

Apr 22nd, 2013
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  1. * lucidChthonia has joined the memo
  2. <tenebrousPsycher> hello.
  3. <lucidChthonia> Consorts no you do not need to put ribbons in my hair
  4. <lucidChthonia> That is /final/
  5. <ExtropianDreamer> Yes, they do.
  6. <lucidChthonia> I have enough hair as it is
  7. <lucidChthonia> Oh hey
  8. <ExtropianDreamer> They look so pretty. :p
  9. <gordianStranger> Clearly you need dollin' up
  10. <lucidChthonia> Long time no see, thousand eyes of cloudy skies.
  11. <lucidChthonia> How goes?
  12. <ExtropianDreamer> Mutual, old clarity. Waiting for my costars with rain upon the tongue already.
  13. <lucidChthonia> Words wrapped and twisted like a blanket, protection and comfort, or something more?
  14. <ExtropianDreamer> When given two options, I choose both.
  15. <tenebrousPsycher> it's kind of like that one time, when TT came on randomly.
  16. <tenebrousPsycher> that was odd.
  17. <lucidChthonia> Which TT?
  18. <tenebrousPsycher> it was some time ago, though. the founder.
  19. <lucidChthonia> Ah.
  20. <gordianStranger> How's it odd?
  21. <tenebrousPsycher> i haven't heard about him bein on before or since while i've been here.
  22. <lucidChthonia> I'm sure the other Founders are in touch, otherwise they would've said something.
  23. <tenebrousPsycher> i was the only one on at the time, i think.
  24. <gordianStranger> People ain't obliged to make regular appearances, Founder or no
  25. <tenebrousPsycher> i know that.
  26. <ExtropianDreamer> I saw the cogs turning. Tears as always.
  27. <lucidChthonia> Say that to Grinds Mister If You Were Off The Chat For 24 Hours You Died Of Internet Withdrawal.
  28. <tenebrousPsycher> only strange that i have a habit of meetin people who either aren't around anymore at all or much at the moment.
  29. <lucidChthonia> Dude's /addicted/.
  30. <tenebrousPsycher> heh.
  31. <ExtropianDreamer> In the beginning there was chaos, and also this one girl who shared that taste.
  32. <lucidChthonia> Primordial soup?
  33. <lucidChthonia> It requires a few strokes of lightning to stir it up, does it not?
  34. <ExtropianDreamer> No, just mine.
  35. <lucidChthonia> Mm. Tell me more?
  36. <ExtropianDreamer> The first of 42, a predessor to passing ghosts. All things end in time, hers already passed.
  37. <ExtropianDreamer> The first drop of red, the paint barely dry from recent coats - I fear for my fingernails.
  38. <gordianStranger> [Rainspeakers. Weeeeird. Go back to clicking through videos on Pits.]
  39. <lucidChthonia> Ah. I... sent mine on their way without their consent, and the ghosts tap at the windows still
  40. <ExtropianDreamer> Ghosts are like feathers, surprisingly heavy when one carries enough.
  41. <lucidChthonia> And that many, /many/, accuse me of doing it in viciousness and not haste.
  42. <lucidChthonia> But enough of my dreams dreamt without the dead.
  43. <ExtropianDreamer> Hah, no viciousness then. Was weakness that first opened sorrow's doors. What else can a Page do?
  44. <lucidChthonia> Become stronger?
  45. <lucidChthonia> The damsel may have been slayed by the dragon but the knight may strike it down to avenge her hair.
  46. <lucidChthonia> Or her heart, I guess.
  47. <ExtropianDreamer> Was more than damsels I lost. But I stood, and lost my mask. And it was long ago.
  48. <ExtropianDreamer> Hah, look at me, gazing past my shoulder. To more present sentiments.
  49. <lucidChthonia> Smith of Heart. Fan out the masks and pick one to meld with, Sburb says. But how?
  50. <ExtropianDreamer> Always a face inside to match each mask, wear the face that fits.
  51. <ExtropianDreamer> Just have to find it.
  52. <lucidChthonia> My... my mentor, or perhaps father too, depending on the time of day - he danced the same from the beginning. Perhaps it's his that I seek.
  53. <tenebrousPsycher> the child's fate is not the parent's.
  54. <lucidChthonia> I have no right not to learn from another's mistakes.
  55. <gordianStranger> Why not?
  56. <tenebrousPsycher> there is a different between a mantle and a skin. are you sure of which you are trying on?
  57. <ExtropianDreamer> I keep a little of my mother's face myself, to wear her smile. A memory I treasure.
  58. <ExtropianDreamer> A soft cover, to the steel I must carry.
  59. <lucidChthonia> Because if I have eyes and if I have ears the world itself has always revealed its secrets. Patterns and streaks.
  60. <lucidChthonia> I might wear another's eyes for a few hours, and that, too, is evidence.
  61. <tenebrousPsycher> the face in the mirror is a stranger still to me. a veil drawn tight over what was that can never be lifted.
  62. <gordianStranger> [....why did you try talking to the Rainspeaking Heart player. Seriously.]
  63. <lucidChthonia> [Aelf you've never /been/ Rain where did you get this talent from]
  64. <tenebrousPsycher> the extants were made less than dust.
  65. <ExtropianDreamer> [Because madness is contagious]
  66. <tenebrousPsycher> [Hello Witch ARC!]
  67. <lucidChthonia> Yours a soul of mica, then. Could grind it up and wear it as powder, but that'd be wasteful.
  68. <lucidChthonia> Mine's caked in the container, dry to the touch.
  69. <lucidChthonia> Carve a figure out of it and it stays.
  70. <lucidChthonia> Souls aren't supposed to do that.
  71. <lucidChthonia> Turn this upside down to reveal the pineapple rings and it's an opportunity - but for whom?
  72. <tenebrousPsycher> more the too-protective embrace of that which is not yet is.
  73. * ExtropianDreamer has popcorn. He did not know his spittle was so infectious.
  74. <tenebrousPsycher> dancing is one way to obscure and complicate.
  75. <lucidChthonia> It's easier this way.
  76. <tenebrousPsycher> my memories were eaten, my name with it. all i have is the hours before i logged in and a record much weathered.
  77. <lucidChthonia> Better that I knew of russet orange with hands of leather, than that I knew of - say - he who carved his initials into Skaia itself and spat upon the Angels, or she who dances the dance of a Grace with violet claws.
  78. <tenebrousPsycher> i wear a blindfold and stride onward, a hound at my feet.
  79. <lucidChthonia> (But what is easier this way?)
  80. <lucidChthonia> (I'm not certain.)
  81. <gordianStranger> Y'all are nuts
  82. * gordianStranger has disconnected from the memo
  83. * bobbedNonsense has connected to the memo
  84. <bobbedNonsense> Hey
  85. <ExtropianDreamer> I wore no mask and tore it off. Though the wind stings, I shall not look away nor don another.
  86. <lucidChthonia> Funny, the Bond of Blood left right before you came on.
  87. <bobbedNonsense> huh?
  88. <ExtropianDreamer> Hello nonsense, welcome to nonsense.
  89. <bobbedNonsense> oh yay
  90. <bobbedNonsense> should i get my snacks?
  91. <tenebrousPsycher> probably!
  92. <ExtropianDreamer> I have the popcorn already.
  93. <ExtropianDreamer> :D
  94. <bobbedNonsense> cool beans
  96. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (raindancing everywhere, sorry, you should get the context for it too)
  97. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( ohh ok )
  98. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( ....thought you were heart tho? )
  99. * lucidChthonia has sent bobbedNonsense file "logs48-23.txt"! ((everything since Aelf came in))
  100. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (I am. Just trying this on to see how it feels.)
  101. * bobbedNonsense has downloaded file "logs48-23.txt"
  102. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( fair enough. be good to brush up on my raintranslation anyway. cheers for logs. )
  104. <lucidChthonia> My face itself crumbles.
  105. <lucidChthonia> Not sure /how/ to wear a mask on it.
  106. <tenebrousPsycher> a bit of mica, a bit of rose petal of red, a bit of rainbow, but even as the lines give way, the eyes remain.
  107. <ExtropianDreamer> A problem I've never had, I fear to say. So many faces have I (though all are lies).
  108. <tenebrousPsycher> when the music stops, all that remains is a heartbeat.
  109. <lucidChthonia> Lucidity itself is no comfort when the territory itself is unmappable.
  110. <lucidChthonia> Heh. My Mist player's land is like that. Perhaps the metaphor will help.
  111. <lucidChthonia> Haze that shifts the cloudbanks that shifts the land itself, and Consorts that move landmarks without regard to why they exist.
  112. <ExtropianDreamer> Perhaps you should dance in the rain one day? All territory washed away by the falling drops, to stand with distinction. One remembers how to forget.
  113. <tenebrousPsycher> my consorts are as champions, watchful eyes as opposed to those without that they resembled.
  114. <ExtropianDreamer> Though that is one I'd wish to walk. The novelty has value.
  115. <lucidChthonia> No, no. I was called to the Path as a child and to the Path my allegiance remains. That which is, is; and that which is not, is not. "Should" has no place in my land.
  116. <tenebrousPsycher> good.
  117. <tenebrousPsycher> do or do not. will, has, won't, didn't.
  118. <tenebrousPsycher> i could conjugate up a storm to illuminate but meh.
  119. <lucidChthonia> Denial means walking out over the crevasse without a rope, because you were walking and whistling with your eyes shut.
  120. <ExtropianDreamer> So true.
  121. <bobbedNonsense> [Chinhands, while you read the logs from Aelf and try to keep pace with the current chat.]
  122. <ExtropianDreamer> No mask, no face, no hiding. One must face the wind with flesh flayed raw.
  123. <tenebrousPsycher> every journey that carries any begins with 0, the fool.
  124. <ExtropianDreamer> And progresses from there.
  125. <lucidChthonia> The hanged man very nearly hanged himself from the neck, is the dangerous thing.
  126. <tenebrousPsycher> the motley and the gold of empresses, the scales and the wheel.
  127. <tenebrousPsycher> allfather found much revelation in the deed.
  128. <ExtropianDreamer> Hah, toss the deck aside, the house always wins that game.
  129. <ExtropianDreamer> The only mask to ever fit is made from your face, if you must wear one.
  130. <lucidChthonia> I have none.
  131. <lucidChthonia> Only eyes and nose and mouth, detachable like Mr. Potato Head.
  132. <ExtropianDreamer> The dig until you find it. Mayhaps your face is a skull?
  133. <ExtropianDreamer> *then
  134. <lucidChthonia> I did love being a Dame of Doom, but I've been told it is not becoming of me.
  135. <ExtropianDreamer> Somewhere twixt the skin and bone then? Search and you shall find.
  136. <tenebrousPsycher> mm.
  137. <ExtropianDreamer> My face was found in blood and sinew, myself.
  138. <tenebrousPsycher> my face is still veiled, by shadow, less than and more than.
  139. <tenebrousPsycher> cut from the roots that made me be.
  140. <tenebrousPsycher> grafting others and finding only muddled things.
  141. <lucidChthonia> Epiphytes put down roots in the air, and not in the ground, and drink deeply from the rain that pools in the center. Perhaps that is your destiny.
  142. <ExtropianDreamer> Truth has an iron core, dig and you shall find it. Though the furnace may burn and scar, the core is ever to be found - as long as the spark still shines there is something to reach for.
  143. <tenebrousPsycher> mmm.
  144. <tenebrousPsycher> and what if truth has been touched by the n ll?
  145. <tenebrousPsycher> what left is there?
  146. <ExtropianDreamer> Then you may see it by it's outline. Or you must make a new truth.
  147. <tenebrousPsycher> [Consider this and sigh.]
  148. <lucidChthonia> ...if it's any comfort know that I, too, have been dipped into oblivion, however briefly, and by whose hand I do not know.
  149. <ExtropianDreamer> A clown stole some time from me too, 'till the rain washed him away.
  150. <tenebrousPsycher> yes. i remember, learning that as well as learning your name.
  151. <tenebrousPsycher> earnest still.
  152. <tenebrousPsycher> that does not seem to have changed from aelfli.
  153. <lucidChthonia> I've never been much good at deception. Ha. Tempt fate, perhaps; though if I ever venture into the Sands it will be not without a proper bandit's bandanna to keep the scouring wind away.
  154. <tenebrousPsycher> i have told i need the break, but i am made in the shade.
  155. <ExtropianDreamer> Grasp the text, I prefer straight roads myself.
  156. <lucidChthonia> Perhaps I broke myself in Rage, though... no, that does not fit the evidence, or the timeline.
  157. <lucidChthonia> Purple came after the Witch.
  158. <ExtropianDreamer> Stop the ticking, I see dolphins!
  159. <lucidChthonia> And the witch came after the void.
  160. * ExtropianDreamer has left the memo
  161. <lucidChthonia> Well.
  162. <lucidChthonia> That was interesting.
  163. <tenebrousPsycher> welp.
  164. <bobbedNonsense> heh
  165. <bobbedNonsense> was indeed
  166. <tenebrousPsycher> [You are slowly seeing what keeping yourself busy was hiding.]
  167. <lucidChthonia> [Funny how approaching at an angle makes it clearer.]
  168. <bobbedNonsense> [Ponder, and look at an empty PM window.]
  169. <lucidChthonia> [You resolve to figure out whether Nan wouldn't mind hanging out, once she figures out how to work Rain.]
  171. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( that was really interesting to watch. thanks for giving me context. )
  172. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (.........................)
  173. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (interesting in what way?)
  174. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( in the way of getting to learn about people. )
  175. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( while i don't get everything, with a good dollop of context and rumour, most raindancing can be broken down. i did survive being des' moirail for a little while at least. )
  176. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (ah)
  177. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (so... what do you have to say to me, then?)
  178. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( do i have a right to say anything? )
  179. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (yes)
  180. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i think you and scott are rather similar, in a fashion. )
  181. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( though you've less an inclination to use up firewood for making crosses for yourself. or perhaps just less obvious about it. )
  182. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (Also you don't need to get me drunk to get me to talk.)
  183. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( mhmm. though mimicking a raindancer seems a little like drinking non-alcoholic beer and telling yourself it's real. )
  184. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (...point)
  185. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (I don't know, I'm pretty sure Ross did something to me so that my first impulse is "I feel down, must talk to nearest person")
  186. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (rather than, say, curling up somewhere unimportant)
  187. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (or bottling it up)
  188. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i'd say, from personal experience, the former is a healthier habit to keep. )
  189. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( and i guess fathers do what they think is best, and we strike lucky if it does work out for us. do you feel better being able to explain, rather than bottling? )
  190. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (...usually, yes, I think)
  191. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (is there)
  192. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (is there something wrong with me)
  193. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i don't think so? )
  194. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (then why does everything feel wrong)
  195. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( maybe because you're being made to look at who 'you' is )
  196. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i've never rolled Heart, i'm native Rage, but i don't think it has to be about changing who you are. it can be about learning to be comfortable with established facts. )
  197. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( sometimes we need to be given the ability to change in order to realise 'no, i'm fine thanks' )
  198. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (but it's not okay)
  199. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( can i ask what 'it' is? )
  201. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (...)
  203. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (I don't know maybe it's everything that I do maybe it's not being able to /know/ maybe it's not being able to /think/ maybe it's not being able to /feel/ without having everything at once and as soon as I try I'm crushed under the weight of what I couldn't have helped and shouldn't have done)
  204. <bobbedNonsense> [Swallow hard.]
  205. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i don't know how to fix it )
  206. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i just learnt to live with it )
  207. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (then I)
  208. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (is that what I'm supposed to do)
  209. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i find ways of making it easier. do selfish little things disguised as altruism, things that i can show and help others with, but ultimately it's to make me busier, to make it- to give me less time to think. )
  210. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( short of taking a shot of Void to the memory banks, there isn't any way i can get past it, but to do that would change who i am, who i've tried to decide to become. )
  211. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( whether or not you want to try the same, that's up to you. maybe there's a better path out there, which i missed for being Rage and not Mind. )
  212. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (Void doesn't help, that much I know.)
  213. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( heh. i became 0k with being alone a long time ago, so i guess i'll have to take your word for that one. )
  214. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (There's even a word for it. aVoidance.)
  215. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( pfff )
  216. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (Ha. Ha ha.)
  217. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (No, I think I'll opt for reality.)
  218. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( that's fair enough. i'll try to keep the windows of my bubble painted for a little while longer, i suspect, but far be it from me to force the same on anyone else. )
  219. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (I live the life of a Game researcher. There is nothing too disturbing to notice nor too small to ignore, because maybe there's a pattern to it.)
  220. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (...though I've been too disturbed as of late to pattern my own anxiety.)
  221. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( oh? )
  222. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (Figure out what makes it happen. Figure out what makes it /stop/.)
  223. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (No different than a simple dungeon puzzle.)
  224. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (Except instead of water and pipes it's my own head.)
  225. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (...though I might be approaching this Mindways instead of Heartways. I'll see whether it works out.)
  226. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( mm. i hope it goes well. )
  227. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (Can I talk to you again about how it goes?)
  228. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i'd love to hear how it goes. )
  229. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( i tend to be lurking on the server fairly regularly. and i check my offline message bank for when i'm not. )
  230. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (...don't check mine much, I'm afraid. Too many harassing messages, not enough fuel to deal with them.)
  231. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( that's understandable. i'll try to catch you when you are online then, or drop a note with Scott if he's amicable to play messenger. )
  232. <lucidChthonia> [ didn't expect her to be so accommodating.]
  233. * lucidChthonia PMs bobbedNonsense (Well. Thank you.)
  234. * bobbedNonsense PMs lucidChthonia ( no problem. )
  235. * lucidChthonia has disconnected from the server
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