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Oct 24th, 2015
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  1. Detective Ashley kicked out the door of the local corner store. She hopped over the threshold and offered a gracious hand to her partner. Kim graciously accepted and sashayed out into the boiling Tokyo summer heat. Ashley poked her head back into the shop and smiled at the badly bruised owner before joining Kim in stride to the car.
  3. Kim lazily reached for the handle when they heard the radio crackle.
  4. "We have a Code Twenty-Three on the corner of Mitsubishi and Toyota!"
  5. Ashley and Kim slid in with a sensual kind of style.
  6. "Any available cars please repond!"
  7. Ash grabbed the radio and responded.
  8. "Ooshi mooshi!"
  9. "Oh thank the Emperor!" Dispatch breathed a sigh of relief.
  10. "It's always good to know the legendary Ashley Chung-Ho is on the streets!"
  11. "Ooshi mooshi." Ashley replied and slammed the radio on the dashboard.
  13. Kim revved the engines and took off down the dirty streets.
  14. "Aw shyet, Ashey."
  15. Kim whipped her hair back and rolled down the windows.
  16. "We gots a co tweneh-three!"
  17. The aerodynamics of Japanese police technology created a cool breeze.
  18. "That's a Chinese Bawl Game!...I only eva heard a-bout those in the acadamee!"
  19. "Ooshi mooshi?" Ashley inquired.
  20. "A Chinese Bawl Game is street slang for when a banana bunch a thick-skulled chins come goofballin' a-round in a butta paht a town!" Kim explained.
  21. Ashley nodded and looked out the window, she asked. "Ooshi mooshi?" Kim chuckled. "Acause nawt, Ashey. The Rape a Nankin' was juz a ploy by the filthy chans ta ruin ah innanashinal cred!"
  23. Kim pulled around onto Mitsubishi from 4th and down the street they saw a small group of teenagers walking down the street. Kim parked about ten feet from the immigrants. Both detectives took their time getting out and while Kim approached relaxed from the front, Ashley cracked her knuckles and watched from roof of the car. One of the teenagers, a short and tubby little thing asked.
  25. "Is there anything we can help you with, Miss?"
  26. "Yeah..." Kim responded with a smirk. "Yous know anethang 'bout a banana bunch a ding dongs distillin' down a-round here?"
  27. "What?" The fat immigrant child exclaimed with confusion.
  29. Kim rolled her eyes and gestured to Ashley. "I'm gonna hafta ask yous to come down town."
  30. She said as Ashley hopped off the car and charged the obese boy. She tackled him to the ground and immediately began pummeling away at his gelatin frame. Kim quickly drew her badge and gun on his friends and chuckled. "Yous really though you could jus get away wit this?"
  31. One of the boys, taller and wearing glasses shouted.
  32. "Why are you doing this! We did nothing!"
  33. Kim glared at him with a critical eye. "Since whee was playin' Chinese Base Bawl nothing?"
  34. He looked exasperated. "What are you talking abo-" Suddenly cut off by the crack of the fat boy's arm being twisted back. Ashley stood up and dusted herself off as he screamed in pain. Kim maintained her aim as the boys were tempted to help him.
  36. "Now yous listen!" Kim put her piece away. "I'm gonna leave yous with a wawnin'"
  37. "We eva getta call 'bout yous playin' bawl again we break both awms."
  38. Ashley nodded and added. "Ooshi mooshi!"
  39. Both women strode back to their car, Kim glared daggers at the tall boy before kicking their car into gear and heading back onto the dangerous streets of Tokyo.
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