sexual situations? Why?
  114. Dominant, she enjoys being on top and in control.
  115. Do you want to have children one day? Why or why not?
  116. She does, she looks forward to expanding her family.
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