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a guest
Sep 1st, 2013
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Lua 3.23 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 2x RuneItAll-3.2.1-40300\Portfolio\Control\Slider.lua:103: Usage: RuneItAllControlPanelcdfs:SetValue(value)
  2. <in C code>
  3. RuneItAll-3.2.1-40300\Portfolio\Control\Slider.lua:103: in function "SetValue"
  4. RuneItAll-3.2.1-40300\Portfolio\Control.lua:154: in function "Update"
  5. RuneItAll-3.2.1-40300\Portfolio\Portfolio-1.lua:136: in function "CallCallbacks"
  6. RuneItAll-3.2.1-40300\Portfolio\Portfolio-1.lua:91: in function "func"
  7. Portfolio-1\Libs\LibDefaults\LibDefaults-2.lua:158: in function "InitAddOn"
  8. Portfolio-1\Libs\LibDefaults\LibDefaults-2.lua:328: in function <Portfolio\Libs\LibDefaults\LibDefaults.lua:326>
  9. <in C code>
  10. AddonLoader\AddonLoader-r126.lua:125: in function "LoadAddOn"
  11. AddonLoader\AddonLoader-r126.lua:146: in function <AddonLoader\AddonLoader.lua:135>
  13. Locals:
  14. self = RuneItAllControlPanelcdfs {
  15.  0 = <userdata>
  16.  tvar = "cdfs"
  17.  minValue = 10
  18.  isSet = true
  19.  maxText = "Large"
  20.  SetText = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:203
  21.  callback = <func> @..\RuneItAll.lua:527
  22.  yOffset = -12
  23.  maxValue = 25
  24.  Okay = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:342
  25.  tooltipText = "The font size of the cooldown count text."
  26.  Update = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:153
  27.  SetValue = <func> @..\..\..\Slider.lua:101
  28.  Refresh = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:328
  29.  optionsFrame = RuneItAllControlPanel {}
  30.  SetMinMaxValues = <func> @..\..\..\Slider.lua:80
  31.  SetRelativePoint = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:158
  32.  type = 3
  33.  ValueEquals = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:387
  34.  GetValue = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:60
  35.  id = "cdfs"
  36.  text = "Cooldown Font Size (%1.0f)"
  37.  defaultValue = "14"
  38.  Cancel = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:352
  39.  UpdateText = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:215
  40.  Reset = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:314
  41.  valueStep = 1
  42.  prev = RuneItAllControlPanelcolor_picker {}
  43.  Enable = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:281
  44.  yOffsetRelative = -4
  45.  minText = "Small"
  46.  Disable = <func> @..\..\Control.lua:297
  47. }
  48. value = false
  49. isGUI = false
  50. isUpdate = true
  51. Portfolio = <table> {
  52.  OptionSet_Cancel = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:235
  53.  GetOptionsFrame = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:108
  54.  CONTROL_TYPES = <table> {}
  55.  CopyTableElements = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:258
  56.  Print = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:250
  57.  OptionSet_Reset = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:236
  58.  RegisterOptionSet = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:44
  59.  PopulateOptionsFrame = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:189
  60.  CreateOptionsFrame = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:146
  61.  InsetScrollBar = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:288
  62.  InitField = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:265
  63.  PrintError = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:254
  64.  ScrollFrameTemplate_OnMouseWheel = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:368
  65.  OptionSet_UpdateBox = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:238
  66.  Control = <table> {}
  67.  InitDefaultValue = <func> @..\..\RegisterControl.lua:125
  68.  GetControl = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:119
  69.  PopulateValueControl = <func> @..\..\RegisterControl.lua:99
  70.  PopulateCommonControl = <func> @..\..\RegisterControl.lua:61
  71.  RegisterControl = <func> @..\..\RegisterControl.lua:39
  72.  OptionSet_Okay = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:234
  73.  ScrollFrame_OnScrollRangeChanged = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:316
  74.  version = 1.23
  75.  registered = <table> {}
  76.  PassThrough = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:278
  77.  Round = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:273
  78.  OptionSet_Refresh = <func> @..\..\Portfolio.lua:228
  79.  CallCallbac
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