
Pokedex Supreme - Game Suggestion.

Mar 2nd, 2015
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  1. Name: Pokedex Supreme or PS
  2. Short Description: Name the pokemon with the pokedex entry!
  3. Long Description: The host will say a pokedex entry, and the first to get it gets a point. First to however many points the host wants. (yes i know you can google)
  4. Gameplay (this is first to 1 so it's short):
  5. Host: Hosting a game of pokedex supreme! /me in to enter!
  6. • P1 in
  7. • P2 in
  8. • P3 in
  9. • P4 in
  10. host: signups closed! name the pokemon with the pokedex entry: By catching the Aura emanating from others, it can read their thoughts and movements.
  11. P2: Mewtwo?
  12. P4: Lucario
  13. host: p4 got it! p4 got a point!
  14. p3: riolu
  15. host: P4 wins!
  17. Pokedex Supreme!
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