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Mar 5th, 2015
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  1. it's gold
  2. are there a bunch of drops happening...
  3. it's gold
  4. i feel sad :-(
  5. נąȼЌ๏ƒąℓℓȼяąƒţ$
  6. Me too. I hate seeing drops even if I don't personally know who everyone is.
  7. kioaun
  8. Oh no another dropsplosion
  9. it's gold
  10. yeah.... but i know the games in a difficult place rn and it's understandable why ppl might drop
  11. it's gold
  12. to me, anyway
  13. it's gold
  14. but it's tough to lose cr you like!! haha
  15. it's gold
  16. idk it just makes me feel uncertain even more and all that
  17. it's gold
  18. that too
  19. it's gold
  20. so it's like sometimes i'll look at my inbox, and not know which threads are continuing and which aren't
  21. it's gold
  22. and that makes it hard to tag
  23. it's gold
  24. because i have a limited time to tag and all that
  25. it's gold
  26. and i'm a writer who tends to take a while
  27. #protectkarl
  28. i just straight up ask people.
  29. it's gold
  30. yeah, i probably will once friday rolls around and i start tagging again, just because it seems like some things are happening
  31. it's gold
  32. this is nothing against people who have to drop/aren't feeling the setting, of course!! i think i already said that but yeah
  33. it's gold
  34. it's super understandable
  35. #protectkarl
  36. anxiety over games or psls (if it feels like they've been dropped, or whatever) is just no good.
  37. it's gold
  38. yeah
  39. #protectkarl
  40. it's just easier to ask.
  41. it's gold
  42. i'm venting my thoughts here so i hope i don't offend anyone or anything, if i do it's unintentional
  43. it's gold
  44. i guess overall with ariel i just
  45. #protectkarl
  46. oh, i'm just commenting because i've been there and... i hate confrontation??? but i hate thread anxiety more, lmao.
  47. it's gold
  48. it feels like it did in z when it started to really wind down
  49. it's gold
  50. #protectkarl oh no, i was just talking in general, not replying to you! it's reassuring to hear you feel the same way actually
  51. #protectkarl
  52. i haven't actually lost anything in a month, so i'm very sorry that it's not the same for you.
  53. it's gold
  54. and i dislike that feeling. the uncertainty, not knowing where stuff is going, having suggestions that you think could do a lot for the game
  55. it's gold
  56. but not being able to do much in reality
  57. it's gold
  58. so it's like you're just sitting there waiting for stuff to happen
  59. it's gold
  60. #protectkarl lost what? threads, cr? i don't think i understand
  61. #protectkarl
  62. threads!
  63. it's gold
  64. oh! aha
  65. it's gold
  66. i don't think i've lost much either, really, it's kind of just that weird inbetween point
  67. it's gold
  68. i decided i still really like the game... i mean, in what other game can i play out period sex and ghoulbaby pregnancies. seirously
  69. it's gold
  70. anything you want you can play here
  71. it's gold
  72. and i have good cr. and i do stll think things can happen to fix the problems. so i'm still here
  73. it's gold
  74. but yeah, i really dislike when i feel this way with games
  75. it's gold
  76. but what happens will happen
  77. it's gold
  78. i do think there are issues with ariel that need to be straightened out. i know some people are okay with it as it is, and that's fine
  79. it's gold
  80. but there are definitely issues, to me. and tbh if some of them continue, i will be out too
  81. it's gold
  82. it'll just reach the point where it isn't worth it for me
  83. it's gold
  84. ahaha i'm not trying to sound dramatic, if i am!! (LOL) really by this point it's super cut and dry to me
  85. it's gold
  86. and like i'm sad but i know that's a temporary thing?
  87. it's gold
  88. i don't know. i might send in some more suggestions, if i'm still feeling it later
  89. it's gold
  90. but what it still comes down to is waiting and seeing. i never really do good with that when it's all vague
  91. it's gold
  92. i kind of want to encourage everyone on my tl to hiatus if they aren't feeling the game rn
  93. it's gold
  94. i didn't phrase that well! i just meant to say it would be harder to complete ac
  95. it's gold
  96. i think on friday i'll ask where some of these threads lie and then just go from there
  97. нσяηѕ υρ
  98. кιηg ναηιℓℓα
  99. Our threads are still on! <3
  100. Badassium
  101. i dont want to say im surprised that the mods havent...done anything else yet
  102. Badassium
  103. but its...not good that they havent???
  104. it's gold
  105. нσяηѕ υρ i'm sorry, did i say something off? i don't know how to take that emote! (LOL)
  106. it's gold
  107. i'm sorry if i did
  108. it's gold
  109. i always talk too much
  110. it's gold
  111. кιηg ναηιℓℓα yes! great! uwu
  112. it's gold
  113. kaxyz yeah, that's where i'm at too. like i do think they plan to say something eventually,and that's good! but the waiting game is hard in the meanwhile
  114. Badassium
  115. yeah why are they waiting??? i guess iknow why because theyre unorganized and people are MIA but honestly
  116. it's gold
  117. mostly because i didn't expect to see more drops coming in, but that too is understandable
  118. Badassium
  119. i knew the snk cast was going to drop, they decided on it a few days ago
  120. it's gold
  121. that's something you'd have to ask them
  122. it's gold
  123. it's probably bc ac is still being done, and yeah, i'm sure anything they'd say would have to be approved by all 4
  124. it's gold
  125. apps are going on too
  126. Badassium
  127. yeah true
  128. Badassium
  129. there arent many apps in rn though
  130. it's gold
  131. yeah, i'm not sure! i could assume they do a bunch of stuff for general game upkeep and all that
  132. Badassium
  133. yeah
  134. Badassium
  135. this just seemed like an important thing to address asap though
  136. it's gold
  137. idk. like i said if the stuff continues i'm out, but i'm ok for rn, if waiting for answers
  138. it's gold
  139. oh, i agree. maybe soon we'll hear something
  140. it's gold
  141. for now i'm looking forward to getting back to threads and just playing what i have planned
  142. it's gold
  143. i'm actually really happy with the cr plots and stuff i have going on
  144. it's gold
  145. Badassium we're still waiting to hear back on the chip thing btw, i don't think i ever touched base with you again! it's a plotty thing so we should hear back in april
  146. Badassium
  147. right, ok!
  148. it's gold
  149. sorry i never got back to you, snacky talked to me a few weeks ago about that i think
  150. Badassium
  151. oh dont worry
  152. нσяηѕ υρ
  153. no no the emote is me checking plurk and seeing all the talk of drops and making me think oh no something happened while I slept
  154. it's gold
  155. нσяηѕ υρ oh, i figured it was something like that! haha i'm sorry
  156. it's gold
  157. yeah, i woke up and it was the same... like i knew one or two drops were happening but then stuff happened overnight
  158. нσяηѕ υρ
  159. ;(
  160. it's gold
  161. yes... very sad
  162. Pulibear
  163. There's a lot of griefs being aired that result in people giving up.
  164. Pulibear
  165. It's frustrating because the negative vibe kinda slows everything down/makes a lot of sudden absences in the CR horizon, but... y'know. Do what ya do.
  166. нσяηѕ υρ
  167. Can't blame people for giving up though.
  168. Pulibear
  169. I'm gonna keep playing my game and enjoying my threads and development and making it worth it in my own way.
  170. нσяηѕ υρ
  171. It's frustrating as all hell being told oh yeah we're listening we're listening and then.....realize they aren't. really.
  172. it's gold
  173. Pulibear yeah, exactly
  174. it's gold
  175. what casey said too
  176. kioaun
  177. I have been waiting over a month to get the meta info I asked for.
  178. kioaun
  179. I want to do things but I can't do anything outside event threads because I don't know wtf is going on
  180. it's gold
  181. these things will happen in games, and i really,r eally can't blame anyone for wanting to drop because sometimes it's understandably just not worth it
  182. kioaun
  184. it's gold
  185. it's rp, in the end who cares and you do you
  186. kioaun
  188. it's gold
  189. kioaun i know, about the meta thing. i've seen you say it
  190. нσяηѕ υρ
  191. I just want mods that will do things properly
  192. it's gold
  193. hopefully i will get back to the lu thread soon, i'm very excited for it! but alas all out hiatusing is the best for me this week
  194. kioaun
  195. I was all set like oh good meta and baby things and- and then CR dropped and meta is delayed and I am so lost
  196. it's gold
  197. with where i'm at in the game
  198. kioaun
  199. There's no rush. I'm being slow and trying to give myself a break
  200. it's gold
  201. good! yeah, definitely do that
  202. it's gold
  203. it's been a great week so far haha
  204. Pulibear
  205. Unfortunately the mods on deck aren't the even ones with meta info there to shovel, and they can't just overhaul on their say because they're the people newer at this and signed on for basically what amounts to
  206. Pulibear
  207. support staff. So I really hope everybody gets back on board and fulfills what needs to be done soon, because... damn, I know how it is to be like- yes I'm a mod on duty but my hands are tied with this and this
  208. Pulibear
  209. and that.
  210. it's gold
  211. it's a really sticky situation (lmao forgive me for both my choice of words and the unintentional pun) bc those mods are on hiatus for reasons we would all go on hiatus for
  212. Pulibear
  213. Right. You know, securing your life and shit is stuff we'd all want the grace period for.
  214. it's gold
  215. but on the other hand, the game is at a point where people are really needing those answers and to know what's going on
  216. kioaun
  217. It's just poor management to shaft the people who are left, though.
  218. kioaun
  219. Er. Left with the load while you are away.
  220. it's gold
  221. so thats all i can say about it, really! i think anything else is something for everyone to decide what they think or what they'll say
  222. kioaun
  223. I wouldn't be so ticked off if they hadn't wheeled out a NEW IMPROVED SYSTEM
  224. it's gold
  225. yeah
  226. kioaun
  227. While people are waiting for something basic like status AC
  228. Pulibear
  229. Everybody I'm playing with is really enjoyable and well worth my patience with the state of the game on the whole.
  230. rica.
  231. ^this. That's what pushed it over the edge for me. I understand that the situation is difficult and some of the mods are new, but... deal with it in an effective way then. Clean out problems, don't make more.
  232. it's gold
  233. i hope everything works out
  234. kioaun
  235. I think the theory that there is no meta info is correct. That everything was lost with the original mods of the game.
  236. kioaun
  237. In which case popcorn.gif
  238. it's gold
  239. i've mentioned it before but i think discussion between players and mods will really do a lot
  240. kioaun
  241. But yeah I have utmost sympathy for the mods that are not on hiatus. It must suck
  242. it's gold
  243. kioaun i don't think that's true, haha
  244. it's gold
  245. that would surprise me if it was
  246. it's gold
  247. because really, id on't think anyone in this plurk is being unreasonable, and it's all understandable
  248. Pulibear
  249. (unsure) Worldbuilding on top of someone's existing worldbuild is rough, man.
  250. Pulibear
  251. That's definitely why we wound up not passing Siren's Pull on to a whole new gen modteam, when we decided to endgame
  252. нσяηѕ υρ
  253. Not if it's done right
  254. it's gold
  255. but when things happen, it's like that all comes out
  256. Pulibear
  257. Because when you hand things off creators to maintainers, there's always a bit of consistency lost.
  258. rica.
  259. I've taken over a game before. It's tough but doable. We took two weeks off to straighten shit out.
  260. rica.
  261. like, if you acknowledge the problem you can solve it. I don't know what happened here.
  262. kioaun
  263. Let's try to take everyone's suggestions with no veto power and implement everything immediately, confusing the vast majority is what appears to have happened
  264. kioaun
  265. I'm stuck where a lot of people are stuck which is "Buh?" and staring uncomprehendingly
  266. kioaun
  267. I'm not mad or upset, I'm just so confused I don't have the brainpower to devote to figuring shit out
  268. fate/stay mad
  269. there was a lot of stagnation following jade's absence and a lot of dropping of balls... so to speak
  270. fate/stay mad
  271. so if I'd point to any reason for why what is happening now, is happening now
  272. fate/stay mad
  273. I'd point to that
  274. fate/stay mad
  275. and when things snowball to the point of an avalanche it becomes difficult to stop, word spreads, drops happen, etc.
  276. fate/stay mad
  277. it's a dicey state of affairs for dwrp but that is just how it is now.
  278. it's gold
  279. yeah, i agree with that
  280. it's gold
  281. the problems we're seeing now have been building for a while
  282. ᴘᴀɴ
  283. not all the mods are brand new, Lark has been a mod since close to the game started
  284. fate/stay mad
  285. this could've been caught a lot sooner and that more than anything led to me dropping personally
  286. fate/stay mad
  287. that yeah this WAS going on for a while
  288. fate/stay mad
  289. and very little was done about it
  290. it's gold
  291. before the new mod team happened. like i think in fall of last year we were talking about it
  292. it's gold
  293. right
  294. it's gold
  295. so that's why i can understand the drops. sometimes it's just too much to wait more
  296. fate/stay mad
  297. I also don't understand either why all these concurrent hiatuses keep happening?
  298. fate/stay mad
  299. putting the meta in the hands of one or two is probably not a good idea if these one or two keep having to go off somewhere
  300. fate/stay mad
  301. for legit reasons yes but then issues like this occur
  302. fate/stay mad
  303. so there's just a lot of uneven communication going on and the playerbase wasn't dumb and figured it out
  304. it's gold
  305. it's just tough all the way around
  306. fate/stay mad
  307. I would agree :-( I hope you guys get resolution one way or another
  308. fate/stay mad
  309. I had a great time in ariel and still wish it the best but this is getting frustrating even just to watch
  310. it's gold
  311. yeah :-(
  312. it's gold
  313. i am very glad i made this plurk, though
  314. it's gold
  315. i was holding a lot of it back and just getting out all my thoughts here really helped
  316. it's gold
  317. and talking with everyone, too
  318. нσяηѕ υρ
  319. question I have is if things were different and made better would people who left come back :-(
  320. Badassium
  321. the original mods lasted for like....a few months tops and they were a disaster
  322. Badassium
  323. i love them for creating this game but they to be mods of it
  324. Badassium
  325. idk if theyd even thought out this far ahead about the meta and stuff because of the fact that they left the game to other people so early on, they might not have even had a grand sceme of things
  326. Badassium
  327. *scheme
  328. Badassium
  329. apparently though only 2 mods are on hiatus now though, one of those 3/4 hiatuses was very temporary and that mod i sback now? is what i was told
  330. Badassium
  331. idk why it was necessary to say that 3/4 mods were on hiatus if one was only a hiatus for a week or a couple of days but i guess it was still valid
  332. Badassium
  333. its possible people would come back :Ca if things were like WOW SO FUN again though but some people might just be worn out by the setting
  334. Pulibear
  335. I don't think Ariel's inherently a BAD setting, I just think it needs some tightening up the loose gears, and room for expanding conflict.
  336. Pulibear
  337. And for everybody to feel like we're all on the same page with what's readily availible
  338. it's gold
  339. нσяηѕ υρ i actually think that's a possibility, yeah
  340. Pulibear
  341. And where the IC carrot and stick game is for advancement
  342. Pulibear
  343. Like, when I joined I felt like it was pretty clear.
  344. it's gold
  345. but i'm more thinking in terms of like... it's salvageable. stuff can be done to fix things
  346. it's gold
  347. there is still a place for a game like ariel in dwrp imo. there are things you can play here you can play in no other game and that's the appeal
  348. Pulibear
  349. But as we've progressed there's been more evidence of the dystopian scarcity cropping up- WHICH I THINK IS INTERESTING, but it needs to be communicated more effectively across the board.
  350. it's gold
  351. plus the ac makes it so there is way more follow-through and actual rp
  352. it's gold
  353. it's a good game. it just right now has some hiccups that really need to be straightened out
  354. Pulibear
  355. Yeah, I feel really comfortable getting my kink-shit on in Ariel, and playing out slow sex addict corruption.
  356. Pulibear
  357. I've never felt judged by the players for what I want to play
  358. kioaun
  359. Ymmv on that front
  360. нσяηѕ υρ
  361. ^this
  362. kioaun
  363. stop playing pretty white girls, God
  364. Pulibear
  365. Yeah, status AC in concept works out really well to get people to commit to wrapping things up/moving threads along to get to new ones?
  366. it's gold
  367. Pulibear getting back to this now, but i couldn't have put it better myself
  368. Pulibear
  369. And while I love the idea of expanding rewards, it could have been tabled clearer/better/ in conjunction with tightening up those loose setting bolts.
  370. it's gold
  371. oh, for sure. i will never app a younger character to this game
  372. it's gold
  373. and knowing some people in this game were genuinely hating on me for my preference not to play underage stuff with my character?? not cool
  374. Pulibear
  375. :-( if you ever do wanna side play Namine on memes though, plz, I have not had enough Nami/Zexion interaction at all in my RP career
  376. kioaun
  377. They could have written it in better. "The government understands socialization is the best for building healthy relationships that can lead to sex! They are rewarding people for socializing with these new
  378. kioaun
  379. items! They are based on how often your character's chip is in proximity to another!"
  380. it's gold
  381. and i know ppl will keep dragging me through the mud, probably
  382. fate/stay mad
  383. lol at this point it may in fact be better to move away from the dystopia angle
  384. Pulibear
  385. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that, Ginko. Nobody should feel as pressured as you have to play what amounts to IC or OOC uncomfortable age-disparity stuff
  386. fate/stay mad
  387. I never really felt that was managed or communicated well
  388. it's gold
  389. like i am still wary with some of the stuff i'm playing now, if ppl will judge me. it's just gotten to the point where i honestly don't give as much of a shit
  390. нσяηѕ υρ
  391. pretty bland white girls you mean
  392. Pulibear
  393. Like if it's your jam like me, I'm filth then whatever.
  394. it's gold
  395. i would agree that there are still problems with that in game
  396. Pulibear
  397. The whole concept of a city where sex is mandatory IS dystopian, though.
  398. Pulibear
  399. I'm not sure how you'd move beyond that concept without breaking up a lot of the structure
  400. fate/stay mad
  401. it barely felt like it had any structure as it was when I left
  402. Pulibear
  403. Unless you mean dystopian where the scarcity stuff is concerned
  404. fate/stay mad
  405. like I had been there a year and a half and I still barely even knew what the city looked like
  406. fate/stay mad
  407. that's a problem
  408. fate/stay mad
  409. if it was dystopia it sure didn't feel much like it
  410. fate/stay mad
  411. so fixing the worldbuilding should be top priority
  412. Pulibear
  413. In which case, yes, like, just call it social-status capitalism and this is the one list of regulated stuff that's limited and be done with it
  414. fate/stay mad
  415. really the general lack of structure is... where a lot of these issues seem to revolve
  416. Pulibear
  417. But when so many of the original perks ARE, like- agricultural-based? That seems to skew the whole perspective of advancement.
  418. it's gold
  419. gonna go get subway brb
  420. Pulibear
  421. I think the city itself is pretty decently laid out in terms of what it looks like- The locations page is pretty... understandable?
  422. fate/stay mad
  423. it's "understandable" but that doesn't make it any less bland and unnotable
  424. Pulibear
  425. I wish weather and calender changes and structural stuff like the govt and trolley were presented a little cleaner
  426. Pulibear
  427. And... yes, we're still waiting on the mods working on that (who are hiatused) to fix those issues
  428. fate/stay mad
  429. when your game is bordering on crisis mode still waiting is not really not the way instill confidence in your players
  430. fate/stay mad
  431. like... again this information should've been passed around more evenly
  432. нσяηѕ υρ
  433. agreed
  434. Pulibear
  435. Mmhm. /shrug
  436. нσяηѕ υρ
  437. a lot of the instability happening right now is due to the lack of communication. period. proper communication.
  438. fate/stay mad
  439. I see what you're saying puli but I might've been more sympathetic if this hadn't already been going on for a long time
  440. fate/stay mad
  441. there were a lot of little things that piled up and that's what happens when the big stack of things falls over
  442. Pulibear
  443. Yeah. Nah, I'm not denying that things are messy right no.
  444. Pulibear
  445. But then I look around my own SUPER CLUTTERED living space and know I exist perfectly happy here, where other people might call my own apartment unihabitable.
  446. fate/stay mad
  447. tbh I felt that way too with the earlier complaints because I thought "hey I still got things I can do"
  448. kioaun
  449. But other people are not forced to live in your living space
  450. fate/stay mad
  451. and then I ran out of things to do
  452. ᴘᴀɴ
  453. ^^^this is whhere I'm at
  454. fate/stay mad
  455. I'm not privy to the reason for hiatus, to my understanding it was serious, but playing disappearing act RIGHT NOW
  456. fate/stay mad
  457. when you have key info on your hands and all these players are waiting
  458. fate/stay mad
  459. yeah that is how drop trains happen
  460. Pulibear
  461. The problem is that we're still waiting on who's gonna start cleaning/picking things up, and while putting in new furniture's great, it doesn't all match to the existing set, and there's still clutter that
  462. Pulibearneeds
  463. to be addressed.
  464. Pulibear
  465. ...But again, me personally, acknowledging the mess, is still finding it habitable because I have really awesome people I'm writing with, and I've put time and energy into settling in
  466. нσяηѕ υρ
  467. There's no need for new furniture.
  468. fate/stay mad
  469. if I were them and wearing modhat I'd kick it into immediate overdrive the second I reasonably could when I got back
  470. fate/stay mad
  471. bullet item post of okay, here are your answers to 1, 2, and 3
  472. fate/stay mad
  473. here is when we are doing 4
  474. нσяηѕ υρ
  475. The need to fix up the mess first before adding more to it. that's my beef
  476. rica.
  477. yeah, this isn't an episode of hoarders
  478. Badassium
  479. yeah i feel like theyre avoiding the issue rn
  480. fate/stay mad
  481. it's well and good to be doing your own thing but if they're gonna sandbox the game, just say so
  482. fate/stay mad
  483. I still feel the "WELL IT'S BOTH" decision was dumb, sorry
  484. Badassium
  485. like i know mods are on hiatus but are they so unavailable that another mod couldnt poke them and be like would you be cool with us posting this?
  486. нσяηѕ υρ
  487. They can't just cover up the mess with a sheet and pretend it's not there and put out shit on top of it.
  488. fate/stay mad
  489. they're not handling both well
  490. Badassium
  491. and then they could...clear things up like, its SUCH bad timing and its looking bad
  492. kioaun
  493. Yeah. I like plot! It would be fun! But I would be all for "Hey this is just to play porn out in, enjoy your sand" because at least it wouldn't be a clusterfuck
  494. fate/stay mad
  495. I would cautiously lean towards optimism and say this can be fixed if they just fess up that things got messed up and really work at it
  496. нσяηѕ υρ
  497. I praise whoever told that one mod that it was bad tact and making them look bad when they kept trying to reply in the recent update
  498. fate/stay mad
  499. instead of all this ehhhhhhhing
  500. нσяηѕ υρ
  501. fate/stay mad: I don't think I've ever seen a group of mods fess to their mistakes lol
  502. нσяηѕ υρ
  503. So if they do come and say We fucked up, sorry about that - I'll be impressed
  504. fate/stay mad
  505. it just feels like still there is a lot of stubbornness going on when legitimate issues get raised
  506. нσяηѕ υρ
  507. Also yeah! the both decision WAS dumb. I actually enjoyed the sol sandbox of smut feel. that's why I joined in May.
  508. нσяηѕ υρ
  509. But now theyre like WELL LETS MAKE IT BOTH and on top of that here are a handful of restrictions.
  510. Badassium
  511. i will take your word for it snacky, but addressing it here is also not going to help with damage control i think
  512. Badassium
  513. im sticking around so its not my opinions you probably have to worry about
  514. нσяηѕ υρ
  515. It shouldn't be address here, period.
  516. Badassium
  517. i know you want to jump in as a not-mod and just join in discussion but at this point its the same thing as like...logging in on wg
  518. нσяηѕ υρ
  519. Okay. So why step in then to address anything concerning it?
  520. нσяηѕ υρ
  521. Keep it to the game community where everyone can see it.
  522. Badassium
  523. casey dont stir up shit :C though i do agree, anything addressed at this point should be made to the game at large
  524. нσяηѕ υρ
  525. Or the game plurk
  526. Badassium
  527. because everyone is waiting
  528. нσяηѕ υρ
  529. I'm not stirring up shit kael :C I'm just saying it as it is.
  530. fate/stay mad
  531. snacky I'll just say I think serious mod-to-mod conversation needs to happen when all parties are present
  532. Badassium
  533. and for that reason, giving any info to anyone as an individual rather than everyone at large is going to be a bad idea
  534. fate/stay mad
  535. and yeah, then post that to the comm is what I'd suggest
  536. Badassium
  537. that :C face better not be sarcastic!!! you know ilu
  538. fate/stay mad
  539. I feel bad that all you guys are really frustrated... I still love ariel in my heart of hearts
  540. fate/stay mad
  541. so I guess that's why it frustrates me more
  542. fate/stay mad
  543. I had such a good time at the game
  544. kioaun
  545. Seth is Jesus
  546. нσяηѕ υρ
  547. Badassium: haha! I did it cause you did it. but ilu2 bro
  548. Badassium
  549. Ok well I'm out cause it's time for me to go do stuff, y'all play nice now, y'here
  550. it's gold
  551. hi, i just got back so... i'm trying to catch up
  552. it's gold
  553. Pulibear i'd love to play namine with you again!! i've been wanting to play her recently
  554. Pulibear
  555. Even just canonAU or gen-y things.
  556. Pulibear
  557. Not enough namine in all the world in my life, precious madeleine.
  558. Pulibear
  559. Too good for this castle of losers.
  560. liek u
  561. I'm sad to see all these drops too, it makes it that much harder to feel like getting into the game, even all the other problems aside
  562. it's gold
  563. and snacky no worries! i think it's fine. anything on my plurk is free to be seen and commented on by anyone i have added
  564. it's gold
  565. again i didn't mean any offense to anyone with this plurk, it was originally just me getting my thoughts out
  566. it's gold
  567. fate/stay mad i think it's kind of frustration but also... mostly that confusion and uncertainty for me, now
  568. it's gold
  569. Pulibear for sure!! i really did enjoy playing her
  570. it's gold
  571. and liek u yeah, definitely
  572. it's gold
  573. i think periods like this just make it hard to tag
  574. it's gold
  575. i don't have much to contribute to everything else? i'm pretty fine with the locations page (with some more detail) and i actually think ariel can do both so
  576. it's gold
  577. then again i'm not exactly up to date on all the rp terms probably
  578. it's gold
  579. like i think the stuff i try to play is a good combination of pure smutty fun and some plotty stuff
  580. it's gold
  581. i just don't see the division, i guess. for some reason
  582. it's gold
  583. it's entirely possible i'm dumb
  584. it's gold
  585. but either way i'd like to see the same things, so i don't think that matters so much
  586. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  587. I actually think the "both" decision is kind of the only way to go just because... otherwise you're basically telling people who joined for metaplot or have focused their entire character's development around
  588. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  589. it that they... don't count? Or something?
  590. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  591. I mean, what are those people supposed to do if it's sandboxed, drop?
  592. it's gold
  593. i just think both are possible. i tend to see compromises ridiculously everywhere though... i do that irl too
  594. it's gold
  595. i won't deny it would definitely take some work to get to a place where both are possible but
  596. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  597. nods I think it's possible.
  598. it's gold
  599. i guess i see the "both" thing in events like the first storm event, when i first joined? or the whole heat thing
  600. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  601. I mean there is some degree of limitation on how much change could happen while people still SOL it up, but I don't think you have to just DITCH THE WHOLE PLOT OUT THE WINDOW
  602. it's gold
  603. where you had the potential to play lots of kinky stuff, but you could also have a longlasting effect on your character, and be given the op to wonder or learn something new about the setting too
  604. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  605. Yes!
  606. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  607. That was interesting.
  608. it's gold
  609. now i just feel like i'm left to figure everything out on my own if i have an interest in playing it. aka smthn like that heat event hasn't happened again, so i need to set it up as a cr plot
  610. it's gold
  611. which isn't a bad thing? but you know, if you feel stuff is stagnating... or the players have asked for something in terms of events for a while and still don't get it
  612. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  613. nods
  614. it's gold
  615. plus i kind of don't think it's really our job to think up all the events in the first place. that's a mod thing, because they have access to more information than we do
  616. it's gold
  617. (not saying anyone said it was!)
  618. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  619. I'm kind of at a loss because my whole plot for Ai is very dependent on perks that most people seem to ... want to get rid of or don't see the point of?
  620. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  621. So I'm in a weird place.
  622. it's gold
  623. well mostly i see confusion about it
  624. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  625. And a lot of people seem to be for just making everything available since there's confusion over what's available
  626. it's gold
  627. but i'm not up to speed on everything there so i can't talk about it. i just feel confused. like if there are certain things we can and can't do in ariel they need to be clear and they need to be in an faq
  628. it's gold
  629. and they need to make sense and they need to incorporate what's been assumed so far, often under mod permission... that's a tall order, but i still really think it's possible if worked at
  630. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  631. nods yeah it just needs to be sorted out
  632. it's gold
  633. i even think changes can occur they just... should be made through discussion, so no one's caught off guard. or worrying about whether their character can eat a banana (LOL)
  634. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  635. nods That particular thing is a matter of people playing it differently from the start though. (LOL)
  636. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  637. It's been like that as long as I've been in the game.
  638. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  639. So that's not a new issue.
  640. it's gold
  641. oh, for sure
  642. it's gold
  643. i would say wanting to do something about it, like they are now, is new
  644. it's gold
  645. but then that's even more important that it's done the right way
  646. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  647. nods
  648. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  649. I just meant to say I can see being stalled out by the conflict, because I kind of feel that way too.
  650. it's gold
  651. back to the events, it's just kind of exhausting because when you think about it, we can offer concerns and suggestions all we want, but there's no real payoff for us (puli
  652. it's gold
  653. 's event got picked, though!)
  654. it's gold
  655. when the game is in a rough spot it's hard to work up that motivation.
  656. it's gold
  657. and yeah leca, for sure! i see what you're saying
  658. Pulibear
  659. (I submitted it back in like- October, seeing it this month was a pleasant shocker!)
  660. Pulibear
  662. Pulibear
  663. because cute delivery boys
  664. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  665. Not really though?
  666. Pulibear
  667. But yeah, I feel like the lack of... mid-range perks was why a lot of people have been going for the agriculture stuff instead of meta
  668. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  669. Or well, HIS supply is limited regardless of whether the overall supply is, and it gets STUPIDLY so if it's widely available, but beyond that...
  670. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  671. food production as a rebellious/plotting act becomes pointless in the other case. (LOL)
  672. Pulibear
  673. Which is why the whole status system DOES need to be reflective of metaplotting plans?
  674. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  675. but yeah there are gaps, and actually some of the perks introduced fill them pretty well, and some people liked a lot of them? But then there's that "availability" issue
  676. Pulibear
  677. But there's a lot of confusion with one being overhauled before we've really had the other fully addressed
  678. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  679. Yes, exactly!
  680. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  681. And the situation of some of the perks not being well explained, and potentially making things previously done unofficially cost.
  682. Pulibear
  683. (See: 2 fruit bearing things on Zexions' pergola garden, + Banora Tree from a 1 point seed perk)
  684. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  685. nods
  686. Pulibear
  687. The mods tasked to that are not the mods defining the availibity situation, though, so...
  688. Pulibear
  689. This cart got put before the horse and started to careen downhill
  690. aι ĸιngoғdυcĸѕ
  691. Yeaaaaaaaah.
  692. it's gold
  693. I've said that before puli and I agree
  694. it's gold
  695. an updated faq needed to precede that sotg
  696. it's gold
  697. you know, the more I think about this the core problem has always been the same
  698. it's gold
  699. we need that reliable mod attention
  700. titan titties
  701. and clear and precise communication /is late
  702. titan titties
  703. imo for me where the problem lies is that people don't feel listened to, so when somebody says HEY, YOU CAN DO PLAYER PLOTS INSTEAD, people are going to go "Why bother when nothing I say as a player
  704. titan tittiesis
  705. listened to?"
  706. titan titties
  707. There were a major amounts of missteps here and it had a profound effect on the game and as much as nobody wants to hear "Well this bites, I'm outtie"
  708. titan titties
  709. it's something that cannot and should not be denied. and unfortunately, i know a fair amount of people who feel there is denial in the official channels
  710. titan titties
  711. not to mention, i also have to say that i've seen some side-eye worthy responses from mods that left a bad taste in my mouth as a player. that doesnt help either
  712. it's gold
  713. no, i hear you there
  714. it's gold
  715. i've kind of realized that... i'm outtie too, if this doesn't change
  716. it's gold
  717. anyone who's spoken to me for any length of time can tell you i advocate for voicing concerns and things through the official channels, not commenting on wg (which i have never posted on, but that's besides the
  718. it's gold
  719. point) or some anon comm, or even just leaving them between you and your friends if you can
  720. it's gold
  721. it's honestly gotten to the point where i'm a little worn out though. and it's not through lack of trying to speak up where it can be seen
  722. it's gold
  723. it's seriously nothing personal against anyone either
  724. it's gold
  725. it's just... there really is only so much you can do
  726. it's gold
  727. and that sucks as a player
  728. it's gold
  729. it all seems like at this point we're expecting a big "things need to turn around come april!!!" and i'm not sure that's fair to anyone, mods included
  730. it's gold
  731. but i offered to help and i did what i could so... i'll stay hopeful
  732. titan titties
  733. there's too much work, not enough people, not enough communication. it'll have to take longer than april rolling around for changes to take place
  734. titan titties
  735. and i don't think a lot of people will want to wait that long when they've been waiting for so long already
  736. it's gold
  737. yup
  738. it's gold
  739. i know i'm one of those people
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