
FoE RPG G0 - #017 Last Stop: Crossing Paths

May 25th, 2013
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  1. [19:18]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #17 starts now
  2. [19:18]<SpiritOfFate> ===================================================
  3. [19:23]<SpiritOfFate> The sun slowly makes its way down through the thick mist covering the old Siren Singer outpost. All Sirens are now buried, but one. The halls of the old building are punctuated by entire desks among the wooden remains of the rest of them. Everything is silent. The ex-slaves an their new companion seem to have some time to breathe, but how much?
  4. [19:25]? Hawkeye sits out in front of the outpost, staring at the graves of her friends. The cloud gravestones wisp in the breeze. They look nice... Hawkeye is still too choked-up to say much of anything, so she just sits.
  5. [19:26]? Sotho comes out of the outpost, looking content, but still recognizing the dark air around the group
  6. [19:27]? Wintergreen is still paying her respects to the departed, and gives Firefly a hug for her good work as she keep looking forward to the graves.
  7. [19:28]? Firefly returns Wintergreen's hug, but watches Hawkeye. Hawkeye is just sitting there, not doing anything...and looks sad. Firefly breaks apart from the hug with Wintergreen and gives Hawkeye a hug.
  8. [19:28]? Ignis sits over a pile of debris, silent...
  9. [19:30]? Wintergreen trots over to Ignis and leans against him, smiling as she watches Firefly comfort Hawkeye.
  10. [19:30]? Hawkeye looks down at the filly hugging her, and then back to the graves. "Thanks," she says, and ruffles Firefly's mane. "They weren't good folk, the Sirens. They were thieves and thugs. But they weren't killers. And they were my friends." She sighs. "Guess that's that, then... Miz Winter, the first floor should make a safe place to camp for the night. I'll... I'll keep lookout. Ain't going to be...
  11. [19:30]? Hawkeye ...sleeping proper for a while."
  12. [19:31]? Ignis carefully tugs Wintergreen close to him, nodding as he contemplates the filly as well.
  13. [19:33]? Firefly nods up to Firefly. " should come to me if you need a hug. Hugs solve a lot of problems." Firefly nods a second time, completely sure of herself.
  14. [19:35]? Sotho shakes his head. "We should move on, after all this area isn't safe. I apologize but wouldn't the rival gang come to claim their territory?"
  15. [19:36]? Wintergreen nuzzles Ignis as she sits up, nodding in agreement with Sotho. "He's most likely right. We should continue."
  16. [19:37]? Hawkeye shakes her head, a sad smile on her face. Filly logic... "Well, 'ccordin' to those two I shot out in front here, they were coming out here to take a look and see if them raider fillies from earlier had actually taken us out." She scowls. "Ah wouldn't expect others to be coming by so soon, but if y'all feel more comfortable elsewhere, let's move on." The charcoal mare looks at the tower and...
  17. [19:37]? Hawkeye ...shudders. "Buried too many friends here to want to stay, myself."
  18. [19:37]? Ignis yawns a bit, but nuzzles har back, nodding as well. "Seems the best...sooner or later, every dirty corner of this town is gonna be filled to the brim with sand raiders, now that nopony is opposing them..."
  19. [19:38]? Sotho nods saddly. "I'm sorry for your loss." He says to Hawkeye. "But it would be best if we move now, it might not take that long until we reach the next settlement."
  20. [19:39]<Hawkeye> "Ain't disagreeing with you, friend," Hawkeye says, and slings her damaged sniper rifle over her shoulder. "Let's round everyone up and get a move on. Did y'all take everything worth takin'?"
  21. [19:40]? Wintergreen sits up and stretches, ready to go. She didn't take anything, given that she was out with Firefly the whole time.
  22. [19:41]? Firefly nods as she looks over at the sniper rifle. "Miss Hawkeye, I think I can fix that up for you. If you want me to, that is."
  23. [19:41]? Sotho nods. "I found interest in the food and herbs. I also found a music box? Do you know what exactly it's for?"
  24. [19:41]? Ignis nods, settling himself. "We're alright..."
  25. [19:41]<Sotho> "Oh yes, we also have an Apron correct? I would very much need that for my brewing."
  26. [19:42]<Ignis> "We can sort out those things when we are in town."
  27. [19:42]<Ignis> "Just...lets make the best of the sunlight."
  28. [19:43]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Don't know about any music box, hun," she tells Sotho, then turns to the filly and tips her hat back. "Well, half-pint, when we have some time to rest, Ah'd greatly appreciate it. Thing's half jammed as it is, and the firing pin ain't working right. If y'all want to poke at it when we rest, that'd be right peachy."
  29. [19:43]<SpiritOfFate> A small beacon of light floats down, stopping on Sotho's back. At least that is what Hawkeye and Firefly can see, Ignis seeing a faint blue hue over Sotho's coat.
  30. [19:44]? Sotho looks to the light and smiles. "Ah, hello friend." He says to it, before examining the music box closer.
  31. [19:44]? Firefly nods over to Hawkeye. "Alright, my pappa taught me one or...two..." Firefly trails off as she looks at the light. "Ooooh...shiny..."
  32. [19:44]? Hawkeye blinks. "Uh, Sotho?" she says. "Y'all got a... um... spirit or something stuck to your back..." She peers at the light. "Howdy?"
  33. [19:44]? Ignis shakes his head a bit. "Is it just me, or spirits are obnoxiously drawn to us?"
  34. [19:45]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow, looking around in confusion. "Spirit? What are you ponies talking about?"
  35. [19:46]<Hawkeye> "Kind of like a ghost," Hawkeye says to Winter. "'Cept the zebra can talk to 'em and convince 'em to do magic, sometimes. And they're helpful, or so I hear." She snorts. "And some are cruel and mean, like that Bloodshed one we met earlier."
  36. [19:46]? Firefly nods. "Liberty Dream was nice." She walks over to the bubble of light and extends a hoof. "Hi, I'm Firefly! Who are you?"
  37. [19:47]? Wintergreen pouts. Apparently she's the only one in the wasteland who can't see spirits.
  38. [19:47]<Sotho> "This one was small when I found him not moments ago, I offered him a tribute of the coral, he seemed to enjoy it."
  39. [19:47]? Ignis shakes his head and goes to hug Wintergreen, likewise...seeing halfway spirits was a constant source of frustation to the dragon, so, he was quite sympathethic.
  40. [19:48]<SpiritOfFate> The ethereal voice of the spirit echoes in the spirit seer minds. "I am Ties... I follow."
  41. [19:49]? Wintergreen sighs and hugs Ignis, giving him a thankful kiss on the cheek.
  42. [19:49]? Sotho nods. "I have no problem, a spiritual commarade is a strong one." He chuckles. "We should move when everyone is ready however."
  43. [19:49]? Ignis nods and keeps her close. "I usually pay no mind to those." He speaks. "You'll get used to it, dear."
  44. [19:50]? Firefly giggles up at the spirit. "Ok!" The filly seems satisfied with the answer, and looks over at the others. "So...where are we going?"
  45. [19:52]<Hawkeye> "Feel free to follow us around if you like," Hawkeye says. "Just... play nice, ai'ight?" She turns to the group. "The settlement ain't that far. If we leave now, we should be able to get there by dusk."
  46. [19:52]<Ignis> "Oh, and...we have another metal armor, if that's your fancy..." He speaks. "Nopony seems to want it for being bulky, but...since you're our medic, I thought it might interest you."
  47. [19:53]? Wintergreen nods, hmm'ing at the idea as she thinks. "I wouldn't mind, if no one else wants it. I'd be happy to."
  48. [19:54]? Sotho nods, countinuing to look at the music box, perhaps trying to find a key to winding it up
  49. [19:56]<SpiritOfFate> The music box has a key inside.
  50. [19:58]? Hawkeye walks toward the settlement. "Ah'll take a look around, make no more Sand Raiders sneak up on y'all," she says. "Anypony want to watch my back? Ah ain't fond of gettin' snuck up on."
  51. [19:58]? Sotho looks up. "I could I don't see why not"
  52. [19:59]<Sotho> He looks to Firefly and smiles. "Hey Firefly, see this box? It makes pretty music if you put this key in and wind it up." He smiles at her. "Why don't you try?"
  53. [20:00]? Ignis blinks as he overhears that. " mind trying it out beforehoof? You know...are you really, really sure that it does that?" The dragon remarks. "I remember knowing a pony who used to booby-trap those."
  54. [20:01]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye can see throught the mist the way ahead. A few blocks and the buildings stop, just fenced fields, the road and the railroad until the settlement.
  55. [20:01]<Sotho> "Well..." He shrugs. " I see no problem in that. I apologize for being so hasty." He puts the key in and winds it up himself.
  56. [20:02]? Wintergreen watches Sotho as he puts in the key, wary now that Ignis mentioned it may be trapped.
  57. [20:02]? Ignis nodsnods. "I'm probably being overzealous, safe than sorry."
  58. [20:02]? Firefly looks over at the music box. It looks pretty, but it might be trapped like in a Daring Do novel. She gets ready to jump to Mr. Sotho's rescue if something bad should happen!
  59. [20:03]<Sotho> As he is winding it he nods. "I apologize, it just seems odd that it would be boobytrapped when found in a locker that a ghoul owned, usually ghouls hold these in high sentimental value."
  60. [20:03]<Ignis> "Oh, you found it on a locker? Its probably alright then."
  61. [20:05]<SpiritOfFate> A lone sand raider is shuffling through the many skeletons that dot the road beyond the suburb, victims of the train crew safety policy (not always unwarranted and even less so in this place)
  62. [20:05]? Sotho lets go of the key, waiting for the music box to play
  63. [20:06]? Hawkeye lifts her scope to her eye. She sighs. Oh how she'd missed the feel of a hefty .308. She peers at the Sand Raider. He doesn't seem to be doing much... so it's probably not worth shooting him. Yet. Her new friends aren't quite ready to leave yet. But she'll clear the path in a heartbeat once they're ready.
  64. [20:07]<SpiritOfFate> The music box stats playing a slow gentle song, slight out of tune out of its age. It's nothing you recognize in particular.
  65. [20:08]? Sotho smiles a bit before letting it play. He moves to Hawkeye. "Is there anything Dangerous?"
  66. [20:08]<Sotho> "Also." Hel okos back as his compainons. "Are we ready to leave?"
  67. [20:08]? Wintergreen moves behind Sotho a safe distance away, she nods, ready to leave.
  68. [20:08]<Hawkeye> "Mhmm," Hawkeye says, still watching the raider. "Just one Sand Raider out by the tracks. I'd drop him, but not everypony's ready yet. Give the word and I'll take him out."
  69. [20:09]? Ignis takes the front. "Yup..." He overhears Hawkeye. "Its probably not worth the bullet...we should rough him up for some answers..."
  70. [20:09]? Firefly sits and listens to the music of the box. She flits up into the air and tries dancing to it, attempting a cloud waltz.
  71. [20:11]? Hawkeye snorts. "Fine," she says. "Y'all do that. And *then* Ah'll shoot him. Unless somepony would be kind enough to stomp his skull in and save me the ammo."
  72. [20:12]? Ignis chuckles. "That is, unless he, for some reason, is an adventurer with a poor sense of fashion."
  73. [20:13]? Firefly continues to dance across the mist to the music, unaware of the conversation below.
  74. [20:13]<Sotho> "I've seen it before." He chuckles. He looks to the rest of the group. "I suggest we head out now, most seem to be ready."
  75. [20:13]? Sotho trots to the music box, pulling out the key and putting it safetly away
  76. [20:14]<Hawkeye> "Alright," Hawkeye says, taking aim at the raider. "If y'all intend to interrogate that pile o' brahmin droppings, go ahead. Ah'll cover you. Somepony fetch miss Winter and the filly?"
  77. [20:15]? Firefly looks down at Sotho when he stops the music. " was such pretty music."
  78. [20:15]<Sotho> He nods. "We'll have it playing during your Cutiesceniara." He smiles.
  79. [20:16]? Sotho was doing precisey that
  80. [20:16]? Firefly claps excitedly. "Yay! Ooooh, were are we going to have it?"
  81. [20:16]? Ignis settles his revolvers. "Ready."
  82. [20:17]<Sotho> "Probably in the town! Or if we don't make it there we will have it at the camp! I'll prepare a feast."
  83. [20:18]? Firefly grins. "Alright, then let's go! Ooooh, and when we get to town I get to meet a whole bunch of new ponies. Yay!" Firefly prepares to zip off, and then realizes she has a problem. "Uh...which way is the town?"
  84. [20:19]? Wintergreen nods, still ready to go. "Lead the way, we should get moving."
  85. [20:19]? Hawkeye nods to Ignis. "Your move, pardner. If you want to ask questions first and shoot later, Ah suggest y'all get a move on."
  86. [20:20]? Ignis takes the lead, then, calmly moving over towards the raider...guns ready and a fiery resolve.
  87. [20:20]? Wintergreen follows, though from a distance away in the back of the group.
  88. [20:20]? Firefly grabs her cloud cannon and follows the group.
  89. [20:21]? Sotho waits for them. "We'll wait for Ignis to talk to the bad pony." He trots near Hawkeye, waiting.
  90. [20:21]? Firefly aims the cannon at the bad pony, taking careful aim. "Ok, but if he hurts Mr. Ignis, I'm gonna fire my cannon at him."
  91. [20:23]<SpiritOfFate> The Sand Raider turns his head, seeing Ignis and promptly reaches for his bat.
  92. [20:23]? Ignis whistles as he approaches the raider, breaking every pretense of sneaking upon the fell...why do that, when he was an imposing, grown dragon? "Beautiful day, isn't it?" The dragon remarks calmly, then shakes his head with a little smile. "Do that and you're history...deader than your mother's brains."
  93. [20:24]? Hawkeye braces her rifle on the wall, and waits for signs of violence.
  94. [20:25]<SpiritOfFate> The sand rider blinks. "Are you fuckin' with me?!" His bat starts to turn violently towards Ignis
  95. [20:25]? Wintergreen frowns, shaking her head. "Please, just drop the bat."
  96. [20:26]? Ignis points two loaded cannons at the raider. "I didn't even started to...just give me a reason to do that and I will." He remarks. "You're standing in a field of dead suckers...think of what you'll do if you do not want to join them."
  97. [20:29]<SpiritOfFate> The sand raider answers with a strike to Ignis chest. "Get out of my face, gecko!"
  98. [20:29]? Hawkeye sees the raider attack Ignis, and promptly shoots the bat held in his teeth. She will MAKE a chance to interrogate the raider.
  99. [20:31]? Ignis takes the negible damage calmly. "Raiders these days..." Is his casual anwer.
  100. [20:31]<SpiritOfFate> The sand raider take a lightning to the chest and it's bat is blasted into splinters.
  101. [20:33]? Ignis keeps pointing his guns to the raider. "You wanna speak to me now? Or would you rather talk to my bullets instead?"
  102. [20:34]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh... fuck this!" He shoots out galloping down the road.
  103. [20:35]<Hawkeye> No fleeing. Not from Hawkeye. The mare takes aim and puts a bullet through the fleeing stallion's leg.
  104. [20:36]<SpiritOfFate> The raider stumbles, frantically reaching for something on his bag.
  105. [20:39]? The raider takes a small pump and inhales it, running even faster into the mist.
  106. [20:41]<Hawkeye> "Oh no you don't," Hawkeye says, switching to a clip of hollowpoints and firing at the already wounded leg.
  107. [20:43]<SpiritOfFate> The bullets open a bleeding wound on his leg, but he keeps running, limping as fast as he still can, but still out in the open, in the long road.
  108. [20:45]<Hawkeye> "Horseapples," Hawkeye says, spitting on the ground. She holsters her varmint rifle and storms up to Ignis. "Can we be done talking to the Sand Raiders now?" she huffs. "So far it's done you squat as far as good is concerned, and y'all let that one get away." She narrows her eyes. "Next time, Ah'm just shootin' them in the head. Talking won't do any good. Did you not see all my dead friends...
  109. [20:45]<Hawkeye> ...over yonder?" She jerks her head back at the tower.
  110. [20:46]? Firefly looks down at Hawkeye. "If you want I can still catch him."
  111. [20:46]? Wintergreen sighs. That didn't really go well.
  112. [20:46]? Hawkeye grimaces. "Better keep him from telling the other where we are, half-pint. Go get him." She looks at Wintergreen. "Assuming she has your permission to keep us all from getting murdered."
  113. [20:47]? Ignis nods. "I just thought that getting to the thick of them was more important that enacting vengeance over a single one..."
  114. [20:47]? Wintergreen nods. "Please... careful, Firefly."
  115. [20:48]? Firefly smiles. "I'm always careful! Be right back!" With that, Firefly takes off after the raider.
  116. [20:48]<Hawkeye> "Ah ain't planning on running into the thick of them," Hawkeye says, rounding on Ignis. "I was trying to make sure he didn't lead a giant pile of them over to us. We may have some of the Sirens' weapons, but we ain't running an extermination campaign. Ah'm trying to get Sotho back to his family and Firefly back to her folks!" She snorts. "Pepper said to go with you, and Ah intend to make...
  117. [20:48]<Hawkeye> ...sure y'all get there safely."
  118. [20:48]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly dives into the deep mist and can reach the raider in a short while.
  119. [20:49]? Sotho smiles a bit. "Thank you Hawkeye."
  120. [20:49]? Ignis just acedes with his head. "I'll keep that in mind, then."
  121. [20:49]? Firefly flies into the raider, trying to tackle him to the ground!
  122. [20:50]<Hawkeye> "The extermination can wait. Ah got all the time in the world," Hawkeye says, and turns away. "Now let's follow the filly and hope she don't get into more trouble."
  123. [20:50]? Wintergreen trots after Firefly as quickly as she can, pulling out her energy pistol (just in case).
  124. [20:51]? Hawkeye follows Wintergreen, swearing under her breath about pacifists and naivete.
  125. [20:52]? Ignis goes right after...well, that's what he got for trying to do things right.
  126. [20:53]? Sotho follows after them
  127. [20:54]<SpiritOfFate> The raider is slammed into the ground by a surprisingly strong filly
  128. [20:55]<SpiritOfFate> After some time the group reach the rushing ones.
  129. [20:56]? Ignis promptly scoots forward just to step over the raider's leg wound...because reasons.
  130. [20:56]? Firefly has the raider's tail in her hooves and is slowly flying toward the others, dragging the raider across the ground. She stops when the others show up.
  131. [20:57]? Wintergreen smiles, seeing as Firefly didn't simply end the raiders life. "Good work, Batmare."
  132. [20:57]<SpiritOfFate> The raider squirms and grits his teeth.
  133. [20:57]? Firefly promptly sits on the raider, saluting Wintergreen. "All in a day's work ma'am!"
  134. [20:58]? Hawkeye aims her shotgun at the raider's head. "Ah believe the nice dragon wanted to talk to y'all," she says. "It's rude to turn your back when somepony's talkin' at you."
  135. [20:58]? Ignis stomps a few more times, then looks at Hawkeye. "All yours."
  136. [20:58]? Hawkeye looks at Wintergreen. "If you have something to ask him, better do it right quick. I think he's about to come down with high-velocity lead poisoning."
  137. [21:00]? Firefly looks like she might have an impressive bruise on her shoulder, but that bruise seems to match an even larger bruise on the raider's side.
  138. [21:01]? Wintergreen frowns. Ignis was the one who wanted to question the raider. She looks to Ignis questioningly, "Was there anything you wanted to question him for?"
  139. [21:02]<Ignis> "The usual...where the rest of them were holed at, who is their leader...that sorta thing...but figures..." He steps again on the raider's wound. "I don't care much anymore."
  140. [21:04]<Hawkeye> "Stop that," Hawkeye snaps at the dragon. "I may want them all dead, but I ain't going to cotton to torture. Either ask him or kill him."
  141. [21:04]<SpiritOfFate> The raider grunts in pain, foaming rabidly to try to escape with no effect
  142. [21:05]? Wintergreen nods in agreement with Hawkeye. "If you are going to do that, just end it... we're better than torture."
  143. [21:06]? Ignis retrieves his feet. "Well, be my ask him or finish him off...I was just waiting on."
  144. [21:07]? Wintergreen isn't actually feeling up to talking to him, after seeing Hawkeye's base. She nods to Hawkeye, "Just do what you want."
  145. [21:07]? Firefly looks over at the others. "Should I move?"
  146. [21:08]<Wintergreen> "Firefly, maybe your cloud needs maintenance?" Wintergreen suggests, not wanting Firefly to see Hawkeye end the raider.
  147. [21:09]<Hawkeye> "Fine. He can't tell his pals where y'all are if he's dead." Hawkeye pulls the trigger, blasting his skull apart like a melon.
  148. [21:09]? Firefly pauses, her eyes growing wide. "Oooh! My cannon!" The filly takes off as Hawkeye pulls the trigger.
  149. [21:10]? Wintergreen winces, hoping Firefly didn't see that .
  150. [21:11]? Hawkeye wipes blood and brains off the end of her gun and off her hooves. "Let's get going," she says calmly. "We're burning daylight." She turns and continues toward the settlement.
  151. [21:11]<SpiritOfFate> The raider's brain gets plastered on the cracked road
  152. [21:11]? Firefly it takes a bit for Firefly to make it back to the others. When they see her, she is standing on her hind legs, pointing the same direction the cannon is pointing, wings buzzing to move the cloud.
  153. [21:12]? Wintergreen follows in the back of the group.
  154. [21:13]? Ignis takes a couple of minutes to fetch the raider's bag, and then, follows them.
  155. [21:13]? Sotho trots off with his group, smiling at them lightly.
  156. [21:37]<SpiritOfFate> The night falls. The road is silent, not even animals move around the grassy plains. The reason is made clear by the high caliber holes on the asphalt and the shattered bones spread across the field, some very old already. Lights are visible across the long road, a tall wall and a watchtower protecting the settlement from the threats of the land , but not completely surrounding it.
  157. [21:40]? Firefly is laying down on the cloud cannon, half-asleep but pushing the cannon with the group. She's a tired filly!
  158. [21:40]? Hawkeye slows her pace to hang back with the others instead of scouting. "Settlement's just up ahead," she says. "Ah assume we don't want any trouble there... but y'all are escaped slaves. How do y'all plan on not gettin' reported back to your former owners?"
  159. [21:41]? Sotho chuckles at Firefly as they trot along
  160. [21:41]? Ignis can't find an answer to that.
  161. [21:42]? Wintergreen frowns. "Any materials we have to make disguises?"
  162. [21:42]<Wintergreen> "...Although it might be seen as unlikely, perhaps we could use spare cloth and bandages to become a troupe of burn victims?"
  163. [21:43]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Or we could make it authentic and actually give y'all some burns first." She looks at Ignis. "A disguise won't work for Ignis, most likely... unless y'all disguised him as a cart, or a blimp, or something..."
  164. [21:44]<Ignis> "oh, since we are gonna do mind bandanging a few wounds I have? I suppose its best to.."
  165. [21:44]<Sotho> "Perhaps they will not recognize us as slaves?" He suggests hopefully
  166. [21:44]? Ignis looks over at Hawkeye. "Perhaps you should scout ahead and check if they are on the lookout for slaves and the like..."
  167. [21:44]? Wintergreen just pulls out her rolls of bandages, letting her brilliant impromptu dress up idea hang in the air. "Burn victims~"
  168. [21:44]? Firefly looks down. "Maybe I could hide Ignis in my cannon?"
  169. [21:45]? Hawkeye looks at Sotho with a wry face. "Right. And we'll all have plenty to eat and never need to worry about getting shot at again. Thanks, Princess Optimist." She looks back to Ignis. "I can go in first if y'all like, see if I hear any scuttlebutt. Ain't got nobody looking to capture me or gun me down, best of my knowledge."
  170. [21:47]<Sotho> "A full group of burn victems traveling together sounds odd doesn't it?" He asks. "Do we still have our old collars from before?"
  171. [21:48]? Ignis nudges Wintergreen a bit, looking at the roll of bandgages.
  172. [21:50]? Wintergreen blinks, putting down her standard bandages and pulling out a healing bandage to apply to Ignis' wound.
  173. [21:51]<SpiritOfFate> Sotjo, Ignis and Wintergreen notice...
  174. [21:53]<Royal_Lace> A small little dot of Bright orange mane bobbing in the distance growing closer as it and the white unicorn it is attatched to exit from the wall, passing the watchtower on the way out of the settlement. Some sort of large parcel on her back weighing the unicorn down as she trots under its weight, a eye catching salmon dress allso showing in the dim lights from the settlement.
  175. [21:54]? Sotho looks ahead. "Is that..."
  176. [21:54]? Wintergreen blinks several times, straining her eyes as she mutters, "...Royal_Lace?"
  177. [21:54]? Hawkeye looks around. "Wait, what? What are y'all looking at?"
  178. [21:55]? Ignis runs his claw over his eyes... was he seeing things? "Is that really who I think it is?"
  179. [21:55]<Sotho> "She... made it out by herself?"
  180. [21:55]? Royal_Lace humms to herself as she trots as best as she could under the large bale of hay on her back, so heavy!
  181. [21:55]? Wintergreen rolls her eyes. "I told you to trust her~"
  182. [21:55]<Ignis> "We'd better ask her, boyo." He waves to the mare.
  183. [21:56]? Firefly looks down at the others. "What are you guys looking at?"
  184. [21:57]? Sotho smiles as he starts to trot towards Royal_Lace. "Looks heavy, need some help?"
  185. [21:58]? Wintergreen waves for Firefly to follow as she trots towards Royal_Lace.
  186. [21:58]? Ignis goes behind...oh well, the group was reunited at last.
  187. [21:58]? Firefly pushes the cloud along, still looking at the others.
  188. [21:58]? Royal_Lace ears twitch as she things she hears a familure voice. Lifting her head she gazes around, eyes shifting around the dark city streets and alleys surrounding her. Spoting the group in the distance she squints her eyes and then gasps, a large smile spreading across her face. In a blink she teleports the rest of the way over to them, appearing nearby. "Friends!"
  189. [21:58]? Hawkeye shrugs. "Friend o' yours?" she asks, following Wintergreen.
  190. [21:59]<SpiritOfFate> The luminous bubble following Sotho shines brighter and grows.
  191. [21:59]? Firefly blinks twice as she recognizes the voice. "Miss Pretty Pony?" Firefly dashes off the cloud and glomps the unicorn carrying the hay. "Miss Pretty Pony!"
  192. [21:59]? Wintergreen nods. "Though, we were separated," she sighs as she mumbles the last bit, "partially my fault when I threatened our slaver with a rusty nail..."
  193. [22:00]<Ignis> "She had it coming, sooner or later..."
  194. [22:00]? Sotho nods, looking at Wintergreen. "But past is past." Hel ooks to the bubble and smiles. "And Ties here is getting stronger."
  195. [22:00]? Wintergreen waves a hoof lightly as Royal_Lace, smiling. "Glad you made it out alright."
  196. [22:01]? Ignis examines Royal a bit. "Actually, better than alright..."
  197. [22:01]? Hawkeye looks at Wintergreen quizzically. "You get squeamish about killin' raiders, but threaten folks with rusty nails?" She chuckles. "You sure are one contradictory mare." She glances at the spirit and can't help but feel a little happier. Maybe things will work out better from here on out. She trots up next to Wintergreen and waits patiently.
  198. [22:01]? Royal_Lace falls to her side at the flying hug from Firefly, Laughing she rubs the fillies head, "Oh its so good to see you little one!"
  199. [22:01]? Royal_Lace looks up at the other smiling, "all of you of course, I missed you all"
  200. [22:01]? Firefly giggles as the Royal_Lace rubs her head. "Oooh! Guess what?"
  201. [22:02]? Wintergreen nods to Hawkeye, "Well, yes... I wasn't actually going to hurt her, mind you, but it was necessary to protect Firefly..."
  202. [22:02]? Royal_Lace looks back to firefly, "Whats that dear?"
  203. [22:02]? Sotho stands back and waits for his turn to start asking questions
  204. [22:03]? Firefly floats up and points at the nearby cannon-shaped cloud. "I can make cannons!" Firefly giggles and laughs. "And I got my cutie mark!"
  205. [22:03]? Wintergreen shakes her head, wanting to think more on the future and present, rather than the past.
  206. [22:04]? Hawkeye shrugs and sits down. The nice-looking unicorn mare seems pleasant enough. Hawkeye waits to be introduced, but not terribly. She nudges Wintergreen, then looks back and forth between her and Royal_Lace.
  207. [22:04]? Royal_Lace stands and duster herself of with a bit of magic and rights the large bale of hay that she had balanced on her back before, standing it upright. "Oh so you do! It looks simply marvelous dear, realy quite the cutie mark!"
  208. [22:04]<Sotho> "So. I do have to ask. How did you get here?"
  209. [22:05]? Royal_Lace looks over to Sotho, smiling politely as she stiffles a giggle, "Im a unicorn who can teleport living with a bunch of slavers who dont know my horns cuff isnt working, however do you think I got here Sotho my friend?"
  210. [22:06]? Wintergreen clears her throat, trying to get Royal_Lace's attention, "Before the story," she points a hoof to Hawkeye, "Lace, this is Hawkeye. Hawkeye, this is Royal_Lace."
  211. [22:06]? Hawkeye tips her hat to Royal_Lace. "Howdy," she says, offering a hoof.
  212. [22:07]<Sotho> "I would prefer to hear the whole story however." He smiles at her. "We have had quite the journy ourselves."
  213. [22:07]? Royal_Lace eyes move to the new pony in the group, blushing a bit as she realizes she failed to introduce herself. Smiling she straightens out dress and steps forward, offering a dainty hoof to Hawkeye. "A pleasure to meet you Miss Hawkeye, I am Royal Lace, at your service. Any friend of my companions is a friend of mine"
  214. [22:07]? Firefly nods. "Uh-huh! And my clouds can spit lightning!" Firefly claps her hooves together excitedly. "The bad ponies have no idea what hit them."
  215. [22:09]<Hawkeye> "Pleasure's all mine," Hawkeye says. "These fine folk saved my life a couple days ago, and any friend of theirs is all right in my book." She shakes Lace's hoof vigorously.
  216. [22:10]<SpiritOfFate> The pony in the watchtower observes the group.
  217. [22:11]<Sotho> "So I assume you were working for this town in some fashion?"
  218. [22:11]? Royal_Lace whole body vibrates along with Hawkeyes shake, its very obvious to her that Lace isnt the most... well built pony, at least not phisically. "Oh, saved there lives? I had worried you would all run into trouble"
  219. [22:12]? Royal_Lace turns to sotho, "Work for the town? Oh no, I was just visiting to resuply before going back to the Salvage yard... oh, but maybe it would be better if we spoke about this someplace private. I have allot to tell you about"
  220. [22:12]<Hawkeye> "No, no, they saved mine," Hawkeye corrects her. "Though durn if they haven't done everything they can to get into trouble..."
  221. [22:12]? Firefly looks over at Hawkeye. "We haven't gotten into trouble!"
  222. [22:13]? Sotho nods. "We also need to throw This little filly a cutiesceniara." He smiles at Firefly
  223. [22:13]? Hawkeye looks up at the pegasus filly. "Y'all keep trying to talk to raiders instead of shoot them," she says with a wry smile. "That counts as trouble in my book."
  224. [22:13]? Firefly nods her head up and down. She is all for a party.
  225. [22:14]? Royal_Lace eyes open wide as she looks back over her sholder at the town, "Oh wait... are you going to the village there? You may want to disguise a few of you. I took down the wanted posters I saw earlier tonight but I think Ignis you will want to be especially carful after what has been happening at the scrap yard"
  226. [22:14]? Firefly looks over at Hawkeye. "But if we don't know where the bad ponies are, how can we stop them?"
  227. [22:14]? Ignis looks at them. "Well, whoops..."
  228. [22:15]? Wintergreen blinks. Her plan might be used yet! She quickly gets out her bandages. "So... Disguise, Ignis?"
  229. [22:15]? Royal_Lace frowns a bit as she looks at the bandages, "Wait... how are you going to diguise him with that?"
  230. [22:15]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Yeah, sugarcube... I don't think a few bandages are going to hide the fact that Fangs is a dragon..."
  231. [22:16]? Ignis kisses Wintergreen's cheek. "Don't worry, I am all up to wear those later, hun." He says with a wink.
  232. [22:17]? Sotho rolls his eyes. "So perhaps we should move to a different location to set up camp?"
  233. [22:17]? Royal_Lace lifts a hoof and clears her through softly for attention as she magically pulls a rather large and dusty looking leather book from her saddle bags, "Might I offer a alternative disguise option?"
  234. [22:17]? Firefly sticks her tongue out at Wintergreen and Ignis and the PDA with an "Ewww!"
  235. [22:18]<Sotho> He looks at it. "Spells?"
  236. [22:18]? Wintergreen rolls her eyes at Firefly and nuzzles Ignis. "I have plenty of bandages... perhaps enough to cover his whole body. I'm sure the disguise would do."
  237. [22:18]<Ignis> "As long as you do not plan to turn me, or anypony into a bunny...I'm all ears."
  238. [22:19]? Wintergreen pouts. "Oh, fine... What spell do you have?"
  239. [22:19]? Royal_Lace smiles, nodding to Sothos Guess. "Yes, a real life book of spells! Oh it cost me a few of the slave owners caps but it was well worth it!". Opening the books she flips to a page she was reading earlier, "Oh dont worry, not a bunny, though I think I could manage that actually... I had something ells in mind"
  240. [22:20]? Ignis frowns. "Just never do it...ever."
  241. [22:20]? Ignis nods. "Anything...but bunnies."
  242. [22:21]? Sotho chuckles, though the last few coversations held a few hints into his mind. She most likely was still staying with the slaver owners. He didn't let this disappoint him however, she could seemingly move at her own will
  243. [22:21]? Firefly looks over at Ignis. "Aww...but bunnies are cute!"
  244. [22:22]? Ignis frowns at Firefly. "No, they are not...they are horrible creatures and should die painfully."
  245. [22:22]? Firefly flies over to the cloud cannon, starting to reshape it.
  246. [22:23]? Wintergreen blinks. "I think that's a bit of an overreaction for... bunnies."
  247. [22:23]? Ignis says nothing, they didn't knew what he had been through.
  248. [22:23]? Sotho shivers and shakes his head
  249. [22:23]<Sotho> "No it is not... they are fearful creatures..."
  250. [22:24]? Royal_Lace nods, finding the page she was looking for. "OH, here it is". Closing her eyes she begins to cast her spell, her horn glowing brightly as sweat beads down her face, a bright flash of light resounding around her and Iginis, smoke clearing around them as the spell is finishe casting.
  251. [22:24]? Firefly tries to reshape her cloud cannon into a bunny...but fails. It resists changing from its current shape.
  252. [22:24]? Royal_Lace coughs at the smoke she closes her book and opens an eye to see if her spell worked.
  253. [22:24]? Ignis blinks. "So, did it worked or...?"
  254. [22:28]? Firefly looks over...and summarily gets distracted from making a cloud bunny. "Oooh...I didn't know a dragon could be a pony!"
  255. [22:28]? Sotho smiles as he sees the transformation. "Indeed it did. It seems Royal_Lace is quite the spell caster."
  256. [22:28]? Wintergreen blinks, looking Ignis over. "Huh. I suppose that is better than a burn victim."
  257. [22:29]? Wintergreen puts away her bandages and nuzzles Ignis pony.
  258. [22:29]? Royal_Lace smiles, seeing that it had indeed worked. Grinning ear to ear she slides the book back into her saddle bag and snapping it closed
  259. [22:29]? Ignis looks at his...hooves... he runs around in a circle, it was so odd...he was still getting used to. "I'm all soft now..." Is all he says in awe, nuzzling Wintergreen.
  260. [22:29]? Hawkeye gapes at the pony where a dragon had once stood. "What... I... that is..." Hawkeye rubs her eye, takes her eyepatch off, and puts it back on again. "Nope. Ah got nothing." She turns away and starts muttering to herself, confused as all-get-out.
  261. [22:31]? Sotho nods. "Indeed you are soft." He smirks before looking to Royal_Lace. "So what plan do you suppose for us?"
  262. [22:32]? Firefly waves a hoof where the Ignis's dragon shape previously was. "So. Cool."
  263. [22:33]? Ignis nods. "Very impressive...."
  264. [22:33]? Royal_Lace Looks over the group, suprised that they were asking her for a plan. But then again she was the only one who had been in town... and they still didnt know about the slave yard, "I... well there is a nice hotel in town, and the only posters of you have been taken down already. With Ignis disguised for the next day you should be fine.... I think"
  265. [22:33]<Ignis> "Perhaps she can transform you later, Firefly..."
  266. [22:34]? Hawkeye is still rubbing her head. "That, uh, that sounds fine to me. If y'all need me to fetch stuff, seeing as how I ain't got wanted posters up for me, Ah can do that if y'all need anything."
  267. [22:35]? Royal_Lace is visibaly tired after casting the spell, a few smaller details are now apparent, such as the small tired bags under her eyes and her her slight slouch. Whatever Lace has been up to recently has taken allot out of her.
  268. [22:36]? Wintergreen nods. "Well then. Firefly, you should leave your cloud here, as to not bring attention to yourself. Stick to the ground for now. Shall we find space in the hotel? We all would do well with rest."
  269. [22:36]<Sotho> "Perhaps you should rest with us?" He asks. "We need a guide to this hotel anyways."
  270. [22:36]? Firefly looks over at the cloud. "Oh well. I suppose I can get another cloud later." Firefly settles on the ground, keeping her wings close to her sides.
  271. [22:36]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Actually there is a great hotel in town, the owner is the mayor of the town. I have another escaped slave watching my room for me while I go back to the slave yard for the day. I could show you the way to the hotel if you like".
  272. [22:37]<Ignis> "Yeah...but I assume we'd best shop today, at night should be emptier than during the day...that is, if the shops are still open..."
  273. [22:38]? Royal_Lace looks at the large hay bale, "They were a while ago, thats where I got this beast... not sure if they still are. So do you want to follow me then?"
  274. [22:39]? Ignis nods, seeing the bale. "Sure...we were just discussing how to enter the town incognito, so...that's it."
  275. [22:39]? Firefly looks over at the hay bale. "Did you want help Miss Pretty Pony?"
  276. [22:40]? Sotho nods. "We could help you with the hay bale
  277. [22:41]? Royal_Lace smiles and nods, "If you dont mind, at least for a while. Ill of course have to get it back to the slave yard by myself later. I cant dally to much longer here but I do want to be sure you have a nice room so we can talk more tommorow night". Turning she makes for the gate, "Just follow me"
  278. [22:41]? Wintergreen does as told and follows, staying close to Ignis and Firefly.
  279. [22:41]? Sotho nods and follows with them
  280. [22:42]? Hawkeye nods. "Well, alright, then," she says. "Let's do that..." She STILL seems confused by the calibur of the magic she'd just seen.
  281. [22:42]? Ignis follows, still getting used to his pony he would use things without fingers?
  282. [22:44]? Royal_Lace leads the group back into town, moving for the hotel and hoping Miss Door was still awake. Thinking she looks back, "Oh, do you all have caps for rooms? The rates are decent but if you dont I can spare a few..."
  283. [22:44]<SpiritOfFate> The group reaches an area with a large road hotel, some rooms in the ground floor turned into shops, and a bar across the parking lot. The signs of the stores are not lit anymore. There is no movement The Gizmo and Railway Armory, but Pina, the middle-aged griffiness, is locking the door to Everywhere Emporium
  284. [22:44]<SpiritOfFate> Silent Door is still at the lobby of the hotel
  285. [22:45]? Royal_Lace waves to Pina with a smile and offers a friendly greating as she moves for the transparent glass doors the lobby of the hotel, "Good night Miss Pina, sleep well!"
  286. [22:45]? Sotho tilts his head. "Yes we do, if not we have items to trade."
  287. [22:47]<SpiritOfFate> "Good night." Pina waves with a wing. Silent Door, the mare in charge of the hotel greets the group as they enter
  288. [22:47]? Royal_Lace smiles at sotho, holding the door open for them, "Oh, thats good news, Miss Door should be able to set you up with a room with no problem then, shes a very nice pony".
  289. [22:47]? Ignis nodsnods.
  290. [22:48]? Hawkeye slinks in behind the rest. She's always felt a little out of place in towns. The mare stays fairly close to Sotho. As warriors are wont to do.
  291. [22:48]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh, hello again miss Lace, are those your friends?" Silent Door asks.
  292. [22:48]? Firefly stays quiet, looking around the town for a bit. Its been a while since she has been in a town.
  293. [22:49]? Sotho trots in, smiling lightly, putting on his best kind face.
  294. [22:49]? Royal_Lace nods to Miss door as she hold the door for her friends, "They are indeed, I quite unexpectedly stumbled upon them around town. I imediately brought them around to accomidate them with one of your wonderful rooms"
  295. [22:50]? Wintergreen nods and smiles at the mare. "Thank you, if you can accommodate all of us. How much are your rooms each?"
  296. [22:53]<SpiritOfFate> "Our standard couple rooms go for 10 caps a night, and we have more spacious deluxe rooms for 20."
  297. [22:53]? Wintergreen doesn't... actually have any caps, so the accommodations are up to everyone else!
  298. [22:55]? Hawkeye nudges Wintergreen. "Ah can actually sleep anywhere, hun," she says. "Ah ain't picky, nor used to fancy digs. Ah'll share with someone else if it'll keep costs down."
  299. [22:55]? Wintergreen shrugs. "It's all your choice. I don't have any caps... so, it's all up to those who do."
  300. [22:56]? Ignis looks at the group. "I'm fine long as we can catch some shuteye..." He nuzzles Wintergreen. "I'm fine with sharing too."
  301. [23:01]<Hawkeye> "It'll be nice to just sleep without havin' to worry about keeping watch," Hawkeye admits, then abruptly yawns. "Let's pay some caps. I'm sleepier than a bear in January."
  302. [23:02]? Sotho nods. "I suggest two deluxe rooms, we can give the lovebirds their own room."
  303. [23:03]? Wintergreen blushes, but doesn't /disagree/.
  304. [23:03]? Ignis smirks. "It isn't that expensive, so...fine. I suppose we can thank Royal for that."
  305. [23:05]? Royal_Lace smiles politely but dosent say anything
  306. [23:05]? Firefly walks over and gives Royal a hug. "Thank you Miss Pretty Pony."
  307. [23:06]? Sotho smiles at Firefly. "Are you ready for a sleepover?" He chuckles lightly
  308. [23:06]? Royal_Lace hugs Firely back, "Oh your welcome little one"
  309. [23:07]? Firefly pauses, slowly turning her head. Her eyes are wide, her mouth wide open. "A sleep over? Momma never let me have a sleep over!" Firefly leaps and glomps on to Sotho. "Your the bestest"
  310. [23:08]? Sotho chucklesl ightly and hugs Firefly. "It's not problem for me little princess." He says looking to Wintergreen. "Rest assured, Firefly will be safe."
  311. [23:08]? Royal_Lace giggles softly at the sight of Firefly 'glomping' the zebra, she really was quite the little filly.
  312. [23:09]? Firefly looks over at Wintergreen as she realizes...she forgot to ask. Oh no, Miss Green might say no! "Miss Green...Please?" The filly looks up at the foalsitter with big, watery filly eyes.
  313. [23:09]? Wintergreen smiles, trusting Sotho to take care of her. "Of course, Firefly. Have fun."
  314. [23:09]? Hawkeye sighs. All of this happiness... love and family and even a father of another showing care for a child not his own... it's a little much, and Hawkeye has had a very, very trying day. "Hey, Ah need to crash someplace. Real soon, preferably," she tells Wintergreen. "Which room's mine?"
  315. [23:10]? Ignis blinks. "Uh..."
  316. [23:10]<Sotho> "You'll be with us I think." He says happily. "I'm sure Firefly and I won't disturb you too much."
  317. [23:10]? Sotho smiles at her. "Would you like to learn how to cook? Make tasty things?"
  318. [23:11]? Firefly giggles. "Yay, thank you Miss Green!" The little filly bounces around the group, excited to get to have a sleepover. "And we'll tell scary stories and I'll fix stuff and cook tasty things and..." The list of things Firefly is going to do is quite extensive.
  319. [23:11]? Wintergreen smiles and turns back to Ignis, nuzzling his neck. "...Perhaps we should make our way to our room?"
  320. [23:11]? Royal_Lace looks to hawkeye, "If you dont want to wait any longer for bed I have a room already... Another friend of mine is in it but Im sure he wont mind sharing a room. I could show you to it now if you like"
  321. [23:12]? Ignis purrs and leans by Wintergreen, nodding in very approval. "Sounds like a perfect idea, darling."
  322. [23:12]? Sotho chuckles happily. "Scary stories?" He looks the Ties. "We have a third guest you know, his name is Ties!" He chuckles.
  323. [23:12]? Hawkeye grimaces. "Ah don't know how much more hyper filly Ah can handle in one day." She gestures at the excitable pegasus. "Specially if she's going on about sleepovers. I'll be about as much fun as a case of diarrhea on a hot day." Hawkeye looks at Royal_Lace and nods tiredly. "Is it far away from those two?" she asks, gesturing at Wintergreen and Ignis.
  324. [23:14]<SpiritOfFate> Ties wobbles slightly over the group
  325. [23:14]? Royal_Lace nods, maintaining a small smile as she nods toward the stairs. "Come ill take you to it and Introduce you to Buck, wont take but a few seconds, and then Ill be back down with the rest of you fine ponies"
  326. [23:14]<Sotho> "Now little filly, As much fun as it is, we still have to have a bedtime." He smiles. "But before then, we can pack it full of fun!"
  327. [23:15]? Firefly looks between Sotho and Ties. "Oooh. Maybe Ties can bring Liberty Dream?"
  328. [23:15]? Hawkeye plods behind Royal_Lace and pushes her hat down over her eye. This day has been too long already, and too full of hurt. Maybe the next one will be better.
  329. [23:15]? Sotho thinks... "Or maybe..." He smiles and whispers to her. "Maybe I can summon her~"
  330. [23:15]? Firefly gasps. "Really? That would be so awesome!"
  331. [23:16]? Wintergreen nudges Ignis. "...Let's get our room keys then. Pay the mare and we'll go~"
  332. [23:16]? Royal_Lace leads Hawkeye up to her room, motioning for her to wait as she nocks on the door and stick her head inside, "Buck? are you still awake?"
  333. [23:17]<Ignis> "At least, we'll spend some time away from all those spirit shenanigans..." He says, taking the caps from the group fund and paying the rooms already.
  334. [23:17]? Sotho nods. "We must get ours too little filly, he takes out 20 caps.
  335. [23:18]? Firefly nods up at Sotho. It doesn't take her long to resume her bouncing.
  336. [23:18]<SpiritOfFate> The orange unicorn buck leans slightly from the bed in which he rests. "Yeah, I am."
  337. [23:19]<SpiritOfFate> Silent Door gives two sets of keys to the Ignis pony
  338. [23:19]? Royal_Lace smiles sheepishly, "I have some news... and a new roommate. Steping inside she motions for Hawkeye to follow. "This is Miss Hawkeye... and she is traveling with my friends, the ones that left a few nights ago from the salvage yard. They are all getting rooms here, and she was hoping to share this one with you, if thats alright with you that is. Shes very tired"
  339. [23:20]? Hawkeye tips her hat. "Howdy," she says tiredly. "Ah'm just gonna crash, if it's all the same to y'all."
  340. [23:20]? Ignis gives one to Sotho. "Well, here goes."
  341. [23:21]? Sotho smiles and takes it happily. "Thank you Ignis, have fun." He pets Firefly. "We'll try to."
  342. [23:21]<Ignis> "if you plan on going tinkering with stuff..." He hoofs over the infiltrator and a weapon reparis kit.
  343. [23:22]? Firefly nods up to Ignis. "Uh...I don't think I can fix this up any better." She nods over to the Infiltrator. "Sorry..."
  344. [23:22]? Hawkeye looks at the unicorn stallion approvingly. It's really a pity she's emotionally and physically exhausted, or this would have perked up her evening considerably.
  345. [23:22]<SpiritOfFate> "Hey. Feel free." Buck nods a grin growing on his face as he says it
  346. [23:22]<Wintergreen> "...Wouldn't really want her to tinker with an unsafe gun anyway."
  347. [23:22]? Sotho nods. "We'll try. I may teach the filly a thing or two about potions if you all like."
  348. [23:23]? Ignis packs it. "Its alright, Firefly....perhaps someday..."
  349. [23:23]<Ignis> "Well, its not loaded."
  350. [23:23]<Firefly> "Don't worry. I'll practice and fix it up for you soon!" Firefly nods with filly assurance, which is to say, she'll practice till she get's distracted by something shiny.
  351. [23:24]? Royal_Lace spots all the explosives on Hawkeye and points to her full bags, "Im sorry to ask Miss Hawkeye... but could I borrow one of your noise makers? I belive I will have need for it tommorow for a distraction"
  352. [23:24]? Ignis hoofs over yonder dimissively. "But anyways, we'd best retire to our rooms."
  353. [23:24]? Sotho picks Firefly up happily. "Come now! We have a fun sleepover to be had!" He chuckles as he trots
  354. [23:25]? Hawkeye nods. "Thanks, pardner." She turns to Royal_Lace. "Well, if y'all need anything, wake me up. I'm a light sleeper." She wanders over to one of the smaller beds, takes off her armor, hat, and eyepatch, and stack them on the nightstand before going to the sink to clean the trail dust off herself. "Ah need the grenades," she says, running water over her forehooves. "But give me ten minutes and a...
  355. [23:25]? Hawkeye ...mess of bullets and I'll make y'all the noisiest thing that ever made a bang."
  356. [23:25]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Oh... alright then"
  357. [23:25]? Wintergreen follows after Ignis, sticking close to his side.
  358. [23:26]? Firefly bounces after Sotho, starting to sing. "Wriggle your snout, oink oink oink!"
  359. [23:26]? Ignis trots alongside with Wintergreen, eyeing the was pleasant.
  360. [23:27]? Sotho starts to make plans, trying to rmember what exactly he has to do to summon a spirit
  361. [23:27]? Hawkeye finishes washing up and climbs up onto the bed. "Grab me some bullets we ain't using, will ya, sugarcube?" she asks Royal_Lace.
  362. [23:27]<SpiritOfFate> The hotel is well cleaned, even if aged building, in a better state of repair most the equestrian wasteland could offer.
  363. [23:27]? Royal_Lace blinks, "Oh... and where would those be?"
  364. [23:29]? Hawkeye shrugs. "Ah'd imagine one of your friends would be willin' to donate a few for whatever cockeyed plan y'all have." She grins, the sight of which is a little disturbing without her eyepatch on. "Ah shouldn't need very many if it's just a noisemaker. Oh, an' some tin cans, if y'can find some."
  365. [23:31]? Royal_Lace blinks again, "OH... ok then, please hold on while I try and find them and ask". Walking out of the room she gos downstairs and asks which room Sotho and Firefly were in and make her way there.
  366. [23:31]? Sotho opens the door to the sleepover room and smiles as he examines it
  367. [23:32]? Wintergreen opens the door to her and Ignis' own room as they after a bit more walking. She smiles as she walks in, examining her surroundings.
  368. [23:33]<Hawkeye> Since she can't go to sleep yet, Hawkeye reclines on the bed and looks across the room to Buck. "So," she starts, "are y'all an escaped slave too? Seems Ah'm runnin' into a lot of them these days..."
  369. [23:33]<SpiritOfFate> There is a fresh cookie in a wrapper resting by the larger bed, with a note saying "courtesy of the Last Stop hotel".
  370. [23:33]<Ignis> shuts the door carefully as he enters, laying his bags aside and examinating the room from corner to corner.
  371. [23:34]? Royal_Lace walks down the hall to see Sotho and FireFly just outside the room. Trotting up she smiles, "Oh, ummm, pardon me friends but Miss Hawkeye has said she would make something for me but I do need some spare munitions to craft it, do you have any to spare?"
  372. [23:35]? Sotho notices the cookie with a smile. "Oh how nice." He picks it up. "Would you like it Firefly?" He asks her before noticing Royal_Lace. "Umm... I think we do, but we are not really the most proficient gun users."
  373. [23:35]<SpiritOfFate> Buck sits on the double bed and stretches. "No surprise, a bunch of our kind escaped from where I used to be kept."
  374. [23:36]? Firefly looks up at Royal_Lace. "Sure, Mr. Ignis said he couldn't use these. How many do you need?" Firefly starts digging through her bags, pulling out different bullets."
  375. [23:36]? Royal_Lace shakes her head, "Oh no, I think she needs the power from them for a noise maker I need tommorow for a distraction... Ill explain to you more about it after I get her the munitions"
  376. [23:36]? Royal_Lace smiles At Firefly, "Im not sure, Just the ones your not useing I suppose"
  377. [23:36]? Ignis can spot something on the bed. "Cookies? But...we didn't asked for cookies..." He says, a bit confused....
  378. [23:37]? Sotho smiles at Royal_Lace." We must catch up sometime. I do wish you a good evening though." He looks to Firefly. "Mine should be exciting."
  379. [23:37]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis sees a comfortable living room with a table with a radio, a desk and a cabinet. Across it there is a bedroom with a large bed, the mattress slightly aged but still quite comfortable
  380. [23:37]? Firefly tosses a few bullets together. "Uh...ok then. Here, go ahead and use these." The filly pulls out a small bag containing a few 12 gauge shotgun shells, and a variety of other bullets.
  381. [23:38]<Hawkeye> "Overgrowth?" Hawkeye asks, since she's heard the place mentioned by the other slaves. She keeps a careful eye on the stretch. Nice... "So you were there with Firefly an' Sotho and the others?"
  382. [23:39]? Sotho smirks as he holds the cookie infront of the filly. "I suppose you don't want this Firefly~"
  383. [23:40]? Royal_Lace Takes the collection of ammo from the Filly, "thank you dear... oh and look what sotho found for you!"
  384. [23:40]? Royal_Lace Grins ear to ear, Sotho really was amazing with the little one
  385. [23:40]? Wintergreen smiles widely and her eyes seem to glow as she hastily flops onto the bed, seemingly cuddling with the pillow. So comfortable! Finally, a bed!
  386. [23:40]? Firefly looks up from her saddle bag at the big. Chocolate Chip. Cookie. "Cookie!" Firefly leaps forward in a flash, swiping the cooking and flying into the room with it.
  387. [23:41]? Sotho chuckles before looking at Royal_Lace. "I cannot wait for Firefly to meet my daughter." He says to her a little offhoofed.
  388. [23:41]? Ignis leaves the cookie aside for later...for now, he wants to be relieved of that armor...he carefully remuves the metal armor from his pony body.
  389. [23:43]? Royal_Lace grins and takes the ammo to Hawkeye to be made into her new noisemaker
  390. [23:43]<SpiritOfFate> "Not Overgrowth. We all were Doodad's, he makes us shuffle through garbage all day." Buck says. Hawkeye can see she has a mirror cutie mark, he is fit, but not bulky and his coat is covered in whipping scars.
  391. [23:44]? Firefly is sitting in the chair at a table. She's already unwrapped the cookie and discarded the wrapper on the table. She has the cookie in both hooves, and is slowly nomming on the cookie with big, sparkly eyes. Best. Cookie. Evar.
  392. [23:44]? Wintergreen quickly removes the leather barding from herself and places her equipment in a neat pile at the bedside. She hops back onto the bed after, relaxing as she stretches.
  393. [23:44]<Hawkeye> "Guess he ain't the nicest feller," she observes, just as Royal_Lace comes back in. "Well, y'all are doing better now, and that's a shiny thing. Here, give me those, miss Lace. Gimme ten minutes and I'll have a firecracker fit to blow your ears out the back of your skull."
  394. [23:45]? Sotho looks to Firefly and Ties. "Now, let's try and get another filly here." He closes his eyes and concentraits on things his old shaman from his village said to him. "I call upon the spirit of Hope, I summon thee, Liberty Dream, heed my call and bless us with thee's prescense!"
  395. [23:46]? Ignis places his metalic armor somewhere and joins Wintergreen in enjoying the bed's softness, laying his new, soft body by it and sighing happily.
  396. [23:46]? Wintergreen cuddles with the new, cuddly, soft Ignis.
  397. [23:47]? Ignis was always cuddly...yet, he snuggles Wintergreen all the same, glad to hold her body lovingly with his pony hoovsies.
  398. [23:48]? Hawkeye begins tinkering with the bullets, casings, and bits of scrap to make a resoundingly noisy echo chamber with gunpowder in it. "Sorry," she says to Buck as she works. "Ah didn't mean t'be so blunt... Ah've had one hell of a hard day, and muh mouth just got away from me..."
  399. [23:49]<SpiritOfFate> A white glow flows on Sotho's room, gathering to form a glowing filly with small wings. "Oh, hi Sotho!"
  400. [23:50]? Sotho smiles as he laughs. "I can summon!" He says loudly. He bows a bit. "We wanted to invite you to our sleep over Miss Liberty." He points to Firefly and Ties.
  401. [23:50]<Sotho> "Firefly is here and here is our new friend, Ties. He is new to the spirit world too I think."
  402. [23:50]? Firefly has finished the cookie and giggles as the filly appears. "Liberty Dream, you came!" Firefly bounces over to the Spirit in the shape of the Earth Pony.
  403. [23:52]? Sotho looks and smiles at Liberty Dream. "You seem to be growing."
  404. [23:53]? Firefly looks over at Liberty Dream. "You got wings! Eeee! Now we can fly together!"
  405. [23:53]? Wintergreen smiles and kisses Ignis' cheek, enjoying the comfortable setting.
  406. [23:54]<SpiritOfFate> "Firefly!" Liberty bounces to Firefly, nuzzling her, which tickles even though she isn't material. "Nice, isn't it?" She flaps her small wings.
  407. [23:55]? Sotho nods and points out Ties. "He is growing himself... or Herself..." He laughs. "We met them today and I tributed it some rare gems."
  408. [23:57]? Ignis purrs a bit, laying off a hoof to push the sheets over himself and Wintergreen, his hoovises getting her closer to him, much enjoying her company... "About that bed you promised..." He giggles. "This will do just fine, dear...much...just you and me." The pony voices sweetly, kissing the tip of her nose.
  409. [23:57]<SpiritOfFate> "Nothing wrong with that." Buck says. "Busy day for me too. Just a bit different." He lays down on the bed again. "I'll be around. Still not sure what to do anyway."
  410. [23:58]<SpiritOfFate> "Ooh, hi Ties!" Liberty waves to the small floating spirit. "Uh... Sotho?"
  411. [23:58]? Firefly looks over at the wings. "I didn't know Spirits could get wings. How did that happen?"
  412. [23:58]<Sotho> "yes?" He asks happily
  413. [23:59]<SpiritOfFate> "What is a sleepover?" Liberty asks.
  414. [23:59]<Hawkeye> "Do? Y'mean with your life now that y'have it to yourself again?" She fiddles with a casing and decides to just leave it in there to rattle. "Well, Ah'd guess do whatever makes you happy. Do what you're good at. And try t'find a way to get paid doin' it." She chuckles. "Even if it don't work out right all the time, at least y'all will be doing what y'like to."
  415. [00:00]<Sotho> He mock gasps. "Oh my! That simply won't do! Firefly, please explain to her the glory of sleepovers while I start to make us a fort out of blankets." He smiles. That book he read as a colt, Sleepover's 101 would really help here.
  416. [00:03]? Firefly opens her mouth and closes it. "A sleepover is when you have friends come over and spend the night. You play games and build forts and sing songs and tell secrets."
  417. [00:04]? Sotho fails at building a pillow fort, getting tangled up in some blankets and falling. "Oh my.. It seems I've pulled the sheets over my own head!" He laughs happily
  418. [00:06]? Firefly laughs at Sotho. "Also, we get to tickle the grown-ups in charge!" Firefly leaps over to start tickling Sotho.
  419. [00:07]<SpiritOfFate> "I guess, but I'm still not sure." Buck says, rubbing his mane. "I don't want to sort garbage anymore. Hm, I... there's ponies who got caught out there that have things to go back to. I am born a slave. Never had time for anything than work and care for my hide."
  420. [00:07]? Sotho starts to laugh happily and giggle, tears in his eyes. "S-stopp!" He wiggles a bit
  421. [00:09]? Hawkeye nods as she pours powder and pellets from a shotgun shell into the can. "What's your talent then?" she asks. "I'm guessin' that it ain't carting junk around, unless y'all are especially good at cartin' mirrors." She chuckles. "Heck, y'all could start just by takin' a day off. When was the last time y'all got to do that?"
  422. [00:09]? Firefly giggles like mad. She tickles the zebra mercilessly!
  423. [00:09]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty laughs, pouncing Sotho too and turning her tickly spirit hooves to him.
  424. [00:10]? Sotho can't help but laugh loudly at the filly assualt.
  425. [00:11]? Firefly stops tickling the zebra after a bit. "Momma said that you were also supposed to do makeovers at a sleepover, but I don't know what those are. Do you know Liberty?"
  426. [00:12]<SpiritOfFate> "That's the plan, and with a bed like this, I can stay here a good while." Buck pauses for a moment, and sighs. " talent is... it's not carting mirrors."
  427. [00:12]? Sotho pants as he slowly untangles himself, thinking. "I know some mares pretty themselves up... though the only makeovers I know of is war paint." He says chuckling
  428. [00:13]<SpiritOfFate> "Umm..." Liberty rubs her mane, thinking. "I never did that."
  429. [00:14]<Hawkeye> "Didn't say it was, sugarcube," Hawkeye says, licking a primer and sticking it to the inside of the can. "If y'all don't want to talk about it, Ah won't pry. Every pony's got their secrets or things that hurt to tell." She goes back to working on the impromptu bomb, humming a partially-remembered folk song to herself.
  430. [00:15]? Firefly nods. "And we don't have any paint, so I guess that is out." Firefly thinks for a moment. "Oooh, we could tell stories!"
  431. [00:15]<SpiritOfFate> "Oooh! I know nice stories!" Liberty grins, bouncing.
  432. [00:15]? Sotho nods. "I have old war stories and then tales from my village! We could also sing songs!" He takes out the music box from before.
  433. [00:16]? Sotho smiles looking to Ties. "If you want Ties, if you are able, do you know any stories?"
  434. [00:17]<SpiritOfFate> The spirit bubble floats to the middle of the room. "Yes..."
  435. [00:18]? Sotho smiles at him. "Great! We can tell stories. After that I can cook us a dinner!"
  436. [00:20]? Firefly looks around. "Uh...who should go first?"
  437. [00:20]<Sotho> "How about you Firefly?" He smiles.
  438. [00:22]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty sits on the floor, smiling to Firefly
  439. [00:23]? Firefly pauses for a moment. "Uh...ok." Firefly thinks for a second, and then looks at the others. "When I was little, I asked my momma if we were the only pegasuses. She told me no. Above the clouds was a lot of pegasuses. They lived there, and were afraid. Long ago things got bad. Big explosions, rampaging dragons. But there was one pegasus who stood up and said all the pegasus should try and help...
  440. [00:23]? Firefly ...the ponies who couldn't live on the clouds. Her name was Rainbow Dash."
  441. [00:23]? Hawkeye finishes the bomb and sets it to the foot of the bed. "Well, just make sure y'all choose to do the right thing," Hawkeye says, wrapping herself up in a warm, clean blanket. "If it's that dark a secret, well... either get some help, or wear somethin' that covers it up so nosy mares don't ask questions about it." She looks at Buck expectantly.
  442. [00:24]? Sotho sits down and listens to Firefly's story happily
  443. [00:25]<SpiritOfFate> " name is Twin Buck." He says, sitting on the bed again and looking at
  444. [00:25]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye
  445. [00:26]? Hawkeye nods. "And?" She looks at the mirror, trying to make her mind focus on the cutie mark and not on the fact that she's staring at a unicorn stallion's shapely, if scarred, flank. "Y'all got a special spell related to bein' twins or something?"
  446. [00:26]? Royal_Lace remains seated nearby silently watching Hawkeye work as she had been for a good while now.
  447. [00:27]<Firefly> "The pegasuses in the sky didn't think they were supposed to help. They wanted to hide from the ponies on the ground. So Rainbow Dash told them she was going to help no matter what! She left the pegasuses in the sky and went to go help. No pony knows what happens to her. Now the pegasuses wear scary black armor when they come down. Sometimes some of the pegasuses decide to be like Rainbow...
  448. [00:27]<Firefly> ...Dash and help ponies. These good ponies wear the same cutie mark as her, and we are supposed to always help them."
  449. [00:28]<SpiritOfFate> "That's right... there was a Twin Filly too." He says flatly, though his eyes go somber. "Slaver don't think much about names."
  450. [00:28]? Firefly looks to the others. "My parents wore her mark proudly. And now I'm gonna go and help my parents and get them out of Overgrowth so we can help ponies together." Firefly nods her head, story finished.
  451. [00:29]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty ooohs at Firefly's story
  452. [00:30]<SpiritOfFate> "That is a great story!" She beams, shining brighter to Firefly
  453. [00:30]? Sotho smiles happily. "That's very good!" He nods. "I may go next unless Ties or Liberty would like to go?"
  454. [00:30]<Hawkeye> "So your sister..." Hawkeye feels her stomach sink. She picks up the bomb and walks over to deposit it in front of Royal_Lace. "That'll go off thirty seconds after you set it. Less if y'all cut the fuse shorter." She walks up to sit next to Buck's bed. "Do the slavers still have yer sister?"
  455. [00:30]? Firefly nods over to Liberty Dream. "Uh huh."
  456. [00:32]<SpiritOfFate> Buck just shakes his head. He opens his mouth to say smething, but just closes again.
  457. [00:34]? Royal_Lace listens to Buck, never hearing this from him in there short time together. "Thank you Miss Hawkeye", she says with a nod.
  458. [00:34]? Hawkeye puts a forehoof up on the bed to cover Buck's. "Ah'm sorry," she says. "Ah shouldn't have asked. Ah was just... if there was some way Ah could help rescue her or somethin..." She looks away. Ugh. She internally scolds herself for not being able to resist a handsome face. Shouldn't have opened her mouth at all.
  459. [00:36]<SpiritOfFate> Ties bounces slightly
  460. [00:36]<Sotho> "Would you like to tell one Ties?"
  461. [00:37]? Firefly looks up at the spirit ball expectantly."
  462. [00:40]<SpiritOfFate> Buck sighs. He puts his other forehoof over Hawkeye's. "It's fine, you didn't know anyway... I just wish she could have seen what is like out here..."
  463. [00:42]<SpiritOfFate> The spirit ripples slightly, his glow covering the room. "Friends... together... good happens... bad happens... friends still... together... good... end."
  464. [00:42]<Hawkeye> "Well, best thing y'all can do is go out and see as much and experience as much of everything as y'all can," Hawkeye says. "Enough for two lifetimes. One for you, and..." She doesn't need to finish the sentence. "Y'think that's what she'd want, rather than you feelin' sad and aimless, yeah?"
  465. [00:44]? Sotho claps his hooves from Ties story happily. "That was a very good story!"
  466. [00:44]<SpiritOfFate> Buck breathes deeply, his eyes wandering aimless as the memories come to him. "...she would."
  467. [00:46]? Hawkeye pulls her hoof back and nudges Buck's face with it. "Well, then, suck it up, Buttercup," she says with a chuckle. "Tomorrow's a brand new day. World hasn't had tomorrow yet, and y'all need to be out in it." She turns and walks back to her own bed, a little swagger in her step. A minor victory in the day is still a little victory, even in the midst of all the heartache.
  468. [00:49]? Buck nods, his eyes a bit softer than before. He lies on the bed, waiting for the sleep to come.
  469. [00:49]? Firefly cocks her head. The story was good...but she wasn't quite sure what it means.
  470. [00:50]? Hawkeye climbs into her own bed again and curls up in it. She's out and snoring within a minute.
  471. [00:50]? Sotho smiles. "Liberty, do you want to tell one or should I?
  472. [00:50]? Royal_Lace moves over and sits oposit of Hawkeye on Bucks other side, and offers him a friendly small hug. "Good Night Buck... sleep well, Ill see you tommorow my friend".
  473. [00:51]<SpiritOfFate> Buck hugs Royal_Lace back. "Good night."
  474. [00:52]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty looks at Sotho with expectant eyes. "Oooh, I want to hear your story!"
  475. [00:53]? Royal_Lace smiles and raises herself from be bed, stoping at the door to sigh and turn back to Buck, giggling as she realizes this is the third time she tried to leave tonight. "This time for sure... oh and thanks again Miss Hawkeye, I hope you sleepwell also". And with that she shuts and locks the door behind her as she trots off in the direction of Sotho and Fireflys room.
  476. [00:54]? Sotho smiles as he starts to speak. "Back when I was a but an apprentence with the warriors of my village I heard a story of a terrfiying monster that was hurting our villagers fishers by the lake. Now, I had to be sure this thing wasn't just a rumor, because to become a true warrior, I would have to defeat a beast and show I had beaten it with a trophy. I, being the young stud I was, took on the challenge happily."
  477. [00:55]<Sotho> "When I first left to view the lake, I saw nothing, it was quiet and still. But I was not detered. I made camp for the night, by myself, on lookout for this 'monster'."
  478. [00:55]? Firefly nods, listening silently.
  479. [00:56]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty keeps her eyes on Sotho, watching it through his eyes
  480. [00:57]<Sotho> "Then, around the darkest hour of the night, I saw it. A huge beast with at least 8 arms! I was scared, but even being scared I knew I would have to stop it. The beast was as tall as five fully grown stallions, and as wide as 3 at least! But I leapt upon the beast and started to attack it. I was thrown off many times and hurt, but I fought on."
  481. [00:58]<Sotho> "I realized I would not be able to fight the beast by myself and I despaired, certain this would be the end of my life. But suddenly, I saw two spears fly by me and hit the monster in one of his beady black eyes. I looked back and saw my best friends, Jazri and Ganode. They quickly told me they were worried about my solo quest and followed after stocking up."
  482. [00:59]? Firefly nods her head, following the story. She has a pillow is chewing on it. Its a scary story!
  483. [01:00]<Sotho> "After a long an arguous battle, we defeated the creature. Which earned each of us our Glyph Marks, which is like a Cutie Mark for ponies. Jarzi, who threw the spear into the monsters eye and blinded it, got a Glyph of the monsters Eye. Ganode, who broke the monsters fearsome beak with his hammer, earned a Glyph of it's beak. And I, who battled and tore off the monsters 8 arms, earned it's arms as a glyph."
  484. [01:01]? Sotho turns and shows his glyph mark os a circular mass with 8 tentacles coming out of it. "And that's the story of how I became a warrior."
  485. [01:02]? Firefly applauds the story. "Ooooh. Do all zebras get their Glyph Marks like that?"
  486. [01:03]<Sotho> "Not all, some earn it in different ways, like Ponies." He smiles. "My wife earned hers in potion making, she became a village healer. She would always fix me up after a battle."
  487. [01:03]? Sotho sighs happily, remembering his wife
  488. [01:04]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty smiles at Sotho. "It's okay, you will find her again."
  489. [01:04]? Royal_Lace arrives at the door to the room and nocks lightly on it, hoping not to wake up firefly if she had already gone to bed.
  490. [01:05]? Sotho smiles and trots to the door. "I know, thank your Liberty." He opens it. "Oh! Hello Royal_Lace, please, come in. We were just telling stories."
  491. [01:05]? Firefly nods to Sotho. "Yeah! And then we can have a big party and..." Firefly is interrupted by the knocking on the door.
  492. [01:06]? Royal_Lace smiles and nods, "Thank you Mr. Sotho, I would be happy to". Trotting inside she smiles at Firefly, "Hello again firefly, are you and mr. Sotho having fun?"
  493. [01:06]? Firefly nods up to Royal_Lace. "Uh-huh! Mr. Sotho knows good stories, and so does Ties!"
  494. [01:06]<Sotho> "Please, call me Sotho." He says to her, looking around. "Libertym if you would want to tell a story, I will make us a snack. Would you and ties like anything?"
  495. [01:07]? Royal_Lace looks about the room, "Ties?... Liberty?"
  496. [01:07]? Firefly nods up at Sotho. "Ok Mr. Sotho!"
  497. [01:08]<Sotho> "Sorry, They are spirits with us, Firefly and I can see and hear them."
  498. [01:09]? Firefly nods over to Royal Lace. "Yup. Liberty Dream is a filly like me, she even grew wings!" Firefly points to where Liberty is sitting. "And Ties is hovering up there, in the middle." Firefly turns and points to the orb. "Uh, I can repeat what Liberty says if you can't here you mind Liberty?"
  499. [01:09]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty waves to Royal_Lace, even if she can't see and hear her. "Oh, hi! It's the nice lady who made the ponies dream. Uh, no I don't mind."
  500. [01:09]? Royal_Lace brow furrows a bit, "Spirits? I... am not sure I am familure with such things, but that is not so unusal for me. As you know I am not very... well traveled". Smiling she nods in no direction in paticular, "Umm.. Good evening Tie and Liberty, a pleasure to make your aquaintance"
  501. [01:11]? Sotho smiles as he trots towards whereever the cooking stuff was. "Did you want to speak with us?"
  502. [01:12]? Royal_Lace looks about, "ummm... was that directed to me or one of your other guests Sotho?"
  503. [01:12]<Sotho> "You Royal_Lace." He smiles happily.
  504. [01:13]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Oh well yes, I wanted to at least talk to one of you about what was transpired since you left before I leave to return to the salvage yard".
  505. [01:14]<Sotho> "Ah yes, well, we can save that for a bit, after Liberty tells her story, we can make it another one." He smiles and starts to prepare food
  506. [01:14]? Sotho puts on the Apron they had found
  507. [01:15]? Royal_Lace smiles and nods before looking to Firefly, "I dont suppose you could recount what Liberty is saying to me can you Little one, I would appreciate it very much"
  508. [01:15]? Firefly nods to Royal_Lace. "If its ok with Liberty Dream."
  509. [01:16]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Yes, of course"
  510. [01:17]<SpiritOfFate> "It's okay." Liberty says
  511. [01:18]? Firefly nods to Royal_Lace. "She says ok." Firefly looks over to Liberty Dream, and gets ready to transcribe.
  512. [01:19]? Royal_Lace smiles widely, "Thank you dear, oh and of course thank you Liberty"
  513. [01:23]? Sotho starts making his 'feast' preparing the mutiples of goods from the groups inventory
  514. [01:24]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty smiles. "Um, so..." She thinks a bit and flaps her wings "...there was a little colt that lived in a landfill. He was very, very sad because bad ponies made him work a lot, even if he was hurt. He couldn't play and he didn't have friends because the other ponies were too sad to talk to him too..."
  515. [01:25]? Sotho listens from the kitchen
  516. [01:26]? Firefly repeats what the filly says between her breaks.
  517. [01:28]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty looks to the sides. "But the little colt heard a secret. Somepony told him there was a magic fish that granted ponies wishes, and it appeared just one night of the month. So he waited and decided to meet the magic fish. He went out at night when nopony would see him and he found it!"
  518. [01:32]? Sotho finishes boiling the carrots as he leaves them to cool a bit, He also finishes what he likes to call Cramberry Squash.
  519. [01:35]<SpiritOfFate> "And the little colt said he wanted to make a lot of friends and play and run around. The fish then made a magic to send him to a place with all these things. But then he felt sick and..." Liberty flops to her back.
  520. [01:35]? Firefly finishes speaking and looks over to the spirit. "Liberty? Liberty!" Firefly dashes over to the spirit.
  521. [01:36]? Royal_Lace looks about frantically, first to Firefly and then to Sotho, then back again to the little filly. "Whats happening?"
  522. [01:36]? Sotho looks back. "Liberty Dream?" He asks. "She seems to be laying on her back for somereason..."
  523. [01:37]? Liberty jumps back to her hooves again. "I'm okay, Firefly." She smiles. "But the story is not over yet."
  524. [01:37]? Sotho smiles. "She's okay." He goes back to finishing his food.
  525. [01:37]? Firefly grows red in the face and scratches the back of her head. "Oh...sorry." Firefly goes back to her seat and waits for Liberty Dream to continue.
  526. [01:37]? Royal_Lace sighs in releaf, "Thats good to know"
  527. [01:41]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty looks to the sides again. "But the magic fish had friends too. The friends of the fish showed the little colt to the bad ponies, and the bad ponies said 'this little colt is all bleh, it's no good' and they let the friends of the fish take him with them."
  528. [01:42]? Firefly continues to speak, though she has to stifle a giggle at the word 'bleh'. Its a funny word!
  529. [01:45]? Sotho finishes the food as he brings it through, taking out a pearl for each spirit. "Eat up everypony." setting the food down on table, giving the pearls to each spirit.
  530. [01:45]<SpiritOfFate> "Then the little colt woke up, because the friends of the fish also had magic, and he was okay again, and he could run and play and make friends." Liberty bounces.
  531. [01:46]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty noms her pearl
  532. [01:47]? Firefly starts eating, faintly resembling a filly-sized vacuum cleaner. She only pauses when Liberty Dream continues the story.
  533. [01:47]? Royal_Lace face levesl out as she hears the story retold to her by Firefly but smiles again as the food is delivered. "Oh thank you Sotho, It smells wonderful"
  534. [01:48]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty sits down, having finished the story.
  535. [01:51]? Sotho smiles and bows. "Thank you very much. That story sounds very interesting Liberty!" He looks to Ties. "Please, have your pearl, you need to grow big and strong like our friend Liberty." He smiles
  536. [01:53]<Royal_Lace> Takes a bite from her plate, a soft squeek coming from her. Blushing at the uncooth sound she covers her lips with a hoof and blushes, "Oh Sotho this is fantastic! Its as every bit as good as the meals I used to serve back at my old masters mansion. You have quite the talent". Turning back to the body of the room she looks around and adresses thin air, "And yes... a very interesting story Liberty. I wonder, could you tell us more about this magic fish?"
  537. [01:56]? Firefly stops eating as an odd thought strikes her. "Liberty Dream...I remember that colt. The medical ponies said he ate something and died... is he still alive?"
  538. [01:57]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty nodnods.
  539. [01:58]? Firefly nods her head as she puzzles it out. "So...he ate something that made him sleep and make other ponies think he was dead, but somepony woke him up and now he is free?"
  540. [01:59]<SpiritOfFate> Liberty grins and shhhs, looking to the sides. "It's secret."
  541. [01:59]? Royal_Lace eyes open wide as she turns to look at firefly, "Wait... whats this?"
  542. [01:59]? Firefly squees with delight. "Can I tell Miss Pretty Pony?"
  543. [02:01]<SpiritOfFate> "Hmmm." She takes a bit of time, gauging Royal_Lace with her eyes. "Okay!" She smiles, nodding.
  544. [02:02]? Firefly turns to Royal_Lace. "Remember when we were digging for treasure and the medical ponies brought a colt by and said he ate something that made him sick and he was dead? Somepony gave him something that made the medical ponies think he was dead, and then somepony woke him up and now he's free!"
  545. [02:04]? Royal_Lace clasps her hooves to her mouth to stiffle a gasp, "By Equestria, thats amazing... but who could have done that? I can only assume its the work of the freed slaves the others at the compound mentioned, the ones who helped us before and tried to break us free at the wall"
  546. [02:05]? Firefly looks back over to Liberty Dream. "Is Miss Pretty Pony right? Was the magic fish one of the free ponies?"
  547. [02:07]<SpiritOfFate> "The magic fish is the magic fish, but it has a lot of friends, that is why it is magic and it can go to places even if there is no water." Liberty says.
  548. [02:09]? Firefly cocks her head and looks back at Royal_Lace. "Liberty says the magic fish is the magic fish but it has lots of friends which is why it is magic and it can go to places even if there is no water." Firefly goes back to eating, brow furrowed in concentration as she tries to figure out the riddle.
  549. [02:15]? Royal_Lace smile as she put her hooves down and returns to her meal, "Well that is fantastic news, I should like to meet this magic fish one day. Liberty that was indeed a fantastic story!"
  550. [02:17]? Firefly nods in agreement, continuing to eat the delicious food.
  551. ****
  552. [21:37]? Sotho smiles and nods. "Thank you for the completment Royal_Lace, why did you come to visit us? Did you want to speak with me?"
  553. [21:38]? Royal_Lace smiles, "yes, I do, but lets wait till after dinner so we can speak in private", she says with a slight nod towards Firefly.
  554. [21:38]? Sotho nods.
  555. ****
  556. [21:39]? Sotho smiles at the sleeping figure of Firefly and then to Royal_Lace. "So then, why did you want to see me?" He sits at the table.
  557. [21:41]? Royal_Lace leans against the table and looks across it to the zebra, "I wanted a chance to talk to somepony before I left, to tell you about what has been going on at the Salvage yard... and Im sure you have questions for me as well"
  558. [21:42]<Sotho> "I have a few." He says, his smile changing to a neutral expression. "I was very displeased by your desicion. I almost had rushed back in there by myself." He says to her.
  559. [21:44]? Royal_Lace closes her hooves before her face as she assumes a more buisnesslike stance, "But you didnt... I belived in our friends to keep you from returning, and Im glad that my confidence in them was well placed.... You do of course appreciate how hard it was for me and why It had to be done"
  560. [21:45]<Sotho> He nods. "I do, but I personally did not like it." He says. "I will not ask why, as you explained that in your letter, but instead, I will ask you to recount what has happened."
  561. [21:48]? Royal_Lace sighs, "After you left you mean?.... well I returned with Nack to her room as you probably guessed, and started on damange control. Comforted her and tried to explain things to her before the guards showed up to return me to the slave house... got to see the every effect of your escape, the house ponies scoulded, the medic repromanded... even Nack herself was severly beaten once her father returned for letting it happen on her watch".
  562. [21:50]<Sotho> He nods. "And I wish it were not so like that." He thinks. "Though the medics most likely were Ignis and I's fault."
  563. [21:50]<Sotho> "But please, countinue."
  564. [21:52]? Royal_Lace nods, "From what I overheard that is the case... but all involved were to balme.... becouse the more I thought about it the more I realized that simple escape isnt enough, especially only partial escapes that only leave behind others to deal with the fallout. Sparing one ponies pain and leaving over four score others is not acceptable".
  565. [21:53]? Sotho nods lightly. "So I suppose you set out to do something about that."
  566. [21:56]? Royal_Lace nods again, this time with a sly smile crossing her lips as she leans forward, adpoting a more conspiritorial tone. "I did... or rather Ignis did, for as much as they slavers are concerned anyway"
  567. [21:58]<Sotho> "Oh?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Blaming friends now?"
  568. [22:00]? Royal_Lace shakes her head, "No... Im drawing attention away from not only you, but myself as well. Since I started its been all they can do to search the grounds for him, he dose leave such taunting notes about how he is hiding right under there noses.... meanwhile a simple Unicorn is free to watch and plan her nightly activities while they all chase pony tales around looking for a dragon who is long gone"
  569. [22:01]? Sotho nods. "I suppose that does make sense." He smirks. "I wish you could see spirits, you would make a good shaman, tricking the spirits into doing work for you."
  570. [22:03]? Royal_Lace grins, giggling, "Ill leave that to others, its all I can do to keep things going with the slavers. My long term plan is to simutaniously convince Nacks father his guards are not worth the caps he pays them... after all a dragon coming and going as he pleases, hardly the guards you want around. and Also to make it unprofitable to continue the slavage yard in its current capacity".
  571. [22:04]<Sotho> "What will that acomplish? The secondary goal I mean."
  572. [22:07]? Royal_Lace leans closer over the table, "Becouse, the only reason he uses slaves is becouse its profitable. If he is backed into a corner he will have no choice to either adapt or roll over. In either case the problem is solved, He either becomes a legit buisness and frees the slaves or another steps in to take his place and converts it in his place"
  573. [22:08]? Sotho thinks and smiles. "That is genious Royal_Lace!" He chuckles. "So... how did you end up assosited with here?"
  574. [22:11]? Royal_Lace sly grin disolves as she pulls back from the table and looks down, "Yes... well about that. After my phantom dragon stole a small fortune in caps along with other goods from the bosses personal safe and left him a taunting note it was declared open season on Ignis with the whole salvage yard looking for him...."
  575. [22:13]? Sotho chuckles a bit. "Did you anticipate that?"
  576. [22:15]? Royal_Lace nods lightly, "I did, but what happend next after a full day of searching turned up nothing, not even the slightest sign of him..... He has cut off all the food, he says nopony will be eating till the dragon is found".
  577. [22:16]<Sotho> "And obviously that is bad. So are you here working to get food to the slaves?"
  578. [22:19]? Royal_Lace shrugs, "Working? no im using the caps I stole from the slavers to fund feeding them... for tonight at least. I cant afford to keep that up though so the other pourpose was to outfit myself for another strike from my Phantom Dragon... hes going to hit the food supplies and liberate it. Was going to go for the armory next but they have forced my hoof in the matter"
  579. [22:19]<Sotho> "How so?"
  580. [22:23]? Royal_Lace motions to the large block of hay across the room, "It cost me allot of caps for that, enough to feed all the slaves about two meals worth each tonight. That, supplying myself for more half cocked vandilisms and petty thefts, and now buying lodging for Buck who I managed to drag out here with me.... I dont have the caps to keep it up, I have to keep the preasure up while I can"
  581. [22:25]? Sotho nods. "Perhaps now that our group is around we could help?" He asks.
  582. [22:27]? Royal_Lace sniffs a bit as her eyes water up. "I hope so... Im just one pony, and far from the best for the job. I... I just want to help them all without getting anypony ells hurt, is that to much to ask? It dosent allways have to be so horrible dose it? I... I keep thinking back to Winter with that nail...I cant do that, its not in me..."
  583. [22:29]<Sotho> He gets up and pats her back. "Please, shed no tears. I'm sure we can all help in our own ways now." He smiles. "We can help fund you and help in various ways."
  584. [22:33]<Royal_Lace> whipes away a few tears, "Thank you... but its more than that, everypony keeps talking about the ones we met that day at the wall. The other escaped slaves.... do you think even if I succseed they will let things be? I need to get in touch with them somehow, see if we can get us all working together... right now we are so far apart. Me, them. you and the rest.... we need to pull together, but as it is I have my hooves to full with the slavers to look for them".
  585. [22:35]<Sotho> He nods. "We can try our best to find them. As you know our groups main quest seem to be finding Firefly's parents. The secondary goal is my own Wife and Child." He sighs. "I hope we can convince them to take a hiatus to help you."
  586. [22:38]? Royal_Lace nods, "I feel guilty asking... but so long as the Scrap yard isnt free neither am I as far as I am concerned"
  587. [22:38]? Royal_Lace looks up, "No pony left behind"
  588. [22:38]<Sotho> He nods. "Neither are we in a way." He pats her back. "I understand what you mean."
  589. [22:40]? Royal_Lace stands from the table, pausing to once again while the last remaining tears from her eyes. "Yes... well, Firefly mentioned some supplies I could borrow, I have added them to my things and I really should be going now...Ill be back tommorow night, The spell I put on Ignis should last till the sun sets."
  590. [22:42]? Sotho nods happily. He hugs Royal_Lace. "Please, be safe."
  591. [22:43]? Royal_Lace hugs back, "You to... I took them down already but you and Miss Wintergreen has posters up. Had I the energy left I would try and disguise you as well but as it is It will be all I can do to make it back to the slavage yard"
  592. [22:44]<Sotho> He chuckles. "We'll figure something out."
  593. [22:46]? Royal_Lace smiles as she pulls back from the hug, "Im sure you will... you are all smart and strong ponies, you will be fine".
  594. [22:47]? Sotho smiles. "I will try and get some spirits on our side, hopefully some spiritual intervention can help us."
  595. [22:49]? Royal_Lace nods, "you would know more then me... so can I count on seeing you all here in town tommorow night? ... I mean, assuming that nothing gos wrong with my plans to steal the food from their storage that is..."
  596. [22:51]? Sotho nods. "You will see us."
  597. [22:52]? Royal_Lace smiles as she walks over and looks at the large bale of hay before glancing back, "Help me get it onto my back?"
  598. [22:53]? Sotho smiles and lifts it up onto her back, setting it down carefully.
  599. [22:56]? Royal_Lace smiles as she turns around, legs straining under the weight. "Thank you again Sotho, and thank you for listening. I hope Ignis isnt to upset when he finds out what I have been doing with his name... or Miss winter for that matter, she scares me at times"
  600. [22:57]? Sotho chuckles a bit. "I will try and make sure they don't. But good luck." He smiles lightly at her. "Stay safe. At least I held one of my promises. About the Dinner."
  601. [22:59]? Royal_Lace grins, "And it was wonderful... thank you Sotho, your the most amazing zebra I have ever met". and with that, a flash, and a pop. Royal Lace is gone
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