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Aug 30th, 2014
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  1. [18:07:58.763 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.11412.747 started.
  2. [18:07:58.871 Q] Honorbuddy was unable to check for an update.
  3. Honorbuddy will not be able to update automatically.
  4. [18:07:58.873 D] System.ArgumentException: Version string portion was too short or too long.
  5. at System.Version.VersionResult.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, String argument)
  6. at System.Version.TryParseVersion(String version, VersionResult& result)
  7. at System.Version.Parse(String input)
  8. at System.Version..ctor(String version)
  9. at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.CheckForUpdate()
  10. [18:10:00.521 N] Logging in...
  11. [18:10:21.383 N] T: 5247136208639681453 H: 2171158777930768690
  12. [18:10:23.527 N] Attaching to D3D11
  13. [18:10:23.750 N] Attached to WoW with ID 2212
  14. [18:10:23.814 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.11412.747 started!
  15. [18:10:23.814 D] Using WoW with process ID 2212
  16. [18:10:23.814 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
  17. [18:10:23.814 D] Executable Path: X:\Bots\Honorbuddy 2.5.11412.747\Honorbuddy.exe
  18. [18:10:23.815 N] Character is a level 90 NightElf Rogue
  19. [18:10:23.815 N] Current zone is Zeitlose Insel
  20. [18:10:23.826 D] UICulture: en-US
  21. [18:10:23.826 D] UseFrameLock: True
  22. [18:10:23.826 D] SendUsageInformation: False
  23. [18:10:23.826 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
  24. [18:10:23.826 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
  25. [18:10:23.826 D] PluginsPath: Plugins
  26. [18:10:23.826 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
  27. [18:10:23.826 D] BotsPath: Bots
  28. [18:10:23.826 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
  29. [18:10:23.826 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
  30. [18:10:23.826 D] MeshesFolderPath: X:\Bots\Meshes
  31. [18:10:23.826 D] KillBetweenHotspots: True
  32. [18:10:23.826 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
  33. [18:10:23.826 D] LogoutForInactivity: False
  34. [18:10:23.826 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20
  35. [18:10:23.826 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
  36. [18:10:23.826 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
  37. [18:10:23.826 D] LogLevel: Normal
  38. [18:10:23.826 D] SeperatedLogFolders: True
  39. [18:10:23.826 D] SelectTalents: False
  40. [18:10:23.826 D] ClassProfileName: Rogue - Assassination
  41. [18:10:23.826 D] AutoEquip: False
  42. [18:10:23.826 D] AutoEquipBags: True
  43. [18:10:23.826 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True
  44. [18:10:23.826 D] AutoEquipArmor: True
  45. [18:10:23.826 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False
  46. [18:10:23.826 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic
  47. [18:10:23.826 D] RollOnItems: True
  48. [18:10:23.826 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True
  49. [18:10:23.826 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon
  50. [18:10:23.826 D] TicksPerSecond: 30
  51. [18:10:23.826 D] FoodAmount: 0
  52. [18:10:23.826 D] DrinkAmount: 0
  53. [18:10:23.826 N] EnabledPlugins:
  54. [18:10:23.827 D] Refreshment Detection
  55. [18:10:23.827 N] RecentProfiles:
  56. [18:10:23.827 D] Mjj23's Lower Blackrock Spire Endless Farm[$Rev: 976 $]@@!@@X:\Bots\Profile\Transmogg\Instance Grinds\Classic\Eastern Kingdoms\Lower Blackrock Spire - Endless Farm.xml
  57. [18:10:23.827 D] SelectedBotIndex: -1
  58. [18:10:23.827 D] SelectedBotName: Combat Bot
  59. [18:10:23.827 D] UseFlightPaths: True
  60. [18:10:23.827 D] FindMountAutomatically: True
  61. [18:10:23.827 D] UseRandomMount: False
  62. [18:10:23.827 D] MailRecipient has no value yet!
  63. [18:10:23.827 D] FoodName: 81413
  64. [18:10:23.827 D] DrinkName: 81414
  65. [18:10:23.827 D] MountName has no value yet!
  66. [18:10:23.827 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet!
  67. [18:10:23.827 D] LootMobs: True
  68. [18:10:23.827 D] SkinMobs: False
  69. [18:10:23.827 D] NinjaSkin: False
  70. [18:10:23.827 D] LootChests: True
  71. [18:10:23.827 D] HarvestMinerals: False
  72. [18:10:23.827 D] HarvestHerbs: False
  73. [18:10:23.827 D] UseMount: True
  74. [18:10:23.827 D] PullDistance: 100
  75. [18:10:23.827 D] LootRadius: 45
  76. [18:10:23.827 D] LastUsedPath: X:\Bots\Profile\Transmogg\Instance Grinds\Classic\Eastern Kingdoms\Lower Blackrock Spire - Endless Farm.xml
  77. [18:10:23.827 D] MountDistance: 700
  78. [18:10:23.827 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: True
  79. [18:10:23.827 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
  80. [18:10:23.827 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
  81. [18:10:23.828 D] Activity: Initializing
  82. [18:10:23.828 D] Activity: Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while
  83. [18:10:24.831 D] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
  84. [18:10:24.837 N] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
  85. [18:10:24.837 N] New bot added!: BGBuddy
  86. [18:10:24.847 D] Activity: Loading Spells
  87. [18:10:24.877 N] New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
  88. [18:10:24.885 D] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
  89. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Fishing (131474) | Engineering (110403) | Gnomish Engineer (020219)
  90. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Toughness (102163) | Smelting (002656) | Cooking Fire (000818)
  91. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking (104381) | First Aid (110406) | Wound Poison (008679)
  92. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Crippling Poison (003408) | Deadly Poison (002823) | Symbiosis (110503)
  93. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mind-numbing Poison (005761) | Leeching Poison (108211) | Swiftblade's Cunning (113742)
  94. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Venomous Wounds (079134) | Improved Poisons (014117) | Relentless Strikes (058423)
  95. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Blindside (121152) | Safe Fall (001860) | Seal Fate (014190)
  96. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Shadow Focus (108209) | Parry (082245) | Nerve Strike (108210)
  97. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mastery: Potent Po.. (076803) | Master Poisoner (058410) | Leather Specializa.. (086092)
  98. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cut to the Chase (051667) | Fleet Footed (031209) | Detect Traps (002836)
  99. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Anticipation (114015) | Assassin's Resolve (084601) | Prey on the Weak (131511)
  100. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Dismantle (051722) | Slice and Dice (005171) | Throw (121733)
  101. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Preparation (014185) | Mutilate (001329) | Stealth (001784)
  102. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Vanish (001856) | Shroud of Concealm.. (114018) | Eviscerate (002098)
  103. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Vendetta (079140) | Redirect (073981) | Shiv (005938)
  104. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Kick (001766) | Sinister Strike (001752) | Pick Pocket (000921)
  105. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Sprint (002983) | Gouge (001776) | Tricks of the Trade (057934)
  106. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Pick Lock (001804) | Shadow Walk (114842) | Shadow Blades (121471)
  107. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Expose Armor (008647) | Smoke Bomb (076577) | Kidney Shot (000408)
  108. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cloak of Shadows (031224) | Sap (006770) | Ambush (008676)
  109. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Recuperate (073651) | Burst of Speed (108212) | Feint (001966)
  110. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cheap Shot (001833) | Disarm Trap (001842) | Garrote (000703)
  111. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Evasion (005277) | Fan of Knives (051723) | Rupture (001943)
  112. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Crimson Tempest (121411) | Blind (002094) | Distract (001725)
  113. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cash Flow (083941) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913) | Weapon Skills (076297)
  114. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Reinforce (083943) | Working Overtime (118021) | Fast Track (078632)
  115. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Languages (076252) | Quickness (020582) | The Quick and the .. (083950)
  116. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Armor Skills (076273) | Nature Resistance (020583) | Battle Pet Training (119467)
  117. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cold Weather Flying (054197) | Wisp Spirit (020585) | Ride Like the Wind (117983)
  118. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: For Great Justice (118483) | Hasty Hearth (083944) | Guild Mail (083951)
  119. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Artisan Riding (034091) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267) | Elusiveness (021009)
  120. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Bartering (083964) | Bountiful Bags (083966) | Battle Fatigue (134732)
  121. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Honorable Mention (083960) | The Doctor Is In (118076) | Dual Wield (000674)
  122. [18:10:24.926 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mount Up (078633) | Mr. Popularity (078635) | Shadowmeld (058984)
  123. [18:10:24.927 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mobile Banking (083958) | Mass Resurrection (083968) | Revive Battle Pets (125439)
  124. [18:10:24.927 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Auto Attack (006603)
  125. [18:10:24.928 D] [SpellManager] Dispatch (111240) overrides Sinister Strike (1752)
  126. [18:10:24.928 D] [SpellManager] Envenom (32645) overrides Eviscerate (2098)
  127. [18:10:24.929 D] Activity: Initializing Navigator
  128. [18:10:24.945 N] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
  129. [18:10:24.948 N] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
  130. [18:10:24.948 N] New bot added!: Grind Bot
  131. [18:10:24.948 N] New bot added!: Questing
  132. [18:10:24.959 N] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
  133. [18:10:24.959 N] New bot added!: Party Bot
  134. [18:10:24.959 N] New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
  135. [18:10:24.964 D] Class profile set to RogueAssassination (Rogue - Assassination)
  136. [18:10:24.964 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Reloading Bots
  137. [18:10:24.992 D] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
  138. [18:10:25.052 D] Activity: Initializing Routines
  139. [18:10:25.053 D] Activity: Initializing Plugins
  140. [18:10:25.827 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot
  141. [18:10:25.827 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot
  142. [18:10:25.829 N] New bot added!: AntiAFK Bot
  143. [18:10:25.831 N] New bot added!: Chameleon
  144. [18:10:25.832 N] New bot added!: Tyrael
  145. [18:10:25.905 D] [FUP] Changed! (OnBotChanged)
  146. [18:10:26.254 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ICombatRoutine> - [RoutineManager] ReloadRoutineAssemblies called.
  147. [18:10:26.708 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - RefreshPlugins Called
  148. [18:10:27.501 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: X:\Bots\Honorbuddy 2.5.11412.747\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
  149. [18:10:27.502 N] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
  150. [18:10:27.502 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: X:\Bots\Honorbuddy 2.5.11412.747\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
  151. [18:10:28.115 N] Installed plugins
  152. [18:10:28.115 N] Anti Drown - Disabled
  153. [18:10:28.115 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
  154. [18:10:28.115 N] Keep Buffs Active - Disabled
  155. [18:10:28.115 N] MIR2 - Disabled
  156. [18:10:28.115 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
  157. [18:10:28.115 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
  158. [18:10:28.115 N] rndbuddy - Disabled
  159. [18:10:28.115 N] The Animus - Disabled
  160. [18:10:28.115 N] TheBrodieMan's Compendium - Disabled
  161. [18:10:29.231 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
  162. [18:10:29.232 D] Singular v3.0.0.3629 v3.0.0.3629
  163. [18:10:29.232 D] TuanHA Rogue [Public Release] v0.0.0.0
  164. [18:10:29.232 D] PureRotation 2.1.12 v1.0.0.0
  165. [18:10:29.232 D] YourRaidingBuddy V2 - Premium 1.0.7 v1.0.0.0
  166. [18:10:29.232 D] YourRaidingBuddy1.0.1 v0.0.0.0
  167. [18:10:43.800 N] [YRB] ------------------------------------------
  168. [18:10:43.800 N] [YRB] Checking if the installed internal revision is the latest, initializes the updater if this is not the case.
  169. [18:10:44.589 D] [YRB] Failed to retrieve remote internal revision (GetRevision())
  170. [18:10:44.590 N] [YRB] No updates found.
  171. [18:10:44.591 D] [YRB] StatCounter has been updated!
  172. [18:10:44.878 N] [YRB] ------------------------------------------
  173. [18:10:44.878 N] [YRB] YourRaidingBuddy V2 - Premium 1.0.7 by Xcesius.
  174. [18:10:44.878 N] [YRB] Thanks to nomnomnom
  175. [18:10:44.878 N] [YRB] Internal Revision: 1.0.7.
  176. [18:10:44.878 N] [YRB] Supported World of Warcraft version: 5.4.7.
  177. [18:10:44.878 N] [YRB] Your specialization is Rogue Assassination.
  178. [18:10:44.878 N] [YRB] Your race is NightElf.
  179. [18:10:44.878 N] [YRB] -------------------------------------------
  181. [18:10:44.892 D] Initialized Events (Handler UpdateTalentManager)
  182. [18:10:44.944 D] EventsManager is reinitialized.
  183. [18:10:45.025 D] [YRB] RefreshSecondaryStats is refreshed (reinitialize).
  184. [18:10:45.026 D] [YRB] FixGlobalCooldownInitialize: using YRB GCD
  185. [18:10:45.041 N] [YRB] GCD check fix spell set to: Sap
  186. [18:10:45.058 D] Glyph of Safe Fall (reinitialized)
  187. [18:10:45.058 D] Glyph of Vendetta (reinitialized)
  188. [18:10:45.058 D] Glyph of Pick Pocket (reinitialized)
  189. [18:10:45.058 D] Glyph of Stealth (reinitialized)
  190. [18:10:45.058 D] Glyph of Pick Lock (reinitialized)
  191. [18:10:45.058 D] Glyph of Cloak of Shadows (reinitialized)
  192. [18:10:45.058 D] 1 : False (reinitialized)
  193. [18:10:45.058 D] 2 : False (reinitialized)
  194. [18:10:45.058 D] 3 : True (reinitialized)
  195. [18:10:45.058 D] 4 : False (reinitialized)
  196. [18:10:45.058 D] 5 : True (reinitialized)
  197. [18:10:45.058 D] 6 : False (reinitialized)
  198. [18:10:45.058 D] 7 : False (reinitialized)
  199. [18:10:45.058 D] 8 : True (reinitialized)
  200. [18:10:45.058 D] 9 : False (reinitialized)
  201. [18:10:45.058 D] 10 : False (reinitialized)
  202. [18:10:45.058 D] 11 : False (reinitialized)
  203. [18:10:45.058 D] 12 : True (reinitialized)
  204. [18:10:45.058 D] 13 : True (reinitialized)
  205. [18:10:45.058 D] 14 : False (reinitialized)
  206. [18:10:45.058 D] 15 : False (reinitialized)
  207. [18:10:45.058 D] 16 : False (reinitialized)
  208. [18:10:45.058 D] 17 : False (reinitialized)
  209. [18:10:45.058 D] 18 : True (reinitialized)
  210. [18:10:45.061 D] [YRB] SelectRacialSpell is refreshed.
  211. [18:10:45.070 D] [YRB] RacialSpellReqs is refreshed.
  212. [18:10:45.070 D] [YRB] Shadowmeld is set as our racial spell.
  213. [18:10:47.551 V] [YRB]
  214. [18:10:47.553 V] [YRB] ------------------------------------------
  215. [18:10:47.555 V] [YRB] YourRaidingBuddy - Diagnostic Logging is Reinitialized.
  216. [18:10:47.557 V] [YRB]
  217. [18:10:47.560 V] [YRB] 1.0.7 is the used revision.
  218. [18:10:47.562 V] [YRB]
  219. [18:10:47.565 V] [YRB] Current race NightElf with Rogue Assassination as spec and level 90.
  220. [18:10:47.572 V] [YRB] Alliance is your faction
  221. [18:10:47.575 V] [YRB] 0.2 days since Windows was started.
  222. [18:10:47.578 V] [YRB] 62 ms of Latency in WoW.
  223. [18:10:47.580 V] [YRB] X:\Bots\Honorbuddy 2.5.11412.747 is the HB path.
  224. [18:10:47.582 V] [YRB]
  225. [18:10:47.585 V] [YRB] ====== General Settings ======
  226. [18:10:47.588 V] [YRB] InterruptMode: RandomTimed
  227. [18:10:47.591 V] [YRB] InterruptNum: 1000
  228. [18:10:47.593 V] [YRB] InterruptStart: 700
  229. [18:10:47.595 V] [YRB] MinHPAbility: 0
  230. [18:10:47.597 V] [YRB] InterruptEnd: 1800
  231. [18:10:47.599 V] [YRB] InterruptList: MoP
  232. [18:10:47.601 V] [YRB] DiagnosticLogging: False
  233. [18:10:47.604 V] [YRB] TreePerformance: False
  234. [18:10:47.531 D] Spell Logger is reinitialized.
  235. [18:10:47.606 V] [YRB] PerformanceLogging: None
  236. [18:10:47.611 V] [YRB] PerformanceLoggingHotkey: False
  237. [18:10:47.613 V] [YRB] BurstOfSpeedEnergy: 60
  238. [18:10:47.615 V] [YRB] BurstOfSpeedEnergyTimer: 0
  239. [18:10:47.617 V] [YRB] AutoBurstofSpeed: False
  240. [18:10:47.619 V] [YRB] EnableTrapsHunter: True
  241. [18:10:47.622 V] [YRB] DetectKeyPress: 300
  242. [18:10:47.624 V] [YRB] AutoDetectManualCast: False
  243. [18:10:47.626 V] [YRB] AutoTautntingEnable: False
  244. [18:10:47.628 V] [YRB] CheckBossAmalgam: 1
  245. [18:10:47.630 V] [YRB] CheckBossBlackfuse: 1
  246. [18:10:47.632 V] [YRB] CheckBossEarthBreakerHaromm: 1
  247. [18:10:47.634 V] [YRB] CheckBossGalakras: 1
  248. [18:10:47.637 V] [YRB] CheckBossGarrosh1: 1
  249. [18:10:47.639 V] [YRB] CheckBossGarrosh2: 1
  250. [18:10:47.641 V] [YRB] CheckBossImmerseus: 1
  251. [18:10:47.643 V] [YRB] CheckBossIronJuggernaut: 1
  252. [18:10:47.645 V] [YRB] CheckBossMalkorok: 1
  253. [18:10:47.647 V] [YRB] CheckBossNazgrim: 1
  254. [18:10:47.649 V] [YRB] CheckBossSha: 1
  255. [18:10:47.651 V] [YRB] CheckBossThok1: 1
  256. [18:10:47.653 V] [YRB] CheckBossThok2: 1
  257. [18:10:47.655 V] [YRB] CheckBossThok3: 1
  258. [18:10:47.657 V] [YRB] CheckBossThok4: 1
  259. [18:10:47.658 V] [YRB] CustomSpecialKeyText: Normal
  260. [18:10:47.660 V] [YRB] PreCombatBuff: False
  261. [18:10:47.662 V] [YRB] PotionUsage: False
  262. [18:10:47.664 V] [YRB] EnableExperimentalPlacement: False
  263. [18:10:47.666 V] [YRB] ExperimentalPlacementDistance: 8
  264. [18:10:47.668 V] [YRB] PreCombatHotkeys: False
  265. [18:10:47.671 V] [YRB] Racials: Always
  266. [18:10:47.673 V] [YRB] RacialsHpValue: 60
  267. [18:10:47.675 V] [YRB] RacialsMpValue: 60
  268. [18:10:47.677 V] [YRB] Movement: False
  269. [18:10:47.679 V] [YRB] HotkeyChatOutput: True
  270. [18:10:47.682 V] [YRB] AutoUpdate: False
  271. [18:10:47.684 V] [YRB] SvnUrl: Release
  272. [18:10:47.686 V] [YRB] LastStatCounted: 242
  273. [18:10:47.688 V] [YRB] CurrentRevision: 0
  274. [18:10:47.691 V] [YRB]
  275. [18:10:47.693 V] [YRB] ====== Hotkey Settings ======
  276. [18:10:47.695 V] [YRB] DemoralizingBannerKey: None
  277. [18:10:47.697 V] [YRB] HeroicLeapKey: None
  278. [18:10:47.699 V] [YRB] MockingBannerKey: None
  279. [18:10:47.701 V] [YRB] Tier4AbilityKey: None
  280. [18:10:47.703 V] [YRB] Tier6AbilityKey: None
  281. [18:10:47.706 V] [YRB] TestModifierKey: Alt
  282. [18:10:47.708 V] [YRB] TestKey: None
  283. [18:10:47.710 V] [YRB] HotkeyModeSelection: Automatic
  284. [18:10:47.712 V] [YRB] ModifierKey: Alt
  285. [18:10:47.714 V] [YRB] PauseKey: None
  286. [18:10:47.716 V] [YRB] CooldownKey: None
  287. [18:10:47.718 V] [YRB] SpecialKey: None
  288. [18:10:47.721 V] [YRB] SpecialKey1: None
  289. [18:10:47.723 V] [YRB] MultiTargetKey: None
  290. [18:10:47.725 V] [YRB]
  291. [18:10:47.728 V] [YRB] ----------------Rogue Talents----------------
  292. [18:10:47.730 V] [YRB] Nighstalker Talent: False
  293. [18:10:47.732 V] [YRB] Subterfuge Talent: False
  294. [18:10:47.734 V] [YRB] Shadow Focus Talent: True
  295. [18:10:47.736 V] [YRB] Deadly Throw Talent: False
  296. [18:10:47.738 V] [YRB] Nerve Strike Talent: True
  297. [18:10:47.741 V] [YRB] Combat Readiness Talent: False
  298. [18:10:47.743 V] [YRB] Cheat Death Talent: False
  299. [18:10:47.745 V] [YRB] Leeching Poison Talent: True
  300. [18:10:47.747 V] [YRB] Elusiveness Talent: False
  301. [18:10:47.749 V] [YRB] Cloak and Dagger Talent: False
  302. [18:10:47.752 V] [YRB] Shadowstep Talent: False
  303. [18:10:47.754 V] [YRB] Burst of Speed Talent: True
  304. [18:10:47.756 V] [YRB] Prey on the Weak Talent: True
  305. [18:10:47.758 V] [YRB] Paralytic Poison Talent: False
  306. [18:10:47.760 V] [YRB] Dirty Tricks Talent: False
  307. [18:10:47.763 V] [YRB] Shuriken Toss Talent: False
  308. [18:10:47.765 V] [YRB] Marked for Death Talent: False
  309. [18:10:47.767 V] [YRB] Anticipation Talent: True
  310. [18:10:47.775 V] [YRB] ====== Assassination Settings ======
  311. [18:10:47.778 V] [YRB] ShadowBlades: OnBoss
  312. [18:10:47.780 V] [YRB] Vendetta: OnBoss
  313. [18:10:47.782 V] [YRB] Tier6Abilities: OnBoss
  314. [18:10:47.784 V] [YRB] Lifeblood: Offensive
  315. [18:10:47.786 V] [YRB] LifebloodOffensive: OnBoss
  316. [18:10:47.789 V] [YRB] PreperationUsage: OnBossAndVanishCooldown
  317. [18:10:47.791 V] [YRB] Vanish: OnBoss
  318. [18:10:47.793 V] [YRB] AoECount: 2
  319. [18:10:47.795 V] [YRB] EnableFacing: False
  320. [18:10:47.797 V] [YRB] ClassRacials: OnBoss
  321. [18:10:47.799 V] [YRB] CheckExposeArmor: False
  322. [18:10:47.800 V] [YRB] EnableFeintUsage: True
  323. [18:10:47.802 V] [YRB] CheckShadowstep: False
  324. [18:10:47.804 V] [YRB] NumShadowstep: 50
  325. [18:10:47.806 V] [YRB] NumRecuperate: 70
  326. [18:10:47.808 V] [YRB] CheckRecuperate: False
  327. [18:10:47.810 V] [YRB] NumRecuperateCombo: 3
  328. [18:10:47.812 V] [YRB] UseHands: OnBoss
  329. [18:10:47.813 V] [YRB] CheckHealthStone: False
  330. [18:10:47.815 V] [YRB] CheckHealthStoneNum: 20
  331. [18:10:47.817 V] [YRB] Trinket1: OnBoss
  332. [18:10:47.819 V] [YRB] Trinket2: OnBoss
  333. [18:10:47.821 V] [YRB] CheckPotion: True
  334. [18:10:47.824 V] [YRB] PoisonSelectorM: Deadly
  335. [18:10:47.826 V] [YRB] PoisonSelectorO: Leeching
  336. [18:10:47.828 V] [YRB] CheckPoison: True
  337. [18:10:47.829 V] [YRB] CheckAoE: True
  338. [18:10:47.831 V] [YRB] CheckAutoAttack: True
  339. [18:10:47.834 V] [YRB] EnableSelfHealing: False
  340. [18:10:47.836 V] [YRB] PvPRotationCheck: False
  341. [18:10:47.838 V] [YRB] CheckDesyncTrinkHands: False
  342. [18:10:47.840 V] [YRB] CheckInterrupts: True
  343. [18:10:47.842 V] [YRB] CheckLifeblood: False
  344. [18:10:47.844 V] [YRB] CheckLifebloodNum: 10
  345. [18:10:47.846 V] [YRB]
  346. [18:10:47.849 V] [YRB] ------------------------------------------
  347. [18:10:47.851 V] [YRB] Selected Racial Spell: Shadowmeld
  348. [18:10:47.853 V] [YRB] Selected Racial Reqs: True
  349. [18:10:47.856 V] [YRB] Selected GCD Spell:
  350. [18:10:47.858 V] [YRB]
  351. [18:10:47.860 V] [YRB] ------------------------------------------
  352. [18:10:47.862 V] [YRB] AttackSpeed: 1.429
  353. [18:10:47.864 V] [YRB] Crit Chance: 24.30219
  354. [18:10:47.866 V] [YRB] Crit Rating: 3739
  355. [18:10:47.868 V] [YRB] Expertise: 2210
  356. [18:10:47.870 V] [YRB] Mastery: 8401
  357. [18:10:47.872 V] [YRB] Haste: 6164
  358. [18:10:47.874 V] [YRB] Hit: 2371
  359. [18:10:47.928 V] [YRB] 1H Weapons: False
  360. [18:10:47.931 V] [YRB] 2H Weapons: False
  361. [18:10:47.933 V] [YRB] ------------------------------------------
  362. [18:10:47.936 V] [YRB]
  363. [18:10:47.950 D] Replaced hook [YRB_Combat_Selector] dbdce106-0c15-4c33-af60-2e696ea650cd
  364. [18:10:47.957 D] Replaced hook [YRB_Pre_Combat_Selector] eb01c647-0329-4506-93e0-523cbf936b16
  365. [18:10:47.958 D] [YRB] Hooks reinitialized for Assassination (RebuildBehaviors()).
  366. [18:10:47.958 D] [YRB] Done with reinitializing the Routine.
  367. [18:10:47.958 D] Activity: Initialization complete
  368. [18:10:47.966 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
  369. [18:10:47.966 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
  370. [18:11:27.406 N] Starting the bot!
  371. [18:11:27.406 N] Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
  372. [18:11:27.406 D] Character is a level 90 NightElf Rogue
  373. [18:11:27.406 D] Current zone is Zeitlose Insel
  374. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Fishing (131474) | Engineering (110403) | Gnomish Engineer (020219)
  375. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Toughness (102163) | Smelting (002656) | Cooking Fire (000818)
  376. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking (104381) | First Aid (110406) | Wound Poison (008679)
  377. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Crippling Poison (003408) | Deadly Poison (002823) | Symbiosis (110503)
  378. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mind-numbing Poison (005761) | Leeching Poison (108211) | Swiftblade's Cunning (113742)
  379. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Venomous Wounds (079134) | Improved Poisons (014117) | Relentless Strikes (058423)
  380. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Blindside (121152) | Safe Fall (001860) | Seal Fate (014190)
  381. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Shadow Focus (108209) | Parry (082245) | Nerve Strike (108210)
  382. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mastery: Potent Po.. (076803) | Master Poisoner (058410) | Leather Specializa.. (086092)
  383. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cut to the Chase (051667) | Fleet Footed (031209) | Detect Traps (002836)
  384. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Anticipation (114015) | Assassin's Resolve (084601) | Prey on the Weak (131511)
  385. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Dismantle (051722) | Slice and Dice (005171) | Throw (121733)
  386. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Preparation (014185) | Mutilate (001329) | Stealth (001784)
  387. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Vanish (001856) | Shroud of Concealm.. (114018) | Eviscerate (002098)
  388. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Vendetta (079140) | Redirect (073981) | Shiv (005938)
  389. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Kick (001766) | Sinister Strike (001752) | Pick Pocket (000921)
  390. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Sprint (002983) | Gouge (001776) | Tricks of the Trade (057934)
  391. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Pick Lock (001804) | Shadow Walk (114842) | Shadow Blades (121471)
  392. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Expose Armor (008647) | Smoke Bomb (076577) | Kidney Shot (000408)
  393. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cloak of Shadows (031224) | Sap (006770) | Ambush (008676)
  394. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Recuperate (073651) | Burst of Speed (108212) | Feint (001966)
  395. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cheap Shot (001833) | Disarm Trap (001842) | Garrote (000703)
  396. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Evasion (005277) | Fan of Knives (051723) | Rupture (001943)
  397. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Crimson Tempest (121411) | Blind (002094) | Distract (001725)
  398. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cash Flow (083941) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913) | Weapon Skills (076297)
  399. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Reinforce (083943) | Working Overtime (118021) | Fast Track (078632)
  400. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Languages (076252) | Quickness (020582) | The Quick and the .. (083950)
  401. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Armor Skills (076273) | Nature Resistance (020583) | Battle Pet Training (119467)
  402. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cold Weather Flying (054197) | Wisp Spirit (020585) | Ride Like the Wind (117983)
  403. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: For Great Justice (118483) | Hasty Hearth (083944) | Guild Mail (083951)
  404. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Artisan Riding (034091) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267) | Elusiveness (021009)
  405. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Bartering (083964) | Bountiful Bags (083966) | Battle Fatigue (134732)
  406. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Honorable Mention (083960) | The Doctor Is In (118076) | Dual Wield (000674)
  407. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mount Up (078633) | Mr. Popularity (078635) | Shadowmeld (058984)
  408. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mobile Banking (083958) | Mass Resurrection (083968) | Revive Battle Pets (125439)
  409. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Auto Attack (006603)
  410. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Dispatch (111240) overrides Sinister Strike (1752)
  411. [18:11:27.489 D] [SpellManager] Envenom (32645) overrides Eviscerate (2098)
  412. [18:11:27.490 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler  from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member
  413. [18:11:27.490 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler  from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member
  414. [18:11:27.491 D] Set query filter to Alliance
  415. [18:11:27.530 D] [FUP] Started! (OnBotStarted)
  416. [18:11:27.902 D] Downloaded tilemap JadeForestBattlefieldPhase
  417. [18:11:28.169 D] Downloaded tilemap HawaiiMainLand
  418. [18:11:28.214 D] Changed map(s) to JadeForestBattlefieldPhase, HawaiiMainLand
  419. [18:11:36.717 N] [YRB] Casting: Geschwindigkeitsschub on (108212)
  420. [18:11:40.952 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln (Schildhand) on (27576)
  421. [18:11:40.952 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln on (1329)
  422. [18:11:41.889 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln (Schildhand) on Brennender Berserker (27576)
  423. [18:11:41.889 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln on Brennender Berserker (1329)
  424. [18:11:42.936 N] [YRB] Casting: Blutung on Brennender Berserker (1943)
  425. [18:11:43.985 N] [YRB] Casting: Tötung on Brennender Berserker (111240)
  426. [18:11:44.989 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln (Schildhand) on Brennender Berserker (27576)
  427. [18:11:44.989 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln on Brennender Berserker (1329)
  428. [18:11:45.959 N] [YRB] Casting: Zerhäckseln on Brennender Berserker (5171)
  429. [18:11:48.386 N] [YRB] Casting: Tötung on Brennender Berserker (111240)
  430. [18:12:28.656 N] [YRB] Casting: Dolchfächer on Blattheiler (51723)
  431. [18:12:29.148 N] [YRB] Casting: Synapsenfedern on Blattheiler (126734)
  432. [18:12:29.701 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln (Schildhand) on Blattheiler (27576)
  433. [18:12:29.701 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln on Blattheiler (1329)
  434. [18:12:30.695 N] [YRB] Casting: Dolchfächer on Blattheiler (51723)
  435. [18:12:32.237 N] [YRB] Casting: Dolchfächer on Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight's pet (51723)
  436. [18:13:00.259 N] [YRB] Casting: Geschwindigkeitsschub on Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight's pet (108212)
  437. [18:13:08.317 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstohlenheit on Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight's pet (1784)
  438. [18:13:20.495 N] [YRB] Casting: Geschwindigkeitsschub on Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight's pet (108212)
  439. [18:13:37.019 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln (Schildhand) on Flammengebundener Sänger (27576)
  440. [18:13:37.019 N] [YRB] Casting: Verstümmeln on Flammengebundener Sänger (1329)
  441. [18:13:37.934 N] [YRB] Casting: Zerhäckseln on Flammengebundener Sänger (5171)
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