
Pony Steak Sauce 2 (Slight Clop)

Jun 19th, 2013
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  1. >Day healthy snack in Equestria.
  2. >Today is another bright morning in the colorful land of talking ponies.
  3. >Talking ponies who are full of shit of course.
  4. >Yes that’s right, you are Anon, the shit eating human.
  5. >Yesterday was a wonderful day of full of turds from Rarity.
  6. >She didn’t exactly -give- you her shit, you had to sneak your way into eating her crap.
  7. >Doesn’t matter to you, it all has to be a secret from the ponies anyway.
  8. >”Anon dear? Could you do me a favor?” Rarity’s question broke you out of your thought.
  9. ”Depends, what is it?”
  10. >”My little sister and her friends are having a little get together today, but I won’t be able to look over them because I have to go get fabric from another town. Could you perhaps look over them?”
  11. ”Why can’t they look over themselves?”
  12. >”I usually would, but sweetie bell wants to try cooking with them today.”
  13. ”Ouch, I remember last time that happened.”
  14. >”That is why it’s important that you look over them.”
  15. “Fine, I’ll make sure the kids don’t burn the house down.”
  16. >”Thank you Anonymous.”
  17. >In all honesty, you don’t really mind those cute little kids, they certainly have a way of making things fun.
  18. >You and Sweetie Belle wave goodbye to Rarity as she leaves to do her shopping.
  19. >She said she’d be here late at night, hopefully the kids won’t stay up that late.
  20. >After about an hour of waiting, Sweetie’s friends show up with their little club uniform on.
  21. >They both start out with some talking about stuff you don’t know about.
  22. >Eventually they all run into the kitchen to ‘cook’ whatever they want.
  23. >Like the babysitter you promised to be, you sit in the kitchen corner to stop them from doing anything potentially deadly.
  24. >It was a grueling hour of stopping them from making a poisonous meal of disgusting food and other things that were just downright inedible.
  26. >Eventually the girls came up with something that resembles food, slightly burnt, but still food.
  27. >”Cutie Mark Crusader chefs!” they scream in unison.
  28. >They all eye their flanks expectantly, until they see nothing. They frown in defeat, you can’t really say they didn’t try, but one look at the mess they made of the kitchen tells you that they weren’t cut out for the job.
  29. “Don’t worry about it girls, you still have a meal that you can all share!” you say to the sad group.
  30. >”Yeah!” they all repeat. It’s a plus that they still want to eat the food they made, because after this kitchen fiasco, you are not in the mood to cook.
  31. >They have their own share of god-knows-what, while discussing what the next adventure should be.
  32. >”Uh, ah don’t feel so good...” said Applebloom.
  33. >Looking back on the rest of the group,you see they all look a bit green around the gills.
  34. >Their stomachs are giving off strange gurgling sounds too.
  35. >”Uhh, I gotta go to the bathroom!” shouts Scootaloo.
  36. >”Wait for me!” said Sweetie Belle.
  37. >Wait, bathroom? It’s time for action!
  38. >As the last tail of the CMC sinks behind the steps you rush back out the door.
  39. >You rush behind the house as fast as your legs can take you.
  40. >Hello trusty crawlspace...
  41. >After swinging the rusty door joints open, you go to the old trusty pipe that was used just yesterday.
  42. >After opening up the pipe, almost immediately shit starts pouring out.
  43. >You’re losing the precious shit!
  44. >You sop up as much as you can before you put your lips to the rusted drain.
  45. >The flavor is a unique mixture of wet soupy turds from all of the CMC at once.
  46. >Each of the fillies have a unique taste, all at once you can taste, the average steak, apple jam, and a strong chicken flavor.
  48. >The fillies are shitting up a storm! You’re not even sure you can eat all of this!
  49. >You swallow gulp by gulp of each stream of brown gold. This babysitting adventure has turned out to be quite the treat.
  50. >The slowdown of shit is a lot more gradual than last time.
  51. >One by one the fillies empty themselves into you, the flavors stop as each one finishes.
  52. >Amazing how much these little shits could make! It was like a dam had broken open and a shit typhoon had poured out.
  53. >Today’s flavors were quite the memorable ones, maybe you could do this babysitting things again sometime?
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