
spread Episode 1 Column

Oct 13th, 2014
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  3. >End of the first episode!
  4. Everyone, what did you think of the first episode of selector spread WIXOSS (13th total)?
  5. Things would be extremely messy if I left them up to Trett (TN: The SIGNI that's been posting all the other blog entries), so I'll just leave her to do all the non-anime columns.
  6. infected ended on an unbelievable note. What battles await us? What conclusion could possibly occur? Let's enjoy this cours together.
  7. >Opening: world's end, girl's rondo
  8. >Slippery movements, the rush of battle!
  9. An high-speed OP song written by Wakeshima Kanon-san, who had previously illustrated her own card. Quite a few characters appear in it.
  10. Each will face their own passionate battles.
  11. A battle at the intersection of black and white.
  12. What direction will their wishes take now.
  13. A limited edition version of Silk Plant Kaano will be released with the CD, on sale 10/15.
  15. >The main story, a battleless first episode
  16. >There was no need for them to hold a tournament here...
  17. A place as fashionable as Harajuku.
  18. WIXOSS cards are a must-have item for girls these days.
  19. That said, only 2% of the people at the selector & WIXOSS FESTIVAL held just the other day were girls...
  21. Chiyori appears!
  22. Though she suffered a loss during infected without so much as a battle scene, that unique character's time to shine has finally arrived.
  23. Her LRIG is Eldora. The deck's on sale too!
  24. Even after hearing the truth, Chiyori turns it all into a positive.
  25. What was her wish again...
  27. Ruuko rejects her battle invitation and runs.
  28. And in her hands, was card-turned Iona.
  30. And she had finally collected all of the Tama-exclusive Arts...</strikethrough>
  32. Iona wanted to be used in battle by a strong Selector.
  33. Whether Ruuko has the willpower, much less the strength has yet to be seen.
  35. I wonder what the joy Selectors feel while in battle is like.
  36. There should be a battle next week for sure...!
  38. See you then!
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