
The Bear

Dec 26th, 2013
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  1. >You rush through the forest as fast as you can.
  2. >Got no idea where you are.
  3. >All you can see are trees.
  4. >Fluttershy's bear is chasing you and it looks hungry.
  5. >When you look back to see if it's still behind you, you slam into a tree.
  6. >You fall on your back with birds flying around your head.
  7. >A brown paw grabs one of the birds.
  8. >Looking up, you see the bear shove the bird into its mouth.
  9. >Before you can run, the bear picks you up.
  11. >You now lay on your stomach on a tree stump with your wrists tied to your ankles.
  12. >A shiny red apple is in your mouth.
  13. >The bear starts putting salt and pepper on you as he drools.
  14. >When he turns to toss his salad, you spit the apple out.
  15. >It hits him in the foot and he turns around with rage in his eyes.
  16. >He comes closer, licking his lips as he does so.
  17. "WAIT! Y-You're hungry, right?"
  18. >He stops and then nods.
  19. "Well I'm a chef! I can cook you a five star, mouth watering, stomach pleasing, and fucking amazing meal!"
  20. >He puts his paw to his chin.
  22. >He now sits at a table with a knife and fork.
  23. >You have an apron on.
  24. >A light ding sound comes from behind you.
  25. >You go over to the oven and open it.
  26. >A pie made of twigs and mud is there with a stick of dynamite in the middle of it.
  27. >Before the bear gets too impatient, you pick it up and light the wick.
  28. >Then bring it over to the bear.
  31. >He is drooling all over the place.
  32. >He snatches the pie from you and is about to bite down when the dynamite explodes.
  33. >When the smoke clears, you see that the pie is gone.
  34. >He is now covered in soot.
  35. >Steam shoots out of his ears and he looks over at you with bloodshot eyes.
  36. "Uh oh."
  37. >You take off running into the forest again, this time with an angry bear chasing you.
  38. >Cutting around some trees, you find a broken down shack.
  39. >Without checking to see if he's behind you, you rush into it.
  40. >Inside is a family of beavers, a knife on a table, and a lot of ladybugs.
  41. >Time to get rid of this bear.
  43. >You step outside of the shack and the bear sees you standing there.
  44. >The massive amount of fur on your body, the red lips, and the blond hair make you seem like a female bear.
  45. >The bear's eyes turn into hearts and he floats over to you.
  46. >You run your hands down your body and he licks his lips.
  47. >Suddenly a loud roar comes from behind him.
  48. >He turns around to get hit in the face by a female bear.
  49. >The bear pulls him by the ear back into the forest, roaring at him the entire time.
  50. >You take off the apron you used as fake hair.
  51. >Then shake off the shaved beaver hair.
  52. >And wipe the remains of the ladybug family off your lips.
  53. >Sweet.
  54. >The bear is gone.
  55. >Now...
  56. >Where the fuck are you?
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