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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use DBI;
- use experimental 'smartmatch';
- use Getopt::Long;
- $result = GetOptions ("user=s" => \$USER,
- "pass=s" => \$PASS,
- "target=s" => \$TARGET,
- "host=s" => \$HOST,
- "h=s" => \$HOST,
- "u=s" => \$USER,
- "p=s" => \$PASS,
- "port=i" => \$PORT,
- "config=s" => \$CONFIG,
- "main=s" => \$MAINDB,
- "help" => \$HELP);
- if ((!($USER)) || (!($PASS)) || (!($TARGET)) || (!($MAINDB))) {
- &help;
- exit;
- }
- if (!($PORT)) {
- $PORT = "3306";
- }
- if (!($CONFIG)) {
- $CONFIG="kodisql_config";
- }
- $mysqlhost="$HOST";
- $mysqluser="$USER";
- $mysqlpass="$PASS";
- $mysqlport="$PORT";
- # Temporary settings.. will be command line options later
- $target = "$TARGET";
- # The master kodi database to replicate from (whatever is declared in your advancedsettings.xml).
- $maindb = "$MAINDB";
- $globaltable = "globalfiles";
- @file_exceptions = ("playCount","lastPlayed");
- # The database where we keep the list of clients and other info we may need on upgrades.
- $configdb = "$CONFIG";
- ################################################
- # Connect to the database.
- $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=$mysqlhost", "$mysqluser", "$mysqlpass", {'RaiseError' => 1});
- @dbs = $dbh->func('_ListDBs');
- foreach (@dbs) {
- if ($_ =~ /${maindb}\d+/) {
- push @kodidbs, $_;
- }
- }
- my $highdb;
- my $highrev;
- foreach (@kodidbs) {
- $db = $_;
- $rev = $_;;
- $highrev = $highdb;
- ($rev) = $rev =~ m/${maindb}(\d+)/;
- ($highrev) = $highdb =~ m/${maindb}(\d+)/;
- if (($rev > $highrev) || (!$highrev)) {
- $highrev = $rev;
- $highdb = "${maindb}$highrev";
- }
- if ((($oldrev < $ref) && ($rev < $highref)) || (!($oldrev))) {
- my $exists = &checkifexists("$target$oldrev");
- if ($exists) {
- $oldrev = $rev;
- }
- }
- }
- sub help {
- print "MySQL-Kodi Dynamic database replicator\n";
- print "wickedsun 2016\n";
- print " --user,-u\t\tSet MySQL USERNAME\t(required)\n";
- print " --pass,-p\t\tSet MySQL PASSWORD\t(required)\n";
- print " --port\t\tSet MySQL PORT\t\t(Default: 3306)\n";
- print " --target\t\tSet TARGET Database\t(required)\n";
- print " --main\t\tSet MAIN Database\t(required)\n";
- print " --config\t\tSet CONFIG Database\t(Default: kodisql_config)\n";
- print " --update\t\tUpdate oldest slave DB to current schema (not yet implemented!)\n";
- print " --help\t\tThis help message\n";
- }
- # check if the target db exists and create it if it doesn't
- sub checkdb {
- my $db = @_[0];
- my $exists = &checkifexists($db);
- if (!($exists)) {
- $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db");
- }
- }
- # check if globalfiles exists
- sub checkglobalfiles {
- my ($db,$target) = @_;
- my @statement;
- my $exists = &checkifexists($db,$globaltable);
- if (!($exists)) {
- $dbh->do("USE $db");
- $dbh->do("RENAME TABLE `files` TO `$globaltable`");
- }
- }
- # check if columns for target exist, and create if they do not.
- sub checkslavecol {
- my ($db,$target) = @_;
- $exists = &checkifexists("${target}$highrev","bookmark");
- if (!($exists)) {
- # could probably make this table dynamic instead of this.. basically just recreate the table; updates might be tricky like comparing the new and old tables of the main db
- # and figuring out what was added after copying -- needs investigating, and need to see if this table ever changes and if so, how often.
- $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE `${target}$highrev`.`bookmark` ( idBookmark integer primary key AUTO_INCREMENT, idFile integer, timeInSeconds double, totalTimeInSeconds double, thumbNailImage text, player text, playerState text, type integer)");
- $dbh->do("USE ${target}$highrev");
- $dbh->do("CREATE INDEX ix_bookmark ON bookmark (idFile, type);");
- }
- }
- sub createviews {
- ($db,$target,$rev) = @_;
- my $exists = &checkifexists($db,$globaltable,"${target}_playCount");
- if (!($exists)) {
- $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `$db`.`$globaltable` ADD `${target}_playCount` INT( 11 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL , ADD `${target}_lastPlayed` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL");
- $dbh->do("USE ${target}$highrev");
- }
- $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $db.$globaltable");
- $sth->execute;
- my $statement;
- my $header;
- my $tail;
- my $exists;
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
- my $field = $ref->{'Field'};
- foreach (@file_exceptions) {
- $exc = $_;
- if ($field eq $exc) {
- # CREATE VIEW `User1Videos93`.`files` AS idFile, idPath, strFilename, playCount1 AS playCount, lastPlayed1 AS lastPlayed, dateAdded FROM `MyVideos93`.`globalfiles`;
- push @statement, "${target}_$exc AS $exc";
- push @statement_main, "${maindb}_$exc AS $exc";
- print "Pushed ${maindb}_$exc AS $exc\n";
- }
- }
- if ((!($field ~~ @statement)) && (!($field ~~ @file_exceptions))) {
- my $skip = 0;
- foreach (@file_exceptions) {
- my $except = $_;
- if ($field =~ m/.*_$except/) { $skip = 1;}
- }
- if ($skip == 0) {
- push @statement, "$field";
- push @statement_main, "$field";
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (@statement) {
- my $part = $_;
- if ($statement) {
- $statement = "$statement, $part";
- $statement_main = "$statement_main, $part";
- } else {
- $statement = "$part";
- $statement_main = "$part";
- }
- }
- $header = "CREATE VIEW `${target}${rev}`.`files` AS SELECT";
- $header_main = "CREATE VIEW `$highdb`.`files` AS SELECT";
- $footer = "FROM `$highdb`.`$globaltable`";
- $footer_main = "FROM `$highdb`.`$globaltable`";
- $exists = &checkifexists("${target}${rev}","files");
- if (!($exists)) {
- print "creating VIEW: $header $statement $footer\n";
- $dbh->do("$header $statement $footer");
- }
- $exists = &checkifexists("$highdb","files");
- if (!($exists)) {
- print "creating VIEW_MAIN: $header_main $statement_main $footer_main\n";
- $dbh->do("$header_main $statement_main $footer_main");
- }
- $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '$db' GROUP BY TABLE_NAME");
- $sth->execute;
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
- # CREATE VIEW `User1Videos93`.`actor_link` AS SELECT * FROM `MyVideos93`.`actor_link`;
- if (!(($ref->{'TABLE_NAME'} eq "files") || ($ref->{'TABLE_NAME'} eq "bookmark") || ($ref->{'TABLE_NAME'} eq "$globaltable"))) {
- push @tables, $ref->{'TABLE_NAME'};
- }
- }
- foreach (@tables) {
- $table = $_;
- $exists = &checkifexists("${target}${rev}","$table");
- if (!($exists)) {
- $dbh->do("CREATE VIEW `${target}${rev}`.`$table` AS SELECT * FROM `$db`.`$table`");
- }
- }
- }
- sub createviewhash {
- my ($highdb,$target,$highrev) = @_;
- my @views_order;
- # get a list of the views in the video DB from the highest revision
- $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW FULL TABLES IN $highdb WHERE TABLE_TYPE LIKE 'VIEW'");
- $sth->execute;
- $dbh->do("USE ${target}$highrev");
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
- my $view = $ref->{"Tables_in_$highdb"};
- push @views, $view;
- }
- foreach (@views) {
- my $view = $_;
- print "Fetching create info for $_\n";
- $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW CREATE VIEW `$highdb`.`$view`");
- $sth->execute;
- my $statement;
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
- $statement = $ref->{'Create View'};
- }
- # change all the dbs to the target.
- ($statement = $statement) =~ s/$highdb/${target}$highrev/g;
- # remove the security statements from the CREATE.
- ($statement = $statement) =~ s/^CREATE .* VIEW `${target}$highrev`.`$view`/CREATE VIEW `${target}$highrev`.`$view`/g;
- # whenever we see files, make sure we use globalfiles from the master database instead
- #($statement = $statement) =~ s/`${target}_Videos$highrev`.`globalfiles`/`$highdb`.`globalfiles`/g;
- foreach (@file_exceptions) {
- my $exc = $_;
- # make sure we change the exceptions (playCount, lastPlayed for now) changed to the target ones.
- #($statement = $statement) =~ s/`${target}_Videos$highrev`.`files`.`$exc`/`$highdb`.`globalfiles`.`${target}_$exc`/;
- }
- $view_hash{$view}{'statement'} = "$statement";
- foreach (@views) {
- my $testview = $_;
- if ($statement =~ m/SELECT .*`$testview`/i) {
- print "view $view requires $testview\n";
- push @{$view_hash{$view}{'dep'}}, $testview;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub recreatehighviews {
- foreach (keys %view_hash) {
- &checkdeps($view);
- }
- }
- sub checkdeps {
- my $exists;
- print "view check: $_\n";
- my ($view) = $_;
- my $depview;
- if ($view_hash{$view}{'dep'}) {
- foreach (@{$view_hash{$view}{'dep'}}) {
- $depview = $_;
- if (!($view_hash{$depview}{'pushed'})) {
- print "Need to check $depview, missing dep\n";
- &checkdeps($depview);
- }
- }
- if (!($view_hash{$view}{'pushed'}) == 1) {
- $exists = &checkifexists("${target}$highrev","$view");
- if (!($exists)) {
- $dbh->do("$view_hash{$view}{'statement'}");
- }
- $view_hash{$depview}{'pushed'} = 1;
- } else {
- print "$view already pushed\n";
- }
- } else {
- if (!($view_hash{$view}{'pushed'} == 1)) {
- $exists = &checkifexists("${target}$highrev","$view");
- if (!($exists)) {
- $dbh->do("$view_hash{$view}{'statement'}");
- }
- $view_hash{$view}{'pushed'} = 1;
- } else {
- print "$view already pushed\n";
- }
- }
- }
- sub checkifexists {
- my ($db,$table,$column) = @_;
- if ($column) {
- $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '$db' AND table_name = '$table' AND COLUMN_NAME = '$column'");
- } elsif ($table) {
- $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '$db' AND table_name = '$table'");
- } else {
- $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '$db'");
- }
- $sth->execute;
- my $rows = $sth->rows;
- $sth->finish;
- if ($rows > 0) {
- print "table/column exists -- $db $table $column \n";
- return 1;
- } else {
- print "table/column does not exists -- $db $table $column\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- sub main {
- &checkdb("$configdb");
- $dbh->do("USE $configdb");
- &checkdb("${target}${highrev}");
- # make sure the target has the required columns
- &checkslavecol("$highdb","$target");
- &checkglobalfiles("$highdb","$target");
- &createviews("$highdb","$target","$highrev");
- &createviewhash("$highdb","$target","$highrev");
- &recreatehighviews;
- }
- &main;
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