
Let Me In

Jun 16th, 2014
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  1. >The only sounds in the home are the drone of your computer fan, and the hum of the air conditioner as you tak away at the keys on a late summers night.
  2. >Its then you hear three rhythmic knocks at the door. Stopping, you wait and listen. A knock is the last thing you were expecting, after all, nobody visits you on a good day.
  3. >So who in the hell is knocking at your door close to midnight?
  4. >*Knock**Knock**Knock* Again the sound rings out through the silence, cutting into the otherwise boring night.
  5. >You gulp down your saliva, and debate getting up. It cant possibly be for you, it was just a mistake. Still, curiosity compels you to at least look.
  6. >Getting up, you tuck back in your dick and look around for some nearby shorts and a shirt. Settling for an old pair of shorts and a wife beater, you make your way out of your room, and to the small living area the apartment "graced" you with.
  7. >Slowly peaking out, you see your usual door, table, and chair. Nothing out of the ordinary, guess they got tired, or maybe you were right all along, it wasnt for you.
  8. >Almost nodding to yourself, you turn back to head into your room. Before you can close the door, you hear another set of three knocks.
  9. >You quickly look towards the door and spot nothing. Heart racing, you walk over to the door, and slowly unlock it before turning the knob.
  10. >Peering out, you look left to right and spot just dark, empty hallways. Not a neighbor in sight. Any other day that would be a blessing, but, you honestly wanted to see them now.
  11. >Locking it back up, you take a turn and go back to your room. As you do so, you catch a pair of glowing green eyes at the door on the mirror.
  12. >With lightning fast reflexes your twirl around, ready to attack but alas, nothing. Fight or flight courses through your veins, maybe it was just the lights?
  13. >Deciding to put it behind you, you go back to your room, lock the door, and sit in your chair.
  14. >As you do, 3 more knocks.
  16. >The only thing you can think of that can counter this massive building fear is a wild, and dangerous act.
  17. >Show no fear, your gonna make whatever this is your bitch. Shorts down, and pulling your dick out, you go to the door ready to scare the burglar, ghost, or whatever with your nudity.
  18. >You can see a blackened silhouette on the otherside from here, but you do not falter. Instead you charge onward, ready to piss, and shit yourself if its missing its lower jaw.
  19. >Swinging the door open you stand proudly and angrily with manhood exposed. Its then you are struck with true terror, its your land lord.
  20. >A balding older gentleman who's remaining hair reminded you of Hayashi Mishima or whatever from Tekken.
  21. >He takes one look and winces while looking away, "Sorry, I know its a bad time but I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to be gone tomorrow."
  22. "...."
  23. >"Something important came up and I gotta leave tonight. I was gonna ask for your rent, but never mind ok?"
  24. >He begins to walk away shaking his head as you close the door and tuck your dick back in. You can hear him "silently" call you a freak as you walk towards your room.
  25. >Fuck him, he cant press charges, he came at a bad time. And even better, you dont gotta pay any rent for the month.
  26. >Walking back to your room, you stop. Something is not right, or maybe you are just thinking back to those eyes. No, fuck it. It was nothing, that was all it was.
  27. >Feeling tired, you turn off your computer and crawl into bed. With how heavy your eyes feel, it was no surprise sleep came in just a few minutes.
  29. >In the dead of the night, you feverishly toss and turn as a whirlwind of voices, and unsettling atmosphere cascades on your sleeping body.
  30. >In almost a hiss you hear a voice call out "Let me in, I'm a fairy."
  31. >You groan almost in pain, its voice is low and haunting, like a nightmare within a fear.
  32. >Unknown to you, the doorknob jiggles slightly as you toss and turn.
  34. >It was a blur, but in your state of lucid dreaming you go against all common sense and groan a yes.
  35. >The door jiggles a few more times before suddenly stopping. The house remains silent for just a few seconds before the squeaky door hinges come to life as the door opens slowly.
  37. >The next morning, you awake to find yourself in bed, and not feeling so rested.
  38. >Rubbing your tired, blood shot eyes you roll off the bed. Exiting the room, you look toward the door knowing you have the safety of day behind you. Nothing.
  39. >Going to the small kitchen area, you reach for a box of cereal and bring it down before opening a cabinet.
  40. >Grabbing a bowl, you bring it down and at an angle as a large dead roach brushes against your finger.
  41. >Instantly you drop the bowl and send it crashing down to the ground, shattering into tens of jagged shards.
  42. "Fuck!"
  43. >You yell before looking around as though you had people to impress, well, thank god nobody saw that.
  44. >Quickly picking up the pieces, one digs deep into your palm as you wince and angrily throw it into a trash can. Muttering curses as blood drips onto the floor.
  45. >Quickly going to the sink, you rinse it off and make for the living room. As luck, and experience will have it, you always keep bandages and disinfectant around.
  46. >After a quick patch job, you go to the bathroom to wash off. Work was not gonna care if you had a gash or not, those burgers had to be flipped.
  47. >After a quick shower, and change, you go over your uniform once as you head back to the kitchen to grab an energy bar.
  48. >Its then you notice that one of the blood splats has a long, thin streak. As though it had been smeared...or licked?
  49. >Fuck, you may have stepped in and walked blood all over the floor. Fuck it, you'll clean it after work.
  51. >Work was shit, but then again when is it not? Trudging into your home, you drag your tired self to the bathroom.
  52. >Stripping down, you walk into the shower and run the hot water full blast.
  53. >The steam, and water pelt you and your senses as you unwind and relax your aching bones.
  54. >After a good 15 minute wash, you turn the water off and stare at the wall for a few moments.
  55. >Without a word you walk out of the shower and grab a towel. All dried off, you wrap the towel around your waist and head to your room.
  56. >Upon entering it, you are greeted to a sight of simple unbelievability.
  57. >In your bed rests a black creature, insect like in appearance, but about the size of a medium sized dog.
  58. >It sleeps peacefully curled up in the middle of your bed, as you shiver from the cold, and fear of the unknown.
  59. >Letting go of your towel, it drops to the ground and causes the creature to slowly rouse from its sleep.
  60. >It rubs its large eyes before looking towards you and smiling, "Master."
  61. "M.master?"
  62. >"Yes, my master. My kind master who has granted me entrance into his home. I am happy to see you."
  63. >Your feet wish to carry you away, farther and faster than ever before, but you can not. Fear holds you in place, and terror courses through your veins as the creature sits herself like a dog would.
  64. >"I worked really hard Master, I cleaned your home just for you."
  65. >It was true, your house had looked much cleaner than before, but still, how could you trust this thing that calls you Master?
  66. >You take some steps back as she looks worried, "Why are you walking away? Was my effort not worthy? Please Master, do not punish me, I'll do whatever you wish to make it right."
  67. >This has to be a dream, you cant honestly be living this. You pinch yourself and wince in pain as you do not awaken, and with that you look at this living creature before you. It was real.
  69. "I let you in?"
  70. >She nods as she goes up to you, and magically floats the towel back around your waist, "Last night, Master allowed me entrance his home. As a fairy, I am now to serve you for all eternity."
  71. "Serve me?"
  72. >"Yes, I am to cook, clean, and give service to my master in any way he desires. In exchange, master keeps me safe and sheltered."
  73. >This was some shit right out of an anime, and perhaps its because of that that you are not freaking out like a normal person would. Was this divine rewarding for feeding homeless cats, and treating nature right?
  74. >As you think this over, she prepares some clothing and sets it on the bed, "I have Master's clothing ready for him, is there anything else I can do for you?"
  75. >You know what, fuck it, fuck pretending to be somebody noble when you're not.
  76. "So, you said anything?"
  77. >On your bed, you lay on your back as the small fairy rides your throbbing cock. Without any concern for her pleasure, or comfort, you thrust into her tight, and narrow hole as she shivers and cries out in pain and pleasure.
  78. >"Master! Master!"
  79. "Keep it down for god's sake."
  80. >You ejaculate into her as she tries to pull herself off of you, but her legs cannot as she expended all her energy pleasuring you.
  81. >You grip her hind legs and pull her up as your dick slides out before flopping to the side.
  82. >Resting her by you, she weakly cuddles up to you and rubs her stomach, "Master's seed is deep inside of me, it is as warm, and nice as he is."
  83. "You know, you dont gotta keep calling me master."
  84. >She looks up at you almost in shock, "Is it not to Master's liking?"
  85. "Anon is fine ya know."
  86. >"Is Master sure?"
  87. "He's sure."
  88. >"Ok then...Anon."
  89. >She was to this day, the best fuck you ever had.
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