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th16.bgm for Touhou Music Room

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Aug 11th, 2017
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  1. # Music Room Interface Info
  2. [game]
  3. name = "東方天空璋 ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons"
  4. name_en = "Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons"
  5. artist = "ZUN"
  6. circle = "上海アリス幻樂団"
  7. circle_en = "Team Shanghai Alice"
  8. year = 2017
  9. gamenum = "16"
  11. packmethod = 2
  12. bgmfile = "thbgm.dat"
  13. zwavid_08 = 0x00
  14. zwavid_09 = 0x16
  16. tracks = 18
  18. [thvorbis]
  19. patchclass = "slow"
  21. [update]
  22. wikipage = "Hidden_Star_in_Four_Seasons/Music"
  23. wikirev = 375805
  25. [01]
  26. name_jp = "桜舞い散る天空"
  27. name_en = "The Sky Where Cherry Blossoms Flutter Down"
  28. filename = "th16_01.wav"
  29. position = "0x000010, 0x11ec00, 0xed7800"
  30. frequency = 44100
  31. comment_en = "This is the title screen theme.\n\nA theme with a \"we're about to begin\" sort of feeling.\nIt ended up having a Japanese, lighthearted, and somewhat serious feel to it."
  32. comment_jp = "タイトル画面のテーマです。\n\nこれから始まるよーという感じの曲です。\n和風と軽快さとちょっぴりのシリアスという感じになりました。"
  34. [02]
  35. name_jp = "希望の星は青霄に昇る"
  36. name_en = "A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky"
  37. filename = "th16_02.wav"
  38. position = "0xed7810, 0x09ab70, 0x1202cc8"
  39. frequency = 44100
  40. comment_en = "This is the Stage 1 theme.\n\nI tried to bring out an \"introductory\" feeling, along with the exhilaration of summer.\nIt's a pretty light theme, even by Touhou standards. Did I manage to express a\nfeeling of speed, I wonder?\n\nWith all said and done, it goes well with a beer."
  41. comment_jp = "1面のテーマです。\n\n導入らしさと夏の爽快感を出してみました。\n東方の中でもかなり軽めな曲で、スピード感が出たかなぁ\nと思います。\n\n何といってもビールが進む奴ですね。"
  43. [03]
  44. name_jp = "真夏の妖精の夢"
  45. name_en = "A Midsummer Fairy's Dream"
  46. filename = "th16_03.wav"
  47. position = "0x20da4d8, 0x105700, 0x1253180"
  48. frequency = 44100
  49. comment_en = "This is Eternity Larva's theme.\n\nI went for a feeling of \"a fairy with something mysterious hidden within her.\"\nI think butterflies that appear in video games are definitely a symbol\nof mysteriousness.\n\nI mean, she's just a fairy, so her head's empty, but still."
  50. comment_jp = "エタニティラルバのテーマです。\n\n何か謎めいたものを秘めた妖精という感じを目指しました。\nゲームに出てくる蝶々って、やっぱりミステリアスの象徴だと\n思うんですよね。\n\nまあ中身は妖精なんで頭は空っぽですが。"
  52. [04]
  53. name_jp = "色無き風は妖怪の山に"
  54. name_en = "The Colorless Wind on Youkai Mountain"
  55. filename = "th16_04.wav"
  56. position = "0x332d658, 0x112900, 0x13bed80"
  57. frequency = 44100
  58. comment_en = "This is the Stage 2 theme.\n\nIn contrast to Stage 1's unending cheer, I added a sort of melancholy to this one\nand brought out an autumnal feel.\nTailoring the music to sound uniform across the whole game, even as the seasons\nchange, is kind of fun."
  59. comment_jp = "2面のテーマです。\n\n一面の底抜けの軽快さとは対照的に、何かもの悲しさを入れて \n秋っぽさを出しました。\n季節が変わっても、ゲーム全体では同じ系統な曲になるように\n\n調整するのも面白いですね。"
  61. [05]
  62. name_jp = "山奥のエンカウンター"
  63. name_en = "Deep-Mountain Encounter"
  64. filename = "th16_05.wav"
  65. position = "0x46ec3d8, 0x22e200, 0x114ad00"
  66. frequency = 44100
  67. comment_en = "This is Nemuno Sakata's theme.\n\nI think this theme turned out particularly video-gamey.\nYikes, it's a yamanba. They show up often in folk tales, but in spite of that,\nthey're a pretty hard creature to pin down.\n\nUsing eeriness and hot-blooded fervor as my base, I made a Touhou-style theme."
  68. comment_jp = "坂田 ネムノのテーマです。\n\n非常にゲームらしい曲になったと思います。\nいやー、山姥ですよ。昔話に頻繁に出てくる割には\n正体不明な存在ですよねぇ。\n\n不気味さ、血気盛んな様子、そんな感じを東方風に仕上げました。"
  70. [06]
  71. name_jp = "桜色の海を泳いで"
  72. name_en = "Swim in a Cherry Blossom-Colored Sea"
  73. filename = "th16_06.wav"
  74. position = "0x58370d8, 0x08b9f0, 0x15c2e78"
  75. frequency = 44100
  76. comment_en = "This is the Stage 3 theme.\n\nThe concept for this one is \"flying high in the night sky\nwhere only the cherry blossoms are shining in the moonlight.\"\n\nCherry blossoms always have a sense of fleetingness about them, and this time is no different."
  77. comment_jp = "3面のテーマです。\n\n月光に照らされて桜だけが光っている夜の上空を飛んでいる\nイメージです。\n\n桜はどうしても儚さが付きまとうのですが、今回もそんな感じで。"
  79. [07]
  80. name_jp = "一対の神獣"
  81. name_en = "A Pair of Divine Beasts"
  82. filename = "th16_07.wav"
  83. position = "0x6df9f50, 0x7243d4, 0x1640abc"
  84. frequency = 44100
  85. comment_en = "This is Aunn Komano's theme.\n\nA feeling of spring, bravery, and a somewhat-strong opponent, as well as that of a Yuru-chara.\nIt's an all-over-the-place theme with all those things crammed into it.\nHer character concept is \"a single divine beast acting as a pair,\" but she doesn't have a split personality or anything.\n\nAlso, you can't see it, but she's got herself a tail!"
  86. comment_jp = "高麗野 あうんのテーマです。\n\n春らしさと勇敢さと、そこそこの強敵感。そしてゆるキャラ感。\nそんなのをごちゃごちゃ詰め込んだ無節操な曲です。\n彼女は一人で一対の神獣という設定ですが、多重人格という訳では\n\nありません。見えないけど尻尾もあるんやでー。"
  88. [08]
  89. name_jp = "幻想のホワイトトラベラー"
  90. filename = "th16_08.wav"
  91. position = "0x843aa0c, 0x0ce360, 0x1c28f20"
  92. frequency = 44100
  93. name_en = "Illusionary White Traveler"
  94. comment_en = "This is the Stage 4 theme.\n\n\"Winter\" means \"blizzards,\" that's for sure.\nYou might not know this if you don't live in a snowy country, but blizzards are actually different from\nrainstorms. They happen when snow gets whipped up off the ground and blows back down on a horizontal slant.\nWearing a straw hat in one is pointless."
  95. comment_jp = "4面のテーマです。\n\n冬といえば吹雪ですね。\n雪国の人じゃ無いと判らないかも知れませんが、吹雪は豪雨とは\n異なり、地面から巻き上がる雪が横殴りに降っているんですよね。\n笠とか意味ありません。"
  97. [09]
  98. name_jp = "魔法の笠地蔵"
  99. filename = "th16_09.wav"
  100. position = "0xa06392c, 0x0ef350, 0x11bce50"
  101. frequency = 44100
  102. comment_en = "This is Narumi Yatadera's theme.\n\nI composed it with an image of someone with her feet planted firmly on the ground.\nThe original Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a very honorable figure who provides salvation in the long era until Maitreya appears,\nbut at some point or another, a countless number of eccentric Ksitigarbha statues spread throughout all of Japan.\nSo I figure it'd be nice if there was a magic Ksitigarbha somewhere in there."
  103. name_en = "The Magic Straw-Hat Ksitigarbha"
  104. comment_jp = "矢田寺 成美のテーマです。\n\nどっしり地面に足をつけているイメージで作りました。\n元々の地蔵菩薩は弥勒菩薩の出現までの長い期間を救済する尊い\n菩薩なのですが、いつの間にか数え切れないくらい風変わりな地蔵が\n全国に広まっています。だから魔法地蔵だって居ても良いよね。"
  106. [10]
  107. name_jp = "禁断の扉の向こうは、この世かあの世か"
  108. filename = "th16_10.wav"
  109. position = "0xb22077c, 0x0faa00, 0x1db7580"
  110. frequency = 44100
  111. comment_en = "This is the Stage 5 theme.\n\nA world that's creepier than anything in Touhou thus far.\nAlthough, when you consider the fact that all those doors are connected\nto people's backs, I guess you could call it convenient in a way.\nThey seem like they'd be kind of lukewarm, those doors."
  112. name_en = "Does the Forbidden Door Lead to This World, or the World Beyond?"
  113. comment_jp = "5面のテーマです。\n\n東方の中でもかつて無い程に不気味な世界です。\nそれぞれの扉が誰かの背中になっていると思うと、便利と言えば\n便利ですけどね。\n何か扉が生温かそう。"
  115. [11]
  116. name_jp = "クレイジーバックダンサーズ"
  117. filename = "th16_11.wav"
  118. position = "0xcfd7cfc, 0x367380, 0x171f200"
  119. frequency = 44100
  120. comment_en = "This is Mai Teireida and Satono Nishida's theme.\n\nI incorporated a great deal of things into this song: eeriness, lightheartedness,\nstrong hostility, innocence, and on top of all that, a midboss-esque feeling.\nI put enough in for both characters, so it's an extravagant song in a number of ways.\nCreated with an image of them dancing madly and eerily."
  121. name_en = "Crazy Backup Dancers"
  122. comment_jp = "丁礼田 舞&爾子田 里乃のテーマです。\n\n不気味さ、軽快さ、強敵感、無邪気さ、全てを盛り込んで\nその上で中ボスらしさをてんこ盛りにした曲です。\n二人分入れたので色々と贅沢な曲ですな。\n不気味に踊り狂っているイメージです。"
  124. [12]
  125. name_jp = "イントゥ・バックドア"
  126. filename = "th16_13.wav"
  127. position = "0xe6f6efc, 0x23da70, 0x11c4e90"
  128. frequency = 44100
  129. comment_en = "This is the Stage 6 theme.\n\nMade with an image of a high-speed stage before the boss.\nI think it exudes a feeling of being rushed along, regardless of the nature of the story going on."
  130. name_en = "Into Backdoor"
  131. comment_jp = "6面のテーマです。\n\nボス前の高速ステージというイメージです。\nストーリーとは無関係に焦らせる感じが出ていると思います。"
  133. [13]
  134. name_jp = "秘匿されたフォーシーズンズ"
  135. filename = "th16_12.wav"
  136. position = "0xf8bbd8c, 0x11b160, 0x200aa20"
  137. frequency = 44100
  138. comment_en = "This is Okina Matara's theme.\n\nA very \"This is the climax!\" sort of song with a lot of strength to it.\nIt's got a strong melody, even compared to the other songs in the game, so it might've\nbeen nice if I just went all-in and started singing lyrics to it.\nIt's very likely that you'd start laughing too hard to even play the game, but that might actually be the best outcome."
  139. name_en = "The Concealed Four Seasons"
  140. comment_jp = "摩多羅 隠岐奈のテーマです。\n\nいかにもクライマックスって感じで強そうな曲です。\n今回の曲の中でもメロディが強い方なので、いっそ歌い始めれば\n良かったかも知れませんね。\n笑ってゲームにならない可能性が高いですが、それも最高かも。"
  142. [14]
  143. name_jp = "もうドアには入れない"
  144. filename = "th16_16.wav"
  145. position = "0x12fe692c, 0x08fc00, 0x1e03000"
  146. frequency = 44100
  147. comment_en = "This is the Extra Stage theme.\n\nA mysterious world that we dive into once more, having mustered up our resolve.\nIt's a song that combines both eeriness and gentleness.\n\nThe song does a good job of conveying the stage's difficulty, so it's pretty depressing (lol)"
  148. name_en = "No More Going Through Doors"
  149. comment_jp = "エキストラのテーマです。\n\n覚悟を決めて再び飛び込んだ謎の世界です。\n不気味さと優しさを兼ね備えた曲になりました。\n\n難しそうってのが曲から伝わってきて気が滅入ります(笑)"
  151. [15]
  152. name_jp = "秘神マターラ ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons."
  153. filename = "th16_17.wav"
  154. position = "0x14de992c, 0x114a00, 0x1e85400"
  155. frequency = 44100
  156. comment_en = "The theme for Okina Matara (True).\n\nEven though it's an Extra Stage, it wound up being part of the main story.\nSince it's your true battle with Okina, I swept away all the refreshing feeling of nature\nbut still made it a song with a strong melody befitting of the true final boss.\nHonestly, getting attacked from behind is just the worst!"
  157. name_en = "Secret God Matara ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons."
  158. comment_jp = "摩多羅 隠岐奈(真)のテーマです。\n\nエキストラなのにストーリーが本編になってしまいました。\n真の隠岐奈戦と言う事で、自然の持つ爽やかさを全て取って払い\nそれでもメロ強めで真のラスボスらしい曲に仕上げました。\n正直、後ろから攻撃されるの大嫌い!"
  160. [16]
  161. name_jp = "不自然な自然"
  162. filename = "th16_14.wav"
  163. position = "0x118c67ac, 0x4ef700, 0x9b8400"
  164. frequency = 44100
  165. comment_en = "This is the ending theme.\n\nIt kind of feels like a bad ending, but to tell the truth,\nall the endings this time are like bad endings."
  166. name_en = "Unnatural Nature"
  167. comment_jp = "エンディングのテーマです。\n\nなんだかバッドエンドみたいですが、実は今回は全て\nバッドエンドみたいなもんです。"
  169. [17]
  170. name_jp = "白い旅人"
  171. filename = "th16_15.wav"
  172. position = "0x1227ebac, 0x94ac80, 0xd67d80"
  173. frequency = 44100
  174. comment_en = "This is the staff roll theme.\n\nIt's a different version of the winter stage theme made with an image of a refreshing conclusion.\n\nSpeaking of which. Why is a \"winter blizzard\" song refreshing, you ask?\nThat's because I made it with \"early morning\" in mind. Fuyu wa tsutomete, as they say."
  175. name_en = "White Traveler"
  176. comment_jp = "スタッフロールのテーマです。\n\n冬の曲の別バージョンで、爽やかな終わりのイメージです。\n\nそういえば何で冬の吹雪の曲が爽やかかって?\nそれは「冬はつとめて」から、早朝をイメージしたからです。"
  178. [18]
  179. name_jp = "プレイヤーズスコア"
  180. name_en = "Player's Score"
  181. filename = "th128_08.wav"
  182. position = "0x16c6ed2c, 0x1cacc8, 0x66dcc0"
  183. frequency = 44100
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