
Octavia's Song - Impossible Duet

Oct 12th, 2012
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  1. >The shift change bell rings out through the cramped office space overlooking the dockyard
  2. >You're nowhere close to being done, though
  3. "Is there anything I can help with?" the unicorn asks as she props herself up on your cluttered desk
  4. "It's okay, Dewey. It's just a few manifests. You can go on home."
  5. "Are you sure? I could drop them off on my way out, if you want. Might save you a little time."
  6. "It's fine. I'm still not done checking them yet, plus I've got to do turnover with third shift."
  7. "Oh... okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, then." She's looking back at you from the doorway.
  8. "Yeah."
  10. >You know Morning Dew just wanted to help you, but you don't have the time to hoof hold her through checking manifests.
  11. >Especially not when DHS is frothing at the mouth to start tearing your last ship apart.
  12. >One little incident with parasprites last year, and they went ape-shit. Now any ship carrying Equestrian goods is basically impounded until they're sure it's clean.
  13. >There have been more and more of them showing up recently, too.
  14. >The only group that seems to oppose trade is the nation's few remaining farmers who see their produce threatened by a vastly superior product.
  15. >Tariffs have done little to curtail demand, however, and the farmers have little chance of being heard over all the coins clinking in the coffer.
  17. >Nearly two hours later and you're finally on the way home when your phone rings.
  18. "Where the hell are you at, man?"
  19. >You were supposed to meet Rich to watch the game until work got in the way.
  20. >Like it always does.
  21. "I got caught up at work. Had Dewey under foot all day and I couldn't get everything done and train her at the same time."
  22. "Well hurry up and get over here. You haven't missed anything yet, but it's starting to get good."
  24. >Rich and Mallory's apartment reminds you of a hospital. It's so white and clean to the point of looking sterile.
  25. >At least Octavia's place looked like people actually lived there.
  26. >You don't bother knocking and as you enter, you're greeted by Rich yelling at the tv.
  27. "How the hell could he miss that! It was right to him!"
  28. "If you yell louder, they just might hear you."
  29. "Oh! Hey, man. They just tied up a few minutes ago. Looks like we're in for extra innings the way it's going.
  31. "Where's Mallory at? I don't see her slime trail anywhere." you yell from the kitchen as you pour yourself some coffee
  32. >Rich always makes the best coffee - tastes like piss and goes down like gravel.
  33. "She had to go out of town on a consult. That's why she was so insistent on having that shower Saturday. She was gone before I even got up yesterday."
  34. "So you had the place all to yourself and it still looks like this? What,she threaten to keep your balls if you messed anything up?
  35. "Believe it or not, some of us like to keep a clean home. Plus, I wasn't exactly productive yesterday."
  36. "I do, too. It's just that it upsets the roaches when I move their things without asking them.
  38. "So what happened with you yesterday? I tried calling you to see if you wanted to do anything, but you never picked up."
  39. >You reach over and take the remote from him so he'll quit flipping channels while they're showing commercials.
  40. "I ended up crashing most of the afternoon. I got up way too early and had breakfast with Octavia."
  41. "So you did get that pony ride!"
  42. >Probably should've thought that out more before saying it.
  44. "No. No, no, no, no, no. I went OVER to her place to meet her, then we went to get breakfast. Then we ended up spending the rest of the morning and a good part of the afternoon in Central Park."
  45. >Rich's eyes light up like a school girl at a slumber party.
  46. "You're better at this than I gave you credit for! Granted, the park move was a bit cliche, but I'll give you a pass since you're out of practice. Not bad for a first date!"
  47. >You're just digging yourself deeper...
  48. "It was NOT a date. It was breakfast."
  49. "Bullshit! I can prove it, too."
  50. "No, you can't, because there's nothing to prove. Fuck's sake... just watch the game."
  52. >He does so, at least until the next round of commercials.
  53. "So what is it that's got you so hung up? It's not the whole 'pony' thing is it?"
  54. "It's the fact we have nothing in common. It's two different worlds. Literally and figuratively."
  55. "Shit, that's all? You think Mallory and I had anything in common when we met? You've already spent the whole weekend with her, so there's obviously something there. And the more time you spend with her, the more it's going to grow."
  56. "Like a tumor?"
  57. "I'm just saying man, take a look at what you have before you decide to throw it away. You're not going to be working that job forever, and I don't want you looking back on your life when they force you into retirement with only a plaque to show for it."
  59. "You have a case coming up soon, don't you?"
  60. >Rich looks at you incredulously.
  61. "How'd you know?"
  62. "Because you sound like you're pleading to a jury that's got you dead to rights. Now shut up and watch the damn game."
  63. >Thankfully, he leaves the issue alone and directs his anxiety at the tv, leaving you free to enjoy your terrible coffee.
  64. >What he said, however, quietly gnaws at you.
  66. >As the game stretches into the third set of extra innings, you've had enough.
  67. "I'm heading out."
  68. "Alright, man. I'll talk to you later."
  69. >Why can't all your conversations be that simple?
  71. >The walk down to the station is quiet and uneventful, as is the train ride itself.
  72. >When you open the door to your apartment, there's only more silence. No roaches scurrying across the floor, no rats clamoring through the drywall. Only silence, and a looming
  74. feeling of emptiness that hadn't been there before.
  75. >Just as you sit down and start to take your boots off, you jump at the sound of your phone going off.
  76. "What the hell does he want now..."
  78. >You simply sit there, staring at Octavia's number as your phone continues to ring.
  79. >It seems to echo throughout the apartment, along with Rich's words echoing in your mind.
  80. >You just can't bring yourself to hit ignore or let it go to voicemail.
  81. >With a haggard sigh, you finally answer.
  83. "Hello?"
  84. "Oh! H-hello. I didn't wake up you up did I?" Her warm voice cracks. She must not have been expecting you to pick up.
  85. "Nah, I was just in the other room. What's up?"
  86. "Oh, nothing important. I... just wanted talk. I met an old friend again at practice today, but it's still lonely knowing hardly anyone here."
  87. "I know what you mean. So tell me, were you two good friends? And how was your first day?"
  89. "Oh yes, Lyra and I studied together at the Royal Academy of the Arts back in Canterlot. We've known each other for quite a while. In fact, she's already pestering me to introduce the two of you."
  90. >She seems awfully cheery all of a sudden.
  91. "And performing all those new pieces was wonderful... I simply cannot wait to play them in front of an audience. Our next concert is still quite a ways out, though."
  92. >All your weariness and stress from the day begins to vanish as the two of you continue on well into the night.
  93. >And whether by fate or by chance, two voices quietly begin to sing one song.
  95. >End of First Movement
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