
Needles Kane in Equestria 2

Jul 12th, 2012
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  1. [PRESENT]
  2. >WANTED Dead or Alive for the murder of our fair Princess Celestia.
  3. >Large, bipedal ape wearing a clown's mask and fiery hair.
  4. >Goes by the alias of Anonymous.
  5. >Extremely dangerous.
  6. >Alert any nearby law enforcement before approaching.
  7. >REWARD of your choosing upon proof of capture or death.
  9. >You never cease to smile when you pass that poster nailed to the wall outside your kitchen.
  10. >It had only been a day since you freed the people of their tyrant overlord before you started seeing your face plastered all over every city in the kingdom.
  11. >You must admit, they did a damn good job getting your features correct.
  12. >They must have hired a professional to draw your profile.
  13. >You feel a small sense of pride knowing they spent that little extra coin just for you.
  14. >It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  16. >But enough about liberating the citizens.
  17. >Your fridge is empty, and your stomach is roaring at you.
  18. >You've been so distracted these last two days that you forgot to eat.
  19. >How silly of you.
  20. >Looks like it's time restock the fridge once more.
  21. >You sheathe your knife and head for the door.
  22. >You freeze when you're one step out.
  23. >You walk back inside, grab your bolt cutters, rope, and a lighter.
  24. >Not thinking you are missing something, you leave your home of a warehouse.
  25. --
  26. >The guards ouside heard Celestia's final shout and your maniacal laughter before they bucked down the large throne room door.
  27. >Their faces were instantly stricken with fear and disgust upon seeing the corpse of their princess.
  28. >Their faces reminded you of the princess, actually.
  29. >As you drove your blade into her muzzle, you took a good long look into her big, beautiful, horrified eyes.
  30. >Your reminiscing is interupted by the rapid clopping of the incoming guards on the stone floor.
  31. >Their fear and disgust now a rage and hate-filled vengeance like no other.
  32. >They found you laughing into your hand, your eyes covered.
  33. >They thought they could get the drop on you.
  35. >You stood and punted the first guard right in the chin.
  36. >The second took out your other leg before you could recover from the kick.
  37. >The first guard flipped back and across the room before hitting the ground, unconcious.
  38. >You're pretty sure his jaw is busted in a few places as well.
  39. >You landed on your face and immediately rolled on your back.
  40. >You think you heard your mask crack.
  41. "Mother fu-"
  42. >You roll over again to avoid being curb stomped by the guard, whose hooves were on a collision course with your face.
  43. >As soon as horseshoe met stone, he was already rearing back to stomp again.
  44. >You quickly jab him in the snout, throwing his strike of target; but just barely.
  46. >You take the opportunity to rise to your knees and lunge at him.
  47. >You sit on his chest, effectively pinning him.
  48. "I don't like to be touched!"
  49. >You punch him several times in the snout and face, alternating hands.
  50. >You lift his head once and bring your fist down into his face and slamming his head against the stone floor.
  51. >Damn helmet.
  52. >You slip it off his head and raise it up to beat him with it.
  54. >You forgot about the other guard who was almost upon you now.
  55. >You chuck the helmet at him, hitting his head and dazing him.
  56. >He continues rushing you, but he's severely off balance.
  57. >You grab hold of him just as another squad enters the throne room.
  58. >You lift the panicking guard by the chestplate over your head and hurl him at the incoming reinforcements.
  59. >They topple over like bowling pins.
  61. >You take a quick look around, locating a balcony behind the throne.
  62. >You take one step and freeze.
  63. >You turn back around and bring your boot down on the bleeding and swollen face of the guard beneath you.
  64. >You chuckle and run for the balcony.
  65. >Ponies or not, you will NOT be captured again.
  66. >You peek over the railing to find...
  67. >Nothing.
  68. >It's a straight drop off a cliff with a waterfall.
  69. "Well, shit."
  70. >You turn around and are immediately bucked by an earth pony guard.
  71. >A pegasus guard takes the opportunity to of driving you over the railing as you are staggered.
  72. >Unfortunately for him, you hold onto him as you fall over, taking him with you.
  73. >The last thing his companions see is te two of you disappear into the fog.
  74. >The last they hear is his blood curdling screams.
  75. --
  76. [PRESENT]
  77. >You spin your knife as you walk, whistling a little tune.
  78. >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5p96KUZsrY
  79. >The sun hasn't quite set yet, but the streets were long dead by now.
  80. >The ponies feared the night so much, they locked their doors long before dusk.
  81. >They didn't come out until the sun was high in the sky either.
  82. >They act like you were a vampire or something.
  83. >You just choose to go out at night.
  84. >You don't understand why they prefer the day anymore anyways.
  85. >With the death of their beloved princess, the sun turned red; casting a sort of filter over the land.
  86. >The moon at night had also grown in size and in itself seemed to suck the color from the world.
  87. >Apparently, the incompetent younger sister of the bitch Celestia went insane and effectively swapped the sun and moon cycles; causing the moon to rise earlier and set much later than the sun.
  88. >The scattered newpapers around the city that you've managed to piece together mentioned one "Nightmare Moon".
  89. >You were plenty pissed when they gave her the over page over your scenes of gore.
  90. >That was just fucking insulting, and someone had to pay for that.
  92. >As you walk, you pick up the various pieces of this week's newpaper blowing in the wind.
  93. >What you see makes you want to slaughter the children of every orphanage in the fucking kingdom.
  94. >That pink pony from Ponyville had been gaining much notoriety in her recent slayings.
  95. >She was turning her victims into cupcakes.
  96. >Fucking cupcakes?
  97. >Seriously?!
  98. >The damned ponies wouldn't know a skillful slaying if it happened to their damned prin-
  99. >Oh yeah.
  100. >It seems they prefer creativity over craftsmanship.
  101. >How are you supposed to build a reputation when these other ponies are stealing your spotlight?
  102. >You tear the newpaper to shreds and throw it over your shoulder.
  103. >You should have killed that pony when you had the chance...
  104. --
  105. [PAST]
  106. >The pegasus guard spread his wings and squirmed to get away as you fell.
  107. >You kept a firm hold of his chestplate as you both traded blows.
  108. >At one point, he almost kicked your mask off.
  109. >You set it back in place and promptly skull bashed him.
  110. >Nearing the water, he flapped his wings to roll you beneath him.
  111. >You strength far outmatching his, you twisted him as well to offset his flapping.
  112. >You managed to get over him mere seconds before you hit the water below.
  113. >Your weight coupled with the force of your free fall crushed him instantly.
  114. >Regardless of your small cushion, you were not spared any agony.
  116. >The hit should have knocked you out, but you were still concious.
  117. >The force of the current slammed you into large boulders beneath the surface.
  118. >Your head was still aflame, regardless of being underwater.
  119. >Fuck this curse, man.
  120. >Water filled your lungs as you struggled to stay afloat.
  121. >You never did learn how to swim, which you fully regret right about now.
  122. >The rapids suddenly drop into another short waterfall.
  123. >You fall forward and into the water once more.
  124. >The current pulls you under again.
  125. >One final slam into a rock finally knocks you out.
  126. --
  127. [PRESENT]
  128. >You make your way out of the city and into the countryside.
  129. >There is a farm not too far away that raises cattle, sheep, pigs, and various other delicious livestock.
  130. >The only problem is that it's at least half a day's walk from your home.
  131. >But if it means sustenance, you're all for it.
  132. >You could eat the ponies you kill, but you're better than that.
  133. >You're a serial killer, not a monster.
  134. >And you don't take your work home with you.
  135. >That's rule number 1.
  137. >Your long trek comes to an end when you see the large red barn in the distance.
  138. >After discovering their livestock disappearing on them, the owners have been putting a large fence around their fields lined with barbed wire.
  139. >Nothing your trusty bolt cutters can't handle.
  140. >They constantly replace and change the locks.
  141. >They have even began enchanting them to protect against whatever magic is being used to cut them.
  142. >What they don't realize is that it's not magic you're using.
  143. >You snip the lock and kick the gate open.
  145. >First thing you do is locate the cattle.
  146. >A full grown cow is much too heavy to just carry back home by yourself.
  147. >You walk to the nearest one and tie a rope around it's neck without protest.
  148. >You lead it outside and around the barn to the chicken coop.
  149. >Seeing as it's still dark, all the chickens are asleep in the coop.
  150. >You tear off one of the poorly constructed walls to get at the chickens inside.
  151. >As usual, they panic and being running around aimlessly; flapping their wings and being all around annoying.
  152. >You draw your knife and slash at a few of them, taking their heads or just cutting their throats.
  153. >The ones that lost their heads continued to run around.
  154. >A quick boot stomp and they were motionless.
  156. >The cow beyond the chicken wire was asleep while waiting for you, so you didn't have to worry about it seeing you slaughter the chickens.
  157. >You use the rest if the rope to tie their legs together and sling them over your shoulder, 4 chickens in all.
  158. >You grab the rope hanging from the cow and let out a sharp whistle.
  159. >The cow doesn't need to look up to knwo what you want.
  160. >Practically sleepwalking, it follows the tugging of the rope.
  161. >You don't bother closing the gate and make your way into the woods.
  163. >You tie the cow a short walk away from where you plan to make camp.
  164. >Unslinging the chickens, you throw them down beside your firepit.
  165. >Now you just need some tinder...
  166. >A timberwolf bolts from the bushes at you.
  167. >Ah, that'll work.
  168. >You catch it by the throat and choke slam it into the firepit.
  169. >A knife in the eye, a lighter to the body, and a chicken on a spit roast makes you a happy camper.
  170. >You can only afford to stay here for no longer than to sleep.
  171. >From there, you would usually lead whatever large animal you had with you back home to be slaughtered.
  172. >But not tonight.
  173. >There's a certain party pony you need to speak to in Ponyville.
  174. --
  175. [PAST]
  176. >"HEEYAH!"
  177. >You feel a great blow to your stomach.
  178. >You lurch and cough up the water that had settled in your lungs.
  179. >You roll over and get on all fours.
  180. "GAH! *cough* What the fuck!"
  181. >"Hey! You're awake!"
  182. >You reach for your knife, only to find it missing.
  183. >You look around quickly and find it a few feet from you.
  184. >You quickly crawl over and grab it.
  185. >You stand and face your assaulter, knife readied.
  186. >In front of you floats a cyan pegasus with a large smile on her face.
  187. --
  188. >You invert your grip on the knife and press the flat face into your inner forearm.
  189. >The cyan pegasus' happy face turns into one of sheer panic.
  190. >"Dude! You're on fire!"
  191. >She bolts off into the sky.
  192. >You tried to keep eyes on her, but the sun made it impossible.
  193. >The sun is suddenly blotted out and you are hit with what you assume to be a really large water balloon.
  194. >Being hit by a wall of water like that kind of hurts.
  195. >You didn't think you could get any wetter.
  196. >You swear you can feel the water running off of your bones.
  198. >You roared and took a slash at her.
  199. >You hit nothing but air as she had already gone.
  200. >You sheathe your knife and look to the sky once more.
  201. >You shield your eyes from the sun.
  202. >As you do, you see her once more.
  203. >You also spot the large cloud she's pushing.
  204. >You futily extend a hand to stop it.
  205. "Wait! Wait! Wait!"
  206. >SPLASH!
  207. >You stand there frozen, your arm still extended.
  208. >GOD.
  209. >FUCKING.
  210. >DAMN IT!
  211. --
  212. >"It's not working!" shouts the pegasus.
  213. >Before she can fly away again, you clench your fist around her hind leg.
  214. >Your other hand shakes violently as it grips the handle of your knife, resisting the urge to gouge her.
  215. >She struggles against your death grip.
  216. "That won't be necessary," you growl through gritted teeth.
  217. >The pegasus stops her struggles and settles to the ground.
  218. >So much water...
  219. >If you had a soul, you were certain that it would be absolutely drenched as well.
  220. >The pegasus eyes you worrily.
  222. >"Are you s-"
  223. "Yes."
  224. >"That looks pai-"
  225. "It is."
  226. >"Well why don't you-"
  227. "I can't."
  228. >"Well, maybe Twilight-"
  229. "No."
  230. >"Or maybe the princess-"
  231. "No."
  232. >"Would you just let me fin-"
  233. "No."
  234. --
  235. >The pegasus scowled at you.
  236. >An awkward silence ensued.
  237. >The pegasus slowly began to rock back and forth on her hooves and whistling as you stood there staring at her.
  238. >"So..." she started.
  239. "What."
  240. >"I have a ques-"
  241. "No."
  242. >"No?"
  243. "No."
  244. >"Well too bad. I just saved your life. You owe me."
  245. >You chuckle at her her audacity.
  246. "It's funny because you think life is worth something."
  247. >"Isn't it?"
  248. "Only in the minds of the weak and the desperate."
  249. >"Well, regardless of what you think, I have questions."
  250. "You said A question."
  251. >"Things change."
  252. >Yes they do.
  253. "Will you leave me alone then?"
  254. >"We'll see."
  255. "Very well then."
  256. --
  257. "But first, I have a question for you."
  258. >"Okay then."
  259. "Where's the nearest town?"
  260. >"That would be Ponyville."
  261. >She pointed towards the town.
  262. >"It's that way. Not too far from here."
  263. >You begin walking in the direction she pointed.
  264. >You're in Ponyville again?
  265. >Son of a bitch...
  266. >Hopefully it won't take as long as it did before to get the hell out.
  268. >"So what's your name?"
  269. >The pesus was hovering next to you.
  270. >Oh yeah,you forgot she was still breathing.
  271. "Anonymous."
  272. >"What are you?"
  273. "Human."
  274. >"Hyoo-men...? Oh yeah! Pinkie was talking about you! So you're the Anonymous that Twilight found! Well that answers a few other questions."
  275. "Great."
  276. >"Why were you in the river?"
  277. "I fell."
  278. >"You should learn to swim."
  279. >Fuck you.
  280. >"So when do you plan on going to the party?"
  281. "What party?"
  282. >"Pinkie's party. For you."
  283. "I don't."
  284. >"Pfft ahahaha! You act like there's a choice in the matter."
  285. "There is. And I say no."
  286. >"She'll find you, you know."
  287. "Can't wait."
  288. --
  289. >"My name's Rainbow Dash, by the way."
  290. >Don't care.
  291. >"You know, you're mane reminds me of one of my idols."
  292. >Don't care.
  293. >"Her name's Spitfire. She's the leader of the Wonderbolts!"
  294. >Don't care. Don't care. Don't care.
  295. >"They're the best flight crew in Equestria! And I'm going to join them!"
  296. >Jesus fucking Christ...
  297. >You. Don't. Care!
  298. "I thought you said you would leave me alone?"
  299. >"I said 'we'll see'."
  300. >God damn it.
  301. >Maybe you can shut her up, or make her go away.
  302. "So how about that party?"
  303. --
  304. >You want to kill everyone here...
  305. >That fucking rainbow pegasus was introducing you to everyone in town alongside her pink psychotic friend.
  306. >Their uptight rich friend was revolted and couldn't stop insulting your fashion sense.
  307. >Their hick friend was welcoming, but off-put by your style.
  308. >There was a yellow pegasus who froze up the second she saw you.
  309. >You like this one.
  310. >She doesn't waste time with chatter.
  311. >In fact, she fled the area the moment you said 'Hi'.
  312. >You will make sure her death is...
  313. >Fuck it, she deserves nothing special.
  314. >Rainbow Dash elbows your shoulder.
  315. >"Psst. I think she likes you," she whispered with a giggle.
  316. "You don't say?"
  317. >They tried to find Twilight, but she wouldn't be coming anytime soon.
  318. >You told them she stayed in Canterlot.
  319. --
  320. >The guests were ecstatic about a clown being at the party.
  321. >Boy, were they sorely mistaken.
  322. >Pinkie had left you sitting in a chair with a stupid pointy party hat on your head.
  323. >You smashed the first 30, but gave up, crossed your arms, and just waited for the cold but searing flames to combust it.
  324. >It never happened.
  325. >But something caught your eye just now.
  326. >It was the pink pony.
  327. >She had hauled in a large cake from the kitchen.
  328. >But it wasn't the cake that caught your eye.
  329. >Pinkie held up a cake knife near her face and cheered your name.
  330. >Again, it's not what caught your attention.
  331. >What did was her reflection.
  332. >For the fraction of a second, you saw Pinkie's reflection in the blade.
  333. >But it wasn't Pinkie.
  334. >Her reflection had long, straight hair covering one eye.
  335. >Her exposed eye had the most sinister essence in it.
  336. >Her smile, equally sinister.
  337. >Your own muffled laughs had caught Pinkie's attention.
  338. >She bounded over immediately, glad to finally see you starting to open up.
  339. --
  340. >Although impossible to see behind your mask, she knew you were smiling.
  341. >The smile you did have disappeared the second she got in your face.
  342. >Your mask gave off it's usual joyful facade.
  343. >"So Anon, why don't you come dance with us?"
  344. "No."
  345. >"It'll be fun~!"
  346. "No."
  347. >"Would you like some cake?"
  348. >God no.
  349. >Who knows what filth lies beneath that tower of baked goods and vanilla frosting?
  350. "No."
  351. >She sat on her haunches in front of you.
  352. >Her smile and determination never left her.
  353. >She had an idea and zipped away.
  354. >Before you could blink, she had returned with a cup of punch for you.
  355. >When she offered it to you, you slapped it out of her hands.
  356. >The contents drenched the white bitch of a unicorn who started screaming and bolted out of the bakery screaming something about staining her coat.
  357. >Pinkie thought it was an accident and went to get you another.
  358. >Again you slapped it away.
  359. >About a dozen more times of this before she decided to just set it down next to you so you can drink it later.
  360. --
  361. >She sits before you, watching you with happy eyes and a smile.
  362. >You just stare into those cerulean eyes of hers.
  363. >You can see right through her.
  364. >That inner darkness you caught a glimpse of before was buried deep within.
  365. "I know," you told her.
  366. >"Know what? My birthday? Everypony knows my birthday, silly filly! And I know everypo-"
  367. "I know who you are. WHAT you are."
  368. >"Pfft. Well duh," she laughed.
  369. "I can see your true colors."
  370. >"Pink!" she stated proudly. "The color of happiness!"
  371. >You are not detered.
  372. "You and I both know that's not true. Pink is but a light shade of red. A beautiful color, if I may say so myself. You, however, are darker than that. To put it in a color for you? Crimson."
  373. >Pinkie shifted on her hooves nervously.
  374. >She can see your sense your smile beneath your mask.
  375. >She looked around at her friends and guests.
  376. >The music was too loud and they were all too busy socializing to hear your exchange.
  377. --
  378. >"W-what are you talking about?"
  379. >The joy in her voice is quickly deterriorating.
  380. "I see the real you."
  381. >She gulped.
  382. "We are the same, you and I. Inside you are ugly, just like me."
  383. >"T-that's not me," she stated. "I like to party and have fun."
  384. "You cannot hide what's on the inside."
  385. >You grab the cup of punch and tilt your head back to drink.
  386. >It was disgusting.
  387. >You throw the plastic cup to the ground and step on it.
  388. "Nothing exists but empty space. Space that must be filled."
  389. >You stand.
  390. "And you are just a thought. The real you is in there. And you can't supress it for much longer."
  391. >You walk past Pinkie, who sat there, staring at the wall space behind where you were sitting.
  392. >You leave Sugarcube Corner without another word and without being followed.
  393. >You leave Ponyville altogether.
  394. >You saw a city in the distance.
  395. >Perhaps it's time to get back into the game.
  396. --
  397. [PRESENT]
  398. >Morning had come and gone.
  399. >The day and night cycles should mean nothing at this point.
  400. >The full moon illuminates all but the shadows.
  401. >The sun is brighter, but out so little now that it's not worth killing your night vision just to be out.
  402. >The ponies are right to fear the night.
  403. >Now that there was effectively a 16-hour night, the predators had free reign of the land.
  404. >No longer confined to the borders of the Everfree Forest, they roam the countryside, searching for livestock and equines alike.
  405. >You feared nothing, however.
  406. >Only the truly stupid would even think about attacking you.
  407. >The only thing that concerned you was that your acquired livestock remained unharmed.
  408. >You would rather not haul several hundred pounds of dead weight back home.
  410. >The moon is cresting the mountains in the distance.
  411. >You step away from the glowing coals that was your fire and towards the cow.
  412. >She had woken up during the day, as evidenced by the various hoof prints and eaten grass around her area.
  413. >You sling the rest of the chickens over her back and tie them down.
  414. >You grab the rope and slap the cow, rousing her from her slumber.
  415. >Confused and disorientated, she doesn't hesitate to follow you.
  416. >The roars of manticores and the howling of timberwolves do nothing to spook you.
  417. >The heffer, however, is darting her eyes back and forth, searching for any threats.
  418. >Each time she stopped, you yanked on the rope, forcing her to keep moving.
  419. --
  420. >The journey back to Ponyville lasted all night.
  421. >You had eaten twice and let the cow out to graze while you did.
  422. >At one point, the cow refused to leave the light of the fire.
  423. >The glowing eyes of a timberwolf pack surrounded the two of you.
  424. >You payed them no mind, finished your meal, and began your trek once more.
  425. >The dim lights emenating from Ponyville came into view not long after.
  426. >You bypassed many homes that had fallen into disrepair.
  427. >The windows were boarded up, the doors falling off the hinges.
  428. >The shingles were coming apart and the gutters hung loose from the roofs.
  429. >The town was dead.
  430. >Trash blew with the cool breeze like tumbleweeds.
  431. >The market stalls were long abandoned and broken.
  432. >The town hall had banners and balloons of a recent celebration.
  433. >'Congratulations, Applejack' they said.
  435. >You lead the cow through the ghost town that is Ponyville.
  436. >You stop before a large building, the exterior appearing to be made of candy and various desserts.
  437. >The cow is tied to the post of a flickering street light.
  438. >You move up to the bakery and press your back against the wall.
  439. >You peer through the window into the dark, empty space.
  440. >This is why you were here.
  441. >You need a high-profile kill to get your name back into the minds of the citizens.
  442. >The fear they have of you is great, but the mention of your name does not strike terror in their hearts like it should.
  443. >This must be rectified.
  444. >The pink pony must die.
  445. >You draw your knife and slowly push open the front door.
  446. --
  447. >The dim street lamp outside did nothing to illuminate the room.
  448. >The moonlight filtered through the open door, but even that didn't help visibility much.
  449. >The shop was no different from the rest of the town.
  450. >Dead.
  451. >The tables were broken and turned over.
  452. >The chairs were in equal disarray.
  453. >Cobwebs held the old furniture to the floor and hung themselves in the corners of the room.
  454. >The food displays were empty.
  455. >You slowly crept through the room, hugging the wall.
  456. >The old floor boards did nothing to help your stealth.
  457. >Each one creaked louder than the last.
  458. >You made it to the other side of the room and pushed open the double swinging doors to the kitchen.
  459. >The kitchen was still well-kept.
  460. >Hell, it had even been used recently.
  461. >This was a good sign, as the hyperactive horror that was Pinkie Pie was still around.
  462. >You quickly determine she is not in here and leave the room.
  463. --
  464. >The staircase upstairs was located back in the storefront.
  465. >You invert your grip on the knife as you stalk your way upstairs, your back pressed against the wall.
  466. >Moving ever-so-slowly to make as little noise as possible, you reach the top and poke your head out.
  467. >You look left.
  468. >Nothing.
  469. >You look right.
  470. >No movement.
  471. >You take one step and feel your foot sink suddenly.
  472. >You lean back in time for an acid-filled doughnut to fly past and hit the wall next to you.
  473. >Looks like avoiding the dining area was a smart move.
  474. >God know what other tricks this pony has up her sleeve in this house of horrors.
  476. >You search every room, knife at the ready.
  477. >The master bedroom had blood-splattered linen on the bed.
  478. >The walls and ceiling had smeared hoof prints on them.
  479. >There was also a skeleton in the closet.
  480. >The irony didn't phase you one bit as you exit the room.
  481. >The foal's room was also empty.
  482. >There were two pony plushes in the cribs.
  483. >The seams were torn.
  484. >Cotton was spilling out.
  485. >Limbs were missing.
  486. >One was missing head.
  487. >You quickly located it as nailed to the wall across the room.
  488. >A mobile hung in the center of the room, untouched.
  489. >There was no wind, but it slowly rotated.
  490. >It played music slowly and quietly.
  491. >You leave the room and stare down the hallway.
  492. >Save for the bathroom, there was only one room left.
  493. --
  494. >The hallway seemed to stretch much farther than it was.
  495. >A single boarded up window at the end of the hallway allowed small columns of moonlight to filter in.
  496. >You move forward, slowly.
  497. >Your movements mean nothing with the curse atop your head.
  498. >The flames flicker and trail your movements slightly.
  499. >The glow they give off is slight, but totally give you away.
  500. >She will hear you long before she sees you, so the light is the least of your worries.
  501. >You are about 5 feet from the door when something catches your eye.
  502. >A line of flickering light is glowing from the crack beneath the door.
  503. >You have her now.
  504. >You position yourself in front of the door.
  505. >You bring you knee up and kick with all your strength.
  506. >The door flies open and slams into the wall, hanging by a single hinge.
  507. >To your disappointment, the room is empty.
  508. >But what you find is interesting in itself.
  509. >The light is coming from a single lit candle on a tall candlestick.
  510. >The bedroom is clean and in repair, just like the kitchen.
  511. >The only other oddity that stands out is the taxidermied corpse that is Rainbow Dash standing in the corner.
  512. >You had to supress a deep laugh due to your particular situation.
  513. >This one had some serious creativity.
  514. >Now you know why the media loves her so.
  515. >And now it's all the more reason to elminate her.
  516. --
  517. >The room being cleared destroys all hope of finding her here.
  518. >You will not give up so easily.
  519. >You sheathe your knife and make your way downstairs.
  520. >You stand at the bottom of the stairs, looking around the shop for any sort of clues.
  521. >Anything at all.
  522. >Then it hits you.
  523. >You move back into the kitchen and look around.
  524. >You move across the room and open one door in particular.
  525. >Behind said door is a set of stairs, descending into the abyss.
  526. >Redrawing your knife, you descend into the darkness.
  527. >One step at a time, keeping one hand on the wall, the other on the railing.
  528. >A single step shatters under your weight.
  529. >You manage to catch yourself before you impale your feet on pungi stakes made of sharpened candy canes.
  530. "Clever."
  531. >You sweep you foot through the pit, shattering the candy canes.
  532. >You keep moving down the stairs.
  533. >Your hair gives off a little bit of light, but the amount of shadows down here makes it all for naught.
  534. >You touch concrete, signaling that you have entered the basement proper.
  535. --
  536. >You take small steps forward and feel your way around with your free hand.
  537. >A tickling sensation runs across your face and you swat the air, catching a pull string.
  538. >Giving it a tug, a single lightbulb shines and lights up the room.
  539. >There were stacks of flour sacks, various kitchen appliances, cutlery, and everything else used in a bakery.
  540. >Still no sign of that damned pony.
  541. >You move around the various appliances and peek into the shadows, searching for anything you can use to discover her whereabouts.
  542. >You move to the center of the room and stand beneath the lightbulb to avoid your vision being blocked by the light source.
  543. >You slowly rotate, scanning the walls up and down for anything suspicious.
  544. >Bingo.
  545. >Behind the batter mixer, the mortar in the wall was missing in between some of the bricks.
  546. >You closed one eye and followed the line.
  547. >It formed a tall rectangular shape, meeting back on the floor.
  548. >There's not a doubt in your mind that's not a door of some kind.
  549. >But opening it is another problem in itself.
  550. >You scour the basement to look for a button, lever, or some kind of switch to open the door.
  551. --
  552. >The lightbulb begins to flash, creating a strobe effect.
  553. >You spin around and raise your blade, ready to strike.
  554. >The light flickers out, leaving you in the pitch black with only the glow of your fire giving you away.
  555. >You can't see shit.
  556. >You take a few steps towards the lightbulb's last known location.
  557. >You strike your shin on a wooden crate.
  558. "GAH!! Ass packing fucking bakery!"
  559. >You kick the crate across the room in a fit of rage.
  560. >It shatters against the wall, but something else happens as well.
  561. >The click of a pressure plate is heard along with the crash.
  562. >The cobblestone door begins to shift to one side, flooding the basement with a dim light.
  563. >With nowhere else to go, you cautiously stalk your way through the small hallway and into a sort of torture chamber.
  564. >Various grotesque decorations were hung on the walls.
  565. >These include stuffed heads of various creatures, some pegasus wings, and "LIFE IS A PARTY" was scrawled in runny letters of blood.
  566. >More candles light the room.
  567. >Once again, she is not in here.
  568. >You are about to start trashing the place until you hear the faintest whimper.
  569. >You spin towards the entrance and wait.
  570. >But nothing comes.
  571. >You hear more whimpering.
  572. >You follow the sound to a deep pit in the center of the chamber.
  573. >Leaning over the edge, you are surprised to see what's down there.
  574. >A very skinny unicorn is huddled in a corner, away from her own filth.
  575. >Three gems adorn her flank.
  576. --
  577. >The metallic noise of you sheathing your knife catches her attention.
  578. >She looks up quickly.
  579. >When she doesn't immediately see Pinkie, she instinctively smiles.
  580. >When she stares at you for more than a second, her hopes of rescue are immediately dashed.
  581. >Her eyes widen in fear and she lets out an ear-shattering screech.
  582. >You cover both ears to drown out her screams.
  583. >It's not working.
  584. "Shut the fuck up!" you roar.
  585. >She does, but resumes her pathetic whimpering.
  586. "Where is Pinkie," you demand.
  587. >She doesn't answer.
  588. >You crouch down closer to the edge of the pit.
  589. "Where is Pinkie," you restate.
  590. >"I-I-I don't know," she stammers.
  591. >You shake your head and stand.
  592. >You were wasting time here.
  593. >"Please don't leave me!" she calls after you.
  594. >You look back down at her.
  595. "And why wouldn't I want to do that?"
  596. >"Because it's rude!" she shouts. "How can you just leave a lady like this?"
  597. "Watch me."
  598. --
  599. >You take a step.
  600. >"Wait!"
  601. "WHAT!"
  602. >"She plans on making me thin so my coat comes off easier. She wants to make a dress out of me!"
  603. "And why does this concern me?"
  604. >"You have to get me out of here!"
  605. >"Oh, I wouldn't worry about her, Anonymous."
  606. >You snap your attention from the pathetic unicorn in the pit to Pin-
  607. >So that's the real Pinkie...
  608. >Just as you thought, she has long, straight hair and wicked eyes.
  609. "You..."
  610. >"Surprise..."
  611. >She almost sings it.
  612. >Her mouth slowly forms into a wicked smile.
  613. >"It's not very nice for you to go around trashing other ponies homes, you know."
  614. >You draw your knife but keep your arm hanging by your side.
  615. "It's not nice to be stealing my notoriety either."
  616. >"Is that why you're here? I thought we could have a party or something. Rarity can be our special guest."
  617. >"I will not partake in any of your horrid parties, Pinkamena Diane Pie!" Rarity shouted from the well.
  618. >Pinkie didn't care for that too much.
  619. >She leaned over the pit and shouted into the hole.
  620. >"You won't be saying that when your coat is on display on one of your ponyquinns!"
  621. >Rarity was silenced immediately.
  622. --
  623. "Enough."
  624. >You take a step forward to emphasize your presence.
  625. "You."
  626. >You point your knife at Pinkamena.
  627. "I will have mine."
  628. >"Would you rather have some cupcakes? I make them special."
  629. >Pinkamena smiled and braced herself.
  630. "I would rather see your head on a pike."
  631. >"Why are you being so unfriendly Anon? I just want to-"
  632. >Pinkie throws a cupcake at you.
  633. >You raise your arms above your face.
  634. >The cupcake hits your shield and dissipates into dust.
  635. >Through fits of coughing and burning eyes, you spot her running out the door.
  636. >You follow with haste.
  637. >"Don't leave me!" you hear Rarity call.
  639. >You race through the dark and up the basement stairs, almost tripping into the spike pit again.
  640. >Lightning flashes and illuminates the kitchen for a brief second.
  641. >You spot the double doors swinging open and close.
  642. >You run and kick the doors open as you fly through them.
  643. >Pinkamena is casually walking away from you.
  644. >She looks back and smiles.
  645. >Lightning once again reveals her sadistic grin.
  646. --
  647. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSV2_rFl3Sc
  648. >The two of you being to circle around the room.
  649. >You adjust the grip on your knife for something more firm.
  650. >Pinkamena produces a rather large cake knife as well.
  651. >You spin your knife in the palm of our hand.
  652. >You catch it and raise it to your nose.
  653. >You run the blade under your nostrils, inhaling the iron scent of the crimson-stained tool.
  654. >Pinkamena holds her cake knife up to her face.
  655. >She seductively runs her tongue up the length of the blade, savoring the taste of her victims.
  656. >You stop and stare at each other for several tense seconds.
  658. >0:30
  659. >At the flash of lightning, you lunge at her and swing the blade wide.
  660. >She ducks under it and you come back in with another wide swing.
  661. >She hops back and takes the opening to run in at you.
  662. >You bring a knee up and hit her in the face.
  663. >She is knocked to the side and dazed, but only for a second.
  664. >She runs a circle around you, and you follow with your knife at the ready.
  665. >When she runs in at you again, it's in a zig-zag motion.
  666. >You go to kick her again, but she dodges.
  667. >She lunges forward, the cake knife cutting into your side.
  668. >The crack of thunder drowns out your roar of pain.
  669. >You bring your knife down as shes flying by, slicing into her flank.
  670. >She lets out a cry and jumps away.
  671. --
  672. >The two of you raise your respective blades, revealing the blood you have drawn from each other.
  673. >Pinkamena changes her tactics and starts bouncing off of the furniture.
  674. >Another bright flash and she is in your face.
  675. >She jumps off of your head to safety before you can grab her.
  676. >She comes in once more and headbutts you in the stomach.
  677. >Not only that, but she buries the cake knife up to the hilt into your gut.
  678. >When she makes contact, you grab her and refuse to let go.
  679. >You fly back and through a dusty table.
  680. >She wrestles with you, trying desperately to get free.
  681. >You flip her over and pin her shoulders to the floor.
  682. >You dropped your knife when she hit you, so you will just have to make due.
  683. >You rip the cake knife from your body and bring it down with all of your might.
  684. >She manages to free both of her forelegs and stop you from driving the blade into her eye.
  685. >She fights back desperately, but you are overpowering her.
  686. >The knife was inching towards her throat.
  687. >Pinkamena gasped as it pressed against her throat and broke the skin.
  688. >Blood streamed from the wound and to the floor.
  689. >Her eyes were wide with the realization that she may not survive this night.
  690. >Lightning flashed and thunder boomed.
  691. >You were going to enjoy this...
  692. --
  693. >Without warning, the whole front of the shop lit up and exploded.
  694. >The force of the blast knocked you off of Pinkamena, and slid her across the floor.
  695. >You stood at the ready, Pinkamena had also taken up your knife in her mouth.
  696. >"This is the Canterlot Royal Guard!" shouted a pony in a unicorn in a chariot.
  697. >"You are both wanted for multiple counts of murder, conspiracy, assasination, and corruption. We have you surrounded! Drop your weapons or we will fire upon you!"
  698. >You looked around at the army of soldiers before you.
  699. >Several chariots hovered in the sky above them, each with 2 unicorns, each charging spells.
  700. >Pinkamena gritted her teeth at the offending detatchment of soldiers.
  701. >"Time's up!"
  702. >You bellow an uproarous laugh as the unicorns release a volley of magic bolts upon you and Pinkamena.
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