
Endtown RPG Session #26

Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Anyway, I've delayed enough
  2. You guys ready to play?
  3. Martin Baron: Ernest is out shopping for some stuff for a DECA contest, so she might be back in a bit.
  4. DJ-Max is here.
  5. GM (GM): What's DECA?
  6. Martin Baron: I don't really know
  7. GM (GM): Why did I laugh at that?
  8. Martin Baron: Some sort of business contest I think
  9. GM (GM): I'm sure it's neat.
  10. Okay, Primary Doc:
  11. Martin Baron: Business management, advertising, some other junk
  12. Any updates?
  13. GM (GM): Actually this case no.
  14. I spent this week putting in pictures.
  15. And aiming got rewritten.
  16. Same effect, but now I think it's clearer.
  17. Martin Baron: Ooh, DK's stuff?
  18. GM (GM): Kazen's actually.
  19. Martin Baron: Cool
  20. We begin.
  21. you find yourselves in the southern wastes, assuming Endtown is the center.
  22. You have just escaped the freaky deaky colony of dittos and psychos.
  23. GM (GM): You still have your shipment to deep city as well as Juan and Ernest.
  24. Everett Pillory rubs his still hurting hand "...we need to do that supply run."
  25. Martin Baron: (( We can just say Ernest fell a sleep or something ))
  26. Clayton R. takes a minute to stop the vehicle outside of the ruins
  27. GM (GM): ((That is what I've been assuming for all players))
  28. Martin Baron looks to Everett, somewhat relieved he's doing alright. He turns around to look at Juan and asks "You still holding up OK? Think you can hold out till we get to Deep City?"
  29. Everett Pillory nods "I'm okay... I'm okay... I just want this run to be over."
  30. Clayton R. climbs out of the vehicle, and into the dust
  31. DJ-Max: "...This was supposed to be a calming trip. This wasn't calming at all!"
  32. Martin Baron unloads the Mongol and begins to count the bullets that's still inside the magazine. He's currently down to 85. He hears DJ's remark and responds "When has going Topside ever been calming?"
  33. Everett Pillory: When I was crouched in my camp in the ruins.
  34. Clayton R. shakes his clothes down and pulls off his tank, checking its contents. He pauses there for a bit, trying to shake off the imagery the devil jelly had forced onto him. It made his skin crawl; after a moment, he turned back to the group. "I'm half empty."
  35. Everett Pillory: At least I didn't meet any psychos
  36. ...Oh boy
  37. DJ-Max says to Martin "There was like one time, I'm sure!"
  38. Clayton R. paces back toward the group, "Let's check inventory real quick, and get a head count too..."
  39. Martin Baron: "You mean the bunker that a giant mutant crashed through? And had that psycho all the way up top?"
  40. GM (GM): ((Sanity a precious commodity in Endtown, frequently bottled and sold in auctions.))
  41. Everett Pillory: Well Martin. I usually hid in small spaces with booby traps around me
  42. DJ-Max opens his mouth to talk, and can not beat Martin's point. There has been no time things have calm. "W-well... nah yet! I guess. We'll find one."
  43. Martin Baron: (( Thank god we got a table, otherwise we would never survive in case mutant wrestlers appear.))
  44. M. Walker: After having stashed her gear in the back of the jeep, she remains looking off in the distant emptiness forlornly from her seat.
  45. JuanJose: Are we going back to your colony?
  46. DJ-Max: (You cant break the table! Botchamania told me so.)
  47. Martin Baron: "No, sorry Juan. We gotta deliver these medical supplies. Hopefully they'll know what to do with it and help you out."
  48. Clayton R. sighs as he finishes checking inventory. He speaks, "No, we continue with our mission. Everett. We need to fix up this jeep before it falls apart."
  49. JuanDammitJesus: Ah... Okay. I'll be okay...
  50. Martin Baron: (( JuandammitJesus. That's his new name.))
  51. Everett Pillory sighs "Okay... Hopefully my grip is still good."
  52. GM (GM): ((That is his name, we all agreed on it!))
  53. Martin Baron follow suit and counts the items he has on hand. Plenty of weaponry, a bit of medical supplies, and armor. Nearly lost his mind while in New Persia though.
  54. Everett Pillory: (My character sheet is... gonna load for a sec)
  55. Clayton R. runs his hand through his hair, "Martin... How are you holding up?.. This is YOUR quest after all..."
  56. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  57. (40)+20= 60
  58. (Dunno if that's a sucess or not, DM)
  59. Martin Baron: Head aching heavily, Martin replies "Not very well, to be honest. God, I didn't know that stuff was there, and whatever the hell that bird man was..."
  60. Clayton R. shrugs. "I don't think any of us did."
  61. GM (GM): ((Oh, right. Vehicle repair has been changed.
  62. (("Building a vehicle from salvage is a way to offset cost and make use of the ruins civilization. By the glory of Henry Ford, a lot of scrap can in one way or another be used to replace other parts. For every successful Salvage skill roll characters gather 100hp times their skill level in materials that can be used to repair or build a vehicle or feature. Thus, finding scrap to build a bike hardly requires a roll while building a standard sized truck requires 3 to 9 successful rolls.
  63. By the glory John Adams most people are willing to trade their parts for money. This option allows characters to buy parts instead of spending hours digging through the ruins of civilization. To make trading simple parts are sold in $100 increments, this is also to make it simple when using the Negotiate skill when trading."
  64. Martin Baron shakes his head. "Let's just try to get back on the right path and get this done once Everett's finished." Martin begins to wonder if staying under therapeutic watch would be better than this.
  65. GM (GM): So 100 hp after 8 hours of using whatever scrap and tools you have lying around to 'The Jeep'
  66. So, depart south to Deep City?
  67. DJ-Max: Sounds like a plan.
  68. Everett Pillory: Yeah... Might be a good place to do stuff
  69. Clayton R. climbs back into the drivers seat. "Let's head out."
  70. Martin Baron: I'm still upset I couldn't install political rule by firing New Persia's mayor.
  71. Everett Pillory: ...I think we've met the mayor
  72. Twice
  73. Martin Baron: (( Is that Sparkplug?))
  74. GM (GM): ((Yes, GMs naturally try to create consistent villains.
  75. M. Walker briefly interrupts her reverie to settle back completely into her seat, with a sigh
  76. GM (GM): Who? Why, no, this is just some individual who may or may not look like a crazy shop teacher/einstein guilt metaphor!
  77. Anyway, the man waves you down
  78. Martin Baron: (( Right, of course. ))
  79. Clayton R. arches an eyeborw and he turns to the group. "Keep weapons handy."
  80. man Are you the delivery?
  81. man: Are you the delivery?
  82. Martin Baron: "That depends. What settlement are you from?"
  83. GM (GM): ((...He shouts from a mile away...))
  84. Martin Baron: (( Martin shouts back.))
  85. Everett Pillory readies his shottie... "Please... be sane... please be sane..."
  86. DC: ! We've been waiting!
  87. We: had word that you were on your way and when you didn't show after awhile they sent me up to wave you down.
  88. GM (GM): ((Coffee, great for enthusiasm, not for spelling.))
  89. Clayton R. groans. "We ran into a lot of trouble, left us in some bad shape."
  90. DJ-Max: "There's some place called New Persia o' somethin'.. messed up place."
  91. Martin Baron whispers to the others. "I really don't want to risk this. He might not be from Deep City at all. Keep an eye out."
  92. Man: The sandies? What's their beef this time?
  93. Everett Pillory nods to Martin "Exactly what I've been thinking"
  94. M. Walker warily eyes the man, otherwise keeping watch on the situation as it unfolds.
  95. GM (GM): ((The devil jelly that has been doing nothing but screwing with your perceptions of reality have made you guys all paranoid!))
  96. Martin Baron: "They took us off the path, said they are "repossessing" our supplies. Whole place was swarming with... uh... Anyway, it was a bad scene, man."
  97. The man shrugs, "I really wish I could care about that right now.
  98. Clayton R. keeps his flamthrower's nozzle in his lap
  99. Everett Pillory: Have you ever heard of some crazy guy named Whisperman?
  100. Martin Baron continues to whisper to the others. "We need to figure out if he's with the place or not, otherwise we might as well kill ourselves here and now to save them time."
  101. Man: Nope, sounds like a bad movie title.
  102. Or: a blues singer.
  103. He: points east, head into those ruins. The door is the boulder
  104. Martin Baron: "And the Jeep? What about that, just drive it in?"
  105. GM (GM): ((I'm gonna stop with the /as thing right now.))
  106. The man says, "Sure, what kind of colony can't take vehicles?
  107. Clayton R. turns to the rest of the group, "Does that match up with our directions?"
  108. Martin Baron: (( Roll memory?))
  109. GM (GM): Eh, that seems excessive.
  110. Martin Baron: ((Screw it, mind bonus to remembering.))
  111. rolling 1d100+15
  112. (48)+15= 63
  113. GM (GM): You were told to go 'South'
  114. You were even told that there would be a device in ruins that would bring out your guide/escort.
  115. Apparently there is some Graffti marking the ruins with an "I"
  116. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  117. (82)+20= 102
  118. Martin Baron: "Let's just go along. Like last time, keep your weapons ready. We don't want one of us to get hit as bad as Everett did."
  119. Clayton R. nods his head, "Seems like the best we could go on right now."
  120. Everett Pillory shudders "Please... Martin. Don't even remind me."
  121. GM (GM): You proceed to the ruins pointed out.
  122. Everett Pillory looks for anything suspcious
  123. Clayton R. searches for the aforrmentioned boulder
  124. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+40
  125. (10)+40= 50
  126. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  127. (17)+35= 52
  128. Martin Baron: (( Wait, I'm sorry, what bonuses were to perception again?))
  129. rolling 1d100
  130. (53)= 53
  131. GM (GM): mind*5
  132. You dig around.
  133. Martin Baron: (( Was that changed recently? Anyway, 68))
  134. GM (GM): You do find something!
  135. Nothing!
  136. This place is clean!
  137. It's like a movie set or something.
  138. Martin Baron: (( I swear if this was an ambush))
  139. Everett Pillory: (Maybe Mana will have luck )
  140. Clayton R.: (( Can we search further, or can we only depart? ))
  141. Martin Baron: (( Can I do a hearing perception? Just want to be sure this isn't a bandit attack.))
  142. GM (GM): You do find a bolder though.
  143. ((Sorry, got mixed up on points.))
  144. Martin Baron: (( 's fine.))
  145. GM (GM): You may roll a perception for hearing.
  146. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+35
  147. (32)+35= 67
  148. (( Still nothing.))
  149. GM (GM): You do hear something.
  150. Swooshing!
  151. Martin Baron: (( Swoocing?))
  152. DJ-Max: (Where's the cave man?)
  153. GM (GM): You do find a bolder that is very soft and light.
  154. Clayton R. drives the jeepp around to the boulder
  155. Martin Baron: (( Something horrible's gonna happen, there'll be dead everywhere there, mutant babies dusted in the streets, or an entire jamboree of Topsiders.))
  156. Clayton R.: (( Welcome to Endtown ))
  157. GM (GM): Do something to the boulder?
  158. Martin Baron: (( Get on top of it and make poses.))
  159. Everett Pillory: ((BABY SHOWER!!!))
  160. Martin Baron: (( BABY SAFE BOMBS ))
  161. GM (GM): You do so
  162. Martin Baron: (( ))
  163. GM (GM): In your attempts you discover a metal device hidden under the boulder
  164. Martin Baron: While posing, Martin discovers something under the boulder! "Guys, look down there! I think I see something."
  165. Everett Pillory: (( I'll join in with Martin in posing ))
  166. Martin Baron: (( Where'd not-Sparkplug go?))
  167. Clayton R. stretches, "What is it?"
  168. GM (GM): ((He didn't follow you guys
  169. Martin Baron: (( TRAP ))
  170. GM (GM): ((Must have had something else to do.))
  171. Martin Baron: (( Like looking for girls who are secretly dudes, because this is all a TRAP ))
  172. M. Walker takes a moment to sniff the metal device, curiously
  173. Everett Pillory wonders "...where is our guide?"
  174. the device looks like some electronic drum. There does appear to be a simple switch though.
  175. DJ-Max: "I'd rather not think to much about that sometimes."
  176. Martin Baron: "Recognize it, Walker?" Martin asks, continuing to post humorously.
  177. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+55
  178. (76)+55= 131
  179. GM (GM): It looks like an tesla coil.
  180. Everett Pillory: (Lemme roll for electronics)
  181. rolling 1d100+20
  182. (96)+20= 116
  183. (WOO!)
  184. GM (GM): It appears alot in movies and science centers, it doesn't really do much but zap things with a bolt of electricity.
  185. Martin Baron: (( Some advance tier trapping right here. Push the boulder then ZAP.))
  186. Martin Baron hops down from the top of the boulder. "So how do we get in? Just push the thing?"
  187. GM (GM): Mana, as an aside, you do smell alot of foot traffic around here.
  188. M. Walker replies, "It's a tesla coil of some kind...and there's been a lot of people around here. Fairly recently."
  189. Everett Pillory takes a peek at the tesla coil as well
  190. Martin Baron: (( That's horrible, how could they sell and traffic feet?))
  191. DJ-Max: (Truly. Some are so vile.)
  192. GM (GM): ((Luck?))
  193. Clayton R. hangs back, waiting in the drivers seat of the car.
  194. Everett Pillory: ((Any luck at Everett figuring it out from my roll?))
  195. Martin Baron: (( I'm gonna push The Rock ))
  196. GM (GM): You push the rock.
  197. Everett, you determine that the tesla coil probably doesn't have the power to kill anyone, just generate enough of a field to make your hair stand on end.
  198. literally.
  199. Everett Pillory looks incredibly.... poofy
  200. Everett Pillory: Well... it's not gonna kill anyone but it's zappy enough to keep a stupid person away
  201. Clayton R. suppresses a chuckle
  202. GM (GM): At this point a wall opens and a man flies out of the hole.
  203. M. Walker also suppresses a laugh, relieved it wasn't her. That'd take hours to undo
  204. Clayton R. scrambles to ready his weapon
  205. GM (GM): He floats there for a second looking at you all.
  206. M. Walker: ((...Powdered Toast Man?!))
  208. Martin Baron scrambles for his gun in his pocket, accidentally shocking himself as his hair beings to rise like Everett's.
  209. M. Walker: With a startled yelp, Manna reaches for her weapon, only to realize she left it in the jeep
  210. Martin Baron: (( I gobba pistul))
  212. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow
  213. Everett Pillory looks at the man... "You mean... the tesla coil?"
  216. Everett Pillory: ...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhht
  217. M. Walker winces at his yelling for a moment
  218. Everett Pillory shakes to unpoof
  219. I: We used to have this thing with mirrors and lasers but now they just have me handle it. Much safer!
  220. Clayton R. exchanges glances with everyone
  221. Martin Baron: (( Guys, I just figured it out. This is Mallard's beaver assistant's alterego.))
  222. Everett Pillory: Look I don't want to be a hair raiser but we might be better continuing this topic inside. Away from the open spaces and psychos
  223. Clayton R. frowns at Everett's attempted humor
  224. I: If you wish.
  225. He points to the large stairway leading undergroud. Come along.
  226. Everett Pillory: We should move the jeep...
  227. Clayton R. raises an arm. "What about our jeep?"
  228. Martin Baron reluctantly puts his gun back into his pocket, still horrifically confused over the appearance of... whoever this guy is.
  229. GM (GM): ((I'm sorry for the quality guys, my hands are rusty.
  230. DJ-Max: (Its fiiiiiiiine.)
  231. Clayton R.: ((try posing with him Martin! ))
  232. DJ-Max: (Also. Oooooh~)
  233. Martin Baron: (( Use my Stand against him if he tries fighting us.))
  234. you have entered Deep City, if endtown was a suburb trapped in a cubic of earth, this would be the downtown trapped in a cubic of earth.
  235. Everett Pillory: (I think this is more Battle Tendency than Stardust Crusaders )
  236. Everett Pillory looks around
  237. sky scrapper style buildings start on the colony floor and go straight into the roof, between buildings are bridges, some having urban gardens.
  238. Everett Pillory: ...not the first time I've seen things like these
  239. Clayton R. can't help but take it all in. He's quite impressed. "We're here on a mission to turn in some relief supplies to this colony. Could you direct us to the hospital?"
  240. GM (GM): ((Now I have to make something really weird next time, everett!))
  241. Everett Pillory: ((Of course. Poor Panda needs to realise that world isn't sunshine and explosives))
  242. Martin Baron: "Yeah, we gotta drop off the stuff and get Everett and Juan fixed up."
  243. CaptainIncredible: Sure, A3, on the right.
  244. Clayton R. nods, and asks something else "Do you happen to have a mechanic too?"
  245. Everett Pillory reaches back... "Right... Almost forgot I'm held by surgical string"
  246. GM (GM): He shrugs, I actually don't know. I just fix things myself!
  247. With my pattened I-Beams!
  248. DJ-Max: "Its not that bad Everett." he lies looking away a bit.
  249. GM (GM): Welp, thanks for doing whatever you are doing! I-Man, out!
  250. He flies away, kinda, he's just flying the upper levels of the colony now.
  251. Martin Baron watches I-Man fly off into the distance. He turns to the others and asks "Ok, what the $&%# was that?"
  252. Clayton R. turns to the group. "Well... at least it wasn't a trap... Ready to finish your quest Martin?"
  253. Everett Pillory: Martin... that was a crazy person
  254. GM (GM): ((He appeared in Albert, thus, he is cannon for endtown.))
  255. Martin Baron rubs his forehead trying to understand how that human was flying around. "You know what, forget it, let's just get this sorted out..."
  256. Clayton R.: (( oh ))
  257. Martin Baron: (( Oh neat.))
  258. Everett Pillory: Yeah... we don't need a hick version of Mary Poppins telling us what to do
  259. GM (GM): ((Well, I don't know if that's true, but what the hell!))
  260. Clayton R. climbs out of the car, "Someone watch over the car, I'm gonna go let them know e finally arrived. Anyone want to come with?"
  261. Martin Baron: "We need to get Juan and Everett set up. I'll help them over to the hospital, so I'll be going with you."
  262. GM (GM): You park the jeep on the oversized side walk
  263. Everett Pillory: I'll be going with you
  264. M. Walker replies, "I'll stay here with it..."
  265. Martin Baron: (( Well it's Downtown future with tons of civilians, so they probably doubled the size of the sidewalk to reduce crowding and blockage.))
  266. Clayton R. nods "We shouldn't be too long Walker. See you soon."
  267. GM (GM): You go into A, floor 3, medical floor.
  268. Building A seems to be medicine, government, and sock brokers. Basically boring stuff.
  269. Martin Baron: (( Sock brokers?))
  270. Clayton R.: ((SOCK BROKERS ))
  271. GM (GM): There you encounter a human doctor and flamingo.
  272. Everett Pillory rubs his chin "I wonder if this used to be Hillside... hated that place. Bad food, bad hotels... horrible people."
  273. GM (GM): ((...Okay fine, its socks, we in it now. They have an phantom confidence-based economy and socks are the unit.))
  274. Clayton R. shrugs. "Is anyplace else different?"
  275. Martin Baron: "Probably isn't that bad Everett. I mean, if Sock Brokers is anything to go by on this sign, business is probably booming."
  276. (( We can say it's a typo on the sign.))
  277. Everett Pillory: ((Someone made U into O ))
  278. GM (GM): ((Maybe, maybe.))
  279. Everett Pillory: I dunno Clayton, the campus I was on was a little old-style uni town. Something that I truly miss.
  280. GM (GM): The doctor asks, "So, what seems to be the problem? Allergies?"
  281. Clayton R. shakes his head. "We were sent here on a supply relief mission from Endtown."
  282. Martin Baron smirks and looks to Juan. "Yeah, he's got a bad case of the sniffles. Might need a checkup and some cold medicine."
  283. Everett Pillory turns around showing his massacred back "No, an in bed argument turned bad"
  284. Doctor: Ouch. Alright, well, your wounded can have a bed. The nurse will tend to you until we can operate. Start unloading those supplies, we can't do anything until you do."
  285. Everett Pillory whistles innocently walking to the bed.
  286. GM (GM): ((Dear god the panda is gone!
  287. Clayton R.: "Can we get some help from you're staff? We have just under 500 packs"
  288. Martin Baron: "We got them loaded up in the Jeep, it's at the bottom floor. I'll start bringing some stuff up." Martin says, leaving the room to start grabbing.
  289. Doc: Eh, go get Captain I, he's the helper around here.
  290. Clayton R. sighs, heading back to help offload the supplies
  291. GM (GM): Mana and anyone else outside notices that the weIrdo is floating close overhead for some reason.
  292. DJ-Max will help Martin bring things in.
  293. with much begrudge you drag the kits back up and down, up and down.
  294. after washing up he begins tending to your wounded!
  295. GM (GM): Now who is actually seeking medical aid?
  296. The panda, obviously, anyone else?
  297. Martin Baron: (( Therapeutic aid would be much appreciated.))
  298. Clayton R.: "Not me... I've been fairing well actually... for the most part."
  299. Martin Baron: (( I'm at 4/60 MP
  300. Clayton R. points back toward the lizard they picked up. "He was in bad shape when we found him... Can you see to assisting him?"
  301. M. Walker silently watches him with concern, keeping a mental note of where her gun's stashed in the jeep
  302. GM (GM): ((You could ask for some shock therapy, or a lobotomy...))
  303. Everett Pillory: (I'm at 7 MP as well... so yeah mental aid would be helpful too))
  304. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, stick some needles in my brain please. Can't be much worse than what I got hit with.))
  305. Doc: Yikes, we can look him over.
  306. Martin Baron: (( Maybe I can walk around the city, take the sights in and try to take a breather?))
  307. Clayton R. waves Juan foward. "They'll take care of you."
  308. GM (GM): ((Also a good idea
  309. ((Ah, okay. Here's a thing. Used to have psychology in previous versions of the game but its not in the current doc.
  310. Everett Pillory: (( I do remember that ))
  311. GM (GM): ((So that should be a thing I should put in.))
  312. Martin Baron: "Guys, I think I'm gonna take a look around, try to relax a bit. Any place we should meet back up?"
  313. Clayton R. shrugs. "How about here... It's not like Everett can leave."
  314. GM (GM): Incidentlly everett and Juan gain +50hp from surgery.
  315. Martin Baron nods. "Alright, I'll see you guys later. Tag along if you want. Maybe find something to eat that isn't beans."
  316. Clayton R. head downstairs with Martin, bidding farewell to Everett and Juan
  317. GM (GM): You wander until you come to a skybridge.
  318. Clayton R. stops near the middle of the bridge, just glad to take a breather.
  319. GM (GM): Encounter sound effect
  320. Martin Baron: (( DAW SHIT. ))
  321. DJ-Max: (Da dada da dada da da daaaaa~)
  322. Martin Baron: (( It's the World Marshal DPD! ))
  323. (( And Godzilla's retarded babies!))
  324. Clayton R.: (( They're batshit insane! ))
  325. You hear someone shout, "You two, clear out! Out of the way!"
  326. Clayton R. curiously turns over, his eye widen as he spots 2 wild mutants. "Oh jeez..." He taps on Martin. "We should get going... now."
  327. Martin Baron: "What the hell? What's going on?!" Martin shouts back, now spotting the monster mutants.
  328. (( The cops are gonna run towards them and beat them with their sticks. ))
  329. (( God bless. ))
  330. Clayton R. tries to interject. "Martin, I'm sure the police have this handled. Let's go."
  331. GM (GM): The cops appear to be chasing to monsters. The cops have what looks like restraining devices you'd used on wild dogs.
  332. Disengage?
  333. Martin Baron nods, looking for the safest exit.
  334. Martin Baron: (( But we'll miss out on all that SWEET XP ))
  335. (( Roll perception to see what they'll try to do?))
  336. Clayton R.: (( I don't want to cause trouble here. Let's watch for a couple more moments to make sure they have things handled. ))
  337. Martin Baron: (( True, let's do that.))
  338. GM (GM): Everyone is running toward you. You imagine that they cops are trying to catch the monsters.
  339. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  340. (87)+15= 102
  341. GM (GM): The cops restrain them but struggle to do so.
  342. Eventually the do but get scrapped up in the process.
  343. Martin Baron tries to get a good look at the cops past all the people running past him and Clayton.
  344. GM (GM): They escort the fiends away and point back to you, saying, "Nothing to see here, everything is fine!"
  345. Martin Baron: "What are you doing with them? They'll try to kill you!"
  346. Clayton R. sighs and taps on Martin. "See... Thay have it handled. It's best to not get involved here.. We've had enough action for one day."
  347. GM (GM): One of the cops turns around and says, "Just go about your business, everything is fine!
  348. Martin Baron: "Why were they just restraining them? Better yet, how did they get here?" Martin responds, anxious but somewhat relieved that no one died.
  349. GM (GM): The cops take their prisoners into building "D"
  350. Later, Everett and Juan are released.
  351. Clayton R. nods. "True... but we aren't familiar with their laws here. We could've ended up in much more trouble. At least they don't attack us on sight... The absence of devil jelly is always welcome." He says, laughing nervously.
  352. GM (GM): Always possible.
  353. Clayton R.: (( YOU ARE A HEARTLESS MONSTER ))
  355. GM (GM): ((Sorry))
  356. Everett Pillory: ((No please)
  357. DJ-Max: (This must be the work of an enemy stand!)
  358. GM (GM): Juan leaves the hospital, quieter than usual. Everett is given some pain killers and told to take it easy.
  359. Clayton R.: (( before we head back to the hospital, is there anything of interest for sale here? ))
  360. Martin Baron: (( Quieter than usual? So dead silent? ))
  361. GM (GM): Actually there is plenty for sale.
  362. Deep City prides itself on being a trading hub for what that means in the wastes.
  363. Just about any service or item can be found.
  364. Clayton R.: (( What kind of stuff is available here and not at Endtown? ))
  365. Martin Baron: (( Did the hospital folks pay us or do we get paid in Endtown? Also, I suggest we fix the car.))
  366. GM (GM): ((Patient confidentiality?))
  367. ((They said you'd be compensated when you got back.))
  368. ((That's what they said, anyway.))
  369. Juan plunks down next to Walker and folds his arms in a hurmph
  370. Everett Pillory grunts.... "Uhhh... any idea how my back looks?"
  371. GM (GM): You back is currently covered under a thick layer of gauze.
  372. At least people can't see your insides anymore.
  373. M. Walker silently watches Juan settle in, hesitant to ask him anything
  374. Everett Pillory shakes his head "These painkillers make me dizzy as hell. Doc told me to take it easy."
  375. M. Walker: ((Also, I cant move my token, eheh))
  376. Clayton R. wanders toward the marketing district, searching for a mechanic among other things.
  377. M. Walker: ((Thanks))
  378. Martin Baron waves goodbye to Clayton and heads back to the car. After what he saw, wandering around the city doesn't sound so interesting anymore.
  379. GM (GM): Rabbit and Man! During your strolls of the markets you see a sign on a room with a piece of paper saying, "Wastemen wanted."
  380. Martin Baron: (( Never mind then))
  381. GM (GM): ((Bad timing.
  382. Martin Baron: (( It's cool, I'll go with it.))
  383. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow, taking a closer look at the paper.
  384. GM (GM): You enter the office and see a ferret at a desk.
  385. Everett Pillory: ((Me too))
  386. GM (GM): Everett caught up to you and follows you in.
  387. Martin Baron: (( Damn Everett, for someone who's spine is visible, you can move fast when you want to.))
  388. GM (GM): Not an actual ferret, mind you, a ferret mutant. Today's been weird enough that this distinction must be made.
  389. Clayton R. is surprised to find Martin and Everett following close behind him... guess that's why Martin left.
  390. Martin Baron follows Clayton, somewhat surprised to see Everett out and about so quickly. "Says anything on the paper?"
  391. Everett Pillory grunts... "I need to walk off these painkillers. Or else I'll be unusable."
  392. GM (GM): The ferret begins, "Are you here about the notice?"
  393. Martin Baron: "Suppose so. What do you need "wastemen" for?"
  394. Clayton R. nods
  395. GM (GM): "Go into the wastes, of course. I need someone to go up there and test out some devices in real world conditions."
  396. Clayton R.: "What devices?"
  397. GM (GM): "Well, we have a spectrographic distorter, a grappler launcher, and another round of Auntie M."
  398. Martin Baron: "... And those would be... what exactly?"
  399. Everett Pillory: (Can I recall any of them?)
  400. (Roll for sience?)
  401. GM (GM): Yes.
  402. everyone roll for science
  403. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  404. (15)= 15
  405. GM (GM): You suck at science!
  406. Martin Baron: (( The only reason Martin went to college was to play hockey, not hang around a bunch of NERDS ))
  407. DJ-Max: (We the best.)
  408. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  409. (40)+20= 60
  410. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100
  411. (57)= 57
  412. GM (GM): ((
  413. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  414. (71)+20= 91
  415. (I don't)
  416. Martin Baron: (( Imagine how Martin felt when he woke up and was one third his normal size and weight.))
  417. Everett Pillory: ([Wake me up inside])
  418. GM (GM): Using your science slang, you determine that its a color changing device, a launching system that deploys some sort of catching mechanism and Auntie M is likely a name for something like antidote "M"
  419. DJ-Max: (DJ used to be like 7ft tall.)
  420. Martin Baron: (( WELL, I USED TO BE 8 FEET TALL))
  421. GM (GM): ((And the squeeky voices, dear god the squeeky voices!))
  422. Martin Baron: (( Sounds like a beast of a guy though.))
  423. GM (GM): The ferret also pulls up a clipboard and pen. "I'll need you to sign these waivers, also." He says.
  424. Everett Pillory checks "Cloaking device I assume, a catching mechanism and an antidote... okay"
  425. Martin Baron looks over the waiver. "Can't you get someone else to test this stuff out? What about that Superman guy flying around, if this thing explodes wont he be alright?"
  426. GM (GM): The ferret looks at you
  427. He continues to look at you.
  428. Martin Baron: "Hey don't give me that eye, I just don't want to be missing mine if this thing decides to go kaput."
  429. Everett Pillory whispers to Martin "Pretend everything is alright"
  430. GM (GM): "I'm sorry, I thought I advertised hardened, daring, brave men of the wasteland not a bunch of pansies!"
  431. Clayton R. says nothing, and he walks out the door
  432. GM (GM): "Captain I doesn't do anything unless it's to directly help other people. He really doesn't like testing the Auntie.
  433. Well, clayton is not easily goaded.
  434. Martin Baron: "Alright, alright fine." Martin says, looking behind him to see Clayton has disappeared. "What do you think about this?" Martin says to Everett.
  435. Clayton R. opts to search for a mechanic instead. He had enough nonsense for now
  436. Everett Pillory shrugs "Looks like regular field testing to me, but I want to know what M stands for."
  437. GM (GM): "Mutation."
  438. Martin Baron: "I'm sorry, what?"
  439. Buss: -Ferret We try to cure the monster mutants.
  440. GM (GM): Some immuno-humans mutate late, ya know?
  441. Martin Baron: "They do?"
  442. GM (GM): Yeah, it's not pretty.
  443. Everett Pillory: Yeah we do
  444. So basically... you want to?
  445. GM (GM): Sometimes we're lucky and they're asleep, sometimes not.
  446. Everett Pillory points at Clayton that just walked out
  447. GM (GM): So you can imagine having Gigantor be your bunkmate when your a mile underground could be problematic.
  448. Martin Baron begins to look worried. "Is-is there a way to tell when their time's up?"
  449. GM (GM): Also if we can get some sentience into the reg dregs then, hey, win-win!
  450. ferret: nope, not really.
  451. GM (GM): Just like any mutation, really, goes off like a switch.
  452. Unless you're really, really different I imagine.
  453. Everett Pillory covers his eyes "Dear Lord and that fool thinks he's not mutated"
  454. GM (GM): Aaaanyway, all this stuff should not explode.
  455. Martin Baron: "Alright... Alright..." Martin says, still visibly worried. "So what do you want us to do with the Auntie M thing?"
  456. Everett Pillory: Should is about 50%... chance of "Not to"
  457. GM (GM): Find a monster, inject it, record results.
  458. Or stick it into a immuno
  459. Everett Pillory rubs his head "In... ject the monster... right"
  460. GM (GM): (An typhoid mary.)
  461. Everett Pillory looks at Martin "Ever used a tranq gun?"
  462. GM (GM): "Personally? No, astigmatism."
  463. Martin Baron shakes his head. "No, but I bought a taser before we left Endtown. Maybe tase one of them and stuff the pill down its mouth?"
  464. Everett Pillory quirks a brow at Martin
  465. Everett Pillory: ..yes Martin I believe a horrible 3-mouther person would enjoy getting 20kV shocks and will swallow whatever you jam into his many mouths
  466. Martin Baron: "I didn't say they would enjoy it, I'm just suggesting what we can do. Maybe it works, then we can... inject the pill and see if it works without getting our heads bitten off."
  467. GM (GM): "The job is 3g."
  468. Martin Baron: (( 3 packs of socks?))
  469. GM (GM): No, cash money.
  470. Socks are for investing.
  471. Martin Baron: "I'm guessing the cops wouldn't let you test this on one of the mutants they got hold up? Seems like it'd be easier to do."
  472. GM (GM): ((1 sock=100 dollars in this colony)
  473. Everett Pillory nods "I think that's easier..."
  474. GM (GM): Eh, we aren't down with D.
  475. Also, every raise chickens?
  476. Martin Baron: "Do we look like we're farmers?"
  477. GM (GM): He looks down in shame. "Well, worth a shot. You need new chickens for genetic diversity. Same with mutants. They may all look kinda same but they are actually very different anatomy.
  478. Everett Pillory rubs the back of his head "Right... genetic diversity"
  479. GM (GM): So if we find some positive results we can work from there.
  480. "I dunno, I'm not a scientist."
  481. Besides, catching one should be easy with the other crappy gadgets."
  482. Martin Baron whispers to Everett. "How about it? Take the job or go with Clayton?"
  483. Everett Pillory: I would say take the job. We need parts for the jeep.
  484. Clay is being Clay.
  485. Also... not a peep about Auntie M to Clay, okay?
  486. DJ-Max would say the same. Cash rules everything we need money.
  487. Everett Pillory: I feel he might want to down the whole bottle
  488. Martin Baron: (( Clayton's making secret rolls with the GM the whole time he was here. As soon as he hits a 1, BOOM instant mutant.))
  489. Much to contemplate. I'd like to shift over to the Jeep party.
  490. GM (GM): Take the job?
  491. Martin Baron nods. "Right, I wont." He signs the waiver.
  492. Clayton R.: (( Did I find the mechanic yet? ))
  493. Everett Pillory signs as well
  494. GM (GM): Yes, you find a mechanic.
  495. ((And because I'm creatively shallow...))
  496. He comes by with a mutant monster which drags your car to the shop like a mule.
  497. Clayton R. is intrigued by the whole display the whole time.
  498. GM (GM): Repairs will cost about 1,200 his estimate.
  499. Clayton R.: whoops, didn't notice that first "whole"
  500. (( That's fine. I can pay it))
  501. GM (GM): While you do so, Capt sneaks into the hospital giving you all a small nod.
  502. Martin Baron: (( ALL A TRAP ))
  503. GM (GM): At this time Juan starts talking.
  504. "Is this Endtown?"
  505. ((Walker left. I gotta try to engage players abit more.))
  506. Clayton R. is caught off guard, "What?.. No, this is Deep City. Are you alright Juan?"
  507. DJ-Max: "Nah. This is somewhere else."
  508. Juan: "Ugh... Yeah. Doc's say they can't help me though."
  509. "They say they have no clue how to treat what they call Zero Exposure."
  510. Martin Baron: (( Ok, forget testing the supplies, the mutant mules, curing monster mutations, ALL OF IT. We gotta save Juan! ))
  511. Everett Pillory: (We do, but come on man. Auntie M!)
  512. Clayton R. sighs. "That... I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know if you'll recover?"
  513. Juan: "They did patch me up though, took my last dime, I think I need a fusion reactor or something..."
  514. Everett Pillory: ( This is important! )
  515. (( Sides like...
  516. Juan: "I don't think so. Hey, at least its not contagious, right?"
  517. Everett Pillory: (( We can take a sample of Auntie M to Mallard for testing. A little... patent sharing boosts research! ))
  518. Martin Baron: (( Juan's more important than the other mutants, he has a purpose! And he can probably make some delicious stuff with beans, like refried beans and bean burritos.))
  519. GM (GM): (Then you can do assassinations for who gets their name on the paper!)
  520. Clayton R. gives a small nod. "Yeah... at least." He tries to focus his mind on something else. He walks off to find something else to do, something to get rid of his headache.
  521. Everett Pillory: (( True... ))
  522. Everett Pillory thinks how to do this quick.
  523. Everett Pillory: Martin... did you see any voremouths in the colony?
  524. Like going anywhere?
  525. Martin Baron: (( A voremouth?))
  526. GM (GM): (I can't help but think that's some weird fetish name.)
  527. Everett Pillory: (( That's what Everett calls the mutants ))
  528. Martin Baron: (( Probably because the first part is a fetish.))
  529. GM (GM): (Everett is a weird guy!)
  530. Everett Pillory: (( And what I call them really because all they do is eat ))
  531. GM (GM): (Does sound lovecraftian.)
  532. Clayton R.: (( I got to head out now. ))
  533. GM (GM): (Eh, I'll stick with Monsters)
  534. Martin Baron: "You mean one of the monsters? Yeah, two of them were being lead away by the cops here, into... building D I think."
  535. Everett Pillory: (( It does in a way. Hell friends of mine that saw the Ditto pics called them Shoggots))
  536. GM (GM): Later man! Thanks for playing today
  537. Everett Pillory: Well building D it is. We can grab Max with us and Clay...
  538. Martin Baron: (( Bye Clayton!))
  539. Everett Pillory: (( See ya Clay ))
  540. Martin Baron: (( Speaking of leaving, might have to take a small break like last week. Got 20 minutes till the dining hall closes down.))
  541. Clayton R.: (( See you all later, that testing sounds a lot more interesting than what I originally thought, especially now that Calyton doesn't know about it. ))
  542. Everett Pillory: (( Alrighty ))
  543. GM (GM): Well, we should stop here before we get into something.
  544. Everett Pillory: Yeah we could
  545. GOod stopping point
  546. Martin Baron: Alright cool, then next week pick up at either breaking into building D or going up and looking for a monster.
  547. GM (GM): Yeah, I'll save the xp until next session.
  548. Everett Pillory: Alright
  549. DJ-Max: Sounds like a time. Good Night everybody.
  550. Martin Baron: Sounds good
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