
Silkura 1

Dec 8th, 2017
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  1. >Trot trot goes your hooves, swish swish goes your tail as your folded wings bop along your head to the beat of your hooves bumping into the ground
  2. >Another normal night at Hollow Shades, bat ponies going on with their busy lives as you make your way home, having just dropped off a packet into the post office for a client
  3. >”Eeeeew quick stomp it!”
  4. >you look into the direction of the commotion and find a spider just about to be squished under the hoof of a stomping mare
  5. “Wait!”
  6. >you slide along the ground as you dive in to save the poor creature, shielding it protectively like a mother would do with her young
  7. >The two mares look at you weirdly as you blush and get up, grabbing the spider with your hoof
  8. “I mean...if you stomp it you’ll have icky spider goo on your hoof”
  9. >Both of the mares make “Bleh!” faces a that idea
  10. “Just let me throw this icky thing away”
  11. >You can feel the spider glaring at you as the two mares nod and carry on with their night
  12. >You look at the spider who twitches in fright and seems to accept its fate
  13. “N-no don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything, I like spiders”
  14. >The spider cautiously looks at you again with all 4 of its eyes as you use the tip of your wing to very gently pet it, making it smile, as well as spiders can smile
  15. >You notice the spiders web off to the side near some bushes and take the spider there, letting it back onto its web
  16. “There you go, all safe and sound and back home”
  17. >The spider thanks you with a wave of one of its legs and you carry on back home, feeling a bit self conscious about diving like that and getting your tummy dirty with dirt
  18. >But soon enough and without a hitch you arrive back home, a very old looking two story house, small but cozy with your business taking up the first floor along with a small separated kitchen and then the living area on the second
  19. >You enter your home and put your saddle bag to the side to hang on a coat hanger
  20. “I’m home!”
  21. >You let your friends who live with you know that you came back, and soon enough a few of them appear, descending from the ceiling
  22. >Spiders, big and small come to greet you, climbing up your legs and crawling around on your body before getting off and retreating back into the shadows and cracks
  23. “Oh I did get the package delivered, and I even managed to save a spider while at it, poor thing was about to be crushed under a hoof”
  24. >The spiders don’t answer you back of course, but you continue with this little conversation just like you always do, pretending they do talk back to you
  25. “No I did not make a scene and embarrass myself...you know, this time..”
  26. >You walk over to your kitchen and start warming up some water for tea
  27. “Oh come on, the important-ok yes I know I need to make more friends who are ponies but...it’s so hard! I get along with you guys so much easier than I do with ponies...”
  28. >You finish making the tea and return back to the main area of the shop and set the cup down before landing
  29. “I don’t know...”
  30. >you sit onto a chair and lean back, taking a big sip of the fruity tea goodness
  31. “Mmmhh~”
  32. >You let out a bit of a moan from how good and warm it is as a few spiders skitter about on the ceiling, stopping and glancing at you before continuing on their way
  33. >The night felt a bit chilly to you, but then again you hadn’t left the house whole night and have been wrapped up in a warm blanket ever since you wake up as the sun started to set
  34. >You’re not lazy or anything, but it’s the weekend and you seldom do anything on these days except laze around and charge up for the next week
  35. >It’s not like your work is that hard, but...oh who cares, it’s nice to just lounge around without having to think of anything
  36. >You let out a content sigh, and then remember something
  37. “Oh right, I found this for you”
  38. >You get up and fly to the saddle bag, and pull out a little jar with a few dead insects in it, and then sprinkle some into a few spider webs in the kitchen, and then the ret into the ones upstairs
  39. >Instantly spiders of all shapes, sizes and colors swarm to them, and they make happy sounds while waving their legs at you
  40. >You giggle and wave back at them before returning to your cup of tea, only to find a few spiders near it, holding towels and such
  41. “No that’s not a hot tub for you things, it’s just my tea”
  42. >The spiders look at one another and shrug, and then skitter back to where-ever they came from
  43. >Your house is very open to spiders, they can stay and leave as they like and many of them call this place home
  44. >And you are very thankful for that, they are the reason your seamstress business is blooming
  45. >Spider silk makes for great details when used correctly, and if you have enough of it you can even make the most sensual, light weight see through fabric out of it
  46. >And instead of having to painstakingly look for it in the wild, you can get it at home in exchange for a shelter where the other occupants of the house do not want to squish them to death if they see them, be it out of fear or disgust
  47. >you’re no fashionista or a grand dress maker, you don’t have the confidence for that and even if you did, you’re unsure if you wanted such a stress filled life
  48. >Instead you do little quick fixes, and supply your homemade silk made from 100% natural spiders silk to your few customers
  49. >You are not swimming in money but you manage, which is enough for you
  50. >They are very popular amongst wedding dress businesses, well, as long as they don’t reveal the source of the silk
  51. >Personally you don’t understand what’s so wrong in silk that comes from a spider but one that comes from a cocoon is fine?
  52. >You pause
  53. >Why are you even having this internal monologue?
  54. >You feel a soft, almost weightless silk scarf being placed on your shoulders by a hoof-full of spiders hanging off of the ceiling
  55. “For me?”
  56. >You stare at them as they all nod their little heads
  57. “Awww you shouldn’t have”
  58. >They all give you little spider nuzzles and then retreat back to doing their own thing while you wrap it around your neck
  59. >It feels so smooth, like evening mist wrapping around your shoulders
  60. >You sigh again and start to nod off, soon enough falling asleep as you take a little nap, a few spiders joining you by sleeping on your head as the rest do whatever these spiders do in this cozy little house of yours
  64. >You wake up slowly, opening your eyes groggily and stretching one of your hind hooves, making the blanket slide down and expose your chest tuft
  65. >A lone spider walking across your ceiling stops and lifts up one of its legs to greet you before hurrying along where-ever it is going
  66. >You sit up and yawn loudly, your rather voluptuous ears wiggling, making you frown
  67. >You hold them with your hooves to make them stop moving, some ponies say that they’re a good thing with their hefty amount of tuft, but you think that they make you look a bit like a donkey...
  68. >Did not help that your first crush ever back when you were a filly told you that your ears were gross
  69. >you shake your head to clear your thoughts, enough thinking of the past and time to prepare for today, let’s get out of bed!
  70. >The sun has just set and you can still see the lightest tingle of orange in the horizon as you look out of the window while making your way to the mirror at your dressing table and grabbing a brush
  71. >You start brushing the bed out of your silver mane, fixing up the white stripes in it to actually be stripes instead of going all over the place
  72. >After you’re happy with it you gab a hair donut and put your mane into a ponytail and check yourself on the mirror
  73. >coat tea green and not too messy from sleeping, eyes bright instead of tired and bloodshot, and pretty pink pupil as ever, complimenting your coat, and mane done!
  74. >you nod to yourself, looking presentable
  75. >You grab the brush and grab your tail, a bit short but you like it tat way, so easy to manage and does not get in the way, and start brushing until you’re satisfied
  76. >Then you stretch your wings open and inspect them in their pink, or some ponies might even say purplish color and apply some light lotion on them to make them shiny and smooth
  77. >Now all done you get off of the small wooden stool and head on downstairs and the small kitchen
  78. >There seems to be something happening on your dinner table, two groups of spiders at the opposite ends of the table, behind what appears to be castle walls made of sugar cubes, are involved in some kind of combat
  79. >They even have tiny catapults made out of sugar cubes, that shoot cubes at one another
  80. >you put the water on to make tea and suddenly gasp and check your sugar
  81. >They’ve used all of your sugar cubes.
  82. >you turn to face them while holding your cup you received as a birthday present, it says UNT
  83. >You never understood what it means, but the mug is white and the handle is black and you like the contrast of the black and white instead of it being just white with black text
  84. “Could I get some su-“
  85. >Before you can finish all of them aim their sugar catapults at you, shooting about 10 cubes into your cup before quickly returning to their battle
  86. “Thank you”
  87. >you deposit all but one back into their bowl, and then pour some water onto it and slip the tea bag in and stand around, waiting for your tea do be done enough, staring into the cup intensely all the while it takes
  88. >After it is you wonder where to drink when you find the battle on your table over, the spiders having formed two lines and moving the sugar cubes from one spider to the other, depositing them back to where they belong
  89. >You let out a light giggle as you take your seat at the table and the last of the cubes gets deposited back
  90. >the spiders then go off somewhere, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the warmth of your morning tea
  91. >Was there something you had to do today...you’re unsure, you should check your calendar in your bedroom
  92. >you spy from the corner of your eye a small amount of spider, about 7, get onto the table
  93. >6 of them are wearing ties and one of them is carrying a huge board
  94. >And then they start to have a board meeting about something on your table, the boss poking at the board and making all kinds of spider sounds that sound annoyed
  95. >You laugh a little as you get up and put your cup away, and then grab a banana and hold it with one wing while peeling it open with the other
  96. >And as you reach the bedroom you have dropped it twice and gave up, now holding it in both hooves while flying, taking small bites out of it
  97. >You look at the calendar and almost drop your banana, you are supposed to meet with the bank today in an early appointment! How could you have not remembered! Good thing you woke up early enough
  98. “Oh no, gotta go, gotta go, do I have all I need, gotta go...”
  99. >you rush here and there inside the house before flying out of it and heading for the bank of Hollow Shades, your eight legged friends using their webs to pull the door close after you, making a few passing by bat ponies look at your house wearily like they were worried it was haunted
  100. >You reach the bank and head on in just in time, a monocle wearing bat pony stallion wearing very banker-like clothing looking around and glancing at a pocket watch, before noticing you and coming over to you
  101. >”Ah miss Silky-yuara I presume?”
  102. >You nod
  103. “Yeah, but it’s Silkura...you can just call me Silky”
  104. >You give him a bashful smile and he tells you to join him in his office
  105. >He takes his seat behind his desk and you sit down as well, looking around the room while he digs up some papers
  106. >”So you wanted us to extend the time on paying back your loan?”
  107. >You nod, trying your best to appear as professional as possible
  108. “Yeah, I mean I can pay it back, don’t worry about that, but I was doing some calculations and figured out that if I pay less per month but for a longer time, with the proper interest of course”
  109. >He gives you a very brief smile
  110. “I can really focus on making the business bloom and I think that this arrangement profits us both better than the earlier one”
  111. >The banker pony nods
  112. >”Well it is a very promising suggestion, but I am afraid we can’t be as lenient with our money as you propose”
  113. >You let out a silent “Oh”
  114. >”But, I do not think it is a bad idea at all, perhaps we could make our ends meet”
  115. >You look surprised, an then blush a little
  116. “O-oh...I’m flattered but I think maybe we should get to know each other a bit more and you should at least take me out to dinner first”
  117. >The stallion seems unimpressed
  118. >”I meant that as in rewriting the terms of our contract”
  119. >You blush crimson, suddenly finding it very hard to look at the stallion
  120. “Oh Of course you did, hahaha sorry...”
  121. >you squee before averting your eyes from his, suddenly finding everything else in the room to be so interesting you should look at that and not at the stallion
  122. >He rolls his eyes and turns around, digging up some more paperwork
  123. >And as you look around the room you suddenly spot something familiar in the ceiling, the same spiders that were having a board meeting on your dining table
  124. >Aww, they must have been worried about you and came here just in case
  125. >You can’t help but to smile, but then your smile falters as you see what they are carrying around with them
  126. >A bottle of laxative
  127. >Great, they’re...helping...
  128. >You stare in horror silently as the get into position and start to lower the bottle with their silks in a joint effort
  129. >As they’re about to pour the contents into the cup of coffee on the table you quickly move your wing over to shield it, getting liquid laxative on it
  130. >Thankfully it was not a big bottle so it did not spill onto the table, and you quickly fold your wing back towards yourself, flicking most of it away into a corner and shooting the spiders a glare and a brief, firm shake of the head as the stallion turns to face you again
  131. >”There we go...are you feeling ok miss Silkura? You appear a bit nervous”
  132. >You wipe some sweat off of your face
  133. “Nervous? No, of course not, let’s sign those papers quick”
  134. >You smile awkwardly while quickly glancing at the spot where the spiders were, but they are not there anymore
  135. >You almost let out a sigh of relief until you spot them again, above the now open file cabinet and holding matches, ready to light them
  136. >Thankfully the banker decides to read over the contract just then and you manage to shoot a rather efficient death glare at them as they are just about to light one
  137. >The spiders flinch and start to discuss something silently amongst themselves, and you really wish they got the clue already and will stop trying to quote, help, unquote, you...
  138. >”Here if you can read this over and sign it”
  139. >You finally can feel relieved as the spiders start to leave, giving you apologetic looks as they disappear into a crack in the wall
  140. >You read the contract and being happy with it, sign it
  141. >While of course making a mental note to give these spiders a stern talking to, you understand that they wanted to just help you but the way they were going at it was wrong
  142. >After a firm wing-shake you take your leave, stepping out of the bank, feeling relieved from taking care of some business and managing to brighten your financial future a bit with this move, giving you much more money to spice up business in exchange of having to pay back your loan for a little while longer, but at a lowered amount per month instead of using most of your money per month to pay it off quickly leaving you very little to use
  143. >You feel like this is better on the long run, and now you can just finish on not so complicated matters
  144. >As you are walking away a young filly bumps into you, making you almost fall over
  145. >you feel a bit dread, hopefully the filly won’t start to cry, or even accuse you of bumping into her!
  146. >”Whoops sorry, didn’t see you there”
  147. >But thankfully she does not, but you still feel a bit on the edge as the filly keeps looking at you and sniffing the air
  148. >”Hey something smells sweet”
  149. >She begins to walk around you in a circle, sniffing all the while, while you begin to feel very awkward
  150. “R-really, that’s weird, maybe you should go back to your friends on your mom or-“
  151. >Suddenly she licks your wing, making you le out a yelp of surprise, your ears standing upright in alarm
  152. >”Wow it was your wing, did you spill soda on it?”
  153. >She begins to nibble on your wing, making you blush and let out a whimper
  154. “N-no it’s not-you should not nibble that you’ll-that tickles please stop”
  155. >Suddenly the filly stops as her ears perk up, hearing somepony shout for tulips or something
  156. >”That’s my mom, gotta go, thanks for the treat!”
  157. >She waves you goodbye and flies off before you can say anything
  158. >You scrunch
  159. >That was the wing that you used to shield the cup from the laxative...sorry little filly...you’re going to be in for a bad time in 30 minutes...
  160. >Quickly you hurry back home, you still have a few spiders to scold on their behavior and then some silk to spin into some string
  164. >You are Silkura, why you are telling yourself that in your head you have no idea, but that is who you are and that is how it will always be
  165. >And as such, these two are your friends like a few other ponies
  166. >You sit across of them at a table as they giggle and the to her one gives the others cheek a nuzzle while cooing happily, making the other blush
  167. >You just sip your tea and squirm in your seat, a bit uncomfortable
  168. “Uhhh...you two won’t go all gay on me right?”
  169. >They stop doing that, look at you and break out into laughter, making you shrink even further in your seat
  170. >”Good to see you’re as awkward at these topics as always”
  171. >You scrunch your mouth and pout lightly at what Night Watch just said
  172. “It’s not good...”
  173. >Jasmine seems surprised as she sips her tea, and then puts it down and starts talking
  174. >”Really? Has our friendly neighborhood spider-mare become interested in stallions...or...”
  175. >Night Watch winks at you and places her hoof on yours, making you squeak and pull it off of the table, making the two giggle
  176. “Oh come on girls...I might not have a lot of stallion friends or a s-sex life but I’m not...you know...completely unaware of those kinds of things...”
  177. >You glance at Night Watch who makes a innuendo-filled face at you, making you pout
  178. >...you once again feel that strange urge you feel when you look at her face
  179. >If you were to doodle legs on those dots of hers, they’d look like spiders...
  180. >You were introduced to her by Jasmine, who you got to know through shopping a few times at the same tea shop, and you’ve helped her to get a few dresses made of silk, spun by your little friends
  181. >Although you decided to keep it a secret it was made from spider silk
  182. >And you think you might have been in the same school as these two? At least you hope so, since they have reminded you many times how you were known as that creepy filly with spiders in her mane...
  183. >Because otherwise you’d be famous enough to have rumors about you floating around, and you would not like that
  184. >”Hey Jasmine, what about your brother?”
  185. >Jasmine rolls her eyes and you shake your head
  186. >N-not that you hate her brother or anything, you’re sure he’s an ok stallion, but you’ve never met him and it’d just be too sudden to go on a date with a friends brother!
  187. “No need to help me, none at all, I can manage on my own”
  188. >And if they did help you, you’d have a line of stallions knocking at your door, being promised Luna knows what for going on a date with you
  189. >”Or maybe she’d rather have some help from either of us since she seems so reluctant to go after a stallion~”
  190. >Jasmine rolls her eyes, blushing just a hint while Night Watch snickers
  191. >”Oh stop it, you’re making her all red and embarrassed, poor thing can’t do nothing but squeak in response if you keep on going”
  192. >You puff up your cheeks
  193. “I can look after myself, I really can”
  194. >Jasmine looks at you next
  195. >”Really? You do know she’s a big, scary, naughty guard pony”
  196. >You push out your chest
  197. “S-so what, I could handle myself against her...”
  198. >Night Watch smirks and starts to get up
  199. >”Oh really? How about we-“
  200. >Suddenly she seems to look around a lot and sits down
  201. >”You know, forget it”
  202. >Jasmine sips her tea again
  203. >”Yeah, those bites itch for days don’t they...”
  204. >you tilt your head to the side
  205. “Bites? I wouldn’t bite you, why would anypony bite one another?”
  206. >Night watch licks her fangs
  207. >”Sometimes ponies like when they’re bitten, isn’t that right Jasmine?”
  208. >She chokes on her tea a bit and you’re even more confused
  209. “I don’t really get it...”
  210. >Jasmine clears her throat
  211. >”She’s just goofing around”
  212. >Night Watch leans against Jasmine again
  213. >”I wouldn’t mind goofing around a bit~”
  214. >She clears her throat
  215. >”Well sadly we need to go and work, if you have not forgotten about that”
  216. >Night Watch shrugs
  217. >”I guess, well it was nice seeing you again”
  218. >Jasmine finishes her tea as well
  219. >”Yeah, sorry we have to go almost right away, but you know how it is, busy as all heck”
  220. >You wave them goodbye as they leave and slowly sip your tea
  221. >These two are interesting ponies, in fact any pony you know is interesting, but...
  222. >It’s still much more easy to interact with your spider buddies
  223. >You relax a bit as you’re left alone, no more drawing much attention to yourself at the local cafe
  224. >You still feel a bit awkward going out like this and hanging out with ponies...you’re not really used to it
  225. >You didn’t have many friends when you grew up, and usually just spend your time interacting with spiders you found outside
  226. >Spiders are simple to understand, other ponies not so much
  227. >But you are catching on at a steady pace
  228. >Good thing you did not have to do some kind of friendly combat with Night Watch, she seems super strong and you’ve heard a few rumors
  229. >You finish your tea and start walking around, deep in thought once again as you are most of the times when alone
  230. >What if you’re not good enough of a friend? You have never had another pony over at your own house...but that is because you’re worried they might look at you funny when they find out you live with a bunch of spiders...
  231. >Kind of like all the other ponies did back when you were a little filly and showed off your awesome spider friends during recess...
  232. >You stop at a small shop and look around to pass the time
  233. >”Hey which do you think is cuter?”
  234. >You’re shaken out from your thoughts by a voice, and look to your right to find a filly with a pink mane looking at you, holding a decorative strawberry mane pin and a watermelon one
  235. >She’s looking at you? W-why? No better yet you should answer instead of just standing around
  236. “I uhh-“
  237. >You’re interrupted by a voice at your left side
  238. >”The watermelon one”
  239. >You shut up and look to your left, finding a very similar kind, yet lighter in coat color of a filly, but with a light blue mane
  240. >Oh, she was talking to her, you must have accidentally walked between the two
  241. >”Sorry miss, I was talking to her”
  242. >You look back at the pink maned filly who points at the light blue maned one
  243. “Oh I’m sorry, my mistake”
  244. >You blush very red
  245. >”But since we’re already at it, which one do you like?”
  246. >She holds out both of them for you to see as you look at both of them
  247. “I think I like the strawberry one”
  248. >She goes back to looking at both of them, unsure which to pick, and as you’re about to start worrying you made it difficult for her by not saying watermelon like her friend or sister, the other one lightly tugs on your wing
  249. >”Hey recommend me one too”
  250. >You look at the other one, and then at the table
  251. >Oh no, you’re not very...wait that looks very cute
  252. >There is a single spider pin, and you point at it
  253. “That one looks pretty nice I guess?”
  254. >She looks at it, stares at it for a little while before lifting it up with her hoof
  255. >”Oh wow this is really cool, it’s spooky and scary, like ghosts! Thank you random mare, hey Heartbeat look at this-”
  256. >You decide to slowly back away before they want to ask you more, but as you keep watching the two of them excitedly chat about mane pins you can’t help but to smile
  257. >Sometimes little ponies are all ok, even if they make you uncomfortable
  258. >you shudder as you remember your mom asking you when you’re going to give her grand-foals, you’re not ready for that, not now, not in a long time
  259. >You suddenly feel like you have been out in the public for long enough and really should head back home and enjoy the peace and quiet
  260. >You let out a sigh, even if you’re making progress in getting yourself out there and curing yourself from being such an antisocial little batty, sometimes these baby steps feel way too little
  261. >It’s not that you mind being social or in a large crowd, but sometimes randomly you really feel like you need a breather all by yourself
  262. >You enter your home and go straight to your bed and flop onto it
  263. >You feel a bit...awkward, from seeing those two act a bit flirty, and be so open about their general love life
  264. >You wonder if many friends help each other out like that and it is common to...t-touch your friends and let them touch you
  265. >You start to feel a bit warm so you quickly stop thinking about that, rolling onto your front and looking around your room
  266. >And you spot something going on between two spiders, a male one and a female one, are they dancing?
  267. >You scoot closer to the edge of your bed and take a better look, and then hold in a gasp as you find the two spiders mating, right there, in plain sight!
  268. >Your face growing redder by the second you watch on, somehow unable to peel your eyes away as you gulp, your hoof unconsciously making its way towards your crotch
  269. >You keep watching on, panting a little and letting out a sudden squeak as the female begins to eat the male like most spiders do after the deed is done
  270. >Also you pushed your hoof very firmly against your crotch
  271. >The female spider takes a notice of you, looks you over and starts scooting away, shooting an accusing stare at you
  272. “W-wait I wasn’t-“
  273. >you pull you hoof out from between your thighs and reach towards the spider, and as you do you flick out some...liquid...
  274. >You stare at the droplet in disbelief while the spider quickly escapes with its half-of-a-male-spider-snack
  275. >You bury your face into a pillow and let out a very high pitched, ashamed screeeeeeeeeeeeee
  276. >For the rest of the night the looks your spider friends gave you felt kind of heavy and you avoided looking them in the eyes out of shame, paranoid about how many of them knew what had happened
  277. >But what really killed you, figuratively speaking, was a small group of spiders arriving to your bed as you were about to go to sleep and simply delivering you a large cucumber without saying a word
  281. >Hum hum humpdidy hum, that is how you hum in your kitchen, reading a magazine while snacking on a tasty dried fruit snack
  282. >That is until you spot a part o a spider web vibrating
  283. >It’s connected to a string that is connected to another string that runs through another web and connects to another one by the door, and every time the door open and closes the vibrations travel along that line of spider silk
  284. >Like a silent door bell
  285. >You hop up and walk out of your kitchen to find a panicking bat mare with a fancy dress in her hooves
  286. >”Oh Silkura thank goodness you’re here, I ripped my outfit and I need to be at an event in 20 minutes, can you patch it up with that magical touch you have?”
  287. >You accept the dress being handed to you and look over the damage, a big clean rip in the fabric from getting caught in something
  288. “Yes I can, don’t you worry”
  289. >You take the dress to your working station as the mare sits down and tries to calm down while you dig out a needle and some of your special thread
  290. >spoiler: it’s spider silk
  291. >You get to work while an elderly looking spider lowers itself onto the table, surveying your work as you stitch it up
  292. >Hmmm...the fix is invisible enough but...
  293. >The spider seems to think the same way as it quickly snaps the silk off with its mandibles and then spins out some of its own silk, and in a few seconds stitches the tear up with the speed and dexterity of a martial arts master, making the dress look like it never had anything wrong with it to begin with
  294. >Seems like you need more training
  295. >You return the dress to the mare who gives you a big hug in return as she’s so thrilled it got fixed so well and fast, and then gives you a kiss on either cheek, making you a bit uncomfortable, before paying and being on her merry way
  296. >You start to head back towards the kitchen, but then come across a sad looking spider, with 7 out of its 8 legs broken and in a cast, on a net that seems like it’s had better days
  297. “What’s the matter?”
  298. >The spider looks at you sadly
  299. “All 7 and now you can’t fix your web? You poor arachnid...”
  300. >You go back to the table where the silk is and grab a spool, and then head back to the spider and carefully start to cut strings of silk that are the right size, and then apply them to the web with the tips of your wing claws, using your hoof to wipe sweat off of your brow as it’s such careful and precise work
  301. >But piece by piece you’re piecing it together, and soon the spider has a fixed web, making it give you a happy look as it silently thanks you
  302. “I couldn’t leave it like that when you’re recovering, do you-“
  303. >Suddenly you notice a few of the spiders living on neighboring webs returning from outside, carrying dead insects with them and bringing the hurt spider some as well
  304. “I guess not”
  305. >You smile happily and head back to the kitchen to eat your snacks
  306. >Or you would have, have not the door opened again and revealing yet another client
  307. >”Silkura, I need more silk pronto, I just received an order for 8 maid of honor dresses that need to have a bit of the same design as that one wedding dress you helped with last week, oh please do tell me you have enough in stock”
  308. >You stiff a giggle behind your hoof while turning around
  309. “I think we made the dress too pretty, now all the ponies want the same kind of silk decorations”
  310. >You go over to a box and start to dig up the proper kind of spider silk fabric in appropriate color
  311. >”You’re telling me, she wants it everywhere now so it all matches, the curtains, on the furniture...wants to tie everything together since marriage is about getting tied together
  312. >The mare, one who makes wedding dresses for a wedding planning agency, puts the correct amount of bits on the table before accepting the pile of silken cloth
  313. >”Thank you Silkura, if you excuse me I need to fly like a pegasus!”
  314. >She shoots off and you wave her goodbye as she flies off, and then close the door
  315. >That sna-
  316. >A knock on the door makes you spin around and open it up again
  317. >”Hi, I got your mail here, I’m sorry it took this long, I had a bit of trouble and I’m deeply sorry”
  318. >it’s the mail mare, a white bat pony with blue mane, and she seems out of breath and sweaty as she shoves a pile of things into your hooves
  319. “I-it’s fine, really, you did deliver it eventually so it’s ok, no need to apologize”
  320. >You give her an awkward smile as she seems relieved
  321. >”Thanks, but still I’m sorry it took this long. Well, got to fly!”
  322. >She lets out a tired laugh and flies off somewhere as you close the door again
  323. >What a busy night, if now you could get to eat the rest of those snacks...
  324. >You skim through the mail while flapping your wings lazily, slowly flying to your kitchen but then almost fly into the wall as you come across a naughty magazine for stallions
  325. >Is...did somepony else’s mail get mixed with yours?
  326. >You scan it over and find that no; it was meant to arrive for you, but why? There’s even a letter attached to the magazine, for you
  327. >You open it up and start reading, Dear Silkura, thank you for the pictures you send for our amateur contest? They were innovative in how you acted completely unaware of the camera instead of acknowledging its existance?
  328. >You have not taken part in any kind of a contest, or send any pictures!
  329. >You read more
  330. >And we have decided to feature all of your pictures in our latest release, and make you our centerfold mare of the month? W-what?
  331. >You grab the magazine and scan through it, rapidly flipping page after page of mares posing lewdly before you find it, or them
  332. >Picture after picture of you in suggestive poses, seemingly snapped during your daily chores with you unaware of it
  333. >And these pictures show a lot
  334. >You gulp and open up the centerfold to find your butt and other areas mooning the camera, tail raised up indecently
  335. >You remember that, it was some time ago, you were digging out some items from under the table!
  336. >And now a lot of ponies are seeing pictures like these about you...
  337. >You blush crimson and drop the dirty magazine, what a scandal! There can only be one creature who took these pictures!
  338. >You stomp angrily to the web of a certain spider who owns a camera and likes photography, and who as far as you know is the only spider in the house who owns one
  339. >And you spot a bit pile of money behind his web, it must be payment for those pictures of you!
  340. >Pictures that many ponies will now think you yourself send to a dirty magazine
  341. “You are in so much trouble!”
  342. >The spider turns around, looks at you, then at the magazine on the floor, and then back at you again and gives you an awkward smile
  343. “Oh no don’t give me that, how could you?”
  344. >The spider and a few others gather up onto the web and seem to wave their legs at you while making spider sounds
  345. “W-well even if I am attractive there’s no need for my attractiveness to be found in a magazine like that!”
  346. >More noises
  347. “What do you mean I should just enjoy the attention?”
  348. >And more waving of legs and spider sounds
  349. “Well...I mean I am a bit flattered that you think so highly of me but...this’ll just draw negative attention to me! Wait what you mean I need it, I don’t need it, ponies can be aware of me being a pretty mare without these pictures-I know we ponies are mostly naked all the time but that’s not...I mean...”
  350. >You scrunch your mouth
  351. “Yeah, I know it can’t be undone by now anyway, and I understand you were doing it with good intentions...but I am at least going to take half of the money you guy made with this as compensation for not asking me if I was ok with it, and no more naughty pictures of me”
  352. >One of them makes a few sounds and you scrunch
  353. “Ok no more of them for public use then, you an keep your collections for whatever reason...”
  354. >They crawl to your hooves and give them tiny hugs
  355. “No I mean it, if I find more of these pictures of me in this magazine there will be hell, and I’ll know since they decided to also reward me with a free subscription for the rest of the yea-stop celebrating it!”
  356. >But your complains fall on deaf spider ears as the small group of spiders celebrate, so you just grab your share of the money and head to the kitchen
  357. >Maybe you’re overreacting...
  358. >You grab the magazine again and look it over again
  359. >Nope, not overreacting at all, this is embarrassing and you hope nopony will recognize you, thankfully they do not give out any information, not even a name, but then again it’s a magazine published, printed and produced in Hollow Shades, for the ponies of Hollow Shades
  360. >In fact, if it was something that came out in some other town that’d be nice, you’d just have to avoid that town all together from there on but at least you would not be living there!
  361. >You groan and flop your face against the table, the magazine dropping to the floor
  362. >Maybe nopony will see it...you did not even know a magazine like this existed until now...
  363. >A-and it’s not like it’s super extreme, you’ve sea...you mean, heard of more extreme things being featured when it comes to magazines like this
  364. >And the spiders were not trying to harm you, they were thinking they were doing two good deeds at once, making money and helping you in...whatever they were thinking they were helping you with
  365. >They can be very simple at times, and not think things through, not to mention you don’t think spider society is as advanced as ponies are, or at least very similar
  366. >At least you hope that it is that way, otherwise you really need to whoop a few arachnids in line
  367. >Suddenly you spot the same group under your table, carrying the magazine to a bigger group who seem to be waiting for it with a perverted glint in their eyes, so you get up and grab the magazine
  368. “No.”
  369. >Only to have a few spiders in the ceiling snatch it away with their web and deliver it to the group, and then they all run away with the magazine
  370. >You let out a hiss and then sigh
  371. >And then the door opens again and the wedding planner pony is back, this time holding the same magazine!
  372. >You can feel your chest tighten as you hold your breath
  373. “I c-can expla-“
  374. >But she suddenly hugs you
  375. >”You go girl~”
  376. >You are confused
  377. “Ahaha...y-yes I am going?”
  378. >”You’re finally trying to break out of your shell, and you’re doing it with a bang darling, you go girl~”
  379. >she giggles as she leaves your store, winking you goodbye
  380. >You on the other hand just collapse onto the floor and let out a low key screeee
  381. >This is too new, too sudden and too nerve wrecking, you need to retreat into your house and process this over...yeah you’re going to close early today
  382. >Suddenly your eyes go wide in horror
  383. >Oh...no...
  384. >You hope your parents won’t come across one...
  387. “I dunno, it’s too...mighty, like I as trying to outdo every other mare in the event like a little filly desperate for attention”
  388. >The spiders let out a collective sigh and trash yet another drawing of your possible gown
  389. >You’re Silkura, and for a pony who deals a lot in clothes and fabrics, and helps other ponies make their dresses even prettier, you can’t think of a single idea for yourself these past few days it seems
  390. >You’ve been invited to an event for a selected few ponies, and the invitation was a bit weird, “Dress up in what speaks of yourself”
  391. >But then again the pony hosting it, the mare who makes wedding dresses, can be a bit weird at times
  392. >So you’ve been stuck trying to figure out what that means for a few days, and the party is later on tonight and you have no dress!
  393. >So you are panicking just a little bit
  394. >A spider pats you on the shoulder as you flop your face against the drawing table
  395. “Screeehhhhh...”
  396. >Why is it so hard to string together something that works...
  397. >You lift yourself up with newfound energy, surprising the spider that quickly zip-lines back to the ceiling
  398. >String! You could just wear string as your outfit! Ponies are usually nude anyway so you don’t have to worry about covering up anything!
  399. >And string really speaks of you, you deal with spider strings a lot, spin them into yarn, use them to sow, make cloth out of it and so on!
  400. >You grab some silk and get to spinning a flat strip out of it, not too ropey but not too wide either, and soon enough you have what you want
  401. >Stretchy and mobile, yet firm in construct, and you made it a bit special as well so it sticks to your coat so it’s easy to apply, and thanks to its stretchy construct it will not peel off like normal tape would, and stays in place with ease
  402. >You get to wrapping it on yourself, starting from the base of your left hoof and spiraling it up all the way to your flank and from there to your tail dock, going over your cutie mark
  403. >You spin it around your dock and then back down to the very base of it, wrapping the base of your tail
  404. > Then you slip it beneath the one going over your flank and run it down along your...sensitive area, making sure it runs along the slit, you might not need to cover up but you like symmetry, and it somehow looks much more appealing when it is like that and not on either side of your...you know...mound that kinda juts out a bit
  405. >Then around your abdomen and waist twice, no need to cover your little teats, before slinging it around and over your chest, and then once around your neck like a necklace of sorts, ending the string there and after making it stick
  406. >The spiders keep looking at you and then at one another in confusion, some of them looking away and some of them staring very intensely, and a few female arachnids gossiping together about something while glancing at you
  407. >But you are too busy thinking about adding an eye patch to notice...no, that’d just look silly
  408. >So instead you use the same string to wrap your mane into its regular ponytail, instead of your usual hair doughnut
  409. >After a little spin you turn around to look at the small audience you have gathered, giving them a smile
  410. “How do I look?”
  411. >For some reason a lot of them are trying to not look at you, making you frown playfully
  412. “Oh you guys, stop trying to pretend it’s that hideous, it’s amazing and so innovative!”
  413. >Suddenly you notice the time
  414. “Oh no, I need to get going or else I’ll be late! How did this much time pass anyway?”
  415. >You quickly rush to the door, but then pause and look over at a small cardboard box
  416. >Maybe they are right, maybe you need something more
  417. >You go over to the box, it’s something you received as a birthday present from Night Watch
  418. >Most of it was naughty stuff, massage oil, fur lined hoof cuffs, but there was something neat in it, some kind of clip on earrings you wear on your ear tufts
  419. >Normally you would try not to draw too much attention to these hefty tufted big donkey things, but they are you, there is no escaping that
  420. >well and the only other form of jewelry you have is a necklace that totally clashes with this outfit, so you have no choice
  421. >A quick clip, with many spiders trying tell you no and watching on in horror, and you’re out of the door and flying to the place where the party is being held, some spiders grabbing some silk threads and slowly starting to follow you, unknowns to you of course
  422. >It does not take long to get to the party, and you’re just in time as you join the very end of the line
  423. >”Your invitation ple-“
  424. >The pony in a suit jacket, checking for everypony’s invitation, notices you and looks absolutely speechless
  425. >You can’t help but to let a little giggle escape you as you hand him the invitation and he just silently signs you to go in
  426. >Looks like your outfit was the correct choice, look how amazed he is!
  427. >And as you trot into the hall with your head held high, you fail to see the pony looking at your backside and fainting from shock
  428. >The event itself is simple enough, ponies wearing more or less fancy attires, mingling with one another in small groups, and you find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed all of the sudden, you’re by yourself and drawing a lot of looks
  429. >W-wow, maybe you made too good of an outfit for yourself, you were not expecting this many eyes glued on you...
  430. >You quickly hurry to the fruit table for something to nibble on
  431. >As you gather some little things onto a plate, you hear a familiar voice behind yourself
  432. >”I know I said you go girl, but I think you are going a bit too far and fast”
  433. >You turn around to find the wedding planner mare behind you, with a few other ponies with her, giving you dirty looks? What did you do, did you accidentally eat something you were not supposed to?
  434. >You hope to break the ice by showing off your dress
  435. “How do you like my outfit? I think it really speaks up on who I am”
  436. >One of the mares in the small group gasps and almost faints, making you confused
  437. >”Just so I won’t make a mistake, how so ?”
  438. >You look at the wedding dress mare and smile as you reply
  439. “Well I deal with strings, use them to fix and attach, and make silk and fabric out of threads, so I decided that my whole dress for the event was a bit string! Isn’t it an amazing idea?”
  440. >The mare sighs
  441. >”I knew it was something like this, Silkura darling, your outfit is a bit...how do we say...indecent”
  442. >You tilt your head to the side
  443. “How so?”
  444. >”Well for one it’s not covering up much”
  445. “Well we are ponies so we normally do not cover up at all”
  446. >One of the mares, wearing an outfit consisting of a corset dress, looks like she just realized something, and just rips the dress off of herself, letting out a sigh like she was much comfortable now as the stallion in her company desperately tries to cover up the mare
  447. >The wedding planner mare just sighs
  448. >”Yes that is true, but you do know that sometimes putting on clothing can make you more indecent than you normally are, and that is exactly what your outfit is doing”
  449. >You look at her with surprise, and then at yourself
  450. >What on earth is she-
  451. >Suddenly it’s like a switch was flipped back on in your head, and you start to register how this outfit of yours can be seen as something very indecent
  452. >”I see you finally came to your senses, judging by how red your cheeks are...and are those tuft jewelry? The last time I saw any of those was when I saw exotic dancers of the erotic kind after having to track down my husband when his bachelor party got stretched way too long without him noticing”
  453. “B-but aren’t these just earrings, that you just attach on the tufts?”
  454. >She shakes her head
  455. >”No they’re kinky bedroom accessories”
  456. >A waiter comes over to the mare as you let it all sink in
  457. >”Something came up, it was really nice to see you, hopefully not too many ponies will get a really wrong impression of you because of this...and that little article on that magazine...”
  458. >She leaves with her little group as you suddenly find the looks you’re getting to be very pressuring and making it hard to breathe
  459. >You try to cover your nether region with your tail, but with how the base of it is wrapped you can’t even use it to shield your shame
  460. >Suddenly a young stallion walks over to you and sneakily whispers to you, asking how much for a quickie in the bathroom stalls, and that is when you panic and fly away
  461. >You’re about to fly straight home when suddenly you spot a familiar face, a spider, near the mare’s bathrooms and signing you over
  462. >You quickly shoot off in there to hide and shed a few tears of joy as you find almost all of the spiders from your home waiting for you
  463. “I made a big mistake!”
  464. >They all nod their heads at you
  465. “You need to help me leave without being seen, this is-wait what do you mean you guys can help me?”
  466. >They suddenly surround you, spinning silk around you and almost instantly wrap you into a new dress
  467. >You gasp as you quickly check yourself in the mirror
  468. “It’s the best thing ever, oh thank you!”
  469. >It is a rather simple dress, but given the circumstance it’s the best one there could ever be
  470. >You give little smooches to the spiders as a thanks
  471. “But I think I should go home anyway, a lot of ponies saw me dressed like that and might have the wrong idea...
  472. >The spiders shake their heads again and this time surround your mane, fixing it into a bun and inserting a hairpin into it, making you look completely different from how you looked before
  473. “This...this works, I doubt anypony would think of me as the same mare as the one wearing that lewd outfit. Thank you all, I’ll make sure to catch extra many bugs to you all tomorrow night”
  474. >The spiders cheer together as they swarm away through the small window, and out into the night
  475. >You gulp, quickly look yourself over, and then step back out into the main hall
  476. >A few ponies glance at you but nopony has their eyes glued on your body like before
  477. >Still you feel a bit worried and cautiously walk around, trying to keep a low profile
  478. >That is until you walk straight into a pony
  479. >”Omph!”
  480. “Wah!”
  481. >the both of you knock each other over, and the stranger is the one to get up first and offers you a hoof
  482. >”You should really look where you are going, you ok there”
  483. >You accept the hoof and then look up at the pony, finding a mare with a pretty, very pretty white mane, cut in a fashion that reminds you of Asian mane styles
  484. >She is very pretty, and you find yourself getting lost in her eyes
  485. >”Feeling alright down there?”
  486. >She smiles a little as you finally shake out of it, blushing greatly and getting up
  487. “I’m so sorry, I got lost in how pretty you looked...”
  488. >You give her an awkward smile, and she giggles
  489. >”Really? Thank you for that~”
  490. >You suddenly feel an odd sensation, a flutter in your stomach
  491. >Wait, why are you feeling like this all of the sudden? This is what you feel when you look at pictures with handsome stallions
  492. >The mare seems to take notice of your confusion
  493. >”Everything ok?”
  494. >You quickly shake your head, what weird thoughts, be gone
  495. “Y-yes, I’m just a bit weird from the fall-I mean I’m not weird, no just normal, normal mare...that likes Stallions”
  496. >You give her an awkward smile while she looks confused
  497. >”What?”
  498. “Nothing, Oh, I’m Silkura”
  499. >You offer your wing for a wing shake and she offers hers as well
  500. >”Love Bites. Cool name”
  501. “Yours is pretty cool too”
  502. >You both giggle briefly, and then you take a better look at this mare
  503. >She’s wearing a black turtleneck sweater and a dark purple beret
  504. >Oh, her tail is quite short as well, kinda like yours
  505. >She follows your gaze onto her tail, which she twitches once before looking back at you with a raised eyebrow
  506. “Oh I am not doing anything weird, just noticed you too like to keep your tail short, handy isn’t it?”
  507. >You turn around a bit and twitch your tail to show her
  508. >Wait why did you have to say you’re not doing anything weird? You’re both mare’s, you would not do weird things together, that’d be...
  509. >Images of Night Watch being rather close with Jasmine swarm into your head and make you blush even redder
  510. >”It was nice to meet you Silkura, maybe we’ll see each other around”
  511. >She winks at you and then takes her leave, and you find yourself glancing at her butt, just once, very briefly!
  512. >With steam rising off of your head and you trying to ignore getting flutters for a mare and then instantly thinking about Night Watch and Jasmine acting all...intimate, you head back for the snacks, deciding that you are just going to stuff your face full of them
  513. >But as you do, a pony passing by you accidentally steps on the hem of your dress, making it pop off you and reveal the string outfit beneath
  514. >And this time you made a loud yelp in surprise as it did, drawing all the attention to yourself
  515. >you smile awkwardly while scanning the room, ponies reacting in many ways to this sudden treat for sore eyes
  516. >You squee and quickly fly out of the big hall where ponies can host parties and events, and fly right back home to regret
  520. >B-brrr...chilly...and hard...
  521. >You squirm a little, and the sound of chains rattling wakes you up instantly
  522. >You hop up, only to feel a tug on your hooves before loosing your balance and falling down
  523. “What the...”
  524. >You take notice of your surroundings, this is not home, this is not home at all!
  525. >You seem to be in some kind of a rather unsanitary appearing basement, cuffed and chained to a wall
  526. >W-what’s going on? How did you get here? Ugghh your head...your memory feels all fuzzy...can’t remember...
  527. >”My princess, you’re awake!”
  528. >You’re interrupted by the voice of another pony, and a lanky looking, unkept stallion walks down the stairs to the small basement
  529. “W-where am I, who are you? Wha-“
  530. >He shushes you with his hoof
  531. >”Shh now my dear, all is well, you’re with me now my soul mate, we’ll be together forever”
  532. >You eye the stallion cautiously as he removes his hoof
  533. >”There, good, don’t scream, this basement is sound proof anyway, but it would really make me sad if you were to scream, my soul mate”
  534. >He puckers his lips and starts to move towards you, making you back up until you hit the wall, and then quickly turn your head and whimper as he pecks you on the cheek instead of lips, since you turned your head away
  535. >The stallion pulls back and frowns
  536. >”I understand, not yet, too soon, I’m so sorry, I’m not good at talking with other ponies, I am so alone, but when I saw you at the party few nights ago and wearing that outfit I felt love at first sight, and I knew you’d cure my loneliness Silkura my sweet silk”
  537. >Then he points at the chains
  538. >”Just had to make sure it happens, I don’t want to doubt you but I can’t let any other stallion have you, you must understand, tell me you understand?”
  539. >You shake your head and his eye twitches
  540. >”PLEASE!”
  541. >You flinch and the stallion gasps
  542. >”N-no no not like that no I’m sorry, no, I should go, please don’t hate me”
  543. >He quickly scampers upstairs and slams the door shut, leaving you into the basement, chained up and afraid
  544. >It finally dawns to you, you’ve been pony-napped
  545. >Panic starts to set in as you gasp for breath, your eyes getting moist as all kinds of horror stories you know of the situation at hoof run through your head
  546. >But the sound of the door slamming open jerks you back to reality at hoof
  547. >The stallion comes back down, holding a huge bowl full of peeled, boiled eggs
  548. >”I need you to eat, stay healthy, your beauty must not be lost, please you have to eat them, all the eggs, eat please”
  549. >He puts the bowl down and notices your face
  550. >”Oh no, you’ve been crying, why?”
  551. >You gulp
  552. “W-well you pony-napped me and-“
  553. >The stallion looks hurt
  554. >”No, you don’t understand, I am helping you, you must understand, I am so alone-why are you not eating please eat all of them go go eat already this is killing me I am so nervous!”
  555. >You squeak and quickly grab an egg and put it into your mouth, and as the stallion keeps edging you on to eat you eat, and shed silent tears
  556. >After the whole bowl is empty and you feel sick, the stallion leaves and you curl up into fetal position, and cry
  557. >After that you fell asleep, and after who knows much time, woke up
  558. >And started to think about your situation, while fearing when the stallion comes back, and manage to piece together what had happened
  559. >You had opened the door, and a door to door pony was offering free samples of a new juice brand and asking for opinions on the flavor, that must have been when he drugged you with something
  560. >After some time the stallion did return, and babbled on, and had more eggs to force down your throat, making you almost puke afterwards
  561. >You asked for a chance to use the toilet, and he just left you a bucket in the corner
  562. >And after that you did not see the stallion again in a long while
  563. >As hours went by, your sadness and hopelessness started to change into something else, anger
  564. >How dare this stallion pony-nap you, how dare he chain you up into some stinky basement, you’re going to b-buck him, in the face!
  565. >Instead of just lying there, you begin to struggle, trying to break free of the chains, trying to break them free from the wall, but to no avail since you are not that strong
  566. >Your coat is getting dirtier by the hour, and your body more bruised from trying to break free, until suddenly the stallion comes back again, the sound of the door snapping you back to reality from your thoughts
  567. >”I am so sorry I took this lo-Oh good heavens!”
  568. >The stallion rushes to you
  569. >”No you are not allowed to do this, you’re ruining your perfect-“
  570. >You on the other hand snap your fangs at him, almost biting his face, if not for him quickly pulling away
  571. >You hiss while glaring at him, and he stares at you with shock
  572. >”W-what’s the matter”
  573. >He extends a hoof to you so he can caress your face, and you bite it as hard as you can, tasting metal
  574. >He lets out a shriek and slaps you, making your eyes fly wide open
  575. >The stallion looks shocked and quickly escapes back upstairs and out of the basement
  576. >Your cheek aches, and you shed a single tear, not for the slap but because you feel frustrated that you managed to only harm him that little
  577. >You’re not normally this vengeful and spiteful of a bat but somehow this situation makes you feel completely different, like you’re much more capable than you usually are
  578. >It even feels kind of nice, like angry energy filling you up
  579. >Suddenly you spot something that makes the rush flooding throughout your body grow weaker and bring you closer to how you usually are
  580. >Two small spiders walking on the floor
  581. “You two, please help me!”
  582. >The spiders stop and turn to look at you
  583. “Please tell me, is this Hollow Shades?”
  584. >Both spiders nod and you let out a sigh of relief before focusing on the spiders again
  585. “I need you two to deliver a message, please, I’m pony-naped and I need help”
  586. >The spiders look at one another, and then come closer to you, making you smile
  587. “Thanks you, thank you so much, now...”
  588. >You tell them to contact your spider friends at your house and get them to come to you
  589. >And then you wait
  590. >The stallion comes back down before what you think is the day, judging by how tired you are and he seems to be, and this time you comply, just eating the eggs and feeling a bit grossed out as he cleans your body here and there with a wet cloth
  591. >The idea of your soon to be revenge and freedom is enough to keep you from gagging and throwing up while he keeps touching you, thankfully telling you that you are too pretty and pure to defile, avoiding any areas that you really do not want to be touched by this creep
  592. >and then you’re waken up by your spider friends somewhere around mid-day
  593. >And they brought extra, you can see almost every spider you have helped and know that lives in this town and then some
  594. >You have to keep them from instantly going after the stallion after seeing your state, but you thankfully managed to talk them out of it and save any from being squished
  595. >And then you tell them what you have planned, and after some waiting while the rest of them spin their webs, the ones send to scout for the keys return
  596. >But it turns out that the only keys they were able to find were the ones to your cuffs
  597. >but the cuff keys are enough
  598. >And then all of you wait, in the basement now covered in webs, you sitting tight like a spider on its web, waiting for the prey
  599. >Normally you would run away, but there is a burning need for vengeance within you, making you ignore it as you sneer and snicker, making even a few of your spider friends a bit worried
  600. >And then the door opens, a few spiders sneakily placing the cuff key between the door as it closes, keeping it from shutting fully
  601. >”I’m hoping you are feeling better, I am in the dire need for some cuddle-“
  602. >He trips on a string of web placed at the stairs, and falls down painfully, right into the large, sticky web at the end of them
  603. >”H-HEY WHAT THE!?”
  604. >He struggles, only getting more tangled up in it
  605. >You get up and walk towards him, the cuffs just slipping off of your hooves, making him gasp in shock
  606. >As you walk towards him a hoof-full of spiders zip-line down from the basement ceiling and fix your mane into its usual ponytail for you
  607. “You know what, I am NOT yours!”
  608. >The stallion opens his mouth
  609. >”No you-OW!”
  610. >A single spider, a much more colorful one than the rest, bites him on the hoof, and it instantly starts to swell up considerably
  611. >”W-what’s happening!?”
  612. >You extend your wings to your sides and a bunch of similarly colored spiders slowly descent from the ceiling and onto your wings
  613. “The bite of these little things causes swelling and a mean fever, and that is only for a single bite, imagine what happened if all of them bit you”
  614. >They glare at the stallion as he gulps and struggles, his eyes full of panic
  615. >”N-no stop this my sweet princess...”
  616. >The spiders get down from your wings and make their way to the stallion, climbign the bundle of web until they are standing on his face
  617. “Buut...I’m willing to let you go...”
  618. >No you are not, you’re going to get this, this peeve of a stallion arrested!
  619. “If you...”
  620. >Suddenly the small line of spiders, formed while you were busy with this, passes a bowl of eggs from one to another, moving it to you like a conveyer belt would
  621. “Is to eat all these eggs”
  622. >The spiders free one of his hooves, the biting ones on his face and ready to bite of he tries anything funny
  623. >The stallion gulps
  624. >”Y-yes, I’ll eat the eggs”
  625. >He picks one up and then pauses
  626. >”But these are not peeled?”
  627. >You just stare down at him and he gulps, and then takes a bite
  628. >Only for the egg to break in his mouth, spilling its content
  629. >”These are raw!”
  630. >The stallion stares at you and you stare back at him, normally you would feel embarrassed or like looking away but now you do not, nothing but spite left in your mind as you stare him down
  631. >The stallion gulps and sheds a tear, and starts to eat the eggs slowly, one by one, gagging on the raw egg and wincing when he has to chew the shells
  632. >He only gets three eaten of the entire bowl when suddenly Jasmine swoops into the basement, looking ready for combat
  633. >”Silky I got your message from a bunch of spi-“
  634. >She pauses at what she sees, and so do the few guard ponies following her, while you stare at her, your eyes getting moist
  635. “J-Jasmine!”
  636. >You rush to her and start to sob loudly, all the previous anger now gone as you cry against her chest and mumble incoherently, repeated spider bites making the stallion let out pained yelps before Jasmine leads you out of the house
  640. >This is weird...you must be weird
  641. >You step out of the house, feeling confident for once
  642. >You are Silkura, just three days after being rescued from a basement in which you were being held against your will
  643. >And by all means you should be traumatized and even more wary of other ponies and going out, but instead...you feel like you’ve grown stronger, braver
  644. >What’s the worst that can happen, not like they can pony-nap you, all you’ll do is just embarrass yourself a little
  645. >In fact, you’re going to tell that stallion over there it’s a nice night, completely out of the blue, because you feel like you can do it
  646. >As you move towards the stallion your steps grow shorter an shorter while your speed dies down, and then when you’re rather close to him he looks at you and you feel your cheeks blush red as you quickly go past him
  647. >W-well...that was just...a...ummm
  648. >There is another one, here you go!
  649. >This time you do make it up to him and even manage to stay put, and even look him right in the eyes as he turns to look at you
  650. “What a beautiful evening we’re having”
  651. >The stallion smirks
  652. >”Not as pretty as you young lady”
  653. >Your eyes instantly look away
  654. “You’re a pretty cute lady too, well got to fly!”
  655. >And you fly away, leaving behind a very confused stallion feeling a bit less manly than he did before you came along
  656. >Well it’s safe to say that you are not that much braver than usual, but at least you haven’t stumbled backwards because of the ordeal
  657. >You come to a halt when you spot a familiar pony, it’s the pretty one, from the event, Lovely Bites? Love Bites!
  658. >You stay in the air while watching her go, curious as to what she does
  659. >But then you spot that the same beret she’s wearing has a small tear on it, not a big one but...
  660. >You fly down to her
  661. “Love Bites, your beret”
  662. >Love bites takes a step to the side and looks at you
  663. >”Oh hi, you’re from the party, Slickura?”
  664. >You shake your head
  665. “Silkura or whatever, just call me Silky, but better than that, your beret is broken”
  666. >She looks surprised and takes the beret off and inspects it, and you point at the spot
  667. >”Oh that, it’s not a big deal”
  668. “But let me fix it anyway”
  669. >Love Bites stares at you for a few seconds
  670. >”Sure, are we going to go to your pla-“
  671. “I’ll make some string and get right to it”
  672. >Love Bites raises an eyebrow and glances at your cutie mark
  673. >”...make?”
  674. >You nod and scan the area for a spider, and find one, in fact a familiar one
  675. >You smile awkwardly and back up towards it, not sure how she would feel if she knew it was spiders web that was used to patch her beret up
  676. >Love Bites just seems confused as you whisper to the spider and get it to give you some silk which you collect around your hoof
  677. “Ok done”
  678. >You walk back to Love bites while she stares at your hoof
  679. >”You...made that? By yourself, right now?”
  680. >You nod, completely missing her glancing at your butt while looking even more confused
  681. “Now just...there!”
  682. >You hold up the beret and Love Bites looks at it with surprise
  683. >”It looks brand new!”
  684. >You nod
  685. “I’m real good at this”
  686. >She places it back on her head
  687. >”Thanks you for fixing it...with your silk...that you made yourself...”
  688. >You just keep smiling, completely oblivious to the fact that she thinks you actually produced the silk out of yourself
  689. >”How much do I own you?”
  690. >You shake your head
  691. “No need, I just wanted to help you”
  692. >”Oh? Well thanks~”
  693. >Oh great, now you’re starting to feel oddly self conscious again
  694. >”I’d ask you out for some tea, but I am on my way to meet somepony”
  695. “Oh, sorry to have interrupted you then”
  696. >She giggles a little
  697. >”No worries, in fact fixing my beret helps me a lot with it”
  698. >She gives you a wink as she goes off to where she was heading, leaving you a bit confused
  699. “Hmh?”
  700. >You spot her joining a stallion and make an “oh” mouth
  701. >Of course, a pretty mare like her must not be without her stallion company...maybe you could ask her to teach you?
  702. >No, why are you even getting ahead of yourself, you don’t even know if she wants to be your friend in the first place. But you did manage to fix her beret so you do feel good about yourself, and with a newfound energy in your steps you trot towards the shops
  703. >As you shop around you spot the same stallion that was in Love Bites company walking off to somewhere, looking a bit weird
  704. >And then you spot Love bites flying off to somewhere, snickering
  705. >You wonder what that was all about while picking fruits and veggies
  706. >And then you start heading home, but your ears pick up a weird sound...it’s coming from those bushes over there
  707. >So you peek into the bush and you’re greeted by the sight of a young colt and a young filly doing something naughty
  708. >”Nhh Blueberry you’re so tight~”
  709. >”Careful Sandstone, not yet, I want to ride it more~”
  710. >You quickly pull your head away from the bushes and just stand there, processing what you just saw
  711. >A young filly and a young colt, having sex
  712. >And they’re so young! When you were that age, you just spend all day chasing spiders and adventuring in the nearby woods!
  713. >You don’t want to sound older than your age but should young ponies be doing that?
  714. >Or is it just because you have never done anything like that...even if most ponies your age already have, especially other mares...
  715. >”B-blueberry I think somepony is standing outside the bush and spying on us”
  716. >Suddenly you realize that you are standing in front of a bush where two little ponies are doing the dirty, and how bad it would look if anypony were to discover you doing it
  717. >So you bolt it, flying back home very fast and slamming the door shut
  718. >A spider on the wall next to the door gives you a stare as you catch your breath
  719. “What no I did not do something silly in front of a stallion and fly right back home to hide...this time...”
  720. >It keeps looking at you
  721. “What, mare? So the next option for me is to like mares?”
  722. >It keeps looking at you
  723. “Ponies can be straight and still have not had a single boyfriend in their life, it does not mean they’re munching on the pussy burger!”
  724. >It looks at you a bit differently now and just skitters away while you keep blushing redder and redder from shouting pussy burger
  725. >And then you simply slump down
  726. “And I forgot the milk...”
  727. >With a sigh you pick yourself up and head on back out
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