

Jan 25th, 2012
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  1. Name: Doctor Tansy Pennyroyal
  3. Name Meaning (floriography): I declare war against you, run away.
  5. Age: 32
  7. Height: 5’
  9. Specialty: Mad Botany, centering around but certainly not exclusive to Phytochemistry, or the study of chemicals derived from plants.
  11. Physical description: Dirty blonde hair in a chin-length bob. Brown eyes and freckles. Tends to get mistaken for being younger than she really is. Fond of floral print, sundresses, and hats. Petite build.
  13. Personality: People tend to assume Tansy’s nice. She’s not, for the most part. Polite and cordial, sure, but not nice. She stubbornly holds onto grudges. If she feels wronged by you, she will get you back. Eventually. Probably long after you forgot about the incident in question. You might die of old age first, at the rate her list of people to go after is growing, but don’t bet your life on it.
  15. Tansy’s also shy, and prefers to spend time working with her plants as opposed to socializing with other people. She’s a firm believer that plants that are talked to grow better, and likes to play latin pop in her greenhouse while she works. She’s also pretty good at hiding her madness when she has to, and was able to obtain a full doctorate in botany with hardly any mysterious disappearences at her university. She loves tea, but it’s not advisable to take any from her: she is an insane expert in phytochemistry, after all.
  17. While Tansy can’t rightly be said to be nice, or even sociable, there are people she cares for deeply, and whom she’ll attempt to do right by. Being mad, of course, her efforts are always a little off, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Tansy is rather close to her family, and especially adores her only sibling, her younger sister Betony.
  19. Background: Hailing from a wealthy family, Tansy always had the genetic potential for mad genius, and was pretty eccentric from the start. She finally went mad at the age of 15, after a fight with one of her only friends. Luckily for everone involved, she was on a field trip to the Museum of Cleanliness at the time. The lack of available plant life prevented any casualties, although many were injured by the living-paper monster she managed to create. Her family hushed up the incident and rushed her off to treatment, to no effect.
  21. There’s a history of mad genius disorder from her mother’s side of the family, and eventually her parents admitted that Tansy had it, too. They just pray she can get distracted often enough with pretty flowers to keep the fatalities at a minimum, or accidently stumble upon something that will benefit humanity in the long run, instead of causing it to cower in fear. They’re a little naïve.
  23. Betony just wishes Tansy would keep scaring off her boyfriends.
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