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Sep 23rd, 2013
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  1. This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.76.0-2013061707 (rev 4627) (format=lualatex 2013.9.10) 23 SEP 2013 19:39
  2. restricted \write18 enabled.
  3. **Chaparral.tex
  4. (./Chaparral.tex
  5. LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
  6. Babel <3.9f> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded.
  7. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
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  23. )
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  28. Language: english 2012/08/20 v3.3p English support from the babel system
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  31. File: babel.def 2013/05/16 v3.9f Babel common definitions
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  36. luatex-hyphen: using data file: c:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/tex/generic/config/lan
  37. guage.dat.lua))
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  41. ))
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  43. Package: fontspec 2013/05/20 v2.3c Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
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  59. )
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  61. Package: etex 1998/03/26 v2.0 eTeX basic definition package (PEB)
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  63. )
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  84. Package: ifpdf 2011/01/30 v2.3 Provides the ifpdf switch (HO)
  85. Package ifpdf Info: pdfTeX in PDF mode is detected.
  86. )
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  91. ))
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  93. )
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  97. Package: l3basics 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Basic definitions
  98. )
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  100. Package: l3expan 2013/07/24 v4565 L3 Argument expansion
  101. )
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  103. Package: l3tl 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Token lists
  104. )
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  106. Package: l3seq 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Sequences and stacks
  107. )
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  109. Package: l3int 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Integers
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  115. )
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  117. Package: l3quark 2013/07/21 v4564 L3 Quarks
  118. )
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  120. Package: l3prg 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Control structures
  121. \g__prg_map_int=\count285
  122. )
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  124. Package: l3clist 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Comma separated lists
  125. )
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  127. Package: l3token 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Experimental token manipulation
  128. )
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  130. Package: l3prop 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Property lists
  131. )
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  133. Package: l3msg 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Messages
  134. )
  135. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3file.sty
  136. Package: l3file 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 File and I/O operations
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  142. )
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  144. Package: l3skip 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Dimensions and skips
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  163. )
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  165. Package: l3keys 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Experimental key-value interfaces
  166. \g__keyval_level_int=\count291
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  168. )
  169. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3fp.sty
  170. Package: l3fp 2013/07/09 v4521 L3 Floating points
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  180. )
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  182. Package: l3box 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Experimental boxes
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  188. )
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  190. Package: l3coffins 2012/09/09 v4212 L3 Coffin code layer
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  210. )
  211. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3color.sty
  212. Package: l3color 2012/08/29 v4156 L3 Experimental color support
  213. )
  214. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3luatex.sty
  215. Package: l3luatex 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Experimental LuaTeX-specific functions
  216. \g__cctab_allocate_int=\count302
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  218. \c_code_cctab=\catcodetable9
  219. )
  220. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3candidates.sty
  221. Package: l3candidates 2013/07/24 v4576 L3 Experimental additions to l3kernel
  222. \l__box_top_dim=\dimen272
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  238. ))
  239. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/xparse.sty
  240. Package: xparse 2013/07/28 v4582 L3 Experimental document command parser
  241. \l__xparse_current_arg_int=\count304
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  244. \l__xparse_processor_int=\count307
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  246. )
  247. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload.sty
  248. Package: luaotfload 2013/07/23 v2.3b OpenType layout system
  250. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase.sty
  251. Package: luatexbase 2013/05/11 v0.6 Resource management for the LuaTeX macro pro
  252. grammer
  254. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase-compat.sty
  255. Package: luatexbase-compat 2011/05/24 v0.4 Compatibility tools for LuaTeX
  256. )
  257. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase-modutils.sty
  258. Package: luatexbase-modutils 2013/05/11 v0.6 Module utilities for LuaTeX
  260. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase-loader.sty
  261. Package: luatexbase-loader 2013/05/11 v0.6 Lua module loader for LuaTeX
  263. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase.loader.lua))
  264. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/modutils.lua)
  265. Lua module: luatexbase-modutils 2013/05/11 0.6 Module utilities for LuaTeX
  266. )
  267. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase-regs.sty
  268. Package: luatexbase-regs 2011/05/24 v0.4 Registers allocation for LuaTeX
  269. )
  270. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase-attr.sty
  271. Package: luatexbase-attr 2013/05/11 v0.6 Attributes allocation for LuaTeX
  273. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/attr.lua)
  274. Lua module: luatexbase-attr 2013/05/11 0.6 Attributes allocation for LuaTeX
  275. \lltxb@attr@unsetvalue=\count309
  276. )
  277. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase-cctb.sty
  278. Package: luatexbase-cctb 2013/05/11 v0.6 Catcodetable allocation for LuaTeX
  280. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/cctb.lua)
  281. Lua module: luatexbase-cctb 2013/05/11 0.6 Catcodetable allocation for LuaTeX
  282. \lltxb@catcodetable@alloc=\count310
  283. \CatcodeTableStack=\count311
  284. \CatcodeTableIniTeX=\luatexcatcodetable1
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  289. \CatcodeTableExpl=\luatexcatcodetable11
  290. )
  291. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase-mcb.sty
  292. Package: luatexbase-mcb 2013/05/11 v0.6 Callback management for LuaTeX
  294. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/mcb.lua)
  295. Lua module: luatexbase-mcb 2013/05/11 0.6 register several functions in a callba
  296. ck
  297. ))
  298. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload.lua)
  299. Lua module: luaotfload 2013/07/23 2.3002 OpenType layout system.
  300. luaotfload: push namespace for font loader
  301. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-merged.lua)(using w
  302. rite cache: C:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic)(using read cache: C:
  303. /texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic C:/Users/Nils/.texlive2013/texmf-va
  304. r/luatex-cache/generic)
  305. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@kernpair"] = 1
  306. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@ligacomp"] = 2
  307. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@markbase"] = 3
  308. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@markmark"] = 4
  309. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@markdone"] = 5
  310. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@cursbase"] = 6
  311. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@curscurs"] = 7
  312. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@cursdone"] = 8
  313. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@state"] = 9
  314. luaotfload: "I am using the merged version of 'luaotfload.lua' here.
  315. luaotfload: If you run into problems or experience unexpected
  316. luaotfload: behaviour, and if you have ConTeXt installed you can try
  317. luaotfload: to delete the file 'luaotfload-merged.lua' as I might
  318. luaotfload: then use the possibly updated libraries. The merged
  319. luaotfload: version is not supported as it is a frozen instance.
  320. luaotfload: Problems can be reported to the ConTeXt mailing list."
  321. luaotfload: pop namespace from font loader -- non-destructive
  322. luaotfload: fontloader loaded in 0.020 seconds
  323. luatexbase-mcb: inserting 'luaotfload.node_processor'
  324. at position 1 in 'pre_linebreak_filter'
  325. luatexbase-mcb: inserting 'luaotfload.node_processor'
  326. at position 1 in 'hpack_filter'
  327. luatexbase-mcb: inserting 'luaotfload.find_vf_file'
  328. at position 1 in 'find_vf_file'
  329. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-override.lua)
  330. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-loaders.lua)
  331. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-database.lua)
  332. luaotfload | db : root cache directory is C:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache
  333. /generic/names/
  334. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-colors.lua)
  335. luatexbase-mcb: creating 'luaotfload.resolve_font' type 4
  336. luatexbase-mcb: creating 'luaotfload.patch_font' type 4
  337. luatexbase-mcb: resetting callback 'define_font'
  338. luatexbase-mcb: inserting 'luaotfload.define_font'
  339. at position 1 in 'define_font'
  340. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-features.lua)
  341. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-extralibs.lua)
  342. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-typo-krn.lua)
  343. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@kern"] = 12
  344. luatexbase-attr: luatexbase.attributes["luaotfload@fontkern"] = 13
  345. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-letterspace.lua)
  346. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/luaotfload-auxiliary.lua)
  347. luatexbase-mcb: inserting 'luaotfload.aux.set_sscale_dimens'
  348. at position 1 in 'luaotfload.patch_font'
  349. luatexbase-mcb: inserting 'luaotfload.aux.patch_cambria_domh'
  350. at position 2 in 'luaotfload.patch_font'
  351. luatexbase-mcb: inserting 'luaotfload.aux.set_capheight'
  352. at position 3 in 'luaotfload.patch_font'
  353. luatexbase-mcb: inserting 'luaotfload.rewrite_fontname'
  354. at position 4 in 'luaotfload.patch_font'
  355. luaotfload | aux : start rewriting field)
  356. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.lua)
  357. Lua module: fontspec 2013/05/20 2.3c Advanced font selection for LuaLaTeX.
  358. \l_fontspec_script_int=\count312
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  360. \l_fontspec_strnum_int=\count314
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  362. \l_fontspec_tmpb_dim=\dimen288
  363. \l_fontspec_tmpc_dim=\dimen289
  364. Variant \tl_gset:cV already defined; not changing it on line 69
  366. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec-patches.sty
  367. Package: fontspec-patches 2013/05/20 v2.3c Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaT
  368. eX
  370. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fixltx2e.sty
  371. Package: fixltx2e 2006/09/13 v1.1m fixes to LaTeX
  372. LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 420.
  373. )
  374. LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 22.
  375. LaTeX Info: Redefining \emph on input line 30.
  376. LaTeX Info: Redefining \- on input line 33.
  378. *************************************************
  379. * LaTeX warning: "xparse/redefine-command"
  380. *
  381. * Redefining document command \oldstylenums with arg. spec. 'm' on line 128.
  382. *************************************************
  383. .................................................
  384. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  385. .
  386. . Defining document command \liningnums with arg. spec. 'm' on line 132.
  387. .................................................
  388. ) (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec-luatex.sty
  389. Package: fontspec-luatex 2013/05/20 v2.3c Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTe
  390. X
  392. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty
  393. Package: fontenc 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX package
  395. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euenc/eu2enc.def
  396. File: eu2enc.def 2010/05/27 v0.1h Experimental Unicode font encodings
  397. )
  398. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for EU2+lmr on input line 100.
  400. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euenc/eu2lmr.fd
  401. File: eu2lmr.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
  402. )
  403. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: latn
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  405. uc: C:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otf/lmroman10-regular.l
  406. uc))
  407. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/xunicode/xunicode.sty
  408. File: xunicode.sty 2011/09/09 v0.981 provides access to latin accents and many o
  409. ther characters in Unicode lower plane
  411. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tipa/t3enc.def
  412. File: t3enc.def 2001/12/31 T3 encoding
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  416. lar.luc)
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  419. uc: C:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otf/
  420. c)
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  426. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euenc/eu2lmss.fd
  427. File: eu2lmss.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
  428. )
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  430. luaotfload | load : no defaults for script "latn", falling back to "dflt"(load l
  431. uc: C:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otf/
  432. c))
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  441. Package: keyval 1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC)
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  443. )
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  449. )
  450. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/graphics.cfg
  451. File: graphics.cfg 2010/04/23 v1.9 graphics configuration of TeX Live
  452. )
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  456. File: pdftex.def 2011/05/27 v0.06d Graphics/color for pdfTeX
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  463. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
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  466. .................................................
  467. .................................................
  468. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  469. .
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  472. .................................................
  473. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
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  477. .................................................
  478. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
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  482. .................................................
  483. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  484. .
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  487. .................................................
  488. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
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  491. .................................................
  492. .................................................
  493. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  494. .
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  496. .................................................
  497. .................................................
  498. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  499. .
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  501. .................................................
  502. .................................................
  503. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  504. .
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  506. .................................................
  507. .................................................
  508. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  509. .
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  511. .................................................
  512. .................................................
  513. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  514. .
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  516. . 111.
  517. .................................................
  518. .................................................
  519. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  520. .
  521. . Defining document command \addfontfeatures with arg. spec. 'm' on line 147.
  522. .................................................
  523. .................................................
  524. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  525. .
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  527. .................................................
  528. .................................................
  529. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  530. .
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  532. .................................................
  533. .................................................
  534. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  535. .
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  537. .................................................
  538. .................................................
  539. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  540. .
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  542. . 204.
  543. .................................................
  544. .................................................
  545. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  546. .
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  549. .................................................
  550. .................................................
  551. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  552. .
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  554. .................................................
  555. .................................................
  556. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  557. .
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  559. .................................................
  560. .................................................
  561. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  562. .
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  565. .................................................
  566. Variant \prop_gput:cnV already defined; not changing it on line 586
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  568. \l_fontspec_tmp_int=\count317
  569. LaTeX Info: Redefining \itshape on input line 2008.
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  572. LaTeX Info: Redefining \upshape on input line 2023.
  574. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.cfg)))
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  578. aparralpro-bold.otf(load luc: C:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fon
  579. ts/otf/chaparralpro-bold.luc)
  580. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
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  582. aparralpro-bold.otf
  583. luaotfload: font no 21 (ChaparralPro-Bold) defines feature onum for script latn
  584. luaotfload: font no 21 (ChaparralPro-Bold) defines feature onum for script latn
  585. \g_fontspec_family_Chaparral Pro_int=\count318
  586. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
  587. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='regular' found: ch
  588. aparralpro-bold.otf
  589. luaotfload: font no 21 (ChaparralPro-Bold) defines feature smcp for script latn
  590. with language dflt
  591. luaotfload: font no 21 (ChaparralPro-Bold) defines feature smcp for script latn
  592. with language dflt
  593. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
  594. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='regular' found: ch
  595. aparralpro-bold.otf
  596. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
  597. luaotfload | resolve : No exact match for request ChaparralPro/B; using fallback
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  599. rralpro-regular.otf(load luc: C:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fon
  600. ts/otf/chaparralpro-regular.luc)
  601. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
  602. luaotfload | resolve : No exact match for request ChaparralPro/B; using fallback
  603. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='bold' found: chapa
  604. rralpro-regular.otf
  605. luaotfload: font no 22 (ChaparralPro-Regular) defines feature smcp for script la
  606. tn with language dflt
  607. luaotfload: font no 22 (ChaparralPro-Regular) defines feature smcp for script la
  608. tn with language dflt
  609. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
  610. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='regular' found: ch
  611. aparralpro-bold.otf
  612. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
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  614. parralpro-italic.otf(load luc: C:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fo
  615. nts/otf/chaparralpro-italic.luc)
  616. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
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  618. parralpro-italic.otf
  619. luaotfload: font no 23 (ChaparralPro-Italic) defines feature smcp for script lat
  620. n with language dflt
  621. luaotfload: font no 23 (ChaparralPro-Italic) defines feature smcp for script lat
  622. n with language dflt
  623. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
  624. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='regular' found: ch
  625. aparralpro-bold.otf
  626. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
  627. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='bolditalic' found:
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  629. c/fonts/otf/chaparralpro-boldit.luc)
  630. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: dflt
  631. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='bolditalic' found:
  632. chaparralpro-boldit.otf
  633. luaotfload: font no 24 (ChaparralPro-BoldIt) defines feature smcp for script lat
  634. n with language dflt
  635. luaotfload: font no 24 (ChaparralPro-BoldIt) defines feature smcp for script lat
  636. n with language dflt
  637. .................................................
  638. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  639. .
  640. . Font family 'ChaparralPro(0)' created for font 'Chaparral Pro' with options
  641. . [].
  642. .
  643. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  644. .
  645. . * 'normal' with NFSS spec.:
  646. . <->"ChaparralPro:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;"
  647. .
  648. . * 'small caps' with NFSS spec.:
  649. . <->"ChaparralPro:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+smcp;"
  650. .
  651. . * 'bold' with NFSS spec.:
  652. . <->"ChaparralPro/B:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;"
  653. .
  654. . * 'bold small caps' with NFSS spec.:
  655. . <->"ChaparralPro/B:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+smcp;"
  656. .
  657. . * 'italic' with NFSS spec.:
  658. . <->"ChaparralPro/I:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;"
  659. .
  660. . * 'italic small caps' with NFSS spec.:
  661. . <->"ChaparralPro/I:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+smcp;"
  662. .
  663. . * 'bold italic' with NFSS spec.:
  664. . <->"ChaparralPro/BI:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;"
  665. .
  666. . * 'bold italic small caps' with NFSS spec.:
  667. . <->"ChaparralPro/BI:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+smcp;"
  668. .................................................
  669. luaotfload | load : auto-selecting default features for script: latn
  670. luaotfload | load : no defaults for script "latn", falling back to "dflt"
  671. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='regular' found: ch
  672. aparralpro-bold.otf (./Chaparral.aux)
  673. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 5.
  674. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5.
  675. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 5.
  676. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5.
  677. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 5.
  678. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5.
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  680. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5.
  681. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 5.
  682. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5.
  683. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 5.
  684. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5.
  685. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for EU2/lmr/m/n on input line 5.
  686. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5.
  687. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T3/cmr/m/n on input line 5.
  688. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for T3+cmr on input line 5.
  690. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tipa/t3cmr.fd
  691. File: t3cmr.fd 2001/12/31 TIPA font definitions
  692. )
  693. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5.
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  714. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/kvdefinekeys.sty
  715. Package: kvdefinekeys 2011/04/07 v1.3 Define keys (HO)
  716. ))
  717. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/kvoptions.sty
  718. Package: kvoptions 2011/06/30 v3.11 Key value format for package options (HO)
  720. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/kvsetkeys.sty
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  723. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/etexcmds.sty
  724. Package: etexcmds 2011/02/16 v1.5 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
  725. )))
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  728. ,.JBIG2,.JB2,.eps]
  729. (grfext) \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 452.
  731. (c:/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/epstopdf-sys.cfg
  732. File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Live
  734. ))
  735. .................................................
  736. . fontspec info: "setup-math"
  737. .
  738. . Adjusting the maths setup (use [no-math] to avoid this).
  739. .................................................
  740. \symlegacymaths=\mathgroup4
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  744. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \grave on input line 5.
  745. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \ddot on input line 5.
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  747. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \bar on input line 5.
  748. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \breve on input line 5.
  749. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \check on input line 5.
  750. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \hat on input line 5.
  751. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \dot on input line 5.
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  754. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Gamma on input line 5.
  755. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Delta on input line 5.
  756. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Theta on input line 5.
  757. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Lambda on input line 5.
  758. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Xi on input line 5.
  759. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Pi on input line 5.
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  772. LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `EU2' for symbol font
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  774. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold'
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  776. .
  777. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `normal'
  778. (Font) EU2/ChaparralPro(0)/m/n --> EU2/ChaparralPro(0)/m/n on i
  779. nput line 5.
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  782. nput line 5.
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  785. 5.
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  788. 5.
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  791. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `normal'
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  793. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold'
  794. (Font) EU2/ChaparralPro(0)/m/n --> EU2/ChaparralPro(0)/bx/n on
  795. input line 5.
  796. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathrm' in version `bold'
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  798. input line 5.
  799. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathit' in version `bold'
  800. (Font) OT1/cmr/bx/it --> EU2/ChaparralPro(0)/bx/it on input lin
  801. e 5.
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  804. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `bold'
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  807. luaotfload | load : no defaults for script "latn", falling back to "dflt"
  808. luaotfload | resolve : No exact match for request ChaparralPro/B:mode=node;scrip
  809. t=latn;language=DFLT;; using fallback
  810. luaotfload | resolve : Font family='chaparralpro', subfamily='bold' found: chapa
  811. rralpro-regular.otf [1
  813. {c:/texlive/2013/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}] (./
  814. x) )
  816. Here is how much of LuaTeX's memory you used:
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  819. 307 words of node memory still in use:
  820. 3 hlist, 1 vlist, 1 rule, 2 glue, 1 kern, 4 attribute, 43 glue_spec, 4 attrib
  821. ute_list, 1 write nodes
  822. avail lists: 2:193,3:7,4:31,5:19,6:57,7:1,9:8,10:8
  823. 17734 multiletter control sequences out of 65536+600000
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  825. 48i,4n,44p,377b,139s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,100000s
  826. <c:/Windows/fonts/chaparralpro-regular.otf><c:/Windows/fonts/chaparralpro-bold.o
  827. tf>
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