
Amaryn: STRIFE!

Nov 3rd, 2015
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  1. [21:42] <Strategist14> As per Daemus' guess, a pair of imps is in the process of sneaking up behind you
  2. [21:43] <Strategist14> Roll initiative
  3. [21:43] <Amaryn> 1d20+1
  4. [21:43] <Amaryn> roll d20+1
  5. [21:43] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled d20+1 [ 1d20=16 ]{17}
  6. [21:43] <Strategist14> Roll 2#1d20-1
  7. [21:43] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2#1d20-1 [ 1d20=18 ]{17}, [ 1d20=5 ]{4}
  8. [21:43] <Strategist14> Your turn first, followed by the two imps
  9. [21:44] <Amaryn> You whip out your cutlass and slash at the first imp
  10. [21:44] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  11. [21:44] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=20 ]{23}
  12. [21:44] <[Daemus]> ((:O))
  13. [21:44] <[Daemus]> ((CRIT))
  14. [21:44] <Strategist14> A direct hit!
  15. [21:45] <Amaryn> (what's the damage on crit? double dice?)
  16. [21:45] <Strategist14> ((Crits do twice as many dice of damage, yes))
  17. [21:45] <Amaryn> roll 2d6+3
  18. [21:45] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2d6+3 [ 2d6=7 ]{10}
  19. [21:46] <Strategist14> With one swift motion, you behead the first imp
  20. [21:46] <Amaryn> FATALITY
  21. [21:46] <Strategist14> Its companion watches in horror
  22. [21:46] <Strategist14> Then, fueled by revenge, comes after you
  23. [21:46] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  24. [21:46] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=16 ]{15}
  25. [21:46] <Strategist14> Roll 1d4-1 damage
  26. [21:46] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d4-1 damage [ 1d4=1 ]{0}
  27. [21:47] <Strategist14> It pats your head
  28. [21:47] <Strategist14> Your turn
  29. [21:47] <Amaryn> "That's...actually kindof adarrable."
  30. [21:47] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  31. [21:47] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=14 ]{17}
  32. [21:47] <Amaryn> "Too bad you're the antagonists"
  33. [21:47] <Strategist14> Another hit
  34. [21:47] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  35. [21:47] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=2 ]{5}
  36. [21:48] <Strategist14> Yet another solid blow. The imp, clinging to life, does its best to take you down with it
  37. [21:48] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to hit
  38. [21:48] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to hit [ 1d20=10 ]{9}
  39. [21:48] <Amaryn> The attack is ineffectual
  40. [21:48] <Strategist14> The imp uses its minor action to pray
  41. [21:48] <Strategist14> Your turn
  42. [21:48] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  43. [21:48] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=11 ]{14}
  44. [21:48] <Strategist14> Hit
  45. [21:49] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  46. [21:49] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=4 ]{7}
  47. [21:49] <Strategist14> The imp is cleaved into two halves, which then erupt into more crystalline grist
  48. [21:49] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+1 victory pose
  49. [21:49] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+1 victory pose [ 1d20=13 ]{14}
  50. [21:50] <Strategist14> Turtlesprite applauds
  51. [21:50] <Amaryn> "Thank you tarrtlesprite." You gather up the spoils of victory
  52. [21:50] <Strategist14> You obtain a total of 16 T1 grist and a whopping 40 Build Grist
  53. [21:51] <Strategist14> You also gain 20 XP
  55. [22:01] <Amaryn> sS: Did you catch all that, swabbie?
  56. [22:01] <Amaryn> Man this little portable computer is useful for you!
  57. [22:02] <[Daemus]> rG: I did! Vell done captain! If only they all ven't down so quickly.
  58. [22:03] <Amaryn> sS: You'll be fine! Just be carreful. We both know you're not as resilient as I am.
  59. [22:04] <[Daemus]> rG: Indeed. Speaking ov vich, could you send me the code for that shellbeast shell from earlier? I have an idea.
  60. [22:04] <Amaryn> sS: Of coarrse! And in exchange...
  61. [22:05] <Amaryn> You look up towards the gate above your hive
  62. [22:05] <Amaryn> sS: I need you to startt building. I think its time we got this expedition undarr way."
  63. [22:05] <[Daemus]> rG: Right. Just let me mess vith the controls for a minute...
  64. [22:05] <[Daemus]> You try to figure out how to "build" with this thing
  65. [22:06] <Strategist14> The system seems intuitive enough
  66. [22:06] <[Daemus]> (I mean, Amaryn's hive is a shell that then goes over the side of a cliff)
  67. [22:07] <[Daemus]> (I guess that means that, from the top of her end-game hive... it'll be turtles all the way down)
  68. [22:07] <Amaryn> (use the part that goes over the side to make a mast of sorts)
  69. [22:08] <[Daemus]> You try to copy a somewhat self-contained section of the side, so as to include a ladder or staircase or something convenient that loops onto itself, and paste it up to build towards the first Gate
  70. [22:08] <Strategist14> How much of Amaryn's grist are you willing to spend building?
  71. [22:08] <[Daemus]> (Enough to reach the Gate)
  72. [22:09] <[Daemus]> (She has enough now, right?)
  73. [22:09] <Strategist14> You make it about halfway before the pool runs dry
  74. [22:09] <Amaryn> (46 isn't enough?)
  75. [22:09] <Amaryn> (DAMMIT)
  76. [22:09] <[Daemus]> rG: Huh.
  77. [22:09] <Strategist14> ((Sorry. Forgot you burned up a bunch making computers))
  78. [22:10] <[Daemus]> ((oops))
  79. [22:10] <Strategist14> ((Still though. Halfway))
  80. [22:10] <[Daemus]> rG: Vell, it's a start.
  81. [22:10] <Amaryn> sS: Carrses!
  82. [22:10] <Amaryn> sS: Guess I need to not-look farr some marre imps.
  83. [22:11] <Strategist14> Roll Perception
  84. [22:11] <[Daemus]> rG: Lets hope your luck keeps up in that regard. Seems to be doing vell thus far!
  85. [22:11] <Amaryn> roll 2#1d20+3 advantage
  86. [22:11] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2#1d20+3 advantage [ 1d20=15 ]{18}, [ 1d20=14 ]{17}
  87. [22:11] <Amaryn> sS: Hopefully...
  88. [22:12] <Strategist14> You hear an ominous thump come from outside
  89. [22:12] <Amaryn> You jump a bit, then smile
  90. [22:12] <Amaryn> sS: Harre's the code you wanted: <insert code for lobster shell here>
  91. [22:12] <Amaryn> sS: I think I have a visitarr...
  92. [22:13] <Amaryn> You poke your head out the window to see who has come knocking
  93. [22:13] <Strategist14> Well, it's not an imp
  94. [22:13] <Strategist14> This thing is quite a lot bigger
  95. [22:14] <Amaryn> "...Tarrtlesprite? Would this happen to be the Ogre you warre talking about earrliarr?"
  96. [22:14] <Strategist14> "Yup!"
  97. [22:14] <Strategist14> "Next are Basilisks!"
  98. [22:15] <Amaryn> You spit on your hands and roll up your sleeves. "Batten down the hatches, mateys! We be sailin' into true uncharrted watarrs!" And with that you take your cutlass and jump out the window swinging at the ogre
  99. [22:16] <Strategist14> Roll to hit
  100. [22:16] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  101. [22:16] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=18 ]{21}
  102. [22:16] <Strategist14> And also Athletics to land the jump without hurting yourself
  103. [22:16] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  104. [22:16] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=5 ]{8}
  105. [22:16] <Amaryn> (welp)
  106. [22:16] <[Daemus]> ((ono))
  107. [22:16] <[Daemus]> ((can I catch them?))
  108. [22:16] <Amaryn> (at least i look cool!)
  109. [22:16] <Strategist14> Roll Dex to catch Amaryn
  110. [22:17] <[Daemus]> roll 1d20+2
  111. [22:17] <`DICE> [Daemus] rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=14 ]{16}
  112. [22:17] <[Daemus]> (WOO))
  113. [22:17] <[Daemus]> ((ONLY ROLL THAT MATERS))
  114. [22:17] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3 damage
  115. [22:17] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 damage [ 1d6=2 ]{5}
  116. [22:17] <Strategist14> You turn what would have been a painful splat into an uncomfortable landing
  117. [22:17] <Amaryn> (assuming the 21 hit :P)
  118. [22:17] <Strategist14> The monster stumbles back in pain, then roars and charges you
  119. [22:17] <[Daemus]> ((if the 21 didn't hit I forbid you from fighting it)
  120. [22:17] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3 to body slam
  121. [22:17] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 to body slam [ 1d20=3 ]{6}
  122. [22:17] <Strategist14> Well, it tried
  123. [22:18] <Amaryn> You duck under its swing and give it a swing of your own
  124. [22:18] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  125. [22:19] <Amaryn> (dice is too awestruck)
  126. [22:19] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=12 ]{15}
  127. [22:20] <Strategist14> A hit!
  128. [22:20] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  129. [22:20] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=1 ]{4}
  130. [22:20] <Strategist14> It roars again, and swings a meaty fist at you
  131. [22:20] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3
  132. [22:20] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=18 ]{21}
  133. [22:20] <Strategist14> Roll 1d4+3 damage
  134. [22:20] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d4+3 damage [ 1d4=4 ]{7}
  135. [22:21] <Amaryn> You take the brunt of the blow on your chest. A perfect strategy!
  136. [22:21] <Amaryn> Except for the whole getting thrown back into your hive and getting hurt part
  137. [22:22] <Amaryn> *Cough cough* "Finally. Somethin' warrth fightin'!" You give a battle cry and charge once mor
  138. [22:22] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  139. [22:22] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=8 ]{11}
  140. [22:22] <Strategist14> Your blade bounces off the monster's skin with a clink
  141. [22:22] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3 to punch again
  142. [22:22] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 to punch again [ 1d20=3 ]{6}
  143. [22:22] <Strategist14> Its fist bounces off your face with a matching clink
  144. [22:23] <Amaryn> "...That was wearrd but I ain't complainin!"
  145. [22:23] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  146. [22:23] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=19 ]{22}
  147. [22:23] <Strategist14> A direct hit
  148. [22:23] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  149. [22:23] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=4 ]{7}
  150. [22:23] <Strategist14> The beast stumbles. It's starting to get weaker
  151. [22:23] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3 to punch again
  152. [22:23] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 to punch again [ 1d20=6 ]{9}
  153. [22:24] <Amaryn> you spin-dodge out of the way and slash at the outstretched arm
  154. [22:24] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  155. [22:24] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=15 ]{18}
  156. [22:24] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  157. [22:24] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=6 ]{9}
  158. [22:24] <Amaryn> (i want to animate this really bad)
  159. [22:25] <[Daemus]> ((Meanwhile @ Daemus's first Ogre battle: Neither of them hit eachother for an actual hour))
  160. [22:25] <Strategist14> The creature is on its last legs
  161. [22:25] <Amaryn> (pfff)
  162. [22:25] <Strategist14> One more reckless charge!
  163. [22:25] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3 to hit
  164. [22:25] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 to hit [ 1d20=9 ]{12}
  165. [22:25] <Strategist14> ((AC?))
  166. [22:25] <Amaryn> (12)
  167. [22:25] <Strategist14> It just barely catches you
  168. [22:26] <Strategist14> Roll 2d4+3 damage
  169. [22:26] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2d4+3 damage [ 2d4=4 ]{7}
  170. [22:26] <Amaryn> It's enough to send you spiraling and cuts the skin on your cheek, sending teal blood down your face. You wipe it away with a smirk. "Once marre into the starrm!"
  171. [22:26] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  172. [22:26] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=13 ]{16}
  173. [22:27] <Strategist14> A hit
  174. [22:27] <Amaryn> roll 1d6+3
  175. [22:27] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d6+3 [ 1d6=6 ]{9}
  176. [22:27] <Strategist14> And the ogre falls
  177. [22:27] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+1 victory pose atop its corpse before it disappears
  178. [22:27] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+1 victory pose atop its corpse before it disappears [ 1d20=14 ]{15}
  179. [22:27] <Strategist14> Dat pose
  180. [22:27] <Strategist14> You gain 20 XP and...
  181. [22:28] <Strategist14> 53 Build grist, 17 T1, and 8 T2
  182. [22:28] <[Daemus]> (:O)
  183. [22:29] <[Daemus]> rG: Fantastic.
  184. [22:29] <Amaryn> You pant as you answer Daemus
  185. [22:29] <Amaryn> sS: Thanks. Finally got a warrkout harre.
  186. [22:29] <Amaryn> sS: That enough resoarrces farr you?
  187. [22:30] <[Daemus]> rG: Let me check!
  188. [22:30] <[Daemus]> You try building up further
  189. [22:30] <Strategist14> You almost - ALMOST - make it to the gate
  190. [22:30] <[Daemus]> rG: Nearly there.
  191. [22:31] <Strategist14> You figure it's close enough that one good jump oughtta do it
  192. [22:31] <[Daemus]> rG: Probably close enough.
  193. [22:31] <Amaryn> You look up and smile.
  194. [22:32] <Amaryn> sS: That'll do, swabbie. I can haul some crates up tharre arr something if I don't feel like jumping.
  195. [22:32] <[Daemus]> rG: Glad to help!
  196. [22:33] <Amaryn> sS: That gate'll take me to the farrst leg of my adventarre. I dunno if you'll be able to see me still, but I'll keep in contact
  197. [22:33] <Amaryn> sS: Just gotta...patch myself up a bit farrst.
  198. [22:34] <[Daemus]> rG: That sounds like a safe bet, yeah. I'm gonna try and make better gear before I get too far from my Hive.
  199. [22:34] <Amaryn> sS: Good call.
  200. [22:48] <Amaryn> You head back inside your recently-remodeled hive and start patching yourself up a bit,
  201. [22:48] <Amaryn> Then you head up to your room to take a quick nap
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