
Darwin Hall Tour

Dec 7th, 2015
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  1. 21:13 McGoFuckYourself
  2. 21:13 McGoFuckYourself Darwin Hall. Located at the corner of First and Main, the shining marble building was the operations center of Neon's most publicity-minded superher team, the Evolutionaries. Looking like a low-slung, two story museum, the horseshoe shaped building and it's thick ionic columns surrounding the building. The front plaza was rife with business, folks milling about and chatting between the main...
  3. 21:13 McGoFuckYourself ...street and the front doors.
  4. 21:13 McGoFuckYourself There were tours, of course. Guided tours to show off the interior of the glorious building. The Evolutionaries were heavily PR-Minded, with merchandise, and restaurants, and even a goddamn cartoon show on Saturday mornings. Gotta pay them bills, and nothing gave the folks more confidence than seeing the ins and outs. One such tour was getting ready to start that morning, with a lady in a...
  5. 21:13 McGoFuckYourself suit with a shining smile and a shining face waiting at the predesignated gathering point. Tours were free, and public. Already a small crowd had gathered in front of her, waiting for it to begin as she looked out across them.
  6. 21:13 McGoFuckYourself Just gotta wonder who she managed to draw /today/.
  7. 21:27 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  8. 21:28 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by MGFY)))
  9. 21:29 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  10. 21:29 Destinox was walking towards the small crowd. A few people stared but when you're green, have what looks like a respirator filled with a strange red liquid, and long metallic legs. You get use to that. he brushed his hair away from his face, slightly worried about Giant Purifying Robots and PARSEC. But hey, he should learn more about this city while hes here.
  11. 21:32 *** Wells quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 42.0/20151029151421])
  12. 21:38 Tectonic is already inside the small crowd, headset blasting music and eyes locked to her phone. She's waiting for someone to join her, and from the conversation on her phone, it's likely that her friend is not coming. At least she'll get some kind of entertainment for herself throughout the tour. Maybe.
  13. 21:41 Eridana stood with the crowd, dressed in what looked to be a business outfit. Pencil skirt, button up shirt, blazer, wireframe glasses and sensible heels. Her eyes wandered as she looked up from her wrist communicator occasionally at her company. It had only occurred to her recently that she had never really seen inside Darwin Hall. What better way to see it, than with the crowds? "How long until the tour begins,
  14. 21:41 Eridana darling?" She asked the woman leading them, tone soft and motherly.
  15. 21:42 McGoFuckYourself She flashes a shiny white smile. "Just a few more minutes, ma'am! Once everyone's settled, then we can begin!"
  16. 21:42 *** Isidisi is now known as Isidora
  17. 21:45 Isidora came a little bit after everybody else. Late bird as always. As part of an initiative by friends to get her to 'maybe consider doing something with herself', she had decided to go along a few tours in the city. This was one of them. Wearing a big fluffy parka, she quietly looked around to the others and shuffled on into the crowd.
  18. 21:58 McGoFuckYourself "Alright thenn, is that everyone? Are we all ready?"
  19. 21:59 McGoFuckYourself That bright smile still shining, she looks across the group. A dozen folks or so, with a couple of metas and maybe even a non-human or two mixed in.
  20. 22:00 Tectonic "Well my friend should be here but she ain't coming, so yeah. I'm ready."
  21. 22:01 Destinox "Yep, I'm ready to learn more bout this stuff"
  22. 22:02 Destinox "Not like I have another way to spend my time here"
  23. 22:06 McGoFuckYourself "Well alright then! My name's Jennifer, and I'll be your guide for the day! If you'll just follow me, then we'll be able to see the sights and sounds of Darwin Hall!" She sounds excited, but it's obvious this ain't her first rodeo.
  24. 22:06 McGoFuckYourself A turn, and she begins walking towards the double doors.
  25. 22:09 Tectonic follows the guide, still a little pissed off at her friend. But she's already here and there's no turning back now.
  26. 22:11 Eridana presses ib her communicator and pulls her sleeve down over it, smiling as she follows along with Jennifer.
  27. 22:11 Eridana on her*
  28. 22:12 Destinox gladly followed, kinda hard to tell by his lack of facial expressions, but hes exited
  29. 22:14 Isidora was not going to question a thing, keeping with the tour group with hands in her giant goddamn coat pockets
  30. 22:25 Eridana walked a bit faster to the head of the crowd and looked to Jennifer. "So, Jennifer dear. This Hall looks rather old. Do you know how long its been around?"
  31. 22:29 McGoFuckYourself "Actually, despite the classical design of Hall, the Evolutionaries are just over twenty-five years old. Now the Evolutionaries are, as you may know, the /premiere/ superhero fighting force of Neon City! We've certainly grown from the small band of heroes to a truly impressive, well-oiled machines we are today! For the /premiere/ fighting force of Neon City, Darwin Hall stands as a shining...
  32. 22:29 McGoFuckYourself ...symbol of justice!"
  33. 22:29 McGoFuckYourself Jennifer's certainly perfected that tour-guide bit down, walking backwards while talking with a bright air of exuberance around her as she opened up the double doors leading into the main lobby.
  34. 22:29 McGoFuckYourself Speaking of, the lobby itself was a sight. Smooth floor tiles and the dark blue walls gave the lobby a modern look that damn well clashed with the Greek-inspired outside of the building. There were smaller groups in here, folks in suits talking, folks in casual clothing sitting in the chairs ringing the perimeter, even the occasional cape leaning against the wall and sipping from a coffee...
  35. 22:29 McGoFuckYourself ...mug as they watched the groups move in and out. By and far, though, the lobby was dominated by the massive circular front desk in the center. Three secretaries- two men and one woman- sat at the front and greeted folks while occasionally tapping at the computer monitors besides them. The man in the middle sat down the sheaf of papers and waved to Jennifer as she guided the group towards...
  36. 22:29 McGoFuckYourself ...the desk.
  37. 22:29 McGoFuckYourself "Case in point, our secretaries! The triplets Laurence, Ashley, and Kaitlyn!"
  38. 22:33 Destinox "Secretaries, those are like, assistants to the man creature in charge correct?"
  39. 22:34 Tectonic "Ooh, shiny.." She muttered.
  40. 22:40 McGoFuckYourself Laurence laughed. "We're all man creatures here, Destinox, but yes. We take the phone calls, we welcome the guests, we direct people to the departments and people they're looking for."
  41. 22:40 Isidora kept looking around the place from where she stood. She seemed to be spying over every detail and making judgement on that more than what Jennifer was talking about, maybe giving a quizzical or skeptical look now and then at choice phrases. Still was a silent blue butt.
  42. 22:41 McGoFuckYourself Jennifer laughed. "Case in point, the Evolutionaries employ metas to all levels of command. The triplets here all score positive for mild psychic capabilities! While they can't read minds in the /traditional/ sense, it makes them /quite/ handy at watching the front door!"
  43. 22:42 Isidora mulled over every word that stood out from the rest. What did it mean...
  44. 22:42 Destinox looked to Dora and then Eri "All humans here alright"
  45. 22:43 McGoFuckYourself Ashley, the gal to the left, looked over. "Means that we can glean surface thoughts, Miss Isidora. No poking around the deep areas, but it's like being tuned into a dozen radios that are playing at once."
  46. 22:44 Tectonic nods, trying to act like she understands. But she didn't really care.
  47. 22:45 Eridana crossed her arms over her chest. Psychics always put her on edge. Weak or mild as they may be, she shot each of them a soft but disapproving mother glare and attempted to think of only rushing water. How funny it would be if they suddenly needed to use the bathroom!
  48. 22:46 Destinox "I dated a mind reader once. Didn't last long"
  49. 22:47 Isidora squinted her eyes a moment and had the first thought in her mind being, well, don't read my goddamn mind. It hurt her overly-large ego, y'know.
  50. 22:56 McGoFuckYourself Ashley just raised an eyebrow at that.
  51. 22:56 McGoFuckYourself "But yes!" Jennifer again. "Acting as wonderful secretaries and the first line of defense to Darwin Hall, the triplets have been an /invaluable/ asset for several years now! After all, it would be quite hard to come in with nefarious intent without them noticing!" There's that grin again. "Follow me, and we'll be able to go deeper into Darwin Hall. Oh, and if you have any questions, please...
  52. 22:56 McGoFuckYourself ...feel encouraged to ask!" Using that patented backwards walking, she moved over to one of the side doors to the left of the lobby.
  53. 22:58 Destinox "Think they ever sense something so horrible or disgusting it distracts them from work?" He asked to no one in particular
  54. 22:59 McGoFuckYourself "Just about every time the Captain walks in." Kaitlyn didn't even look up from the computer as she said that.
  55. 23:03 Eridana let out a short laugh at that, nodding in confirmation. "Yes, sounds to be about right." She followed on behind Jennifer, sparing a short gaze around at the Hall's many occupants.
  56. 23:04 Destinox slightly shivers in fear of what could be in that persons mind
  57. 23:05 Isidora was already starting to think about food.
  58. 23:26 McGoFuckYourself Jennifer went through the door. "Now, we'll start off in the East Wing, which is where most of the Evolutionaries proper are located! Here they eat, sleep, train, with every facility necessary to prepare them for their job at protecting Neon City!" There was a clean, wide hallway that she started walking down. Lots of doors on either side, and they were fast approaching another set of...
  59. 23:26 McGoFuckYourself ...double-doors.
  60. 23:26 McGoFuckYourself "Now, most Evolutionaries, barring specific circumstances, are required to keep up a rigid exercise regiment in order to keep up with the demands of crime fighting."
  61. 23:26 McGoFuckYourself She opened the doors into the massive gymnasium. Exercise equipment, a small basketball court, and a plethora of Evos mulling about, with a couple looking over towards the tour group.
  62. 23:26 McGoFuckYourself "Again, please don't be afraid to ask! Trained in public service, they're prepared to ask any questions you might have!" She started walking into the gym proper.
  63. 23:35 Destinox "Do you have any special training routines, like for someone using fire, water...Laser guns?"
  64. 23:36 Tectonic follows closely behind, looking at all the fancy things inside the gym. And she must train with rocks and dirt. Asking her uncle to buy more fancy equipment is not an option, and bringing stuff she have to training will just cause more trouble. She tries to hide her excitement, but it's as obvious as a fangirl meeting her favorite idol.
  65. 23:37 Destinox "Up against someone like that. Sorry"
  66. 23:42 Isidora poked her head around at all the equipment, and all the people there. Tried not to keep her eyes lingering now that she was slightly afraid people would read what she thought of them. Seemed pretty nice. "What are the requirements to join in the first place?"
  67. 23:45 Tectonic "I'm, sorta interested in the requirements to join as well. I, might, want to join this organization later." She doesn't know if her uncle agrees with her decision. He's neutral at best.
  68. 23:46 Destinox had no clue what 80% of the equipment there does. He does most training differently, a mix of coming from a liquid based planet, and space in general
  69. 00:12 McGoFuckYourself "Oh!" She smiled. "I'll be glad to go over the requirements momentarily! There's a rather rigorous test for meta-humans to take if they wish to become an /official/ superhero of Neon City, and a fully licensed Evolutionary! A rather dangerous mountain of paperwork, but this way only the best of the best may join our ranks! While there are a number of recruitment drives out in the city, there...
  70. 00:12 McGoFuckYourself an office taking potential applications here in Darwin Hall, and the online test you can take to see if you have what it takes to become an Evolutionary."
  71. 00:12 McGoFuckYourself They walked by a young man running along a treadmill in his jeans and t-shirt, along with a massive Luchadore lifting weights on a machine nearby in a machine. A short individual covered in animal furs, stretching on some mats.
  72. 00:12 McGoFuckYourself Jennifer walked across the room. The tour group was given a wide berth, considering that this probably wasn't the first to move through the halls. "Alongside the gym here we have the swimming pool, a rather impressive olympic-sized one, and a small library for personal use." Through the next set of doors, and up some stairs. "Now, we are about to be entering the more personal quarters of the...
  73. 00:12 McGoFuckYourself ...Evolutionaries living on-site, so I'm going to have to ask you to lower your voices. Questions and discussion are still encouraged, but please remember that there may be people asleep here!"
  74. 00:15 Tectonic "Paperworks, tests.. I'll think about it later." She lowered her voice so others won't hear her, which is probably a stupid move.
  75. 00:16 Destinox lowered the volume on his translator. "Can one be a official hero, but not an Evolutionary?"
  76. 00:20 McGoFuckYourself "Ah." For a second, the bright smile dimmed. "I suppose there are other outlets, such as becoming an independant or another licensed group. Aegis, I believe was one. But I can assure you, the Evolutionaries have a wide footprint across the city, excellent facilities, and some of the best equipment in Neon. I'd hardly see why those would even be a choice."
  77. 00:28 Eridana shook her head and rolled her eyes. Beneath her breath she muttered, "I could think of a few," before she hopped up and smiled at Jennifer. "Tell me, how are the Hall's medical facilities? From what you've told, your employees must get injured more than often."
  78. 00:30 Isidora listened to the side, still keeping her hands FIRMLY in her pockets. Powerfully. Goddamn this was comfy.
  79. 00:35 McGoFuckYourself The smile blipped back on. "Oh, but absolutely! We have one of the best doctors in Neon City! In fact, we will be passing the Medical Bay shortly, and you can speak with Herr Doktor then, if you wish!"
  80. 00:45 *** Tectonic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  81. 00:46 Destinox "Does being an Evolutionary pay? Or is it like an once a week sort of deal for fun?"
  82. 00:55 McGoFuckYourself "Oh, just like any other profession, it certainly does pay! Being an official hero in Neon is /quite/ a lucrative position, especially working under one of the larger corporations within the city. Hazard pay, medical coverage, insurance benefits, you can even opt-in to live within Darwin itself and receive a bonus for being on-call!"
  83. 00:55 McGoFuckYourself These halls were carpeted, and obviously built for comfort. The doors were closer together, and several of them seem to have been personalized with posters or whiteboards.
  84. 00:55 McGoFuckYourself "Case in point, we have the personal quarters for the Evolutionaries. Not all heroes in Darwin choose to live here, but room and board /is/ provided free of charge for those who do."
  85. 00:55 McGoFuckYourself They passed the lounge, and anyone poking their head in might see a sleeping angel passed out on the couch, playstation hooked up to the nearby television.
  86. 00:55 McGoFuckYourself "Many of our finest are on reserve here. They aren't out patrolling, but should the city cry out for help, they are ready to answer it."
  87. 00:57 McGoFuckYourself "In fact, much of the merchandising and marketing campaigns go directly into the Evolutionary salaries!"
  88. 01:04 Isidora "Huh... What do they usually use all that money on?"
  89. 01:04 Isidora pipes up very suddenly, on the thought of money.
  90. 01:15 McGoFuckYourself "Oh, whatever they'd like! Some of the older heroes have families to support, but the younger ones are quite free to spend it on anything! Personal hobbies, clothing, gaming systems, /anything/!"
  91. 01:17 Tectonic is too immersed with the comfort of the entire facility to hear the guide and other's ramblings. She damn wishes she have the level of comfort they have, but hey, limited budget heroes can only do so much to make their lives comfortable. At least she have the Internet.
  92. 01:18 Destinox "You have vehicle storage?"
  93. 01:19 *** Tectonic quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  94. 01:19 *** Tectonic joined #covenger_rp
  95. 01:19 McGoFuckYourself "Across the street is the parking garage we're permitted to use. Any Evo-specific patrol vehicles, or even their own personal transport."
  96. 01:20 Destinox "Spaceships count as personal transport..." He looks around a bit
  97. 01:22 Isidora raised her eyebrows and gave a look of pure 'huh?' at that little comment, all the while pondering over salaries more.
  98. 01:29 Eridana tapped at her chin and giggled to herself. "I take it there are no tanks in the retinue for the Evolutionaries. I have always wanted a hoverboard, however.""
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