

Jan 11th, 2014
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  1. <Boilerplate> You know Corbiu_Geisha, maybe perhaps if White Wolf games (the WoD setting) were more intersectional, maybe perhaps they could add "Asura" "Djinn" "Yōkai" as gamelines?
  2. <Boilerplate> instead of classifying them as "Fae" "Demons" (which if you ever notice White Wolf games uses a western bases)
  3. <Corbiu_Geisha> Gamlines?
  4. <Corbiu_Geisha> Oh
  5. <Corbiu_Geisha> Knowing White WOlf though
  6. <Corbiu_Geisha> I'll prefer they just not touch them
  7. <Corbiu_Geisha> At best, it's the Laibon
  8. <Boilerplate> nor it's fans which I notice they're no better either.
  9. <Corbiu_Geisha> I heard they're pretty good.... But the game book just had to have backgrund lore about how "THESE AFRICAN VAMPRIES WERE BADASSes KICKING ASSHOlE's ASSES BUt AFRICAN HUMANS WERE WEAK AND JUSt BOWED DOWN TO THE WHITIES"
  10. <Corbiu_Geisha> Like hello
  11. <Corbiu_Geisha> You think your white arses were so pristine that Africans just bowed down to you immediately?
  12. <Corbiu_Geisha> How do you explain Ethiopia being the only African country not colonised?
  13. <Boilerplate> Oh that's right, white people treat Africa as if a entire country not a contentiant
  14. <Corbiu_Geisha> At worst, White Wolf releases a product where you are a ROmani sterotype and is named after a racist slur for Romani people
  15. <Boilerplate> I originally thought WW get it's sources from Hollywood but then I realized they're really the same thing since they're only part of it.
  16. <Corbiu_Geisha> Yep
  17. <Boilerplate> Because they're all white dominated industries since WW entirely has white writers
  18. <Boilerplate> or authors
  19. <Boilerplate> and they're fans are also white as well
  20. <Boilerplate> Because you probably have seen my encounters with them in the forums
  21. <Boilerplate> Of course though it seems that ShadowNessance is no longer in existence
  22. <Boilerplate> BTW I found something interesting about Mark Rein * Hagen the creator of the WoD:*Hagen-Brucato-and-design-culture
  23. <Boilerplate> Blech it's probably irrelevant since white males are white males...although I did hear though that Mark Rein Hagen's father was a Baptist Minister though so that's where the christian basis comes from in his material
  24. <Boilerplate> Of course apparently, according to this post:*Hagen-Brucato-and-design-culture&p=7883932#post7883932 It seems that the original concept of the WoD it was supposed to be worse than our world where it seems to aimed at teenagers exploring their angst at their deepest level to "feel better about themselves afterwords"
  25. <Boilerplate> Basically it's like a 'self improvement' game for teenagers of the time
  26. <Boilerplate> i.e. "This world is worse than your world so get over your angst"
  27. <Boilerplate> or maybe rather "Explore your angst in this game here"
  28. <Boilerplate> Or rather White Angst....
  29. <Corbiu_Geisha> Eh, teenagers do have legit things to be angry about
  30. <Boilerplate> Like for example, their parents, their school life, etc
  31. <Boilerplate> or maybe something greater
  32. <Boilerplate> Especially if one happens to be a PoC/Female/LGTB teenager...
  33. <Boilerplate> Of course ironically that's also where the WoD fails as well due to the racism/christian basis/etc.
  34. <Boilerplate> as if it was made for and by white people
  35. <Boilerplate> and internalized people "I'm PoC/Female/LGTB/etc and I see no problem here"
  36. <Boilerplate> well rather not because internalization is just another example of manipalation
  37. <Corbiu_Geisha> You didn't forget that you're a white man, did you?
  38. <Boilerplate> Yes
  39. <Corbiu_Geisha> Because sometimes the way you speak is like
  40. <Corbiu_Geisha> I don't know
  41. <Corbiu_Geisha> like you're using phrases from elsewhere
  42. <Boilerplate> Of course I can also bash myself and my own culture as well since I'm ashamed to be one but it's just who I end up being as though and it's nothing I can do.
  43. <Corbiu_Geisha> No I mean like
  44. <Corbiu_Geisha> You use phrases which would make sense for me to say but not you
  45. <Boilerplate> Like for example? Well when I use terms like "PoC" and etc?
  46. <Boilerplate> or something else?
  47. <Corbiu_Geisha> More like when you talk about internalisation
  48. <Boilerplate> Because I know what internalisation I think you told me what it was which is when marginalized groups ignore their own margizalinzations if I'm not mistaken.
  49. <Corbiu_Geisha> Internalisation is really only something you talk about when it affects you
  50. <Corbiu_Geisha> Yeah
  51. <Corbiu_Geisha> But it wouldn't be approrpiate for you to criticise us for it
  52. <Corbiu_Geisha> Just like
  53. <Corbiu_Geisha> It wouldn't be appropriate for me to critcise,
  54. <Corbiu_Geisha> Say
  55. <Corbiu_Geisha> Vietnamese people for things about them that doesn't apply to me
  56. <Boilerplate> Ah, So it doesn't effect me so I shouldn't talk about it
  57. <Corbiu_Geisha> Well
  58. <Corbiu_Geisha> Internalisation is a dialogue to have INTERNALLY
  59. <Corbiu_Geisha> So
  60. <Corbiu_Geisha> I don't mean that if it doesn't affect you, you shouldn't bring it up
  61. <Corbiu_Geisha> We would go nowhere with that
  62. <Corbiu_Geisha> Ah
  63. <Corbiu_Geisha> Fuck
  64. <Corbiu_Geisha> I'll just start from scratch
  65. <Corbiu_Geisha> Okay
  66. <Corbiu_Geisha> I didn't mean that you shouldn't talk about things that don't affect you
  67. <Corbiu_Geisha> I'm just talking about knowing boundaries
  68. <Corbiu_Geisha> For example, if I talk about how Chinese people have internalised racism that we let white people get away with things. That's within my boundary
  69. <Corbiu_Geisha> But if I say that Chinese-Americans internalise American culture or wahtever, that's outside my boundary
  70. <Corbiu_Geisha> And I would probably be making a grossly inaccurate statement
  71. <Corbiu_Geisha> And even if I'm correct
  72. <Corbiu_Geisha> I am an outsider
  73. <Corbiu_Geisha> I may know the facts, but I may not have an understanding
  74. <Boilerplate> It means that outsiders should shut their traps and focus on what effects them.
  75. <Corbiu_Geisha> The ability to define yourselves is important in anti-oppression, and just because it's someone of your own race but with a different socio-cultural background doesn't mean it's any less intrusive than if it's white people
  76. <Corbiu_Geisha> Ah, about that
  77. <Corbiu_Geisha> On a general level, it is important to talk about others though
  78. <Corbiu_Geisha> Say
  79. <Corbiu_Geisha> Most people in the world have never seen a black person in a physical space
  80. <Corbiu_Geisha> Therefore, we are predisposed to relying on media sterotypes
  81. <Corbiu_Geisha> And by talking about how that's a problem, we're helping
  82. <Corbiu_Geisha> For example
  83. <Corbiu_Geisha> "It is disrespectful to refer to a black person by that word."
  84. <Corbiu_Geisha> That's helping
  85. <Corbiu_Geisha> "Black people who use the n-word are internalising anti-blackness" That's being an intrusive fuck
  86. <Corbiu_Geisha> You get it?
  87. <Boilerplate> It all makes sense now
  88. <Corbiu_Geisha> Also, if you're talking to someone who internalised their own oppression
  89. <Corbiu_Geisha> Don't argue with them
  90. <Corbiu_Geisha> Because undoing internalisation is something to be done within
  91. <Corbiu_Geisha> The idae is that for a group to gain power
  92. <Corbiu_Geisha> They must have the ability to define themselves
  93. <Corbiu_Geisha> For outsiders to do the defining doesn't change the power dynamic
  94. <Boilerplate> Of course what about 'debating' with racists though and what if they bring up "How can black people call each other the n-word but we can't?, we're oppressed! Because freedom means we can say what we want and suffer the consequence"
  95. <Boilerplate> *not suffer the consequence
  96. <Corbiu_Geisha> You're not intruding on an internal issue
  97. <Corbiu_Geisha> THe key here is to see where the power dynamic lies and where it shifts
  98. <Boilerplate> Ah...I guess it means it's different when debating with racists while actual someone who internalizes their own oppression can't be talked to, it's up to them to figure it own on their own.
  99. <Corbiu_Geisha> Well, not on their own, but with people who share it with them
  100. <Corbiu_Geisha> But you get the point
  101. <Corbiu_Geisha> Basically
  102. <Corbiu_Geisha> Just remember the INTERNAL in INTERNALISATION
  103. <Boilerplate> Well whose the people who share it with them? You mean people within their own spaces and not white people 'guiding them' if that's what you mean.
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