
Anonfoal in Pony Prison

Sep 26th, 2016
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  1. >be anonfoal
  2. >your father, anonymous, found you in a trashcan and adopted you
  3. >he wasn't very creative with names
  4. >the old monkey raised you well enough, though other ponies disagreed
  5. >you've learned to never mention him, since they just get up in arms about how 'abusive' he was
  6. >"Ponies are fucking pussies," he said, casually committing the misdemeanor of swearing
  7. >you've always aspired to be like him, even if it causes conflict with other ponies
  8. >this time, you're on trial for brutally slapping a colt who was making fun of your marefriend
  9. >you like 'em thick, just like dear old dad, and you won't have any shitheap disrespecting her
  10. >just another thing to add to the ol' rap sheet
  11. >you've spent enough time behind bars that you know everything about the local prison
  12. >you'd get a job there, but they don't hire ex-cons
  13. >that's why you're a member of the royal guard, carrying a 'deadly' foam spear within feet of the princesses
  14. >maybe they realize how fucked up this place is and sympathize with you
  15. >"For the crime of assault, and in light of your previous offenses, this court sentences you to a week in prison. May Celestia have mercy on you."
  16. >or not
  17. >at least you can see how old Warden Honeyshoes is doing
  19. --
  21. >"Again, Anon?" Sergeant Rocksmasher groaned, "Why do you keep breaking the law? Is it really worth it?"
  22. "Good morning to you to."
  23. >keep moving
  24. >back to the usual cell, where everything should be as you left it
  25. >"Anon!" Warden Honeyshoes shouts, "Wait up!"
  26. >what does she want? you've turned in your belongings, and you've spent long enough in this place to know where everything is
  27. >"I was expecting you to come back, so I hatched a little plan to rehabilitate you!"
  28. >fucking hell, didn't they give up on that during your second sentence?
  29. >"Meet your new cellmate, Anonymous!"
  30. "D-dad?!"
  31. >"Hi, son!"
  32. >"Yes, your father volunteered to become your cellmate for the duration of your sentence. Hopefully you'll appreciate the sacrifice he's making, and how disappointed he must be in you. See you both at lunchtime!"
  33. "So, uh, dad... Long time no see?"
  34. >"Oh son, you silly little horse, what law did you break this time?"
  35. "I had to defend m'lady's honor, dad! But these stupid fucking horses threw me in jail again!"
  36. >"Oh, 'Foal, I raised you well. Even if everypony else is practically a baby, you stick by your principles."
  37. "D-don't call me that in front of the other inmates..."
  39. --
  41. >"So son, what's there to do around here? Can't say I've ever been inside before."
  42. "Honestly, I spend most of my time here at the gym, since I was banned from the tabletop club."
  43. >"How did you-"
  44. "Some evil fucker used an amulet to brainwash ponies and take over the world. While the others were trying to talk him down, I stabbed him in the back. That was the last straw for them, and they sent me out on my flank."
  45. >you walk down the hall, nodding to guards and inmates you recognize
  46. >you've built up a reputation as the baddest motherfucker in this place, and it shows
  47. >half of them gaze at you with respect and awe, while the other half nearly shit themselves in terror
  48. >your dad just walks alongside you, smiling like the shiteating monkey he is
  49. >"Anon! You're back!"
  50. >oh christ almighty
  51. >it's Lt. Cookies N Cream
  52. >"How are you, baby? You never call!"
  53. >one day, she tripped and scraped her knee, so you helped bandage her up
  54. >now she's madly in love with you
  55. >"Hello, pony I've never met before!"
  56. >this is why fathers and sons should never have the same name
  57. >"Hello, big monkey guy! Are you Anon's friend?"
  58. >"Actually, I'm his father! The name's Anonymous."
  59. "Uh, dad, shouldn't we-"
  60. >"Hush, 'Foal, I'm busy."
  61. >you look over
  62. >he's bent down in front of her, hands trailing down her back
  63. >she's blushing like a ripe tomato, then suddenly yelps
  64. >OH COME ON
  67. --
  69. >"Hey foal."
  70. "What?"
  71. >"Your marefriend is hot. Not as big as I normally like them, but she makes up for it in all the right ways."
  72. "S-she's not my marefriend! I don't even like her!"
  73. >"Then why did you get so worked up when I scratched her back? It was pretty obvious that-"
  74. "Please stop."
  75. >"Just imagine, Foal! Little bouncing baby grandchildren! Your wife, Cookies, cooking a delicious feast, when you walk up behind her and clap a hoof across her big, fat ass..."
  76. "Fuck you, old man."
  77. >a nearby inmate faints in shock
  78. >another bolts away, a bulge growing in the crotch of his uniform
  79. >fucking pervs
  80. "Dad, please. I just want to get this over with and get back to my normal life."
  81. >"Normal life? This is your fifth time behind bars! This is your normal life!"
  82. >he sounds annoyed now
  83. >what a hypocrite
  84. "If it weren't for your diplomatic immunity, you'd probably be turned to stone for all you've done!"
  85. >his eye twitches
  86. >he speaks calmly, chilling you to the very bone
  87. >"Foal, son, I've never had anything but the best intentions for you, and I always tried to raise you well. And because of that, as much as it pains me to do so, I need to teach you a lesson in respect. Our cell, after dinner. You'll see."
  89. --
  91. >your father, Anonymous the human, is laying on your bed, cradling a mare in his arms
  92. >she moans sensually as his fingers tenderly rub her belly, and you're sure you recognize the voice
  93. >wait a second
  95. >"A-Anonfoal! I hereby commute your sentence to- Ah! - Community service!"
  96. >the old man turns to you, a grin spread across his ugly simian face
  97. >"Hey son! Come watch, this is how you handle a mare!"
  98. >you turn around and slam the door shut behind you
  99. >you are never speaking to him again
  100. >"Oh, and 'Foal!" he shouts, "Don't worry, I wouldn't let my only son be lonely!"
  101. >"Hey, Anon..."
  102. >luna's lactating lovebags
  103. >you turn slowly, searching for the speaker in the dim light of the corridor
  104. >Cookies N Cream
  105. >she's out of uniform
  106. >instead, a black latex catsuit hugs her curvy ass
  107. >on the floor sits her attache case, opened to reveal a variety of accoutrements
  108. >a riding crop, a latex mask, and what appears to be a very large black dragoncock
  109. >"Don't worry, just step into the janitor's closet and do as I say. I promise you it won't hurt much."
  110. >that bastard monkey will pay
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