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Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. Чарлист:
  2. Имя: Элиза Адамс
  3. Маска: Студент (1 - открой утерянную часть информации, все - раскрой забытое знание)
  4. Оскал: Альтруист (1 - помоги, не ожидая награды, все - рискни, чтобы спасти человека или защитить идеологию)
  5. Клан: Дэва
  8. Атрибуты:
  9. Ментальные
  10. Интеллект 2
  11. Сообразительность 3
  12. Решительность 2
  14. Физические
  15. Сила 1
  16. Ловкость 3
  17. Выносливость 2
  19. Социальные
  20. Внушительность 5
  21. Манипулирование 2
  22. Самообладание 2
  24. Навыки:
  25. Ментальные (штраф -3, если в навыке 0)
  26. Образование 1
  27. Ремесло 0
  28. Расследование 1
  29. Медицина 1
  30. Оккультизм 0
  31. Политика 1
  32. Компьютеры 0
  34. Физические (штраф -1, если в навыке 0):
  35. Стрельба 0
  36. Атлетика 0
  37. Рукопашный бой 0
  38. Кража 0
  39. Езда(Вождение) 0
  40. Скрытность 2 - специализация (скрытность в темноте)
  41. Выживание 0
  42. Ближний бой 5 - специализация(рапира)
  44. Социальные (штраф -1, если в навыке 0):
  45. Знание животных - 0
  46. Эмпатия 1
  47. Экспрессия 1
  48. Запугивание 1
  49. Убеждениe 5 - специализация (переубеждение)
  50. Коммуникабельность(Социализированность) 1
  51. Знание улиц - 1
  52. Обман - 1
  54. Дисциплины:
  55. Величие 3
  57. Здоровье - 7/7
  58. Воля - 4/4
  59. Витэ - 11/11
  60. Размер - 5
  61. Защита - 8 (3 без оружия в руке)
  62. Бонус инициативы - 5
  63. Скорость - 4 (+5?)
  64. Человечность - 7
  65. Сила Крови 2. (11 предел, 2 крови в раунд, можно питаться животными)
  67. Defensive combat (1) (оружие) Пока оружие в руке у персонажа, его навык вооружённого боя используется вместо атлетики для вычисления Защиты.
  69. Fighting finesse (2) (оружие, рапира) Ловкость персонажа используется вместо силы, когда она сражается рапирой.
  71. Ресурсы (1) деньги, сумочка, скрипка и рапира. В сумочке в последний раз были косметика, зеркальце, мобильник, кошелёк и нож-кредитка. Что-то из этого вполне могло пропасть.
  73. Фехтование лёгким оружием (1) - можно поднимать инициативу, не помню как, позже скопирую сюда текст навыка.
  75. Majesty draws on the Beast’s animal magnetism to amplify a vampire’s force of personality, making people like him and want to make him happy even though normally they wouldn’t give a shit about him. They like him and want to be around him just because it makes them feel good. Using Majesty isn’t like leaning forward and slipping a command behind a human’s eyes, it’s arranging the world so that people will kill — or die — for his attention.
  78. Awe
  79. Awe shines a spotlight on the vampire even in a crowded room. He’s the most important person around and people want to be around him. Awe creates an aura of power, a sense that the vampire’s important, like a billionaire playboy or a movie star. He could be wearing tattered clothes, with open wounds and his face caked in blood but people still think he’s cooler than them, and they want to be around him.
  80. Cost: None
  81. Dice Pool: None
  82. Action: Instant
  83. Duration: Scene
  84. When he wills it, all eyes fall on the vampire and nobody cares what he’s doing. For the rest of the scene, he suffers no penalties to Social rolls from his actions or appearance — even if he’s just beaten another man to death or waved a gun in a crowded nightclub. Given a chance, he can talk his way out of minor criminal offenses and almost any social faux pas. As the center of attention, he adds his Majesty dots to any Presence rolls when talking to people around him. This bonus only applies when talking to people normally, not to other uses of Majesty. Anyone paying attention to him also subtracts his Majesty dots from any Wits + Composure rolls to notice anything other than the vampire. With a word, he can summon anyone in the room to his side — not by any mystical compulsion, but by making her aware that he wants her to approach.
  87. Confidant
  88. The vampire doesn’t have to shout to be heard, and in a crowd that he’s already Awed, sometimes speaking quietly is the best way to get attention. With little more than a soft voice and a knowing look, the vampire brings someone new into the fold and becomes her trusted confidant.
  89. Cost: None
  90. Requirement: The vampire must use Awe on the victim.
  91. Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Majesty vs. Composure + Blood Potency
  92. Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
  93. Roll Results:
  94. Dramatic Failure: The vampire slips up, letting some of what he wants the victim to feel leak back into himself. He’s affected by the Swooning Condition for the victim.
  95. Failure: The victim doesn’t feel that she’s worthy of joining the vampire’s inner circle just yet.
  96. Success: The vampire successfully charms his victim. She gains the Charmed Condition.
  97. Exceptional Success: It’s incredibly hard to resist the force of the vampire’s personality. The victim’s Charmed Condition lasts for nights, rather than hours.
  98. Charmed
  99. You’ve been charmed by a vampire’s supernatural force of personality. You don’t want to believe that anything he says is a lie, and you can’t read his true intentions. The vampire adds his Awe to Manipulation rolls against you as well as to Presence, and any Wits + Empathy or Subterfuge rolls you make to detect his lies or uncover his true motives suffer a penalty equal to his Majesty dots. Using supernatural means to detect his lies become a Clash of Wills.
  101. Note that a Charmed target still maintains his intellect and his Innocence or equivalent. You want to do things for the vampire, to make him happy. If he asks, you’ll do favors for him like he was one of your best friends — giving him a place to crash, lending him your car keys, or revealing secrets that you really shouldn’t, but you won't murder someone or cut off your hand (unless that was the sort of thing you'd do to a normal friend). You don’t feel tricked or ripped off unless you resolve the Condition.
  102. Resolution: The vampire attempts to seriously harm you or someone close to you, you make a significant financial or physical sacrifice for him
  103. Beat: You divulge a secret or perform a favor for the vampire.
  104. Expiration: One hour per dot of the vampire's Blood Potency
  108. Green Eyes
  109. By this point, the vampire can play his entourage like a harp. With a single word, he can send them into paroxysms of pleasure, or shove them down into the depths of despair.
  110. Cost: 1 Vitae
  111. Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted the Charmed or Enthralled Condition on the target.
  112. Dice Pool: None
  113. Action: Reflexive
  114. Duration: Scene
  115. His victim is now thoroughly obsessed with the vampire, and he can play with her feelings and desires like they were a cheap harmonica. With Green Eyes, he can shift the emotional state of anyone he’s Charmed or Enthralled, for instance sending them into a violent rage (or even a frenzy, in the case of some supernatural creatures), making them so depressed that they feel hollow without him, or making them thoroughly ecstatic with pleasure. Each shift costs him a point of Vitae, but he can instill the same emotion in any number of victims at once.
  118. Loyalty
  119. Among his inner circle, the vampire praises some more than others, bringing them even closer to him. With a few words he can inflame their love for him. Beyond jealousy and obsession comes complete loyalty. A victim will do absolutely anything for him — and just thinking about crossing the vampire is traumatic. She ignores her other friends and her family. Her vampire is all that matters.
  120. Cost: 2 Vitae
  121. Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted the Charmed Condition on the target.
  122. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Majesty vs. Composure + Blood Potency
  123. Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
  124. Roll Results:
  125. Dramatic Failure: Something sets the victim on edge, some discordant note forces her to rethink her affection for the vampire. She immediately resolves the Charmed Condition.
  126. Failure: Though the victim remains devoted to the vampire, her loyalty does not flare into fanaticism.
  127. Success: The vampire inspires burning loyalty in the victim. She’d do anything for him, giving up her blood or organs — or taking a bullet for him. The victim gains the Enthralled Condition.
  128. Exceptional Success: The Enthralled Condition lasts for one week per dot of Blood Potency.
  129. Enthralled
  130. You’re fanatically loyal to a vampire, willing to go to any length for him. As far as you're concerned, the vampire is like your dear old mother or beloved husband. Unlike a Charmed victim, you might sacrifice yourself or commit actions that provoke Breaking or Falling Points -- but only if there seems absolutely no other option (keep in mind that the Enthralled character maintains their normal intellect and Innocence or equivalent, and will do their best to satisfy both that and their love for the vampire). If forced into risking your life or a Breaking or Falling Point, you may roll Composure+Blood Potency and add your successes to the original successes gained on your resistance roll to Mesmerism. If this brings you above the vampire's successes, you are free of his Loyalty, and are immune to his Majesty for the rest of the scene. These extra rolls are cumulative -- if you are ordered to commit two Falling Point-worthy actions, you roll twice and add the results to your original resistance.
  131. Resolution: You take serious harm (more lethal damage than your Stamina) when protecting the vampire. Roll enough extra successes as a result of being commanded to take Breaking Point or Falling Point-worthy actions.
  132. Beat: You put yourself in harm’s way to protect the vampire.
  133. Expiration: The compulsion lasts for one night for each dot of the vampire’s Blood Potency.
  136. Idol
  137. More than just a celebrity, a vampire who can play with people’s desires becomes a king or a star, the kind of person who wouldn’t ever be so crass as to demand people’s loyalty. People around him give it willingly, pledging to do whatever he wants if he’ll only notice them, look at them, or smile in their direction.
  138. Cost: 2 Vitae and 1 Willpower
  139. Dice Pool: None
  140. Action: Reflexive
  141. Duration: Scene
  142. Idol enhances Awe’s aura of superiority to divine (or blasphemous) levels. The vampire can wait until she’s established Awe and then enhance it, or pay the price to immediately establish her superiority over everyone else in the room. Anyone affected by the vampire’s Awe must make a reflexive roll of Resolve + Blood Potency minus the vampire’s Majesty dots in order to take an action that could harm or embarrass the vampire in any way. Unless they succeed, they can’t so much as crack a joke at his expense.
  144. If the vampire has inflicted the Charmed Condition on anyone in his presence, she must make a reflexive Resolve + Blood Potency – Majesty dots roll when the vampire activates Idol. If she fails, she acquires the Enthralled Condition for the remainder of the scene. People who the vampire has already Enthralled cannot spend Willpower to act against him.
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