
princess adventures 7 revenge of the manbat

Jun 14th, 2014
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  1. [21:54] <~Kroked> BGM
  2. [21:55] <~Kroked> The Bat monster has fallen, however, only to learn it wasn't alone
  3. [21:55] <Erina> "D-did you guys hear that?"
  4. [21:56] <Luna> "Everyone into that house now!"
  5. [21:56] * Erina begins to concentrate again.
  6. [21:56] * Remiel begins accumulating zeon
  7. [21:56] * Faolan readies her weapon
  8. [21:56] * Luna dashes over to the beast corpse to collect her card and sees something
  9. [21:56] * Erina stands by the door intending to be the last one in.
  10. [21:56] * Violet rushes in after Luna
  11. [21:57] * Luna grabs the hunk of black and stashes it in her pack and runs back to the building
  12. [21:57] * Remiel stands by Erina. "Hurry, get inside!"
  13. [21:57] <Erina> "You and Soul first."
  14. [21:57] <Faolan> "Why are you guys running? You took care of the first one so well."
  15. [21:58] <Luna> "We got lucky with the first one, and that other one sounds.. mean"
  16. [21:58] <Faolan> "So you're going to corner yourself in a house?"
  17. [21:58] <~Kroked> Soul nods
  18. [21:58] <Remiel> "And we don't know if that's the other one out there."
  19. [21:58] * Faolan gestures with her weapon
  20. [21:58] <Luna> "It cant fly inside, the second it pops its head through a door or window we destroy it"
  21. [21:58] <Faolan> "If it is meaner, what if it just knocks over the house?"
  22. [21:58] <~Kroked> "Well, look at it this way, if we're in a house, it can't fly"
  23. [21:58] <Faolan> "And then you'll get crushed to death."
  24. [21:59] <~Kroked> "We'll at least have the upper hand"
  25. [21:59] <Luna> "If it can crush a house then we were screwed from the start, just get inside"
  26. [21:59] * Faolan sighs
  27. [21:59] <Erina> "And it can't ambush us in the house."
  28. [21:59] <Faolan> "I don't have any ranged weapons, but alright."
  29. [21:59] * Faolan enters the house.
  30. [22:00] <~Kroked> you all get in a random ass house
  31. [22:01] <Remiel> "...Should I turn off the light?"
  32. [22:01] <Faolan> (desc of insides?)
  33. [22:01] <Luna> (house discription by chance? 1story? 2? random things?)
  34. [22:01] <Faolan> (electricity? lighting?)
  35. [22:01] <~Kroked> its a 2 story house, plain, with your typical appliances and houseware
  36. [22:02] * Erina tries to look for a fireplace
  37. [22:02] * Faolan raids the fridge
  38. [22:02] * Luna looks around for something to baracade the front door with
  39. [22:02] <Faolan> (powerrrr?)
  40. [22:02] <~Kroked> Faolan: you open the fridge and a rancid smell assaults your senses
  41. [22:02] * Faolan makes a face
  42. [22:02] <~Kroked> all the food inside has rotted
  43. [22:02] <Luna> "Someone go check if this place has a back door or something"
  44. [22:02] <Faolan> "Bleh, guess everything's spoiled."
  45. [22:02] <~Kroked> or otherwise gone bad
  46. [22:02] <Luna> "Dont go alone"
  47. [22:02] * Faolan checks if there's an attic or basement
  48. [22:02] <~Kroked> Erina: no fireplace
  49. [22:02] <Remiel> "I'll go with Soul."
  50. [22:03] <~Kroked> SOul nods
  51. [22:03] <Erina> "Stay safe...."
  52. [22:03] <~Kroked> Faolan: you find a basement
  53. [22:03] <Luna> (anything to shove against the door?)
  54. [22:03] * Remiel heads towards the back of the house.
  55. [22:03] * Faolan searches it for cans of food or anything useful
  56. [22:03] <Faolan> water, too
  57. [22:03] <~Kroked> you than go upstairs and find the attic
  58. [22:03] <~Kroked> it's rather small, but its old and creaky
  59. [22:04] * Faolan searches both for the aforementioned items
  60. [22:04] <~Kroked> you find cans of beans and the like
  61. [22:04] * Violet peeks out the window towards the direction the creature seemed to be in
  62. [22:04] * Erina keeps looking outside the windows to see if she can see the soul of the thing anywhere nearby.
  63. [22:04] <~Kroked> Remiel: you and soul go to the back of the house, their you find a back door
  64. [22:04] <Faolan> Any water?
  65. [22:04] <~Kroked> Erina: if it's around, it's outside your vision
  66. [22:05] <~Kroked> Faolan: no
  67. [22:05] * Remiel checks to make sure the the door is securely locked.
  68. [22:05] * Faolan heads back downstairs
  69. [22:05] <~Kroked> Remiel: it is
  70. [22:05] <~Kroked> Faolan: roll notice
  71. [22:05] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  72. [22:05] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 86."
  73. [22:06] * Violet lowers her flame to that of a candle.
  74. [22:06] * Violet addresses Remiel, "You should lower your light if you can. We don't want it finding us in here"
  75. [22:06] <~Kroked> you dont think their's anything up here as you head down
  76. [22:06] <Remiel> "right."
  77. [22:07] * Faolan sets the beans on the table
  78. [22:07] * Violet Celia flies into Violet's hair, extinguishing her light.
  79. [22:07] <Faolan> "Here guys, I found some food if you're hungry."
  80. [22:08] <Remiel> ((So can I dim my light, or do I have to cancel it?))
  81. [22:08] <Violet> "How can you think of eating at a time like this?"
  82. [22:08] <Luna> "...A fine last meal.. beans. Just keep an eye out for that thing."
  83. [22:08] <Erina> "I'm good....not much of an appetite after the hangar."
  84. [22:08] * Faolan shrugs
  85. [22:09] <Faolan> "I'm not hungry, I'm just getting prepared."
  86. [22:09] <Faolan> "Couldn't find any water."
  87. [22:09] * Luna keeps a safe distance from the window and keeps looking out it in search of whatever that is
  88. [22:13] <~Kroked> everyone roll notice
  89. [22:13] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  90. [22:13] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  91. [22:13] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 72."
  92. [22:13] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 48."
  93. [22:14] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  94. [22:14] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 21."
  95. [22:14] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  96. [22:14] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 28."
  97. [22:15] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  98. [22:15] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 87."
  99. [22:15] <~Kroked> Erina: roll again
  100. [22:15] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  101. [22:15] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 70."
  102. [22:17] <~Kroked> Erina: for a moment, but only just, yould've SWORN you saw a pair of slightly glowing yellow eye's staring at you from the shadows
  103. [22:17] <~Kroked> but as soon a syou think you see it, it's gone
  104. [22:17] <~Kroked> inside the house
  105. [22:17] <~Kroked> by the stairs
  106. [22:17] <Erina> "Guys! Get ready, it's here."
  107. [22:18] <Remiel> "What?"
  108. [22:18] * Faolan readies her weapon again
  109. [22:18] <Faolan> "Wehre is it?"
  110. [22:18] * Erina tries to look for its soul in the darkness.
  111. [22:18] <Faolan> where*
  112. [22:18] * Luna stands at the ready with her knife and right hand on her deck
  113. [22:18] <~Kroked> Erina: roll Search +80
  114. [22:18] * Violet begins to concentrate on psychic power
  115. [22:18] * Remiel casts detect essence.
  116. [22:19] <Erina> )roll 1d100+70
  117. [22:19] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+70 and gets 131."
  118. [22:19] <~Kroked> Remiel: at what level?
  119. [22:19] <~Kroked> Erina: you... can't see anything
  120. [22:20] <~Kroked> you can;t find it
  121. [22:20] <Remiel> (2)
  122. [22:20] <Faolan> "Do you see it?"
  123. [22:21] <Erina> "I can't! But I swear I saw it inside here near the stairs."
  124. [22:21] <~Kroked> Remiel: you sense everyone in the room, but since you ahve no proof anything else is here, you cant sense anything else
  125. [22:21] * Faolan backs the fuck away from the stairs
  126. [22:21] <Luna> "Everyone stay together, keep away from the windows and those stairs"
  127. [22:21] * Remiel stops casting detect essence.
  128. [22:22] <Faolan> "Someone want to throw fire at the stairs or something? Maybe freeze that general area?"
  129. [22:22] <~Kroked> everyone roll notice
  130. [22:22] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  131. [22:22] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 111."
  132. [22:22] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  133. [22:22] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 64."
  134. [22:22] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  135. [22:22] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 37."
  136. [22:22] <Erina> "I've got one good shot and I'm saving it."
  137. [22:23] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  138. [22:23] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 109."
  139. [22:23] <Faolan> )roll 100+1
  140. [22:23] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 100+1 and gets 101."
  141. [22:23] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  142. [22:23] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 85."
  143. [22:23] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  144. [22:23] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 17."
  145. [22:23] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  146. [22:23] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 52."
  147. [22:24] <~Kroked> Faolan: you hear some kind of... chewing sound
  148. [22:24] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  149. [22:24] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 27."
  150. [22:24] <Faolan> (can I tell where it's from?)
  151. [22:24] <~Kroked> Erina: you hear a vague crunching sound
  152. [22:24] <~Kroked> no
  153. [22:24] <~Kroked> Violet: You hear the sound of something chewing at wood, it's coming from the basement
  154. [22:25] <Faolan> "Guys. I think I can hear it chewing on something."
  155. [22:25] <~Kroked> the chewing stops
  156. [22:25] <Violet> And it was coming from the basement...
  157. [22:26] <Erina> "I heard it too, but I can't tell where it's coming from."
  158. [22:27] <Luna> "If its comming from the basement its got no where to run"
  159. [22:27] <Faolan> "You think it's coming from the basement?"
  160. [22:27] <Remiel> "If it has nowhere to run, it'll be all the more dangerous."
  161. [22:27] <~Kroked> everone roll notice
  162. [22:27] <Violet> "But how did it get down there without us noticing?"
  163. [22:27] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  164. [22:27] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 48."
  165. [22:27] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  166. [22:27] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  167. [22:27] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 61."
  168. [22:27] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 30."
  169. [22:27] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  170. [22:27] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 24."
  171. [22:28] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  172. [22:28] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 51."
  173. [22:29] <~Kroked> continue on
  174. [22:30] * Violet looks for flamable objects in the house
  175. [22:30] * Faolan shakes her head
  176. [22:30] <Faolan> "This house is a deathtrap."
  177. [22:30] * Remiel casts detect negative emotions, tier 1.
  178. [22:30] * Faolan grabs the cans of beans and begins heading outside
  179. [22:32] <~Kroked> Remiel: you sense fear
  180. [22:32] <~Kroked> oh wait
  181. [22:32] <~Kroked> thats everyone here
  182. [22:32] <Erina> "So......Anyone got a plan at drawing it out?"
  183. [22:32] * Remiel sighs. "I can't even find where it is."
  184. [22:32] * Faolan stuffs the cans of beans into her bag and stands by the front door
  185. [22:33] <Faolan> "Anyone else want to wait outside? Or at least find a better place? Something's definitely in here and it's chewing on something."
  186. [22:33] * Erina looks for a nearby chair to chuck down the stairs.
  187. [22:33] <~Kroked> Erina: you find one
  188. [22:33] <Remiel> "And then what?"
  189. [22:33] * Erina chucks it down the stairs
  190. [22:33] <~Kroked> Violet: lots of wood
  191. [22:33] <~Kroked> wood everywhere
  192. [22:33] <Luna> "There is no cover outside, in here is better then nothing"
  193. [22:34] <~Kroked> Erina: no response
  194. [22:34] <~Kroked> everyone roll notice
  195. [22:34] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  196. [22:34] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 27."
  197. [22:34] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  198. [22:34] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 30."
  199. [22:34] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  200. [22:34] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 100."
  201. [22:34] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  202. [22:34] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 63."
  203. [22:34] <~Kroked> Luna: open roll
  204. [22:34] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  205. [22:34] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 73."
  206. [22:35] <Faolan> )roll 100+1
  207. [22:35] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 100+1 and gets 101."
  208. [22:35] <Faolan> )roll 100+1
  209. [22:35] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 100+1 and gets 101."
  210. [22:35] <Faolan> )roll 100+1
  211. [22:35] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 100+1 and gets 101."
  212. [22:35] <Faolan> )roll 100+1
  213. [22:35] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 100+1 and gets 101."
  214. [22:35] <Faolan> )roll 100+1
  215. [22:35] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 100+1 and gets 101."
  216. [22:35] <~Kroked> Faolan: you fumble
  217. [22:35] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  218. [22:35] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 83."
  219. [22:35] <~Kroked> nope too late
  220. [22:35] <~Kroked> you fumble
  221. [22:35] <Faolan> (my poor... eyes?)
  222. [22:36] <~Kroked> you trip and get dirt in your eyes
  223. [22:36] <Faolan> i'm in the house
  224. [22:36] <~Kroked> you now suffer partial blindness
  225. [22:36] <~Kroked> the floor is dirty
  226. [22:36] * Faolan sighs and wipes her eyes
  227. [22:36] <~Kroked> Luna: you hear Chewing, this time from the attic, something chewing on wood or something
  228. [22:37] <Luna> "Guys its not just the basement, that sounds comming from the attic too"
  229. [22:37] <Erina> "There's more of these things?"
  230. [22:37] <Faolan> "Alright, let's get out of here."
  231. [22:38] <Faolan> "Can someone freeze the house over or set it on fire or something?"
  232. [22:38] <Remiel> "I'm with Faolan on this one. Let's burn the place and get out."
  233. [22:38] <~Kroked> the chewing stops
  234. [22:38] <Luna> "Sounds like a plan, everyone get to the front door and dont go outside"
  235. [22:38] <Luna> "Violet im gonna need your help with this"
  236. [22:39] * Faolan readies her spear as she waits by the doorway
  237. [22:39] * Violet nods.
  238. [22:39] <~Kroked> everyone roll notice
  239. [22:39] <Violet> (how long have I been concentrating?)
  240. [22:39] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  241. [22:39] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 46."
  242. [22:39] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  243. [22:39] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 48."
  244. [22:39] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  245. [22:39] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 39."
  246. [22:39] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  247. [22:39] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 55."
  248. [22:39] <~Kroked> Violet: about 15 minutes
  249. [22:39] <Faolan> "Guys, whatever these things are, they might come out when we start setting things on fire."
  250. [22:39] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  251. [22:39] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets -7."
  252. [22:39] <Faolan> "So get ready."
  253. [22:39] <~Kroked> continue
  254. [22:40] <Luna> "Everyone ready? Violet and i will start as much fire as we can and everyone take off together outside"
  255. [22:41] <Erina> "Sounds like a plan, but uhm. I might not be able to freeze whatever comes out."
  256. [22:41] * Faolan nods
  257. [22:41] <Erina> "I've got a backup thing though....I think."
  258. [22:41] * Faolan looks through to window to check if the outside is clear
  259. [22:42] <~Kroked> Faolan: roll search
  260. [22:43] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  261. [22:43] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 12."
  262. [22:43] <~Kroked> there doesnt seem to be anything outside
  263. [22:44] <Luna> "Ok Violet, ill start something close to the basement, you take the stairs. "
  264. [22:44] * Violet "Alright. Give me the basement, though."
  265. [22:44] * Violet readies herself to burn down a whole house
  266. [22:44] <Luna> "Alright"
  267. [22:44] <~Kroked> everyone roll notice
  268. [22:44] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  269. [22:44] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 20."
  270. [22:44] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  271. [22:44] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  272. [22:44] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 83."
  273. [22:44] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 20."
  274. [22:45] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  275. [22:45] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 35."
  276. [22:45] <~Kroked> Erina: open toll
  277. [22:45] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  278. [22:45] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 15."
  279. [22:45] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  280. [22:45] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 29."
  281. [22:45] <~Kroked> continue on
  282. [22:46] <Luna> "On three, one, two, three!"
  283. [22:46] * Luna draws a card and lights it ablaze, throwing it at a pile of wood near the up stairs
  284. [22:46] <~Kroked> they smolder a bit
  285. [22:46] * Violet access "control fire" to use the flame upon her hand
  286. [22:47] <~Kroked> Violet: roll potential
  287. [22:47] <Violet> )roll 1d100+80
  288. [22:47] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+80 and gets 95."
  289. [22:48] <~Kroked> you control a small amount of flame
  290. [22:48] <~Kroked> but you get the it to catch light, it begins to burn brighter and brighter
  291. [22:48] <~Kroked> it catches the walls
  292. [22:48] <~Kroked> that
  293. [22:49] <~Kroked> is when you all notice something is Horribly
  294. [22:49] <~Kroked> HORRIBLY
  295. [22:49] <~Kroked> wrong
  296. [22:50] <~Kroked> as soon as the flames begin to burn the main part of the house the hous immediatly begins to sway and crumble, much much sooner than it should have
  297. [22:50] <Faolan> "Told you so!"
  298. [22:50] <~Kroked> you all look above you too see one of the support beams, gnawed straight through
  299. [22:50] <Luna> "Shut up and move!"
  300. [22:50] * Faolan attempts to open the door
  301. [22:50] <~Kroked> everyone
  302. [22:51] <~Kroked> are you attmepting to exit the house?
  303. [22:51] <Remiel> ((yes))
  304. [22:51] <Violet> ((YES))
  305. [22:51] <Faolan> (YES)
  306. [22:51] <Luna> (fuck yes)
  307. [22:51] <~Kroked> roll agility checks
  308. [22:51] <Erina> (YES)
  309. [22:51] <Luna> (1d10?)
  310. [22:51] <Faolan> )roll 1d10
  311. [22:51] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d10 and gets 8."
  312. [22:51] <Faolan> (agi 10 here)
  313. [22:52] <Erina> )roll 1d10
  314. [22:52] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d10 and gets 5."
  315. [22:52] <Luna> )roll 1d10 against 10agi
  316. [22:52] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d10 against 10agi and gets 4."
  317. [22:52] <~Kroked> you're all rolling at -2 i should mention
  318. [22:52] <Faolan> feh
  319. [22:52] <Violet> )roll 1d10-2
  320. [22:52] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d10-2 and gets 7."
  321. [22:52] <Remiel> )roll 1d10-2
  322. [22:52] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d10-2 and gets 5."
  323. [22:52] <Luna> )roll 1d10-2
  324. [22:52] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d10-2 and gets 2."
  325. [22:52] <Faolan> )roll 1d10-2
  326. [22:52] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d10-2 and gets 7."
  327. [22:53] <~Kroked> Faolan: you just barely make it
  328. [22:53] <~Kroked> Remiel: you get the fuck out
  329. [22:53] <~Kroked> Erina: you too
  330. [22:53] <~Kroked> Soul does as well
  331. [22:53] <~Kroked> Violet...
  332. [22:54] <~Kroked> you are slow
  333. [22:54] <Faolan> (can I pull violet out with me?)
  334. [22:54] <~Kroked> Faolan: roll defense, ush aside
  335. [22:54] <Luna> (what about me)
  336. [22:54] <Faolan> (what do I roll?)
  337. [22:55] <~Kroked> dodge -30
  338. [22:55] <~Kroked> Luna: you made it out
  339. [22:55] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+60
  340. [22:55] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+60 and gets 124."
  341. [22:55] <Luna> (roll to carry violet with me!)
  342. [22:55] <~Kroked> Faolan: you see the beam come down and quickly push Violet out of the way!
  343. [22:56] <~Kroked> you pick her up and take her with you
  344. [22:56] <~Kroked> Erina: in the chaos you lost concentration
  345. [22:56] <~Kroked> Remiel: in the chaos you let your Create light go out
  346. [22:56] <~Kroked> you're all outside
  347. [22:57] <~Kroked> roll notice
  348. [22:57] <Remiel> ((is the fire still burning?))
  349. [22:57] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  350. [22:57] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 71."
  351. [22:57] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  352. [22:57] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 89."
  353. [22:57] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  354. [22:57] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 30."
  355. [22:57] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  356. [22:57] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 21."
  357. [22:57] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  358. [22:57] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 85."
  359. [22:57] * Faolan sets Violet down
  360. [22:57] <Faolan> "You okay there?"
  361. [22:57] <Luna> (if the walls are on fire then its prolly still burning)
  362. [22:58] * Violet is standing, shaking something fierce. "Y-yeah. I...I think I'll be fine."
  363. [22:59] * Luna looks apologetically at Violet "Guess that wasnt the best of plans weve had.."
  364. [22:59] <Erina> "Violet! I'm glad you're okay. Thanks for saving her Fao."
  365. [22:59] * Faolan looks at her doubtfully. "If you say so."
  366. [22:59] <Faolan> "No problem."
  367. [22:59] * Faolan looks back at the house
  368. [22:59] <Faolan> "I told you they'd bring the house down."
  369. [23:00] <~Kroked> Luna: time almost seems to freeze for you
  370. [23:00] * Violet lets out a nervous chuckle. "Y-yeah, you've got that right"
  371. [23:00] <Erina> "Not the time for that, we're still in danger."
  372. [23:00] <~Kroked> a shadow leaps from the top of the burning house, lunging at you, it surprises you
  373. [23:01] <Faolan> (can I roll for push aside again?)
  374. [23:01] <~Kroked> somehow, you aren't sure how though, using every ouce of energy in your body, you flip out of the way
  375. [23:01] <Faolan> (ooo nice)
  376. [23:01] <~Kroked> you can counter
  377. [23:03] <~Kroked> will you?
  378. [23:03] <Luna> (counter with normal attack or anything?)
  379. [23:03] <~Kroked> normal attack
  380. [23:03] <Luna> (k counter)
  381. [23:03] <~Kroked> add a +45 to counter
  382. [23:03] <Luna> )roll 1d100+185
  383. [23:03] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+185 and gets 231."
  384. [23:06] <~Kroked> you throw a card quickly in response and it fly, slicing through one of it's shoulder
  385. [23:06] <~Kroked> it gives a high pitched scream
  386. [23:06] <~Kroked> everyone, roll initiative
  387. [23:06] * Erina begins to concentrate
  388. [23:06] <Luna> "This damn thing is way too fast"
  389. [23:07] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+47
  390. [23:07] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+47 and gets 103."
  391. [23:07] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+45
  392. [23:07] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+45 and gets 128."
  393. [23:07] <Erina> )roll 1d100+4
  394. [23:07] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+4 and gets 40."
  395. [23:07] <Luna> )roll 1d100+51
  396. [23:07] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+51 and gets 136."
  397. [23:08] <Violet> )roll 1d100+39
  398. [23:08] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+39 and gets 130."
  399. [23:08] <Violet> )roll 1d100+39
  400. [23:08] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+39 and gets 68."
  401. [23:10] <~Kroked> BGM
  402. [23:12] <~Kroked> the bat is like lightning
  403. [23:12] <~Kroked> it moves first
  404. [23:12] <Faolan> (how large are these things?)
  405. [23:12] <~Kroked> it Dashes to attack luna again Screeching like a demon
  406. [23:13] <~Kroked> Faolan: almost 6 feet
  407. [23:13] <~Kroked> Luna: roll defense
  408. [23:13] <Luna> )roll 1d100+70 for dodge
  409. [23:13] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+70 for dodge and gets 137."
  410. [23:16] <~Kroked> the thing tries to grab you, grasping at your shoulders, you feel them barely rake at them but you push it away as you move to escape
  411. [23:16] <~Kroked> Luna: you are to busy dodging to act
  412. [23:17] <~Kroked> Violet: your turn
  413. [23:17] <Violet> (can Celia act independently during my turn or immediately following it?)
  414. [23:18] <~Kroked> ((immediatly following))
  415. [23:18] <Violet> (also, is the house nearby enough and burning enough to take advantage of the fire?)
  416. [23:19] <~Kroked> the thing is between you and the fire
  417. [23:20] <Luna> (so for referernce we are all out in the middle of the street or whatever?)
  418. [23:20] <~Kroked> yes
  419. [23:20] <Violet> (so that's a no? Create fire on the creature's fur for $100, Alex)
  420. [23:21] <~Kroked> Violet
  421. [23:21] <~Kroked> roll potential or control fire if thats what you want to do
  422. [23:21] <~Kroked> than roll projection to see if you can reach
  423. [23:23] <Violet> Control fire to pull the flames from the house to shroud the creature, then.
  424. [23:23] <Violet> )roll d100+40
  425. [23:23] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls a d100+40 and gets 138."
  426. [23:23] <Violet> )roll d100+40
  427. [23:23] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls a d100+40 and gets 60."
  428. [23:24] <Violet> Rolling projection
  429. [23:24] <Violet> )roll d100+90
  430. [23:24] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls a d100+90 and gets 154."
  431. [23:28] <~Kroked> Violet: you pull the flames towards the ebast
  432. [23:28] <~Kroked> ..all of them
  433. [23:29] <~Kroked> the thing screeches and tries to fly away
  434. [23:29] <~Kroked> Violet: roll projection again to attack
  435. [23:29] <Violet> )roll d100+90
  436. [23:29] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls a d100+90 and gets 162."
  437. [23:32] <~Kroked> the thing quickl flaps back out of the way
  438. [23:34] <~Kroked> oh right
  439. [23:34] <~Kroked> first Celia
  440. [23:35] <Violet> ((can she use 'flame control' to help direct the flames Violet just used?))
  441. [23:37] <~Kroked> no there is too much fire for her to control
  442. [23:38] <Violet> Then Celia assumes "Fiery Form" and chases down the creature.
  443. [23:41] <~Kroked> Violet: roll attack, since celia has no actuall attack score, use her dex bonus
  444. [23:41] <Violet> ((is that +5, then?))
  445. [23:42] <~Kroked> yes
  446. [23:42] <Violet> )roll d100+5
  447. [23:42] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls a d100+5 and gets 36."
  448. [23:43] <~Kroked> it flaps out of the way
  449. [23:43] <~Kroked> Faolan: your turn
  450. [23:43] <Faolan> (is it withina ttack range?)
  451. [23:43] <~Kroked> it's 20 feet away
  452. [23:43] <Faolan> i can move 1/4th distnace without using an action right?
  453. [23:44] <~Kroked> yes
  454. [23:44] <Faolan> I move up to it, and do three attacks, two from weapon using the effect and then a follow-up kcik
  455. [23:44] <Faolan> using presence extrusion as cold damage and energy type
  457. <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
  458. (this spot replaced with this because lemons was being lemons)
  459. <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
  461. [00:05] <~Kroked> your second swing misses by a hair's bredth, however
  462. [00:05] <~Kroked> the second attack slices through its stomach
  463. [00:05] <~Kroked> it fall into shock with a loud scream
  464. [00:05] <~Kroked> and finally dies
  465. [00:05] <~Kroked>
  466. [00:06] <Erina> "Think that's all of them?"
  467. [00:06] <~Kroked> the town is completly silent
  468. [00:06] * Faolan shakes her head
  469. [00:07] * Luna looks over to violet "Guess settin the place on fire was a good idea after all"
  470. [00:07] <Faolan> "That was only two. What about the ones we heard in the house? The small girl dragged all of the fire away."
  471. [00:07] * Violet smiles at Luna. "It was."
  472. [00:08] <~Kroked> BGM
  473. [00:08] <Erina> "For all we know that was it moving around."
  474. [00:08] <Luna> "The thing was rediculiously fast so it might of been"
  475. [00:08] <Luna> "Either way we are not staying here"
  476. [00:08] <Remiel> "there could still be other ones out there."
  477. [00:08] <Violet> "We should get back to the ship and see if we can't get out of here"
  478. [00:09] <Faolan> "We took care of them pretty easily. Do you guys want to check the rubble and make sure there aren't any left?"
  479. [00:09] <Remiel> ((cast create light 1 as soon as I can.))
  480. [00:09] <Violet> "Why don't we just torch the rubble and be done with it?"
  481. [00:09] <~Kroked> Remiel: you do so
  482. [00:09] <Erina> "We need to report this to someone though, let them know what happened here."
  483. [00:10] <Faolan> "That works too."
  484. [00:10] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  485. [00:10] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 39."
  486. [00:10] <~Kroked> just Faolan
  487. [00:10] <Violet> I'll tell my sister directly. She'll have this straightened out in no time
  488. [00:10] <~Kroked> Faolan: roll again
  489. [00:10] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  490. [00:10] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 39."
  491. [00:10] <Faolan> (...?)
  492. [00:10] <~Kroked> ...
  493. [00:10] <Erina> (pfft)
  494. [00:11] * ~Kroked boops that up by one point
  495. [00:11] <~Kroked> Faolan: you realize you're across the treet from your old cafe
  496. [00:11] <Faolan> (old?)
  497. [00:11] <~Kroked>
  498. [00:11] <~Kroked> old as now it is in ruins
  499. [00:11] <Faolan> (is it ded now?)
  500. [00:11] <Faolan> (D:)
  501. [00:11] * Faolan notices where she is
  502. [00:12] * Faolan turns to look at the cafe
  503. [00:12] <~Kroked> the store front is wrecked, and inside is the bodies of your coworkers and friends
  504. [00:12] <Faolan> "..."
  505. [00:12] <~Kroked> maid costumes slpattered with blood
  506. [00:12] * Faolan slowly walks over to the shop
  507. [00:12] <~Kroked> you remmeber how cheerful everyone was just before the attack
  508. [00:12] <~Kroked> how carefree and happy
  509. [00:12] <~Kroked> and than...
  510. [00:12] <~Kroked> they came
  511. [00:12] * Remiel places her her hand on Faolan's shoulder.
  512. [00:12] <~Kroked> two fo these things
  513. [00:12] <~Kroked> they tore into the shop
  514. [00:13] <~Kroked> you hid, you survived
  515. [00:13] <~Kroked> but your friends...
  516. [00:13] <~Kroked> they weren't so lucky
  517. [00:13] <~Kroked> you watched as they were all torn apart and killed
  518. [00:13] <~Kroked> the creatures didnt even feed on them
  519. [00:13] <Remiel> "I'm sorry."
  520. [00:13] <~Kroked> they just mauled and tore them to pieces and they... seemed to enjoy it
  521. [00:13] * Faolan covers her mouth with her hand as she realizes she could have taken them
  522. [00:14] <~Kroked> maybe... but you remmeber
  523. [00:14] <~Kroked> you ahd people helping you
  524. [00:14] <~Kroked> if you were alone...
  525. [00:14] <~Kroked> and agains tboth of them...
  526. [00:15] <~Kroked> it's too late now
  527. [00:15] * Faolan blinks away tears as she kneels next to the bodies
  528. [00:15] <~Kroked> just like when you first came here
  529. [00:15] <~Kroked> you are alone
  530. [00:15] <~Kroked> a lost soul
  531. [00:15] <~Kroked> with no place to call home
  532. [00:16] * Remiel wraps her arm around Faolan.
  533. [00:17] * Faolan just kneels silently, head down
  534. [00:17] <Faolan> "What am I supposed to do now?" she whispers to herself.
  535. [00:18] <~Kroked> Remiel: roll notice to hear
  536. [00:18] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  537. [00:18] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 38."
  538. [00:18] <~Kroked> Remiel: you do not hear
  539. [00:19] <~Kroked> anyone else who wants to try to hear may
  540. [00:19] <Erina> ((May I try?))
  541. [00:19] <Remiel> "...would you like to give them a proper burial?"
  542. [00:19] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  543. [00:19] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 86."
  544. [00:19] <~Kroked> Erina: you hear
  545. [00:20] * Erina walks over and places a hand on the taller girl's shoulder, "Well, you could always come with us."
  546. [00:21] * Faolan brushes a hand across her face and stands up, dusting off her clothes
  547. [00:21] * Faolan clears her throat
  548. [00:21] <Faolan> "Sorry about that."
  549. [00:21] <Faolan> "Where are you headed to?"
  550. [00:22] <Erina> "We dunno, but you can take all the time you need to grieve. We'll leave when you're ready."
  551. [00:23] * Faolan shakes her head
  552. [00:23] <Faolan> "I'll be fine. I suppose... I already saw this. It's just that this whole thing suddenly became reality."
  553. [00:23] <Faolan> "I was here when it happened, but I didn't think it was this bad. I just got out of there as fast as I could."
  554. [00:24] * Faolan sighs and looks around at the destruction
  555. [00:24] <Luna> "At the very least there were two of those things if not more, you couldnt of helped these people.."
  556. [00:25] * Violet leans forward and offers, "If you'd like, we could send them off in a funeral pyre."
  557. [00:25] <Faolan> "I should have tried, at least."
  558. [00:25] * Faolan tries to smile at her
  559. [00:25] <Faolan> "I don't know if they'd want their bodies burned."
  560. [00:25] <Luna> "And if you tried you would of ended up just like them, you did the right thing by running.."
  561. [00:25] <Faolan> "If they had any relatives in other towns they'd probably want the bodies back."
  562. [00:25] <~Kroked> "It's better than this"
  563. [00:26] <~Kroked> "I don't think they want their bodies to jsut rot either"
  564. [00:26] <Violet> "Well, it would be preferable to letting them rot. No one is going to want to see their bodies mangled so."
  565. [00:26] <Faolan> "How? If we burned the bodies, there'd be no trace of them but bones and ashes and teeth. No one would know what happened to them."
  566. [00:26] <Erina> "Plus, you took down the second one, things might have gone badly if you weren't here to help us."
  567. [00:26] * Faolan shrugs. "I just don't think it's our decision to make."
  568. [00:26] <Faolan> "Maybe..."
  569. [00:27] * Faolan blinks
  570. [00:27] <Violet> "Unless we have time to bury them all, which I don't think we do, this shows most respect to the dead,"
  571. [00:27] <Faolan> "I don't know your names, although I suppose we could get to that later."
  572. [00:28] <Faolan> "I'm sure that they'd rather have their family know what happened to them."
  573. [00:28] <~Kroked> "...You know Faolan, where I come from, they have a saying"
  574. [00:28] <~Kroked> "Dust to Dust, Ashes to ashes"
  575. [00:28] <~Kroked> "From the earth we came, and to the earth we shall return"
  576. [00:28] <~Kroked> "It's best to return them to the earth"
  577. [00:29] * Faolan raises an eyebrow
  578. [00:29] <~Kroked> "Not to let them suffer like this"
  579. [00:29] <Faolan> "We're not living in the ancient times, you know. They're already dead and they can't feel anything anymore. The best we can do is let the officials identify the bodies and allow them to inform their relatives about their deaths."
  580. [00:30] <Remiel> "but what about you? Don't you at least want to feel a sense of closure?"
  581. [00:30] * Faolan nods to the bodies
  582. [00:30] * Violet frowns at Faolan. "If you wish them to lay here and rot in their own filth and guts after we make away, then so be it."
  583. [00:31] <Faolan> "This is my closure. I just needed to see what happened to them. And maybe, if I ever met their family, I could tell them what happened."
  584. [00:31] <Faolan> "Perhaps..."
  585. [00:31] <~Kroked> Soul seems... uncomfortable with leaving them like this
  586. [00:31] * Faolan looks at Erina (still don't know her name)
  587. [00:31] <Faolan> "Could you maybe freeze them over? Preserve them somehow?"
  588. [00:31] <Luna> "Damnit we are wasteing time, we are in the open and exposed, im doing this so we can move on"
  589. [00:32] <Faolan> "So that, like you said, they wouldn't rot."
  590. [00:32] * Luna draws two cards and moves to the corpses, lights them ablaze and sets them on whats left of their chests
  591. [00:32] <Erina> "That would take too long, I can only freeze one thing at a time."
  592. [00:32] * Violet Celia flies along the corpses as well, taking seat upon them, lighting individuals aflame
  593. [00:33] * Faolan grits her teeth and clenches her fists
  594. [00:33] <Faolan> "Guys... please... I don't think you have any right to decide this for them."
  595. [00:33] <~Kroked> Soul visibly relaxes "They would want this. now their souls can rest"
  596. [00:33] <Luna> "Its already done, we are moving out now, staying here is not the best of ideas"
  597. [00:34] <~Kroked> "Luna's right"
  598. [00:34] <~Kroked> "We should go"
  599. [00:34] * Violet I am Princess Violet of Eolas. If anyone has a right to decide what should be done with them, it is I. And you would do well to remember that."
  600. [00:35] <Faolan> "You're imposing upon their individual wills," Faolan growls. "What kind of ruler are you?"
  601. [00:35] <Luna> "ENOUGH Both of you!"
  602. [00:35] <Luna> "Lets move"
  603. [00:35] <Violet> "These are my people just as much as they are yours. I will ensure their personal belongings get taken care of if it worries you so."
  604. [00:35] * Faolan relaxes a little
  605. [00:35] <Erina> "I'm sorry, but Luna's right. We need to go."
  606. [00:35] <Faolan> "That would be nice."
  607. [00:36] * Faolan taps something under her forearm and her weapon disappears
  608. [00:36] <Faolan> "Sorry for yelling at you."
  609. [00:36] <Luna> "Now then, Faolan, im sorry but you know this area and we dont, where is the nearest armory or military station?"
  610. [00:36] <Luna> "Some place that we can set up for the night an be well defended"
  611. [00:36] * Violet me nods curtly and follows Luna without a word. Celia, finished with setting the people to rest, flies up to and sits upon Violets shoulder
  612. [00:37] <Faolan> "I don't think there are any armories or military stations nearby."
  613. [00:37] <Faolan> "This was just a nice, quiet little town until..." Faolon gestures around herself. "...this happened."
  614. [00:37] <Erina> "So what now? Should we try the ship again?"
  615. [00:38] <~Kroked> "Why don't we check the gate?"
  616. [00:38] <Erina> "I thought that was the first thing to get destroyed?"
  617. [00:38] <Luna> "The gates been destroyed hasnt it? And i doubt any of us know how to fix the ship so going back their is a waste"
  618. [00:38] <Faolan> "Last time I checked, the gate was down. But I suppose we could check again, see if anyone tried to repair it."
  619. [00:38] <~Kroked> "We may as well check"
  620. [00:38] <Faolan> "Maybe even find some survivors if we're lucky."
  621. [00:38] <~Kroked> "There might be a hint as to why this happened"
  622. [00:39] * Erina nods
  623. [00:39] * Violet nods in agreement. "To the gate, then."
  624. [00:39] <Luna> "I really dont like staying in the open, but if thats our best bet then lets go"
  625. [00:39] <~Kroked> you all head off?
  626. [00:39] <Erina> ((Yep))
  627. [00:39] <Faolan> (yes)
  628. [00:39] <Luna> (ya, eri at point me at the back everyone else in the middle)
  629. [00:40] <~Kroked> you travle through the dark and silent town, Faolan leading the way as she knows where the gate is
  630. [00:40] <Faolan> (can I search for signs of life along the way?)
  631. [00:40] <~Kroked> Faolan: yeas
  632. [00:40] * Erina flies low over the group to anticipate an attack from above.
  633. [00:40] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  634. [00:40] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 4."
  635. [00:41] <Faolan> (...)
  636. [00:41] <~Kroked> Erina: flying is... a strange sensation
  637. [00:41] <~Kroked> you realize this is the first time you've actually ever done it
  638. [00:41] * Faolan looks in surprise as Erina takes off
  639. [00:41] * Faolan looks impressed and doesn't comment on it
  640. [00:41] <Luna> "Eri, you see anything from up there?"
  641. [00:41] <Erina> "Wow.....I knew I could move these wings, but I never thought I'd be able to fly...."
  642. [00:42] * Violet Celia excitedly takes off after her and flies along side her
  643. [00:42] <Erina> ((How Long has it been since the fight started?))
  644. [00:42] * Remiel also looks in awe, this is the first time she's seen Erina fly.
  645. [00:42] <~Kroked> Erina: it's been 20 minutes
  646. [00:42] <Erina> "I'm not sure.....Let me try something."
  647. [00:42] * Erina tries to create light
  648. [00:43] <Remiel> ((Is it still pitch black?))
  649. [00:43] <~Kroked> Erina: roll potential
  650. [00:43] <Erina> )roll 1d100+190
  651. [00:43] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+190 and gets 282."
  652. [00:44] <Erina> )roll 1d100+190
  653. [00:44] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+190 and gets 219."
  654. [00:44] <~Kroked> you create a bright light illuminating 800 feet around you
  655. [00:45] * Faolan looks at her, startled
  656. [00:45] <Faolan> "Woah."'
  657. [00:45] <Erina> "Oh wow, that actually worked!"
  658. [00:45] <Luna> "Yep.. thats bright"
  659. [00:45] * Remiel shields her eyes.
  660. [00:45] <Luna> "So? What ya see?"
  661. [00:45] <Remiel> "So, I guess I don't need to keep maintaining mine, then?"
  662. [00:46] <Faolan> "So... this little girl here is a princess, if I heard correct? Violet, was it?"
  663. [00:46] <Faolan> "Anyone else here a princess?" Faolan asks, half-jokingly.
  664. [00:46] * Violet nods in confirmation silently
  665. [00:46] <Luna> "The flying lighthouse up there is one"
  666. [00:46] <Erina> "Yeah Remi, save your energy just in case."
  667. [00:47] * Remiel turns to Faolan "Well... Erina, who's currently flying up there is also a princess."
  668. [00:47] <Erina> "I got thi- Hey! I'm not a lighthouse."
  669. [00:47] <~Kroked> Soul chuckles
  670. [00:47] <~Kroked> "Im technically a prince"
  671. [00:47] * Remiel turns off her light.
  672. [00:47] <Luna> "Just be happy i called you bright for once"
  673. [00:47] <~Kroked> Soul Snorts
  674. [00:47] <Faolan> "Really?" Faolan asks, taken aback. "What are you three doing here?"
  675. [00:48] * Erina doesn't seem to get the joke.
  676. [00:48] * Remiel slaps both Luna and Soul on the back of their heads.
  677. [00:48] <Remiel> "hmmph."
  678. [00:48] <Luna> "...Well it was a compliment"
  679. [00:49] <~Kroked> you all reach the Gate eventually
  680. [00:49] <~Kroked> and... it's strange
  681. [00:49] <~Kroked> Normall a gate is Translucent when open, with a kind of rainbow sheen
  682. [00:50] <~Kroked> but right now, not only is it active, but it's Opaque and Pitch Black
  683. [00:50] <Erina> "Well......That doesn't look right."
  684. [00:50] * Violet eyes the gate
  685. [00:50] <Luna> "No thats deffiently not right"
  686. [00:50] <~Kroked> Soul frowns
  687. [00:50] <Violet> "Are they not supposed to look like that?"
  688. [00:51] <Luna> "Iv been through more then my fair share of gates, and thats nothing what its supposed to look like"
  689. [00:51] <Erina> "Well it's usually more see through and rainbow-y."
  690. [00:53] * Luna picks up a rock and tosses it through the gate
  691. [00:53] <~Kroked> it dissapears
  692. [00:53] <Luna> "...Looks like it still works"
  693. [00:54] <Erina> "So uh, who else thinks we should shut it off or break it?"
  694. [00:54] <Remiel> "I wouldn't go through it, though."
  695. [00:54] * Violet places a hand on Luna's shoulder
  696. [00:54] <Luna> "Huh? Violet?"
  697. [00:54] <Violet> "If it's the opposite of how it's /supposed/ to look, I don't think it'd be a good idea to go through it.
  698. [00:55] <Luna> "Agree with ya there, lets smash this thing like Eri said."
  699. [00:55] <Violet> "Wait wait wait."
  700. [00:55] <Remiel> "I really don't think you want to smash one of those things, either."
  701. [00:55] <Faolan> "Do you think the bat things came out of the gate?"
  702. [00:55] <Violet> "These things are interdimensional portals of a sort, right?"
  703. [00:55] <~Kroked> "Maybe we could reroute it?"
  704. [00:56] <Violet> "Smashing something like that sounds like a /really/ bad idea."
  705. [00:56] <Remiel> "Okay, but how would we reroute it?"
  706. [00:56] <Luna> "Do any of us even know how to "reroute" it? Cause i feel tamporing with it is just as bad of an idea"
  707. [00:56] <Violet> Do these things have on-off switches? Maybe a simple reboot will fix it."
  708. [00:57] <Faolan> "Do you guys have any experience with these things? I don't want it exploding in the face of three royals..."
  709. [00:57] <Erina> "Absolutely none."
  710. [00:58] <Luna> "None here, i just go through them, Remiel?"
  711. [00:59] <Remiel> "Something has to be powering them, though."
  712. [00:59] <Faolan> (can I search for a power source? wires, cables, etc?)
  713. [01:00] <~Kroked> yes
  714. [01:00] <~Kroked> Violet: go
  715. [01:01] <~Kroked> you fall asleep, you're just too tired
  716. [01:01] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  717. [01:01] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 95."
  718. [01:01] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  719. [01:01] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 9."
  720. [01:01] <Remiel> "The poor dear...."
  721. [01:02] * Erina lands to pick the girl up
  722. [01:02] * Violet wraps her arms around Celia and leans against Luna.
  723. [01:02] * Luna turns around and picks up Violet
  724. [01:03] <Luna> "I got her, no worries. Lets figure out how to turn this thing off"
  725. [01:03] <Erina> "Okay."
  726. [01:03] <Faolan> (did I find anything?)
  727. [01:04] * Remiel gently places her cap on Violet's head.
  728. [01:06] <~Kroked> Faolan: nope
  729. [01:07] <Luna> "Anyone find a switch or button or something for this thing?"
  730. [01:07] * Erina tries to find something to turn it off
  731. [01:08] <~Kroked> you walk up to it and find the control panel
  732. [01:08] <Remiel> "Hold on, let me try something."
  733. [01:08] <~Kroked> the place where you input where you want to go
  734. [01:09] <Erina> "Uh guys, this has a control panel. It looks simple to use."
  735. [01:09] * Remiel walks over to the control panel.
  736. [01:09] <Remiel> "Does it say anything about where it leads to?"
  737. [01:10] <Erina> "It should say that on here."
  738. [01:10] * Erina reads the location listed on the control panel
  739. [01:10] <~Kroked> its gibberish
  740. [01:11] * Erina attempts to sound it out anyway.
  741. [01:11] * Remiel adjusts her glasses and leans in to get a better look.
  742. [01:11] <~Kroked> ksdhafsdklgnreklsgnv
  743. [01:11] <~Kroked> is what it reads
  744. [01:11] * Faolan stays on guard as she looks out for enemies
  745. [01:12] <Remiel> ((So does the gate have more of a keyboard layout, or is it more like a scroll list))
  746. [01:12] <Erina> "kisdhafusduhkellgnreckllsguhnuv"
  747. [01:12] <Erina> "That sound familiar to anyone?"
  748. [01:12] <Luna> "Im gonna take it the pannle is broke, that or Eri just had a stroke"
  749. [01:12] <Remiel> "...I think someone just randomly pressed keys into the destination."
  750. [01:13] * Faolan wonders if royals are a little dull or just insane
  751. [01:13] <~Kroked> everyone
  752. [01:13] <~Kroked> a white metalic hand reaches out of the portal
  753. [01:13] * Remiel quickly presses buttons.
  754. [01:13] * Luna jumps back as far as she can with Violet in hand
  755. [01:14] <~Kroked> Remiel: the portal turns clear
  756. [01:14] * Erina puts herself between Remiel and the portal
  757. [01:14] <~Kroked> the hand is severed and thumps to the ground
  758. [01:14] <Luna> "Eww..."
  759. [01:14] <Remiel> "Let's keep our distance from that hand."
  760. [01:14] * Erina watches the hand for a bit to make sure it won't come to life
  761. [01:15] <~Kroked> it doesnt look biological
  762. [01:15] <~Kroked> its like some super complex machine
  763. [01:15] * Faolan unsheaths her weapon and pokes at the hand
  764. [01:15] <Faolan> (does the blade penetrate?)
  765. [01:15] <Faolan> (normal attack, not energy)
  766. [01:15] * Remiel raises her hand "I /really/ don't think you should be doing that."
  767. [01:16] <~Kroked> Faolan: it's made of some kind of metal
  768. [01:16] <~Kroked> the hand is 1.5x bigger than your head
  769. [01:16] <Faolan> (does it penetrate?)
  770. [01:17] <~Kroked> it could have grabbed your face and lifted you easy
  771. [01:17] <~Kroked> Faolan: it made of metal
  772. [01:17] <~Kroked> no
  773. [01:17] * Faolan pulls back
  774. [01:17] * Erina sighs, "We're gonna run into that one day, won't we."
  775. [01:17] <Faolan> "Can't damage it. Is someone sending robots through this portal?"
  776. [01:18] <Remiel> "We have no idea what was on the other side."
  777. [01:18] <Luna> "First bat people, now robots, who did we piss off to deserve this?"
  778. [01:18] <Remiel> "And I really hope we never find out."
  779. [01:18] <Faolan> "You think we should tell someone about this?"
  780. [01:18] <Luna> "On the plus side, the gate looks not evil now."
  781. [01:18] <Erina> "We plan on it"
  782. [01:19] <Remiel> "Right."
  783. [01:19] <Luna> "See if you can punch in Eloas on that pannle?"
  784. [01:19] <Erina> "Violet's gonna tell her sister and I should probably let Spirit know about......everything..."
  785. [01:19] <~Kroked> "He probably wont be happy"
  786. [01:19] * Remiel examines how the controls work. "Let's see..."
  787. [01:19] <~Kroked> "It sounds like he knew about Sabrina solution"
  788. [01:20] <Luna> (can i "control" celia for a bit?)
  789. [01:20] <~Kroked> "ANd PUrpously chose not to take it"
  790. [01:20] <~Kroked> Luna: sure
  791. [01:20] * Luna whispers into Violets hair "Hey Celia, you akwake? Can you torch that hand down there real quick?"
  792. [01:21] <~Kroked> the tiny fairy pokes its head out and looks at the hand
  793. [01:21] <~Kroked> it flits town and lands on it, giving it an experimental stomp
  794. [01:21] <Erina> "It's been done already so there's no going back. Plus, now he can meet his long lost brother who'll hopefully distract him enough to not get that mad at me."
  795. [01:22] <~Kroked> she try burning a little than shrugs
  796. [01:22] <~Kroked> she flits back into Violets hair
  797. [01:22] * Faolan watches the little fairy-thingy curiously
  798. [01:22] <Luna> "Darn, thats what i thought. Thanks though Celia, go back to sleep with your partner alright?"
  799. [01:22] <Remiel> ((So about that control panel.))
  800. [01:23] <Erina> "So, anyone else think we should get some of the scholars at Eolas take a look at his?"
  801. [01:23] <~Kroked> Remiel: its pretty simple
  802. [01:23] <~Kroked> you just type in Eolas
  803. [01:23] <Erina> (*this)
  804. [01:24] <~Kroked> the protal shimmers
  805. [01:24] * Remiel begins typing "Eo...las..."
  806. [01:24] <~Kroked> the panel says connection ok
  807. [01:24] <Faolan> "Are you guys really going to try to go through the portal?"
  808. [01:24] * Erina picks up the hand.
  809. [01:24] <~Kroked> "It looks ok now"
  810. [01:24] <Luna> "It looks to be safe now."
  811. [01:24] <Remiel> "It seems like it's working"
  812. [01:24] <~Kroked> Erina: it twitches a little
  813. [01:24] <Erina> "It's better than staying here."
  814. [01:25] * Erina throws it at the ground
  815. [01:25] <Faolan> "Alright then."
  816. [01:25] * Faolan points at the hand
  817. [01:25] <Faolan> "Why don't you freeze it and store it somewhere?"
  818. [01:25] <Erina> "I'd need to turn off the light."
  819. [01:25] <Remiel> "How about we try tying the hand up instead?"
  820. [01:25] <Faolan> "Then we'll have evidence when you're taking it back to wherever you're going to."
  821. [01:26] <Luna> "Eri reach into my pack and grab the rope, tie that thing up and lets take it with us"
  822. [01:26] * Erina does so
  823. [01:26] <~Kroked> you tie it up
  824. [01:26] <~Kroked> it remains motionless as you do so
  825. [01:27] * Erina makes sure to leave a length of rope to carry it without touching it
  826. [01:27] * Remiel gives the hand a cautious little tap with her foot.
  827. [01:29] <~Kroked> Remiel: it remains motionless
  828. [01:29] <Remiel> "Alright, so shall we head through the gate?"
  829. [01:30] <Luna> "Ya lets go see the meany ice princess"
  830. [01:30] * Luna watches Violet stir at the mention of her sister
  831. [01:31] <~Kroked> you head through?
  832. [01:31] <Luna> (yes)
  833. [01:31] <Erina> "Yeah, let's go, but um Fao. What's the name of this town?"
  834. [01:31] <~Kroked> you head back to Eolas
  835. [01:33] <Faolan> "Ridge."
  836. [01:33] <Erina> "Thank you, I need to go back to that Hangar one day. All I brought was my wallet and sword."
  837. [01:34] <~Kroked> you all head back to eolas
  838. [01:34] <Luna> "We will be back after we fill in you know who, and spirit, on all of this"
  839. [01:34] <~Kroked> end rp
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