
SS13: The TV Series-Original

Jun 12th, 2016
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  1. StarToad: I'd love for a SS13 tv show to be a thing tho
  2. StarToad: An hour long, enough to cover a round
  3. StarToad: Each episode covers a different job and antag
  4. StarToad: Starting with, what else, but the clown as a traitor
  5. Crate Time: The codebase is 'whatever the fuck it needs to be.'
  6. StarToad: Goon is the codebase.
  7. StarToad: It's got the most shit
  8. StarToad: And you could have an overarching plot involving the solarium
  9. StarToad: With the penultimate episode being about the crew getting it's shit together to do a Solarium run
  10. Crate Time: The captain just announces
  11. StarToad: And the final episode
  12. StarToad: The crew has to SAVE THE UNIVERSE
  13. Crate Time: of course most of the gags are background things
  14. Crate Time: be it security beating the shit out of someone
  15. Crate Time: or a borg going mad later in the episode.
  16. StarToad: Or the clown floating in the background outside
  17. Crate Time: just generally background gags.
  18. StarToad: Heisenbee reading his storybook to a gathering of bee larva
  19. StarToad: etc
  20. Crate Time: ye
  21. Crate Time: The Atmos episode
  22. StarToad: It's just a guy smashing pipes with wrenches
  23. StarToad: Axing people questions with a fireaxe
  24. StarToad: And then flooding the station with deathgas
  25. Crate Time: tugging canisters along
  26. StarToad: Trying to generally be sneaky
  27. StarToad: Since tugging a plasma can outside of atmos/science
  28. Crate Time: in a big bulky fucking firesuit.
  29. StarToad: Is going to get you lynched faster then a black person in georgia during the civil war
  30. Crate Time: yeah
  31. Crate Time: I literally got shot by security while dragging BZ to the escape shuttle for endround memes
  32. Crate Time: And I mean shot dead.
  33. Crate Time: because science had their shit together and they had actual guns.
  34. StarToad: The RD's episode
  35. StarToad: Is just this
  36. StarToad:
  37. StarToad: Animated
  38. Crate Time: The RD doesn't get an episode
  39. Crate Time: they get a short
  40. StarToad: Yes.
  41. Crate Time: because that's all they really need.
  42. StarToad: And that short is just
  43. StarToad: This animated
  44. Crate Time: with some scientist breaking in
  45. Crate Time: in the background
  46. Crate Time: and fucking with the secbuddies
  47. StarToad: Screaming
  48. StarToad: "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO"
  49. StarToad: "NONONOOOOOOOO-"
  50. StarToad: *RD is in the background screaming ALL HAIL LORD SINGULO*
  51. StarToad: As in
  52. StarToad: The scientist is just
  53. StarToad: Trying to break in
  54. StarToad: Behind two thick glass airlocks
  55. Crate Time: sounds
  56. Crate Time: great
  57. StarToad: With the secbuddies flanking him to fucking tackle that assistant
  58. StarToad: And the secbuddies panic as the assistant starts putting them in
  59. StarToad: And they fucking _run_
  60. Crate Time: Big fucking exclaimation marks on the screen
  61. Crate Time: basically absolute fucking panic mode.
  62. StarToad: Just the
  63. StarToad: "D:" faces
  64. Crate Time: yes
  65. Crate Time: the short ends with the security camera which is the perspective of the short getting sucked in
  66. Crate Time: and cutting to an advertisement.
  67. StarToad: Nah
  68. StarToad: The robuddy error screen
  69. Crate Time: because this'll take a commercial slot.
  70. StarToad: From when the solarium bad ending occurs
  71. StarToad: Or hell
  72. Crate Time: like most TV shorts
  73. StarToad: Why not have this BE the SS13 advertisement?
  74. StarToad: As it cuts to black inside lord singulo
  75. StarToad: It just shows the SS13 Logo
  76. Crate Time: instead of the robuddy
  77. Crate Time: but still with the error.
  78. Crate Time: Short:Lord_Sing
  79. Crate Time: The shorts are just the wiley soundclips
  80. StarToad: yes
  81. Crate Time: except one
  82. StarToad: The Ragin Mages one
  83. Crate Time: where it's the heisenbee video
  84. StarToad: Since that would deafen the listeners
  85. Crate Time: redone
  86. StarToad: And the reveal trailer
  87. StarToad: Is the SS13 audio log one
  88. StarToad: Done in full acting and shit
  89. Crate Time: yeah
  90. Crate Time: I'de watch it.
  91. StarToad:
  92. StarToad: This one in particular.
  93. Crate Time: yeah
  94. StarToad: It'd hook audiences in
  95. StarToad: Like
  96. StarToad: Imagine you haven't heard of SS13.
  97. StarToad: You're sitting in the theatre.
  98. StarToad: Or, well
  99. StarToad: On YT
  100. StarToad: And you see this new trailer for a new TV show/netflix original.
  101. StarToad: "Space Station 13? Sounds interesting."
  102. StarToad: Then you watch this.
  103. StarToad: "...Oooh."
  104. StarToad: Because seriously
  105. StarToad: This is an awesome af trailer
  106. StarToad: It just explains everything about SS13
  107. Crate Time: yeah
  108. StarToad: In a concise manner
  109. StarToad: And every season finale
  110. StarToad: Would focus on a specific super antag
  111. StarToad: The first season, ofc
  112. StarToad: Would end with the Nuclear Emergency gamemode.
  113. StarToad: With the episode title simply being
  114. StarToad: "Nuclear Emergency"
  115. StarToad: y/y
  116. Crate Time: And ofcourse
  117. Crate Time: it ends with a crash
  118. Crate Time: it starts on Cog 1
  119. Crate Time: but season two moves us on over to Cog2
  120. StarToad: And every episode
  121. StarToad: The station is cleaned
  122. StarToad: Dead crew are cloned
  123. StarToad: And buisness returns
  124. Crate Time: season 2 ends with a command line
  125. Crate Time: of someone recompiling the game.
  126. StarToad: Season 2's finale
  127. StarToad: Is Malf AI
  128. Crate Time: I mean
  129. Crate Time: s1
  130. Crate Time: beacuse gotta swap the map
  131. Crate Time: gotta recompile
  132. StarToad: And ofc
  133. StarToad: The seasons end
  134. StarToad: With
  135. StarToad: "You wanna put a bangin' donk on it."
  136. Crate Time: Man I'de love to see this shit
  137. StarToad: S3
  138. StarToad: Is Clockwork Cult
  139. StarToad: Vs
  140. StarToad: Narsian Cult
  141. StarToad: With the entire season building up towards Narsie's cult...
  142. StarToad: Only for the penultimate episode to reveal the clockwork slab instead
  143. StarToad: And the HoS merely goes
  144. StarToad: "We've got... What... Two cults?!"
  145. StarToad: Then it just cuts to the title.
  146. Crate Time: 'Wait.... What?
  147. StarToad: The clockwork cultist asks what's wrong, just before the sec officers lynch him
  148. StarToad: The sec officers hold their batons in shock
  149. StarToad: And the next episode fades in to the HoS briefing his men, with the broken, bloodied corpse of the Ratvarian cultist in the corner.
  150. StarToad: "Alright men, listen up. We've got two cults onboard. Fucking panic. That is all."
  151. Crate Time: clockwork components spread across the table.
  152. Crate Time: lookin' like the HoS had some good shit planned out.
  153. StarToad: The Warden brings in a box of narsian cultist stuff.
  154. StarToad: "We've confiscated this stuff from our uh, Prisoners."
  155. StarToad: "We should test how they react to one another. Chaplain?"
  156. StarToad: And it just shows the various clockwork/narsian components/items just not working together
  157. StarToad: Or even outright hitting each other
  158. Crate Time: trying to place a guvax capacitor on a tome just results in a rather large plume of smoke
  159. Crate Time: as both burst into flames
  160. StarToad: And ofc
  161. StarToad: Not being able to pick up cultist crap
  162. StarToad: Is handwaved
  163. StarToad: In favor of showing the viewer the plot.
  164. Crate Time: yeah
  165. Crate Time: and giving them some visual gags about how they hate eachother.
  166. StarToad: Inhabited Soulstone + The clockwork brain
  167. StarToad: Just has their spirits pop out
  168. StarToad: And they get into a slapfight
  169. Crate Time: This all started because some clever fuck used papa john breadsticks as a prop in an episode of Stargate.
  170. StarToad: yes
  171. StarToad: Oh and ofc
  172. StarToad: The final fight of the episode
  173. StarToad: Is both cults summoning their gods
  174. StarToad: AT THE SAME TIME
  175. StarToad: So the HoS breaks the security team in two
  176. StarToad: One is lead by him and the Chaplain
  177. Crate Time: Jumpcuts swap to splitscreen at the final molments.
  178. StarToad: The Warden and a Miner who's loyalty implanted with an Inquisitor's Hardsuit on
  179. StarToad: And three officers each
  180. StarToad: As the rest of the crew panics/goes insane
  181. StarToad: The two fireteams have to work to save the world.
  182. StarToad: And at the end of it
  183. StarToad: The Narsian Cultists draw their rune
  184. StarToad: And spend like five minutes trying to get all nine in position
  185. StarToad: And the celestial gateway starts opening wider, Ratvar in the distance inside of it
  186. StarToad: Oh and ofc
  187. StarToad: The miner has a guardian spirit
  188. StarToad: Looted from another necropolis chest.
  189. StarToad: So shit goes JoJo really fast
  190. Crate Time: Lavaland gets it's own short
  191. Crate Time: Short: Ash_Liggers
  192. StarToad: It's that same miner
  193. StarToad: But with his guardian spirit
  194. StarToad: And he's in his explorer's suit fatigues
  195. StarToad: It's set literally
  196. StarToad: A minute or two
  197. StarToad: Before the final episode begins
  198. Crate Time: The penultimate
  199. Crate Time: begins
  200. StarToad: He and his holopara wage a war against a built up tribe of ashliggers
  201. Crate Time: so they have time to get back to the station
  202. Crate Time: and security
  203. StarToad: Yep
  204. StarToad: Inside a necropolis crate after destroying the tendril
  205. Crate Time: cut when they open the chest
  206. StarToad: He finds merely a bible and an inquisitor's hardsuit.
  207. StarToad: Inside the bible is a loyalty implanter and a null rod.
  208. Crate Time: jump to a gubbuck being spitroasted.
  209. StarToad: Ye
  210. Crate Time: with the gear in view.
  211. Crate Time: and a used implanter on the ground.
  212. StarToad: The Guardian Spirit is turning the handle of the Gubbuckroast
  213. StarToad: And they're waiting out an ash storm
  214. Crate Time: the miner whistling that one dwarf fort song.
  215. StarToad: And listening in on a recovered security bowman's headset from the ashligger's loot cave
  216. StarToad: And when he hears about the cult on it
  217. StarToad: He stops
  218. StarToad: And looks to his guardian spirit, who looks back.
  219. StarToad: They both grin evilly.
  220. Crate Time: grabs their shit, and exits stage right.
  221. StarToad: And the Miner dons the Inquisitor armor
  222. StarToad: And the Null Rod shapeshifts into Chainsword form
  223. StarToad: And the scene ends with the hardsuit helmet engaging.
  224. ----
  225. StarToad: Yes.
  226. StarToad: (Also fuck I love the inquisitor's hardsuit)
  227. StarToad: (I just wish it'd be upgradeable with goliath hide)
  228. StarToad: (And that it'd have a headlamp)
  229. Crate Time: yeah
  230. Crate Time: anyway
  231. Crate Time: back to 'Heil Honey I'm Home 2'
  232. Crate Time: No wait that's the name of the HoS episode
  233. StarToad: One of the ending scenes of the finale
  234. StarToad: Is the Guardian Spirit, a standard type
  235. StarToad: Getting into a rapid-fire punching match with a Juggernaut
  236. StarToad: JoJo style, ofc
  237. Crate Time: of course
  238. StarToad: Because ORAORAORAORAORAORA
  239. Crate Time: man
  240. Crate Time: this could never be a show
  241. Crate Time: it'd have to be a netflix original
  242. Crate Time: or a YT series
  243. Crate Time: because this shit would /NOT/ fly with copyright
  244. StarToad: I imagine if this were a netflix original
  245. StarToad: Netflix would get
  246. StarToad: So much goddamn money
  247. Crate Time: yeah
  248. Crate Time: anyway
  249. StarToad: So both gods are summoned
  250. StarToad: And the miner and his holopara barely escape.
  251. StarToad: And they can only watch in horror as two eldritch beings fight for dominance
  252. StarToad: Then the Miner remembers something he looted.
  253. StarToad: "Wait, hold on..."
  254. StarToad: And he digs in his backpack
  255. Crate Time: BoH
  256. StarToad: And pulls out a fucking pulse destroyer
  257. StarToad: Massively, massively upscaed
  258. StarToad: upscaled*
  259. StarToad: Into a not-BFG 9000
  260. StarToad: And he just aims and fires
  261. StarToad: The charging/beeping sound as it charges attracting the two elder gods' attention,
  262. StarToad: Before their looks change from anger to sheer fucking "OH GOD NO" horror
  263. StarToad: As a blue beam envelops them both, evaporating them.
  264. Crate Time: the miner just chucks shit out of their BpH looking for it.
  265. Crate Time: sight gag opertunity.
  266. StarToad: A used lazarus injector
  267. StarToad: An empty legion soul
  268. Crate Time: a music tape
  269. StarToad: A bottle labeled "Dragon blood"
  270. StarToad: Sonic Jackhammer
  271. StarToad: Clownmask
  272. StarToad: Grey jumpsuit
  273. StarToad: The HoS's beret.
  274. StarToad: etc
  275. Crate Time: a space bee
  276. Crate Time: fully grown
  277. StarToad: "Oh, I was looking for you."
  278. StarToad: "Bzzz."
  279. StarToad: "I'll feed you later, daddy's gotta kill two elder gods."
  280. Crate Time: puts the bee back inside.
  281. StarToad: yes
  282. StarToad: Then he finally pulls out the BFG ripoff
  283. StarToad: ...Fuck
  284. StarToad: How would we do xenomorphs?
  285. StarToad: That's REALLY copyrighted
  286. Crate Time: the answer is we don't
  287. Crate Time: because they've played /THEMSELVES/ out
  288. StarToad: The S4 finale is replaced with Rev.
  289. Crate Time: is it just
  290. StarToad: A bloodbath
  291. Crate Time: a finale for every large roundtype?
  292. StarToad: Yes
  293. Crate Time: i'm game
  294. StarToad: Every round buildup is either extended (AKA Shenanigans)
  295. StarToad: Traitor
  296. StarToad: Changeling
  297. StarToad: Or Traitorling
  298. Crate Time: every season is a mapswap
  299. StarToad: The final season is back on Cogmap
  300. StarToad: And it opens with a telescientist finding the solarium
  301. Crate Time: however
  302. StarToad: Only to get blasted in the back of the head by his assistant with a revolver
  303. StarToad: "Nobody must learn of this."
  304. Crate Time: yeah that's the cold open.
  305. StarToad: And the assistant blows his brains out.
  306. StarToad: Because he learned of it.
  307. StarToad: Then it pans up
  308. StarToad: To show the Automaton just staring at what played out.
  309. StarToad: It shakes it's head, and turns back to face the sun.
  310. Crate Time: zoom into sun
  311. Crate Time: titlesequence.
  312. Crate Time: interjected at the end with a BWOINK
  313. Crate Time: The_Production_Team Announces:
  314. Crate Time: We ran out of maps, sue us.
  315. StarToad: And the finale episode
  316. StarToad: Opens with this
  317. StarToad:
  318. StarToad: Instead of the normal intro.
  319. StarToad: With all the scenes, ofc
  320. StarToad: Reenacted by the actors/animated
  321. Crate Time: yeah
  322. Crate Time: or should we just leave it normal as a reference to the original?
  323. StarToad: Or it's a "Greatest scenes we've done"
  324. StarToad: Someof the sprites are copyright
  325. StarToad: So
  326. Crate Time: right
  327. StarToad: And the scenes
  328. StarToad: It'd have to be remade by actors/animators
  329. StarToad: In the show's style, ofc
  330. StarToad: The music could probs stay tho
  331. Crate Time: yeah
  332. StarToad: And the finale is just
  333. StarToad: A first person horror/survival thing
  334. StarToad: It's the assistant that killed himself in the first episode.
  335. Crate Time: The solarium ends on the penultimate
  336. Crate Time: the finale is Disaster
  337. StarToad: He wakes up unconsious in the maintenence shafts, covered in dirt and grime.
  338. StarToad: And as the crew gathers into the safe zone after surviving the end of reality
  339. StarToad: They ultimately realize the truth:
  340. StarToad: They're stuck in a groundhog day situation.
  341. StarToad: The only way to stop it is to destroy an elder god or themselves.
  342. StarToad: Either one ends with the groundhog day scenario being fixed,
  343. Crate Time: The elder god is the production team.
  344. StarToad: But one ends with the universe being annihilated,
  345. Crate Time: because admins
  346. StarToad: And the other results in the universe being reset to before SS13 was created,
  347. StarToad: But every being has knowledge of the events that transpired during and after it.
  348. StarToad: Suffice to say
  349. StarToad: The crew opts to kill the elder god.
  350. StarToad: Because they ain't going down without a fight.
  351. StarToad: And every single antag shows up to try and help the crew.
  352. StarToad: Even as horrible eldritch monstrocities pour in from the outer dimensions
  353. Crate Time: they get teleported in
  354. StarToad: The crew gets it's shit together, and the assistant flings himself into the solarium.
  355. Crate Time: by disaster
  356. Crate Time: someone asks
  357. Crate Time: 'Now why the fuck are you here?'
  358. Crate Time: 'Plot convenience.'
  359. StarToad: "We're here to save the world."
  360. Crate Time: 'Yeah that too I guess.'
  361. StarToad: Even the normally hostile syndicate nuclear team
  362. StarToad: Is on the station's side
  363. StarToad: Giving them immense fire support as the crew retraces their steps
  364. StarToad: And the assistant charges into the solarium, and calms the automaton down.
  365. StarToad: Just as the universe seems to be resetting, it stops.
  366. StarToad: And the King in Yellow appears.
  367. StarToad: AKA.
  368. StarToad: "Oh, FUCK."
  369. StarToad: The Assistant dives for his old corpse
  370. StarToad: And grabs his revolver, magdumping the last five rounds into him.
  371. StarToad: Nothing.
  372. Crate Time: magdumps 4
  373. StarToad: Just as the King in Yellow approaches the prone assistant, ready to devour his soul,
  374. StarToad: The Solarr Bee intervenes, and beans the King in Yellow on the head.
  375. StarToad: Solar*
  376. StarToad: They converse in whatever language the elder things on goonstation say
  377. StarToad: And then the Lunar Bee and Overbee arrive.
  378. StarToad: Then Ratvar and Nar-Sie appear on the outside of the Solarium.
  379. StarToad: Then finally, Lord Singulo.
  380. StarToad: The Assistant only barely manages to turn his head away as they tear him to shreds, and causes reality to continue restarting.
  381. StarToad: Fade to white, then fade out.
  382. StarToad: The Assistant wakes up on an idyllic Earth, set twenty years after the events transpired.
  383. StarToad: The Syndicate and Nanotrasen agreed on a peace treaty after the universe almost ended,
  384. StarToad: And vowed to put their plasma researches together for the betterment of Mankind.
  385. StarToad: The result is a new golden age for man as they expand to the edges of the galaxy.
  386. Crate Time: seems like too nice an ending for a SS13 series
  387. StarToad: The Assistant looks up at the sky, and sees two familiar blinking dots, and it zooms out to show his face, having grown a smile, and he walks off screen.
  388. StarToad: And eh.
  389. StarToad: It's either this or shit goes grimdark really fast and leads into Lifeweb.
  390. StarToad: I'll gladly take the happy ending over the russian krok addict's wet dream
  391. StarToad: Besides, after all that shit?
  392. StarToad: The crew _earned_ eternal peace.
  393. Crate Time: zoom out
  394. Crate Time: BYOND window
  395. Crate Time: Chat:
  396. Crate Time: Medal Unlocked
  397. Crate Time: "Master of Unlocking"
  398. StarToad: "Unlocked every medal! Way to go!"
  399. StarToad: "(And you cleared the good ending!)"
  400. Crate Time: "Apply for Star-Trek Status"
  401. StarToad: The Bad Ending, ofc
  402. StarToad: Is the entire universe resetting
  403. StarToad: And everyone forgetting it.
  404. StarToad: Except for the Assistant
  405. StarToad: Who just screams audibly.
  406. Crate Time: no
  407. StarToad: As he has to relive all that shit AGAIN
  408. Crate Time: just replay the cold open of episode 1
  409. StarToad: Except instead of the clown
  410. StarToad: It's the assistant waking up in the dorms.
  411. Crate Time: no
  412. StarToad: And he just looks around him, dead silent for a few moments.
  413. Crate Time: of that season
  414. Crate Time: where they shoot the scientist.
  415. StarToad: Oh.
  416. StarToad: Then he realizes what's happening
  417. StarToad: And just
  418. StarToad: Drops his gun
  419. StarToad: And screams audibly
  420. StarToad: And collapses from shock.
  421. StarToad: Which is why he finds his gun has five rounds in it.
  422. StarToad: He literally died from the shock of having to relive it all.
  423. StarToad: That's how it ties in.
  424. StarToad: Honk?
  425. Crate Time: brilliant.
  426. Crate Time: that's roughly
  427. Crate Time: 425 lines of chat
  428. Crate Time: so
  429. Crate Time: which gamemodes get a season
  430. StarToad: A season finale?
  431. Crate Time: yeah
  432. StarToad: Nuclear Emergency, Cult v Cult (Clockwork and Narsian), Rev, Malf AI, and Disaster
  433. Crate Time: 5 seasons
  434. StarToad: Disaster is, obvs
  435. StarToad: The finale
  436. Crate Time: 2 episodes each minimum
  437. Crate Time: how many eps per season
  438. Crate Time: minus the required 2 parters
  439. StarToad: One round is traitor, another is changeling, one is traitorchan, one is Wizard, and one is Shadowlings
  440. StarToad: So
  441. StarToad: 5 Episodes
  442. StarToad: Oh
  443. StarToad: And one Extended one
  444. StarToad: And a Meteor one
  445. StarToad: So ten episodes a season, total, when you count the twoparter finale
  446. Crate Time: 9
  447. Crate Time: round it out to 10
  448. StarToad: Enough for every job/role to get a spotlight
  449. StarToad: With the Assistant being saved for last
  450. Crate Time: with each season starting with an extended round
  451. Crate Time: extra
  452. StarToad: The Extended Round mostly just
  453. StarToad: Establishes the station
  454. Crate Time: yeah
  455. StarToad: The crew personalities
  456. StarToad: etc
  457. StarToad: Basically it's just a cozy af episode to watch
  458. Crate Time: so for each seasons
  459. Crate Time: 2 extended rounds, meteor, and the other ones
  460. Crate Time: Each season starts with an extended round except the final one
  461. Crate Time: which gets a short
  462. Crate Time: Short: This Place Again?
  463. StarToad: The crew just
  464. StarToad: Audibly groans
  465. StarToad: Some of them shouting
  467. Crate Time: Centcomm comes on the loudspeaker
  468. Crate Time: 'If you want a variety you need to stop destroying the stations we give you.'
  469. StarToad: "...FAIR POINT."
  470. Crate Time: And of course
  472. StarToad: "...THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!"
  473. StarToad: "CAPTAIN YOU MORON"
  474. StarToad: etc
  475. Crate Time: jojo style to be continued as the death squad crash into the hull.
  476. StarToad: All of them have holoparas
  477. StarToad: And one of them gets into a fight with the Inquisitor Miner
  478. StarToad: So they just have a stareoff
  479. StarToad: As blood seeps out from under their suits
  480. StarToad: As their stands fight.
  481. StarToad: "So, we have the same type of guardian..."
  482. StarToad: "Yeeeeeeep. Killed two Elder Gods last week. What about you?"
  483. StarToad: "Oh, killed an ascendant with a supermatter sword after they arrived at Central."
  484. StarToad: "Cool."
  485. StarToad: y/y
  486. Crate Time: y
  487. Crate Time: recall the guardians
  488. Crate Time: the two lean against the walls and chat
  489. Crate Time: and become a sightgag later in the season.
  490. StarToad: Ye
  491. StarToad: They're seen in the bar sometimes
  492. StarToad: Occasionally shooting goliaths
  493. StarToad: etc
  494. Crate Time: just the usual
  495. Crate Time: totally not gay bro team
  496. StarToad: Ye
  497. Crate Time: dorm scene
  498. Crate Time: both of them just walking past a NO ERP poster.
  499. StarToad: Disaster round.
  500. StarToad: He's just looking at a pile of bones and ash
  501. StarToad: Holding a death squaddie's helmet in his hands.
  502. StarToad: He just clangs it silently against his own helmet, and begins shaking.
  503. StarToad: And his Guardian Spirit just looks solemn as well
  504. StarToad: r8 my depressing writing
  505. Crate Time: 10/10
  506. ---
  507. StarToad: Because this is something that
  508. StarToad: Realistically
  509. StarToad: Any sane human would do if their best buddie died
  510. StarToad: And they had to witness it
  511. Crate Time: yeah
  512. StarToad: And all that's left was their helmet
  513. Crate Time: and they're back for the happy ending at the end of the episode.
  514. StarToad: Yep.
  515. StarToad: They're sitting on a park bench, dressed down to their civvie fatigues
  516. StarToad: Just chatting
  517. StarToad: And their guardians are just posing and flexing
  518. StarToad: Just overall basking in the sunlight
  519. StarToad: The Clown and Mime are entertaining a bunch of kids at a birthday party
  520. StarToad: The syndicate strike team are a SWAT team raiding a nearby crack house
  521. StarToad: etc
  522. Crate Time: basically
  523. Crate Time: world server
  524. StarToad: Everyone gets a happy ending.
  525. Crate Time: opertunity for a spinoff
  526. Crate Time: SS13 the sitcom
  527. StarToad: And the finale cuts back to the Captain, his command crew, and Ian on the Bridge of the NSS Destiny
  528. StarToad: Ready to explore the galaxy in NT's finest ship yet.
  529. Crate Time: SS13: Destiny
  530. StarToad: And ofc
  531. StarToad: Ian is wearing the Captain's Cap
  532. StarToad: And he's the one to engage the Hyperdrive.
  533. StarToad: "WHY DID YOU LET THE DOG DRIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvvv..."
  534. StarToad: honk?
  535. Crate Time: that's the aftercredit scene
  536. Crate Time: yes
  537. Crate Time: yes\
  538. StarToad: So the NSS Destiny ends up lost in space
  539. StarToad: And that spinoff is about them trying to return to known space.
  540. Crate Time: yeah
  541. ---
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