
Love My Lamia - Monstergirl, clean

Aug 6th, 2014
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  1. Love My Lamia
  3. Running down the hard packed earth of the valley, I looked over my shoulder, hoping that perhaps I had finally outrun them. Seeing no one following me anymore, I stagger to a halt, leaning on one of the large rock out crops that were so common around here. Gulping huge amounts of air, trying to calm my system, I took stock of my equipment and my past few hours.
  5. We had been ambushed. That was the only way to describe it, though one of the others mentioned that perhaps being sold out was a better term. Either way, the man who was suppose to be on watch was gone, and the rest of us had been scattered to the winds, if not outright killed. I had managed to keep my sword, though it had a rather large crack in it now, and a few arrows, though without a bow I wasn't going to be killing any dragons soon. Pulling a swig from my water bottle, I look up to check the sky for nightfall.
  7. It's then that I notice that someone, or something, had caught up with me. It was a Lamia, a half-snake, half woman species of monster that I had heard a little about. We had been skirting the desert that they were suppose to make their home in, but perhaps I had run too far...
  9. She smiled at me, a curious look on her face. Slithering closer, I noticed that she didn't make any noise on the hard packed earth underfoot. As she reached out to me, I flinched, ducking my head to the side. She smiled a little, though, as she grabbed my head, running her finger over the large gash I had on the side of my head. She giggled a little at my response, then spoke. “"You look like you could ussse sssome help, little one...”"
  11. Blinking, I looked back at her. My head hurt like hell where she touched me, sure, but it appeared that she was examining my wound. Looking her over, I realized she wasn't really dressed like a one of the ferocious Naga warriors I had heard so much of. In fact, she was dressed rather simply, in a brief black top, barely holding her in, a large red sash around her hips and another around her head. She had simple jewelry, otherwise, but didn't really look like something I should worry over. I took a chance. "“Sure...? I feel pretty beat up.”"
  13. She smiled, her golden eyes peaking out from around her dark hair. Gesturing over her shoulder, she continued. “"Would you like to come to my home...? I can patch you up better, there...”"
  15. I pondered that a bit, then nodded. Wondering if I was falling under some sort of spell, I replied. “'Ok, that sounds good. Is it far?"”
  17. She shook her head, her jewelry tinkling faintly as she moved. “"No, it'sss not far. Just around the bend, and down the ssslope..."”
  19. I smiled back at her, as she turned. Looking over the way she moved, she certainty LOOKED like an attractive human female. Except for the whole tail thing. But I could put up with that. “Lead on, then.”
  21. A few minutes later brought us to her home, which was a lovely little cave carved from the rock. It was disguised from the outside, and I likely would have walked right past it had she not pointed it out. She quickly slithered inside, which I found harder to keep up with then I first thought it would be. Clearly, her tail wasn't slowing her down at all. Moving into her lair, I had to wait a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the gloom.
  23. When they did, I found myself rather glad for it. She was looking into a shelf along the wall, bent over to look at the bottom shelf. The angle pulled up her shawl, and for a moment I could clearly see her round rear, well formed and most certainly not that of a snake's.
  25. She shifted to a 'standing' position, I yanked my eyes upwards as she turned, holding a mysterious jar. I was surprised to see that her eyes sparkled in humor, and her mouth had a little smirk to it. She couldn't possibly meant to have done that, could she...?
  27. She slithered closer, swaying her hips with more movement then I remember her doing on the way here. Could she... be coming onto me? She opened her mouth, speaking, while I remained hypnotized, unable to focus on her words. I saw her laugh a little, while I was focused on her moving lips and the charm dangling from her head scarf. Did she have fangs before?
  29. Leaning closer, she looked deep into my eyes, almost looking past them, into my head. Her golden eyes filled my vision, as she leaned closer...
  31. And the spell was broken, when she pulled her hand from my head, ointment glistening on her long fingers. I blinked, once, then again, and then smiled. “Hey, my head felt better already! But...” I felt my legs stagger underneath me, and suddenly I had a hard time stay upright. "“...What, whats going on?”"
  33. She shook her head and frowned. “"You've never been healed by Sssnake Oil before? Oh, dear... you ssshould lie down...”" She grabbed me in a surprisingly powerful grasp, and guided me to a low bed she had in a nook to the side of the room. Settling me down, she used her long tail to use as a headrest. “"Sssorry, I don't have a pillow...”"
  35. I shook my head, laying on her warm coiled tail. “It's ok. It's... warm. I just don't know why I'm so tired...”
  37. She smiled down at me from the compliment. "“Sssorry... Sssnake Oil isss ssso powerful because it takesss all you're body'sss natural energy and concentratesss on healing you. It is ssstrong, and quick, but if you are not usssed to it, it takes you out rather sssuddenly..."”
  39. I nodded, sleepy and feeling drained. “Ok, then... I think I'll just take a nap...”
  41. Waking up sometime later from a deep sleep, I looked around, unsure of where I was. Gradually, it came back to me, as I remembered the events of the past day, and I looked to the side. Curled up, still allowing me the use of her tail, was the Lamia I had met earlier. She was sleeping, it looked like, breathing heavy and pulled into a little ball for warmth. She had tucked herself close to my side, and it almost looked like she was cold.
  43. Looking over her coils, I noticed the it was dark outside. The fire had dimmed down to a tiny ember, glowing a pale red in color. I pulled myself from the bed carefully, trying not to wake her. Padding over to the fire, I noticed that my head felt great, and all the pain appeared to be gone. Tossing a few logs onto the embers of flame, I also noticed that I was barefoot, and missing most of my gear. I had been stripped down to my undershirt and my pants. Looking around, I noticed that my stuff was piled up next to the bed. Creeping over, I could see new stitches on my torn things, like she had been attempting to repair them. Holding my overcoat to the light, it looked messy, but obviously carefully done, like she was unsure of the process but determined to try anyway.
  45. Setting my coat down, I looked over to the strange girl who saved me. Sure, she was clearly a monster, but... I couldn't help wonder if she was lonely. She appeared to live on her own, and I had never heard of settlements in this area, either human OR monster. Moving back to the bad, I sat gently, brushing a hair from her face, to look at her.
  47. She was cute, I decided. Perhaps not a true beauty, but very cute from human standards. When you combined that with her golden eyes, dark, almost purple hair, cocoa skin, and jade colored scales... I realized that she wasn't as strange as I first thought she was. Maybe, perhaps, I could stay here with her. I thought about that for a moment, pondering, looking around the small, cozy little home.
  49. Laying down next to her on the bed, I gathered her into my arms, holding her close. She opened her eyes sleepily, her questioning look changing to a small smile as she saw it was me. "“Iss your head feeling better...?”"
  51. I nodded, looking down at her this time, as she lay on my stomach. “"Yes. Thank you. You... wouldn't mind... if I stayed a little longer... would you?”"
  53. Her face broke into a huge, happy grin at that, as she shuffled around her tail coils, wrapping around me and pulling us together. She was holding me as much as I was holding her. "“I... had wissshed... that... you would like me...”"
  55. Leaning down, I kissed her gently, hugging her as she nodded back off to sleep. Watching the fire, I decided that I could get used to being held like this...
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