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a guest
Jun 7th, 2012
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  1. >You’re in your shower.
  2. >You forget how many days it’s been since you had one.
  3. >Traveling to a pony infested world for a few days really made you reek.
  4. >Mainly just lots of sweat and a mix of old fruit.
  5. >You blame all that pony poon.
  6. >You finish up and dry off.
  7. >You smell Irish Spring fresh.
  8. >*Fuck ya*
  9. >Time for some vidya games!
  10. >You head to your room.
  11. >You ponder what to play.
  12. >As you walk into your room you notice your 360 is missing.
  13. >You panic for a few seconds.
  14. >Then you remember that brat Scootaloo somehow got your 360 into the basement and figured out how to hook it up to the tv.
  15. >Scootaloo....
  16. >Her expression when you first came back was nothing but horror.
  17. >She even wet the carpet when you first walked in.
  18. >In fact all 3 of them looks scared shitless to see you back.
  19. >Thinking back you never did to fully enjoy that little plot fully.
  20. >You also never had the chance to molest a filly in Equestria either.
  21. >Your mind begins to think.
  22. >The ideas start clicking.
  23. >You smile and grab your favorite knife.
  24. >You go into the basement.
  25. >You put your ear to the door.
  26. >FINISH HIM!
  27. >You slowly open the door.
  28. >You see Scootaloo’s back to you.
  29. >You also notice her new gamer cutie mark.
  30. >The other 2 are watching her play.
  31. >Where the hell is Derpy?
  32. >They look scared of the game.
  33. >You watch the screen
  34. >oh god not the Kung Lao finisher!
  35. >You watch as the character knocks the opposite down and pulls their body into a spinning hat blade.
  36. >That one always made you cringe and feel sad in the pants.
  37. >*And that girls is ho-*
  38. >Scootaloo turns to the girls but then notices you.
  39. >She goes silent and her eye pupils shrink.
  40. >They slowly turn as well.
  41. >Activate scary mode.
  42. >*Heyyyy, girlssssssss........*
  43. >You put on your creepiest smile.
  44. >They scream and run under the bed.
  45. >You walk to the edge of the bed and bend down.
  46. >You see all 3 of them hugging each other in the corner.
  47. >*Awww...didn’t you miss me~?*
  48. >*D-D-D-DON’T HURT US!* Sweetie cries out.
  49. >You take off your creepy smile for a second.
  50. >*Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you.*
  51. >Put it back on.
  53. >You reach out and try to grab the orange filly.
  54. >You manage to get the end of her tail.
  56. >The tears are already flowing.
  57. >You pull and she tries feverishly to hold on to her friends.
  58. >*Leave her alone anon!* Applebloom says.
  59. >*Don’t worry, I just want to play and little game with her...*
  60. >You flash the knife with your free hand.
  61. >They all stare in shock.
  62. >Scootaloo screams again.
  63. >*NO NO NO NO!!*
  64. >With a mighty tug you finally are able to pull her from her friends and right to you.
  65. >*NOOOOOO!!*
  66. >She starts to try and kick your hand.
  67. >You bear the pain and continue to pull.
  68. >The other 2 just stare in fear and don’t move.
  69. >*GIRLS HELP ME!!!* Scoots begs.
  70. >You pick her up and wrap your arms around her small frame preventing her from kicking you.
  71. >*’s ok Scoots. I just want to give a few new scars as a gift from getting your cutie mark.*
  72. >You nuzzle her purple mane.
  73. >She starts to hyperventilate and go full panic mode.
  75. >You walk out of the room and kick the door shut.
  76. >*P-PLEASE ANON D-D-DON’T DO THIS!* She begs.
  77. >You bend down and place her gently on the floor while still holding her down.
  78. >*Before I give you those new scars you and I are going to play hide and seek...*
  79. >You release your grip on the small pony.
  80. >*You got until the count of*
  81. >She turns around and stares scared out of her mind...
  82. >*P-please don’t...* Her eyes are watering.
  83. >*1....*
  84. >She panics and runs for the stairs.
  85. >You hear her frantic hooves clop against the wooden steps.
  86. >Suddenly you hear her banging on the door.
  88. >You smile like the sick bastard you are.
  89. >*14!* You shout.
  90. >The banging stops and she runs to hide.
  91. >At the count of 26 it goes quiet.
  92. >You get up and light a smoke.
  93. >*Let’s have some fun...*
  94. >You walk up the stairs knife in hand.
  95. >*Scootaloo~Scoot Scoot Scootaloo~* You shout into the kitchen.
  96. >You see the fridge door slightly open.
  97. >That was way too easy.
  98. >*Really Scoot is th-*
  99. >You open it up and see Derpy eating an apple.
  100. >She stops chewing and looks at you.
  101. >You just stare.
  102. >*Derpy get out of my fridge.* You say breaking the awkward silence.
  103. >She quickly runs out with the apple in her mouth and back into the basement.
  104. >Fucking pony.
  105. >You close the fridge, flick the ash, and resume the hunt.
  106. >You search for a bit on the main floor but she doesn’t turn up.
  107. >You head up the stairs.
  108. >You can hear a slight rustling sound coming from the bathroom.
  109. >You advance on it.
  110. >You go in and close the door behind you.
  111. >*Now where’s my favorite little chicken.....~*
  112. >You can hear heavy breathing coming from the shower.
  113. >The curtains to it are closed.
  114. >You smile.
  115. >*Are you in the towels maybe~*
  116. >You rummage through them.
  117. >*No? Then maybe you’re in the drawers~*
  118. >You start popping open drawers.
  119. >Her breathing is picking up.
  120. >You advance on the shower.
  121. >*Not here either....then you must be...HERE!*
  122. >You flip open the curtains and see the cowering pony.
  123. >You flick your smoke at the toilet.
  124. >It sizzles for a second and goes out.
  125. >*nononononoo..........* She whimpers.
  126. >You grab the water knob and blast her with cold shower water.
  127. >*AHHH* C-C-Cold!* She runs to the edge trying to avoid the cold water.
  128. >You laugh and undress.
  129. >The water finally gets warmer.
  130. >Scootaloo tried to escape a few times but the curtain and your foot prevented it.
  131. >*Look at the bright side kid.* You say getting into the shower.
  132. >You put the knife on the side in reach.
  133. >She’s cowering in a corner trying to avoid the water.
  134. >You notice her mane is off to the side of her face.
  135. >It almost reminds you of Pinkie Pie.
  136. >*This is my second shower in almost an hour. I’m extra fresh for you.*
  137. >You grab her tail and sit down letting the warm water hit you.
  138. >*Please don’t cut me...I-I’ll do anything....* She pleads.
  139. >*Anything~?* You say with a smile.
  140. >She reluctantly shakes her head yes.
  141. >*Well....In that case....*
  142. >You lean back a bit and place her on your lap.
  143. >She stares at you with hurt and confusion.
  144. >*Lets see if that little mouth of yours is any good shall we....*
  145. >You turn her around and she’s greeted with a rock hard erection in her face.
  146. >Her eyes go wide.
  147. >She swallows back her tears and opens her mouth slowly.
  148. >*That’s a good filly...* You reply as her lips kiss the tip.
  149. >The water continues to beat against both you and the small pony.
  150. >She starts to take as much as she can down your throat.
  151. >Surprisingly she takes about half the length.
  152. >*Ohhh...Seems your daddy made you do more then I thought....*
  153. >You bring a hand up and rub her plot.
  154. >She swiftly removes her mouth.
  155. >*Please don’t talk about him....*
  156. >Even with the water beating against her face you can see tears forming at the memory of him.
  157. >*Continue on and I’ll stop.*
  158. >You glide a thumb over her scars.
  159. >She winces at the feeling but listens to you and resumes.
  160. >You bring your second hand up and start to massage her tender flank.
  161. >You can feel her body shaking trying to not be disgusted by your horrible act.
  162. >If you were a bit shorter you would plow your face into that begging cunt for it’s flavor.
  163. >*You’re doing very good Scoots...Now pick up the pace...*
  164. >You push your fingers closer to her little orange slit.
  165. >When you do that She gasps and picks up her speed.
  166. >She even goes a bit further down.
  167. >You think you found your new favorite cock sucker.
  168. >You glide your fingers into her soft inner lips.
  169. >She lets off a small moan into your cock.
  170. >*oohhhh~That tickled~*
  171. >*Stop...please....* She takes her mouth off and begs.
  172. >*I didn’t say you could stop...*
  173. >You pinch her vag softly.
  174. >She eeps and quickly resumes to prevent any pain.
  175. >You begin to slowly finger her tight little hole.
  176. >She does her best to ignore it.
  177. >You pull out a finger and taste it.
  178. >Oh god.
  179. >Oranges.
  180. >Miniature
  181. >Japanese
  182. >oranges!
  183. >You don’t know how it’s possible but it is!
  184. >You grab her sides and pull her vag in front of your face.
  185. >Her mouth leaves your dick with a small popping sound.
  186. >*Wait what are you-ahhhhhhh!!!NO DON’T STICK YOUR TONGUE IN THERE!!!*
  187. >You ignore her and dive your tongue into that sweet nectar.
  188. >Your dick will be good for the time being.
  190. >Can it dick.
  191. >Showers always seem to make orgasms take longer for you anyway.
  192. >You continue to lap up those filly juices.
  193. >*Ahhhhhh......*
  194. >Scootaloo starts to hit your abs hoping it will make you let go.
  195. >You grab her sides tighter in response.
  196. >*Please stop it.......*
  197. >You reach for the knife and tap the side of the tub with it.
  198. >She stops and stares at the wall knowing what that sound was.
  199. >Her crying starts up despite her best efforts.
  200. >You continue to tongue her juices until you’re satisfied.
  201. >You turn her body so she’s facing you.
  202. >*See was that soo bad~?* You say rubbing her cheek.
  203. >*A-Are you do-done yet....?* She says quietly.
  204. >You look into the broken ponies soft eyes.
  205. >*Almost*
  206. >You turn your head and look at your aching dick.
  207. >So does she.
  208. >Her lips start to tremble.
  209. >*no....nonono don’t make me do....that....*
  210. >You don’t listen and grab her again.
  211. >You lower her body to it.
  212. >*You will ride it...and you will do it by yourself.*
  213. >You grab the knife again.
  214. >She stares at the blade with dread.
  215. >She makes her decision and positions her little marehood over you.
  216. >She lowers it down.
  217. >*Oohhhhhh myyyyy godddddd........*
  218. >The feel of her tight hole is overwhelming for you.
  219. >It’s almost choking it.
  220. >You look at her face and notice she’s trying her best to not cry again.
  221. >A+ for effort kid.
  222. >She finally gets the head of it covered and a bit of the length.
  223. >*I-I-I can’t go further....*
  224. >Your satisfied with the result.
  225. >*It’s good enough now.....start to move your flank up and down on it....*
  226. >She obeys.
  227. >She starts off slowly but soon enough picks up a bit of speed.
  228. >*That’s a good girl...* You say rubbing her hand through her wet mane.
  229. >You can feel that climax peaking.
  230. >You decide to not say anything to her and release in her.
  231. >She flinches at the feel of the juices enter her.
  232. >She takes a moment to figure out what happened and then realizes you finished up.
  233. >She stops and lifts up.
  234. >*Did you just....*
  235. >You nod your head.
  236. >*C-can I go now....* She asks.
  237. >You smile and grip the knife.
  238. >*No.*
  239. >her eyes panic and she tries to jump away from you.
  240. >She lands in the curtains and get tangled up in them.
  241. >The curtains fall from the rack and cover her.
  242. >You slowly get up and grab wildly at the covered pony.
  244. >*I never said I wouldn’t....* You reply in a cold tone.
  245. >You finally wrestle away the curtains and keep her pinned under your hand.
  246. >*Now what should I mark you with....*
  247. >She starts to freak out and scream.
  248. >You reach for one of your socks and stuff it in her mouth and slap her.
  249. >*Shut up I’m trying to think.*
  250. >Suddenly the word hits you.
  251. >You begin to crave into her tender flank.
  252. >Muffled screams fill the small room.
  253. >You finish up and look on.
  254. >Left cheek has SL
  255. >Right cheek has UT.
  256. >She’s shaking violently and crying into the dirty sock.
  257. >Her eyes are pin size and she’s staring at the wall.
  258. >Blood is covering the fallen curtains.
  259. >You remove the sock and she starts gasping for air.
  260. >You lean in to her ear and whisper...
  261. >*Daddy loves his favorite little slut....*
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