
SCU stuff

Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. Smokeless: Bea pulled up in her all black suv to the buckstars. She smiled sliding out and looking around jsut making her way inside. She figured the two would show up. She stood in line andwaited for her turn before ging to the counter."One vanilla lattel whole milk extra vanilla and two shots of expresso please. and the name on the cup should be Bea," she smiled and handed her card over to the guy behind the counter and took it back once he was done .she stepped aside waiting for her drink.
  2. Tsaaq: When Penelope arrived at her destination she took out her compact mirror as the car came to a rolling stop. She checked to ensure her makeup was still flawless before shutting the compact and getting out of the car. Penelope had gently thanked the driver before he sped away and went to walk into to Buckstars. She spotted Bea in line and went to stand behind her. " A great order if I do say so myself." She complimented the other female.
  3. Covet: Thorn pulled up and parked along the street, climbing out he grabbed his bag and made his way inside, seeing the girls already there and having made their orders, "Let me guess you both got some overly complicated coffee with more syrup and milk than actual coffee?"
  4. Smokeless: Bea smiled to Penelope."I usually get low fat milk but im feeling a little dangerous today." she chuckled lightly. She got her drink and sipped it and she looked at Thorn."I like hwat I like." she walked off towards a table and sat down sipping her drink.
  5. Tsaaq: "Actually..." She trailed off. "Before you so sexistly assumed my order. I was just thinking of how much I would favor some cold brew. Black." She spoke precisely before turning to the barista. "A medium please." She folded her arms in front of her. Sticking out her behind and standing up straight. "Grandaddy always said that black coffee is helpful when it comes to brainstorming." Penelope told Thorn very matter-of-factly. "And Bea should be able to get a sweet drink if she so desired."
  6. Covet: "Your Grandaddy is a smart man. And I applaud your cold brew decision." Thorn said with a laugh, then walked up to the counter to give his order. "I will take a medium cafe americano, with an extra shot of expresso please." He said ordering the watered down espresso straight as is. Paying for both his and Penelope's before she could say otherwise. "Nothing wrong with it, I wasn't trying to be sexist either, just going off a statistical average." Can I add a chocolate chip cookie to that as well please." He told the Barista.
  7. Smokeless: Bea wrinkled her nose a little."americano is jsut water and expresso. I've never tried it cause it jsut sounds yuck but is it any good at all?" she directed her questions towards Thorn as she waited for a reply. She really wasnt judging his decision jsut curious of the taste.
  8. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Oh, I know." She went to reach for her wallet then saw Thorn intercept her. She puffed out her cheeks a moment and clenched her fists closed. "You win this round." She murmured. "Statistics are sexist." Penelope said under her breath as she put both of her hands on her hips. She stepped to the side so she could grab her drink. "Shall I look for a booth or a table for us?" She asked before sizing up the cafe.
  9. Covet: "It's hot, bitter and pretty much pure caffiene. Keeps you going at the very least." Thorn said, "It's an acquired taste." adding, before looking over at Penelope hearing her grumblings, but not exactly what she said. "Table is fine with me, wifi's better away from the walls, here. And where I intend to engage in small talk and conversation with the two of you, "I still have studying to do. Can't save lives if I don't stay on top of shit."
  10. Smokeless: Bea sat at the table and she looked at Thrn."sounds gross." she shrugged and she smiled to penelope."what are you majoring in penelope?" she turned to Thorn."My dad is a doctor. He is trying to move his practice up here but he has to many good patients down there."
  11. Tsaaq: "Thank you Thorn." Penelope spoke as she took her drink. She grabbed a straw but didn't start drinking yet. "I won't demand too much attention from you." She said to him. She swayed her hips as she made her way to one of the regular tables as well. She went to sit down. "I'm majoring in Pre Law. I've got seven more years until I'm a successful attorney." She answered very boastfully. "Thorn tells me that there's a lot of artists in this school."
  12. Covet: "That's cool. My Dad is also a doctor. He works in the ER suite at Mount Sinai. I'm not really into being a doctor, I'm more of a First response in the field kind of guy." Thorn told Bea, since Penelope already knew this shit. He sat down and got his laptop back out again, skipping out on the headphones this time. Thorn sipped on his coffee while his computer booted up.
  13. Smokeless: "Well in all honesty thats where al lthe action is. That and being a nurse is where all the action is. My mom is a nurse. My dad is a obgyn."she shrugged some. She looked at penelope and smiled nodding her head."oh yeah there is. I'm agraphic design student. I decided to change careers after high school." she shrugged her shoulders.
  14. Tsaaq: Penelope lifted her eyebrows with interest but remained silent, using this time for intel. She gave the other girl an easy smile and a slow nod of her ginger head. "Interesting." She said softly.
  15. Covet: "I'm sure Nurses see their fair share, but it's not quite the same." Thorn said with a chuckle, "But to each their own." He said as he logged into his online school assignment board thingy. His eyes scrolling over the entries until he found the one he needed so he could read through the comments then respond like he was supposed to.
  16. Smokeless: Bea nodded her head."Yeah that is true." she sipped her coffe and she looked at penelope."what about you? What do your parents do?" she smiled and waited for her answer.
  17. Tsaaq: "My mother was a homemaker and my father is also an attorney. He and my uncle, along with my aunt are partners at a law firm." She explained. She peeled the paper from the straw and stabbed it into her cup rather abruptly. Her lips pouted as she sucked on the straw. "I'm expected to become a partner as per the legacy of our family." Penelope smiled. "Sounds easy enough." She lifted her shoulders into a shrug.
  18. Covet: "My mom's also doing the homemaker thing right now. Sort of, she's got this online jewlery thing that's doing pretty well right now." Felix chirped up. "My sister Charlie helps her with it." He furrowed his brow and typed up a slew of words, quickly and loudly, responding to the board discussion. "That sounds like a terrifying lawfirm to be up against."
  19. Smokeless: [Thorn..]
  20. Smokeless: Bea nodded her head."I don't have any siblings. My mom stayed home when I was younger but once I started school she went back to work and has been working since" she shrugged some."she likes working."
  21. Tsaaq: Penelope went back to sucking on her straw as her eyes travelled to Thorn's face. She giggled and twirled her straw around on her cup. "You're damn right." She started to smirk. "The Van Burens play no games." She snickered. "Anyways, Mummy liked staying at home and teaching me to be a lady. And I'd like to say she was very successful."
  22. Culler: Ello
  23. Covet: "I have two obnoxious teenage sisters, Charlotte and Erica. Or as I lovingly call them, Charlie and Eric." He said adding to the conversation, because he could, multitasking very well, in typical older brother fashion. "So that's where you learned how to greet people, pass along my greatful thank yous to her, next time you see her."
  24. Smokeless: [i see what you did there kiki]
  25. Covet: [XD]
  26. Smokeless: Bea shrugged her shoulders some."my mom was always busy. I had a nice nanny though." she smiled some."She was german."
  27. Tsaaq: "Thankfully, I don't have any siblings." Penelope chirped. She shot Thorn an angry glance. "I'll think I'll be able remember to remember such. I'll send your regards. She'll be pleased to hear it." She retorted.
  28. Covet: Thorn smirked and brought his coffee to his mouth to have another drink to keep himself from laughing.
  29. Covet: [FUCK!]
  30. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo.))
  31. Covet: Thorn smirked and brought his coffee to his mouth to have another drink to keep himself from laughing. "Fantastic." He said then looked over to Bea, "Wow German, that's pretty cool. I bet you have fun swearing at people in German. It's such an agressive language."
  32. Tsaaq: ((I think I'll be able to remember such*** I butchered that sentence somehow.))
  33. Covet: [-pats her on the head.-]
  34. Tsaaq: ((I'll fart on you!))
  35. Covet: [Gross bro. XD]
  36. Smokeless: [thats not lady like!]
  37. Smokeless: Bea laughed a little and she shrugged some."It is agressive but she always knew how to get my attention."Kind you will listen to me and you will pick up this room." she used her thick accent impression of her nanny. She chuckled some."she lives with my parents still. She is their maid now."
  38. Tsaaq: "I don't quite remember my nannies. They were switched out so often. They butted heads with mommy a lot." She said. "German can potentially be a beautiful language you know. If you speak to the right people." Penelope piped up. She began sucking on her straw once more. "Maids? I definitely have trouble remembering each one. We go through a lot of those. Speaking of which. I think the sorority should have some type of hired help."
  39. Covet: "To the right people in the right situations, I'm sure it's very... Romantic. Sure we'll use that word." He said with a nod, "Yeah, my parents made me do chores. We could have easily hired help, but my dad says chores build character, and responsibility."
  40. Smokeless: Bea thought for a moment."I don't know if we can afford that. That would be something we would have to pay out of pocket for." she shrugged some and looked at Thorn."Besty always made me do chores too. My parents thought she did a good job with me."
  41. Tsaaq: She quirked one of her eyebrows. "Regrettably. I wasn't told to do such things." Penelope confessed. "I also don't recall being very messy to start with anyways." She sighed. She turned to look at him once more. "But I can see where the character came in." She smirked at Thorn. "These are the people who shape your lives and character."
  42. Covet: "I'm sure I added a few things in myself, that aren't attributed to my parents." He said with a laugh, shaking his head. "Believe me I've made my parents proud, ashamed and disappointed in my lifetime. Probably at the same time."
  43. Smokeless: "I think all children do that to their parents to be honest. No one is perfect." she finished off her latte and she leaned back in ehr seat.-
  44. Tsaaq: "You can come terribly close to perfect, however." She said with a slight tilt of her head."That's what happened with me." Penelope began to grin widely. "I can also see that." She told Thorn playfully. "With you being a scoundrel and all that." She teased.
  45. Covet: "Scoundrel? Me? Never?" He said brushing the comment off. "I like to think I behave myself really well. My mouth however...I have no filter, I speak my mind. It's my best feature and my worst trait." He said with a cheeky grin, winking at her.
  46. Smokeless: Bea looked at the two and blinked."sooo any way. I'm all out of latte. You two want anything to eat? I'm thinking of grabbing a salad." She stood up and looked at the two of them aiting for an answer.
  47. Smokeless: [i have work in the morning so imma have to head off ]
  48. Tsaaq: She huffed a bit and rolled her eyes while giggling. "Well... I'm not particulary hungry. But if someone were to eat someting? I'd pick off their plate." She replied.
  49. Covet: "Shit... I got a cookie, if you could grab it for me while you're up, that'd be sweet." Thorn said, then looked over at Penelope, "You gonna take me up on my offer from the other day about sharing a cookie after all?"
  50. Covet: [Alright]
  51. Tsaaq: ((Nighty night.))
  52. Smokeless: Bea nodded her head."Yeah sure. i'm going to get my salad to go I got classes in the morning and need at least eight hours of sleep." she smiled and walked off grabbing a salad and Thorn's cookie. She walked back giving him his cookie."I'll see you guys later perhap." she smiled and waved heading ut to ther suv and heading to the sorority house
  53. Smokeless: [nini guys[
  54. Tsaaq: ((Nighttt.))
  55. Tsaaq: Penelope turned to Thorn. "Why does it feel like a double entendre when you offer sharing a cookie?" She asked him. She shifted in her seat once Bea dropped off their snack and left. "So. Did you enjoy being around the school mascot all day?" She asked him with a teasing smirk.
  56. Covet: "You take it however you will, Penny" he told her now that they were alone. "It was painfully boring if I'm being perfectly honest. I had a better time with the underlying conversation we had going." Thorn said with a smirk.
  57. Tsaaq: "She's suspects something. Although what it is? I'm not sure." She spoke coolly while taking a glance at her nails. "Perhaps I should confront her about? Then I can lie about whatever her mind has miscontrued." She rose her eyebrows a moment. "You know. She has no idea what she's doing. And she is no where near a leader." Penelope rambled. "The presidenscy will be mine soon enough. She makes it almost too easy." She scoffed and began to chuckle. "She can't help that she's terribly uninteresting. Not everyone can be a winner."
  58. Covet: "Go for it. I'll go along with whatever you tell her." Thorn said as he listened to Penelope, "I'm not surprised. She sure does try really hard though. I mean c'mon. She couldn't even make her single child, raised by the nanny story interesting. At least with your family, it's a prestigious name, that automatically gives it intrigue." He shook his head, and broke a piece of cookie off, offering to share ti.
  59. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn stepped into the coffee shop with her anatomy textbook hugged to her chest, having all intentions of getting a cup of coffee and sitting down to study for a bit. She walked straight to the front of the shop where the front counter was, getting in line behind the last person to wait to order her coffee.-
  60. Tsaaq: Penelope gracefully reached over and broke off a piece of cookie for herself and carefully bit into it. She waited until she was done chewing to swallow and begin to speak once more. She let out an exasperated sigh. "What do you expect? She's a goddamn meet and greeter for goodness sakes." Penelope rolled her eyes. She sucked the tip of her fingers before wiping them with a napkin. Her eyes spied the blonde passing them. "Oh, I know her." She murmured. "Oh Quinn!" Penelope put back on her smile as she waved the other female over.
  61. Covet: "Maybe her career before deciding on being the most basic of artists ever, was working at the local Walmart." Thorn said with a laugh, then looked at the chick who's attention she was trying to get. He noticed her anatomy book in her hand as he looked her over.
  62. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing her name, she glanced over her shoulder and spotted Penelope waving to her, sending her a sheepish smile. "Oh... hi Penelope." Her eyes flicked to her male companion and sent him a smile as well. "Just a second, I'm getting a coffee. Do you want anything?" She asked as she stepped to the front, ordering herself a large coffee.-
  63. Tsaaq: She smiled and shook her head. "I'm just fine. Thank you though." She answered cheerfully with a tilt of her head. "Well. I haven't seen her art. But I'm sure it's nothing to behold. Especially if that's what everyone around here is doing." She said quietly to him. "I wouldn't be surprised if she worked at walmart. With that wardrobe." Penelope rolled her eyes.
  64. Covet: "I haven't seen her art either, but Graphic design is pretty much art for those who can't actually art." Thorn said, then snickered about her wardrobe. "Hey not everyone can own black lace and quality sheer material. Regardless if their dad is a doctor. Sorry, OBGYN. So give me the skinn on this Quinn chick. She got a brain in her head, or am I going to have to suffer with more meaningless drull conversation?"
  65. Covet: *skinny
  66. Covet: *droll
  67. Tsaaq: ((Damn bish.))
  68. Alexithymiaa: -She stepped to the side once she ordered her coffee, not wanting to get in anyone's way. She quickly glanced over her shoulder at the pair seated at the table, not recognizing the male Penelope was with before turning back to toy with her hair uncomfortably.-
  69. Tsaaq: "I met her at transfer seminar." She began to explain. "She's definitely got a brain. She's pretty. Intelligent. She's not very extroverted unfortunately. But still she's got potential." She told him. "Come sit with us." Penelope said. It was more of a command than an offer, in usual Penelope fashion. Still a smile was plastered on her cherry red lips. "This is my new friend Thorn. He's an upper classmen." Penelope waved her hand at Thorn.
  70. Covet: "Good. Sounds like she'll at least have something of substance to add to the conversation then." Thorn said then looked over at Quinn, "Nice to meet you. Thorn Delvy, Junior." He said nodding his head, since he had his coffee cup in his hand, tipping it back to finish it off, before he glared at the screen scoffing, "Fucking idiots. That's not how you intubate in the field, that's if you have the laryngoscope." He mumbled before typing furiously.
  71. Alexithymiaa: -Getting her coffee, she turned back and walked to their table, hovering in front of one of the chairs and hesitating a long moment before setting her textbook down and then her coffee so she could have a seat. "It's nice to meet you, Thorn." She pursed her lips as she heard his words, dropping her eyes down to her hands circling her coffee cup. "How are you both?"-
  72. Tsaaq: She nodded her head in agreement. "Well... We were having a horribly dull conversation but then it livened up. And now the life of the party has arrived." She replied playfully. "Studying as usual?" She asked Quinn.
  73. Covet: "Yeah, everything that she said. Life of the party huh? Maybe you should team up and show Bea how to actually throw a party." Thorn said shaking his head, as he stared at the screen in disbelief, "I'm great, just questioning why some people are allowed to live, let alone save lives."
  74. Alexithymiaa: "I wouldn't necessarily say I'm the life of the party by any means, but I appreciate the compliment Penelope." She said with a smile, bringing her coffee up to her lips to take a small sip. She instinctively glanced down at Thorn's phone in his hands, furrowing her brows. "Are you studying to be a doctor?"-
  75. Covet: [Sorry he has his computer out and is doing the online discussion boards for one of his classes, to help clear that up! I mentioned it earlier but you weren't here yet D:]
  76. Alexithymiaa: (OH, I thought it was his phone. Scratch that)
  77. Tsaaq: "Oh don't get started on that again." Penelope rolled her eyes and turned to Quinn. "Oh but of course." She told the other female. "Oh right. Thorn." She turned to pat him on his forearm. "Quinn is Pre Med." Penelope told him.
  78. Covet: "God no. Being a doctor has too many politics. I'm Emergency and First response med." He said, then looked at Quinn, "Pre-Med and Pre-Law. We could start our own clinic at this rate, Penny."
  79. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled and let out a small laugh, honestly impressed with their little trifecta here. "That we could. And I'm inclined to think we'd have a pretty successful clinic at that. Though I'm not entirely sure what focus I'm interested in yet. At this very moment in time I'm partial to cardiology, but my interest seems to change depending on what chapter I'm reading."-
  80. Tsaaq: Penelope rose an eyebrow at Thorn. "I like politics." She said. Giving the male a challenging smirk. "And it's Penelope." She pointed her index finger at him firmly. "At least in the presence of company." She stuck her nose in the air. "If we were to actually do that... It would look pretty impressive on my resume." Penelope rose an eyebrow.
  81. Covet: "Regular politics and hospital politics are kind of two different things though. It's mostly power plays and ego trips." Thorn told Penelope, giving her a smirk as he shook his head, "It was a joke, but I bet dumb college kids would pay for some sort of consierge clinic crap. To embarassed to go to a real one to find out they have crabs." He said snickering before he nodded at Quinn, "Cardiology? A person of the heart are you Quinn? That's sweet of you."
  82. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, somehow my idea of helping people doesn't include careless college students too anxious to hop on top of each other to give protection a second thought." She kind of shot back without thinking before pursing her lips and diverting her eyes down to her coffee because it was kind of a brash comment coming from her. "I don't know, oncology is my second front runner at this point. Does that make me a cancerous person as well?"-
  83. Tsaaq: "Oh excuse me. Implying that the entirety of life doesn't consist of that." She said with a playful smirk. "Oh poo. I would only allow clients who pay top dollar. Does that help?" Penelope asked with her head tilted. Her eyes widened a bit as she gasped dramatically and stifled a laugh. "Quinn is unsheathing her sword on you Thorny." She nudged him.
  84. Covet: "You're main job would to make sure they didn't sue us for poor bedside manner." Thorn laughed, enjoying Quinn's response, "That depends, are you infectious and grow on people? If so then yes, Highly cancerous."
  85. Alexithymiaa: -Her cheeks flushed at Penelope's comment, lifting her coffee to take a sip before setting it back down on the table. "I'd like to think I grow on people. At least eventually... though I don't think many people here would agree with that. I mostly keep to myself. It's easier that way."-
  86. Tsaaq: Penelope scoffed a bit and put her hands in her lap. "Excuse you. You don't get to assign roles. That would be my job." She said before sticking her tongue out at him for only a moment. "Well there you. There's her answer." She waved her hand at Quinn and looked to Thorn. "Are you happy?"
  87. Covet: "Sorry Mistress." Thorn said scoffing back at her as she stuck her tongue out at him, then thought about Quinn's response. "I dunno. It either means she's cancerous, or she could just be some sort of bacteria. Cancer rarely keeps to it's self." He said being an intentional ass that time.
  88. Alexithymiaa: "Bacteria doesn't exactly keep to itself either. Although cancer is a mutation and I guess I've always felt like a bit of a mutant so..." She trailed off, giving a shrug of her shoulders, her eyes slowly shifting between Penelope and Thorn. "I'm sorry... should I... should I leave you two alone?"-
  89. Tsaaq: "Mistress?" She repeated a litte confoundedly. She rose her eyebrow at Quinn and glanced at Thorn herself. "No." She said earnestly. "Why would you leave? We're enjoying each other's company." She tilted her head and twirled some of her hair around her finger. "I could watch you two go back and forth all day."
  90. Covet: "Mutant? Like x-men?" Thorn asked her, "What's your power then?" He added before shaking his head, "No, no need to leave, just banter between friends. She can be rather demanding at times. She already told me I have to go to her Sorority party. Didn't even give met he choice." Thorn said in a fake exasperated tone.
  91. Covet: *me the
  92. Alexithymiaa: "I just thought that you were..." She looked between the two of them before slowly shaking her head. "Nevermind." She slid her hand over the cover of her textbook, studying the image on the front. "Probably phasing. I've always admired Kitty Pryde. Although I'll forever hold it against her that she cut ties with the Guardians and Peter Quill." She mumbled, pushing her hair back over her ear.-
  93. Tsaaq: She tilted her head and rose an eyebrow again. "Thought we were..." Her words trailed off but she didn't get to find out her answer. "Do I get to be the one with red hair?" She asked. "I don't remember her name. But she's some sort of split personality disordered telepath?"
  94. Covet: "That we were? Me and Her?" Thorn said raising an eyebrow, "Not for a lack of trying that's for sure." He said shaking his head, "I've dropped so many lines to her and she's yet to take a bite. Mistique is a red head, But then there's Jean too. You probably mean Jean." Thorn told Penelope, then was impressed with Quinn's knowledge on X-men, because it was more than he knew. "I could go for Xavier, I'd be down to sit in a wheelchair all day. Running people over who get in my way. Magneto's would be good too, purely because it'd make getting a bullet, or other invasive shrapnel out, way easier."
  95. Alexithymiaa: "Jean Grey. Or Phoenix." She said to Penelope, because she assumed that's who she was referring to. When she heard Thorn, she shook her head. "If you're summing Charles Xavier up to some guy who can run people over with his wheelchair, you are so incredibly misinformed and I pity you." She spoke bluntly, letting out a sigh. "I don't know, the two of you were just talking like you were more than friends. I'm sorry, my mistake."-
  96. Tsaaq: "Ohhhh." She whispered and smirked at Thotn. "I invited you for coffee and tea, didn't I? Doesn't that count for anything." She asked him with a tilt of her head. "Is Mystique the naked one? If so then I change my mind. I want to be her." She began to smirk. "Hmm. Just as I suspected. That's probably why Bea was giving us those awkward glances. She probably assumes the same." She let out a breathy exhale and tossed her hair over her shoulder.
  97. Covet: "I didn't have a choice in the matter, you told me I was coming over for tea. My tea was just better." He said with a cocky shrug, "But you did let me buy your coffee, so you nibbled." Thorn laughed as Penelope got huffy and Quinn became offended. "I'm just saying, when you can do that much with your brain, who wouldn't have fun running into the back of people's heels." He rolled his eyes, "Good maybe that's what I wanted her to think. I couldn't really bring myself to do the same to Bea. I've got standards. Now between the two of you, I'm honestly feeling this vibe." He said pointing at the two of them.
  98. Alexithymiaa: "I'm only feeling this vibe if you give Professor X more credit than that..." She mumbled, bringing her coffee up to her lips to take another sip. Her eyes slid over to look at Thorn, giving him a quick once over because after all, he was an attractive male. "Who's Bea?"-
  99. Tsaaq: She sputtered her lips softly. "You're right. You don't get a choice in the matter. Ever." She flashed hima smile. Penelope rolled her eyes. "You'll be back to the sorority house for tea. Since you won't hush about my evening attire anyways." She said decidedly. "Is there any moment in your life that you aren't a flirt?" She asked him before turning to him. Her eyes went to Quinn. "She's the president of the SGA and Kappa Nu... Somehow." She replied.
  100. Covet: "I'm sorry what was that Quinn?" He asked as she mumbled, then shook his head, "Basically the school mascot." Thorn smirked and cocked his head to the side. "Not really no."
  101. Alexithymiaa: "Who did she have to bribe to get two of the most influencial roles on campus?" She asked, sitting up in her seat and crossing one leg over the other. "I guess I'll be meeting her soon enough. I'm pleging Kappa Nu and should be moving into the house immediately following. I can't wait to get out of the dorms."-
  102. Tsaaq: "Well... I suppose flirtation isn't THAT bad." She said, shaking her head at Thorn. "Oh you'll definitely cross paths. We're literally the only people in Kappa Nu." She answered. "I've already moved in, for what it's worth?" Penelope began to smile. "Although she's nowhere near leader material." She kept her smile in tact.
  103. Covet: "See, besides, it's harmless. It's not like it's been reciprocated yet." He said with a laugh. Thorn tried not to yawn at the greek talk popping back up again. Going about closing up his laptop since he was done arguing with his classmates.
  104. Alexithymiaa: "Oh come on, flirtation isn't bad. It's a natural expression of human interest." She spoke matter of factly, finishing off her coffee. "I feel bad to say I'm not all that invested yet. It's mostly just because I know it will look good on my resume. That's really my main concern here."-
  105. Tsaaq: "I thought I was." Penelope rose an eyebrow. "I suppose icy stares and demands aren't flirting. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two from you Thorny." She laughed. "That's precisely why I'm in the sorority. That and... Potentially telling other people what to do." She darted her eyes a moment. "But I'm really not a forceful person." She shrugged again. "Oh stop acting like a brat. What do you want to talk about? Since you hate university greek culutre so much." She nudged Thorn.
  106. DGNightwing: (WHATS THIS)
  107. Covet: [YOU NEED TO CALM YOUR TITS. This is Avery and Ryan's shit. I guess.]
  108. DGNightwing: (Oh I wanna play)
  109. Covet: [You have to message her or him.]
  110. Tsaaq: ((You wait! NOW POST.))
  111. DGNightwing: (OFC I WILL)
  112. Covet: "See, You completely understand" Thorn said looking at Quinn, "I like you.
  113. Covet: [FUCK@SDGjkna"LDEWsbgn]
  114. Tsaaq: ((>.> ))
  115. Covet: "See, You completely understand" Thorn said looking at Quinn, "I like you. Even if you're joining the sorority for basic reasons." He said with a shrug. "Anything. Anything but that. It's all I've heard all day. The only good part about your house is your room. It will be even better when you get those dimmer switches installed." He said stuffing his laptop into his bag.
  116. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled at him when he said he liked her, rolling her cup around on its rim. "Would you prefer to go back to talking about how little you know about x-men, instead?" She asked, tipping her head toward him.-
  117. Tsaaq: Penelope inhaled then exhaled irritably. "I'm getting them installed tomorrow while I'm away to classes." She replied.
  118. Tsaaq: ((NOOOO HORRIBLE KARMA.))
  119. Covet: [Bahaha!]
  120. Alexithymiaa: (SUCKSSSSSSSSSSS)
  121. Tsaaq: Penelope inhaled then exhaled irritably. "I'm getting them installed tomorrow while I'm away to classes." She replied. "How about we talk about..." Penelope rolled her eyes a moment. "I don't know." She scoffed. "Talk about how you like your tea for the next time you come over to the house? And don't say straight alcohol. Because what if Quinn here doesn't like straight whiskey."
  122. Covet: "No, not that either. It doesn't stroke my ego." He said furrowing his brow at Quinn, then looked at Penelope, "I could bring you birds something sweet and weak if that makes it better? Or we could do Hot Toddies. That's even kind of classy, right up your alley."
  123. Alexithymiaa: "I don't mind straight whiskey, but it would definitely not be my drink of choice. Honestly I'm not into those high maintenance cocktail drinks. I'm fine with just a regular beer." She said with a shrug.-
  124. Covet: [KBYE THEN!]
  125. Tsaaq: "Yuck." Penelope whispered "No beer. But Hot Toddies sound like a great suggestion. I loooove honey." She began to smirk. "And I'll be dressed for the occassion next time." Penelope said with a nod.
  126. Covet: "Beer? Not Wine? I'm shocked. Told you beer was a good idea." Thorn said in reference to the party talk earlier, sticking his tongue back out at Penelope."Aww man. But I loved the attire for the last one." He smirked then looked between the girls, "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. Us inteligent people have to stick together after all. "
  127. Alexithymiaa: "Why are you shocked?" She asked with a laugh, nodding her head. "I think I can be okay with that. So long as you both study up a bit on your x-men. Afterall, if I'm supposed to be the resident mutant, how can you call yourselves a friend of mine if you're not more familiar with my kind?" She asked with a laugh, raising her brows. "Do I want to know what attire you're referring to?"-
  128. Tsaaq: Penelope let out a whining noise. "Homework? For friendship?" She asked with a sigh. "Very well. This is what google is for..." She trailed off. Her eyes widened at Thorn. "Well I'm not going to tell her. So you should." Penelope went to cross her arms over her chest.
  129. Covet: "A chick who likes beer? It's like a myth. You really are a mutant." He said with a laugh, then pursed his lips after hearing Penelope's response, "Tell me Quinn... Do you happen to own any lingerie?"
  130. Alexithymiaa: -She looked at Thorn and then Penelope, her eyes slowly sliding back to Thorn and narrowing on his face. "Yes..... but why do you want to know? And why do I suddenly have a sinking feeling?"-
  131. Tsaaq: She sputtered her lips. "Don't drag it out now." Penelope said to Thorn with her eyebrows raised. "It was hardly lingerie, by the way."
  132. Covet: "It was Sheer, Lacey, covered about as much as your bathing suit would and I could see everything under your "Robe" He said using air quotes. "Don't worry Quinn, I was just hoping you'd come prepared for the nightly attire at the sorority house. At least by Penny's rules." He said with a laugh, leaning back. "I'll leave you to think on that. I'm going to go bore myself to sleep at the dorms. Goodnight Birds." He said getting up, walking out of the cafe to his Renegade and drove off.
  133. Alexithymiaa: -She waited until Thorn had walked out of the cafe before eyeing Penelope. "What have you gotten us into?" She asked with a bit of a laugh and a shrug. "I guess it could be worse. He's cute and smart. There are far worse options." She pushed up from her seat and walked over to throw her cup in the trash, making her way back to the table to pick up her textbook. "I guess I'll see you soon. Hopefully I'll be moving into the Kappa Nu house in a few days." She waved to Penelope before turning to walk out also, making her way out to her Juke to head to her dorm.-
  134. Tsaaq: "Oh the descriptions!" Penelope gasped dramatically. "It'll be fun." She waved her hand at Quinn and watched carefully as Thorn left the cafe. She got up herself and went to call her uber back to the sorority and stuff.
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