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Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. Galana looks around, hmming!
  2. [02:22am] Galana: Does a fish want to get bothered tonight?
  3. [02:22am] ElizabethSteele: Maaaybe~ Is a Galana looking for adventure?
  4. [02:26am] Galana: I think she is~. though more likely bugging the Fish about stuff. “Like, I mean, I know *nothing* about you! Other than you being a Mon Cal.” It’s probably in Whisper Base. And Tendaar is probably killing time, just like the Ratataki is.
  5. [02:35am] ElizabethSteele: "I could say the same about you." Tendaar kicks his fishyfeet up on the stolen officer's desk he had since made his own. He's idly going through Imperial files. Mostly looking for new pictures to hang up on his dart board. "I mean, what's a cute girl like you with a sword like that doing in a place like this making small talk with a fish like me?"
  6. [02:37am] Galana: “Welllllllllllllll, I’m mostly bored!” brightly! That doesn’t answer the question Lana. :<! “….But uh, I found Regi, or Regi found me. I was uh, stowing away on his ship and he found me and I almost stabbed him and now I’m here!” brightly. “I’m from Druckenwell."
  7. [02:37am] Galana: “Or…was, originally.”
  8. [02:37am] Kyoko: Oooh, here's one of Moff Dardano and Admiral Corlen shaking hands while staring turbolasers in each other.
  9. [02:41am] Galana: “I mean…I sort of ended up tagging along with him, you know?”
  10. [02:43am] ElizabethSteele: "Good call. He's much more useful when he's not perforated." Tendaar chuckles, tossing the rest of the dossier on the desk. He might have to make copies of this one. "Jeez. What happened that made you sneak off with a smuggler? Is that what you do for fun on Druckenwell?"
  11. [02:46am] Galana: “Uh…I wasn’t on Druckenwell at the time. I mean, so, I ended up uh…shacking up with someone. Beforehand. Kind of. I mean, he’s an ex now, but…” She sighs a little. “he was rich, powerful, could show me the stars…and of course, he would’ve killed me if I said no.” Her faintly wistful face turning into a frown.
  12. [02:47am] ElizabethSteele: "So, naturally, you had to kill him first. It's awfully hard to fight back when your halves are in different parts of the house." He nods. "Oh, or there's a grenade in his pillow."
  13. [02:51am] Galana: “Oh! No! HA! I wished.” Lana chuckles darkly. “Man, if only. But no, I was in love then. Kind of.” She bites her bottom lip in thought, frowning. “He was….there was something about him that was magnetic. Beyond you know, power and wealth and stuff. But…” She frowns. “He was a real asshole, you know? Like, treated me like shit. But I didn’t see it at all."
  14. [02:59am] Galana: “So, here I am, dealing with my shitty boyfriend. And then he sends me off on an errand to some bumfuck place in the Outer Rim. After almost getting myself killed for his kriffing ego I was all, “fuck it” and ditched. I sold the ship, bought a ticket as far as far could go, then got off at the next stop, snuck onto Regi’s ship and uh, now I’m here."
  15. [03:05am] Galana: “So that’s me. Uh, what about you Fishy?~"
  16. [03:12am] ElizabethSteele: "So he wouldn't have seen it coming. You gotta keep an eye out for opportunities when you're in a place like that. Or at least be ready to take some stuff as you leave." He scoffs. "Jeez, he sent you on errands? Murdery errands? You're lucky you got out of there when you did." He puts his feet on the ground for once. "I was just some Mon Cal code jockey until those blaster-toting thugs showe
  17. [03:13am] ElizabethSteele: d up and enslaved my planet. I was
  18. [03:13am] ElizabethSteele: lucky to escape after they put me on weapons duty." He playfully makes his hand into a gun and fires a few imaginary shots at the picture he just found. "Figure the least I can do is show 'em what they're missing when I get a chance. They're gonna taste both ends of Mon Cal ingenuity."
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