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Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. Fatal Lua Error:
  2. Stack Traceback
  3. ===============
  4. (2) global C function 'error'
  5. (3) Lua function '(anonymous)' at file '/usr/lib/openra//lua/sandbox.lua:150' (best guess)
  6. Local variables:
  7. arg = nil
  8. ok = boolean: false
  9. result = string: "[string \"A5.lua\"]:8: attempt to index global 'OrdosRally' (a nil value)"
  10. (4) tail call
  11. (5) Lua function '?' at line 15 of chunk '"scriptwrapper.lua"]'
  12. (6) global C function 'xpcall'
  13. (7) Lua upvalue 'TryRunSandboxed' at line 15 of chunk '"scriptwrapper.lua"]'
  14. Local variables:
  15. fn = Lua function '?' (defined at line 0 of chunk "A5.lua"])
  16. (8) Lua function '?' at line 38 of chunk '"scriptwrapper.lua"]'
  17. Local variables:
  18. file = string: "A5.lua"
  19. contents = string: "AtreidesReinforcements = { \"light_inf\", \"light_inf\", \"light_inf\", \"light_inf\", \"light_inf\", \"combat_tank_a\", \"combat_tank_a\" }\
  20. AtreidesPath = { AtreidesRally.Location, AtreidesRally2.Location }\
  21. AtreidesEntryPath = { AtreidesRally.Location }\
  22. Atreides2Reinforcements = { \"combat_tank_a\", \"combat_tank_a\", \"combat_tank_a\", \"trike\", \"quad\" }\
  23. Atreides2Path = { Atreides2Rally.Location, Atreides2Rally2.Location }\
  24. Atreides2EntryPath = { Atreides2Rally.Location }\
  25. OrdosReinforcements = { \"light_inf\", \"combat_tank_o\", \"combat_tank_o\", \"combat_tank_o\", \"quad\", \"raider\", \"raider\" }\
  26. OrdosPath = { OrdosRally.Location, OrdosRally2.Location }\
  27. OrdosEntryPath = { OrdosRally.Location }\
  28. MercenariesReinforcements = { \"light_inf\", \"light_inf\", \"light_inf\", \"light_inf\", \"light_inf\", \"trooper\", \"trooper\", \"trooper\", \"trooper\", \"trooper\" }\
  29. MercenariesPath = { MercenariesRally.Location, MercenariesRally2.Location }\
  30. MercenariesEntryPath = { MercenariesRally.Location } \
  31. \
  32. \
  33. WorldLoaded = function()\
  34. Atreides = Player.GetPlayer(\"Atreides\")\
  35. Atreides2 = Player.GetPlayer(\"Atreides2\")\
  36. Mercenaries = Player.GetPlayer(\"Mercenaries\")\
  37. Ordos = Player.GetPlayer(\"Ordos\")\
  38. Ordos2 = Player.GetPlayer(\"Ordos2\")\
  39. \
  40. Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Minutes(6), function()\
  41. local units = Reinforcements.ReinforceWithTransport(Atreides, \"carryall.reinforce\", AtreidesReinforcements, AtreidesPath, { AtreidesPath[1] })[2]\
  42. Media.PlaySpeechNotification(Atreides, \"Reinforce\")\
  43. Reinforcements.Reinforce(Atreides, AtreidesReinforcements, AtreidesEntryPath)\
  44. end) \
  45. Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Minutes(7), function()\
  46. local units = Reinforcements.ReinforceWithTransport(Atreides2, \"carryall.reinforce\", Atreides2Reinforcements, Atreides2Path, { Atreides2Path[1] })[2]\
  47. Media.PlaySpeechNotification(Atreides2, \"Reinforce\")\
  48. Reinforcements.Reinforce(Atreides2, Atreides2Reinforcements, Atreides2EntryPath)\
  49. end) \
  50. Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Minutes(14), function()\
  51. local units = Reinforcements.ReinforceWithTransport(Ordos, \"carryall.reinforce\", OrdosReinforcements, OrdosPath, { OrdosPath[1] })[2]\
  52. Media.PlaySpeechNotification(Ordos, \"Reinforce\")\
  53. Reinforcements.Reinforce(Ordos, OrdosReinforcements, OrdosEntryPath)\
  54. end)\
  55. Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Minutes(5), function()\
  56. local units = Reinforcements.ReinforceWithTransport(Mercenaries, \"carryall.reinforce\", MercenariesReinforcements, MercenariesPath, { MercenariesPath[1] })[2]\
  57. Media.PlaySpeechNotification(Mercenaries, \"Reinforce\")\
  58. Reinforcements.Reinforce(Mercenaries, MercenariesReinforcements, MercenariesEntryPath)\
  59. end) \
  60. end "
  61. script = Lua function '?' (defined at line 0 of chunk "A5.lua"])
  62. err = nil
  64. Error message
  65. ===============
  66. /usr/lib/openra//lua/sandbox.lua:150: [string "A5.lua"]:8: attempt to index global 'OrdosRally' (a nil value)
  67. ===============
  68. at OpenRA.Scripting.ScriptContext.FatalError(System.String message)
  69. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod , System.Object , System.Object[] , System.Exception ByRef )
  70. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke(System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
  71. at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters)
  72. at Eluant.LuaRuntime+MethodWrapper.Invoke(System.Object[] parms)
  73. at Eluant.LuaRuntime.MakeManagedCall(IntPtr state, Eluant.MethodWrapper wrapper)
  74. at Eluant.LuaRuntime.MethodWrapperCallCallback(IntPtr state)
  75. at Eluant.LuaRuntime.MethodWrapperCallCallbackWrapper(IntPtr state)
  76. at Eluant.LuaApi.lua_pcall(IntPtr , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 )
  77. at Eluant.LuaRuntime.Call(IList`1 args)
  78. at Eluant.LuaRuntime.Call(Eluant.LuaFunction fn, IList`1 args)
  79. at Eluant.LuaFunction.Call(IList`1 args)
  80. at Eluant.LuaFunction.Call(Eluant.LuaValue[] args)
  81. at OpenRA.Scripting.ScriptContext..ctor(OpenRA.World world, OpenRA.Graphics.WorldRenderer worldRenderer, IEnumerable`1 scripts)
  82. at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Scripting.LuaScript.WorldLoaded(OpenRA.World world, OpenRA.Graphics.WorldRenderer worldRenderer)
  83. at OpenRA.World.LoadComplete(OpenRA.Graphics.WorldRenderer wr)
  84. at OpenRA.Game.StartGame(System.String mapUID, WorldType type)
  85. at OpenRA.Network.UnitOrders.ProcessOrder(OpenRA.Network.OrderManager orderManager, OpenRA.World world, Int32 clientId, OpenRA.Order order)
  86. at OpenRA.Network.OrderManager.TickImmediate()
  87. at OpenRA.Sync+<CheckSyncUnchanged>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0()
  88. at OpenRA.Sync.CheckSyncUnchanged(OpenRA.World world, System.Func`1 fn)
  89. at OpenRA.Sync.CheckSyncUnchanged(OpenRA.World world, System.Action fn)
  90. at OpenRA.Game.InnerLogicTick(OpenRA.Network.OrderManager orderManager)
  91. at OpenRA.Game.LogicTick()
  92. at OpenRA.Game.Loop()
  93. at OpenRA.Game.Run()
  94. at OpenRA.Program.Run(System.String[] args)
  95. at OpenRA.Program.Main(System.String[] args)
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