

Oct 13th, 2014
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  1. Deadly Game #1 Contender Salacious Six-Pack: HBK vs The Undertaker vs Mankind vs Vader vs Fucktrain Vicious vs Taz
  3. The match starts out intense, with everyone piling into the middle of the ring for a brawl. Eventually it splits, with Mankind whipping the Heartbreak Kid to the ropes and clotheslining the both of them to the outside, and Fucktrain piling on punches to Taz in the corner, leaving Vader and Undertaker in the middle of the ring. They do the standard big man gambit, Vader clubbing Taker with forearm blows, Taker responding with fists, until Taz pushes Fucktrain out of the corner and into the both of them. Taz proceeds to go wild on the three staggering giants! He grabs Fucktrain around the waist, and hits a german suplex! He then hits the ropes and knocks Taker loopy with a Brooklyn Boot(though since he has to jump to get it to connect, it's more of a kick), before going behind, locking Taker's arms behind his back, and hitting a tiger suplex! After that, he sets his sights on Vader. He goes to the ropes, hits an Angry Man's Clothesline, goes back and hits another, hits a third for good measure, then locks his arms around Vader, and with an exertion of effort that would give Samson a hernia, he lifts Vader up, twirls around, and plants him down in a belly-to-belly suplex! He goes for a pin.
  5. 1...2, Vader kicks out! Taz drags Vader up, and whips him over the ropes to where Michaels and Mankind have been brawling. He picks up The Undertaker, but Taker reverses the whip, sending Taz to the outside! Fucktrain tries to get the drop on Undertaker, but Taker whips him to outside too before executing a massive dive onto all 5 men! HBK is the first to stir, and drags Undertaker into the ring. He goes up top, and hits a picture perfect elbow drop!
  7. 1...2, Mankind breaks up the pin! They start brawling until Fucktrain barrels through them both with a double clothesline! He then starts running wild, hitting HBK, Mankind, and Taker both with Big Boots!
  9. Meanwhile, Taz and Vader are brawling on the apron. Taz locks his arms around the gut of Vader, heaves once, heaves twice, and on the third heave is able to hit an enormous German suplex onto the apron! Vader clatters to the floor, unmoving, as Taz runs into the ring and cuts off Fucktrain's rampage with a Tazplex! He keeps the hold on, and applies the bodyscissors!
  11. Taz cinches in the Tazmission on Fucktrain in the middle of the ring, but King Kong Bundy runs... well, waddles, but you get what I mean, out and starts laying in on Taz! Fucktrain and KKB begin to gang up on The Human Suplex Machine, but Rocky Maivia and Stevie Ray run in! Stevie takes down Fucktrain with a bicycle kick while Maivia lays in a series of punches on KKB. Maivia steps back to wind up for a big one, but when he goes for it, KKB hits a bodyslam on him! KKB goes for the Avalanche Splash, but Taz meets him with a big boot! This doesn't take King Kong down, though, so Taz grabs him around the waist, hoists him up, and turns for a belly-to-belly, planting King Kong Bundy on the canvas! Rocky and Stevie pull King Kong out of the ring and start dragging him to the back, but unbeknownst to Taz, Fucktrain has set up a table on the outside! Sid gets back in the ring, and surprises Taz with a kick to the midsection! Fucktrain puts Taz in the powerbomb position, swivels his pelvis, and lifts Taz up for a Big Sweaty Bomb into the table on the floor!
  13. As HBK, Taker, and Mankind begin to stir, Fucktrain taunts them all. Mankind is up first, and runs at Fucktrain, only to be hoisted up for a military press and thrown at a charging HBK, landing in a crossbody position! The Undertaker runs at him as well, but is low bridged to the outside! After Mankind lands on HBK, he hooks the leg and the ref begins the count!
  15. 1...2...2.9, HBK kicks out! HBK and Mankind start to brawling again, but Fucktrain goes for another double clothesline! They duck, and on the rebound catch him in a double suplex!
  17. After a wordless pause, Mankind and HBK both stand up. HBK goes to the corner to tune up the band, and Mankind locks eyes with him, standing by Fucktrain. Fucktrain recovers from the double suplex, and staggers to his feet right in time for HBK to hit Sweet Chin Music! Fucktrain falls right into Mankind's arms, and into a double arm DDT!
  19. Mankind goes for the pin!
  21. 1...Michaels breaks up the pin! he kicks a still unmoving Fucktrain to the outside and begins to lay into Mankind as Undertaker crawls back into the ring.
  23. Mankind, Taker, and HBK fight more, until Undertaker hits the Last Ride onto Heartbreak into the turnbuckles, then turns and grabs Mankind and sets up for a chokeslam. He lifts him once, and Mankind stops him with an elbow. Heartbreak is grabbing the ropes, trying to pull himself to his feet. Taker tries to lift Mankind again, but Mankind goes for another elbow, and another and another until Taker has to let him down. Shawn has just barely gotten to his feet, and begins tuning up the band. Taker starts to grab for the chokeslam again, but Mankind dodges the grab, and hits Taker with a kick to the shin just as Heartbreak hits the Sweet Chin Music to the external occipital protuberance(as Gorilla Monsoon would say) of the Undertaker! SWEET OBLIVION STRIKES AGAIN! Undertaker falls forward, to the side of Mankind, flopping onto his back.
  25. Mankind and Shawn look at each other. Then Undertaker. Then each other. HBK immediately hits Mankind with a Sweet Chin Music as Mankind hits him with a Sweet Shin Music. Both men fall, but Mankind lands on top of The Undertaker. The ref begins to count the pin.
  27. 1...2...3! Mankind wins! Mankind wins! The ref lifts Mankind's hand in victory as he begins to stir. Once he realizes he's won, he starts to smile, until--
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